As one of the regions most affected by global cli-mate warming,the Tianshan mountains has experienced sev-eral ecological crises,including retreating glaciers and water deficits.Climate warming in these mountains is c...As one of the regions most affected by global cli-mate warming,the Tianshan mountains has experienced sev-eral ecological crises,including retreating glaciers and water deficits.Climate warming in these mountains is considered mainly to be caused by increases in minimum temperatures and winter temperatures,while the influence of maximum temperatures is unclear.In this study,a 300-year tree-ring chronology developed from the Western Tianshan Moun-tains was used to reconstruct the summer(June-August)maximum temperature(T_(max6-8))variations from 1718 to 2017.The reconstruction explained 53.1% of the variance in the observed T_(max6-8).Over the past 300 years,the T_(max6-8)reconstruction showed clear interannual and decadal vari-abilities.There was a significant warming trend(0.18°C/decade)after the 1950s,which was close to the increasing rates of the minimum and mean temperatures.The increase in maximum temperature was also present over the whole Tianshan mountains and its impact on climate warming has increased.The T_(max6-8) variations in the Western Tianshan mountains were influenced by frequent volcanic eruptions combined with the influence of solar activity and the sum-mer North Atlantic Oscillation.This study reveals that cli-mate warming is significantly influenced by the increase in maximum temperatures and clarifies possible driving mech-anisms of temperature variations in the Western Tianshan mountains which should aid climate predictions.展开更多
As one of the regions most affected by global climate warming,the Tianshan mountains has experienced several ecological crises,including retreating glaciers and water deficits.Climate warming in these mountains is con...As one of the regions most affected by global climate warming,the Tianshan mountains has experienced several ecological crises,including retreating glaciers and water deficits.Climate warming in these mountains is considered mainly to be caused by increases in minimum temperatures and winter temperatures,while the influence of maximum temperatures is unclear.In this study,a 300-year tree-ring chronology developed from the Western Tianshan Mountains was used to reconstruct the summer(June-August)maximum temperature(Tmax6-8) variations from 1718 to2017.The reconstruction explained 53.1% of the variance in the observed Tmax6-8.Over the past 300 years,the Tmax6-8reconstruction showed clear interannual and decadal variabilities.There was a significant warming trend(0.18 ℃/decade) after the 1950s,which was close to the increasing rates of the minimum and mean temperatures.The increase in maximum temperature was also present over the whole Tianshan mountains and its impact on climate warming has increased.The Tmax6-8variations in the Western Tianshan mountains were influenced by frequent volcanic eruptions combined with the influence of solar activity and the summer North Atlantic Oscillation.This study reveals that climate warming is significantly influenced by the increase in maximum temperatures and clarifies possible driving mechanisms of temperature variations in the Western Tianshan mountains which should aid climate predictions.展开更多
The Beizhan large iron deposit located in the east part of the Awulale metallogenic belt in the western Tianshan Mountains is hosted in the Unit 2 of the Dahalajunshan Formation as lens, veinlets and stratoid, and bot...The Beizhan large iron deposit located in the east part of the Awulale metallogenic belt in the western Tianshan Mountains is hosted in the Unit 2 of the Dahalajunshan Formation as lens, veinlets and stratoid, and both of the hanging wall and footwall are quartz-monzonite; the dip is to the north with thick and high-grade ore bodies downwards. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite with minor sulfides, such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Skarnization is widespread around the ore bodies, and garnet, diopside, wollastonite, actinolite, epidote, uralite, tourmaline sericite and calcite are ubiquitous as gangues. Radiating outwards from the center of the ore body the deposit can be classified into skarn, calcite, serpentinite and marble zones. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the rhyolite and dacite from the Dahalajunshan Formation indicates that they were formed at 301.3±0.8 Ma and 303.7±0.9 Ma, respectively, which might have been related to the continental arc magmatism during the late stage of subduction in the western Tianshan Mountains. Iron formation is genetically related with volcanic eruption during this interval. The Dahalajunshan Formation and the quartz-monzonite intrusion jointly control the distribution of ore bodies. Both ore textures and wall rock alteration indicate that the Beizhan iron deposit is probably skarn type.展开更多
Stratabound gold deposits in the western Qinling Mountains occur in Cambrian chert formation composed of carbonaceous chert and carbonaceous slate. The distinctive chert formation provides important grounds for the mi...Stratabound gold deposits in the western Qinling Mountains occur in Cambrian chert formation composed of carbonaceous chert and carbonaceous slate. The distinctive chert formation provides important grounds for the mineralization and controls on the formation of gold deposits. Study shows that Se is exceptionally higher in both host rocks and gold orebodies. It may be recovered as a valuable component in ores for total utilization, and in some localities even independent Se orebodies (which are mined exclusively for Se) may be delineated. In gold ore Se mainly occurs as independent minerals or in the isomorphous form in sulphides and there is a positive correlation between Se and Au.展开更多
Soil samples from thirty sites representing four agro-ecological zones in the Western Usambara Mountains (WUM) of the Lushoto District in northern Tanzania were collected and analyzed for different nutrients. The resu...Soil samples from thirty sites representing four agro-ecological zones in the Western Usambara Mountains (WUM) of the Lushoto District in northern Tanzania were collected and analyzed for different nutrients. The results suggested that the major soil fertility constraint was P deficiency. On the basis of critical levels established in other areas, 90% of the soils were ranked as P deficient. This was followed by N, which was ranked as inadequate in 73% of the sites. Magnesium, K, and Ca also appeared limiting with 67%, 53% and 50% of the soils falling below the established critical values, respectively. A few soils (10%) were also found to contain exchangeable Al. The metallic micronutrients (Cu, Fe, and Zn) were adequate in all soils. Two sites had excessive Mn that could lead to toxicity in crops, and one was Mn deficient.展开更多
Based on field geological survey, stratigraphic section measurement and indoor comprehensive investigation, the Zanda Basin's tectonic location in the Himalaya Plate was ascertained, and the formation and evolution o...Based on field geological survey, stratigraphic section measurement and indoor comprehensive investigation, the Zanda Basin's tectonic location in the Himalaya Plate was ascertained, and the formation and evolution of the Zanda Basin during the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene was classified as six stages: (a) primary rift-faulting stage, (b) quick rift-faulting Stage, (c) intensive rift-faulting stage, (d) stasis stage, (e) secondary rift-faulting stage, and (f) secondary quick rift-faulting stage. Based on this six-staged formation-evolution theory of the Zanda Basin, the upwelling process of the Western Himalaya Mountains from the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene was classified as the following five stages: (a) slow upwelling stage (5.4-4.4 Ma), (b) mid-velocity upwelling stage (4.4-3.5 Ma), (c) quick upwelling stage (3.5-3.2 Ma), (d) upwelling-ceasing stage (3.2-2.7 Ma), and (e) quick upwelling stage (2.7 Ma). Research has shown that in the duration from the Early Pliocene (4.7 Ma) to the End of Pliocene (2.67 Ma), which lasted 2.03 million years, the Himalaya Mountains had uplifted 1500 m at a velocity of 0.74 mm/a; this belongs to a mid-velocity upwening. During the 1.31 million years in the Early Stage of the Early Pleistocene, the Himalaya Mountains had risen up another 1500 m at a velocity of 1.15 mm/a; this is a rather quick upwelling. All of these data have shown that the upwelling of the Western Himalaya Mountains is along a complicated process with multi-stages, multi-velocities, and non-uniformitarian features.展开更多
This article discussed about snow temperature variations and their impact on snow cover parameters. Automatic temperature recorders were used to sample at lo-minute intervals at the Tianshan Station for Snow-cover and...This article discussed about snow temperature variations and their impact on snow cover parameters. Automatic temperature recorders were used to sample at lo-minute intervals at the Tianshan Station for Snow-cover and Avalanche Research, Chinese snow temperature Academy of Sciences. lo-layer and the snow cover parameters were measured by the snow property analyzer (Snow Fork) in its Stable period, Interim period and Snow melting period. Results indicate that the amplitude of the diurnal fluctuation in the temperature during Snow melting period is 1.62 times greater than that during Stable period. Time up to the peak temperature at the snow surface lags behind the peak solar radiation by more than 2.5 hours, and lags behind the peak atmospheric temperature by more than 0.2 hours during all three periods. The optimal fitted function of snow temperature profile becomes more complicated from Stable period to Snow melting period. 22 h temperature profiles in Stable period are the optimal fitted by cubic polynomial equation. In Interim period and Snow melting period, temperature profiles are optimal fitted by exponential equation between sunset and sunrise, and by Fourier function when solar radiation is strong. The vertical gradient in the snow temperature reaches its maximum value at the snow surface for three periods. The peak of this maximum value occurs during Stableperiod, and is 4.46 times greater than during Interim period. The absolute value of temperature gradient is lower than 0.1℃ cm-1 for 30 cm beneath snow surface. Snow temperature and temperature gradient in Stable period-Interim period indirectly cause increase (decrease) of snow density mainly by increasing (decreasing) permittivity. While it dramatically increases its water content to change its permittivity and snow density in Snow melting period.展开更多
The Aiketik Group, distributed at the western end of the South TianshanMountains, China, is an important lithostratigraphic unit involved in the South Tianshan orogen. Itis separated from the adjacent rocks by faults....The Aiketik Group, distributed at the western end of the South TianshanMountains, China, is an important lithostratigraphic unit involved in the South Tianshan orogen. Itis separated from the adjacent rocks by faults. Generally, the geologists ascribed it to the UpperCarboniferous according to Pseudostaffella sp., Profusulinella sp. and Fusulinella sp. found fromthe limestone and sandy limestone of Aiketik. Our radiolarian fossils were obtained from the chertsamples collected from the Haladaok section located at the upper Tuoshihan River. The fossils mainlyinclude Albaillella undulata Deflandre, Albaillella paradoxa Deflandre, Albaillella sp. aff. A.paradoxa Deflandre, Albaillella sp. cf. A. deflandrei Gourmelon, Albaillella sp., Albaillellaexcelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto (?), Belowea variabilis (Ormiston et Lane), Callella cf. C.parvispinosa Won, Entactinia cf. E. tortispina Ormiston et Lane, Entactinia aff. E. tortispinaOrmiston et Lane, Entactinia variospina Won, Entactinia sp., Eostylodictya rota (Won),Latentifistula impella (Ormistone et Lane) (?), Latentifistula turgita Omiston et Lane,Latentifistulidae gen. et. sp. indet. and Polyentactinia cf. aranea Gourmelon. Among them,Albaillella excelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto (?) is a Late Permian species with some elementsuncertain as there is only one poorly-preserved fossil of this species found so far. And tworadiolarian assemblages can be identified from the other fossils. One is the early EarlyCarboniferous assemblage represented by Albaillella undulata Deflandre, Albaillella paradoxa andAlbaillella sp. cf. A. deflandrei Gourmelon. And the other is the late Early Carboniferousassemblage represented by Eostylodictya rota (Won). This is the first discovery of radiolarianfossils in the Aiketik Group, also the first discovery of Late Permian radiolarian fossils in theSouth Tianshan Mountains. Meanwhile, this is the current westernmost sampling site of radiolarianfossils in the South Tianshan Mountains.展开更多
The western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains is one of the poorly studied regions in northwestern China. Through a structural analysis of the typical sections, we have the following views: (1) There is a very well...The western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains is one of the poorly studied regions in northwestern China. Through a structural analysis of the typical sections, we have the following views: (1) There is a very well developed fault system in the western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains and thrust propagation, normal slip and decoupling are the chief deformation events in this area. (2) Although the thrusting started in the Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, strong activity took place in the Miocene-Quaternary when the Kumkol basin was strongly downwarped. (3) The tectonic pattern of coexistence of N-directed thrust propagation and S-directed normal slip in this area is consistent with the general tectonic pattern of the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau and also very similar to that of the Himalayan region on the southern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, but their directions between the thrust propagation are opposite and all the strong thrust propagations occurred from the Miocene-Pliocene to Quaternary, a period featuring strong collision between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate and abrupt uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. This oppositely directed thrust propagation and normal slip reveal such kinematic characteristics as symmetric propagations of deep-seated materials towards the north and south beneath the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and gravitational sliding of superficial materials towards the interior of the plateau. Therefore, the establishment of the fault system in the study area may provide an approach to the study of deep processes of the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau and the construction of a unified geodynamic model for the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau.展开更多
In the present work,15400 yr old geochemical records of a core from the subalpine Daping swamp are presented with the aim to examine the relationship between the chemical weathering and the climatic changes in the reg...In the present work,15400 yr old geochemical records of a core from the subalpine Daping swamp are presented with the aim to examine the relationship between the chemical weathering and the climatic changes in the region of the western Nanling Mountains,China.The climate of the study region was deeply controlled by the East Asian summer monsoon.The results indicate that,in the past 15400 yrs,the values of chemical index of alteration(CIA)ranged from 73.9%to 88.2%(mean:85.3%),suggested a medium and high intensity of chemical weathering.The local exogenous clastic materials,which were derived from the weathered residues,played a key role in contributing towards the sediments.Since the climate-induced chemical weathering exerted strong influences on the geochemical features of weathered residues,the geochemical characteristics of the sediments were deeply impacted by climatic conditions.Wetter and warmer conditions would favor increased chemical weathering,resulting in more leaching of soluble and mobile elements(e.g.,Ba and Sr)and leaving the resistant and immobile elements(e.g.,Al and Ti)enriched in the weathered residues.These materials were then eroded and transported into the lake,and led to the sediments characterized by the characteristic of having depleted soluble elements.In contrast,dry and cold conditions would result in an opposite trend.In this sense,the geochemical records can serve as proxies to indicate changes of chemical weathering intensity,which were closely related to the evolution of summer monsoon.展开更多
Malus sieversii(wild apple tree),only distributed in the Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia,is a tertiary relic species and an ancestral species of cultivated apples.However,existing natural populations of wild apple ...Malus sieversii(wild apple tree),only distributed in the Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia,is a tertiary relic species and an ancestral species of cultivated apples.However,existing natural populations of wild apple trees have been declining.To date,spatiotemporal variations in the growth status of declining wild apple trees and influencing factors in the narrow valley areas in the Tianshan Mountains remain unclear.In this study,field investigation and sampling were carried out in three years(2016-2018)at four elevations(1300,1400,1500,and 1600 m)in the Qiaolakesai Valley(a typical longitudinal narrow valley in the Yili River Valley)of the western Tianshan Mountains in Xinyuan County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China.Projective coverage,dead branch percentage,and 18 twig traits(these 20 parameters were collectively referred to as plant traits)were determined to comprehensively reflect the growth status of declining wild apple trees.The values of dead branch percentage ranged from 36%to 59%,with a mean of 40%.Year generally showed higher impact on plant traits than elevation.In 2017 and 2018,projective coverage,leaf size,leaf nitrogen concentration,and nitrogen to phosphorous ratio were markedly higher than those in 2016.However,dead branch percentage and leaf and stem phosphorous concentrations showed the opposite trend.Most of the topological parameters of plant trait networks differed in the three years,but the strength of trait-trait association increased year by year.The mean difference between day and night temperatures(MDT),annual accumulative precipitation,soil electrical conductivity,and soil pH had the greatest impact on the plant trait matrix.The growth status of declining wild apple trees was directly and positively affected by MDT and leaf size.In conclusion,the growth of declining wild apple trees distributed in the narrow valley areas was more sensitive to interannual environmental changes than elevation changes.The results are of great significance for further revealing the decline mechanism of wild apple trees in the Tianshan Mountains.展开更多
Pseudosection modeling for the garnet amphibolite samples from the Western Dabie Mountains show they have experienced similar HP metamorphic evolution with that of the adjected eclogites.The common assemblage of
The most of high/ultrahigh-pressure(HP/UHP)terranes of the world are characterized by the occurrence of numerous pods,lenses or layered blocks of eclogite and amphibolites(e.g.O’Brien,1997;Elvevold and Gilotti,2000;Z...The most of high/ultrahigh-pressure(HP/UHP)terranes of the world are characterized by the occurrence of numerous pods,lenses or layered blocks of eclogite and amphibolites(e.g.O’Brien,1997;Elvevold and Gilotti,2000;Zhang et al.,2003;and references there in).Field and petrological features suggest that amphibolites should展开更多
Purpose–This study aims to analyze the impact mechanism of typical environments in China’s western mountainous areas on the durability of railway concrete and propose measures to improve durability.Design/methodolog...Purpose–This study aims to analyze the impact mechanism of typical environments in China’s western mountainous areas on the durability of railway concrete and propose measures to improve durability.Design/methodology/approach–With the continuous promotion of infrastructure construction,the focus of China’s railway construction has gradually shifted to the western region.The four typical environments of large temperature differences,strong winds and dryness,high cold and low air pressure unique to the western mountainous areas of China have adverse effects on the durability of typical railway structure concrete(bridges,ballastless tracks and tunnels).This study identified the characteristics of four typical environments in the western mountainous areas of China through on-site research.The impact mechanism of the four typical environments on the durability of concrete in different structural parts of railways has been explored through theoretical analysis and experimental research;Finally,a strategy for improving the durability of railway concrete suitable for the western mountainous areas of China was proposed.Findings–The daily temperature difference in the western mountainous areas of China is more than twice that of the plain region,which will lead to significant temperature deformation and stress in the multi-layered structure of railway ballastless tracks.It will result in cracking.The wind speed in the western plateau region is about 2.5 to 3 times that of the plain region,and the average annual rainfall is only 1/5 of that in the plain region.The drying effect on the surface of casting concrete will significantly accelerate its cracking process,leading to serious durability problems.The environmental temperature in the western mountainous areas of China is generally low,and there are more freeze-thaw cycles,which will increase the risk of freeze-thaw damage to railway concrete.The environmental air pressure in the western plateau region is only 60%of that in the plain region.The moisture inside the concrete is more likely to diffuse into the surrounding environment under the pressure difference,resulting in greater water loss and shrinkage deformation of the concrete in the plateau region.The above four issues will collectively lead to the rapid deterioration of concrete durability in the western plateau region.The corresponding durability improvement suggestions from theoretical research,new technology development and standard system was proposed in this paper.Originality/value–The research can provide the mechanism of durability degradation of railway concrete in the western mountainous areas of China and corresponding improvement strategies.展开更多
The late Paleozoic adakitic rocks are closely associated with the shoshonitic volcanic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains, China, both spatially and temporally. The magmatic rocks were formed during the period fr...The late Paleozoic adakitic rocks are closely associated with the shoshonitic volcanic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains, China, both spatially and temporally. The magmatic rocks were formed during the period from the middle to the late Permian with isotopic ages of 248-268 Ma. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of the rocks are low in a narrow variation range (-0.7050). The 143Nd/144Nd initial ratios are high (-0.51240) with positive εND(t) values (+1.28-+4.92). In the εNd(t)-(87Sr/86Sr)i diagram they fall in the first quadrant. The association of the shoshonitic and adakitic rocks can be interpreted by a two-stage model: the shoshonitic volcanic rocks were formed through long-term fractional crystallization of underplated basaltic magma, while the following partial melting of the residual phases formed the adakitic rocks.展开更多
The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in disp...The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute. Generally, HP eclogite involves garnet, omphacite, hornblendes and quartz, with or without glaucophane, zoisite and phengite. The garnet has compositional zoning with XMg increase, XCa and XMn decrease from core to rim, which indicates a progressive metamorphism. The phase equilibria of the HP eclogite modeled by the P-T pseudosection method developed recently showed the following: (1) the growth zonation of garnet records a progressive metamorphic PT path from pre-peak condition of 1.9-2.1 GPa at 508~C-514~C to a peak one of 2.3-2.5 GPa at 528~C-531~C for the HP eclogite; (2) the peak mineral assemblage is garnet+omphacite+glaucophane+quartz_+phengite, likely paragenetic with lawsonite; (3) the extensive hornblendes derive mainly from glaucophane, partial omphacite and even a little garnet due to the decompression with some heating during the post-peak stage, mostly representing the conditions of about 1.4-1.6 GPa and 580~C-640~C, and their growth is favored by the dehydration of lawsonite into zoisite or epidote, but most of the garnet, omphacite or phengite in the HP eclogite still preserve their compositions at peak condition, and they are not obviously equilibrious with the hornblendes.展开更多
Forests are important ecosystems for economic and social development.However,the response of tree radial growth to climate has produced‘divergent problems'at high latitudes under global warming.In this study,the ...Forests are important ecosystems for economic and social development.However,the response of tree radial growth to climate has produced‘divergent problems'at high latitudes under global warming.In this study,the response stability and trend of Picea schrenkiana radial growth to variability in climate factors were analyzed in the mid-latitudes of the western Tien Shan Mountains.Radial growth of P.schrenkiana was mainly limited by minimum and mean temperatures.The divergent responses of radial growth occurred in response to the minimum and mean temperatures at the beginning of the growing season(April–May)of the current year,but responses to drought occurred in July–September of the previous year.And the mean and minimum temperatures in June–September of the current year were both stable.Radial growth first increased and then decreased according to the basal area increment,with a gradual increase in temperature.Therefore,forest ecosystems in mountainous arid areas will be increasingly affected by future climate warming.展开更多
Making rural settlements of Mountainous Regions in Western Sichuan as the study objects and using symbolic statistical methods, then combining the case study of Daofu County, the paper analyzes the negative impact of ...Making rural settlements of Mountainous Regions in Western Sichuan as the study objects and using symbolic statistical methods, then combining the case study of Daofu County, the paper analyzes the negative impact of the scattered rural settlements on infrastructure construction, farmers' income increase and mountain ecological reconstruction in mountainous regions of western Sichuan. The results indicate that economic density is positively related to both rural settlements density (R^2=0.73) and rural population density (R^2=0.77), and it is the same for relationship between towns density and rural settlements density (R^2=0.88) and between towns density and economic density (R^2=0.71), and the scattered distribution pattern of the rural settlements and shortage of economic centers is a major factor to the lagged socioeconomic development. On the eco-economic zoning to Daofu County, the paper indicates the spatial distribution model and the industrial development model of the rural settlements need to be changed, and rural population should be concentrated in larger rural settlements with development of off-farm industries while infrastructure construction is to reinforced.展开更多
Based on digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by 28 long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network, source process of the November 14, 2001 western Kunlun Mountain MS=8.1 (MW=7.8) earth- q...Based on digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by 28 long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network, source process of the November 14, 2001 western Kunlun Mountain MS=8.1 (MW=7.8) earth- quake is estimated by a new inversion method. The result shows that the earthquake is a very complex rupture event. The source rupture initiated at the hypocenter (35.95°N, 90.54°E, focal depth 10 km, by USGS NEIC), and propagated to the west at first. Then, in several minutes to a hundred minutes and over a large spatial range, several rupture growth points emerged in succession at the eastern end and in the central part of the finite fault. And then the source rupture propagated from these rupture growth points successively and, finally, stopped in the area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position (35.80°N, 92.91°E, focal depth 15 km, by Harvard CMT). The entire rupture lasted for 142 s, and the source process could be roughly separated into three stages: The first stage started at the 0 s and ended at the 52 s, lasting for 52 s and releasing approximately 24.4% of the total moment; The sec- ond stage started at the 55 s and ended at the 113 s, lasting for 58 s and releasing approximately 56.5% of the total moment; The third stage started at the 122 s and ended at the 142 s, lasting for 20 s and releasing approximately 19.1% of the total moment. The length of the ruptured fault plane is about 490 km. The maximum width of the ruptured fault plane is about 45 km. The rupture mainly occurred within 30 km in depth under the surface of the Earth. The average static slip in the underground rocky crust is about 1.2 m with the maximum static slip 3.6 m. The average static stress drop is about 5 MPa with the maximum static stress drop 18 MPa. The maximum static slip and the maximum stress drop occurred in an area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position.展开更多
In the western Dabie Mountain area, the eclogites have similar compositions and tectonic environment, which could be contrastively researched. Except for the reservation of the early structural deformation inside and ...In the western Dabie Mountain area, the eclogites have similar compositions and tectonic environment, which could be contrastively researched. Except for the reservation of the early structural deformation inside and outside of the eclogite lens, there is no obvious difference between the characteristics of the foliation and lineation in the eclogite lens from the one in surrounding region. So this paper concludes that the eclogites or blueschists (high pressure metamorphic rocks, i. e. HPM) are basically situated in the original position. The eclogites are mostly superposed by the ductile shear zone and show the feature of structural displacement, but so far we have not discovered any large scale structural zone to uplift eclogite return. Based on the analyses of finite strain measure, petrofabric analysis and TEM image for some minerals such as quartz and garnet, we could efficiently know the deforming characteristics of the eclogite in the prophase and anaphase of the main deforming epoch, and finally determine the forming condition of eclogite according to the strain and the differential stress. This paper puts forward preliminary conclusion that some HPM rocks could be formed by the deep layer embedding and local stress concentration in the process of regional metamorphism.展开更多
基金This study was supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(2019QZKK0101)the China Desert Meteorological Science Research Foundation(Sqj2022012)+3 种基金the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province(2023-JC-QN-0307)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42361144712)the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDB40010300)the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment,CAS(SKLLQG2022).
文摘As one of the regions most affected by global cli-mate warming,the Tianshan mountains has experienced sev-eral ecological crises,including retreating glaciers and water deficits.Climate warming in these mountains is considered mainly to be caused by increases in minimum temperatures and winter temperatures,while the influence of maximum temperatures is unclear.In this study,a 300-year tree-ring chronology developed from the Western Tianshan Moun-tains was used to reconstruct the summer(June-August)maximum temperature(T_(max6-8))variations from 1718 to 2017.The reconstruction explained 53.1% of the variance in the observed T_(max6-8).Over the past 300 years,the T_(max6-8)reconstruction showed clear interannual and decadal vari-abilities.There was a significant warming trend(0.18°C/decade)after the 1950s,which was close to the increasing rates of the minimum and mean temperatures.The increase in maximum temperature was also present over the whole Tianshan mountains and its impact on climate warming has increased.The T_(max6-8) variations in the Western Tianshan mountains were influenced by frequent volcanic eruptions combined with the influence of solar activity and the sum-mer North Atlantic Oscillation.This study reveals that cli-mate warming is significantly influenced by the increase in maximum temperatures and clarifies possible driving mech-anisms of temperature variations in the Western Tianshan mountains which should aid climate predictions.
基金supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(2019QZKK0101)the China Desert Meteorological Science Research Foundation(Sqj2022012)+3 种基金the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province(2023-JC-QN-0307)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42361144712)the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDB40010300)the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment,CAS(SKLLQG2022).
文摘As one of the regions most affected by global climate warming,the Tianshan mountains has experienced several ecological crises,including retreating glaciers and water deficits.Climate warming in these mountains is considered mainly to be caused by increases in minimum temperatures and winter temperatures,while the influence of maximum temperatures is unclear.In this study,a 300-year tree-ring chronology developed from the Western Tianshan Mountains was used to reconstruct the summer(June-August)maximum temperature(Tmax6-8) variations from 1718 to2017.The reconstruction explained 53.1% of the variance in the observed Tmax6-8.Over the past 300 years,the Tmax6-8reconstruction showed clear interannual and decadal variabilities.There was a significant warming trend(0.18 ℃/decade) after the 1950s,which was close to the increasing rates of the minimum and mean temperatures.The increase in maximum temperature was also present over the whole Tianshan mountains and its impact on climate warming has increased.The Tmax6-8variations in the Western Tianshan mountains were influenced by frequent volcanic eruptions combined with the influence of solar activity and the summer North Atlantic Oscillation.This study reveals that climate warming is significantly influenced by the increase in maximum temperatures and clarifies possible driving mechanisms of temperature variations in the Western Tianshan mountains which should aid climate predictions.
基金supported by Project 2012CB416803 of the State Key Fundamental Programthe National Scientific and Technological Supporting Key Projects (#2011BAB06B02)Geological Survey Project No. 1212011085060
文摘The Beizhan large iron deposit located in the east part of the Awulale metallogenic belt in the western Tianshan Mountains is hosted in the Unit 2 of the Dahalajunshan Formation as lens, veinlets and stratoid, and both of the hanging wall and footwall are quartz-monzonite; the dip is to the north with thick and high-grade ore bodies downwards. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite with minor sulfides, such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Skarnization is widespread around the ore bodies, and garnet, diopside, wollastonite, actinolite, epidote, uralite, tourmaline sericite and calcite are ubiquitous as gangues. Radiating outwards from the center of the ore body the deposit can be classified into skarn, calcite, serpentinite and marble zones. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the rhyolite and dacite from the Dahalajunshan Formation indicates that they were formed at 301.3±0.8 Ma and 303.7±0.9 Ma, respectively, which might have been related to the continental arc magmatism during the late stage of subduction in the western Tianshan Mountains. Iron formation is genetically related with volcanic eruption during this interval. The Dahalajunshan Formation and the quartz-monzonite intrusion jointly control the distribution of ore bodies. Both ore textures and wall rock alteration indicate that the Beizhan iron deposit is probably skarn type.
基金This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49503048 and 49773197), a Sino-Austrian cooperation project (No. 4880099) and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China
文摘Stratabound gold deposits in the western Qinling Mountains occur in Cambrian chert formation composed of carbonaceous chert and carbonaceous slate. The distinctive chert formation provides important grounds for the mineralization and controls on the formation of gold deposits. Study shows that Se is exceptionally higher in both host rocks and gold orebodies. It may be recovered as a valuable component in ores for total utilization, and in some localities even independent Se orebodies (which are mined exclusively for Se) may be delineated. In gold ore Se mainly occurs as independent minerals or in the isomorphous form in sulphides and there is a positive correlation between Se and Au.
基金Project supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Tanzania.
文摘Soil samples from thirty sites representing four agro-ecological zones in the Western Usambara Mountains (WUM) of the Lushoto District in northern Tanzania were collected and analyzed for different nutrients. The results suggested that the major soil fertility constraint was P deficiency. On the basis of critical levels established in other areas, 90% of the soils were ranked as P deficient. This was followed by N, which was ranked as inadequate in 73% of the sites. Magnesium, K, and Ca also appeared limiting with 67%, 53% and 50% of the soils falling below the established critical values, respectively. A few soils (10%) were also found to contain exchangeable Al. The metallic micronutrients (Cu, Fe, and Zn) were adequate in all soils. Two sites had excessive Mn that could lead to toxicity in crops, and one was Mn deficient.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Project(Grant No.40572134)the China Geological Survey Projects"The Key Tertiary Ancient Lakes Environmental Evolution Series of China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"(Grant No.Science[2005]005-02+2 种基金1212010511902)"The Study of Neotectonics and Late Cenozoic Gigantic Ancient Lakes of China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"(Grant No.Basic[2008]Tibet 21-18Grant No. 1212010610108)
文摘Based on field geological survey, stratigraphic section measurement and indoor comprehensive investigation, the Zanda Basin's tectonic location in the Himalaya Plate was ascertained, and the formation and evolution of the Zanda Basin during the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene was classified as six stages: (a) primary rift-faulting stage, (b) quick rift-faulting Stage, (c) intensive rift-faulting stage, (d) stasis stage, (e) secondary rift-faulting stage, and (f) secondary quick rift-faulting stage. Based on this six-staged formation-evolution theory of the Zanda Basin, the upwelling process of the Western Himalaya Mountains from the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene was classified as the following five stages: (a) slow upwelling stage (5.4-4.4 Ma), (b) mid-velocity upwelling stage (4.4-3.5 Ma), (c) quick upwelling stage (3.5-3.2 Ma), (d) upwelling-ceasing stage (3.2-2.7 Ma), and (e) quick upwelling stage (2.7 Ma). Research has shown that in the duration from the Early Pliocene (4.7 Ma) to the End of Pliocene (2.67 Ma), which lasted 2.03 million years, the Himalaya Mountains had uplifted 1500 m at a velocity of 0.74 mm/a; this belongs to a mid-velocity upwening. During the 1.31 million years in the Early Stage of the Early Pleistocene, the Himalaya Mountains had risen up another 1500 m at a velocity of 1.15 mm/a; this is a rather quick upwelling. All of these data have shown that the upwelling of the Western Himalaya Mountains is along a complicated process with multi-stages, multi-velocities, and non-uniformitarian features.
基金supported by social welfare of Ministry Science and Technology Development of China (Grant No.GYHY200706008)the "Western Light" Project (RCPY200902) of the Chinese Academy of Sciencesthe Oasis Scholar "Doctor" Talent Training Program (0771021) of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology
文摘This article discussed about snow temperature variations and their impact on snow cover parameters. Automatic temperature recorders were used to sample at lo-minute intervals at the Tianshan Station for Snow-cover and Avalanche Research, Chinese snow temperature Academy of Sciences. lo-layer and the snow cover parameters were measured by the snow property analyzer (Snow Fork) in its Stable period, Interim period and Snow melting period. Results indicate that the amplitude of the diurnal fluctuation in the temperature during Snow melting period is 1.62 times greater than that during Stable period. Time up to the peak temperature at the snow surface lags behind the peak solar radiation by more than 2.5 hours, and lags behind the peak atmospheric temperature by more than 0.2 hours during all three periods. The optimal fitted function of snow temperature profile becomes more complicated from Stable period to Snow melting period. 22 h temperature profiles in Stable period are the optimal fitted by cubic polynomial equation. In Interim period and Snow melting period, temperature profiles are optimal fitted by exponential equation between sunset and sunrise, and by Fourier function when solar radiation is strong. The vertical gradient in the snow temperature reaches its maximum value at the snow surface for three periods. The peak of this maximum value occurs during Stableperiod, and is 4.46 times greater than during Interim period. The absolute value of temperature gradient is lower than 0.1℃ cm-1 for 30 cm beneath snow surface. Snow temperature and temperature gradient in Stable period-Interim period indirectly cause increase (decrease) of snow density mainly by increasing (decreasing) permittivity. While it dramatically increases its water content to change its permittivity and snow density in Snow melting period.
基金the Chinese Nationa1Natural Science Foun dation (Grant 40072077) the Tarim Oil Field Company,Petro China(Grant2098050230).
文摘The Aiketik Group, distributed at the western end of the South TianshanMountains, China, is an important lithostratigraphic unit involved in the South Tianshan orogen. Itis separated from the adjacent rocks by faults. Generally, the geologists ascribed it to the UpperCarboniferous according to Pseudostaffella sp., Profusulinella sp. and Fusulinella sp. found fromthe limestone and sandy limestone of Aiketik. Our radiolarian fossils were obtained from the chertsamples collected from the Haladaok section located at the upper Tuoshihan River. The fossils mainlyinclude Albaillella undulata Deflandre, Albaillella paradoxa Deflandre, Albaillella sp. aff. A.paradoxa Deflandre, Albaillella sp. cf. A. deflandrei Gourmelon, Albaillella sp., Albaillellaexcelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto (?), Belowea variabilis (Ormiston et Lane), Callella cf. C.parvispinosa Won, Entactinia cf. E. tortispina Ormiston et Lane, Entactinia aff. E. tortispinaOrmiston et Lane, Entactinia variospina Won, Entactinia sp., Eostylodictya rota (Won),Latentifistula impella (Ormistone et Lane) (?), Latentifistula turgita Omiston et Lane,Latentifistulidae gen. et. sp. indet. and Polyentactinia cf. aranea Gourmelon. Among them,Albaillella excelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto (?) is a Late Permian species with some elementsuncertain as there is only one poorly-preserved fossil of this species found so far. And tworadiolarian assemblages can be identified from the other fossils. One is the early EarlyCarboniferous assemblage represented by Albaillella undulata Deflandre, Albaillella paradoxa andAlbaillella sp. cf. A. deflandrei Gourmelon. And the other is the late Early Carboniferousassemblage represented by Eostylodictya rota (Won). This is the first discovery of radiolarianfossils in the Aiketik Group, also the first discovery of Late Permian radiolarian fossils in theSouth Tianshan Mountains. Meanwhile, this is the current westernmost sampling site of radiolarianfossils in the South Tianshan Mountains.
文摘The western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains is one of the poorly studied regions in northwestern China. Through a structural analysis of the typical sections, we have the following views: (1) There is a very well developed fault system in the western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains and thrust propagation, normal slip and decoupling are the chief deformation events in this area. (2) Although the thrusting started in the Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, strong activity took place in the Miocene-Quaternary when the Kumkol basin was strongly downwarped. (3) The tectonic pattern of coexistence of N-directed thrust propagation and S-directed normal slip in this area is consistent with the general tectonic pattern of the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau and also very similar to that of the Himalayan region on the southern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, but their directions between the thrust propagation are opposite and all the strong thrust propagations occurred from the Miocene-Pliocene to Quaternary, a period featuring strong collision between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate and abrupt uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. This oppositely directed thrust propagation and normal slip reveal such kinematic characteristics as symmetric propagations of deep-seated materials towards the north and south beneath the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and gravitational sliding of superficial materials towards the interior of the plateau. Therefore, the establishment of the fault system in the study area may provide an approach to the study of deep processes of the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau and the construction of a unified geodynamic model for the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau.
基金Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41971101,41571187,41071137)。
文摘In the present work,15400 yr old geochemical records of a core from the subalpine Daping swamp are presented with the aim to examine the relationship between the chemical weathering and the climatic changes in the region of the western Nanling Mountains,China.The climate of the study region was deeply controlled by the East Asian summer monsoon.The results indicate that,in the past 15400 yrs,the values of chemical index of alteration(CIA)ranged from 73.9%to 88.2%(mean:85.3%),suggested a medium and high intensity of chemical weathering.The local exogenous clastic materials,which were derived from the weathered residues,played a key role in contributing towards the sediments.Since the climate-induced chemical weathering exerted strong influences on the geochemical features of weathered residues,the geochemical characteristics of the sediments were deeply impacted by climatic conditions.Wetter and warmer conditions would favor increased chemical weathering,resulting in more leaching of soluble and mobile elements(e.g.,Ba and Sr)and leaving the resistant and immobile elements(e.g.,Al and Ti)enriched in the weathered residues.These materials were then eroded and transported into the lake,and led to the sediments characterized by the characteristic of having depleted soluble elements.In contrast,dry and cold conditions would result in an opposite trend.In this sense,the geochemical records can serve as proxies to indicate changes of chemical weathering intensity,which were closely related to the evolution of summer monsoon.
基金supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(STEP)Program(2019QZKK0502)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA2005020402)+1 种基金the Youth Innovation Promotion Association Project,Chinese Academy of Sciences(Y201976)the National Science and Technology Basic Program of China(2019FY100204).
文摘Malus sieversii(wild apple tree),only distributed in the Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia,is a tertiary relic species and an ancestral species of cultivated apples.However,existing natural populations of wild apple trees have been declining.To date,spatiotemporal variations in the growth status of declining wild apple trees and influencing factors in the narrow valley areas in the Tianshan Mountains remain unclear.In this study,field investigation and sampling were carried out in three years(2016-2018)at four elevations(1300,1400,1500,and 1600 m)in the Qiaolakesai Valley(a typical longitudinal narrow valley in the Yili River Valley)of the western Tianshan Mountains in Xinyuan County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China.Projective coverage,dead branch percentage,and 18 twig traits(these 20 parameters were collectively referred to as plant traits)were determined to comprehensively reflect the growth status of declining wild apple trees.The values of dead branch percentage ranged from 36%to 59%,with a mean of 40%.Year generally showed higher impact on plant traits than elevation.In 2017 and 2018,projective coverage,leaf size,leaf nitrogen concentration,and nitrogen to phosphorous ratio were markedly higher than those in 2016.However,dead branch percentage and leaf and stem phosphorous concentrations showed the opposite trend.Most of the topological parameters of plant trait networks differed in the three years,but the strength of trait-trait association increased year by year.The mean difference between day and night temperatures(MDT),annual accumulative precipitation,soil electrical conductivity,and soil pH had the greatest impact on the plant trait matrix.The growth status of declining wild apple trees was directly and positively affected by MDT and leaf size.In conclusion,the growth of declining wild apple trees distributed in the narrow valley areas was more sensitive to interannual environmental changes than elevation changes.The results are of great significance for further revealing the decline mechanism of wild apple trees in the Tianshan Mountains.
文摘Pseudosection modeling for the garnet amphibolite samples from the Western Dabie Mountains show they have experienced similar HP metamorphic evolution with that of the adjected eclogites.The common assemblage of
文摘The most of high/ultrahigh-pressure(HP/UHP)terranes of the world are characterized by the occurrence of numerous pods,lenses or layered blocks of eclogite and amphibolites(e.g.O’Brien,1997;Elvevold and Gilotti,2000;Zhang et al.,2003;and references there in).Field and petrological features suggest that amphibolites should
基金the National Science Foundation of China(52478289)National Key Research and Development Program of China(2020YFC1909900)Scientific Research Project of China Academy of Railway Sciences Group Co.,Ltd(2023YJ184).
文摘Purpose–This study aims to analyze the impact mechanism of typical environments in China’s western mountainous areas on the durability of railway concrete and propose measures to improve durability.Design/methodology/approach–With the continuous promotion of infrastructure construction,the focus of China’s railway construction has gradually shifted to the western region.The four typical environments of large temperature differences,strong winds and dryness,high cold and low air pressure unique to the western mountainous areas of China have adverse effects on the durability of typical railway structure concrete(bridges,ballastless tracks and tunnels).This study identified the characteristics of four typical environments in the western mountainous areas of China through on-site research.The impact mechanism of the four typical environments on the durability of concrete in different structural parts of railways has been explored through theoretical analysis and experimental research;Finally,a strategy for improving the durability of railway concrete suitable for the western mountainous areas of China was proposed.Findings–The daily temperature difference in the western mountainous areas of China is more than twice that of the plain region,which will lead to significant temperature deformation and stress in the multi-layered structure of railway ballastless tracks.It will result in cracking.The wind speed in the western plateau region is about 2.5 to 3 times that of the plain region,and the average annual rainfall is only 1/5 of that in the plain region.The drying effect on the surface of casting concrete will significantly accelerate its cracking process,leading to serious durability problems.The environmental temperature in the western mountainous areas of China is generally low,and there are more freeze-thaw cycles,which will increase the risk of freeze-thaw damage to railway concrete.The environmental air pressure in the western plateau region is only 60%of that in the plain region.The moisture inside the concrete is more likely to diffuse into the surrounding environment under the pressure difference,resulting in greater water loss and shrinkage deformation of the concrete in the plateau region.The above four issues will collectively lead to the rapid deterioration of concrete durability in the western plateau region.The corresponding durability improvement suggestions from theoretical research,new technology development and standard system was proposed in this paper.Originality/value–The research can provide the mechanism of durability degradation of railway concrete in the western mountainous areas of China and corresponding improvement strategies.
基金the State Key Basic Research of China(2001CB409803)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(40373017) National 305 Project of Xinjiang(96-915-03-02).
文摘The late Paleozoic adakitic rocks are closely associated with the shoshonitic volcanic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains, China, both spatially and temporally. The magmatic rocks were formed during the period from the middle to the late Permian with isotopic ages of 248-268 Ma. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of the rocks are low in a narrow variation range (-0.7050). The 143Nd/144Nd initial ratios are high (-0.51240) with positive εND(t) values (+1.28-+4.92). In the εNd(t)-(87Sr/86Sr)i diagram they fall in the first quadrant. The association of the shoshonitic and adakitic rocks can be interpreted by a two-stage model: the shoshonitic volcanic rocks were formed through long-term fractional crystallization of underplated basaltic magma, while the following partial melting of the residual phases formed the adakitic rocks.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40525006 and 40372032).
文摘The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute. Generally, HP eclogite involves garnet, omphacite, hornblendes and quartz, with or without glaucophane, zoisite and phengite. The garnet has compositional zoning with XMg increase, XCa and XMn decrease from core to rim, which indicates a progressive metamorphism. The phase equilibria of the HP eclogite modeled by the P-T pseudosection method developed recently showed the following: (1) the growth zonation of garnet records a progressive metamorphic PT path from pre-peak condition of 1.9-2.1 GPa at 508~C-514~C to a peak one of 2.3-2.5 GPa at 528~C-531~C for the HP eclogite; (2) the peak mineral assemblage is garnet+omphacite+glaucophane+quartz_+phengite, likely paragenetic with lawsonite; (3) the extensive hornblendes derive mainly from glaucophane, partial omphacite and even a little garnet due to the decompression with some heating during the post-peak stage, mostly representing the conditions of about 1.4-1.6 GPa and 580~C-640~C, and their growth is favored by the dehydration of lawsonite into zoisite or epidote, but most of the garnet, omphacite or phengite in the HP eclogite still preserve their compositions at peak condition, and they are not obviously equilibrious with the hornblendes.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Projects Nos.41861006 and 41630750)the Scientific Research Program of Higher Education Institutions of Gansu Province(2018C-02)the Research Ability Promotion Program for Young Teachers of Northwest Normal University(NWNU-LKQN2019-4)。
文摘Forests are important ecosystems for economic and social development.However,the response of tree radial growth to climate has produced‘divergent problems'at high latitudes under global warming.In this study,the response stability and trend of Picea schrenkiana radial growth to variability in climate factors were analyzed in the mid-latitudes of the western Tien Shan Mountains.Radial growth of P.schrenkiana was mainly limited by minimum and mean temperatures.The divergent responses of radial growth occurred in response to the minimum and mean temperatures at the beginning of the growing season(April–May)of the current year,but responses to drought occurred in July–September of the previous year.And the mean and minimum temperatures in June–September of the current year were both stable.Radial growth first increased and then decreased according to the basal area increment,with a gradual increase in temperature.Therefore,forest ecosystems in mountainous arid areas will be increasingly affected by future climate warming.
基金the Western China Program for Personnel Training of Chinese Academy of Sciences (L10416004)National Social Science Foundation of China (06BJY076)Knowledge Innovation Project Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘Making rural settlements of Mountainous Regions in Western Sichuan as the study objects and using symbolic statistical methods, then combining the case study of Daofu County, the paper analyzes the negative impact of the scattered rural settlements on infrastructure construction, farmers' income increase and mountain ecological reconstruction in mountainous regions of western Sichuan. The results indicate that economic density is positively related to both rural settlements density (R^2=0.73) and rural population density (R^2=0.77), and it is the same for relationship between towns density and rural settlements density (R^2=0.88) and between towns density and economic density (R^2=0.71), and the scattered distribution pattern of the rural settlements and shortage of economic centers is a major factor to the lagged socioeconomic development. On the eco-economic zoning to Daofu County, the paper indicates the spatial distribution model and the industrial development model of the rural settlements need to be changed, and rural population should be concentrated in larger rural settlements with development of off-farm industries while infrastructure construction is to reinforced.
基金Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (103066) and Foundation of the Seismic Pattern and Digital Seis- mic Data Application Research Office of Institute of Earthquake Science of the China Earthquake Administration.
文摘Based on digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by 28 long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network, source process of the November 14, 2001 western Kunlun Mountain MS=8.1 (MW=7.8) earth- quake is estimated by a new inversion method. The result shows that the earthquake is a very complex rupture event. The source rupture initiated at the hypocenter (35.95°N, 90.54°E, focal depth 10 km, by USGS NEIC), and propagated to the west at first. Then, in several minutes to a hundred minutes and over a large spatial range, several rupture growth points emerged in succession at the eastern end and in the central part of the finite fault. And then the source rupture propagated from these rupture growth points successively and, finally, stopped in the area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position (35.80°N, 92.91°E, focal depth 15 km, by Harvard CMT). The entire rupture lasted for 142 s, and the source process could be roughly separated into three stages: The first stage started at the 0 s and ended at the 52 s, lasting for 52 s and releasing approximately 24.4% of the total moment; The sec- ond stage started at the 55 s and ended at the 113 s, lasting for 58 s and releasing approximately 56.5% of the total moment; The third stage started at the 122 s and ended at the 142 s, lasting for 20 s and releasing approximately 19.1% of the total moment. The length of the ruptured fault plane is about 490 km. The maximum width of the ruptured fault plane is about 45 km. The rupture mainly occurred within 30 km in depth under the surface of the Earth. The average static slip in the underground rocky crust is about 1.2 m with the maximum static slip 3.6 m. The average static stress drop is about 5 MPa with the maximum static stress drop 18 MPa. The maximum static slip and the maximum stress drop occurred in an area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position.
文摘In the western Dabie Mountain area, the eclogites have similar compositions and tectonic environment, which could be contrastively researched. Except for the reservation of the early structural deformation inside and outside of the eclogite lens, there is no obvious difference between the characteristics of the foliation and lineation in the eclogite lens from the one in surrounding region. So this paper concludes that the eclogites or blueschists (high pressure metamorphic rocks, i. e. HPM) are basically situated in the original position. The eclogites are mostly superposed by the ductile shear zone and show the feature of structural displacement, but so far we have not discovered any large scale structural zone to uplift eclogite return. Based on the analyses of finite strain measure, petrofabric analysis and TEM image for some minerals such as quartz and garnet, we could efficiently know the deforming characteristics of the eclogite in the prophase and anaphase of the main deforming epoch, and finally determine the forming condition of eclogite according to the strain and the differential stress. This paper puts forward preliminary conclusion that some HPM rocks could be formed by the deep layer embedding and local stress concentration in the process of regional metamorphism.