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作者 范圣平 周永言 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第11期61-62,共2页
传统测量重油中的硫方法存在分析时间长、分析效率低、操作复杂、重复性差的缺点。应用X-射线荧光光谱仪测定重油中硫的含量,并将其结果与库仑滴定法测定结果相比较,偏差为0.004%,在GB/T 214-1996允许误差之内。试验表明,X-荧光法具有... 传统测量重油中的硫方法存在分析时间长、分析效率低、操作复杂、重复性差的缺点。应用X-射线荧光光谱仪测定重油中硫的含量,并将其结果与库仑滴定法测定结果相比较,偏差为0.004%,在GB/T 214-1996允许误差之内。试验表明,X-荧光法具有操作方便、速度快、重复性良好等优点。 展开更多
关键词 x-荧光法 库仑滴定法 重油
X-荧光法测定标准砂中二氧化硅检测技术的应用 被引量:1
作者 马兆模 饶正堂 崔健 《中国水泥》 CAS 2021年第8期86-88,共3页
关键词 x-荧光法 标准砂 二氧化硅
X-荧光法测定铁矿石中砷量方法改进 被引量:2
作者 赵小元 苏红梅 +2 位作者 龙芬 肖星 谭卉 《涟钢科技与管理》 2014年第3期26-28,共3页
关键词 荧光法测定 铁矿石 x-荧光法 同时测定 干扰情况 铁精矿 烧结矿
作者 赵小元 苏红梅 +2 位作者 龙芬 肖星 谭卉 《涟钢科技与管理》 2012年第4期32-35,共4页
关键词 荧光法测定 铁矿石 x-荧光法 同时测定 干扰情况 铁精矿 烧结矿
全反射X-射线荧光法分析茶叶中的矿质元素 被引量:12
作者 谢明勇 温辉梁 +1 位作者 vonBohlenA GuentherK 《茶叶科学》 CAS CSCD 2000年第1期51-54,共4页
用全反射X -射线荧光法 (TXRF)分析了江西婺绿和宁红茶的矿质元素含量。结果表明 ,所测茶叶中P、S、K、Ca的含量在 2 4 70~ 30 70 0 μg/g ;Mn、Fe在 2 0 6~ 10 70 μg/g ;Ti、Ni、Cu、Zn、Rb、Sr、Ba在 5 5~ 12 2 μg/g ;Pb含量均... 用全反射X -射线荧光法 (TXRF)分析了江西婺绿和宁红茶的矿质元素含量。结果表明 ,所测茶叶中P、S、K、Ca的含量在 2 4 70~ 30 70 0 μg/g ;Mn、Fe在 2 0 6~ 10 70 μg/g ;Ti、Ni、Cu、Zn、Rb、Sr、Ba在 5 5~ 12 2 μg/g ;Pb含量均小于 4 0 μg/g (干基 )。宁红还表现出 ,品质越好 ,P、Ni、Zn含量越高 ,而K、Ca、Mn、Sr、Ba含量则相反。茶汤中K、Rb、Ni的浸出率为 30 5%~ 86 4% ;P、S、Mn、Cu、Zn、Sr为 11 6 %~ 4 2 4% ;Ca为 7 2 %~ 12 6 % ;Fe为 1 1% -2 6 %。茶汤中Ti、Ba、Pb的含量均低于TXRF法的检测限。宁红茶汤还表现出 ,品质越好 ,K、Ca、Mn、Zn、Rb、Sr的浸出率越高。但红茶汤中的K、Zn、Rb。 展开更多
关键词 茶叶 多元分析 全反射x-射线荧光法 矿质元素
碳酸盐型铀矿石中铀的X-射线荧光法测定 被引量:3
作者 任定高 孙立梅 +1 位作者 谢树军 牛洁 《湿法冶金》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期206-210,共5页
建立了碳酸盐型铀矿石中铀元素的x-射线荧光测定法。模拟配制不同CO2含量的碳酸盐型铀矿石样品,采用粉体压片制样,利用x-射线荧光测定其中的铀。通过测定钙、镁质量分数确定CO2质量分数,得出CO2质量分数变化对铀测定干扰呈线性规律... 建立了碳酸盐型铀矿石中铀元素的x-射线荧光测定法。模拟配制不同CO2含量的碳酸盐型铀矿石样品,采用粉体压片制样,利用x-射线荧光测定其中的铀。通过测定钙、镁质量分数确定CO2质量分数,得出CO2质量分数变化对铀测定干扰呈线性规律,建立了碳酸盐型铀矿石中铀测定通用标准曲线方程,标准曲线方程r≥0.999,相对标准偏差≤1%,检测限6肛g/g。该方法制样简单,分析速度快,精密度好,适用范围宽(CO2质量分数0~40%)。 展开更多
关键词 碳酸盐 铀矿石 x-射线荧光法 定量分析
用X-射线荧光法测定聚酯切片中的锑钛含量 被引量:1
作者 王志强 《合成纤维工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期65-66,共2页
用 X-射线荧光法测定聚酯切片中的锑、钛含量 ,绘出了锑、钛含量与射线强度关系的标准曲线 ,经对不同厂家生产的 3种聚酯切片重复测试 2 0次 ,其数据均在质量控制范围 。
关键词 聚酯切片 x-射线荧光法 重复性 测定 纺丝 聚酯纤维
X-射线荧光法在地质样品分析测试中的应用 被引量:11
作者 张蕾 李小红 +1 位作者 陈超英 舒朝滨 《资源环境与工程》 2006年第4期455-458,共4页
关键词 x-射线荧光法 地质样品 测试 应用
X—荧光法和伽玛能谱法在胶东郭城金矿找矿预测中的应用 被引量:6
作者 杨岳衡 刘铁兵 +1 位作者 沈远超 张连昌 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期49-52,共4页
介绍了山东郭城金矿的地质特征 ,对X—荧光法和伽玛能谱法在层间滑动角砾岩型金矿找矿预测中的应用效果进行了讨论 ,并把现场测量结果与地质研究紧密结合 ,指导找矿预测 ,取得了良好效果。
关键词 x-荧光法 伽玛能谱法 找矿预测 金矿床 山东 成矿地质
中药胡芦巴磷脂成分的X-射线荧光光谱法直接测定 被引量:2
作者 许益民 陈建伟 +1 位作者 毛惠新 刘笛 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第2期219-222,共4页
关键词 胡芦巴 磷脂 x-射线荧光法 测定
作者 付慧莉 《莱钢科技》 2001年第F12期15-17,共3页
关键词 x-荧光法 烧结矿 光谱分析
Potential Applications of X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanner in Elemental Analyses of the Muddy Sediments on the Coastal Shelves of China and in Ecological Study 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Xin SUN Liguang +1 位作者 LIU Yi WANG Yuhong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期619-623,共5页
Large areas of muddy sediments on the coastal shelves of China provide important samples for studying climate and ecological changes. Analysis of a large number of such samples, which is essential for systematic study... Large areas of muddy sediments on the coastal shelves of China provide important samples for studying climate and ecological changes. Analysis of a large number of such samples, which is essential for systematic study on environmental information recorded in mud areas because of complicated sedimentary environment and variable sedimentary rate, requires a fast and economical method. In this study, we investigated the potential of X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRFS), a fast analytical instrument for measuring the elemental concentrations of muddy sediments, and observed a significant correlation between the element concentrations of muddy sediments determined by regular X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) and XRFS, respectively. The correlations are mainly determined by excitation energy of elements, but also influenced by solubility of element ions. Furthermore, we found a striking link between A1 concentrations and marine-originated organic carbon (MOC), a proxy of marine primary productivity. This indicates that MOC is partly controlled by sedimentary characteristics. Therefore, XRFS method has a good potential in fast analysis of a large number of muddy sediment samples, and it can also be used to calibrate MOC in ecological study of coastal seas. 展开更多
关键词 x-ray fluorescence core scanner x-ray fluorescence spectrometer muddy sediment marine-originated organic carbon ecological study
A Comparison between Neutron Activation Analysis and X-Ray Fluorescence Methods in Analyzing the Granite Samples
作者 Hayder Salah Naeem Pegah Moradi Khaniabadi Eid Mahmoud Eid 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第9期803-807,共5页
This study focused on the performance of where elements analysing techniques were used to detect the elements in granite stones. These techniques are NAA (neutron activation analysis) and XRF (X-ray fluorescence).... This study focused on the performance of where elements analysing techniques were used to detect the elements in granite stones. These techniques are NAA (neutron activation analysis) and XRF (X-ray fluorescence). They were applied to detect the elements in samples which had been chosen from different areas of Pulua Penang in Malaysia collected by geophysics group which helped to describe and identify the elements found in the granite stone that were used in the study procedures to control the analytical results. The integration of both methods has enabled the researcher to determine 40 elements in the samples. The numbers of elements detected by XRF analysis method are 12 elements (Ar, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn); while, the elements detected by NAA method have three folds of elements with XRF analysis method were 35 elements (Na, AI, Si, K, Ca, Sc,Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ga, Ce, As, Br, Rb, Zr, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Nd, Sm, Eu,Tb, Dy, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Pa and Np). Seven common elements were detected in both techniques: K, Sc, Ti, V, Mn, Fe and Co. Si has a higher concentration in NAA technique which is 331.8 ppm. Sc has a lower concentration in XRF technique which is 0.25 ppm. Nd has a lower concentration in NAA technique which is 3.09 - 10-5 ppm. Finally, it is found that the NAA is better to detect the elements than XRF. 展开更多
关键词 Radiation science radiation physics NAA XRF analyzing methods.
库仑法测定待生剂上焦炭中的硫含量 被引量:1
作者 王桂英 张月平 《河南石油》 2002年第6期57-59,共3页
针对待生催化剂的特点及对测定FCC再生烟气SOX准确度的要求,通过对标样配制及试验条件,如温度、样品颗粒大小等进行考察,建立了用氧化微库仑法测定待生剂中焦炭上的硫含量的试验方法,确定了标样配制方式及适宜的试验条件。结果证明该方... 针对待生催化剂的特点及对测定FCC再生烟气SOX准确度的要求,通过对标样配制及试验条件,如温度、样品颗粒大小等进行考察,建立了用氧化微库仑法测定待生剂中焦炭上的硫含量的试验方法,确定了标样配制方式及适宜的试验条件。结果证明该方法准确、可靠,精密度高。 展开更多
关键词 库仑法 测定 待生剂 焦炭 硫含量 x-荧光法 催化裂化 炼油 FCC待生催化剂
成品油中硫含量的测定方法对比研究 被引量:2
作者 邵荟荟 马慧 郑金凤 《化工管理》 2021年第27期134-135,共2页
关键词 紫外荧光法 微库仑法 单波长色散x-射线荧光法 近红外光谱法 硫含量
Characterization and recycling of nickel- and chromium-contained pickling sludge generated in production of stainless steel 被引量:11
作者 李小明 谢庚 +2 位作者 HOJAMBERDIEV Mirabbos 崔雅茹 赵俊学 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3241-3246,共6页
Pickling sludge generated during the neutralization of pickling wastewater with calcium hydroxide in stainless steel pickling process was characterized using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry, scan... Pickling sludge generated during the neutralization of pickling wastewater with calcium hydroxide in stainless steel pickling process was characterized using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, etc. The major compositions of pickling sludge are CaF2, CaSO4, Me(OH), (M: Fe, Cr, Ni), and the content of CaF2 is high in the sludge. The melting point of pickling sludge is about 1350℃ and the viscosity is about 0.14 Pa.s at 1450 ℃, which are comparatively lower than those of normal refining slag. After heat treatment, the contents of sulfur and fluorine in the pickling sludge were reduced, confirming the thermal decomposition of sulfate in the sludge. Fluorine in the sludge is reduced by the gaseous SiF4 and A1F3 generated through the reactions of CaF2 with SiO2 and Al2O3. The preliminary results from the reduction test indicate that the sulfur content in the steel is not affected by the presence of sulfur in the sludge. The recovery of nickel is about 40%, and the chromium content changes marginally due to the protective atmosphere under the reduction condition of chromic oxide. The pickling sludge is a potential auxiliary material for the production of stainless steel. 展开更多
关键词 stainless steel pickling sludge CHARACTERIZATION RECYCLING SULFUR FLUORINE
Prediction of XRF analyzers error for elements on-line assaying using Kalman Filter 被引量:3
作者 Nakhaei F Sam A +1 位作者 Mosavi MR Nakhaei A 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第4期595-601,共7页
Determination of chemical elements assay plays an important role in mineral processing operations.This factor is used to control process accuracy,recovery calculation and plant profitability.The new assaying methods i... Determination of chemical elements assay plays an important role in mineral processing operations.This factor is used to control process accuracy,recovery calculation and plant profitability.The new assaying methods including chemical methods,X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption spectrometry are advanced and accurate.However,in some applications,such as on-line assaying process,high accuracy is required.In this paper,an algorithm based on Kalman Filter is presented to predict on-line XRF errors.This research has been carried out on the basis of based the industrial real data collection for evaluating the performance of the presented algorithm.The measurements and analysis for this study were conducted at the Sarcheshmeh Copper Concentrator Plant located in Iran.The quality of the obtained results was very satisfied;so that the RMS errors of prediction obtained for Cu and Mo grade assaying errors in rougher feed were less than 0.039 and 0.002 and in final flotation concentration less than 0.58 and 0.074,respectively.The results indicate that the mentioned method is quite accurate to reduce the on-line XRF errors measurement. 展开更多
关键词 PredictionAccuracyx-ray fluorescence Kalman FilterAssayingError
The distribution and variation of elements in sediments off the Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth 被引量:3
作者 乔淑卿 石学法 +4 位作者 高晶晶 刘焱光 杨刚 朱爱美 王昆山 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期876-885,共10页
Surface sediment samples collected off the Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth during the period 2007-2009 were analyzed for major and trace element concentrations. Concentrations of 16 elements were measured using X-ray f... Surface sediment samples collected off the Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth during the period 2007-2009 were analyzed for major and trace element concentrations. Concentrations of 16 elements were measured using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Results demonstrate that sediment grain size is the dominant factor controlling the spatial variations of elemental concentrations. Correlation and cluster analyses allowed classification of the study area into four geochemical regions: Regions Ⅰ and Ⅲare characterized by high concentrations ofAl2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, Na2O, K2O, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, and contain fine-grained sediments with mean grain size (Mz)〈22 μm; and; Regions Ⅱ and Ⅳcontain mostly coarse-grained sediments, and are characterized by high concentrations of SiO2, Na2O, and Zr. The sediment entering the sea from the Huanghe River and its tributaries is enriched in Ca. Thus, the Ca/Al ratio was used as an indicator of the proportion of sediments in the study area that originated from the Huanghe River. Ca/Al ratios decrease from Regions Ⅰ and Ⅱ(located in the nearshore zone of the Huanghe River delta) to Regions Ⅲand Ⅳ(distributed in the offshore zone of the northern Huanghe River delta, southern and southeastern Laizhou Bay area). 展开更多
关键词 Huanghe (Yellow) River Bohai Sea major and trace elements grain size heavy metals
Effect of Mg^(2+) content in ion-exchanged Shengli lignite on its equilibrium adsorption water content and its mechanism 被引量:1
作者 刘祥春 冯莉 +2 位作者 王新华 张营 汤海燕 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期456-460,共5页
Mg ion-exchanged samples were prepared with acid-washed Shengli lignite.The chemical composition of the ash of the raw sample was determined by X-ray fluorescence.The equilibrium adsorption water contents of samples w... Mg ion-exchanged samples were prepared with acid-washed Shengli lignite.The chemical composition of the ash of the raw sample was determined by X-ray fluorescence.The equilibrium adsorption water contents of samples were determined in a range of relative humidity.The ion-exchange process was characterized by FT-IR,ash content,and p H value.A possible mechanism is proposed for equilibrium adsorption water of ion-exchanged samples at different humidities.The extent of ion-exchange reaction between Mg2+and lignite is controlled by the concentration of Mg2+in Mg SO4solution.The effect of Mg2+on equilibrium adsorption water content varies with relative humidity and content of Mg2+.The factor that controls equilibrium adsorption water content at low relative humidity is water interactions with sorption sites,which are Mg2+–carboxyl group complex.At middle relative humidity capillary force between Mg2+–water clusters Mg+(H2O)nand capillary is more important.At high relative humidity,free water–free water interactions are more significant. 展开更多
关键词 Ion-exchange FT-IR Equilibrium adsorption water content SURFACE
Electron Beam Application for Regeneration of Catalysts Used in Refinery Cracking Units
作者 Femando Mantovani Kondo Celina Lopes Duarte +2 位作者 Ivone Mulako Sato Vera Lucia Ribeiro Salvador Wilson Aparecido Parejo Calvo 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第3期11-19,共9页
A catalyst is a substance that alters the rate of a reaction. The process of catalysis is essential to the modem day manufacturing industry, mainly in FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) process units. However, long-term... A catalyst is a substance that alters the rate of a reaction. The process of catalysis is essential to the modem day manufacturing industry, mainly in FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) process units. However, long-term exploitation of oil and gas processing catalysts leads to formation of carbon- and sulfur-containing structures of coke and dense products on the catalyst surface. They block reactive catalyst sites and reduce the catalytic activity. The main advantage of radiation processing by EB (electron beam) and gamma rays is chain cracking reaction in crude oil. Otherwise, under exposure to ionize radiation, considerable structure modification of equilibrium silica-alumina catalyst from FCC process may occur, in addition to the removal of impurities. The conditions applied in the irradiation range (20-150 kGy) of gamma rays and EB were not sufficient to alter the structure of the catalyst, whether for removal of the contaminant nickel, a major contaminant of the FCC catalyst, either to rupture of the crystalline structure either for the future reutilization of chemical elements. ATR-FTIR (Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and EDXRFS (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry) analysis were used to characterize and evaluate effects of radiation processing on equilibrium catalysts purification. To evaluate and comprehend the reactive catalyst sites, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and particle size distribution analyses were carried out. 展开更多
关键词 EB gamma rays FCC process regeneration of catalysts silica-alumina catalyst.
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