The Qinling Orogenic Belt is divided commonly by the Fengxian-Taibai strike-slip shear zone and the Huicheng Basin into the East and West Qinling mountains, which show significant geological differences after the Indo...The Qinling Orogenic Belt is divided commonly by the Fengxian-Taibai strike-slip shear zone and the Huicheng Basin into the East and West Qinling mountains, which show significant geological differences after the Indosinian orogeny. The Fengxian-Taibai fault zone and the Meso-Cenozoic Huicheng Basin, situated at the boundary of the East and West Qinling, provide a natural laboratory for tectonic analysis and sedimentological study of intracontinental tectonic evolution of the Qin- ling Orogenic Belt. In order to explain the dynamic development of the Huicheng Basin and elucidate its post-orogenic tecton- ic evolution at the junction of the East and West Qinling, we studied the geometry and kinematics of fault zones between the blocks of West Qinling, as well as the sedimentary fill history of the Huicheng Basin. First, we found that after the collisional orogeny in the Late Triassic, post-orogenic extensional collapse occurred in the Early and Middle Jurassic within the Qinling Orogenic Belt, resulting in a series of rift basins. Second, in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, a NE-SW compressive stress field caused large-scale sinistral strike-slip faults in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, causing intracontinental escape tectonics at the junction of the East and West Qinling, including eastward finite escape of the East Qinling micro-plate and southwest lateral escape of the Bikou Terrane. Meanwhile, the strike-slip-related Early Cretaceous sedimentary basin was formed with a fight-order echelon arrangement in sinistral shear zones along the southern margin of the Huicheng fault. Overall during the Mesozoic, the Huicheng Basin and surrounding areas experienced four tectonic evolutionary stages, including extensional rift basin development in the Early and Middle Jurassic, intense compressive uplift in the Late Jurassic, formation of a strike-slip extensional basin in the Early Cretaceous, and compressive uplift in the Late Cretaceous.展开更多
对西秦岭北缘漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩的地貌特征、高程分布、沉积特征、构造变形等研究表明:1)该套砾岩分布受西秦岭北缘断层系F2逆冲断层控制,主要由巨砾—中砾砾岩组成,有近源快速磨拉石沉积的特征,代表了上新世以来西秦岭地...对西秦岭北缘漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩的地貌特征、高程分布、沉积特征、构造变形等研究表明:1)该套砾岩分布受西秦岭北缘断层系F2逆冲断层控制,主要由巨砾—中砾砾岩组成,有近源快速磨拉石沉积的特征,代表了上新世以来西秦岭地块沿北缘断层向北逆冲挤出形成的再生前陆磨拉石盆地,指示了西秦岭地块上新世以来的一次强烈的构造隆升。2)这套砾岩出露高程及宏观地貌特征指示了其形成之后又与西秦岭地块一起经历了侵蚀夷平,形成了现今海拔2 600 m 左右统一的夷平面。该夷平面的整体隆升和解体、韩家沟砾岩雅丹地貌形成和发育六级侵蚀阶地或基座阶地的漳河水系形成才真正标志着西秦岭及北缘区域的整体隆升。现今海拔1 800 m 漳河河床与2 600 m 山顶夷平面之间的高差反映了西秦岭及其北缘第四纪以来至少相对隆升了800 m。3)西秦岭北缘漳县韩家沟砾岩下伏的渐新统—中新统红层盆地沉积序列具有伸展断陷盆地充填特征,指示了这个时期西秦岭北缘处于拉张伸展构造状态,也就是说以构造挤压缩短为动力学背景下的青藏高原隆升和构造变形在渐新世—中新世时期尚未扩展至西秦岭北缘区域。尽管该断陷盆地最上部河流相—洪泛相粗碎屑沉积增多和之后地层掀斜及褶皱缩短有可能反映了中新世末或上新世初西秦岭北缘由伸展到挤压的构造转换和构造隆升,但这并不是西秦岭及北缘区域的一次强烈隆升。综上所述,我们认为西秦岭北缘上新统韩家沟砾岩出现标志着西秦岭地块向北强烈逆冲和构造隆升,但西秦岭的这次强烈隆升仅持续到上新统韩家沟砾岩沉积结束,之后西秦岭地块和北部的再生前陆磨拉石盆地一起经历了整体隆升和侵蚀夷平,形成了上新世末或第四纪初的统一夷平面。该山顶夷平面是西秦岭及其北缘区域最后整体强烈隆升的起点。韩家沟砾岩雅丹地貌形成、发育六级侵蚀阶地或基座阶地的漳河水系形成真正指示了西秦岭及北缘区域的整体隆升过程。如果西秦岭及其北缘新生代以来隆升过程在青藏高原东北缘具有代表性,那么就说明青藏高原东北缘真正隆升成为现今青藏高原系统组成部分只是上新世末期或第四纪以来地质事件。展开更多
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40802051&41190074)MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental DynamicsNorthwest University
文摘The Qinling Orogenic Belt is divided commonly by the Fengxian-Taibai strike-slip shear zone and the Huicheng Basin into the East and West Qinling mountains, which show significant geological differences after the Indosinian orogeny. The Fengxian-Taibai fault zone and the Meso-Cenozoic Huicheng Basin, situated at the boundary of the East and West Qinling, provide a natural laboratory for tectonic analysis and sedimentological study of intracontinental tectonic evolution of the Qin- ling Orogenic Belt. In order to explain the dynamic development of the Huicheng Basin and elucidate its post-orogenic tecton- ic evolution at the junction of the East and West Qinling, we studied the geometry and kinematics of fault zones between the blocks of West Qinling, as well as the sedimentary fill history of the Huicheng Basin. First, we found that after the collisional orogeny in the Late Triassic, post-orogenic extensional collapse occurred in the Early and Middle Jurassic within the Qinling Orogenic Belt, resulting in a series of rift basins. Second, in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, a NE-SW compressive stress field caused large-scale sinistral strike-slip faults in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, causing intracontinental escape tectonics at the junction of the East and West Qinling, including eastward finite escape of the East Qinling micro-plate and southwest lateral escape of the Bikou Terrane. Meanwhile, the strike-slip-related Early Cretaceous sedimentary basin was formed with a fight-order echelon arrangement in sinistral shear zones along the southern margin of the Huicheng fault. Overall during the Mesozoic, the Huicheng Basin and surrounding areas experienced four tectonic evolutionary stages, including extensional rift basin development in the Early and Middle Jurassic, intense compressive uplift in the Late Jurassic, formation of a strike-slip extensional basin in the Early Cretaceous, and compressive uplift in the Late Cretaceous.
文摘对西秦岭北缘漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩的地貌特征、高程分布、沉积特征、构造变形等研究表明:1)该套砾岩分布受西秦岭北缘断层系F2逆冲断层控制,主要由巨砾—中砾砾岩组成,有近源快速磨拉石沉积的特征,代表了上新世以来西秦岭地块沿北缘断层向北逆冲挤出形成的再生前陆磨拉石盆地,指示了西秦岭地块上新世以来的一次强烈的构造隆升。2)这套砾岩出露高程及宏观地貌特征指示了其形成之后又与西秦岭地块一起经历了侵蚀夷平,形成了现今海拔2 600 m 左右统一的夷平面。该夷平面的整体隆升和解体、韩家沟砾岩雅丹地貌形成和发育六级侵蚀阶地或基座阶地的漳河水系形成才真正标志着西秦岭及北缘区域的整体隆升。现今海拔1 800 m 漳河河床与2 600 m 山顶夷平面之间的高差反映了西秦岭及其北缘第四纪以来至少相对隆升了800 m。3)西秦岭北缘漳县韩家沟砾岩下伏的渐新统—中新统红层盆地沉积序列具有伸展断陷盆地充填特征,指示了这个时期西秦岭北缘处于拉张伸展构造状态,也就是说以构造挤压缩短为动力学背景下的青藏高原隆升和构造变形在渐新世—中新世时期尚未扩展至西秦岭北缘区域。尽管该断陷盆地最上部河流相—洪泛相粗碎屑沉积增多和之后地层掀斜及褶皱缩短有可能反映了中新世末或上新世初西秦岭北缘由伸展到挤压的构造转换和构造隆升,但这并不是西秦岭及北缘区域的一次强烈隆升。综上所述,我们认为西秦岭北缘上新统韩家沟砾岩出现标志着西秦岭地块向北强烈逆冲和构造隆升,但西秦岭的这次强烈隆升仅持续到上新统韩家沟砾岩沉积结束,之后西秦岭地块和北部的再生前陆磨拉石盆地一起经历了整体隆升和侵蚀夷平,形成了上新世末或第四纪初的统一夷平面。该山顶夷平面是西秦岭及其北缘区域最后整体强烈隆升的起点。韩家沟砾岩雅丹地貌形成、发育六级侵蚀阶地或基座阶地的漳河水系形成真正指示了西秦岭及北缘区域的整体隆升过程。如果西秦岭及其北缘新生代以来隆升过程在青藏高原东北缘具有代表性,那么就说明青藏高原东北缘真正隆升成为现今青藏高原系统组成部分只是上新世末期或第四纪以来地质事件。