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作者 林静涵 代大伟 +2 位作者 陈泓旭 潘永惠 张黎明 《中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志》 CAS 2024年第3期237-239,共3页
1病例报告,患者女,55岁,小学文化水平。因“反应迟钝5 d,双下肢无力1 d”于2021-3-19入院。5 d前无诱因出现反应迟钝,表现为记忆力下降,偶有答非所问但能正常交流,病程中伴有吞咽困难、头晕、视物旋转、言语笨拙,可疑抽搐发作(全面强直... 1病例报告,患者女,55岁,小学文化水平。因“反应迟钝5 d,双下肢无力1 d”于2021-3-19入院。5 d前无诱因出现反应迟钝,表现为记忆力下降,偶有答非所问但能正常交流,病程中伴有吞咽困难、头晕、视物旋转、言语笨拙,可疑抽搐发作(全面强直发作)1次。 展开更多
关键词 副肿瘤综合征 神经系统 脑脊髓炎 cv2/CRMP5抗体 红斑狼疮 系统性
Dual-Path Vision Transformer用于急性缺血性脑卒中辅助诊断
作者 张桃红 郭学强 +4 位作者 郑瀚 罗继昌 王韬 焦力群 唐安莹 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期307-314,共8页
急性缺血性脑卒中是由于脑组织血液供应障碍导致的脑功能障碍,数字减影脑血管造影(DSA)是诊断脑血管疾病的金标准。基于患者的正面和侧面DSA图像,对急性缺血性脑卒中的治疗效果进行分级评估,构建基于Vision Transformer的双路径图像分... 急性缺血性脑卒中是由于脑组织血液供应障碍导致的脑功能障碍,数字减影脑血管造影(DSA)是诊断脑血管疾病的金标准。基于患者的正面和侧面DSA图像,对急性缺血性脑卒中的治疗效果进行分级评估,构建基于Vision Transformer的双路径图像分类智能模型DPVF。为了提高辅助诊断速度,基于EdgeViT的轻量化设计思想进行了模型的构建;为了使模型保持轻量化的同时具有较高的精度,提出空间-通道自注意力模块,促进Transformer模型捕获更全面的特征信息,提高模型的表达能力;此外,对于DPVF的两分支的特征融合,构建交叉注意力模块对两分支输出进行交叉融合,促使模型提取更丰富的特征,从而提高模型表现。实验结果显示DPVF在测试集上的准确率达98.5%,满足实际需求。 展开更多
关键词 急性缺血性脑卒中 视觉Transformer 双分支网络 特征融合
基于Vision Transformer的小麦病害图像识别算法
作者 白玉鹏 冯毅琨 +3 位作者 李国厚 赵明富 周浩宇 侯志松 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期267-274,共8页
小麦白粉病、赤霉病和锈病是危害小麦产量的三大病害。为提高小麦病害图像的识别准确率,构建一种基于Vision Transformer的小麦病害图像识别算法。首先,通过田间拍摄的方式收集包含小麦白粉病、赤霉病和锈病3种病害在内的小麦病害图像,... 小麦白粉病、赤霉病和锈病是危害小麦产量的三大病害。为提高小麦病害图像的识别准确率,构建一种基于Vision Transformer的小麦病害图像识别算法。首先,通过田间拍摄的方式收集包含小麦白粉病、赤霉病和锈病3种病害在内的小麦病害图像,并对原始图像进行预处理,建立小麦病害图像识别数据集;然后,基于改进的Vision Transformer构建小麦病害图像识别算法,分析不同迁移学习方式和数据增强对模型识别效果的影响。试验可知,全参数迁移学习和数据增强能明显提高Vision Transformer模型的收敛速度和识别精度。最后,在相同时间条件下,对比Vision Transformer、AlexNet和VGG16算法在相同数据集上的表现。试验结果表明,Vision Transformer模型对3种小麦病害图像的平均识别准确率为96.81%,相较于AlexNet和VGG16模型识别准确率分别提高6.68%和4.94%。 展开更多
关键词 小麦病害 vision Transformer 迁移学习 图像识别 数据增强
细粒度图像分类上Vision Transformer的发展综述
作者 孙露露 刘建平 +3 位作者 王健 邢嘉璐 张越 王晨阳 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期30-46,共17页
细粒度图像分类(fine-grained image classification,FGIC)一直是计算机视觉领域中的重要问题。与传统图像分类任务相比,FGIC的挑战在于类间对象极其相似,使任务难度进一步增加。随着深度学习的发展,Vision Transformer(ViT)模型在视觉... 细粒度图像分类(fine-grained image classification,FGIC)一直是计算机视觉领域中的重要问题。与传统图像分类任务相比,FGIC的挑战在于类间对象极其相似,使任务难度进一步增加。随着深度学习的发展,Vision Transformer(ViT)模型在视觉领域掀起热潮,并被引入到FGIC任务中。介绍了FGIC任务所面临的挑战,分析了ViT模型及其特性。主要根据模型结构全面综述了基于ViT的FGIC算法,包括特征提取、特征关系构建、特征注意和特征增强四方面内容,对每种算法进行了总结,并分析了它们的优缺点。通过对不同ViT模型在相同公用数据集上进行模型性能比较,以验证它们在FGIC任务上的有效性。最后指出了目前研究的不足,并提出未来研究方向,以进一步探索ViT在FGIC中的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 细粒度图像分类 vision Transformer 特征提取 特征关系构建 特征注意 特征增强
基于Vision Transformer和迁移学习的家庭领域哭声识别
作者 王汝旭 王荣燕 +2 位作者 曾科 杨传德 刘超 《智能计算机与应用》 2024年第6期119-126,共8页
针对SVM等传统机器学习算法准确率低和当前使用CNN处理家庭领域哭声识别在不同婴儿间出现泛化能力差的问题,提出了一种基于Vision Transformer和迁移学习的婴儿哭声音频分类算法。首先,为实现数据集样本的扩增,采用了包括梅尔频谱转换... 针对SVM等传统机器学习算法准确率低和当前使用CNN处理家庭领域哭声识别在不同婴儿间出现泛化能力差的问题,提出了一种基于Vision Transformer和迁移学习的婴儿哭声音频分类算法。首先,为实现数据集样本的扩增,采用了包括梅尔频谱转换和数据增强的数据预处理技术,进而达到了增强模型鲁棒性的目的。而后,在微调后的Vision Transformer模型上进行迁移学习训练,同时,训练过程中利用了LookAhead优化器来不断调整模型参数以避免过拟合,最终实验实现了对婴儿哭声音频的自动分类。实验结果表明,本实验模型相比其他深度学习模型具有更高的精确率和更快的收敛速度,同时还能有效地学习到婴儿哭声中更具区分性的特征。可以在新生儿监护、听力筛查和异常检测等领域中发挥重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 vision Transformer模型 婴儿哭声 迁移学习 梅尔频谱图 LOOKAHEAD
作者 齐心雨 汪传雷 +2 位作者 谢菲菲 王婷婷 赵伟敏 《中国商论》 2024年第11期90-94,共5页
随着世界局势的复杂多变,提高国际物流供应链韧性风险应对能力、增强国际物流供应链韧性,是各行各业开展国际经营的必然策略。基于以上背景,首先,本文按照科学性、综合性和可比性的原则,构建国际物流供应链韧性风险指标体系;其次,利用C... 随着世界局势的复杂多变,提高国际物流供应链韧性风险应对能力、增强国际物流供应链韧性,是各行各业开展国际经营的必然策略。基于以上背景,首先,本文按照科学性、综合性和可比性的原则,构建国际物流供应链韧性风险指标体系;其次,利用CV法和D—ANP法确定指标权重,且使用组合赋权法得出最终综合权重;最后,选取安徽省汽车行业作为国际物流供应链韧性风险评价体系的应用对象,使用专家打分法获取国际物流供应链韧性三级指标风险评分,并结合综合权重得出国际物流供应链韧性风险等级,进而从企业和政府两方面提出加速企业数字化转型、构建风险预警体系、完善金融政策支持体系等应对策略,以提高应对国际供应链风险的能力,更好地护航国际物流供应链高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 国际物流 供应链韧性 cv DEMATEL—ANP法 物资流通
Artificial hawk-eye camera for foveated, tetrachromatic, and dynamic vision
作者 Wenhao Ran Zhuoran Wang Guozhen Shen 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期1-3,共3页
With the rapid development of drones and autonomous vehicles, miniaturized and lightweight vision sensors that can track targets are of great interests. Limited by the flat structure, conventional image sensors apply ... With the rapid development of drones and autonomous vehicles, miniaturized and lightweight vision sensors that can track targets are of great interests. Limited by the flat structure, conventional image sensors apply a large number of lenses to achieve corresponding functions, increasing the overall volume and weight of the system. 展开更多
关键词 AWK vision system.
基于Vision Transformer和卷积注入的车辆重识别
作者 于洋 马浩伟 +2 位作者 岑世欣 李扬 张梦泉 《河北工业大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期40-50,共11页
针对车辆重识别中提取特征鲁棒性不高的问题,本文提出基于Vision Transformer的车辆重识别方法。首先,利用注意力机制提出目标导向映射模块,并结合辅助信息嵌入模块,抑制由不同视角、相机拍摄及无效背景引入的噪声。其次,以Vision Trans... 针对车辆重识别中提取特征鲁棒性不高的问题,本文提出基于Vision Transformer的车辆重识别方法。首先,利用注意力机制提出目标导向映射模块,并结合辅助信息嵌入模块,抑制由不同视角、相机拍摄及无效背景引入的噪声。其次,以Vision Transformer远距离建模能力为基础提出通道感知模块,通过并行设计模型能够同时获取图像块之间和图像通道之间的特征,在关注图像块之间关联的基础上,进一步构建通道之间的关联。最后,利用卷积神经网络的局部归纳偏置,将全局特征向量输入到卷积注入模块中进行细化,并与全局特征联合优化,以构建鲁棒性的车辆特征。为了验证提出方法的有效性,在Ve⁃Ri776、VehicleID和VeRi-Wild数据集上分别进行了实验验证。实验结果证明,本文的方法取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 车辆重识别 vision Transformer 卷积神经网络 目标导向映射 通道感知
FPGA and computer-vision-based atom tracking technology for scanning probe microscopy
作者 俞风度 刘利 +5 位作者 王肃珂 张新彪 雷乐 黄远志 马瑞松 郇庆 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期76-85,共10页
Atom tracking technology enhanced with innovative algorithms has been implemented in this study,utilizing a comprehensive suite of controllers and software independently developed domestically.Leveraging an on-board f... Atom tracking technology enhanced with innovative algorithms has been implemented in this study,utilizing a comprehensive suite of controllers and software independently developed domestically.Leveraging an on-board field-programmable gate array(FPGA)with a core frequency of 100 MHz,our system facilitates reading and writing operations across 16 channels,performing discrete incremental proportional-integral-derivative(PID)calculations within 3.4 microseconds.Building upon this foundation,gradient and extremum algorithms are further integrated,incorporating circular and spiral scanning modes with a horizontal movement accuracy of 0.38 pm.This integration enhances the real-time performance and significantly increases the accuracy of atom tracking.Atom tracking achieves an equivalent precision of at least 142 pm on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite(HOPG)surface under room temperature atmospheric conditions.Through applying computer vision and image processing algorithms,atom tracking can be used when scanning a large area.The techniques primarily consist of two algorithms:the region of interest(ROI)-based feature matching algorithm,which achieves 97.92%accuracy,and the feature description-based matching algorithm,with an impressive 99.99%accuracy.Both implementation approaches have been tested for scanner drift measurements,and these technologies are scalable and applicable in various domains of scanning probe microscopy with broad application prospects in the field of nanoengineering. 展开更多
关键词 atom tracking FPGA computer vision drift measurement
基于改进Vision Transformer的蝴蝶品种分类
作者 许翔 蒲智 +1 位作者 鲁文蕊 王亚波 《电脑知识与技术》 2024年第16期1-5,共5页
蝴蝶作为一种品类繁多且相似度极高的生物,具有重要的生态环境感知功能。不同品类蝴蝶对环境变化的敏感程度各不相同,因此在农学与生物学研究方向上对蝴蝶的研究具有十分重要的意义。近年来,计算机视觉技术的飞速发展为快速识别蝴蝶品... 蝴蝶作为一种品类繁多且相似度极高的生物,具有重要的生态环境感知功能。不同品类蝴蝶对环境变化的敏感程度各不相同,因此在农学与生物学研究方向上对蝴蝶的研究具有十分重要的意义。近年来,计算机视觉技术的飞速发展为快速识别蝴蝶品类提供了强有力的技术支持。然而,传统的Vision Transformer模型存在着一些问题,例如缺乏卷积所具有的归纳偏置、局部信息提取能力不足、容易过拟合以及在小数据集上训练缓慢等。针对这些问题,提出了一种基于Vision Transformer改进的蝴蝶分类算法。引入VanillaNet卷积结构,并通过全局注意力机制改进了Class token的更新方式。实验结果显示,在100类蝴蝶数据集上,改进后的Vision Transformer模型的Top-1准确率达到了94.87%,比改进前提升了28.9%。在使用改进的Class token后,算法的Top-1准确率进一步提升至96.64%,相比改进前提升了30.44%。与原网络模型相比,改进后的模型更适用于蝴蝶品种分类任务。 展开更多
关键词 蝴蝶分类 vision Transformer 卷积 Class token VanillaNet 注意力机制
Development and validation of a novel questionnaire regarding vision screening among preschool teachers in Malaysia
作者 Shazrina Ariffin Saadah Mohamed Akhir Sumithira Narayanasamy 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2024年第6期1102-1109,共8页
AIM:To develop and evaluate the validity and reliability of a knowledge,attitude,and practice questionnaire related to vision screening(KAP-VST)among preschool teachers in Malaysia.METHODS:The questionnaire was develo... AIM:To develop and evaluate the validity and reliability of a knowledge,attitude,and practice questionnaire related to vision screening(KAP-VST)among preschool teachers in Malaysia.METHODS:The questionnaire was developed through a literature review and discussions with experts.Content and face validation were conducted by a panel of experts(n=10)and preschool teachers(n=10),respectively.A pilot study was conducted for construct validation(n=161)and test-retest reliability(n=60)of the newly developed questionnaire.RESULTS:Based on the content and face validation,71 items were generated,and 68 items were selected after exploratory factor analysis.The content validity index for items(I-CVI)score ranged from 0.8-1.0,and the content validity index for scale(S-CVI)/Ave was 0.99.Internal consistency was KR^(2)0=0.93 for knowledge,Cronbach’s alpha=0.758 for attitude,and Cronbach’s alpha=0.856 for practice.CONCLUSION:The KAP-VST is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing knowledge,attitude,and practice in relation to vision screening among preschool teachers in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 validity RELIABILITY preschool teachers vision screening QUESTIONNAIRE
Collaborative positioning for swarms:A brief survey of vision,LiDAR and wireless sensors based methods
作者 Zeyu Li Changhui Jiang +3 位作者 Xiaobo Gu Ying Xu Feng zhou Jianhui Cui 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期475-493,共19页
As positioning sensors,edge computation power,and communication technologies continue to develop,a moving agent can now sense its surroundings and communicate with other agents.By receiving spatial information from bo... As positioning sensors,edge computation power,and communication technologies continue to develop,a moving agent can now sense its surroundings and communicate with other agents.By receiving spatial information from both its environment and other agents,an agent can use various methods and sensor types to localize itself.With its high flexibility and robustness,collaborative positioning has become a widely used method in both military and civilian applications.This paper introduces the basic fundamental concepts and applications of collaborative positioning,and reviews recent progress in the field based on camera,LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging),wireless sensor,and their integration.The paper compares the current methods with respect to their sensor type,summarizes their main paradigms,and analyzes their evaluation experiments.Finally,the paper discusses the main challenges and open issues that require further research. 展开更多
关键词 Collaborative positioning vision LIDAR Wireless sensors Sensor fusion
Exploring Deep Learning Methods for Computer Vision Applications across Multiple Sectors:Challenges and Future Trends
作者 Narayanan Ganesh Rajendran Shankar +3 位作者 Miroslav Mahdal Janakiraman SenthilMurugan Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan Kanak Kalita 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第4期103-141,共39页
Computer vision(CV)was developed for computers and other systems to act or make recommendations based on visual inputs,such as digital photos,movies,and other media.Deep learning(DL)methods are more successful than ot... Computer vision(CV)was developed for computers and other systems to act or make recommendations based on visual inputs,such as digital photos,movies,and other media.Deep learning(DL)methods are more successful than other traditional machine learning(ML)methods inCV.DL techniques can produce state-of-the-art results for difficult CV problems like picture categorization,object detection,and face recognition.In this review,a structured discussion on the history,methods,and applications of DL methods to CV problems is presented.The sector-wise presentation of applications in this papermay be particularly useful for researchers in niche fields who have limited or introductory knowledge of DL methods and CV.This review will provide readers with context and examples of how these techniques can be applied to specific areas.A curated list of popular datasets and a brief description of them are also included for the benefit of readers. 展开更多
关键词 Neural network machine vision classification object detection deep learning
面向Vision Transformer模型的剪枝技术研究
作者 查秉坤 李朋阳 陈小柏 《软件》 2024年第3期83-86,97,共5页
本文针对Vision Transformer(ViT)模型开展剪枝技术研究,探索了多头自注意力机制中的QKV(Query、Key、Value)权重和全连接层(Fully Connected,FC)权重的剪枝问题。针对ViT模型本文提出了3组剪枝方案:只对QKV剪枝、只对FC剪枝以及对QKV... 本文针对Vision Transformer(ViT)模型开展剪枝技术研究,探索了多头自注意力机制中的QKV(Query、Key、Value)权重和全连接层(Fully Connected,FC)权重的剪枝问题。针对ViT模型本文提出了3组剪枝方案:只对QKV剪枝、只对FC剪枝以及对QKV和FC同时进行剪枝,以探究不同剪枝策略对ViT模型准确率和模型参数压缩率的影响。本文开展的研究工作为深度学习模型的压缩和优化提供了重要参考,对于实际应用中的模型精简和性能优化具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 vision Transformer模型 剪枝 准确率
Clinical usefulness of the baby vision test in young children and its correlation with the Snellen chart
作者 Ya-Lan Wang Jia-Jun Wang +2 位作者 Xi-Cong Lou Han Zou Yun-E Zhao 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2024年第2期348-352,共5页
AIM:To investigate the efficacy of a new visual acuity(VA)screening method,the baby vision test for young children.METHODS:A total 105 eyes of 65 children aged 2-8y were included in the study.Acuity testing was conduc... AIM:To investigate the efficacy of a new visual acuity(VA)screening method,the baby vision test for young children.METHODS:A total 105 eyes of 65 children aged 2-8y were included in the study.Acuity testing was conducted using a standardized recognition acuity chart(Snellen visual chart:at 3 m)and the baby vision model assessment.The baby vision device includes a screen,a near infrared camera and a computer.Children were seated at a measured distance of 33-40 cm from a display for testing.VA was estimated according to the highest resolution the children could follow.Decimal VA data were converted to logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution(logMAR)for statistical analysis.The VA results for each child were recorded and analyzed for consistency.RESULTS:The mean VA measured using the Snellen visual chart was 0.62±0.32,and that assessed using the baby vision test was 0.66±0.27.The 95%limit of agreement was-0.609 to 0.695,with 95.2%(100/105)plots within the 95%limits of agreement.VA values of the baby vision test were significantly correlated with those of the Snellen chart(R=0.274,P=0.005).CONCLUSION:The baby vision test can be used as a relatively reliable method for estimating VA in young children.This new acuity assessment might be a valid predictor of optotype-measured acuity later in preverbal children. 展开更多
关键词 baby vision test acuity assessment fix-and-follow system Snellen chart
Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy using vision transformer based on wide-field optical coherence tomography angiography
作者 Zenan Zhou Huanhuan Yu +3 位作者 Jiaqing Zhao Xiangning Wang Qiang Wu Cuixia Dai 《Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期35-44,共10页
Diabetic retinopathy(DR)is one of the major causes of visual impairment in adults with diabetes.Optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)is nowadays widely used as the golden criterion for diagnosing DR.Recently,... Diabetic retinopathy(DR)is one of the major causes of visual impairment in adults with diabetes.Optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)is nowadays widely used as the golden criterion for diagnosing DR.Recently,wide-field OCTA(WF-OCTA)provided more abundant information including that of the peripheral retinal degenerative changes and it can contribute in accurately diagnosing DR.The need for an automatic DR diagnostic system based on WF-OCTA pictures attracts more and more attention due to the large diabetic population and the prevalence of retinopathy cases.In this study,automatic diagnosis of DR using vision transformer was performed using WF-OCTA images(12 mm×12 mm single-scan)centered on the fovea as the dataset.WF-OCTA images were automatically classified into four classes:No DR,mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy(NPDR),moderate to severe NPDR,and proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR).The proposed method for detecting DR on the test set achieves accuracy of 99.55%,sensitivity of 99.49%,and specificity of 99.57%.The accuracy of the method for DR staging reaches up to 99.20%,which has been proven to be higher than that attained by classical convolutional neural network models.Results show that the automatic diagnosis of DR based on vision transformer and WF-OCTA pictures is more effective for detecting and staging DR. 展开更多
关键词 Wide field optical coherence tomography angiography diabetic retinopathy vision transformer image classification
Frequency and associated factors of accommodation and non-strabismic binocular vision dysfunction among medical university students
作者 Jie Cai Wen-Wen Fan +5 位作者 Yun-Hui Zhong Cai-Lan Wen Xiao-Dan Wei Wan-Chen Wei Wan-Yan Xiang Jin-Mao Chen 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2024年第2期374-379,共6页
AIM:To investigate the frequency and associated factors of accommodation and non-strabismic binocular vision dysfunction among medical university students.METHODS:Totally 158 student volunteers underwent routine visio... AIM:To investigate the frequency and associated factors of accommodation and non-strabismic binocular vision dysfunction among medical university students.METHODS:Totally 158 student volunteers underwent routine vision examination in the optometry clinic of Guangxi Medical University.Their data were used to identify the different types of accommodation and nonstrabismic binocular vision dysfunction and to determine their frequency.Correlation analysis and logistic regression were used to examine the factors associated with these abnormalities.RESULTS:The results showed that 36.71%of the subjects had accommodation and non-strabismic binocular vision issues,with 8.86%being attributed to accommodation dysfunction and 27.85%to binocular abnormalities.Convergence insufficiency(CI)was the most common abnormality,accounting for 13.29%.Those with these abnormalities experienced higher levels of eyestrain(χ2=69.518,P<0.001).The linear correlations were observed between the difference of binocular spherical equivalent(SE)and the index of horizontal esotropia at a distance(r=0.231,P=0.004)and the asthenopia survey scale(ASS)score(r=0.346,P<0.001).Furthermore,the right eye's SE was inversely correlated with the convergence of positive and negative fusion images at close range(r=-0.321,P<0.001),the convergence of negative fusion images at close range(r=-0.294,P<0.001),the vergence facility(VF;r=-0.234,P=0.003),and the set of negative fusion images at far range(r=-0.237,P=0.003).Logistic regression analysis indicated that gender,age,and the difference in right and binocular SE did not influence the emergence of these abnormalities.CONCLUSION:Binocular vision abnormalities are more prevalent than accommodation dysfunction,with CI being the most frequent type.Greater binocular refractive disparity leads to more severe eyestrain symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 optometry clinic non-strabismic binocular vision dysfunction college students convergence insufficiency
Early Detection of Colletotrichum Kahawae Disease in Coffee Cherry Based on Computer Vision Techniques
作者 Raveena Selvanarayanan Surendran Rajendran Youseef Alotaibi 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第4期759-782,共24页
Colletotrichum kahawae(Coffee Berry Disease)spreads through spores that can be carried by wind,rain,and insects affecting coffee plantations,and causes 80%yield losses and poor-quality coffee beans.The deadly disease ... Colletotrichum kahawae(Coffee Berry Disease)spreads through spores that can be carried by wind,rain,and insects affecting coffee plantations,and causes 80%yield losses and poor-quality coffee beans.The deadly disease is hard to control because wind,rain,and insects carry spores.Colombian researchers utilized a deep learning system to identify CBD in coffee cherries at three growth stages and classify photographs of infected and uninfected cherries with 93%accuracy using a random forest method.If the dataset is too small and noisy,the algorithm may not learn data patterns and generate accurate predictions.To overcome the existing challenge,early detection of Colletotrichum Kahawae disease in coffee cherries requires automated processes,prompt recognition,and accurate classifications.The proposed methodology selects CBD image datasets through four different stages for training and testing.XGBoost to train a model on datasets of coffee berries,with each image labeled as healthy or diseased.Once themodel is trained,SHAP algorithmto figure out which features were essential formaking predictions with the proposed model.Some of these characteristics were the cherry’s colour,whether it had spots or other damage,and how big the Lesions were.Virtual inception is important for classification to virtualize the relationship between the colour of the berry is correlated with the presence of disease.To evaluate themodel’s performance andmitigate excess fitting,a 10-fold cross-validation approach is employed.This involves partitioning the dataset into ten subsets,training the model on each subset,and evaluating its performance.In comparison to other contemporary methodologies,the model put forth achieved an accuracy of 98.56%. 展开更多
关键词 Computer vision coffee berry disease colletotrichum kahawae XG boost shapley additive explanations
Enhancing ChatGPT’s Querying Capability with Voice-Based Interaction and CNN-Based Impair Vision Detection Model
作者 Awais Ahmad Sohail Jabbar +3 位作者 Sheeraz Akram Anand Paul Umar Raza Nuha Mohammed Alshuqayran 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期3129-3150,共22页
This paper presents an innovative approach to enhance the querying capability of ChatGPT,a conversational artificial intelligence model,by incorporating voice-based interaction and a convolutional neural network(CNN)-... This paper presents an innovative approach to enhance the querying capability of ChatGPT,a conversational artificial intelligence model,by incorporating voice-based interaction and a convolutional neural network(CNN)-based impaired vision detection model.The proposed system aims to improve user experience and accessibility by allowing users to interact with ChatGPT using voice commands.Additionally,a CNN-based model is employed to detect impairments in user vision,enabling the system to adapt its responses and provide appropriate assistance.This research tackles head-on the challenges of user experience and inclusivity in artificial intelligence(AI).It underscores our commitment to overcoming these obstacles,making ChatGPT more accessible and valuable for a broader audience.The integration of voice-based interaction and impaired vision detection represents a novel approach to conversational AI.Notably,this innovation transcends novelty;it carries the potential to profoundly impact the lives of users,particularly those with visual impairments.The modular approach to system design ensures adaptability and scalability,critical for the practical implementation of these advancements.Crucially,the solution places the user at its core.Customizing responses for those with visual impairments demonstrates AI’s potential to not only understand but also accommodate individual needs and preferences. 展开更多
关键词 Accessibility in conversational AI CNN-based impair vision detection ChatGPT voice-based interaction recommender system
Research on intelligent search-and-secure technology in accelerator hazardous areas based on machine vision
作者 Ying-Lin Ma Yao Wang +1 位作者 Hong-Mei Shi Hui-Jie Zhang 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期96-107,共12页
Prompt radiation emitted during accelerator operation poses a significant health risk,necessitating a thorough search and securing of hazardous areas prior to initiation.Currently,manual sweep methods are employed.How... Prompt radiation emitted during accelerator operation poses a significant health risk,necessitating a thorough search and securing of hazardous areas prior to initiation.Currently,manual sweep methods are employed.However,the limitations of manual sweeps have become increasingly evident with the implementation of large-scale accelerators.By leveraging advancements in machine vision technology,the automatic identification of stranded personnel in controlled areas through camera imagery presents a viable solution for efficient search and security.Given the criticality of personal safety for stranded individuals,search and security processes must be sufficiently reliable.To ensure comprehensive coverage,180°camera groups were strategically positioned on both sides of the accelerator tunnel to eliminate blind spots within the monitoring range.The YOLOV8 network model was modified to enable the detection of small targets,such as hands and feet,as well as larger targets formed by individuals near the cameras.Furthermore,the system incorporates a pedestrian recognition model that detects human body parts,and an information fusion strategy is used to integrate the detected head,hands,and feet with the identified pedestrians as a cohesive unit.This strategy enhanced the capability of the model to identify pedestrians obstructed by equipment,resulting in a notable improvement in the recall rate.Specifically,recall rates of 0.915 and 0.82were obtained for Datasets 1 and 2,respectively.Although there was a slight decrease in accuracy,it aligned with the intended purpose of the search-and-secure software design.Experimental tests conducted within an accelerator tunnel demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach in achieving reliable recognition outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 Search and secure Machine vision CAMERA Human body parts recognition Particle accelerator Hazardous area
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