Arctic region is experiencing strong warming and related changes in the state of sea ice, permafrost, tundra, marine environment and terrestrial ecosystems. These changes are found in any climatological data set compr...Arctic region is experiencing strong warming and related changes in the state of sea ice, permafrost, tundra, marine environment and terrestrial ecosystems. These changes are found in any climatological data set comprising the Arctic region. This study compares the temperature trends in several surface, satellite and reanalysis data sets. We demonstrate large differences in the 1979-2002 temperature trends. Data sets disagree on the magnitude of the trends as well as on their seasonal, zonal and vertical pattern. It was found that the surface temperature trends are stronger than the trends in the tropospheric temperature for each latitude band north of 50?N for each month except for the months during the ice-melting season. These results emphasize that the conclusions of climate studies drawn on the basis of a single data set analysis should be treated with caution as they may be affected by the artificial biases in data.展开更多
Arguments that global warming in the Earth’s atmosphere of the last 70 years is partially or entirely caused by changes in the solar magnetic field are presented in the work. Global warming is probably a consequence ...Arguments that global warming in the Earth’s atmosphere of the last 70 years is partially or entirely caused by changes in the solar magnetic field are presented in the work. Global warming is probably a consequence of ionizing radiation emitted from the Sun mainly in the “rise” phase of solar activity. The ionizing radiation is positively charged particles with high energy. They penetrate deep into the Earth’s atmosphere, creating increased content of ions serving as condensation nuclei. The condensation nuclei increase cloudiness in the lower atmosphere and lower the surface air temperature. When solar activity decreases as observed in the last 70 years, the reverse process occurs— cloud cover decreases, more solar electromagnetic radiation reaches the earth’s surface and increases the temperature. An additional argument for the presence of high-energy radiation that penetrates deeply into the Earth’s atmosphere and even reaches the Earth’s surface is the high statistically significant correlation between the fluxes of such radiation recorded by GOES series satellites in a geostationary orbit (36,000 km above the Earth’s surface) and the human mortality from deadliest diseases.展开更多
Version 4(v4) of the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature(ERSST) dataset is compared with its precedent, the widely used version 3b(v3b). The essential upgrades applied to v4 lead to remarkable differences i...Version 4(v4) of the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature(ERSST) dataset is compared with its precedent, the widely used version 3b(v3b). The essential upgrades applied to v4 lead to remarkable differences in the characteristics of the sea surface temperature(SST) anomaly(SSTa) in both the temporal and spatial domains. First, the largest discrepancy of the global mean SSTa values around the 1940 s is due to ship-observation corrections made to reconcile observations from buckets and engine intake thermometers. Second, differences in global and regional mean SSTa values between v4 and v3b exhibit a downward trend(around-0.032℃ per decade) before the 1940s, an upward trend(around 0.014℃ per decade) during the period of 1950–2015, interdecadal oscillation with one peak around the 1980s, and two troughs during the 1960s and 2000s, respectively. This does not derive from treatments of the polar or the other data-void regions, since the difference of the SSTa does not share the common features. Third, the spatial pattern of the ENSO-related variability of v4 exhibits a wider but weaker cold tongue in the tropical region of the Pacific Ocean compared with that of v3b, which could be attributed to differences in gap-filling assumptions since the latter features satellite observations whereas the former features in situ ones. This intercomparison confirms that the structural uncertainty arising from underlying assumptions on the treatment of diverse SST observations even in the same SST product family is the main source of significant SST differences in the temporal domain. Why this uncertainty introduces artificial decadal oscillations remains unknown.展开更多
Greenhouse gas data were utilized as proxy data in interpreting climate variability. These greenhouse gases were related to temperature records using standard deviation (SD) as the transfer function based on observed ...Greenhouse gas data were utilized as proxy data in interpreting climate variability. These greenhouse gases were related to temperature records using standard deviation (SD) as the transfer function based on observed correlations between them and global warming records. The annual SD used as warming index for the concentrations of these greenhouse gases for the period 1996 to 2005 at the various stations considered showed good correlation with 1998 as the warmest for these stations.展开更多
On the basis of Argo profile data of the temperature and salinity from January 2001 to July 2014, the spatial distributions of an upper ocean heat content(OHC) and ocean salt content(OSC) of the western Pacific warm p...On the basis of Argo profile data of the temperature and salinity from January 2001 to July 2014, the spatial distributions of an upper ocean heat content(OHC) and ocean salt content(OSC) of the western Pacific warm pool(WPWP) region and their seasonal and interannual variations are studied by a cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function(CSEOF) decomposition, a maximum entropy spectral analysis, and a correlation analysis.Probable reasons for variations are discussed. The results show the following.(1) The OHC variations in the subsurface layer of the WPWP are much greater than those in the surface layer. On the contrary, the OSC variations are mainly in the surface layer, while the subsurface layer varies little.(2) Compared with the OSC, the OHC of the WPWP region is more affected by El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) events. The CSEOF analysis shows that the OHC pattern in mode 1 has strong interannual oscillation, with eastern and western parts opposite in phase. The distribution of the OSC has a positive-negative-positive tripole pattern. Time series analysis shows that the OHC has three phase adjustments with the occurrence of ENSO events after 2007, while the OSC only had one such adjustment during the same period. Further analysis indicates that the OHC variations are mainly caused by ENSO events, local winds, and zonal currents, whereas the OSC variations are caused by much more complex reasons. Two of these, the zonal current and a freshwater flux, have a positive feedback on the OSC change in the WPWP region.展开更多
[目的/意义]随着数字人文项目和成果不断涌现,许多数字人文项目在数据的长期归档、可持续访问与重用方面面临巨大挑战。探索帮助恢复或维持数字人文数据可持续访问和重用的方案并总结其经验对于数字人文领域公共数据基础设施建设具有重...[目的/意义]随着数字人文项目和成果不断涌现,许多数字人文项目在数据的长期归档、可持续访问与重用方面面临巨大挑战。探索帮助恢复或维持数字人文数据可持续访问和重用的方案并总结其经验对于数字人文领域公共数据基础设施建设具有重要意义。[方法/过程]运用基于互联网档案的循证方法对RESTORE、Sustainable Digital Scholarship、King’s Digital Lab和Cambridge Digital Humanities Lab 4个项目开展探索分析。研究借助互联网档案馆及其提供的网络信息溯源工具“网络时光机”收集数据,并运用内容分析法从技术、人力和财务三个视角进一步开展数据分析。[结果/结论]研究总结了实现数字人文数据可持续访问和重用所需的基础设施支持,提出6条研究启示,为我国数字人文领域公共数据基础设施建设提供参考。展开更多
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)最新的第五代再分析资料ECMWF Reanalysis v5(ERA5),定义了大风事件,使用经验正交分解等方法分析了1979-2021年中国南海海表风速和大风事件的变化特...利用欧洲中期天气预报中心European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)最新的第五代再分析资料ECMWF Reanalysis v5(ERA5),定义了大风事件,使用经验正交分解等方法分析了1979-2021年中国南海海表风速和大风事件的变化特征,并对是否受热带气旋的影响进行了区分。结果发现,南海风速分布呈现出十分明显的季节特征,冬季主要为东北风,夏季为西南风;春、夏季南海东北部与其他地区风速变化存在反向关系,除东北部沿海地区外,春季平均风速变化经历了减小-增大-减小的变化,总体呈较弱的增加趋势;而夏季则是增大-减少-增大,总体呈减小趋势。秋季南海风速呈全区一致的变化,呈减小趋势。冬季变为东南与其余部分反向,除西南部外,风速呈显著增强趋势。大风事件发生在风速较大的区域和时间内,冬季和秋季发生大风事件的频次要高于春季和秋季,冬半年要高于夏半年;在冬季和冬半年,大风事件的发生频次在南海中部长山山脉东侧直到南海东北部台湾海峡附近有显著上升趋势;大风事件频次变化趋势随季节改变有很大的差异,冬季和春季大风事件频次变化趋势与夏季和秋季相反。夏半年大风事件频次变化融合了夏季和秋季的变化趋势特点;类似的冬半年大风事件频次融合了冬季和春季的变化趋势特点。在夏季,秋季和夏半年这些受到南海夏季季风影响的季节内,热带气旋对发生的大风事件频次影响更大;对在冬季,春季和冬半年发生的大风事件则影响较小。展开更多
应用常规观测资料与地面加密自动站、卫星云图、多普勒雷达等多种非常规观测资料以及雷达变分同化分析系统(VDRAS)分析场资料,对2013年7月1日天津南部大暴雨中尺度对流系统的结构、演变特征及其成因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)大暴雨发生...应用常规观测资料与地面加密自动站、卫星云图、多普勒雷达等多种非常规观测资料以及雷达变分同化分析系统(VDRAS)分析场资料,对2013年7月1日天津南部大暴雨中尺度对流系统的结构、演变特征及其成因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)大暴雨发生在副热带高压边缘暖湿气流、低空700—850 h Pa暖性切变线、高低空急流有利配置的背景下,属暖区暴雨。(2)大暴雨由若干β中尺度对流云团合并加强后的α中尺度对流云团造成,对应雷达,强降雨是由西南方向不断移入天津南部的γ中尺度对流单体发展加强,并先后组织成若干东—西向带状β中尺度对流系统先东北后偏东方向移动造成的,在大港南部有列车效应,具有典型的热带型降水回波特征。(3)逆风区的出现、中空急流向低层伸展,低空急流、超低空急流先后形成并加强,是降水强度加强的重要原因。(4)地面中尺度切变线的维持、加强和中尺度低压倒槽东移、发展、入海加强为中尺度气旋,是先后造成对流单体发展加强并组织成带状中尺度对流系统的两个中尺度系统。(5)近地层中尺度切变线是地面中尺度切变线形成的原因,对流单体前侧的偏南冷性水平出流的叠加,一方面增强了沿切变线的辐合,一方面也加大了低层的水汽输送;带状对流系统后侧的偏北冷性水平出流与东南气流形成的中尺度切变线是地面中尺度气旋形成的原因。展开更多
文摘Arctic region is experiencing strong warming and related changes in the state of sea ice, permafrost, tundra, marine environment and terrestrial ecosystems. These changes are found in any climatological data set comprising the Arctic region. This study compares the temperature trends in several surface, satellite and reanalysis data sets. We demonstrate large differences in the 1979-2002 temperature trends. Data sets disagree on the magnitude of the trends as well as on their seasonal, zonal and vertical pattern. It was found that the surface temperature trends are stronger than the trends in the tropospheric temperature for each latitude band north of 50?N for each month except for the months during the ice-melting season. These results emphasize that the conclusions of climate studies drawn on the basis of a single data set analysis should be treated with caution as they may be affected by the artificial biases in data.
文摘Arguments that global warming in the Earth’s atmosphere of the last 70 years is partially or entirely caused by changes in the solar magnetic field are presented in the work. Global warming is probably a consequence of ionizing radiation emitted from the Sun mainly in the “rise” phase of solar activity. The ionizing radiation is positively charged particles with high energy. They penetrate deep into the Earth’s atmosphere, creating increased content of ions serving as condensation nuclei. The condensation nuclei increase cloudiness in the lower atmosphere and lower the surface air temperature. When solar activity decreases as observed in the last 70 years, the reverse process occurs— cloud cover decreases, more solar electromagnetic radiation reaches the earth’s surface and increases the temperature. An additional argument for the presence of high-energy radiation that penetrates deeply into the Earth’s atmosphere and even reaches the Earth’s surface is the high statistically significant correlation between the fluxes of such radiation recorded by GOES series satellites in a geostationary orbit (36,000 km above the Earth’s surface) and the human mortality from deadliest diseases.
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development Plan (No.2015CB953900)the Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.41330960 and 41776032)
文摘Version 4(v4) of the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature(ERSST) dataset is compared with its precedent, the widely used version 3b(v3b). The essential upgrades applied to v4 lead to remarkable differences in the characteristics of the sea surface temperature(SST) anomaly(SSTa) in both the temporal and spatial domains. First, the largest discrepancy of the global mean SSTa values around the 1940 s is due to ship-observation corrections made to reconcile observations from buckets and engine intake thermometers. Second, differences in global and regional mean SSTa values between v4 and v3b exhibit a downward trend(around-0.032℃ per decade) before the 1940s, an upward trend(around 0.014℃ per decade) during the period of 1950–2015, interdecadal oscillation with one peak around the 1980s, and two troughs during the 1960s and 2000s, respectively. This does not derive from treatments of the polar or the other data-void regions, since the difference of the SSTa does not share the common features. Third, the spatial pattern of the ENSO-related variability of v4 exhibits a wider but weaker cold tongue in the tropical region of the Pacific Ocean compared with that of v3b, which could be attributed to differences in gap-filling assumptions since the latter features satellite observations whereas the former features in situ ones. This intercomparison confirms that the structural uncertainty arising from underlying assumptions on the treatment of diverse SST observations even in the same SST product family is the main source of significant SST differences in the temporal domain. Why this uncertainty introduces artificial decadal oscillations remains unknown.
文摘Greenhouse gas data were utilized as proxy data in interpreting climate variability. These greenhouse gases were related to temperature records using standard deviation (SD) as the transfer function based on observed correlations between them and global warming records. The annual SD used as warming index for the concentrations of these greenhouse gases for the period 1996 to 2005 at the various stations considered showed good correlation with 1998 as the warmest for these stations.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41406022 and 41606003the Scientific Research Fund of the Second Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration of China under contract Nos JG1812 and JG1709the Special Program for the National Basic Research of China under contract No.2012FY112300
文摘On the basis of Argo profile data of the temperature and salinity from January 2001 to July 2014, the spatial distributions of an upper ocean heat content(OHC) and ocean salt content(OSC) of the western Pacific warm pool(WPWP) region and their seasonal and interannual variations are studied by a cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function(CSEOF) decomposition, a maximum entropy spectral analysis, and a correlation analysis.Probable reasons for variations are discussed. The results show the following.(1) The OHC variations in the subsurface layer of the WPWP are much greater than those in the surface layer. On the contrary, the OSC variations are mainly in the surface layer, while the subsurface layer varies little.(2) Compared with the OSC, the OHC of the WPWP region is more affected by El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) events. The CSEOF analysis shows that the OHC pattern in mode 1 has strong interannual oscillation, with eastern and western parts opposite in phase. The distribution of the OSC has a positive-negative-positive tripole pattern. Time series analysis shows that the OHC has three phase adjustments with the occurrence of ENSO events after 2007, while the OSC only had one such adjustment during the same period. Further analysis indicates that the OHC variations are mainly caused by ENSO events, local winds, and zonal currents, whereas the OSC variations are caused by much more complex reasons. Two of these, the zonal current and a freshwater flux, have a positive feedback on the OSC change in the WPWP region.
文摘[目的/意义]随着数字人文项目和成果不断涌现,许多数字人文项目在数据的长期归档、可持续访问与重用方面面临巨大挑战。探索帮助恢复或维持数字人文数据可持续访问和重用的方案并总结其经验对于数字人文领域公共数据基础设施建设具有重要意义。[方法/过程]运用基于互联网档案的循证方法对RESTORE、Sustainable Digital Scholarship、King’s Digital Lab和Cambridge Digital Humanities Lab 4个项目开展探索分析。研究借助互联网档案馆及其提供的网络信息溯源工具“网络时光机”收集数据,并运用内容分析法从技术、人力和财务三个视角进一步开展数据分析。[结果/结论]研究总结了实现数字人文数据可持续访问和重用所需的基础设施支持,提出6条研究启示,为我国数字人文领域公共数据基础设施建设提供参考。
文摘利用欧洲中期天气预报中心European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)最新的第五代再分析资料ECMWF Reanalysis v5(ERA5),定义了大风事件,使用经验正交分解等方法分析了1979-2021年中国南海海表风速和大风事件的变化特征,并对是否受热带气旋的影响进行了区分。结果发现,南海风速分布呈现出十分明显的季节特征,冬季主要为东北风,夏季为西南风;春、夏季南海东北部与其他地区风速变化存在反向关系,除东北部沿海地区外,春季平均风速变化经历了减小-增大-减小的变化,总体呈较弱的增加趋势;而夏季则是增大-减少-增大,总体呈减小趋势。秋季南海风速呈全区一致的变化,呈减小趋势。冬季变为东南与其余部分反向,除西南部外,风速呈显著增强趋势。大风事件发生在风速较大的区域和时间内,冬季和秋季发生大风事件的频次要高于春季和秋季,冬半年要高于夏半年;在冬季和冬半年,大风事件的发生频次在南海中部长山山脉东侧直到南海东北部台湾海峡附近有显著上升趋势;大风事件频次变化趋势随季节改变有很大的差异,冬季和春季大风事件频次变化趋势与夏季和秋季相反。夏半年大风事件频次变化融合了夏季和秋季的变化趋势特点;类似的冬半年大风事件频次融合了冬季和春季的变化趋势特点。在夏季,秋季和夏半年这些受到南海夏季季风影响的季节内,热带气旋对发生的大风事件频次影响更大;对在冬季,春季和冬半年发生的大风事件则影响较小。
基金This study was supported by the Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number 2021JC0009]the Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number U2142212]the National Key R&D Program of China[grant number 2022YFC3004200].
文摘应用常规观测资料与地面加密自动站、卫星云图、多普勒雷达等多种非常规观测资料以及雷达变分同化分析系统(VDRAS)分析场资料,对2013年7月1日天津南部大暴雨中尺度对流系统的结构、演变特征及其成因进行了分析。结果表明:(1)大暴雨发生在副热带高压边缘暖湿气流、低空700—850 h Pa暖性切变线、高低空急流有利配置的背景下,属暖区暴雨。(2)大暴雨由若干β中尺度对流云团合并加强后的α中尺度对流云团造成,对应雷达,强降雨是由西南方向不断移入天津南部的γ中尺度对流单体发展加强,并先后组织成若干东—西向带状β中尺度对流系统先东北后偏东方向移动造成的,在大港南部有列车效应,具有典型的热带型降水回波特征。(3)逆风区的出现、中空急流向低层伸展,低空急流、超低空急流先后形成并加强,是降水强度加强的重要原因。(4)地面中尺度切变线的维持、加强和中尺度低压倒槽东移、发展、入海加强为中尺度气旋,是先后造成对流单体发展加强并组织成带状中尺度对流系统的两个中尺度系统。(5)近地层中尺度切变线是地面中尺度切变线形成的原因,对流单体前侧的偏南冷性水平出流的叠加,一方面增强了沿切变线的辐合,一方面也加大了低层的水汽输送;带状对流系统后侧的偏北冷性水平出流与东南气流形成的中尺度切变线是地面中尺度气旋形成的原因。