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作者 刘宁 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期1-9,共9页
韩愈《张中丞传后叙》作为传诵千古的古文经典,对后世广泛流传的“双忠”故事产生重要影响。睢阳保卫战后,复杂的朝廷人事矛盾制约了南霁云英勇事迹的传播。韩愈《张中丞传后叙》首次大力表彰南霁云“断指乞师”的悲壮,直指忠臣在官场... 韩愈《张中丞传后叙》作为传诵千古的古文经典,对后世广泛流传的“双忠”故事产生重要影响。睢阳保卫战后,复杂的朝廷人事矛盾制约了南霁云英勇事迹的传播。韩愈《张中丞传后叙》首次大力表彰南霁云“断指乞师”的悲壮,直指忠臣在官场倾轧中的屈抑之痛,在后世赢得广泛共鸣。韩愈以道德主义的原则为张巡、许远辩诬,着力呈现忠臣面对道德困境的无奈与不得已,对明清时期戏曲小说“双忠”故事“杀妾烹僮”核心情节的书写,产生重要影响。《张中丞传后叙》对后世“双忠”故事的深刻影响,体现了古文经典进入民间的独特历程,显示了雅俗互动的复杂轨迹。 展开更多
关键词 韩愈 《张中丞传后叙》 双忠 南霁云
作者 胡博文 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期79-85,共7页
汉唐时期的循吏重视家庭,在生活中孝敬父母,夫妻和谐,严格教育子女,友爱兄弟。在夫妻间的清贫生活中,妻子体现出一种工具性。他们以礼法治家,虽然维护了家族的和谐,但也体现出父尊母卑、夫尊妻卑、长幼有序的等级观念。他们的家庭观念... 汉唐时期的循吏重视家庭,在生活中孝敬父母,夫妻和谐,严格教育子女,友爱兄弟。在夫妻间的清贫生活中,妻子体现出一种工具性。他们以礼法治家,虽然维护了家族的和谐,但也体现出父尊母卑、夫尊妻卑、长幼有序的等级观念。他们的家庭观念也影响了如何治民,他们在治理百姓时注重移风易俗,重构家庭伦理观念;推己及人,用亲情化解矛盾纠纷,甚至于感化罪犯。然而他们对家人的感情是有原则、有边界的,边界就是法律与道德,是国家与百姓的利益。 展开更多
关键词 汉唐 循吏传 家庭观念 儒家观念
作者 苏悦 《四川图书馆学报》 2025年第1期94-100,共7页
《永乐大典》作为我国历史上规模最大的类书,广泛引录宋元古籍,具有重要的文献价值。今存《永乐大典》标注引自《宋史》人物传记类共103条,其中整篇收入79条,节选22条,还有2条并非出自《宋史》,当为编纂人员误录。在人物传记来源方面,... 《永乐大典》作为我国历史上规模最大的类书,广泛引录宋元古籍,具有重要的文献价值。今存《永乐大典》标注引自《宋史》人物传记类共103条,其中整篇收入79条,节选22条,还有2条并非出自《宋史》,当为编纂人员误录。在人物传记来源方面,《永乐大典》虽仅标注引自《宋史》,实则在编纂时可能参考了其他文献,如《皇宋通鉴长编纪事本末》《东都事略》《戊辰修史传》《玉壶清话》《朱子语类》等。通过梳理引文情况,考论引文来源,并举例说明《永乐大典》所录《宋史》的校勘价值,以期更好地认识《永乐大典》的编纂体例及其价值。 展开更多
关键词 《永乐大典》 编纂体例 《宋史》 人物传记
Integrative medicine:the guide line in women's reproductive health and the treatment of gynecological disease 被引量:3
作者 Yu jin 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 2004年第z1期19-23,共5页
Integrative medicine follows the principles in TCM that nature and human beings being correspondent with its holistic and dialectic views and explores the integrating point with theories and scientific data in modern ... Integrative medicine follows the principles in TCM that nature and human beings being correspondent with its holistic and dialectic views and explores the integrating point with theories and scientific data in modern medicine. During study on 16 gynecological diseases, the deficiency. In patients with pubertal uterine bleeding, ovulation is induced by acupuncture via decrease in central β-endorphin (β-EP) levels, which leads to the cure of anorexia nervosa by acupuncture via decrease in serum cortisol levels in early 1980s. These results in TCM lead to the idea that neuro-endocrine system is directly related to metabolic system which is also proved to be true in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with or without hyperinsulinemia by two formulas (Yu's Tonifying Ricipe and Tian Gui Recipe,TGR) respectively according to differential diagnosis in TCM. Ovulation resulted with decrease in obesity, acanthosis nigricans, serum androgen, insulin, leptin and hyperthalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY), proopiomalanocortin (POMC) levels based on scientific data from both patients and an animal modal. It suggests that metabolic network, and the incidence of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cancers of the endometrium and breast may be reduced among patients with PCOS in their future life while these recipes being taken long period. For perimenopausal syndrome, formula Geng Nian Chun (GNC)without increase in serum estrogen levels. In aging rats, it was found that GNC increased the ER and ERmRNA expressions in the ovarian axis and the spleen accompanying with increase in central β-EP, serotonin (5-HT) and peripheral interlutin-2 (IL-2) levels in aging rats without changes of estrogen levels. These data may refer to the release of symptoms in women with postmenopausal syndome. It suggests that GNC up-regulates the fading of neuro-endocrine-immune network. Prevention, alleviation of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer disease may be expected in aging women with long period taking GNC. 展开更多
关键词 INTEGRATIVE medicine women's health life network HOLISTIC VIEW DIALECTIC VIEW
Author biographies
《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2019年第2期I0001-I0001,F0003,共2页
This special topic of the Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS) focused on Children's motor skills, physical activity, and health promotion was edited by Drs. Zan Gao and Ru Wan g. It in eludes 1 editorial, 6... This special topic of the Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS) focused on Children's motor skills, physical activity, and health promotion was edited by Drs. Zan Gao and Ru Wan g. It in eludes 1 editorial, 6 original articles, and 1 commentary con tributed by research scientists from USA, Portugal, Australia, Italy, and China. Below, we present the biographies of the guest editors and the main authors. 展开更多
关键词 SPECIAL TOPIC SPORT and HEALTH Science PRESENT the biographies
Women's Liberation during the Initial Stage of P. R. China: A Human Rights Perspective
作者 朱晓慧 XU Xinyan ZHANG Kai 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第3期243-254,共12页
The liberation of women is the historical process in which women have striven for gender equality, freedom from oppression, confinement and discrimination, and are becoming the masters of the society and their own des... The liberation of women is the historical process in which women have striven for gender equality, freedom from oppression, confinement and discrimination, and are becoming the masters of the society and their own destinies. According to the diversity in history and the state, the process can be divided into a serial of correlated phases, with each phase focusing on different issues. Sexism order in China had remained stable in the traditional society for centuries through a set of institutions. Women had believed in a sexual order and the rules of propriety, which advocated that men were superior to women. After the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, women’s rights in politics, economy, society, and even family were recognized and secured by the Constitution and laws just as men’s during a short period. Women’s liberation in China has made a significant progress. 展开更多
关键词 Human Rights the Initial Stage of PRC women's rights women's liberation
A Cognitive Study on the Category Fruit——Taking under 35-year-old Women's Cognitions as Informants
作者 崔煜婕 周爽 《海外英语》 2019年第1期229-230,共2页
This paper probes into the category fruit, aiming at revealing the categorization of fruit to find them prototype in under 35-year-old women's cognitions at present. And author uses related category theories, such... This paper probes into the category fruit, aiming at revealing the categorization of fruit to find them prototype in under 35-year-old women's cognitions at present. And author uses related category theories, such as prototype category to analyze the outcome of the research. In addition, author also locates women who under 35 years old as this research's informants to find whether the prototype changed in their cognition or not. The method of research is questionnaires, and hands out the questionnaires by the Internet. And this research also uses SSPS to analyze the effective data. 展开更多
关键词 CATEGORY FRUIT women's COGNITIONS prototype taxonomy the best EXEMPLAR
The Development of Legal Protection of Women's Human Rights in China
作者 朱晓青 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第6期569-579,共11页
The legal confirmation process of women’s human rights has been undergoing great difficulties both in the United Nations and among nations. The Fourth World Conference on Women plays a role in promoting the legal pro... The legal confirmation process of women’s human rights has been undergoing great difficulties both in the United Nations and among nations. The Fourth World Conference on Women plays a role in promoting the legal protection of women’s human rights. Currently, the protection of women’s human rights has undoubtedly become the consensus of both international and domestic law. International conventions on human rights have become an important launching area for promoting international law on women’s human rights, owing to its legal binding force and supervising mechanism established under it. Domestic law has also become the first line of defense for protecting women’s human rights. However, it needs to be pointed out that, for international conventions on human rights and domestic legislation, the cognition and acceptance of social gender conception has not only promoted changes on forms, but, more importantly, on revolution at substantial level. 展开更多
关键词 women's human rights International Convention on women's Human Rights domestic legislation
Women's Rights in the Context of the Three-child Policy:Analyzing from the Constitutional Connotation of“the State Shall Protect the Mother”
作者 邓静秋 ZHANG Lianying 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2022年第2期327-350,共24页
Women's rights are essential human rights recognized by the international covenants on human rights and protected in the constitutions and laws of countries.In the context of implementing the three-child policy in... Women's rights are essential human rights recognized by the international covenants on human rights and protected in the constitutions and laws of countries.In the context of implementing the three-child policy in China,women are facing pressures from childbearing and bringing up children as well as trying to have a career.It is clearly stipulated in Article 49 of China's Constitution"the mother is protected by the state,"the constitutional principle of equality of men and women shall be incorporated into the interpretation of this article,fully respecting women's subjectivity and equal rights and affirming the social benefits of childbearing and bringing up children.With the introduction of the three-child policy,the protection of women's rights shall focus on their reproductive rights,right to health,right to work and equal rights within the family.The system of women's rights is complex,relates to identity and must be open to the future.The state has the obligation to fully respect,actively promote and promote in a narrow sense the realization of women's rights.To better coordinate the implementation of the three-child policy and the protection of women's rights,we should introduce the concept of social gender equality,improve the system ofp ublic childcare services,home care leave and equal employment,and promote the implementation of relevant laws and policies with special attention being paid to women in rural areas and single mothers. 展开更多
关键词 women's rights human rights mother three-child policy national obligation
从学术概念到文学文体的迁移——文类语境下古代小说的演进逻辑 被引量:1
作者 张永葳 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期123-128,共6页
先秦至汉代,小说是一种学术概念;汉末至唐,小说是一种广义的文类概念;由宋至清,小说不仅是一种文类概念,更是一种文体概念。这三种小说概念的演进契机是时代与文风的丕变。在中国古代的文类语境下,概念小说通过向各散文文体的迁移,最终... 先秦至汉代,小说是一种学术概念;汉末至唐,小说是一种广义的文类概念;由宋至清,小说不仅是一种文类概念,更是一种文体概念。这三种小说概念的演进契机是时代与文风的丕变。在中国古代的文类语境下,概念小说通过向各散文文体的迁移,最终形成了小说的各种子文体:向笔记文体迁移,形成了笔记体小说;向杂史杂传迁移,形成了传记体小说。这是古代小说在中国古代文类语境下的独特演进逻辑,也是小说文体在演进过程中自我扬弃、创新的本质体现,这对于我们思考古代文学中其他文体迁移现象或有启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 古代小说 笔记 杂史杂传 文体 迁移
论明代医家传记的文体特征 被引量:1
作者 高璐 耿星烁 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期113-117,共5页
明代医家传记的文体特征与其书写目的直接相关:以存史为目的的医家传记,沿袭了《史记》的行文传统;因人情赠答而促生的医家传记,其写法则类似赠序,呈现出文体互渗的现象。两种传记在行文上均做到了细节充实饱满,以写实取信于世。其不足... 明代医家传记的文体特征与其书写目的直接相关:以存史为目的的医家传记,沿袭了《史记》的行文传统;因人情赠答而促生的医家传记,其写法则类似赠序,呈现出文体互渗的现象。两种传记在行文上均做到了细节充实饱满,以写实取信于世。其不足之处则在于事件的罗列呈现出简单堆砌的特征,缺乏精心安排。明代医家传记的书写对象基本涵盖了当时社会各阶层从医人员,其中对太医的记述注重突出其宫廷经历,尤其是随侍君主的事迹。整体来看,明代医家传记内容既突出传主高超的专业技术水准,又强调传主勤谨宽厚的品德修养,显示出该时期以儒家价值观为主导的立传思想。 展开更多
关键词 明代 医家 传记 文体特征
女性·社会性·互文性——安妮·埃尔诺的自我书写 被引量:1
作者 黄荭 《西北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第1期59-67,共9页
2022年诺贝尔文学奖得主安妮·埃尔诺近半个世纪的写作始终围绕“自我”展开,但她根植于个体经验的集体记忆书写有别于传统的自传和自我虚构,带有鲜明的女性、社会性和互文性特征。她的“自我民族志”“社会自传”用敏锐精准的观察... 2022年诺贝尔文学奖得主安妮·埃尔诺近半个世纪的写作始终围绕“自我”展开,但她根植于个体经验的集体记忆书写有别于传统的自传和自我虚构,带有鲜明的女性、社会性和互文性特征。她的“自我民族志”“社会自传”用敏锐精准的观察和简洁平白的文风,揭露并反思了性别等级、社会差异和阶级“区隔”导致的“象征性暴力”。通过这种历时与共时、自生与外生、反复与差异的叙事手法和互文本游戏,安妮·埃尔诺将自身的创作汇入文学和历史的记忆之场中。 展开更多
关键词 安妮·埃尔诺 女性书写 自我民族志 社会自传 互文性
作者 刘湘兰 《北京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第8期17-24,共8页
神仙传记的一般模式为“仙真养成记”或“仙真灵验记”,而《仙传拾遗·马周》一文打破了既往的写作模式。杜光庭在文中着意表达的是一位迷失本性的仙官如何寻回本真的过程。杜光庭将马周设定为华山素灵宫仙官,奉仙王之命赴长安辅佐... 神仙传记的一般模式为“仙真养成记”或“仙真灵验记”,而《仙传拾遗·马周》一文打破了既往的写作模式。杜光庭在文中着意表达的是一位迷失本性的仙官如何寻回本真的过程。杜光庭将马周设定为华山素灵宫仙官,奉仙王之命赴长安辅佐李世民安邦定国的情节设定,说明他把道教与李唐王朝的天命紧密结合在一起。不论是长安与华山的地理位置,还是马周与李世民“君臣道合”的关系,杜光庭都对此进行了周密构思,以强化道教的“国教”地位。此文虽是为马周立传,但主旨却是在传递“君权神授”的天命观。这种天命观深植于中国的古史文化传统中。 展开更多
关键词 杜光庭 《仙传拾遗》 马周 神仙传
作者 张立群 何方丽 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期153-160,共8页
1934年于上海创刊的《人间世》小品文半月刊在推动1930年代中国现代传记发展过程中曾发挥重要的作用。通过“今人志”“人物”等系列栏目设计,刊发名家自述性文字,采用图文并茂的形式,《人间世》呼应了当时渐成声势的“传记热”,在“他... 1934年于上海创刊的《人间世》小品文半月刊在推动1930年代中国现代传记发展过程中曾发挥重要的作用。通过“今人志”“人物”等系列栏目设计,刊发名家自述性文字,采用图文并茂的形式,《人间世》呼应了当时渐成声势的“传记热”,在“他传”、自传书写和保存传记性资料方面做出了重要贡献。呈现《人间世》与1930年代中国传记发展之间的关系,可以丰富、深化我们对现代传记历史的认知。 展开更多
关键词 《人间世》 1930年代 现代传记
作者 赵海霞 邹广胜 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期34-40,共7页
刘勰在《文心雕龙·史传》篇提出“实录无隐”“按实而书”的撰史要求,强调史传叙事的真实性原则。同时,受儒学正统尊经思想的影响,中国传统哲学家与文论批评家认为“真”与“善”同构,“求真”是以“求善”为内核的伦理道德行为。... 刘勰在《文心雕龙·史传》篇提出“实录无隐”“按实而书”的撰史要求,强调史传叙事的真实性原则。同时,受儒学正统尊经思想的影响,中国传统哲学家与文论批评家认为“真”与“善”同构,“求真”是以“求善”为内核的伦理道德行为。刘勰提出“依经树则”“尊贤隐讳”等撰史要求,在“求真”与“意志”之间构成了历史真实与伦理真实的矛盾冲突。这一矛盾既源于刘勰对历史传记“彰善瘅恶”作用的认识,也与魏晋南北朝的社会意识形态和权势阶层休戚相关。“求真”与“求善”的矛盾并非不可调和的二元对立,在两者的张力之间寻求合理的历史叙事空间,是我们立足当前理论语境的努力方向。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 史传 历史真实 伦理真实
作者 朱敏 张纪玥 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期22-28,36,共8页
阅读对人类心灵的疗愈和成长具有重要作用。传记作品因兼具真实性、绵延性、情感性和启示性等方面特性,具有激发情感共鸣、深化自我反思的疗愈价值。女性传记强化女性被书写权、关注女性群体共性,给女性读者带来的启示也更具针对性。本... 阅读对人类心灵的疗愈和成长具有重要作用。传记作品因兼具真实性、绵延性、情感性和启示性等方面特性,具有激发情感共鸣、深化自我反思的疗愈价值。女性传记强化女性被书写权、关注女性群体共性,给女性读者带来的启示也更具针对性。本文旨在探讨中外女性传记中的阅读疗愈内涵,并以4部具有代表性的中外女性传记作品为例,解析其在情感抚慰、精神引领、认知启发等方面的疗愈价值,以期引起相关读者和阅读推广人对女性传记类的阅读疗愈书目资源的关注与利用。 展开更多
关键词 阅读疗法 阅读疗愈 阅读推广 女性传记
作者 曲林芳 《外国语文》 北大核心 2024年第5期74-84,共11页
卡夫卡传记是卡夫卡研究的重要证据和资料来源,传记作者以各自“合理”的解释,塑造了不同的卡夫卡传记形象,也引发了质疑和争议。因此,有必要对卡夫卡传记的“合理”解释进行反思。卡夫卡传记的解释方法和语言,传递出对卡夫卡的一种外... 卡夫卡传记是卡夫卡研究的重要证据和资料来源,传记作者以各自“合理”的解释,塑造了不同的卡夫卡传记形象,也引发了质疑和争议。因此,有必要对卡夫卡传记的“合理”解释进行反思。卡夫卡传记的解释方法和语言,传递出对卡夫卡的一种外在框定,使其传记形象在真实与虚构之间滑动,甚至与卡夫卡对语言和真实的思考相悖。值此卡夫卡逝世100周年之际,探讨卡夫卡传记对于理解真实的卡夫卡具有特殊的意义和价值。 展开更多
关键词 卡夫卡 卡夫卡传记 传记解释 语言
作者 李静 郑北航 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2024年第1期41-50,共10页
欧阳棐为欧阳修第三子,其道德文章虽酷肖乃父,然传世文献有关其生平仕履之记载却不甚了了。诸家史传如《东都事略》《四朝国史》《宋史》等,俱本于欧阳棐的好友毕仲游所作之《欧阳叔弻传》,且在转述过程中,时有擅自发挥而致误者。河南... 欧阳棐为欧阳修第三子,其道德文章虽酷肖乃父,然传世文献有关其生平仕履之记载却不甚了了。诸家史传如《东都事略》《四朝国史》《宋史》等,俱本于欧阳棐的好友毕仲游所作之《欧阳叔弻传》,且在转述过程中,时有擅自发挥而致误者。河南新郑出土的《欧阳棐墓志铭》为还原欧阳棐一生之真实行迹提供了最为直接而可靠的材料,比之于毕《传》与诸史传,不仅更为详细,能补诸家史传之缺,且能正诸家史传之误。 展开更多
关键词 欧阳棐 欧阳修 墓志铭 史传
作者 李志远 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期72-76,共5页
江苏省演艺集团昆剧院创作的《诗宴·唐才子传》是一部案头场上兼善的昆剧作品,在主题未更改的前提下艺术质量经打磨不断提升。《诗宴·唐才子传》在主题意蕴上,通过三个维度阐释了富有哲理性的“如何相逢”;在审美意象上,主要... 江苏省演艺集团昆剧院创作的《诗宴·唐才子传》是一部案头场上兼善的昆剧作品,在主题未更改的前提下艺术质量经打磨不断提升。《诗宴·唐才子传》在主题意蕴上,通过三个维度阐释了富有哲理性的“如何相逢”;在审美意象上,主要表现为凉秋冷冬,而在此意象之下,该作品揭示的是人生勇敢向前的正确取向和优秀诗作皆是诗人心血之凝结的道理。 展开更多
关键词 昆剧 《诗宴》 《唐才子传》 审美
作者 明飞龙 李雅姿 《赣南师范大学学报》 2024年第4期43-48,共6页
龚文瑞关于王阳明、苏东坡的传记写作,是以传主与赣州的空间关系为中心展开书写的,这一方面使龚文瑞的传记写作具有鲜明的地域特色,在传记中展示丰富的地方史料也为赣南历史文化的深入研究提供了重要的参考。另一方面,龚文瑞采用史学与... 龚文瑞关于王阳明、苏东坡的传记写作,是以传主与赣州的空间关系为中心展开书写的,这一方面使龚文瑞的传记写作具有鲜明的地域特色,在传记中展示丰富的地方史料也为赣南历史文化的深入研究提供了重要的参考。另一方面,龚文瑞采用史学与文学结合的叙述方式,在拓展读者历史知识的同时,也给读者予审美想象,引发读者的情感共鸣和人生思考。在传记中彰显出来热爱、豁达与光明的格调,是王阳明、苏东坡传记的精神底色,也是龚文瑞自我的人格追求。 展开更多
关键词 王阳明 苏东坡 传记写作 赣州
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