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Research on Intergenerational Writing in Contemporary German Immigrant Literature
作者 ZHOU Lei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第7期303-308,共6页
With the deepening of globalization,immigration and pluralism have become increasingly common social phenomena.The research of the resulting immigrant literature is an important way to understand the mental journey of... With the deepening of globalization,immigration and pluralism have become increasingly common social phenomena.The research of the resulting immigrant literature is an important way to understand the mental journey of immigrant groups and their construction of cultural identity.In the German-speaking area,immigrant literature has gradually taken center stage over the years,becoming an important part of the German language literature,and immigrant writers have also frequently won various literary prizes,which can be described as particularly dazzling.Meanwhile,generations of writers have been thinking about and exploring the intergenerational relationships and differences among immigrant groups in the context of their own experiences.This paper will focus on some outstanding immigrant writers and discuss the intergenerational writing in immigrant literature by means of their works. 展开更多
关键词 immigrant literature immigrant writers intergenerational writing
A Study on the Correlation Between LIWC Word Categories and Chinese Composition Writing Performance of Fourth,Fifth,and Sixth Grade Students
作者 Yufeng Wu 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第1期199-206,共8页
This study focuses on the analysis of the Chinese composition writing performance of fourth,fifth,and sixth grade students in 16 selected schools in Longhua District,Shenzhen during the spring semester of 2023.Using L... This study focuses on the analysis of the Chinese composition writing performance of fourth,fifth,and sixth grade students in 16 selected schools in Longhua District,Shenzhen during the spring semester of 2023.Using LIWC(Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count)as a text analysis tool,the study explores the impact of LIWC categories on writing performance which is scaled by score.The results show that the simple LIWC word categories have a significant positive influence on the composition scores of lower-grade students;while complex LIWC word categories have a significant negative influence on the composition scores of lower-grade students but a significant positive influence on the composition scores of higher-grade students.Process word categories have a positive influence on the composition scores of all three grades,but the impact of complex process word categories increases as the grade level rises. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese composition LIWC word categories writing performance Grades Text mining
Reading man皮瓣修复术治疗皮肤缺损的疗效观察
作者 王鸣 严炜 +3 位作者 汤由之 朱喆辰 史京萍 马秀云 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期557-561,共5页
目的:探讨Reading man皮瓣修复术在全身不同部位皮肤缺损及其预防瘢痕增生的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2021年1月—2023年10月该科应用Reading man皮瓣修复术治疗全身不同部位皮肤软组织缺损的20例患者临床资料。结果:所有患者皮瓣均成... 目的:探讨Reading man皮瓣修复术在全身不同部位皮肤缺损及其预防瘢痕增生的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2021年1月—2023年10月该科应用Reading man皮瓣修复术治疗全身不同部位皮肤软组织缺损的20例患者临床资料。结果:所有患者皮瓣均成活。术后随访时间为3~24个月,所有皮瓣血运良好,色泽红润,质地柔软,外观适宜,局部皮肤张力较低,手术切口瘢痕增生不明显,切口周围软组织无明显形变,周围关节活动度正常。所有患者均恢复良好,疗效满意。结论:Reading man皮瓣特有的设计可以很好地解决全身多部位较大的皮肤软组织缺损,尤其在术中可以最大限度地减少正常皮肤的切除,术后外观、功能及皮肤瘢痕增生均有较满意的表现,且不存在自体皮移植带来的供皮区损伤。 展开更多
关键词 Reading man皮瓣 皮瓣血运 张力 瘢痕增生
交互式数字叙事:加拿大Writing New Body Worlds阅读治疗新探索
作者 牟晓青 于志涛 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期222-230,F0003,共10页
文章基于相关研究文献与语料,对加拿大WNB阅读治疗实践进行梳理与归纳。WNB首次使用交互式数字叙事技术,构建面向公众的阅读治疗平台,以其交互式特征,融合了阅读和治疗引导两个过程,提供可访问的非临床方式,可面向大规模人群实现预防性... 文章基于相关研究文献与语料,对加拿大WNB阅读治疗实践进行梳理与归纳。WNB首次使用交互式数字叙事技术,构建面向公众的阅读治疗平台,以其交互式特征,融合了阅读和治疗引导两个过程,提供可访问的非临床方式,可面向大规模人群实现预防性健康干预。基于数据与计算的精准化阅读治疗是数字人文视角下的新变革,更具推广应用价值;以在线阅读平台建设为依托,推进实施平台化的阅读和治疗应成为未来发展方向之一;基于阅读形态与体验因技术赋能而改变的现状,图书馆应发挥引领作用,积极收集、创建或协助创建数字故事,推进阅读推广、服务与治疗的融合性发展,成为社区建设促进者、历史欣赏者和社区参与倡导者,也使阅读借助交互式数字叙事这一新载体,更好地发挥变革的力量,促进健康与幸福。 展开更多
关键词 交互式数字叙事 阅读治疗 writing New Body Worlds 加拿大
Polishing the EFL Learners' Writing Performance
作者 彭银梅 《海外英语》 2011年第4X期225-226,共2页
This paper intends to provide tips on improving EFL learners' writing performance.It probes this question first from the different patterns of English writing and Chinese writing.Second,the use of varied sentences... This paper intends to provide tips on improving EFL learners' writing performance.It probes this question first from the different patterns of English writing and Chinese writing.Second,the use of varied sentences structures and wording can make the writing more impressive.Third,it suggests the application of connectives.Last,be aware of the employment of the idioms as well as figure of speech.The primary feature of this paper is that the methods mentioned here are pragmatic supported with specific examples respectively. 展开更多
关键词 writing DICTION FIGURE of speech IDIOM
The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies Instruction on Chinese Non-Major Undergraduates' Self-efficacy and Writing Performance
作者 须利华 解超群 《海外英语》 2016年第9期238-240,共3页
Metacognition has drawn wider research attention in the past decades in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. In this study, questionnaires surveying English learners' use of metacognitive writing s... Metacognition has drawn wider research attention in the past decades in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. In this study, questionnaires surveying English learners' use of metacognitive writing strategies and their writing efficacy were respectively administered. Metacognitive writing strategy intervention was conducted The findings are further discussed with regard to the participants' specific learning context, and pedagogical implications derived from the research highlight the importance of integrating metacognitive writing strategy instruction into regular classroom teaching. 展开更多
关键词 EFL writing metacognitive strategies explicit INSTRUCTION CHINESE undergraduate EFL LEARNERS
以读促写,以写促读:北师大版初中英语新教材Writing Workshop的设计理念与实施路径
作者 钱小芳 陈芳 朱文娟 《教学月刊(中学版)(外语教学)》 2024年第9期37-43,共7页
北师大版初中英语新教材中的Writing Workshop的设计遵循“从读听课输入到读写课输出,在单元中逐步生成写作能力”“采用读写结合模式,注重过程指导,提供多维写作支架”“从问题入手,贯穿‘学—思—用—创’一体化思路,以多元评价促学... 北师大版初中英语新教材中的Writing Workshop的设计遵循“从读听课输入到读写课输出,在单元中逐步生成写作能力”“采用读写结合模式,注重过程指导,提供多维写作支架”“从问题入手,贯穿‘学—思—用—创’一体化思路,以多元评价促学”的理念。它分两个课时进行教学:第一课时强调把握写作任务,由读到写;第二课时注重写作与评价共进,旨在切实提升学生的写作能力,发展学生的核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 北师大版新教材 writing Workshop 以读促写 以写促读
作者 蒲鹏 李晨露 +2 位作者 张琪 吴发兴 许信刚 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2024年第2期7-10,共4页
为建立牛冠状病毒TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法,根据GenBank收录的牛冠状病毒AKS-01株N基因序列(KU886219)保守区设计特异性引物和探针,构建重组质粒并进行反应条件优化、特异性试验、重复性试验以及敏感性试验,建立一种检测BCoV的TaqMan... 为建立牛冠状病毒TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法,根据GenBank收录的牛冠状病毒AKS-01株N基因序列(KU886219)保守区设计特异性引物和探针,构建重组质粒并进行反应条件优化、特异性试验、重复性试验以及敏感性试验,建立一种检测BCoV的TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法。结果显示,建立的牛冠状病毒TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法特异性、敏感性和重复性均良好。该方法BCoV重组质粒标准品在5.75×10^(7)~5.75×10^(3)copies/μL时与Ct值呈现良好线性关系,该方法对牛轮状病毒、牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒、牛病毒性腹泻病毒、牛副流感病毒3型均无交叉反应,特异性良好;该方法对BCoV重组质粒标准品最低检测限为5.75×10^(1)copies/μL;批内和批间重复性试验结果稳定,变异系数均小于2%。利用所建立的TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法对收集的132份样品进行检测,与常规PCR相比,两者符合率为96.21%,可为BCoV的临床检测和流行病学调查提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 牛冠状病毒 Taqman荧光定量PCR 检测方法
大口黑鲈弹状病毒Taq Man荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立及初步应用 被引量:1
作者 孔明慧 梁红茹 +5 位作者 李宁求 林强 牛银杰 罗霞 马宝福 付小哲 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期379-384,共6页
为建立快速、敏感的大口黑鲈弹状病毒(MSRV)流行株Taq Man荧光定量PCR (qPCR)方法,本研究采用NCBI分析MSRV流行株N基因的保守序列,设计特异性引物和Taq Man探针,以构建的并经PCR和测序鉴定正确的重组质粒标准品p MD18-MSRV-N为模板,通... 为建立快速、敏感的大口黑鲈弹状病毒(MSRV)流行株Taq Man荧光定量PCR (qPCR)方法,本研究采用NCBI分析MSRV流行株N基因的保守序列,设计特异性引物和Taq Man探针,以构建的并经PCR和测序鉴定正确的重组质粒标准品p MD18-MSRV-N为模板,通过优化各反应条件初步建立MSRV的Taq Man q PCR检测方法。结果显示,建立的Taq Man q PCR方法标准曲线的R2为0.9906,质粒标准品在6.79×10^(8)拷贝/μL~6.79×10^(2)拷贝/μL范围内与Ct值均存在较好的线性关系。采用该方法检测MSRV及相关病毒,评估该方法的特异性,结果显示,该方法可以特异性检测MSRV,而草鱼出血病病毒、神经坏死病毒、鲤春病毒血症病毒、大口黑鲈双RNA病毒、鳜蛙虹彩病毒、传染性脾肾坏死病毒、石斑鱼虹彩病毒、大口黑鲈蛙虹彩病毒等8种常见鱼类病毒检测结果均为阴性;采用建立的方法检测不同浓度的质粒标准品(6.79×10^(8)拷贝/μL~6.79×10^(1)拷贝/μL),评估该方法的敏感性,结果显示,该方法的检测限为6.79×10^(2)拷贝/μL,比文献中的常规PCR方法敏感1 000倍;以不同批次或同一批次提取的不同浓度的质粒标准品作为模板,分别利用该方法检测,评估该方法的重复性,结果显示,该方法批内和批间重复性试验的变异系数均小于2%。采用该方法和文献中的常规PCR同时检测71份临床发病的大口黑鲈、鳜鱼、鲮鱼组织样品,结果显示阳性率为16.9%(12/71),阴性率为83.1%(59/71),且阳性样品均是从发病大口黑鲈的组织样品中检测到,而发病的鳜鱼、鲮鱼组织样品中均未检测到该病毒;常规PCR方法的阳性率为9.9%(7/71),阴性率为90.1%(64/71),二者的总符合率为93.0%。本研究建立的MSRV Taq Man q PCR方法特异性强、敏感性高、重复性和准确性均较好,可用于大口黑鲈临床样品的检测,为MSRV的快速检测提供了可行的技术手段。 展开更多
关键词 大口黑鲈弹状病毒 Taq man荧光定量PCR N基因
作者 于天娇 孙川 《北京工业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第3期92-96,共5页
为研究智能评阅平台对高职学生英语写作的影响,对学生在iWrite平台上的英语写作任务进行了错误点分析。结合平台分数反馈,通过文献研究法和行动研究法客观分析了高职英语写作教学现状。结果显示,智能评阅显著改善了分值较低、基础较弱... 为研究智能评阅平台对高职学生英语写作的影响,对学生在iWrite平台上的英语写作任务进行了错误点分析。结合平台分数反馈,通过文献研究法和行动研究法客观分析了高职英语写作教学现状。结果显示,智能评阅显著改善了分值较低、基础较弱学生的技术规范和语法错误,对于学生英文写作水平有一定的提升效果,在教学实践中该类型平台值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 高职英语写作 iWrite平台 智能评阅 错误分析
Effects of the Production-Oriented Approach on EFL Learners’Writing Performance in China’s Tertiary Education 被引量:2
作者 Wenjuan ZHANG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第3期323-341,389,共20页
The Production-Oriented Approach(POA)has been proposed as a remedy for overcoming the problem of input-output separation in the traditional text-centered teaching and learning paradigm in tertiary education in China.T... The Production-Oriented Approach(POA)has been proposed as a remedy for overcoming the problem of input-output separation in the traditional text-centered teaching and learning paradigm in tertiary education in China.This two-week quasi-experimental study investigated the effect of the POA,compared with the traditional text-centered Intensive Reading Approach(IRA),on college students’L2 writing performance in terms of overall quality of the writing and its components of language,idea,and discourse structure.Data included writing samples of both experimental and control groups before and after classroom instruction and the results of a language achievement test on mastery of target language forms predicating students’language use in writing.The results showed that:1)no significant difference was found between the two groups either in the overall quality or in the“idea”and“structure”of the written texts;2)the experimental group outperformed the control group with respect to language use,in terms of both language quality and the frequency of target language use.These results indicated that the POA might have an advantage over the IRA in facilitating learners’writing development. 展开更多
关键词 Production-Oriented Approach INPUT OUTPUT input-output integration writing
鸡毒支原体 Taq Man实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立
作者 孙宇 苗立中 +6 位作者 程立坤 赵家磊 赵修报 沈志强 王敬茹 李书光 余燕 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2024年第4期64-68,共5页
为快速检测鸡毒支原体,根据鸡毒支原体的保守基因设计特异性引物和Taq Man探针,建立鸡毒支原体Taq Man实时荧光定量PCR方法并分析鸡毒支原体培养过程中颜色单位改变法(color change unit,CCU)和荧光定量PCR检测的相关性。结果显示,标准... 为快速检测鸡毒支原体,根据鸡毒支原体的保守基因设计特异性引物和Taq Man探针,建立鸡毒支原体Taq Man实时荧光定量PCR方法并分析鸡毒支原体培养过程中颜色单位改变法(color change unit,CCU)和荧光定量PCR检测的相关性。结果显示,标准曲线y=-3.646x+44.208,相关系数R^(2)=0.998,最低检测限度为1 copy/μL;与其他菌株等均无交叉反应;组内和组间变异系数均小于3%,表明该方法具有良好的稳定性和可重复性。用建立的实时荧光定量PCR检测方法对26份临床样品进行检测,该方法较普通PCR方法检出率更高。建立的荧光定量PCR与CCU显示鸡毒支原体在对数生长期时,两者具有一定的对应关系。表明建立了鸡毒支原体Taq Man探针实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,可实现对鸡毒支原体的快速检测,为鸡毒支原体感染的防控提供技术基础。 展开更多
关键词 鸡毒支原体 Taq man探针 荧光定量PCR
牛支原体和丝状支原体丝状亚种双重TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立与应用 被引量:3
作者 马芷忻 武琪 +2 位作者 刘桐 辛九庆 徐青元 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期262-268,共7页
牛传染性胸膜肺炎和牛支原体病均为重要的牛传染病,两者均可致牛出现呼吸系统症状,临床上难以区分。为建立鉴别诊断牛传染性胸膜肺炎和牛支原体病的双重Taq Man荧光定量PCR检测方法,本研究根据这两种病的病原丝状支原体丝状亚种和牛支... 牛传染性胸膜肺炎和牛支原体病均为重要的牛传染病,两者均可致牛出现呼吸系统症状,临床上难以区分。为建立鉴别诊断牛传染性胸膜肺炎和牛支原体病的双重Taq Man荧光定量PCR检测方法,本研究根据这两种病的病原丝状支原体丝状亚种和牛支原体的基因组保守区域(丝状支原体丝状亚种nt826-nt1742,牛支原体nt189-nt618)分别设计引物与探针,通过优化反应体系与反应条件,建立同时检测这两种病原的Taq Man荧光定量PCR检测方法。特异性试验结果显示,该方法仅对丝状支原体丝状亚种模拟样品和牛支原体检测结果为阳性,而巴氏杆菌、牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒、无乳支原体、山羊支原体山羊肺炎亚种、丝状支原体山羊亚种、关节炎支原体Leachii株检测结果均为阴性,特异性较强。分别以1.0×10~7拷贝/μL~1.0×10~1拷贝/μL的p EASY-Mmm和p EASY-Mb质粒标准品为模板,进行敏感性试验,结果显示,该方法对丝状支原体丝状亚种和牛支原体重组质粒标准品的检测限均为1.0×10~1拷贝/μL,敏感性较高。对不同浓度质粒标准品混合物的重复性试验结果显示,组内与组间重复性试验变异系数均小于2.5%,重复性较好。利用该方法对112份临床样品(104份鼻拭子、8份肺组织样品)检测,结果显示,丝状支原体丝状亚种检测结果和已发表PCR方法检测结果一致,均为阴性,而本实验建立的方法检测出4份牛支原体阳性样品,且经测序证实检出样品为真实阳性样品,而已发表的多重PCR方法检测该病原结果均为阴性。本研究建立了能够同时检测丝状支原体丝状亚种和牛支原体的双重Taq Man荧光定量PCR方法,其特异性强、敏感性高、重复性好,可用于各种临床样品的检测,为这两种病原的快速检测和流行病学调查提供了技术手段。 展开更多
关键词 牛传染性胸膜肺炎 牛支原体 Taqman荧光定量PCR
作者 张锐铮 于皓同 +3 位作者 王凯茸 张琪 张淑霞 许信刚 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2024年第7期6-10,共5页
为建立检测贝氏柯克斯体(Coxiella burnetii)实时荧光定量PCR方法,根据GenBank上收录的C.burnetii RSA439株com1基因序列(CP040059.1)保守区设计特异性引物和探针,并构建重组质粒及优化反应条件,以期建立一种检测贝氏柯克斯体的Taq Man... 为建立检测贝氏柯克斯体(Coxiella burnetii)实时荧光定量PCR方法,根据GenBank上收录的C.burnetii RSA439株com1基因序列(CP040059.1)保守区设计特异性引物和探针,并构建重组质粒及优化反应条件,以期建立一种检测贝氏柯克斯体的Taq Man荧光定量PCR方法。结果显示,该方法所建立标准曲线线性关系良好;敏感性试验结果显示,最低检出限为2.45×10^(2) copies/μL,与PCR最低检出限为2.45×10^(4) copies/μL相比较,灵敏度提高了100倍;对羊支原体、羊流产衣原体、羊布鲁氏菌等均无交叉反应,批内和批间重复性试验结果稳定,变异系数均小于3%,说明特异性、重复性好;利用该方法对收集的126份样品进行检测,结果显示样品阳性率为9.52%,常规PCR检测阳性率为7.14%,符合率为90.47%。该方法可为贝氏柯克斯体临床上快速检测及防控提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 贝氏柯克斯 Taq man荧光定量PCR 检测方法
The Key to Second Language Writing Performance: The Relationship Between Lexical Competence and Writing 被引量:1
作者 Ilknur YUKSEL 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第8期539-555,共17页
Vocabulary knowledge is an important component of the writing skill and it has many dimensions, such as size, depth, and productive, in interaction with writing skill. To evaluate this relation and determine which dim... Vocabulary knowledge is an important component of the writing skill and it has many dimensions, such as size, depth, and productive, in interaction with writing skill. To evaluate this relation and determine which dimension is the most effective for second language writing quality, the present study was conducted. Turkish EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners' lexical competence and writing abilities were examined through their vocabulary profiles and academic essays. The results of each vocabulary measure indicated that the participants had a limited vocabulary size, containing words mostly from 2,000 to 3,000 frequency bands and thus, the productive vocabulary knowledge of the participants mostly consisted of lk + 2k words and the use of academic words in their essays was very low. The results of the study revealed that the lexical competence covering the main components of vocabulary knowledge was a good predictor of the students' quality of writing performance. 展开更多
关键词 lexical competence L2 writing academic writing regression model
Consistency of Semantic Meaning with Structure andFunction in English Writing
作者 马文静 张丽婧 《俪人(教师)》 2015年第11期126-126,47,共2页
Writing is one of the skills most difficult to train and develop.Although writing can be circumvented in many cases bysome people, modern civilization is imposing increasing demands on our ability to write, and write ... Writing is one of the skills most difficult to train and develop.Although writing can be circumvented in many cases bysome people, modern civilization is imposing increasing demands on our ability to write, and write well. In English writing,consistency of semantic meaning with structure and function in English writing is a very important part to evaluate the quality ofwriting.In student's English academic writing, there are different writing types. The consistency of semanticmeaning with structureand function in different academic writings is various. In this thesis, the consistency of the semantic meaning with structure andfunction in the essay and academic and report writing is analyzed. 展开更多
To Write Self and World with Fun——Culture Mode in L2 Writing
作者 张慧 《海外英语》 2014年第1X期29-30,40,共3页
The English writing is a fundamental and critical skill for English learners who they perform disatisfactorily in both classrooms and national writing tests. Culture Mode is hereby proposed The mode proposed is consis... The English writing is a fundamental and critical skill for English learners who they perform disatisfactorily in both classrooms and national writing tests. Culture Mode is hereby proposed The mode proposed is consisted of two parts: the compilation of reading materials and the reform of teaching process. An action research is conducted and interview is held to explore the efficacy of it to stimulate the students' interests in writing by reading crossculturally, to develop their writing skills by recording their daily life or their observation of the society, to cultivate their critical thinking by writing responses after each session of practice. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE mode TEACHING of English writing CRITICAL
Six statistical issues in scientific writing that might lead to rejection of a manuscript
作者 Evgenios Agathokleous Lei Yu 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第3期731-739,共9页
Communication plays an important role in advancing scientific fields and disciplines,defining what knowledge is made accessible to the public,and guiding policymaking and regulation of public authorities for the benef... Communication plays an important role in advancing scientific fields and disciplines,defining what knowledge is made accessible to the public,and guiding policymaking and regulation of public authorities for the benefit of the environment and society.Hence,what is finally published is of great importance for scientific advancement,social development,environmental and public health,and economic agendas.In recognition of these,the goal of a researcher is to communicate research findings to the scientific community and ultimately,to the public.However,this may often be challenging due to competition for publication space,although to a lesser extent nowadays that online-only publications have expanded.This editorial introduces six statistics-related issues in scientific writing that you should be aware of.These issues can lead to desk rejection or rejection following a peer review,but even if papers containing such issues are published,they may prevent cumulative science,undermine scientific advancement,mislead the public,and result in incorrect or weak policies and regulations.Therefore,addressing these issues from the early research stages can facilitate scientific advancement and prevent rejection of your paper. 展开更多
关键词 Journal editor Peer review REJECTION Science communication Scientific writing
猪肺炎支原体和猪鼻支原体TaqMan双重荧光PCR检测方法的建立及应用 被引量:1
作者 周颖 赵硕 +10 位作者 覃国喜 梁龙华 肖婷 陈忠伟 卢冰霞 秦毅斌 林昌华 张胜斌 段群棚 胡庭俊 何颖 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2024年第2期11-16,共6页
为建立一种可快捷鉴别检测猪肺炎支原体(Mhp)和猪鼻支原体(Mhr)的方法,针对Mhp的183基因和Mhr的p37基因保守片段,分别设计合成引物及TaqMan探针,优化反应条件,建立一种可同时检测Mhp和Mhr的TaqMan双重荧光PCR方法,并评价其特异性、敏感... 为建立一种可快捷鉴别检测猪肺炎支原体(Mhp)和猪鼻支原体(Mhr)的方法,针对Mhp的183基因和Mhr的p37基因保守片段,分别设计合成引物及TaqMan探针,优化反应条件,建立一种可同时检测Mhp和Mhr的TaqMan双重荧光PCR方法,并评价其特异性、敏感性和重复性。结果表明,该方法特异性强,检测其他常见猪呼吸系统病原不发生交叉反应;对标准品pMD18-T-Mhp-183、pMD18-T-Mhr-P37的最低检测限分别达45.2 copies/μL和29.7 copies/μL,比普通PCR检测灵敏度提高10^(3)~10^(4)倍;该方法检测结果的批内与批间变异系数均小于2%。用该方法检测145份广西自治区内临床样品,从中检出82份Mhp和9份Mhr阳性样品。该方法可用于临床样品快速检测及实验室Mhp和Mhr的鉴定,可为Mhp和Mhr在猪群中的早期监测提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 猪肺炎支原体 猪鼻支原体 Taqman荧光定量PCR
A Genre-Based Approach to Developing Learning and Teaching Academic Writing Skills With Relation to the Omani Technical Context
作者 Issa Al Hinai 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第10期459-469,共11页
Teachers are supposed to apply the Genre-Based Approach(GBA)to teach academic writing in the Foundation Year Program(FYP)in the colleges of technology.However,students in these colleges find it difficult to produce a ... Teachers are supposed to apply the Genre-Based Approach(GBA)to teach academic writing in the Foundation Year Program(FYP)in the colleges of technology.However,students in these colleges find it difficult to produce a formal piece of academic work(Al-Husseini,2004).Students seem to face lot of writing problems and so the author conducted this study to have a better understanding of what is happening.He carried a questionnaire study to reveal the causes of difficulties in academic writing.The author restricted his focus on research to lack of practice in applying these skills in students’writing as that is more relevant in the technical colleges’context.The study proved that the absence of practicing learning and teaching academic writing due to the insufficient use of the GBA,partly discourage the adequate mastering of these skills.Following the GBA to tackle such problem might be useful.As a consequence,the author considers this research study’s results as an additional evidence for the value of the GBA in developing the learning and teaching of academic writing skills to FYP Omani students in the technical colleges. 展开更多
关键词 ACADEMIC writing Foundation Year Program ENGLISH for ACADEMIC purposes ENGLISH language teaching the Genre-Based Approach writing for different genres
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