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作者 陈海琛 王寿福 +2 位作者 吴永隆 胡杨 徐波 《发育医学电子杂志》 2024年第6期457-461,共5页
目的探讨改良阴茎头段Inlay术治疗尿道下裂患儿的方法及短期疗效。方法回顾性选取2020年3月至2023年3月在厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院行改良阴茎头段Inlay术治疗的121例尿道下裂患儿,年龄10~69个月,中位年龄19个月。所有手术均由同一术者... 目的探讨改良阴茎头段Inlay术治疗尿道下裂患儿的方法及短期疗效。方法回顾性选取2020年3月至2023年3月在厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院行改良阴茎头段Inlay术治疗的121例尿道下裂患儿,年龄10~69个月,中位年龄19个月。所有手术均由同一术者完成。分析患儿的临床资料、术后并发症情况、最大尿流率(maximum urinary flow rate,Q_(max))及国际尿道下裂客观评分标准(Hypospadias Objective Scoring Evalution,HOSE)评分,评价其疗效。结果121例患儿中,首诊病例98例,其中阴茎体远端型26例,阴茎体中部型44例,阴茎体近端型21例,阴茎阴囊型7例;再手术23例,为前置手术1~4次。手术均一期完成并获得随访,随访时间为12~48个月。术后并发症:尿道瘘6例、尿道狭窄1例,无阴茎头裂开。术后2周的平均Q_(max)为(9.05±1.17)ml/s。所有患儿术后尿道口均位于阴茎头前端,呈垂直裂隙状,平均HOSE评分为(15.03±0.96)分。结论改良阴茎头段Inlay术修复小儿尿道下裂是安全、有效的,该术式操作简单,成功率高,术后外观良好,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 尿道下裂 保留尿道板 改良 游离包皮内板镶嵌 并发症
Myringoplasty: A comparison of inlay and underlay techniques
作者 Hisashi Sugimoto Akiko Tamori +2 位作者 Miyako Hatano Hiroki Hasegawa Tomokazu Yoshizaki 《Journal of Otology》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期72-76,共5页
Purpose:Myringoplasty aims to improve hearing and prevent otorrhea,making graft uptake rates and hearing crucial considerations.This study analyzed the factors associated with unsuccessful graft uptake and hearing imp... Purpose:Myringoplasty aims to improve hearing and prevent otorrhea,making graft uptake rates and hearing crucial considerations.This study analyzed the factors associated with unsuccessful graft uptake and hearing improvement to guide the selection of optimal surgical approaches for myringoplasty.Methods:We retrospectively reviewed 56 ears with chronic otitis media.All patients were followed up for>6 months after tympanic membrane closure surgery.We compared the underlay method using the transcanal approach with the inlay method using the retroauricular approach for myringoplasty in patients with chronic otitis media.The underlay and inlay methods were used for 23 and 33 ears,respectively.The primary outcomes were graft uptake rate and hearing improvement.Additionally,factors such as the location of tympanic membrane perforation,patient age,and the degree of mastoid development were evaluated.Results:The perforation rate was high when the transcanal underlay method was employed to repair perforations in the anterior inferior quadrant.Both the underlay and inlay methods significantly improved hearing.However,the success rate of the inlay method was lower.Within the cases performed using the inlay method,outcomes tended to be poorer in older age groups.There were no significant differences in surgical success rates related to mastoid development.Conclusion:The inlay method using the retroauricular approach is a favorable option for repairing perforations involving the anterior inferior quadrant.However,older patients presented lower rates of hearing improvement when the inlay method was used. 展开更多
关键词 MYRINGOPLASTY Chronic otitis media Underlay method inlay method
胫骨隧道角度及移植物骨块设计:全关节镜下胫骨inlay技术重建后交叉韧带 被引量:3
作者 姜雪峰 杨惠光 +4 位作者 张云庆 徐军 黄国伟 任亚军 孙惠清 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第30期5527-5530,共4页
背景:传统的"tibialinlay"技术已取得较好的临床效果,但必须经过后方关节囊切开技术,如何在全关节镜下完成胫骨端"inlay"是课题研究的方向。目的:设计全关节镜下胫骨inlay重建膝关节后交叉韧带的技术和手术方法。方法:通过5例成... 背景:传统的"tibialinlay"技术已取得较好的临床效果,但必须经过后方关节囊切开技术,如何在全关节镜下完成胫骨端"inlay"是课题研究的方向。目的:设计全关节镜下胫骨inlay重建膝关节后交叉韧带的技术和手术方法。方法:通过5例成人膝关节尸体标本设计关节镜下手术流程和方法,并设计专门的胫骨隧道形态及配套的胫骨钻头。通过对30张正常MRI片进行测量,确定胫骨隧道的角度,明确术中定位器的角度。设计移植物骨块的形态和固定方法,建立胫骨隧道的方法。结果与结论:胫骨隧道内口设计成14mm×7mm×15mm的圆锥状,外口为直径7mm的圆柱状,配套的胫骨钻头设计成分体式,满足在关节镜下操作的要求。胫骨平台后缘后交叉韧带止点出骨面与水平夹角36°~47°,定位器建议固定在40°。移植物使用异体跟腱,移植物骨块设计成圆锥状,与胫骨隧道内口相嵌合,移植物胫骨端使用纽扣钢板固定。5例标本手术均获得成功,移植物固定可靠,隧道位置准确。证实关节镜下胫骨inlay重建膝关节后交叉韧带手术具有可行性。 展开更多
关键词 后交叉韧带 重建 关节镜 胫骨inlay 植入物
作者 刘英同 张辰钰 王巍 《皮革科学与工程》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期77-82,共6页
服装行业绿色发展需要具有人文关怀的可持续设计理念。基于几何镶嵌提出一种可持续皮革服装的设计方法。将皮革服装解构为可拼装的镶嵌模块,通过拼装的方式创造出丰富多样的服装款式,为消费者提供参与制作的乐趣,具有高度的个性化特征... 服装行业绿色发展需要具有人文关怀的可持续设计理念。基于几何镶嵌提出一种可持续皮革服装的设计方法。将皮革服装解构为可拼装的镶嵌模块,通过拼装的方式创造出丰富多样的服装款式,为消费者提供参与制作的乐趣,具有高度的个性化特征。同时,用户可以根据需求拼装不同的镶嵌模块以改变服装造型,镶嵌模块使用了可持续生物质材料和激光切割技术进行制作,在材料与生产技术上也满足了可持续设计理念。实验结果表明,基于几何镶嵌的可持续皮革服装丰富了服装产品的形式,为皮革制品、服装与服饰设计的发展提供了创新性参考。 展开更多
关键词 皮革 服装 可持续 设计 几何镶嵌 模块化 拼装
Clinical Application of TESCERA^TM ATL Indirect Composite Inlay and Onlay 被引量:1
作者 陈亚明 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2003年第6期313-315,共3页
Objective: A new indirect composite restorative system with water combingpressure, light, and heat was introduced for the fabrication of inlays and onlays. Methods: Fifteendefected teeth were selected for composite re... Objective: A new indirect composite restorative system with water combingpressure, light, and heat was introduced for the fabrication of inlays and onlays. Methods: Fifteendefected teeth were selected for composite resin inlay and onlay fabrication with Tescera ATL unitequipment. The clinical trial was carried out for 3 months. Results: After 3 months test, 7parameters were checked, 15 Tescera inlays and onlays were demonstrated that exceptional esthetics,all 7 parameters were good and the patients were very satisfied. Conclusion: inlays , which weremade with Tescera ATL restorative system, are esthetics; physical properties of materials areimproved highly, and have a long-lasting durability. This restorative system is worthy to be usedand further studied in dental practice. 展开更多
关键词 composite resin inlay
作者 肖展豪 李坚 +2 位作者 潘玲 王文钧 高晓乐 《中外医疗》 2014年第36期44-45,共2页
目的介绍后交叉韧带损伤中采用inlay技术的适应症及临床早期疗效。方法选择2010年5月—2013年12月该科收治的后交叉韧带断裂采用inlay方法重建的62例病例,在后交叉胫骨止点处做一个长2 cm,宽1~1.2 cm,厚0.8 cm的呈梯形的骨槽。取一端带... 目的介绍后交叉韧带损伤中采用inlay技术的适应症及临床早期疗效。方法选择2010年5月—2013年12月该科收治的后交叉韧带断裂采用inlay方法重建的62例病例,在后交叉胫骨止点处做一个长2 cm,宽1~1.2 cm,厚0.8 cm的呈梯形的骨槽。取一端带骨块的异体跟腱,将骨块端制成与骨槽相匹配形状,嵌入骨块,以2枚空心加压螺钉固定。关节镜下做后交叉韧带股骨隧道,以牵引线将移植物肌腱端抽入股骨隧道,并以挤压螺钉固定。术前、后均采用IKDC评分,查体,KT-1000测量。结果 62例病人经8~36个月随访。术前后抽屉试验均为3度以上,除1例病人术后13个月因外伤再次断裂行翻修手术外,术后复查病人后抽屉试验8例为0度,35例为1度,18例为2度。IKDC评分A级为16例,B级为45例,D级1例。术前KT-1000测量平均为13.2 mm(10~19 mm),术后平均为4.5 mm(3~13 mm)。结论 3度或3度以上后交叉韧带损伤采用inlay技术重建临床早期都得到了满意的疗效。 展开更多
关键词 后交叉韧带 inlay 关节镜
Inlay小切口入路切开复位双锚钉内固定治疗后交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱性骨折的疗效观察 被引量:6
作者 丁科 罗群强 +5 位作者 韦积华 陆定贵 唐乾利 唐毓金 袁健 葛清卿 《右江医学》 2021年第4期262-266,共5页
目的采用Inlay小切口入路切开复位双锚钉内固定治疗后交叉韧带(PCL)胫骨止点撕脱性骨折,探讨此技术的临床疗效。方法分析2017年3月~2019年3月收治的25例PCL止点撕脱性骨折患者,均采用Inlay小切口切开复位双锚钉内固定,其中,男19例,女6例... 目的采用Inlay小切口入路切开复位双锚钉内固定治疗后交叉韧带(PCL)胫骨止点撕脱性骨折,探讨此技术的临床疗效。方法分析2017年3月~2019年3月收治的25例PCL止点撕脱性骨折患者,均采用Inlay小切口切开复位双锚钉内固定,其中,男19例,女6例,年龄19~67岁,平均(41.76±12.32)岁,较完整的骨折块面积大小1.68~2.60 cm^(2),平均(2.17±0.28)cm^(2),所有患者术前术后均采用Lysholm及IKDC评分系统评价膝关节功能恢复情况和影像学评估骨折愈合情况。结果所有患者均获得6~24个月随访,平均(16.76±5.02)个月,所有骨折均愈合。无切口感染、关节感染、下肢深静脉血栓、锚钉拔出、关节粘连等并发症发生。末次随访时IKDC膝关节主观评分从(47.04±4.23)分增加到(96.80±1.76)分,Lysholm膝关节功能评分从(46.72±4.77)分增加到(97.48±1.45)分,术后IKDC、Lysholm评分高于术前,比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论采用Inlay小切口入路切开复位双锚钉内固定治疗PCL胫骨止点撕脱性骨折,疗效确切,该术式具有显露充分、操作简便、创伤小和安全可靠等优点,适合各种骨折类型的PCL胫骨止点撕脱性骨折的治疗。 展开更多
关键词 撕脱性骨折 后交叉韧带 锚钉固定 inlay切口
应用改良胫骨Inlay技术治疗膝关节后交叉韧带损伤的疗效分析 被引量:3
作者 闫增龙 王月 +1 位作者 王岩峰 白希壮 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期762-765,共4页
选取2013年12月至2015年10月我科收治的16例后交叉韧带断裂患者,患者均应用改良胫骨inlay技术在关节镜下行后交叉韧带重建。16例患者术后均获随访,随访时间9-10个月。患者术后膝关节活动度基本恢复正常,除后抽屉实验阳性的1例患者外,其... 选取2013年12月至2015年10月我科收治的16例后交叉韧带断裂患者,患者均应用改良胫骨inlay技术在关节镜下行后交叉韧带重建。16例患者术后均获随访,随访时间9-10个月。患者术后膝关节活动度基本恢复正常,除后抽屉实验阳性的1例患者外,其他患者门诊MRI复查及物理查体均良好。术后终末随访Lysholm评分及IKDC2000主观评分均较术前显著改善(P<0.05)。因此认为应用改良胫骨inlay技术重建后交叉韧带对患者膝功能恢复效果显著,临床效果满意。 展开更多
关键词 膝关节 胫骨inlay技术 改良 后交叉韧带
应用胫骨Inlay技术重建膝关节内侧副韧带治疗严重膝关节内侧损伤的康复护理 被引量:5
作者 王月 闫增龙 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期89-91,共3页
2010年1月至2012年12月我院对16例膝关节内侧不稳定患者采用胫骨inlay技术重建内侧副韧带,所有患者均随访9~12个月。术后马上进行以预防膝关节僵硬、提高术后主动及被动膝关节活动的康复护理。结果显示,外翻应力试验证实所有患者重建的... 2010年1月至2012年12月我院对16例膝关节内侧不稳定患者采用胫骨inlay技术重建内侧副韧带,所有患者均随访9~12个月。术后马上进行以预防膝关节僵硬、提高术后主动及被动膝关节活动的康复护理。结果显示,外翻应力试验证实所有患者重建的膝关节均恢复稳定性。膝关节内侧开口恢复[术前(9.8±1.7)mm,术后(0.7±1.2)mm]。膝关节IKDC评分提高[术前(44.2±9.6)分,术后(85.7±8.5)分]。1例(6.3%)患者有15°的屈曲缺陷,其他患者术后恢复膝关节活动度。因此认为,应用inlay技术重建内侧副韧带能够恢复膝关节稳定性,恰当的术后康复护理能够增强膝关节功能。 展开更多
关键词 inlay技术 膝关节 内侧副韧带 重建 康复
Comparison of FDA safety and efficacy data for KAMRA and Raindrop corneal inlays 被引量:1
作者 Majid Moshirfar Jordan D Desautels +2 位作者 Ryan T Wallace Nicholas Koen Phillip C.Hoopes 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2017年第9期1446-1451,共6页
AIM:To provide a side-by-side analysis of the summary of safety and effectiveness data(SSED)submitted to the FDA for the KAMRA and Raindrop corneal inlays for the correction of presbyopia.METHODS:SSED reports subm... AIM:To provide a side-by-side analysis of the summary of safety and effectiveness data(SSED)submitted to the FDA for the KAMRA and Raindrop corneal inlays for the correction of presbyopia.METHODS:SSED reports submitted to the FDA for KAMRA and Raindrop were compared with respect to loss of corrected distance visual acuity(CDVA),adverse event rates,induction of astigmatism,retention of contrast sensitivity,stability of manifest refractive spherical equivalent(MRSE),and achieved monocular uncorrected near visual acuity(UNVA)at 24mo.RESULTS:Totally 442/508 of KAMRA patients and344/373 Raindrop patients remained enrolled in the clinical trials at 24mo.The proportion of KAMRA and Raindrop patients who lost≥2 lines of CDVA at 24mo was 3.4%and1%,respectively.The adverse event rate was comparable between the devices.No significant inductions of astigmatism were noted.Both technologies induced a transient myopic shift in MRSE followed by a hyperopic shift and subsequent stabilization.Totally 87%of KAMRA and 98%of Raindrop patients attained a monocular UNVA of J5(20/40)or better at 24mo,28%of KAMRA and 67%of Raindrop patients attained a monocular UNVA of J1(20/20)or better at 24mo.CONCLUSION:Both devices can be considered safe and effective,however,the results of corneal inlay implantation are mixed,and long-term patient satisfaction will likely depend on subjective expectations about the capabilities of the inlays.Variability in surgical technique and postoperative care within and between the two clinical trials diminishes the comparative power of this article. 展开更多
Use of Dental Inlay for Treatment of Hip Joint Dysregulation: A Case Report 被引量:2
作者 Yoshiro Fujii 《Case Reports in Clinical Medicine》 2015年第11期356-360,共5页
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the improvement of hip joint dysregulation, including pain (coxalgia), tension, and restriction of joint mobility, using a dental gold alloy inlay. The subject was a 63-yea... The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the improvement of hip joint dysregulation, including pain (coxalgia), tension, and restriction of joint mobility, using a dental gold alloy inlay. The subject was a 63-year-old man who was suffering from the abovementioned symptoms for several months. On placement of the gold alloy inlay on his chest, the joint flexibility was observed to increase, and the severity of the abovementioned symptoms decreased. When the inlay was placed in his tooth, the flexibility of the joint further increased, and all other symptoms disappeared. No side effects were observed, and the prognosis was good. We believe that these effects may be explained using the electromagnetic waves emitted by the inlay and by the restoration of biting conditions. Future multidisciplinary research focusing on possible underlying mechanisms regarding the relation between electromagnetic waves and dentistry is necessary. 展开更多
关键词 HIP JOINT PAIN Coxalgia DENTAL inlay JOINT Flexibility Electromagnetic Waves
膝关节Inlay小切口入路空心螺钉内固定治疗后交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折 被引量:2
作者 严亮 危文波 闵志海 《江西医药》 CAS 2023年第3期301-302,305,共3页
目的观察膝关节Inlay小切口入路切开复位空心螺钉内固定治疗后交叉韧带(PCL)胫骨止点撕脱骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾分析2013年9月至2021年2月在我科采用膝关节Inlay小切口手术治疗的PCL胫骨止点撕脱骨折21例,均行切开复位空心螺纹钉内... 目的观察膝关节Inlay小切口入路切开复位空心螺钉内固定治疗后交叉韧带(PCL)胫骨止点撕脱骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾分析2013年9月至2021年2月在我科采用膝关节Inlay小切口手术治疗的PCL胫骨止点撕脱骨折21例,均行切开复位空心螺纹钉内固定。所有患者在末次随访时均行影像学检查评估骨折复位、固定效果以及愈合情况,并采用Rasmussen评分系统评价膝关节功能恢复情况。结果21例均获得随访,随访时间6~24个月,中位时间15个月。骨折均愈合且无切口感染、下肢深静脉血栓形成、骨折再移位及内固定物松动等并发症。末次随访时膝关节伸直0°,屈曲120°~145°,平均126°。Rasmussen评分:优14例,良7例。结论采用膝关节Inlay小切口入路切开复位空心螺钉内固定治疗PCL胫骨止点撕脱骨折疗效确切,具有创伤小、操作简单、入路显露充分、空心螺钉固定可靠、学习曲线短等优点。 展开更多
关键词 后交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折 inlay切口 空心螺钉 内固定
作者 章曙 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 2011年第8期227-229,233,共4页
关于RFID电子标签Inlay标准及其测试方法的发布鲜有报道。通过中国2010年上海世博会门票Inlay的制作经历,阐述了Inlay质量的重要性,研究和提出了RFID电子标签Inlay的一些规范要求和相应的测试方法,并在中国2010年上海世博会门票系统中... 关于RFID电子标签Inlay标准及其测试方法的发布鲜有报道。通过中国2010年上海世博会门票Inlay的制作经历,阐述了Inlay质量的重要性,研究和提出了RFID电子标签Inlay的一些规范要求和相应的测试方法,并在中国2010年上海世博会门票系统中得到成功应用。 展开更多
关键词 RFID 电子标签 世博门票 inlay规范 测试方法
Root architecture characteristics of plant inlay in live slope grating
作者 Gao Jia-rong Wang Fang +1 位作者 Gao Yang Rosemarie Stang 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2007年第3期177-181,共5页
In the experimental garden of the Department of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction, University of Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria, coarse root systems of three different brush species were complet... In the experimental garden of the Department of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction, University of Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria, coarse root systems of three different brush species were completely excavated and semiutomatically digitized. The species were Lonicera xylosteum, Ligustrum vulgare and Euonymus europaeus. The 3-D root architectures reveal different growth strategies between species, which are related to ecological characteristics and physical soil properties. The root architecture of Lonicera xylosteum and Ligustrum vulgare, planted in the under layer of the live slope grading, where the soil is very tight and the soil water content and fertility are relatively low, is shallow. However, the root distribution of E. europaeus, planted in the middle layer, where environmental conditions are better, is deeper. Most of the root biomass of the three species is concentrated in the 0-30 cm soil layer. A quarter of the root biomass ofLigustrum vulgare is distributed in the upper layer of the plant inlay. E. europaeus has a relatively even distribution in the 30-0 cm and 60-90 cm soil layer. 展开更多
关键词 plant inlay live slope grating 3D root architecture root biomass
Vertical marginal gap &retention of ceramic full coverage &inlay retained ceramic fixed partial dentures
作者 Cherif Mohsen 《Open Journal of Stomatology》 2011年第4期140-149,共10页
Objectives: A comparison study between ceramic full coverage FPDs & 3 designs of ceramic inlay retained FPDs regarding vertical marginal gap & retention. Materials & Methods: Twenty samples were construc- ... Objectives: A comparison study between ceramic full coverage FPDs & 3 designs of ceramic inlay retained FPDs regarding vertical marginal gap & retention. Materials & Methods: Twenty samples were construc- ted and divided into 4 groups according to the type of restorations: full coverage, inlay-shaped (occluso-pro- ximal inlay + proximal box), tub-shaped (occluso-pro- ximal inlay), and proximal box-shaped FPDs. All samples were subjected to a vertical marginal gap measurements followed by a retention test. Results: The vertical marginal gap data showed no significant difference between full coverage FPDs, the tub-shap- ed inlay retained FPDs and the proximal box-shaped inlay retained FPDs. While there was a difference between these three designs and the inlay retained FPDs. Regarding retention, the full coverage FPDs recorded higher retentive strengths and was signifi-cant difference than all inlay retained FPDs designs tested. The inlay-shaped design was significant dif-ference than the other two inlay retained FPDs de-signs. Conclusions: There was no significant differ- ence between full coverage FPDs, tub-shaped & pro- ximal box shaped inlay retained FPDs as regard ver- tical marginal discrepancies. While, the inlay-haped design showed the highest vertical marginal discrep- ancies. The premolar & molar retainers for the same type of restorations showed no difference in vertical marginal discrepancies. All measured vertical mar- ginal discrepancies were in the range of clinical ac- ceptance. The full coverage FPDs recorded higher retentive strengths than all inlay retained FPDs de- signs tested. The inlay-shaped design recorded the highest retentive strengths among the three inlay re- tained FPDs designs. There was no difference as re- gard retentive strengths between tub-shaped & pro- ximal box shaped inlay retained FPDs. 展开更多
关键词 inlay RETAINED FPDS Full Coverage FPDS Retentive Strengths VERTICAL Marginal Discrepancies
Development of the entire roller inlayed block intelligence cold strip shape meter and its industrial application
作者 LIU Hongmin,YU Bingqiang,YANG Lipo and PENG Yan Engineering Research Center of Rolling Equipment and Complete Technology of Ministry of Education,State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science & Technology,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004,Hebei,China 《Baosteel Technical Research》 CAS 2010年第S1期112-,共1页
The entire roller inlayed block intelligence cold strip shape meter is developed successfully in this paper,which can stably work chronically in the cold rolling workshop,the independent innovation of the key technolo... The entire roller inlayed block intelligence cold strip shape meter is developed successfully in this paper,which can stably work chronically in the cold rolling workshop,the independent innovation of the key technology of cold strip shape measuring,the foreign technical monopoly and blockade are broken through.The structural form which is different from the international popular segmented detection roller is put forward,the entire detection roller inlayed block is developed,a group of elastic blocks in that the sense organs are installed are inlayed in the radial symmetry rectangular grooves of the detection roller body,the entire roller structure is composed of elastic pieces and the roller body,the scratch of the strip surface due to different thermal expansion of the traditional detection roller measuring unit is avoided effectively.The signal transmission form which is different form the international popular dry slip ring is put forward,the spray wet slip ring is developed,slip ring and detection roller can be taken down and installed as possibly as fast,so the maintain is convenient,while through the section auto-spray cleaning,lubrication and cooling, the service life is remarkable improved and the outside interference signal is reduced.The signal processing form which is different form the international popular gathering card is put forward,the embedded DSP shape signal processing hardware system is developed,the electromagnet,temperature,humidity and vibration's interference of industry practice to shape transmission signal can be effectively avoided,which can guarantee the instantaneity and measured precision of shape measured signal.The shape signal processing software system whose function contains error compensation,pattern recognition,establishment of the target shape and the closed-loop control calculation is built,the shape meter' computer human interaction is friendly,and function of shape meter is strong,at the same time the intellectualized level of the shape meter is improved.Now,this shape meter has been successfully applied on the 1 250 mm cold strip mill of Angang Steel Company Limited,the long-term operating testing is done,every guide line achieves the anticipative effect,the measuring precision is high and the measuring signal is stable and reliable,the shape meter is tested on high speed,big tension,changed wrap angle and big depressed complicated working conditions,any scratch of the detection roller surface and the strip surface is not appearing,it can completely adapt well to the industrial production environment,reaching the international advanced level. 展开更多
关键词 cold strip shape meter entire roller inlayed block detection roller spray wet slip ring digital signal processing hardware system intelligentized software system
The Complex Beauty of Chinese Filigree Inlay Art
作者 JIAO FENG 《China Today》 2019年第5期68-69,共2页
IN Chinese costume dramas, imperial concubines are always seen wearing delicate decorations on the head, from phoenix coronets dotted with splendid jewelry to hairpins with elegant dangling ornaments. Those crafted it... IN Chinese costume dramas, imperial concubines are always seen wearing delicate decorations on the head, from phoenix coronets dotted with splendid jewelry to hairpins with elegant dangling ornaments. Those crafted items combine colorful jewelry with gold wires;the craft used to manufacture them is called Chinese filigree inlay. 展开更多
Exploration on Internal Inlaying Drip Irrigation Pipe and Standards
作者 张胜军 周婷 +1 位作者 冉文生 李学颖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第5期866-869,873,共5页
In the test, internal inlay drip irrigation pipes with different wal thicknesses or diameters (¢at 12 mm and 16 mm) were tested under varying tension forces and it was concluded that 90 N is the rational one. What... In the test, internal inlay drip irrigation pipes with different wal thicknesses or diameters (¢at 12 mm and 16 mm) were tested under varying tension forces and it was concluded that 90 N is the rational one. What’s more, the smal er drip-irrigation inner diameter, the thinner wal thickness, and the higher tension force, the lower acceptability, and the larger drip-irrigation inner diameter, the thicker wal thickness, and the lower tension force, the higher acceptability. The causes were analyzed in the research, including manufacturing technique leading to disqualifica-tion and different specifications with the same demands on techniques, and inadap-tation to tension force at 130 N. 展开更多
关键词 Internal inlaying drip irrigation pipe Pul out resistance test Tension range Chinese National standards
作者 向盈盈 黄浩 +3 位作者 李雪林 夏志刚 段开文 宋飞 《昆明医科大学学报》 CAS 2024年第2期166-169,共4页
目的研究在嵌体制作教学中,CAD/CAM技术的应用价值。方法以在昆明医科大学附属延安医院口腔科实习的60名本科生为研究对象,随机分为实验组(n=30)和对照组(n=30);选择合适的临床病例让学生进行下颌磨牙邻面嵌体牙体预备,指导教师通过不... 目的研究在嵌体制作教学中,CAD/CAM技术的应用价值。方法以在昆明医科大学附属延安医院口腔科实习的60名本科生为研究对象,随机分为实验组(n=30)和对照组(n=30);选择合适的临床病例让学生进行下颌磨牙邻面嵌体牙体预备,指导教师通过不同的方式对第1次预备结果进行指导,由学生进行2次修改预备,考核小组对最终预备体的预备量、预备体外形、面洞形、鸠尾固位型、邻面洞形5个方面进行打分评价。结果实验组各项检测指标分值均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论CAD/CAM技术应用于嵌体制作教学中可有效提高学生临床动手能力,达到较传统教学方式更好的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 计算机辅助设计和制造 嵌体制作 教学
职业教育传承非遗中华优秀传统工艺的探索与实践——以广州番禺职业技术学院珠宝首饰类“双高”专业群传承花丝镶嵌工艺为例 被引量:1
作者 马春宇 李坤 杨井兰 《科教文汇》 2024年第5期143-146,共4页
以广州番禺职业技术学院珠宝首饰技术与管理“双高”专业群传承花丝镶嵌国家级非遗中华优秀传统工艺的实践经验为基础,对职业教育传承非遗中华优秀传统工艺的功能定位、现实困境、破解之道、实施路径等内容进行了系统研究,以期为职业教... 以广州番禺职业技术学院珠宝首饰技术与管理“双高”专业群传承花丝镶嵌国家级非遗中华优秀传统工艺的实践经验为基础,对职业教育传承非遗中华优秀传统工艺的功能定位、现实困境、破解之道、实施路径等内容进行了系统研究,以期为职业教育传承非遗中华优秀传统工艺提供理论指导和经验借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 非遗传承 传统工艺 花丝镶嵌 文化自信
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