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作者 吕宇曦 王晨 +3 位作者 段添期 赵彤 常朋发 王安帮 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期149-157,共9页
本文提出利用级联声光效应器和耦合回音壁模式微球腔的方案来实现非对称传输效果,并进行理论和实验验证.实验中利用加热拉锥的方式制备了两段式光纤,可同时实现声光效应的激发和回音壁模式的耦合.利用光纤中声光效应将纤芯基模中的矢量... 本文提出利用级联声光效应器和耦合回音壁模式微球腔的方案来实现非对称传输效果,并进行理论和实验验证.实验中利用加热拉锥的方式制备了两段式光纤,可同时实现声光效应的激发和回音壁模式的耦合.利用光纤中声光效应将纤芯基模中的矢量模式转换到包层高阶模式,由于基模中不同矢量模式转换包层模式的矢量模式也不同,从而产生类似双折射效果,使输出的包层模式产生偏振变化.而后通过耦合回音壁模式微腔将包层模式转换回纤芯基模.由于回音壁模式的偏振选择效果,使得相反方向入射光能量具有不同的透射特性,其传输隔离度可达17 d B.此外,对两个方向传输的透射率随偏振角度变化进行测试,测得声光效应带来的偏振变化约为80°.本文的非对称传输方案继承了声光器件响应迅速、调谐性良好的优势,同时具有全光纤结构和无工作阈值的特点,在光开关、光隔离器等场景具有重要的应用潜力. 展开更多
关键词 非对称传输 声光效应 回音壁模式微腔 模式转换
作者 李艳 任思萌 +5 位作者 褚博 燕汝江 于群星 孙辉 邵立 钟发成 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期59-68,共10页
本文提出并设计了一种用于提高彩色透明显示性能的球形双曲色散超材料(HMM)腔.该腔由介质/银层交替包裹银核组成,具有深度亚波长性质,并支持和银层数目相同的同阶回音廊模式.这些模式能够将电磁波能量高度局域在不同介质壳层内,从而降... 本文提出并设计了一种用于提高彩色透明显示性能的球形双曲色散超材料(HMM)腔.该腔由介质/银层交替包裹银核组成,具有深度亚波长性质,并支持和银层数目相同的同阶回音廊模式.这些模式能够将电磁波能量高度局域在不同介质壳层内,从而降低欧姆损耗,减小共振线宽.针对5层银/介质交替包裹形成的HMM腔,详细分析了结构参数对回音廊模式的调谐作用.发现仅改变最外层介质或银层厚度,几乎不影响TM1,2和TM1,3模式的共振位置,但对TM1,1模式的共振位置及3个模式的强度产生明显调谐.通过优化HMM腔,在红绿蓝波段实现三重窄带共振,且在三重共振位置均具有偶极辐射特点,能够将散射光限制在和入射光夹角为-45°—+45°范围内.该HMM腔不仅支持红绿蓝三重窄带共振,并具有宽的散射角,可应用于实现高透明度、高亮度和宽视角的全彩透明显示. 展开更多
关键词 双曲色散超材料腔 米氏散射 回音廊模式 透明显示器
作者 马春晖 俞骁翀 +6 位作者 段冰 吴彦燃 赵星昀 刘嵩义 高永潘 杨大全 张璇 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期189-198,共10页
基于黏性流体的伯努利效应原理,利用回音壁模式微泡腔高品质因子与具有天然微流控通道的特性,提出一种基于回音壁模式微泡腔的流速传感器。理论分析了黏性流体流动时由于黏滞损耗引起的压强损失,仿真分析了不同流速范围内流动速度和压... 基于黏性流体的伯努利效应原理,利用回音壁模式微泡腔高品质因子与具有天然微流控通道的特性,提出一种基于回音壁模式微泡腔的流速传感器。理论分析了黏性流体流动时由于黏滞损耗引起的压强损失,仿真分析了不同流速范围内流动速度和压强之间的关系,发现二者之间表现出良好的线性依赖,沿程损耗是引起压强损失的主要因素;恒定流速下微腔内部为均匀的正压分布,会引起谐振波长红移。实验制备了壁厚约为2μm的微泡腔,并搭建流速传感实验测试系统。在3~106μL/min流速范围内,流速增加时,谐振波长发生红移,并且波长偏移与流速之间满足良好的线性关系,拟合得到流速传感灵敏度为0.047 pm/(μL/min),检测极限为0.635μL/min。该流速传感器结构简单、易于制备、低成本且检测极限较低。 展开更多
关键词 回音壁模式微泡腔 流速传感 微流控 伯努利效应 黏滞损耗
作者 俞骁翀 戴成龙 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期138-148,共11页
以能够精确求解的球腔为例,利用等效电流方法,给出了随机粗糙表面对腔模的散射损耗的估计,并利用等效的随机散射点进行数值仿真。结果显示对于常见的高品质因子微腔中平缓的粗糙表面,散射主导的品质因子正比于腔半径和波长三次方、反比... 以能够精确求解的球腔为例,利用等效电流方法,给出了随机粗糙表面对腔模的散射损耗的估计,并利用等效的随机散射点进行数值仿真。结果显示对于常见的高品质因子微腔中平缓的粗糙表面,散射主导的品质因子正比于腔半径和波长三次方、反比于表面方差以及相关长度平方。 展开更多
关键词 回音壁模式 微球腔 散射损耗 品质因子 等效电流
作者 刘健飞 胡志刚 +1 位作者 高艺萌 李贝贝 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期125-137,共13页
磁场传感在基础物理研究及生物医疗、航空航天、军事、工业等领域的应用方面都发挥着重要作用。在过去的几十年间,研究人员已发展出超导量子干涉器件磁力仪、光学原子磁力仪、金刚石氮空位色心磁传感器等诸多高灵敏度磁传感器。光学微... 磁场传感在基础物理研究及生物医疗、航空航天、军事、工业等领域的应用方面都发挥着重要作用。在过去的几十年间,研究人员已发展出超导量子干涉器件磁力仪、光学原子磁力仪、金刚石氮空位色心磁传感器等诸多高灵敏度磁传感器。光学微腔由于其品质因子高,模式体积小,因此可显著增强传感的灵敏度,近年来被广泛应用于高灵敏磁传感器的研究。本文对这种新兴的光学微腔磁传感器进行了全面介绍。光学微腔磁传感器根据工作原理的不同,大致可分为磁致伸缩磁传感器、扭矩磁传感器和磁光效应磁传感器这三类。本文介绍了这三类微腔磁传感器的工作原理和发展现状,并总结了多种提升磁场探测灵敏度的手段,最后对微腔磁传感器的发展方向和应用前景进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 光学微腔 磁传感器 高灵敏度 小型化 回音壁模式光学微腔
作者 刘盈 熊宜松 +8 位作者 李月 李鑫 曾成 宁俊松 补世荣 王占平 张晓雨 刘绍阳 郭婉婷 《强激光与粒子束》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期19-23,共5页
设计了一款低相噪蓝宝石振荡器并对其进行温度控制,基于蓝宝石谐振器理论,采用有限元仿真软件完成了蓝宝石谐振器设计。蓝宝石谐振器实测中心频率为9.84 GHz,有载Q值113 000。将该蓝宝石谐振器作为选频网络与放大器、滤波器、移相器和... 设计了一款低相噪蓝宝石振荡器并对其进行温度控制,基于蓝宝石谐振器理论,采用有限元仿真软件完成了蓝宝石谐振器设计。蓝宝石谐振器实测中心频率为9.84 GHz,有载Q值113 000。将该蓝宝石谐振器作为选频网络与放大器、滤波器、移相器和耦合器构成低相噪蓝宝石振荡器。振荡器的输出工作频率9.84 GHz,输出功率9 dBm,偏离载波1 kHz处相位噪声为-117 dBc/Hz,偏离载波10 kHz处相位噪声为-144 dBc/Hz,偏离载波100 kHz处相位噪声为-161 dBc/Hz。该振荡器有助于提高雷达对于低慢小目标的检测能力。 展开更多
关键词 低慢小目标检测 蓝宝石谐振器 回音壁模式 相位噪声 振荡器
作者 邹康 曲天良 张熙 《飞控与探测》 2024年第2期73-87,共15页
随着集成光子学和微纳工艺的飞速发展,微光学陀螺以其在芯片化、集成化上的优势广泛应用于下一代高精度小型化惯性导航系统中,在国防武器、微型飞行器以及无人机器控制等领域发挥重要作用。充分调研了国内外微光学陀螺研制方案及研究现... 随着集成光子学和微纳工艺的飞速发展,微光学陀螺以其在芯片化、集成化上的优势广泛应用于下一代高精度小型化惯性导航系统中,在国防武器、微型飞行器以及无人机器控制等领域发挥重要作用。充分调研了国内外微光学陀螺研制方案及研究现状,介绍了包括干涉式、谐振式、布里渊散射式光学陀螺以及微光机电陀螺等四类微光学陀螺的工作原理和性能指标;光学微腔作为微光学陀螺中角速度核心敏感器件,其性能直接决定着陀螺系统精度指标,因此充分论述了氮化硅波导以及回音壁模式等新体制微腔的特性及优点,并针对其传输损耗、品质因子和陀螺性能等指标进行了对比和分析;最后总结了微光学陀螺芯片化的发展趋势以及在分立元器件性能提升、系统耦合与封装上遇到的机遇和挑战。 展开更多
关键词 微光学陀螺 集成光子学 光学微腔 氮化硅波导 回音壁模式
基于Chinese Whispers的人脸动态聚类 被引量:3
作者 张陈欢 史燕中 《计算机技术与发展》 2019年第11期92-96,共5页
针对Chinese Whispers算法对于小规模数据聚类随机性大,对于大规模数据聚类速度缓慢的问题,提出了一种改进的Chinese Whispers算法用于人脸的动态聚类。新增了一个阈值P,用Chinese Whispers算法对数据规模为P的数据进行聚类时,既可以保... 针对Chinese Whispers算法对于小规模数据聚类随机性大,对于大规模数据聚类速度缓慢的问题,提出了一种改进的Chinese Whispers算法用于人脸的动态聚类。新增了一个阈值P,用Chinese Whispers算法对数据规模为P的数据进行聚类时,既可以保证聚类结果的稳定性,又可以保证聚类算法的高效性;利用代表点而不是所有点完成聚类更新,能够有效减少对增量数据聚类时的数据量,从而达到提升聚类速度的目的。采用CNN+ArcFace Loss方法提取人脸特征,采用余弦距离作为相似性度量的方式,采用类中心作为代表点来描述类别信息,采用增量聚类的算法架构实现对于大规模数据的人脸动态聚类,并完成在LFW、VGGFace2和CASIA-Webface三个公开人脸数据集的测试。实验结果表明,基于Chinese Whispers人脸动态聚类算法可有效提高聚类的时间效率,时间复杂性由原来的O(n 2)变为O(n p)。 展开更多
关键词 CHINESE whispers 动态聚类 人脸聚类 代表点 数据挖掘
Deep‐learning powered whispering gallery mode sensor based on multiplexed imaging at fixed frequency 被引量:2
作者 Anton V.Saetchnikov Elina A.Tcherniavskaia +1 位作者 Vladimir A.Saetchnikov Andreas Ostendorf 《Opto-Electronic Advances》 SCIE 2020年第11期1-9,共9页
During the last decades the whispering gallery mode based sensors have become a prominent solution for label-free sensing of various physical and chemical parameters.At the same time,the widespread utilization of the ... During the last decades the whispering gallery mode based sensors have become a prominent solution for label-free sensing of various physical and chemical parameters.At the same time,the widespread utilization of the approach is hindered by the restricted applicability of the known configurations for ambient variations quantification outside the laboratory conditions and their low affordability,where necessity on the spectrally-resolved data collection is among the main limiting factors.In this paper we demonstrate the first realization of an affordable whispering gallery mode sensor powered by deep learning and multi-resonator imaging at a fixed frequency.It has been shown that the approach enables refractive index unit(RIU)prediction with an absolute error at 3×10^(-6) level for dynamic range of the RIU variations from 0 to 2×10^(-3) with temporal resolution of several milliseconds and instrument-driven detection limit of 3×10−5.High sensing accuracy together with instrumental affordability and production simplicity places the reported detector among the most cost-effective realizations of the whispering gallery mode approach.The proposed solution is expected to have a great impact on the shift of the whole sensing paradigm away from the model-based and to the flexible self-learning solutions. 展开更多
关键词 optical microresonator SENSING machine learning whispering gallery mode MULTIPLEXING
Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on MMSE Short Time Spectral Amplitude in Whispered Speech 被引量:1
作者 Zhi-Heng Lu Huai-Zong Shao Tai-Liang Ju 《Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China》 2009年第2期115-118,共4页
An improved method based on minimum mean square error-short time spectral amplitude (MMSE-STSA) is proposed to cancel background noise in whispered speech. Using the acoustic character of whispered speech, the algor... An improved method based on minimum mean square error-short time spectral amplitude (MMSE-STSA) is proposed to cancel background noise in whispered speech. Using the acoustic character of whispered speech, the algorithm can track the change of non-stationary background noise effectively. Compared with original MMSE-STSA algorithm and method in selectable mode Vo-coder (SMV), the improved algorithm can further suppress the residual noise for low signal-to-noise radio (SNR) and avoid the excessive suppression. Simulations show that under the non-stationary noisy environment, the proposed algorithm can not only get a better performance in enhancement, but also reduce the speech distortion. 展开更多
关键词 Index Terms-Minimum mean square error shorttime spectral amplitude (MMSE-STSA) speechenhancement whispered speech.
High resolution angular-displacement sensor based on whispering gallery mode resonance in bent optical fibers
作者 YU Ying-yu WANG Su-mei +2 位作者 LI Ben-ye WU Hong-bin CAO Zhi-tao 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2014年第1期42-46,共5页
A simple fiber sensor to measure angular displacement with high resolution, which is based on whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonance in bent optical fibers,is proposed. The sensor is composed of a single loop forme... A simple fiber sensor to measure angular displacement with high resolution, which is based on whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonance in bent optical fibers,is proposed. The sensor is composed of a single loop formed by loosely tying a knot using single mode fiber. To measure the transmission spectra, a tunable laser and an optic power meter are connected to the two ends of fi- ber loop, respectively. Significant WGM resonances occur over the investigated wavelength range for all the sensors with different bend radius. The angular-displacement sensitivity is studied in the range from -0. 1°to 0. 1°. The detection limit of 1.49 × 10 ^-7 rad can be achieved for the detecting system with the resolution of lpm. The simple loop-structure fiber sensor has potential application prospect in the field of architecture or bridge building with low detection limit and low cost. 展开更多
关键词 whispering gallery mode (WGM) angular displacement optical fiber sensor
Whispers of Ethno-Religious Violence on Housing Delivery in Nigeria
作者 O.A.Alagbe E.N.Ekhaese +2 位作者 S.A.Daramola T.O.Alagbe M.E.Erebor 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第4期310-322,共13页
Nigeria is an agglomeration of different ethnic nationalities with multiplicity of religious inclination where Christianity and Islam are the dominant.The high level of intra and inter-ethnic rivalry between ethnic na... Nigeria is an agglomeration of different ethnic nationalities with multiplicity of religious inclination where Christianity and Islam are the dominant.The high level of intra and inter-ethnic rivalry between ethnic nationalities and extreme religious intolerance has resulted in many catastrophic clashes.These clashes have unquantifiable debilitating effects on the equilibrium of housing supply and delivery.The paper through deductive approach from literature review,and descriptive analysis,examined the various ethno-religious violence from post-independence Nigeria and its implications on the housing sector.Findings revealed that the importance of houses in African settings is beyond mere shelter,but are sacred and generational assets worth bequeathing.This underscores the reason it becomes target for attacks during ethno-religious violence.Deductive inferences made,indicated that the greater the severity of the violence on houses the more the number of IDPs(internally-displaced-persons),and this not healthy for a sustainable urban housing growth. 展开更多
Photonic lenses with whispering gallery waves at Janus particles
作者 Igor V.Minin Oleg V.Minin +3 位作者 Yinghui Cao Bing Yan Zengbo Wang Boris Luk’yanchuk 《Opto-Electronic Science》 2022年第2期1-9,共9页
We show that electric field on the plane surface of truncated sphere or cylinders(so called Janus particles)have sharp resonances versus the depth of removed segment of a sphere or cylinder.These resonances are relate... We show that electric field on the plane surface of truncated sphere or cylinders(so called Janus particles)have sharp resonances versus the depth of removed segment of a sphere or cylinder.These resonances are related to the excited whispering gallery waves caused by truncation.It is a new mechanism of the field localization.Optimization of this effect for cylinders permits to reach a super resolution in the line thickness,which can be used for contact optical lithography. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTONICS whispering gallery mode whispering gallery waves Janus particles
Optomechanical entanglement in a whispering-gallery cavity
作者 米贤武 柏江湘 李德俊 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期45-50,共6页
The dynamics of the optomechanical entanglement between optical cavity field modes and a macroscopic me- chanical breathing mode in a whispering-gallery cavity as well as the continuous variable entanglement between t... The dynamics of the optomechanical entanglement between optical cavity field modes and a macroscopic me- chanical breathing mode in a whispering-gallery cavity as well as the continuous variable entanglement between the phase-quadrature amplitudes of the two whispering-gallery modes have been analysed. Simulated results indicate that under state-of-the^art experimental conditions, optomechanical entanglement is obvious and can occur even at temper- atures of above 40 K. Compared with the entanglement of the mechanical oscillator at the ground state temperature, optomechanical entanglement is more intense by several orders of magnitude. 展开更多
关键词 optomechanical entanglement whispering-gallery mode
Space and Human Consciousness: The Great Whisper
作者 Abdullah A. Alabdulgader 《Natural Science》 2021年第7期235-253,共19页
Human Consciousness is one of most elusive issues in the scientific history. Its nature created major historical debate started thousands of years ago and still ongoing. Despite the explosive developments in the last ... Human Consciousness is one of most elusive issues in the scientific history. Its nature created major historical debate started thousands of years ago and still ongoing. Despite the explosive developments in the last century to explore its nature, the knowledge about it is still deficient. The important advances in the twentieth and 21st centuries in understanding cerebral cortex dynamics fortified by the dominant materialistic approach of the era dictated its impact on consciousness science, which is perceived as sole human brain function. This original review is a call for holistic perception of human consciousness incorporating the ancient wisdom of the human civilizations with the massive current era advances in different disciplines of applied sciences. The description of René Descartes in the 17th century of the Cartesian dualism is timely to revisit with new holistic perspective, in view of the major advances of our understanding of heart brain communications, astrophysical resonances with human heart ascending afferents to central nervous system, and signaling between humans and the space. Universal vibrations, frequencies and resonances as perceived by Nikola Tesla constitute the core of our new conceptual and experimental perspective on human consciousness. Neural and psychological correlates of human consciousness which dominate the consciousness research nowadays should undergo revolutionary conceptual understanding to perceive consciousness as a massive universal event expanding from human genes to galaxies. In the next discussion, we are going to navigate in the nature and fate of human consciousness with new innovative universal perspective based on heart rate variability of human heart and its cosmic resonances as represented by Schumann Resonances, Solar Wind Indices and Galactic Cosmic Rays. The interpretation of our existential secrets and biology without the space around us is a major gap in our scientific perception of life. The delicate orchestration between human heart and the space frequencies create the great whisper which in our perspective, encodes the secrets of human consciousness. 展开更多
关键词 SPACE CONSCIOUSNESS whisper Heart Rate Variability Frequencies (HRV) Heart Based Resonant Frequencies Theory (HBRF) Solar Geomagnetic Activity (S-GMA)
ARMA Modelling for Whispered Speech
作者 栗学丽 周卫东 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第3期300-303,共4页
The Autoregressive Moving Average(ARMA)model for whispered speech is proposed.Compared with normal speech,whispered speech has no fundamental frequency because of the glottis being semi-opened and turbulent flow being... The Autoregressive Moving Average(ARMA)model for whispered speech is proposed.Compared with normal speech,whispered speech has no fundamental frequency because of the glottis being semi-opened and turbulent flow being created,and formant shifting exists in the lower frequency region due to the narrowing of the tract in the false vocal fold regions and weak acoustic coupling with the subglottal system.Analysis shows that the effect of the subglottal system is to introduce additional pole-zero pairs into the vocal tract transfer function.Theoretically,the method based on an ARMA process is superior to that based on an AR process in the spectral analysis of the whispered speech.Two methods,the least squared modified Yule-Walker likelihood estimate(LSMY)algorithm and the Frequency-Domain Steiglitz-Mcbride(FDSM)algorithm,are applied to the ARMA model for the whispered speech.The performance evaluation shows that the ARMA model is much more appropriate for representing the whispered speech than the AR model,and the FDSM algorithm provides a more accurate estimation of the whispered speech spectral envelope than the LSMY algorithm with higher computational complexity. 展开更多
关键词 ARMA模型 耳语音 ARMA过程 FDSM 语音模型 移动平均 传递函数 频谱分析
Single-Photon Scattering by a Three-level System Interacting with a Whispering-Gallery Resonator Coupled to One-Dimensional Waveguide:
作者 CHENG Mu-Tian SONG Yan-Yan LUO Ya-Qin ZHAO Guang-Xing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期501-505,共5页
我们理论上调查由一种类型的单个光子的散布三水平的系统与被完整的量机械的途径联合到一个维的波导的一个 whispering-gallery-type 共鸣器交往。单个光子的传播振幅和思考振幅完全经由真实空间的途径被获得。由经典的光地控制的单个... 我们理论上调查由一种类型的单个光子的散布三水平的系统与被完整的量机械的途径联合到一个维的波导的一个 whispering-gallery-type 共鸣器交往。单个光子的传播振幅和思考振幅完全经由真实空间的途径被获得。由经典的光地控制的单个光子的运输性质被讨论。在有三水平的系统的联合 waveguide-whispering-gallery 共鸣器原子的批评联合条件也被分析。 展开更多
关键词 三能级系统 耦合波导 相互作用 光子散射 谐振器 回音壁 单光子 一维
作者 罗积润 张世昌 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 1991年第1期1-9,共9页
A linear and nonlinear analysis of crossed-field gyrotron operating on whispering-gallery mode TE<sub>m11</sub> is presented. The detailed discussions are given for the starting oscillationcondition, the e... A linear and nonlinear analysis of crossed-field gyrotron operating on whispering-gallery mode TE<sub>m11</sub> is presented. The detailed discussions are given for the starting oscillationcondition, the effect of the internal conductor in coaxial cavity on the cut-off frequency of modeand the spacing between adjacent modes as well as the effect of the applied voltage on thecyclotron frequency of electron, the starting oscillation beam power and the electron efficiency.It is shown that the efficiency of 41% can be attained for m=2. A comparison of these resultswith those in cylindrical cavity is made. The analyses are helpful for the engineering design. 展开更多
关键词 GYROTRON whispering-gallery-mode STARTING oscillation condition Beam-wave interaction
《ChinAfrica》 2019年第8期64-64,共1页
The Elephant Whisperer By Lawrence Anthony & Graham Spence Thomas Dunne Books when South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony was asked to accept a herd of "rogue" wild elephants on his Thula Thula g... The Elephant Whisperer By Lawrence Anthony & Graham Spence Thomas Dunne Books when South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony was asked to accept a herd of "rogue" wild elephants on his Thula Thula game reserve in Zululand. 展开更多
关键词 THE ELEPHANT whisperER Lawrence Anthony Zululand
《音乐世界》 2003年第11期33-33,共1页
A.23岁的“新好男孩”成员尼克·卡特目前正和33岁的模特克里斯蒂·蕾恩积极交往,她已离婚,有一个7岁的女儿。蕾恩透露:“我爱他!我希望我们能天长地久地在一起,我是比他大10岁,但我的心依然年轻。我们很相像,经常互相开玩笑,... A.23岁的“新好男孩”成员尼克·卡特目前正和33岁的模特克里斯蒂·蕾恩积极交往,她已离婚,有一个7岁的女儿。蕾恩透露:“我爱他!我希望我们能天长地久地在一起,我是比他大10岁,但我的心依然年轻。我们很相像,经常互相开玩笑,他也喜欢孩子。”他们是今年4月在迈阿密游艇赛上认识的,7月末蕾恩拜访了尼克的家,除了正在巡演的阿伦·卡特,她见到他所有的家人,他们一点不介意她的年龄,给蕾恩留下极佳印象。 展开更多
关键词 迈阿密 WEST whisper 里维斯 克里斯蒂 贾斯汀
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