Crop consumptive water use is recognized as a key element to understand regional water management performance. This study documents an attempt to apply a regional evapotranspiration model(SEBAL) and crop information...Crop consumptive water use is recognized as a key element to understand regional water management performance. This study documents an attempt to apply a regional evapotranspiration model(SEBAL) and crop information for assessment of regional crop(summer maize and winter wheat) actual evapotranspiration(ET a) in Huang-Huai-Hai(3H) Plain, China. The average seasonal ET a of summer maize and winter wheat were 354.8 and 521.5 mm respectively in 3H Plain. A high-ET a belt of summer maize occurs in piedmont plain, while a low ET a area was found in the hill-irrigable land and dry land area. For winter wheat, a high-ET a area was located in the middle part of 3H Plain, including low plain-hydropenia irrigable land and dry land, hill-irrigable land and dry land, and basin-irrigable land and dry land. Spatial analysis demonstrated a linear relationship between crop ET a, normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI), and the land surface temperature(LST). A stronger relationship between ET a and NDVI was found in the metaphase and last phase than other crop growing phase, as indicated by higher correlation coefficient values. Additionally, higher correlation coefficients were detected between ET a and LST than that between ET a and NDVI, and this significant relationship ran through the entire crop growing season. ET a in the summer maize growing season showed a significant relationship with longitude, while ET a in the winter wheat growing season showed a significant relationship with latitude. The results of this study will serve as baseline information for water resources management of 3H Plain.展开更多
Accurate crop growth monitoring and yield forecasting have important implications for food security and agricultural macro-control. Crop simulation and satellite remote sensing have their own advantages, combining the...Accurate crop growth monitoring and yield forecasting have important implications for food security and agricultural macro-control. Crop simulation and satellite remote sensing have their own advantages, combining the two can improve the real-time mechanism and accuracy of agricultural monitoring and evaluation. The research is based on the MERSI data carried by China’s new generation Fengyun-3 meteorological satellite, combined with the US ALMANAC crop model, established the NDVI-LAI model and realized the acquisition of LAI data from point to surface. Because of the principle of the relationship between the morphological changes of LAI curve and the growth of crops, an index that can be used to determine the growth of crops is established to realize real-time, dynamic and wide-scale monitoring of winter wheat growth. At the same time, the index was used to select the different key growth stages of winter wheat for yield estimation. The results showed that the relative error of total yield during the filling period was low, nearly 5%. The research results show that the combination of domestic meteorological satellite Fengyun-3 and ALMANAC crop model for crop growth monitoring and yield estimation is feasible, and further expands the application range of domestic satellites.展开更多
To accurately estimate winter wheat yields and analyze the uncertainty in crop model data assimilations, winter wheat yield estimates were obtained by assimilating measured or remotely sensed leaf area index (LAI) v...To accurately estimate winter wheat yields and analyze the uncertainty in crop model data assimilations, winter wheat yield estimates were obtained by assimilating measured or remotely sensed leaf area index (LAI) values. The performances of the calibrated crop environment resource synthesis for wheat (CERES-Wheat) model for two different assimilation scenarios were compared by employing ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based strategies. The uncertainty factors of the crop model data assimilation was analyzed by considering the observation errors, assimilation stages and temporal-spatial scales. Overalll the results indicated a better yield estimate performance when the EnKF-based strategy was used to comprehen- sively consider several factors in the initial conditions and observations. When using this strategy, an adjusted coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.84, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 323 kg ha-1, and a relative errors (RE) of 4.15% were obtained at the field plot scale and an R2 of 0.81, an RMSE of 362 kg ha-1, and an RE of 4.52% were obtained at the pixel scale of 30 mx30 m. With increasing observation errors, the accuracy of the yield estimates obviously decreased, but an acceptable estimate was observed when the observation errors were within 20%. Winter wheat yield estimates could be improved significantly by assimilating observations from the middle to the end of the crop growing seasons. With decreasing assimilation frequency and pixel resolution, the accuracy of the crop yield estimates decreased; however, the computation time decreased. It is important to consider reasonable temporal-spatial scales and assimilation stages to obtain tradeoffs between accuracy and computation time, especially in operational systems used for regional crop yield estimates.展开更多
Biosolids were applied with urea to produce a granulated organo-mineral fertiliser (OMF) for application by farm fertiliser equipment to a range of agricultural crops. The recommended rates of nitrogen, phosphate and ...Biosolids were applied with urea to produce a granulated organo-mineral fertiliser (OMF) for application by farm fertiliser equipment to a range of agricultural crops. The recommended rates of nitrogen, phosphate and potash were calculated for the test crops using “The Fertiliser Manual”, which assesses the nutrient requirement based on previous cropping, rainfall and soil index. The OMF produced similar crop yields compared to ammonium nitrate fertiliser when applied as a top-dressing to winter wheat, forage maize and grass cut for silage in the cropping years 2010 to 2014. In 2012 the grain yield of spring barley top-dressed with OMF was significantly lower than the conventional fertiliser treatment, due to dry conditions following application. For this reason it is recommended that OMF is incorporated into the seedbed for spring sown crops and The Safe Sludge Matrix guidelines followed. The experimental work presented shows that OMF can be used in sustainable crop production systems as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus for a range of agricultural crops.展开更多
Limited water resources often result in reduced crop yield and low water productivity(WP). In northwestern China, crop production is generally dependent on precipitation. Therefore, a variety of agricultural rainwat...Limited water resources often result in reduced crop yield and low water productivity(WP). In northwestern China, crop production is generally dependent on precipitation. Therefore, a variety of agricultural rainwater harvesting(ARH) techniques have been used for conserving soil moisture, ameliorating soil environment, increasing crop yield, and improving water use efficiency. A two-year(2013–2015) field experiment was conducted under a typical sub-humid drought-prone climate in Yangling(108°24′E, 34°20′N; 521 m a.s.l.), Shaanxi Province, China, to explore the effects of mulching(same for summer maize and winter wheat) on soil moisture, soil temperature, crop water consumption, and crop yield with a winter wheat/summer maize rotation. Crops were planted in a ridge-furrow pattern and the treatments consisted of a transparent film mulch over the ridges(M1), a crop straw mulch in the furrows(M2), a transparent film mulch over the ridges and a crop straw mulch in the furrows(M3), a black film mulch over the ridges and a crop straw mulch in the furrows(M4), and a control with no mulch(CK). Results showed that M4 was the best treatment for improving soil water storage and content, and decreasing crop water consumption during the summer maize and winter wheat rotation. In both maize and wheat seasons, M1 had a higher soil temperature than M2 and CK, and M3 had a higher soil temperature than M4. In the maize seasons, M4 had the highest yield, WP, and precipitation productivity(PP), with the average values for these parameters increasing by 30.9%, 39.0%, and 31.0%, respectively, compared to those in CK. In the wheat seasons, however, M3 had the highest yield, WP, and PP, with the average values for these parameters being 23.7%, 26.7%, and 23.8% higher, respectively, than those in CK. Annual yield(maize and wheat yields combined) and WP did not differ significantly between M3 and M4. These results suggested that M3 and M4 may thus be the optimal ARH practices for the production of winter wheat and summer maize, respectively, in arid and semi-arid areas.展开更多
The research on the characteristic frequency of precipitation is a great significance for guiding regional agricultural planning, water conservancy project designs, and drought and flood control. Droughts and floods o...The research on the characteristic frequency of precipitation is a great significance for guiding regional agricultural planning, water conservancy project designs, and drought and flood control. Droughts and floods occurred in northern Weihe Loess Plateau, affecting growing and yield of winter wheat in the area. Based on the daily precipitation data of 29 meteorological stations from 1981 to 2012, this study is to address the analysis of three different frequencies of annual precipitation at 5%, 50%, and 95%, and to determine the amount of rainfall excess and water shortage during seven growth stages of winter wheat at 5%, 10%, and 20% frequencies, respectively. Pearson type III curve was selected for this study to analyze the distribution frequency of annual rainfall and rainfall amount following seven growth stages of winter wheat crop in 29 stations of Northern Weihe loess plateau. As a result of our study, annual precipitation is gradually increasing from southwest to northeast of Northern Weihe loess plateau. The highest amount of annual precipitation occurred in the Baoji area and the lowest precipitation covered by the northwest area of Northern Weihe loess plateau. Moreover, the amount of rainfall of seven growth stages indicates that excessive rainfall occurs not only in the first stage (sowing to tillering) and seventh stage (flowering to ripening) but also in second stage (tillering to wintering). In the seventh stage, a large amount of excessive rainfall occurred in Changwu, Bin, Qianyang, Fengxiang, Baojiqu, and Baojixian. Moreover, water shortage is distributed in the third stage (from wintering to greening), the fourth stage (from greening to jointing), the fifth stage (from jointing to heading), and the sixth stage (from heading to flowering). Furthermore, the worst water shortages occurred in Hancheng, Heyang, Chengcheng, Pucheng, Dali, Tongchuan, and Fuping in the fourth stage (greening to jointing stage). Even though we study the crop water requirement under extreme rainfall conditions, the amount of rainwater still supply inadequate in some parts of the winter wheat growth stage. Therefore, this study provides main clues for the next step to study the irrigation water needs of winter wheat crops and to reduce agricultural risks in 29 counties in the northern loess plateau and other regions.展开更多
作物模型为人们认识旱区农业生境过程并对其进行调控提供了一种有效的工具。为了探讨小麦生长模拟模型DSSAT-CERES-Wheat能否准确模拟水分胁迫条件下旱区冬小麦的生长发育和产量形成过程,同时确定参数估计和模型验证的最优方案,该研究...作物模型为人们认识旱区农业生境过程并对其进行调控提供了一种有效的工具。为了探讨小麦生长模拟模型DSSAT-CERES-Wheat能否准确模拟水分胁迫条件下旱区冬小麦的生长发育和产量形成过程,同时确定参数估计和模型验证的最优方案,该研究进行了连续两季(2012.10-2013.06和2013.10-2014.06)的冬小麦分段受旱田间试验。试验将冬小麦整个生育期划分为越冬、返青、拔节、抽穗和灌浆5个主要生长阶段,每相邻两个生长阶段连续受旱,形成4个不同的受旱时段水平(D1-D4),根据小麦生育期的需水量,设置灌水定额分别为40和80 mm 2个水平(I1和I2),共形成8个处理,每处理3次重复,在遮雨棚内采用裂区试验布置,此外在旁边设置1个各生育期全灌水的对照处理。文中设置了5套不同的参数估计和验证方案,利用DSSAT-GLUE参数估计模块得到不同的参数估计结果。通过对比分析冬小麦物候期、单粒质量、生物量、产量、以及土壤水分含量的模拟值和实测值之间的差异,以确定利用DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型模拟旱区冬小麦生境过程的精度。结果表明,参数P1V(最适温度条件下通过春化阶段所需天数)和G3(成熟期非水分胁迫下单株茎穂标准干质量)具有较强的变异性,变异系数分别为19.07%和16.34%,受基因型-环境互作的影响较大,而其他参数的变异性则较弱,变异系数均小于10%;DSSAT-GLUE参数估计工具具有较好的收敛性,不同参数估计方案所得的参数值具有一定的一致性;不同的参数估计方案所得的模型输出结果有较大差异,其中参数估计方案1(利用两季试验中的充分灌溉处理CK数据进行参数估计,其他不同阶段受旱处理数据进行验证)的模型校正和验证精度最高,其中模型校正的绝对相对误差(absolute relative error,ARE)和相对均方根误差(relative root mean squared error,RRMSE)分别为4.89%和5.18%。在冬小麦抽穗期和灌浆期受旱时,DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型可以较好地模拟小麦的生长发育过程以及土壤水分的动态变化,但是在越冬期和返青期受旱时,模拟结果相对较差,并且随着受旱时段提前和受旱程度的加重,模拟精度将变得更低。此外,该模型无法模拟由不同水分胁迫造成的冬小麦物候期差异,需要对模型进行相应的改进。交叉验证表明DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型模拟该研究中不同水分胁迫条件下冬小麦生长和产量的总体性误差在15%~18%左右。总之,DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型在模拟旱区冬小麦生境过程时存在着一定的局限性,若要更广泛地将该模型应用在中国干旱半干旱地区的冬小麦生产管理和研究,有必要对冬小麦营养生长阶段前期的水分胁迫响应机制和模拟方法进行进一步的深入研究。展开更多
Ammonia (NH_3) emissions should be mitigated to improve environmental quality.Croplands are one of the largest NH_3sources,they must be managed properly to reduce their emissions while achieving the target yields.Here...Ammonia (NH_3) emissions should be mitigated to improve environmental quality.Croplands are one of the largest NH_3sources,they must be managed properly to reduce their emissions while achieving the target yields.Herein,we report the NH_3 emissions,crop yield and changes in soil fertility in a long-term trial with various fertilization regimes,to explore whether NH_3 emissions can be significantly reduced using the 4R nutrient stewardship (4Rs),and its interaction with the organic amendments (i.e.,manure and straw) in a wheat–maize rotation.Implementing the 4Rs significantly reduced NH_3 emissions to 6 kg N ha~(–1) yr~(–1) and the emission factor to 1.72%,without compromising grain yield (12.37 Mg ha~(–1) yr~(–1))and soil fertility (soil organic carbon of 7.58 g kg~(–1)) compared to the conventional chemical N management.When using the 4R plus manure,NH_3 emissions (7 kg N ha~(–1) yr~(–1)) and the emission factor (1.74%) were as low as 4Rs,and grain yield and soil organic carbon increased to 14.79 Mg ha~(–1) yr~(–1) and 10.09 g kg~(–1),respectively.Partial manure substitution not only significantly reduced NH_3 emissions but also increased crop yields and improved soil fertility,compared to conventional chemical N management.Straw return exerted a minor effect on NH_3 emissions.These results highlight that 4R plus manure,which couples nitrogen and carbon management can help achieve both high yields and low environmental costs.展开更多
Significantly increasing temperature since the 1980s in China has become a consensus under the background of global climate change and how climate change affects agriculture or even cropping systems has attracted more...Significantly increasing temperature since the 1980s in China has become a consensus under the background of global climate change and how climate change affects agriculture or even cropping systems has attracted more and more attention from Chinese government and scientists. In this study, the possible effects of climate warming on the national northern limits of cropping systems, the northern limits of winter wheat and double rice, and the stable-yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation in China from 1981 to 2007 were analyzed. Also, the possible change of crop yield caused by planting limits displacement during the periods 1950s-1981 and 1981-2007 was compared and discussed. The recognized calculation methods of agricultural climatic indices were employed. According to the indices of climatic regionalization for cropping systems, the national northern limits of cropping systems, winter wheat and double rice, and the stable-yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation during two periods, including the 1950s-1980 and 1981-2007, were drawn with ArcGIS software. Compared with the situation during the 1950s- 1980, the northern limits of double cropping system during 1981-2007 showed significant spatial displacement in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, and Liaoning provinces and Beijing municipality, China. The northern limits of triple cropping system showed the maximum spatial displacement in Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces, China. Without considering variety change and social economic factors, the per unit area grain yield of main planting patterns would increase about 54-106% if single cropping system was replaced by double cropping system, which turned out to be 27- 58% if double cropping system was replaced by triple cropping system. In Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia autonomous regions, China, the northern limits of winter wheat during 1981-2007 moved northward and expanded westward in different degrees, compared with those during the 1950s-1980. Taking Hebei Province as an example, the northern limits of winter wheat moved northward, and the per unit area grain yield would averagely increase about 25% in the change region if the spring wheat was replaced by winter wheat. In Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, and Hunan provinces, China, the planting northern limits of double rice moved northward, and the per unit area grain yield would increase in different degrees only from the perspective of heat resource. The stable- yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation moved southeastward in most regions, which was caused by the decrease of local precipitation in recent years. During the past 50 yr, climate warming made the national northern limits of cropping systems move northward in different degrees, the northern limits of winter wheat and double rice both moved northward, and the cropping system change would cause the increase of per unit area grain yield in the change region. However, the stable-yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation moved southeastward due to the decrease of precipitation.展开更多
Field studies were conducted at Bushland, Texas, USA, in 2004 to examine usefulness of canopy temperature depression (CTD), the difference of air-canopy temperature, in screening wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genot...Field studies were conducted at Bushland, Texas, USA, in 2004 to examine usefulness of canopy temperature depression (CTD), the difference of air-canopy temperature, in screening wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for yield under dryland and irrigated. Forty winter wheat genotypes were grown under irrigation and dryland. CTDs were recorded after heading between 1 330 and 1 530 h on 6 clear days for dryland and 9 days for irrigation. Drought susceptible index (DSI) for each genotype was calculated using mean yield under dryland and irrigated conditions. Genotypes exhibited great differences in CTD under each environment. The dryland CTDs averaged 1.33℃ ranging from -0.67 to 2.57℃, and the average irrigation CTD were 4.59℃ ranging from 3.21 to 5.62℃. A low yield reduction was observed under dryland conditions relative to irrigated conditions for high-CTD genotypes. CTD values were highly negatively correlated with DSI under dryland, and genotypes of CTDs = 1.3℃ in dryland condition were identified as drought resistant. For 21 genotypes classified as drought resistant by DSI, their CTDs were 1.68℃ for dryland and 4.35℃ for irrigation on average; for 19 genotypes classified as drought susceptible by DSI, average CTD was 0.94℃ in dryland and 4.85℃ in irrigation. The high-yield genotypes consistently had high CTD values, and the low-yield ones had low CTD values for all measurements in dryland. After heading, genotypes maintained consistent ranking for CTD. Regression results for CTD and yield suggested that the best time for taking CTD measurement was 3-4 weeks after heading in irrigation but any time before senescence in dryland. Crop water stress index (CWSI) calculated from CTD data was highly correlated with CWSI calculated from yield, which suggesting traditional costly CWSI measurement may be improved by using portable infrared thermometers. Most importantly, grain yield was highly correlated with CTD under dryland (R^2 = 0.79-0.86) and irrigation (R^2 = 0.46-0.58) conditions. These results clearly indicated grain yield and water stress can be predicted by taking CTD values in field, which can be used by breeding programs as a potential selection criterion for grain yield and drought resistance in wheat, but a second study year is needed to confirm further.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2012BAD09B01)the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2012CB955904)the National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China (41401510)
文摘Crop consumptive water use is recognized as a key element to understand regional water management performance. This study documents an attempt to apply a regional evapotranspiration model(SEBAL) and crop information for assessment of regional crop(summer maize and winter wheat) actual evapotranspiration(ET a) in Huang-Huai-Hai(3H) Plain, China. The average seasonal ET a of summer maize and winter wheat were 354.8 and 521.5 mm respectively in 3H Plain. A high-ET a belt of summer maize occurs in piedmont plain, while a low ET a area was found in the hill-irrigable land and dry land area. For winter wheat, a high-ET a area was located in the middle part of 3H Plain, including low plain-hydropenia irrigable land and dry land, hill-irrigable land and dry land, and basin-irrigable land and dry land. Spatial analysis demonstrated a linear relationship between crop ET a, normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI), and the land surface temperature(LST). A stronger relationship between ET a and NDVI was found in the metaphase and last phase than other crop growing phase, as indicated by higher correlation coefficient values. Additionally, higher correlation coefficients were detected between ET a and LST than that between ET a and NDVI, and this significant relationship ran through the entire crop growing season. ET a in the summer maize growing season showed a significant relationship with longitude, while ET a in the winter wheat growing season showed a significant relationship with latitude. The results of this study will serve as baseline information for water resources management of 3H Plain.
文摘Accurate crop growth monitoring and yield forecasting have important implications for food security and agricultural macro-control. Crop simulation and satellite remote sensing have their own advantages, combining the two can improve the real-time mechanism and accuracy of agricultural monitoring and evaluation. The research is based on the MERSI data carried by China’s new generation Fengyun-3 meteorological satellite, combined with the US ALMANAC crop model, established the NDVI-LAI model and realized the acquisition of LAI data from point to surface. Because of the principle of the relationship between the morphological changes of LAI curve and the growth of crops, an index that can be used to determine the growth of crops is established to realize real-time, dynamic and wide-scale monitoring of winter wheat growth. At the same time, the index was used to select the different key growth stages of winter wheat for yield estimation. The results showed that the relative error of total yield during the filling period was low, nearly 5%. The research results show that the combination of domestic meteorological satellite Fengyun-3 and ALMANAC crop model for crop growth monitoring and yield estimation is feasible, and further expands the application range of domestic satellites.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41401491,41371396,41301457,41471364)the Introduction of International Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology,Ministry of Agriculture,China (948 Program,2016-X38)+1 种基金the Agricultural Scientific Research Fund of Outstanding Talentsthe Open Fund for the Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics,Ministry of Agriculture,China (2013009)
文摘To accurately estimate winter wheat yields and analyze the uncertainty in crop model data assimilations, winter wheat yield estimates were obtained by assimilating measured or remotely sensed leaf area index (LAI) values. The performances of the calibrated crop environment resource synthesis for wheat (CERES-Wheat) model for two different assimilation scenarios were compared by employing ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based strategies. The uncertainty factors of the crop model data assimilation was analyzed by considering the observation errors, assimilation stages and temporal-spatial scales. Overalll the results indicated a better yield estimate performance when the EnKF-based strategy was used to comprehen- sively consider several factors in the initial conditions and observations. When using this strategy, an adjusted coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.84, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 323 kg ha-1, and a relative errors (RE) of 4.15% were obtained at the field plot scale and an R2 of 0.81, an RMSE of 362 kg ha-1, and an RE of 4.52% were obtained at the pixel scale of 30 mx30 m. With increasing observation errors, the accuracy of the yield estimates obviously decreased, but an acceptable estimate was observed when the observation errors were within 20%. Winter wheat yield estimates could be improved significantly by assimilating observations from the middle to the end of the crop growing seasons. With decreasing assimilation frequency and pixel resolution, the accuracy of the crop yield estimates decreased; however, the computation time decreased. It is important to consider reasonable temporal-spatial scales and assimilation stages to obtain tradeoffs between accuracy and computation time, especially in operational systems used for regional crop yield estimates.
文摘Biosolids were applied with urea to produce a granulated organo-mineral fertiliser (OMF) for application by farm fertiliser equipment to a range of agricultural crops. The recommended rates of nitrogen, phosphate and potash were calculated for the test crops using “The Fertiliser Manual”, which assesses the nutrient requirement based on previous cropping, rainfall and soil index. The OMF produced similar crop yields compared to ammonium nitrate fertiliser when applied as a top-dressing to winter wheat, forage maize and grass cut for silage in the cropping years 2010 to 2014. In 2012 the grain yield of spring barley top-dressed with OMF was significantly lower than the conventional fertiliser treatment, due to dry conditions following application. For this reason it is recommended that OMF is incorporated into the seedbed for spring sown crops and The Safe Sludge Matrix guidelines followed. The experimental work presented shows that OMF can be used in sustainable crop production systems as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus for a range of agricultural crops.
基金supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201503125, 201503105)the Chinese National High Technology Research and Development Program (2011AA100504)
文摘Limited water resources often result in reduced crop yield and low water productivity(WP). In northwestern China, crop production is generally dependent on precipitation. Therefore, a variety of agricultural rainwater harvesting(ARH) techniques have been used for conserving soil moisture, ameliorating soil environment, increasing crop yield, and improving water use efficiency. A two-year(2013–2015) field experiment was conducted under a typical sub-humid drought-prone climate in Yangling(108°24′E, 34°20′N; 521 m a.s.l.), Shaanxi Province, China, to explore the effects of mulching(same for summer maize and winter wheat) on soil moisture, soil temperature, crop water consumption, and crop yield with a winter wheat/summer maize rotation. Crops were planted in a ridge-furrow pattern and the treatments consisted of a transparent film mulch over the ridges(M1), a crop straw mulch in the furrows(M2), a transparent film mulch over the ridges and a crop straw mulch in the furrows(M3), a black film mulch over the ridges and a crop straw mulch in the furrows(M4), and a control with no mulch(CK). Results showed that M4 was the best treatment for improving soil water storage and content, and decreasing crop water consumption during the summer maize and winter wheat rotation. In both maize and wheat seasons, M1 had a higher soil temperature than M2 and CK, and M3 had a higher soil temperature than M4. In the maize seasons, M4 had the highest yield, WP, and precipitation productivity(PP), with the average values for these parameters increasing by 30.9%, 39.0%, and 31.0%, respectively, compared to those in CK. In the wheat seasons, however, M3 had the highest yield, WP, and PP, with the average values for these parameters being 23.7%, 26.7%, and 23.8% higher, respectively, than those in CK. Annual yield(maize and wheat yields combined) and WP did not differ significantly between M3 and M4. These results suggested that M3 and M4 may thus be the optimal ARH practices for the production of winter wheat and summer maize, respectively, in arid and semi-arid areas.
文摘The research on the characteristic frequency of precipitation is a great significance for guiding regional agricultural planning, water conservancy project designs, and drought and flood control. Droughts and floods occurred in northern Weihe Loess Plateau, affecting growing and yield of winter wheat in the area. Based on the daily precipitation data of 29 meteorological stations from 1981 to 2012, this study is to address the analysis of three different frequencies of annual precipitation at 5%, 50%, and 95%, and to determine the amount of rainfall excess and water shortage during seven growth stages of winter wheat at 5%, 10%, and 20% frequencies, respectively. Pearson type III curve was selected for this study to analyze the distribution frequency of annual rainfall and rainfall amount following seven growth stages of winter wheat crop in 29 stations of Northern Weihe loess plateau. As a result of our study, annual precipitation is gradually increasing from southwest to northeast of Northern Weihe loess plateau. The highest amount of annual precipitation occurred in the Baoji area and the lowest precipitation covered by the northwest area of Northern Weihe loess plateau. Moreover, the amount of rainfall of seven growth stages indicates that excessive rainfall occurs not only in the first stage (sowing to tillering) and seventh stage (flowering to ripening) but also in second stage (tillering to wintering). In the seventh stage, a large amount of excessive rainfall occurred in Changwu, Bin, Qianyang, Fengxiang, Baojiqu, and Baojixian. Moreover, water shortage is distributed in the third stage (from wintering to greening), the fourth stage (from greening to jointing), the fifth stage (from jointing to heading), and the sixth stage (from heading to flowering). Furthermore, the worst water shortages occurred in Hancheng, Heyang, Chengcheng, Pucheng, Dali, Tongchuan, and Fuping in the fourth stage (greening to jointing stage). Even though we study the crop water requirement under extreme rainfall conditions, the amount of rainwater still supply inadequate in some parts of the winter wheat growth stage. Therefore, this study provides main clues for the next step to study the irrigation water needs of winter wheat crops and to reduce agricultural risks in 29 counties in the northern loess plateau and other regions.
文摘作物模型为人们认识旱区农业生境过程并对其进行调控提供了一种有效的工具。为了探讨小麦生长模拟模型DSSAT-CERES-Wheat能否准确模拟水分胁迫条件下旱区冬小麦的生长发育和产量形成过程,同时确定参数估计和模型验证的最优方案,该研究进行了连续两季(2012.10-2013.06和2013.10-2014.06)的冬小麦分段受旱田间试验。试验将冬小麦整个生育期划分为越冬、返青、拔节、抽穗和灌浆5个主要生长阶段,每相邻两个生长阶段连续受旱,形成4个不同的受旱时段水平(D1-D4),根据小麦生育期的需水量,设置灌水定额分别为40和80 mm 2个水平(I1和I2),共形成8个处理,每处理3次重复,在遮雨棚内采用裂区试验布置,此外在旁边设置1个各生育期全灌水的对照处理。文中设置了5套不同的参数估计和验证方案,利用DSSAT-GLUE参数估计模块得到不同的参数估计结果。通过对比分析冬小麦物候期、单粒质量、生物量、产量、以及土壤水分含量的模拟值和实测值之间的差异,以确定利用DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型模拟旱区冬小麦生境过程的精度。结果表明,参数P1V(最适温度条件下通过春化阶段所需天数)和G3(成熟期非水分胁迫下单株茎穂标准干质量)具有较强的变异性,变异系数分别为19.07%和16.34%,受基因型-环境互作的影响较大,而其他参数的变异性则较弱,变异系数均小于10%;DSSAT-GLUE参数估计工具具有较好的收敛性,不同参数估计方案所得的参数值具有一定的一致性;不同的参数估计方案所得的模型输出结果有较大差异,其中参数估计方案1(利用两季试验中的充分灌溉处理CK数据进行参数估计,其他不同阶段受旱处理数据进行验证)的模型校正和验证精度最高,其中模型校正的绝对相对误差(absolute relative error,ARE)和相对均方根误差(relative root mean squared error,RRMSE)分别为4.89%和5.18%。在冬小麦抽穗期和灌浆期受旱时,DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型可以较好地模拟小麦的生长发育过程以及土壤水分的动态变化,但是在越冬期和返青期受旱时,模拟结果相对较差,并且随着受旱时段提前和受旱程度的加重,模拟精度将变得更低。此外,该模型无法模拟由不同水分胁迫造成的冬小麦物候期差异,需要对模型进行相应的改进。交叉验证表明DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型模拟该研究中不同水分胁迫条件下冬小麦生长和产量的总体性误差在15%~18%左右。总之,DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型在模拟旱区冬小麦生境过程时存在着一定的局限性,若要更广泛地将该模型应用在中国干旱半干旱地区的冬小麦生产管理和研究,有必要对冬小麦营养生长阶段前期的水分胁迫响应机制和模拟方法进行进一步的深入研究。
基金supported by the Hainan Key Research and Development Project, China (ZDYF2021XDNY184)the Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (422RC597)+2 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41830751)the Hainan Major Science and Technology Program, China (ZDKJ2021008)the Hainan University Startup Fund,China (KYQD(ZR)-20098)。
文摘Ammonia (NH_3) emissions should be mitigated to improve environmental quality.Croplands are one of the largest NH_3sources,they must be managed properly to reduce their emissions while achieving the target yields.Herein,we report the NH_3 emissions,crop yield and changes in soil fertility in a long-term trial with various fertilization regimes,to explore whether NH_3 emissions can be significantly reduced using the 4R nutrient stewardship (4Rs),and its interaction with the organic amendments (i.e.,manure and straw) in a wheat–maize rotation.Implementing the 4Rs significantly reduced NH_3 emissions to 6 kg N ha~(–1) yr~(–1) and the emission factor to 1.72%,without compromising grain yield (12.37 Mg ha~(–1) yr~(–1))and soil fertility (soil organic carbon of 7.58 g kg~(–1)) compared to the conventional chemical N management.When using the 4R plus manure,NH_3 emissions (7 kg N ha~(–1) yr~(–1)) and the emission factor (1.74%) were as low as 4Rs,and grain yield and soil organic carbon increased to 14.79 Mg ha~(–1) yr~(–1) and 10.09 g kg~(–1),respectively.Partial manure substitution not only significantly reduced NH_3 emissions but also increased crop yields and improved soil fertility,compared to conventional chemical N management.Straw return exerted a minor effect on NH_3 emissions.These results highlight that 4R plus manure,which couples nitrogen and carbon management can help achieve both high yields and low environmental costs.
基金funded by the Mode Construction of Modern Farming System and Supporting Technology Research and Demonstration, China (200803028)
文摘Significantly increasing temperature since the 1980s in China has become a consensus under the background of global climate change and how climate change affects agriculture or even cropping systems has attracted more and more attention from Chinese government and scientists. In this study, the possible effects of climate warming on the national northern limits of cropping systems, the northern limits of winter wheat and double rice, and the stable-yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation in China from 1981 to 2007 were analyzed. Also, the possible change of crop yield caused by planting limits displacement during the periods 1950s-1981 and 1981-2007 was compared and discussed. The recognized calculation methods of agricultural climatic indices were employed. According to the indices of climatic regionalization for cropping systems, the national northern limits of cropping systems, winter wheat and double rice, and the stable-yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation during two periods, including the 1950s-1980 and 1981-2007, were drawn with ArcGIS software. Compared with the situation during the 1950s- 1980, the northern limits of double cropping system during 1981-2007 showed significant spatial displacement in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, and Liaoning provinces and Beijing municipality, China. The northern limits of triple cropping system showed the maximum spatial displacement in Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces, China. Without considering variety change and social economic factors, the per unit area grain yield of main planting patterns would increase about 54-106% if single cropping system was replaced by double cropping system, which turned out to be 27- 58% if double cropping system was replaced by triple cropping system. In Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia autonomous regions, China, the northern limits of winter wheat during 1981-2007 moved northward and expanded westward in different degrees, compared with those during the 1950s-1980. Taking Hebei Province as an example, the northern limits of winter wheat moved northward, and the per unit area grain yield would averagely increase about 25% in the change region if the spring wheat was replaced by winter wheat. In Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, and Hunan provinces, China, the planting northern limits of double rice moved northward, and the per unit area grain yield would increase in different degrees only from the perspective of heat resource. The stable- yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation moved southeastward in most regions, which was caused by the decrease of local precipitation in recent years. During the past 50 yr, climate warming made the national northern limits of cropping systems move northward in different degrees, the northern limits of winter wheat and double rice both moved northward, and the cropping system change would cause the increase of per unit area grain yield in the change region. However, the stable-yield northern limits of rainfed winter wheat-summer maize rotation moved southeastward due to the decrease of precipitation.
基金This study was financially supported by the China National 863 Program(2002AA2Z4011)the China National R&D Program(2004BA508B09)Texas wheat breed and physiology program.These assistances are gratefully acknowledged.We also thank Gail Petersion and Melanie Allred for their assistance when the study was going on.
文摘Field studies were conducted at Bushland, Texas, USA, in 2004 to examine usefulness of canopy temperature depression (CTD), the difference of air-canopy temperature, in screening wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for yield under dryland and irrigated. Forty winter wheat genotypes were grown under irrigation and dryland. CTDs were recorded after heading between 1 330 and 1 530 h on 6 clear days for dryland and 9 days for irrigation. Drought susceptible index (DSI) for each genotype was calculated using mean yield under dryland and irrigated conditions. Genotypes exhibited great differences in CTD under each environment. The dryland CTDs averaged 1.33℃ ranging from -0.67 to 2.57℃, and the average irrigation CTD were 4.59℃ ranging from 3.21 to 5.62℃. A low yield reduction was observed under dryland conditions relative to irrigated conditions for high-CTD genotypes. CTD values were highly negatively correlated with DSI under dryland, and genotypes of CTDs = 1.3℃ in dryland condition were identified as drought resistant. For 21 genotypes classified as drought resistant by DSI, their CTDs were 1.68℃ for dryland and 4.35℃ for irrigation on average; for 19 genotypes classified as drought susceptible by DSI, average CTD was 0.94℃ in dryland and 4.85℃ in irrigation. The high-yield genotypes consistently had high CTD values, and the low-yield ones had low CTD values for all measurements in dryland. After heading, genotypes maintained consistent ranking for CTD. Regression results for CTD and yield suggested that the best time for taking CTD measurement was 3-4 weeks after heading in irrigation but any time before senescence in dryland. Crop water stress index (CWSI) calculated from CTD data was highly correlated with CWSI calculated from yield, which suggesting traditional costly CWSI measurement may be improved by using portable infrared thermometers. Most importantly, grain yield was highly correlated with CTD under dryland (R^2 = 0.79-0.86) and irrigation (R^2 = 0.46-0.58) conditions. These results clearly indicated grain yield and water stress can be predicted by taking CTD values in field, which can be used by breeding programs as a potential selection criterion for grain yield and drought resistance in wheat, but a second study year is needed to confirm further.