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Ecosystem Service Value of Jingtaichuan Electric Power Irrigation Engineering
作者 Zhao Jianlin Dong Zhiyang 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2019年第2期33-40,共8页
The ecosystem service value of Jingtaichuan electric power irrigation engineering( referred to as Jingdian engineering) was divided into internal value( the value of farmland system,shelter forest system outside of fa... The ecosystem service value of Jingtaichuan electric power irrigation engineering( referred to as Jingdian engineering) was divided into internal value( the value of farmland system,shelter forest system outside of farmland and wetland waters) and external value( the ecological service value of ecological migration to the vegetation restoration of the Qilian Mountains) firstly,and then it was analyzed by using the model method and the factor equivalent method. The results showed that the internal ecological service value of Jingdian engineering was 36. 3 ×10~8 yuan,which was 25. 0 times larger than the total annual cost. The external ecological service value was 40. 05 ×10~8 yuan,which was 27. 6 times larger than the total annual cost. Among the three functional systems,the ecological service value of farmland system was the largest. The ecological service value of farmland system was mainly reflected in waste disposal,wind prevention and sand fixation,and food production. The external ecological service value was mainly the ecological service value of migration to vegetation restoration in the Qilian Mountains. Jingdian engineering is the only highlifting project that raises water to the desert in China. It transfers water from outer basins to control desertification and provides a successful road for ecological migration and desertification control in arid areas. 展开更多
关键词 irrigation area ECOSYSTEM ECOLOGICAL MIGRATION ECOSYSTEM service value Jingtaichuan electric power irrigation engineering
Approaches to municipal wastewater irrigation and environmental protection
作者 Gao ZhengminInstitute of Applied Ecology,Academia Sinica,Shenyang,China 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1990年第2期63-70,共8页
To reuse the water and nutrient resources from ecological point of view the goals, criteria and constraint conditions of the scientifically municipal wastewater irrigation are discussed as well as the practice in majo... To reuse the water and nutrient resources from ecological point of view the goals, criteria and constraint conditions of the scientifically municipal wastewater irrigation are discussed as well as the practice in major municipal wastewater irrigation areas in China is introduced, of which particularly the effects of municipal water irrigation mixing with oil refinery wastewater on the agricultural ecosystem are studied and described. It has been revealed that benzo(a)pyrene in various parts of paddy crop is attributed to air pollution, water-soil pollution and biosynthesis of plant. Of exogenous contributions of benzo(a)pyrene in paddy shoot system under natural condition, the dominant factor is the air pollution, whereas the water-soil factor is considered to be secondary. Therefore, it is mostly urgent to control the air pollution source of benzo(a)pyrene, to which the edible parts of various green plants are exposed directly. 展开更多
关键词 municipal wastewater irrigation land treatment system benzo(a)pyrene pollution ecological engineering.
Ecological engineering land treatment systems──A new development in China
作者 Gong Ping Sun Tieheng (Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110015, China) 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1996年第3期341-353,共13页
This paper elucidated the necessity and possibility of developing the technology of land treatment on the basis of the analysis of shortage and pollution status of water resources in China.The historical development o... This paper elucidated the necessity and possibility of developing the technology of land treatment on the basis of the analysis of shortage and pollution status of water resources in China.The historical development of this technology in the world was briefly reviewed and the distinction between land treatment and conventional wastewater irrigation was discussed in details. The fundamental characteristics and functions as well as the integrity and compatibility of this ecological engineering were also summarized. It was finally concluded that this technology for wastewater treatment has broad prospects of application in China. 展开更多
关键词 wastewater treatment ecological engineering land treatment system (EELTS) water pollution water resources sewage irrigation.
作者 邹林 邹征臻 《科学技术创新》 2025年第4期185-188,共4页
为了提升现代农业基地的农田灌溉效率与水资源管理水平,本文通过介绍现代农业基地的概况,详细分析了农田水利工程的整体规划设计、水利设施布局、农渠横纵断面设计及灌溉分水量的计算方法。研究重点聚焦于如何通过科学设计实现灌溉覆盖... 为了提升现代农业基地的农田灌溉效率与水资源管理水平,本文通过介绍现代农业基地的概况,详细分析了农田水利工程的整体规划设计、水利设施布局、农渠横纵断面设计及灌溉分水量的计算方法。研究重点聚焦于如何通过科学设计实现灌溉覆盖率的全面提升与灌溉分布的均匀性优化。通过实证分析,本文提出了提高灌溉效果的有效策略。研究结果表明,科学合理的农田水利工程设计与灌溉管理能够显著提升农田灌溉效率,促进水资源的高效利用,为现代农业的可持续发展奠定坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 现代农业基地 农田 水利工程 设计 灌溉 效果
基于Google Earth Engine的干旱区水资源承载现状精准核算--以新疆生产建设兵团为例
作者 李婧昕 许尔琪 张红旗 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1417-1426,共10页
近年来,水资源利用超载导致新疆生产建设兵团(下称“兵团”)生产生态问题频发,科学精准评估水资源承载现状能够为兵团社会经济发展和生态环境治理提供重要参考。兵团社会经济用水中绝大部分为灌溉用水,因此耕地面积数据精度显著影响水... 近年来,水资源利用超载导致新疆生产建设兵团(下称“兵团”)生产生态问题频发,科学精准评估水资源承载现状能够为兵团社会经济发展和生态环境治理提供重要参考。兵团社会经济用水中绝大部分为灌溉用水,因此耕地面积数据精度显著影响水资源承载现状评价结果,然而现实中耕地面积统计数据存在一定偏差,增加了水资源承载现状评估的不确定性。基于此,通过引入Google Earth Engine(GEE)大数据平台和净耕地系数,精确修订耕地面积;并模拟常规灌溉、膜上灌溉和混合灌溉3种灌溉用水情景,构建三生用水核算体系,对兵团及各师水资源承载现状进行精准评估。结果表明:兵团耕地校正系数为1.27,说明兵团耕地面积有约27%的偏差;在与实际用水相近的混合灌溉情景中,基于耕地面积统计数据的兵团总需水量为106.45×10^(8) m^(3),相对兵团总引水量尚有9.20%余量;通过GEE校正耕地面积后,兵团总需水量为125.64×10^(8) m^(3),超载7.16%,且13个师中仅四师和十师2个师用水量不超载,表明灌溉用水过度占用有限的水资源量、挤占大量生态用水,是导致兵团水资源超载和生产生态问题频发的关键。本研究实现了对兵团水资源承载现状的科学精准评估,能够为兵团水资源利用及优化配置、区域可持续发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 水资源承载现状 精准核算 Google Earth engine 新疆生产建设兵团 灌溉用水 超载程度
作者 冯天权 胡小梅 杨攀 《水利水电快报》 2024年第9期111-116,共6页
为研究数字孪生技术在水利工程领域的应用,结合数字孪生灌区建设要求,基于漳河信息化现状,介绍了数字孪生漳河灌区建设的总体思路、技术架构以及关键技术,从立体感知体系、自动控制系统、支撑保障体系、数字孪生平台、业务应用平台及网... 为研究数字孪生技术在水利工程领域的应用,结合数字孪生灌区建设要求,基于漳河信息化现状,介绍了数字孪生漳河灌区建设的总体思路、技术架构以及关键技术,从立体感知体系、自动控制系统、支撑保障体系、数字孪生平台、业务应用平台及网络安全体系6个方面总结了数字孪生漳河灌区建设的初步成效。研究表明:数字孪生技术可以帮助灌区进行模拟预测,提高水资源利用效率和灌区整体经济效益,实现数字孪生模型与实际系统的实时互动,提升灌区运行效率和响应能力。研究成果可为相关领域的研究和应用提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 数字孪生 洪水调度 兴利调度 工程标准化管理 漳河灌区
作者 蒋华波 《广西水利水电》 2024年第1期90-92,96,共4页
关键词 水源工程 正常蓄水位 方案比选 龙云灌区
作者 张聪 盛建东 +4 位作者 朱先海 轩俊伟 周学林 杨世平 蒋平安 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2024年第6期95-101,共7页
滴灌工程作为干旱区绿洲灌溉农业增产增收的一项革命性技术工程,对农业生产和生态环境产生着深远影响。为了有效评估滴灌工程对农业生产能力的影响,将沙雅县作为研究区域,利用归一化差异植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Inde... 滴灌工程作为干旱区绿洲灌溉农业增产增收的一项革命性技术工程,对农业生产和生态环境产生着深远影响。为了有效评估滴灌工程对农业生产能力的影响,将沙雅县作为研究区域,利用归一化差异植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)数据集、气象数据集和土地利用/覆被变化(Land Use/Cover Change,LUCC)数据集,对滴灌工程在建设与运行期间(2014-2022年)的县域NDVI及耕地面积时空变化进行分析。结果表明:①2014-2022年,全县耕地面积增加了83.83 km^(2),其中滴灌工程区占比71.22%。②滴灌工程区耕地NDVI平均增长率为0.44%/a,而非滴灌工程区耕地NDVI平均增长率仅为0.30%/a,滴灌工程区耕地NDVI变化较为明显。③滴灌工程实施后,年降水量降低了42.48%,然而县域NDVI却呈现出“增加—平缓—增加”的变化特征,平均增速为0.27%/a,平均增长11.53%。农业生产能力没有降低反而增加。滴灌工程的实施,不仅促进了土地流转与规模化经营,田块的破碎化程度降低,显著扩大了有效耕地面积,更重要的是县域农业产能(NDVI)与节水抗旱能力显著提升,沙雅县整体农业生产能力得到提高。因此,滴灌工程对于提高干旱区农业生产能力和生态环境具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 滴灌工程 沙雅县 归一化差异植被指数 土地利用/覆被变化 农业生产能力
农业水利工程节水灌溉效果的要点分析及优化建议 被引量:5
作者 孙国光 《科技创新与生产力》 2024年第1期63-66,共4页
我国新农村建设是一项提高农民生活水平和生活质量的社会建设工程,而农业水利工程节水灌溉建设作为其不容忽视的一部分,对农作物种植和农业规模发展的作用很大。因此,本文着重分析了我国农业水利工程节水灌溉的建设要点,分析了当下农业... 我国新农村建设是一项提高农民生活水平和生活质量的社会建设工程,而农业水利工程节水灌溉建设作为其不容忽视的一部分,对农作物种植和农业规模发展的作用很大。因此,本文着重分析了我国农业水利工程节水灌溉的建设要点,分析了当下农业水利工程中常见的灌溉模式应用效果以及发展趋势,还针对性地提出了对农业水利工程节水灌溉建设的优化建议。 展开更多
关键词 农业 水利工程 节水灌溉 效果分析
Design and Sizing of an Ecological Wastewater Treatment System in a School Environment: A Case Study of Ndiebene Gandiol 1 School
作者 Falilou Coundoul Abdou Khafor Ndiaye +1 位作者 Abdoulaye Deme David de la Varga 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 CAS 2024年第1期41-57,共17页
The primary objective of this study was to design and size a sustainable sanitation solution for the Ndiebene Gandiol 1 school located in the eponymous commune in northern Senegal. Field investigations led to the coll... The primary objective of this study was to design and size a sustainable sanitation solution for the Ndiebene Gandiol 1 school located in the eponymous commune in northern Senegal. Field investigations led to the collection of wastewater samples. Their analysis revealed specific pollutant loads, including loads of BOD5 3.6966 kgO<sub>2</sub>/day and COD of 12.8775 kgO<sub>2</sub>/day, which were central to the design phase. Following a rigorous assessment of the existing sanitation infrastructure, constructed wetland (CWs) emerged as the most appropriate ecological solution. This system, valued for its ability to effectively remove contaminants, was tailored to the specific needs of the site. Consequently, the final design of the filter extends over 217.16 m<sup>2</sup>, divided into two cells of 108.58 m<sup>2</sup> each, with dimensions of 12.77 m in length and 8.5 m in width. The depth of the filtering medium is approximately 0.60 m, meeting the standards while ensuring maximized purification. Typha, an indigenous and prolific plant known for its purification abilities, was selected as the filtering agent. Concurrently, non-crushed gravel was chosen for its proven filtration capacity. This study is the result of a combination of scientific rigor and design expertise. It provides a holistic view of sanitation for Ndiebene Gandiol. The technical specifications and dimensions of the constructed wetland filter embody an approach that marries indepth analysis and practical application, all aimed at delivering an effective and long-lasting solution to the local sanitation challenges. By integrating precise scientific data with sanitation design expertise, this study delivers a holistic solution for Ndiebene Gandiol. The detailed dimensions and specifications of the constructed wetland filter reflect a methodology that combines meticulous analysis with practical adaptation, aiming to provide an effective and sustainable response to the challenges of rural and school sanitation in the northern region of Senegal. 展开更多
关键词 Water Review Hydraulic engineering Water Treatment Agricultural irrigation SANITATION engineering Environment
Ecological Wastewater Treatment System Using a Horizontal Flow Biological Reactor: The Case of Vetiver
作者 Falilou Coundoul Abdou Khafor Ndiaye Abdoulaye Deme 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第1期26-38,共13页
Confronted with the challenge of wastewater management, particularly in the school environment of Senegal, our study set out to achieve multiple objectives. Following field surveys, laboratory analyses of wastewater s... Confronted with the challenge of wastewater management, particularly in the school environment of Senegal, our study set out to achieve multiple objectives. Following field surveys, laboratory analyses of wastewater samples were carried out, revealing a significant pollutant load. In the community of Gandiol, near Saint-Louis (Senegal), the school of Ndiebene Gandiol 1 faces significant sanitation challenges. Our study aimed to address this issue by using a constructed filter composed of two filtering bed cells measuring 12 × 8.5 m, preceded by a septic tank. We particularly focused on the influence of Vetiver;a plant chosen for its purification potential. Our analyses showed remarkable efficiency of the filter. Elimination rates reached 95% for 5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), 91% for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and 92% for SS, far exceeding the Senegalese standards set at 50 mg/L, 200 mg/L, and 40 mg/L, respectively. Furthermore, the concentration of fecal coliforms was reduced to 176 FCU/100mL, well below the Senegalese threshold of 2000 FCU/100mL and close to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation of 1000 FCU/100mL. However, despite these promising results, some parameters, particularly the concentration of certain pollutants, approached the thresholds defined by European legislation. For example, for Suspended Solids (SS), the post-treatment level of 3 mg/L was well below the Senegalese standard but edged close to the European minimum of 10 mg/L. In conclusion, the Vetiver filter demonstrated a remarkable ability to treat school wastewater, offering high pollutant elimination percentages. These results suggest significant opportunities for the reuse of treated water, potentially in areas such as irrigation, though some adjustments may be necessary to meet the strictest standards such as those of the European union (EU). 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulic engineering Wastewater Quality Wastewater Treatment Agricultural irrigation SANITATION engineering ENVIRONMENT
Ecological Wastewater Treatment System in a School Environment Using a Horizontal Flow Biological Reactor: The Case of Typha
作者 Falilou Coundoul Abdou Khafor Ndiaye Abdoulaye Deme 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第1期1-12,共12页
The overarching goal of this study is to offer an effective and sustainable solution to the challenges of sanitation in rural and school settings in the northern region of Senegal. The study explores a wastewater trea... The overarching goal of this study is to offer an effective and sustainable solution to the challenges of sanitation in rural and school settings in the northern region of Senegal. The study explores a wastewater treatment approach based on phytoremediation, with a particular focus on the use of horizontally-flowing reed bed filters. Furthermore, it aims to adapt and optimize these systems for the specific needs of Senegal, focusing on wastewater in school environments. Thus, we constructed a horizontally-flowing reed bed filter, planted with Typha, at the Ndiébène Gandiol school in Senegal. We will investigate the efficiency of wastewater treatment by this horizontally-flowing reed bed filter, emphasizing the role of the plant used: Typha. The filter is described in detail, specifying its dimensions, its composition of flint gravel, and the choice of plants, namely Typha. The experimental protocol is detailed, describing the sampling at the entrance and exit of the filter to evaluate water quality. The parameters analyzed include Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand over 5 days (BOD5), suspended solids, ammonium, nitrates, phosphates, pH, conductivity, and fecal coliforms. The results indicate a significant improvement in water quality after treatment. COD, BOD5, suspended solids, and fecal coliforms are greatly reduced, thus demonstrating the efficacy of the Typha filter. However, nitrate concentrations remain relatively stable, suggesting room for improvement in their elimination. A perspective of reuse of the treated water is considered, showing that the effluents from the planted filter meet Senegalese and international standards for irrigation. The findings suggest that these waters could be used for a variety of crops, thereby reducing the pressure on freshwater resources. In conclusion, the Typha-based filtration system shows promising results for improving water quality in this region of Senegal. However, adjustments are necessary for more effective nitrate removal. This study paves the way for sustainable use of treated wastewater for irrigation, thus contributing to food security and the preservation of water resources. 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulic engineering Wastewater Quality Wastewater Treatment Agricultural irrigation SANITATION engineering Environment
农田水利高效节水灌溉工程的建设与运行管理探讨 被引量:1
作者 张学军 平艳 《工程建设与设计》 2024年第17期260-262,共3页
关键词 农田水利 节水灌溉 工程建设 运行管理
A Comparative Analysis of Vetiver and Typha in Ecological Wastewater Treatment Using a Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetlands in Rural Setting
作者 Falilou Coundoul Abdou Khafor Ndiaye +1 位作者 Abdoulaye Deme Antonina Torrens Armegnol 《Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment》 2024年第1期67-82,共16页
This study presents an assessment of wastewater ecological treatment processes utilizing a horizontal flow bio-reactor at the Ndiebene Gandiol 1 school. It primarily aims to juxtapose the filtration efficacy of two di... This study presents an assessment of wastewater ecological treatment processes utilizing a horizontal flow bio-reactor at the Ndiebene Gandiol 1 school. It primarily aims to juxtapose the filtration efficacy of two distinct vegetative cells, Vetiver and Typha, in the pursuit of sustainable wastewater management strategies for rural scholastic institutions. A synergistic approach was employed, integrating on-site surveys for site-specific insights and laboratory analyses to quantify the pollutant loads pre- and post-treatment. Our findings indicate that both Vetiver and Typha-infused filter beds significantly reduce most contaminants, with particular success in diminishing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5). Vetiver was notable for its superior reduction of COD, achieving an average effluent concentration of 74 mg/L, in contrast to Typha’s 155 mg/L. Conversely, Typha excelled in suspended solids removal, registering 1 mg/L against Vetiver’s 3 mg/L. While both systems notably surpassed the target metrics across several indicators, including fecal coliform reduction, our results pinpoint the need for refinement in phosphate remediation. Conclusively, the study underscores the efficacy of both Vetiver and Typha systems in rural wastewater treatment contexts, with their integrative application potentially paving the way for enhanced system robustness and efficiency. The outcomes herein highlight the imperative for continued research to further hone these ecological treatment modalities, especially concerning phosphate elimination. 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulics Water Treatment Agricultural irrigation SANITATION engineering Environment
灌区管道输水灌溉工程节水改造技术的应用 被引量:1
作者 李立兵 《中国高新科技》 2024年第6期135-137,共3页
文章主要探究了低压管道输水灌溉工程节水改造系统的设计与应用。从某灌区选取10000亩试验区,布置了由取水工程、渠首工程、管道工程、灌溉工程等组成的灌区管道输水灌溉系统。该系统利用地形的自然高差形成压力水头,将水源地的水输送... 文章主要探究了低压管道输水灌溉工程节水改造系统的设计与应用。从某灌区选取10000亩试验区,布置了由取水工程、渠首工程、管道工程、灌溉工程等组成的灌区管道输水灌溉系统。该系统利用地形的自然高差形成压力水头,将水源地的水输送到灌区各处。从实际应用情况看,文章设计的这套节水改造管道输水灌溉系统,在满足灌区农田灌溉需求的基础上,表现出节约用水、造价低廉、施工便捷、使用寿命长等多种优势,在低山丘陵地区的灌区具有推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 管道输水灌溉工程 节水改造 沿程水头损失 分水调压井
作者 李高超 李翔宇 +2 位作者 王倩 郑海花 朱世保 《灌溉排水学报》 CAS CSCD 2024年第S01期53-60,共8页
大中型灌区标准化管理在当前农村水利和农业生产领域扮演着重要角色。位于鲁西北平原的韩家灌区长期以来存在管理体制不完善、日常维护管理不到位、工程监测及巡护资料不规范、档案及资产管理缺乏等一系列问题,无法满足现代化农业生产... 大中型灌区标准化管理在当前农村水利和农业生产领域扮演着重要角色。位于鲁西北平原的韩家灌区长期以来存在管理体制不完善、日常维护管理不到位、工程监测及巡护资料不规范、档案及资产管理缺乏等一系列问题,无法满足现代化农业生产的需求。本文针对灌区的实际情况,进行了标准化管理建设和改革。经过努力,韩家灌区的标准化管理工作成功通过验收,成为山东省首批实现标准化建设的大中型灌区。在此基础上,对大中型灌区标准化管理经验进行了深入总结,涵盖了组织管理、安全管理、工程管理、农业节水与供水管理、信息化管理和经济管理方面。以期为鲁西北平原大中型灌区标准化管理提供经验和工程参考。 展开更多
关键词 鲁西北平原 农村水利工程 大中型灌区 标准化管理
作者 叶海燕 《科技资讯》 2024年第19期165-167,共3页
在推进乡村的产出增长及其经济活力中,农用地的基本建设与维护扮演着关键角色,可以有效地、全方位地促进农作物产能的提升,并累积宝贵的实践知识。根据实际工程情况,首先介绍了该项目的概况,并探讨了其设计优化方法,从而立足自身特色和... 在推进乡村的产出增长及其经济活力中,农用地的基本建设与维护扮演着关键角色,可以有效地、全方位地促进农作物产能的提升,并累积宝贵的实践知识。根据实际工程情况,首先介绍了该项目的概况,并探讨了其设计优化方法,从而立足自身特色和优势,采取更加直接、明确、有力的政策措施,确保农田基础水利建设在社会主义新农村建设中发挥更大作用,使农民得到真正的实惠。 展开更多
关键词 农田 基础设施建设 土壤改良工程 灌溉与排水工程
Performance of a Horizontal Flow Constructed Reed Bed Filter for Municipal Wastewater Treatment: The Case Study of the Prototype Installed at Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis, Senegal
作者 Abdou Khafor Ndiaye Falilou Coundoul +2 位作者 Abdoulaye Deme Antonina Torrens Armengol Abdoulaye Senghor 《Natural Resources》 2024年第1期1-16,共16页
In Saint-Louis, Senegal, a constructed wetland with horizontal flow reed beds (FHa and FHb) has demonstrated significant efficacy in treating municipal wastewater. Analyzing various treatment stages, the system showed... In Saint-Louis, Senegal, a constructed wetland with horizontal flow reed beds (FHa and FHb) has demonstrated significant efficacy in treating municipal wastewater. Analyzing various treatment stages, the system showed only a slight temperature variation, from an influent average of 26.3°C to an effluent of 24.7°C. Electrical conductivity decreased from 1331 mS/cm to 974.5 mS/cm post-primary treatment, with suspended solids (SS) dramatically reduced from 718.9 mg/L to 5.7 mg/L in the final effluent. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) saw a notable decrease, from initial levels of 655.6 mg/L and 1240 mg/L to 2.3 mg/L and 71.3 mg/L, respectively. Nitrogenous compounds (N-TN) and phosphates () also decreased significantly, indicating the system’s nutrient removal capacity. Microbiological analysis revealed a reduction in fecal coliforms from 7.5 Ulog/100ml to 1.8 Ulog/100ml and a complete elimination of helminth eggs. The presence of Phragmites and Typha was instrumental in enhancing these reductions. The system’s compliance with the Senegalese standards for disposal into natural environments, WHO recommendations for unrestricted water reuse in irrigation, and the European legislation for water reuse was established. The effluent quality met the stringent criteria for various classes of agricultural reuse, illustrating the system’s potential for sustainable water management. This wetland model presents a robust solution for water-stressed regions, ensuring environmental protection while supporting agricultural needs. The study calls for ongoing research to further refine the system for optimal, reliable wastewater treatment and water resource sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 Constructed Wetlands Horizontal Flow Reed Beds Wastewater Treatment Phragmites and Typha Plants Physicochemical Pollutant Removal Microbiological Indicators Fecal Coliforms and Helminth Eggs Water Quality Improvement Senegal Water Reuse Standards Sustainable Water Management Agricultural irrigation Reuse Nutrient Removal Efficiency Environmental engineering Ecological Sanitation Systems
作者 赵军 《科技资讯》 2024年第21期166-168,共3页
水资源的充分利用不仅关乎农民的经济收入,还关乎我国农业经济的健康发展。为持续推进现代农业进步,要减少水资源浪费,持续提高水资源的利用质量与效率。应用高效的节水灌溉技术能够将水资源利用到农业生产的不同环节中,在确保农产品质... 水资源的充分利用不仅关乎农民的经济收入,还关乎我国农业经济的健康发展。为持续推进现代农业进步,要减少水资源浪费,持续提高水资源的利用质量与效率。应用高效的节水灌溉技术能够将水资源利用到农业生产的不同环节中,在确保农产品质量与产量的前提下,推进我国农业经济的健康发展,实现社会经济、生态经济及农业经济的协同进步。结合节水灌溉技术的优势特点、技术类型,提出科学、合理的技术应用思路,可以有效提升我国农业发展的质量。 展开更多
关键词 农村 水利工程 节水灌溉 维护管理
作者 谭华 李光祥 +1 位作者 李峰 张昊捷 《黑龙江水利科技》 2024年第11期124-128,共5页
基于农业农村现代化发展的背景,农业基础设施不断发展壮大,国内学界对农田水利工程管理领域不断研究。本研究基于中国知网(CNKI)收录数据,以“农田水利工程管理”为主题,检索出近五年国内学界发表的关于农田水利工程管理的学术文章分析... 基于农业农村现代化发展的背景,农业基础设施不断发展壮大,国内学界对农田水利工程管理领域不断研究。本研究基于中国知网(CNKI)收录数据,以“农田水利工程管理”为主题,检索出近五年国内学界发表的关于农田水利工程管理的学术文章分析研究。研究表明,近五年学界对国内产业发展的研究主要从4个方面来开展:一是宏观层面上的农田水利工程管理研究;二是中观层面上的农田水利工程研究;三是微观层面的农田水利工程研究;四是小型农田水利工程管理的研究。农田水利工程管理领域研究深度不足,在顶层设计上予以侧重,亟待国内学者肩负起新的研究使命。 展开更多
关键词 近五年 农田水利 工程管理
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