Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Spartina alterniflora zones in the Yangtze Estuary, in China, were investigated seasonally in 2005, and their structure and biodiversity were analyzed. Twenty-one species were ...Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Spartina alterniflora zones in the Yangtze Estuary, in China, were investigated seasonally in 2005, and their structure and biodiversity were analyzed. Twenty-one species were identified, across four Classes; 10 species of Crustacea, five species of Polychaeta, five species of Gastropoda, and one species of Lamellibranchia. Dominant species included: Assiminea sp., Notomastus latericeus, Cerithidea largillierl, Gtauconome chinensi and Gammaridae sp. Functional groups were comprised of a phytophagous group and a detritivorous group. The average density of all benthic macroinvertebrates was 650.5 ±719.2 inds/m^2 in the survey area. The high value of the standard deviation of the average density was a result of abundant Assiminea sp. at Beihu tidal flats. The average density of macroinvertebrates from Beihu tidal flat, Chongming Dongtan to Jinshanwei tidal flat decreased gradually. There was significant difference between compositions and abundance of macroinvertebrates along the estuary gradient (P 〈 0.05). The density and biodiversity were highest in summer and lowest in winter. The mean biomass of macroinvertebrates was 20.8 ± 6.1 g/m^2. Biomass changed seasonally in the same way as density, with the change in biomass being: summer (Aug.) 〉autumn (Oct.) 〉spring (Apr.) 〉 winter (Dec.). A BIO-ENV analysis showed that the mean grain size of sediment, height of Spartina and salinity were the ma- jor factors which affected the structure of the macroinvertebrate community. Variations in the community structure were probably caused by the population dynamics of S. alterniflora along with the variation in sampling time and location.展开更多
A new recorded fish (Siniperca roulei) of the Yangtze estuary and Shanghai district was collected at the west end of Chongming Island in the survey on the intertidal fishes in May, 2008. It belongs to Family Serrani...A new recorded fish (Siniperca roulei) of the Yangtze estuary and Shanghai district was collected at the west end of Chongming Island in the survey on the intertidal fishes in May, 2008. It belongs to Family Serranidae of Order Perciformes. Its main features were described as the following: body slim and long, nearly tubby; head long and a little fiat, and proboscis sharp; oral fissure big, the mandible apparent protruding, and the upper jaw outstretch to the area under the eye; ten thin sawteeth and two declining spurs at the rear edge and the ventrolateral edge of the front operculum, respectively; one fiat spine at the back-end of the operculum with one short spine at its up-end; body tawny and some anomalistic macula and dark spots on the head and both sides of the body. Owing to the overfishing and water pollution, the resource amount of the fish has decreased sharply in recent decades. It has been listed in China Red Book of Endangered Animals. Currently, very few studies on this fish species have been carried out, especially those on their breeding, feeding and growing characteristics are even scare. Hence, it is extremely urgent to carry out the study and conservation on this species.展开更多
Typhoon-generated waves are simulated with two numerical wave models, the SWAN model for the coastal and Yangtze Estuary domain, nested within the WAVEWATCHIII (WW3) for the basin-scale East China Sea domain. Typhoo...Typhoon-generated waves are simulated with two numerical wave models, the SWAN model for the coastal and Yangtze Estuary domain, nested within the WAVEWATCHIII (WW3) for the basin-scale East China Sea domain. Typhoon No. 8114 is chosen because it was very strong, and generated high waves in the Estuary. WW3 was implemented for the East China Sea coarse-resolution computational domain, to simulate the waves over a large spatial scale and provide boundary conditions for SWAN model simulations, implemented on a fine-resolution nested domain for the Yangtze Estuary area. The Takahashi wind model is applied to the simulation of the East China Sea scale (3-hourly) and Yangtze Estuary scale (1-hourly) winds. Simulations of significant wave heights in the East China Sea show that the highest waves are on the right side of the storm track, and maxima tend to occur at the eastern deep-water open boundary of the Yangtze Estuary. In the Yangtze Estuary, incoming swell is dominant over locally generated waves before the typhoon approaches the Estuary. As the typhoon approaches the Estuary, wind waves and swell coexist, and the wave direction is mainly influenced by the swell direction and the complex topography.展开更多
In this paper, integrating the Yangtze Estuary with the Hangzhou Bay, a 2-D velocity field model is established. In the model, fine self-adaptive grids are employed to adapt to the complicated coastal shape. The hydro...In this paper, integrating the Yangtze Estuary with the Hangzhou Bay, a 2-D velocity field model is established. In the model, fine self-adaptive grids are employed to adapt to the complicated coastal shape. The hydrodynamic equations satisfied by two contravariant components of velocity vector and surface elevation in non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates are used. In each momentum equation the coefficients before the two partial derivatives of surface elevation with respect to variables of alternative direction coordinates have different orders of magnitude, i. e., the derivative with the larger coefficient may play a more important role than that with the smaller one. With this advantage, the ADI scheme can be easily employed. The hydrodynamic factors include tidal current, river runoff and wind-induced current. In terms of tidal current, seven main constituents in the area are considered in the open boundaries. The verifications of surface elevation process and current velocity process in the spring tide and in the neap tide show that the model can preferably reflect current fields in the area. Through the simulation of Lagrangian residual current fields in summer and in winter, the paths of the exchange of water and sediment between the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay are elementarily discussed.展开更多
Biogenic silica (BSi) contents in the marsh plants (Phragmites australis, Scirpus mariqueter and Spartina alterniflora) and associated sediments in Chongming Island eastern intertidal flat of the Yangtze Estuary w...Biogenic silica (BSi) contents in the marsh plants (Phragmites australis, Scirpus mariqueter and Spartina alterniflora) and associated sediments in Chongming Island eastern intertidal flat of the Yangtze Estuary were determined. The BSi contents in P. australis, S. mariqueter and S. alterniflora varied from 25.78–42.74 mg/g, 5.71–19.53 mg/g and 6.71–8.92 mg/g, respectively. Over the entire growth season, P. australis and S. mariqueter were characterized by linear accumulation patterns of BSi. The aboveground biomass (leaves and culms) of the marsh plants generally contained more BSi than underground biomass (roots). BSi contents were relatively higher in dead plant tissues than in live tissues which was probably due to the decomposition and the leaching of labile components of plant tissues such as organic carbon and nitrogen. Comparing with the habitats of S. mariqueter and S. alterniflora, the highest BSi content was recorded in sediments inhabited by P. australis, with an annual average of 15.69 mg/g. Overall, the intertidal marshes in the Yangtze Estuary may act as a net sink of BSi via plant uptake and sedimentary burial.展开更多
The seasonal concentration changes of selected heavy metal Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn in five tissues of marine gastropod Onchidium struma were studied in the Chongming Island, the Yangtze Estuary in April 2007, J...The seasonal concentration changes of selected heavy metal Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn in five tissues of marine gastropod Onchidium struma were studied in the Chongming Island, the Yangtze Estuary in April 2007, July 2006, September 2006, and November 2006, respectively. The results demonstrated that the bioconcentration factor of Cu (biomass/water) in all selected tissues was about 104 magnitudes, Fe and Cd were 103, Zn was 102, and Mn, Pb, and Cr were 101. Hepatopancreas was proven to be the dominant storage tissue of Cr, Cu, Mn, and Zn, whereas Fe and Pb were mainly stored in muscle and digenetic gland, and Cd was stored in vitelline gland and albumen gland. Additionally, it was found that Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were concentrated significantly by O. struma (whole-body) in summer or autumn, and Cd, Cr, and Pb increased slightly in spring and winter. Furthermore, the bioconcentration of Cr was nearly 2-fold higher and Zn was 1.6-fold higher in the water compared with the Water Quality Standard for Fisheries. With view of excessive amount of Pb, Cd, and Cu according to seafood standard, the consumption of O. struma might have the risk of health hazard.展开更多
Sedimentary biogenic silica is known to be an important parameter to understand biogeochemical processes and paleoenviromental records in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Consequently, it is of great significance to ...Sedimentary biogenic silica is known to be an important parameter to understand biogeochemical processes and paleoenviromental records in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Consequently, it is of great significance to investigate accumulation and distribution of biogenic silica in sediments. The two-step mild acid-mild alkaline extraction procedure was used to leach biogenic silica and its early diagenetic products in intertidal sediments of the Yangtze Estuary. The results showed that total biogenic silica (t-BSi) in the intertidal sediments varied from 237.7-419.4 μmol Si/g, while the mild acid leachable silica (Si-HCl) and the mild alkaline leachable silica (Si- Alk) were in the range of 25.1-72.9 μmol Si/g and 208.1-350.4 μmol Si/g, respectively. Significant correlations were observed for the grain size distributions of sediments and different biogenic silica pools in intertidal sediments. This confirms that grain size distribution can significantly affect biogenic silica contents in sediments. Close relationships of biogenic silica with organic carbon and nitrogen were also found, reflecting that there is a strong coupling between biogenic silica and organic matter biogeochemical cycles in the intertidal system of the Yangtze Estuary. Additionally, the early diagenetic changes of biogenic silica in sediments are discussed in the present study.展开更多
For simulating fresh and salt water mixing in estuaries, a three dimensional nonlinear baroclinic numerical model is developed, in which the gradients of horizontal pressure contain die gradient of barotropic pressure...For simulating fresh and salt water mixing in estuaries, a three dimensional nonlinear baroclinic numerical model is developed, in which the gradients of horizontal pressure contain die gradient of barotropic pressure arising from the gradient of tidal level and the gradient of baroclinic pressure due to the gradient of salinity. The Eulerian-Lagrangian method is employed to descretize both the momentum equations of tidal motion and the equation of salt water diffusion so as to improve the computational stability and accuracy. The methods to provide the boundary conditions and the initial conditions are proposed, and the criterion for computational stability of the salinity fields is presented. The present model is used for modeling fresh and salt water mixing in the Yangtze Estuary. Computations show that the salinity distribution has the characteristics of partial mixing pattern, and that the present model is suitable for simulation of fresh and salt water mixing in the Yangtze Estuary.展开更多
In order to monitor water quality in the Yangtze Estuary, water samples were collected and field observation of current and velocity stratification was carried out using a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler ...In order to monitor water quality in the Yangtze Estuary, water samples were collected and field observation of current and velocity stratification was carried out using a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Results of two representative variables, the temporal and spatial variation of new point source sewage discharge as manifested by chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the initial water quality distribution as manifested by dissolved oxygen (DO), were obtained by application of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) with solutions for hydrodynamics during tides. The numerical results were compared with field data, and the field data provided verification of numerical application: this numerical model is an effective tool for water quality simulation. For point source discharge, COD concentration was simulated with an initial value in the river of zero. The simulated increments and distribution of COD in the water show acceptable agreement with field data. The concentration of DO is much higher in the North Branch than in the South Branch due to consumption of oxygen in the South Branch resulting from discharge of sewage from Shanghai. The DO concentration is greater in the surface layer than in the bottom layer. The DO concentration is low in areas with a depth of less than 20 m, and high in areas between the 20-m and 30-m isobaths. It is concluded that the numerical model is valuable in simulation of water quality in the case of specific point source pollutant discharge. The EFDC model is also of satisfactory accuracy in water quality simulation of the Yangtze Estuary.展开更多
The rise of tidal level in tidal reaches induced by sea-level rise has a large impact on flood control and water supply for the regions around the estuary. This paper focuses on the variations of tidal level response ...The rise of tidal level in tidal reaches induced by sea-level rise has a large impact on flood control and water supply for the regions around the estuary. This paper focuses on the variations of tidal level response along the tidal reaches in the Yangtze Estuary, as well as the impacts of upstream discharge on tidal level response, due to the sea-level rise of the East China Sea. Based on the Topex/Poseidon altimeter data obtained during the period 1993-2005, a stochastic dynamic analysis was performed and a forecast model was run to predict the sea-level rise of the East China Sea. Two- dimensional hydrodynamic numerical models downscaling from the East China Sea to estuarine areas were implemented to analyze the rise of tidal level along the tidal reaches. In response to the sea-level rise, the tidal wave characteristics change slightly in nearshore areas outside the estuaries, involving the tidal range and the duration of flood and ebb tide. The results show that the rise of tidal level in the tidal reaches due to the sea-level rise has upstream decreasing trends. The step between the stations of Zhangjiagang and Shiyiwei divides the tidal reaches into two parts, in which the tidal level response declines slightly. The rise of tidal level is 1-2.5 mm/a in the upper part, and 4-6 mm/a in the lower part. The stations of Jiangyin and Yanglin, as an example of the upper part and the lower part respectively, are extracted to analyze the impacts of upstream discharge on tidal level response to the sea-level rise. The relation between the rise of tidal level and the upstream discharge can be fitted well with a quadratic fimction in the upper part. However, the relation is too complicated to be fitted in the lower part because of the tide dominance. For comparison purposes, hourly tidal level observations at the stations of Xuliujing and Yanglin during the period 1993-2009 are adopted. In order to uniform the influence of upstream discharge on tidal level for a certain day each year, the hourly tidal level observations are corrected by the correlation between the increment of tidal level and the increment of daily mean upstream discharge. The rise of annual mean tidal level is evaluated. The resulting rise of tidal level at the stations of Xuliujing and Yanglin is 3.0 mm/a and 6.6 mm/a respectively, close to the rise of 5 mm/a according to the proposed relation between the rise of tidal level and the upstream discharge.展开更多
This paper presents a review of the state-of-the-art research and its applications developed at Hohai University relating to the hydrodynamic and morphological processes in the Yangtze Estuary. Longitudinal, lateral, ...This paper presents a review of the state-of-the-art research and its applications developed at Hohai University relating to the hydrodynamic and morphological processes in the Yangtze Estuary. Longitudinal, lateral, and horizontal flow circulations have been revealed based on the measurements with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The hydrodynamic mechanism at diversion points as well as the changing patterns of flow and sediment flux in the Yangtze Estuary has been investigated through long-term data analysis. A field survey has been carried out to detect the saltwater intrusion from the North Branch to South Branch. Different numerical models of flow motion, sediment transport, and saltwater intrusion have been developed to simulate the complicated processes and to evaluate the effects of engineering projects. The morphological processes of wetlands over a time scale of decades have been analyzed with an established database. Ideas for further research on the bio-geomorphological model system and long-term evolution mechanisms are put forward.展开更多
A comprehensive analysis is conducted based on observations on topography, tidal current, salinity, suspended sediment and bed load during the years of 1982, 1983, 1988, 1989. 1996, and 1997 in the Yangtze Estuary. Re...A comprehensive analysis is conducted based on observations on topography, tidal current, salinity, suspended sediment and bed load during the years of 1982, 1983, 1988, 1989. 1996, and 1997 in the Yangtze Estuary. Results show that the deformation of tidal waves is distinct and the sand carrying capacity is large within the mouth bar due to strong tidal currents and large volume of incoming water and sediments. Owing to both temporal and spatial variation of tidal current, deposition and erosion ore extremely active. In general a change of up to 0.1 m of bottom sediments takes place during a tidal period. The maximum siltation and erosion are around 0.2 m in a spring to neap tides cycle. The riverbed is silted during flood when there is heavy sediment load, eroded during dry season when sediment lo:ld is low. The annual average depth of erosion anti siltation on the riverbed is around 0.6 m. In particular cases, it may increase to 1.4 m to 2.4 m at some locations.展开更多
Based on the non-equilibrium suspended load transport equation, bed load transport equation and sediment transport capacity formulas derived by Don et al. , a 2-D numerical model of total sediment transport in the Yan...Based on the non-equilibrium suspended load transport equation, bed load transport equation and sediment transport capacity formulas derived by Don et al. , a 2-D numerical model of total sediment transport in the Yangtze Estuary is presented. In the model, the actions of tidal currents and wind waves and the effect of salinity on sediment transport are considered. An automatically generated boundary-fitted grid is used to fit the boundaries of the estuary and the boundaries of engineering projects. The verification of calculations shows that the sediment concentration, the deformation of riverbed and siltation in the channels caused by typhoons can be successfully simulated.展开更多
A 3-D baroclinic numerical model is established to study the temporal and spatial distribution of salinity in the Northern Branch(NB) of the Yangtze Estuary(YE) in response to river runoff, wind and currents. The idea...A 3-D baroclinic numerical model is established to study the temporal and spatial distribution of salinity in the Northern Branch(NB) of the Yangtze Estuary(YE) in response to river runoff, wind and currents. The idealized,process-oriented studies show that the lower river runoff in the dry season is the main driving factor for the spilling over from the NB to the Southern Branch(SB). The NB takes longer time to get in dynamic stable state compared with the SB, as the runoff transfers from the wet season to the dry season. The vertical stratification intensity of the NB has obvious periodic phenomena in the dry season, and the stratification strength is enhanced under the action of low runoff and north wind, which further weakens the vertical transport of water. Momentum balance analysis suggested that the landward net flux increases when considering the influence of the moderate north wind, and the landward flux will enhance if considering the boundary current during the spring tide. With the influence of the boundary current, increases the average salinity of the NB, as well as the intrusion degree from the NB to the SB.This indicates that the nearshore ocean current of the Yellow Sea is an important factor affecting the saltwater intrusion in the NB of the YE.展开更多
PCBs pollutants are measured on tidal-flat sediments of Yangtze estuary by a high resolution capillary column gas chromatography ( HP6890 ) equipped with an 63Ni electron capture detector ( ECD ). The concentration te...PCBs pollutants are measured on tidal-flat sediments of Yangtze estuary by a high resolution capillary column gas chromatography ( HP6890 ) equipped with an 63Ni electron capture detector ( ECD ). The concentration tendency of PCBs is Phragmites zone > Scirpus zone > bare mudflats. There are linear relations between PCBs and TOC and > 63μm grain size percentage ( in volume ). The low chlorinated congeners may be more important than the high chlorinated congeners in this area. PCBs prefer to accumulate in the sediments near sewage outlets and Phragmites zone. The sediments’ PCBs pollution ( 10.7 ~ 28.6 ng/g, dry weight ) in the Yangtze estuary tidal-flat is less serious than that of the most of other areas in the world .But the detected ratio is 100%, even the Jiuduansha shoal has detected PCBs, so much attention should be paid to this area for PCBs.展开更多
The circumfluence around the Jiuduan Sandbank is thoroughly studied by means of the principle of least resistance in fluid dynamics. The diversion ratio of the North Channel for 1998 is calculated, which is almost the...The circumfluence around the Jiuduan Sandbank is thoroughly studied by means of the principle of least resistance in fluid dynamics. The diversion ratio of the North Channel for 1998 is calculated, which is almost the same as the field survey data. The normal and minimum diversion ratios of the North Channel after stages I , II and III regulation works as well as the future phase are obtained. The numerical results and predicted value are accurate.展开更多
Recent research on short-term topographic change in the Yangtze Estuary channel under storm surge conditions is briefly summarized. The mild-slope, Boussinesq and action balance equations are compared and analyzed. Th...Recent research on short-term topographic change in the Yangtze Estuary channel under storm surge conditions is briefly summarized. The mild-slope, Boussinesq and action balance equations are compared and analyzed. The action balance equation, SWAN, was used as a wave numerical model to forecast strong storm waves in the Yangtze Estuary. The spherical coordinate system and source terms used in the equation are described in this paper. The significant wave height and the wave orbital motion velocity near the bottom of the channel during 20 m/s winds in the EES direction were simulated, and the model was calibrated with observation data of winds and waves generated by Tropical Cyclone 9912. The distribution of critical velocity for incipient motion along the bottom was computed according to the threshold velocity formula for bottom sediment. The mechanism of rapid deposition is analyzed based on the difference between the root-mean-square value of the near-bottom wave orbital motion velocity and the bottom critical tractive velocity. The results show that a large amount of bottom sediments from Hengsha Shoal and Jiuduan Shoal are lifted into the water body when 20 m/s wind is blowing in the EES direction. Some of the sediments may enter the channel with the cross-channel current, causing serious rapid deposition. Finally, the tendency of the storm to induce rapid deposition in the Yangtze Estuary channel zone is analyzed.展开更多
The intertidal flats are classified as 'attached bar', 'spit' and 'isolated bar' in relation to the land, and 'broad flat', 'sharp bank' and 'eroded cliff' according to ...The intertidal flats are classified as 'attached bar', 'spit' and 'isolated bar' in relation to the land, and 'broad flat', 'sharp bank' and 'eroded cliff' according to the shape of the cross-shore profile. Tidal currents on the flat are basically back and forth along the river channel banks but gyratory on the seaward side of the Chongming Island. The flow velocity on the intertidal flat is gradually reduced with increasing elevation. The river discharge strengthens ebb flows and modifies current asymmetry especially on the lower flat in neap tide, although hydrodynamics over the tidal flat is tide-dominated. The wave height on the tidal flat is normally limited to a few decimeters although it changes with water depth, slope and wind. Suspended sediment concentration over the tidal flat is typically hundreds to thousands of mg / 1. Although the delta has grown rapidly in history, the rate of growth is different in different periods. A maximum advancing rate of 330 m / a was recently found in the central part of the river month towards the sea. In view of the natural conditions, reclamation of higher intertidal flat (above the mean tidal level) in advancing coasts is suggested, which would leave broad wetlands for wild lives. In addition, some possible influences of coastal engineering projects and the future natural backgrounds of engineering under reduction in riverine sediment supply and sea level rise are addressed.展开更多
Fractal interpolation has been an important method applied to engineering in recent years. It can not only be used to fit smooth curve and stationary data but also show its unique superiorities in the fatting of non-s...Fractal interpolation has been an important method applied to engineering in recent years. It can not only be used to fit smooth curve and stationary data but also show its unique superiorities in the fatting of non-smooth curve and non-stationary data. Through analyzing such characteristic values as average value, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis of measured backsilting quantities in the Yangtze Estuary 12.5 m Deepwater Channel during2011–2017, the fractal interpolation method can be used to study the backsilting quantity distribution with time.According to the fractal interpolation made on the channel backsilting quantities from January 2011 to December2017, there was a good corresponding relationship between the annual(monthly) siltation quantities and the vertical scaling factor. On this basis, a calculation formula for prediction of the backsilting quantity in the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel was constructed. With the relationship between the predicted annual backsilting quantities and the vertical scaling factor, the monthly backsilting quantities can be obtained. Thus, it provides a new method for estimating the backsilting quantity of the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel.展开更多
Reclamation is one of the fastest-growing land use type developed in coastal areas and has caused degradation and loss of coastal wetlands as well as serious environmental problems. This paper was aimed at monitoring ...Reclamation is one of the fastest-growing land use type developed in coastal areas and has caused degradation and loss of coastal wetlands as well as serious environmental problems. This paper was aimed at monitoring the spatiotemporal patterns of coastal wetlands and reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary during the 1960s and 2015. Satellite images obtained from 1980 to 2015 and topography maps of the 1960 s were employed to extract changes of reclamation and coastal wetlands. Area-weight centroids were calculated to identify the movement trend of reclamation and coastal wetlands. The results show that from the 1960 s to 2015, the net area of natural wetlands declined by 574.3 km^2, while man-made wetlands and reclamation increased by 553.6 and 543.9 km^2, respectively. During the five study phases, the fastest areal change rate natural wetlands was –13.3 km^2/yr in the period of 1990–2000, and that of man-made areas was 24.7 km^2/yr in the same period, and the areal change rate of reclamation was 27.6 km^2/yr in the period of 2000–2010. Conversion of coastal wetlands mainly occurred in the Chongming Island, Changshu City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Reclamation was common across coastal areas, and was mainly attributed to settlement and man-made wetlands in the Chongming Island, Lianyungang City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Natural wetlands turned into farmlands and settlement, and man-made wetlands gained from reclamation of farmlands. The centroid of natural wetlands generally moved towards the sea, man-made wetlands expanded equally in all directions and inland, and the centroid of reclamation migrated toward Shanghai Municipality. Sea level rise, erosion-deposition changes, and reclamation activities together determine the dynamics of the Yangtze Estuary wetlands. However, reclamation activities for construction of ports, industries and aquaculture are the key causes for the dynamics. The results from this study on the dynamics of coastal wetlands and reclamation are valuable for local government to put forward sustainable land use and land development plans.展开更多
文摘Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Spartina alterniflora zones in the Yangtze Estuary, in China, were investigated seasonally in 2005, and their structure and biodiversity were analyzed. Twenty-one species were identified, across four Classes; 10 species of Crustacea, five species of Polychaeta, five species of Gastropoda, and one species of Lamellibranchia. Dominant species included: Assiminea sp., Notomastus latericeus, Cerithidea largillierl, Gtauconome chinensi and Gammaridae sp. Functional groups were comprised of a phytophagous group and a detritivorous group. The average density of all benthic macroinvertebrates was 650.5 ±719.2 inds/m^2 in the survey area. The high value of the standard deviation of the average density was a result of abundant Assiminea sp. at Beihu tidal flats. The average density of macroinvertebrates from Beihu tidal flat, Chongming Dongtan to Jinshanwei tidal flat decreased gradually. There was significant difference between compositions and abundance of macroinvertebrates along the estuary gradient (P 〈 0.05). The density and biodiversity were highest in summer and lowest in winter. The mean biomass of macroinvertebrates was 20.8 ± 6.1 g/m^2. Biomass changed seasonally in the same way as density, with the change in biomass being: summer (Aug.) 〉autumn (Oct.) 〉spring (Apr.) 〉 winter (Dec.). A BIO-ENV analysis showed that the mean grain size of sediment, height of Spartina and salinity were the ma- jor factors which affected the structure of the macroinvertebrate community. Variations in the community structure were probably caused by the population dynamics of S. alterniflora along with the variation in sampling time and location.
基金National Key Technology R&D Program (2006BAD09A05)Opening Project of The Key Laboratory of Shanghai Education Commission for Oceanic Fishery Resources Exploitation (KF200802)~~
文摘A new recorded fish (Siniperca roulei) of the Yangtze estuary and Shanghai district was collected at the west end of Chongming Island in the survey on the intertidal fishes in May, 2008. It belongs to Family Serranidae of Order Perciformes. Its main features were described as the following: body slim and long, nearly tubby; head long and a little fiat, and proboscis sharp; oral fissure big, the mandible apparent protruding, and the upper jaw outstretch to the area under the eye; ten thin sawteeth and two declining spurs at the rear edge and the ventrolateral edge of the front operculum, respectively; one fiat spine at the back-end of the operculum with one short spine at its up-end; body tawny and some anomalistic macula and dark spots on the head and both sides of the body. Owing to the overfishing and water pollution, the resource amount of the fish has decreased sharply in recent decades. It has been listed in China Red Book of Endangered Animals. Currently, very few studies on this fish species have been carried out, especially those on their breeding, feeding and growing characteristics are even scare. Hence, it is extremely urgent to carry out the study and conservation on this species.
基金This project is supported bythe Canadian Panel on Energy Research and Development (Offshore Environmental Fac-tors Program) , ONR (US Office of Naval Research) via GoMOOS-the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System,Petroleum Research Atlantic Canada (PRAC) ,and the CFCAS (Canada Foundation for Climate and AtmosphericStudies) ,Canadian Panel on Energy Research and Development (Offshore Environmental Factors Program) .It is al-so supported bythe Advanced Doctoral Fund of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No.20030294010)
文摘Typhoon-generated waves are simulated with two numerical wave models, the SWAN model for the coastal and Yangtze Estuary domain, nested within the WAVEWATCHIII (WW3) for the basin-scale East China Sea domain. Typhoon No. 8114 is chosen because it was very strong, and generated high waves in the Estuary. WW3 was implemented for the East China Sea coarse-resolution computational domain, to simulate the waves over a large spatial scale and provide boundary conditions for SWAN model simulations, implemented on a fine-resolution nested domain for the Yangtze Estuary area. The Takahashi wind model is applied to the simulation of the East China Sea scale (3-hourly) and Yangtze Estuary scale (1-hourly) winds. Simulations of significant wave heights in the East China Sea show that the highest waves are on the right side of the storm track, and maxima tend to occur at the eastern deep-water open boundary of the Yangtze Estuary. In the Yangtze Estuary, incoming swell is dominant over locally generated waves before the typhoon approaches the Estuary. As the typhoon approaches the Estuary, wind waves and swell coexist, and the wave direction is mainly influenced by the swell direction and the complex topography.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.49776279National Excellent Youth Foundation of China under contract No.49825161
文摘In this paper, integrating the Yangtze Estuary with the Hangzhou Bay, a 2-D velocity field model is established. In the model, fine self-adaptive grids are employed to adapt to the complicated coastal shape. The hydrodynamic equations satisfied by two contravariant components of velocity vector and surface elevation in non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates are used. In each momentum equation the coefficients before the two partial derivatives of surface elevation with respect to variables of alternative direction coordinates have different orders of magnitude, i. e., the derivative with the larger coefficient may play a more important role than that with the smaller one. With this advantage, the ADI scheme can be easily employed. The hydrodynamic factors include tidal current, river runoff and wind-induced current. In terms of tidal current, seven main constituents in the area are considered in the open boundaries. The verifications of surface elevation process and current velocity process in the spring tide and in the neap tide show that the model can preferably reflect current fields in the area. Through the simulation of Lagrangian residual current fields in summer and in winter, the paths of the exchange of water and sediment between the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay are elementarily discussed.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40701167, 40671171)the Doctoral Program Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. 20070269006)the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (No. 2008KYQN01,2008KYYW07)
文摘Biogenic silica (BSi) contents in the marsh plants (Phragmites australis, Scirpus mariqueter and Spartina alterniflora) and associated sediments in Chongming Island eastern intertidal flat of the Yangtze Estuary were determined. The BSi contents in P. australis, S. mariqueter and S. alterniflora varied from 25.78–42.74 mg/g, 5.71–19.53 mg/g and 6.71–8.92 mg/g, respectively. Over the entire growth season, P. australis and S. mariqueter were characterized by linear accumulation patterns of BSi. The aboveground biomass (leaves and culms) of the marsh plants generally contained more BSi than underground biomass (roots). BSi contents were relatively higher in dead plant tissues than in live tissues which was probably due to the decomposition and the leaching of labile components of plant tissues such as organic carbon and nitrogen. Comparing with the habitats of S. mariqueter and S. alterniflora, the highest BSi content was recorded in sediments inhabited by P. australis, with an annual average of 15.69 mg/g. Overall, the intertidal marshes in the Yangtze Estuary may act as a net sink of BSi via plant uptake and sedimentary burial.
基金supported by the Shanghai Key Projectfor Developing Agriculture by Science and Technology(No. 2005D4-3)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30671607).
文摘The seasonal concentration changes of selected heavy metal Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn in five tissues of marine gastropod Onchidium struma were studied in the Chongming Island, the Yangtze Estuary in April 2007, July 2006, September 2006, and November 2006, respectively. The results demonstrated that the bioconcentration factor of Cu (biomass/water) in all selected tissues was about 104 magnitudes, Fe and Cd were 103, Zn was 102, and Mn, Pb, and Cr were 101. Hepatopancreas was proven to be the dominant storage tissue of Cr, Cu, Mn, and Zn, whereas Fe and Pb were mainly stored in muscle and digenetic gland, and Cd was stored in vitelline gland and albumen gland. Additionally, it was found that Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were concentrated significantly by O. struma (whole-body) in summer or autumn, and Cd, Cr, and Pb increased slightly in spring and winter. Furthermore, the bioconcentration of Cr was nearly 2-fold higher and Zn was 1.6-fold higher in the water compared with the Water Quality Standard for Fisheries. With view of excessive amount of Pb, Cd, and Cu according to seafood standard, the consumption of O. struma might have the risk of health hazard.
文摘Sedimentary biogenic silica is known to be an important parameter to understand biogeochemical processes and paleoenviromental records in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Consequently, it is of great significance to investigate accumulation and distribution of biogenic silica in sediments. The two-step mild acid-mild alkaline extraction procedure was used to leach biogenic silica and its early diagenetic products in intertidal sediments of the Yangtze Estuary. The results showed that total biogenic silica (t-BSi) in the intertidal sediments varied from 237.7-419.4 μmol Si/g, while the mild acid leachable silica (Si-HCl) and the mild alkaline leachable silica (Si- Alk) were in the range of 25.1-72.9 μmol Si/g and 208.1-350.4 μmol Si/g, respectively. Significant correlations were observed for the grain size distributions of sediments and different biogenic silica pools in intertidal sediments. This confirms that grain size distribution can significantly affect biogenic silica contents in sediments. Close relationships of biogenic silica with organic carbon and nitrogen were also found, reflecting that there is a strong coupling between biogenic silica and organic matter biogeochemical cycles in the intertidal system of the Yangtze Estuary. Additionally, the early diagenetic changes of biogenic silica in sediments are discussed in the present study.
基金The project is financially supported by the Research Fund of the College of Harbor,Waterway and Coastal Engineering,Hohai University.
文摘For simulating fresh and salt water mixing in estuaries, a three dimensional nonlinear baroclinic numerical model is developed, in which the gradients of horizontal pressure contain die gradient of barotropic pressure arising from the gradient of tidal level and the gradient of baroclinic pressure due to the gradient of salinity. The Eulerian-Lagrangian method is employed to descretize both the momentum equations of tidal motion and the equation of salt water diffusion so as to improve the computational stability and accuracy. The methods to provide the boundary conditions and the initial conditions are proposed, and the criterion for computational stability of the salinity fields is presented. The present model is used for modeling fresh and salt water mixing in the Yangtze Estuary. Computations show that the salinity distribution has the characteristics of partial mixing pattern, and that the present model is suitable for simulation of fresh and salt water mixing in the Yangtze Estuary.
文摘In order to monitor water quality in the Yangtze Estuary, water samples were collected and field observation of current and velocity stratification was carried out using a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Results of two representative variables, the temporal and spatial variation of new point source sewage discharge as manifested by chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the initial water quality distribution as manifested by dissolved oxygen (DO), were obtained by application of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) with solutions for hydrodynamics during tides. The numerical results were compared with field data, and the field data provided verification of numerical application: this numerical model is an effective tool for water quality simulation. For point source discharge, COD concentration was simulated with an initial value in the river of zero. The simulated increments and distribution of COD in the water show acceptable agreement with field data. The concentration of DO is much higher in the North Branch than in the South Branch due to consumption of oxygen in the South Branch resulting from discharge of sewage from Shanghai. The DO concentration is greater in the surface layer than in the bottom layer. The DO concentration is low in areas with a depth of less than 20 m, and high in areas between the 20-m and 30-m isobaths. It is concluded that the numerical model is valuable in simulation of water quality in the case of specific point source pollutant discharge. The EFDC model is also of satisfactory accuracy in water quality simulation of the Yangtze Estuary.
基金supported by the State Key Development Program of Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2010CB429001)the Special Fund of State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering (Grant No. 2009586812)the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (Coastal Development Conservancy) (PAPD)
文摘The rise of tidal level in tidal reaches induced by sea-level rise has a large impact on flood control and water supply for the regions around the estuary. This paper focuses on the variations of tidal level response along the tidal reaches in the Yangtze Estuary, as well as the impacts of upstream discharge on tidal level response, due to the sea-level rise of the East China Sea. Based on the Topex/Poseidon altimeter data obtained during the period 1993-2005, a stochastic dynamic analysis was performed and a forecast model was run to predict the sea-level rise of the East China Sea. Two- dimensional hydrodynamic numerical models downscaling from the East China Sea to estuarine areas were implemented to analyze the rise of tidal level along the tidal reaches. In response to the sea-level rise, the tidal wave characteristics change slightly in nearshore areas outside the estuaries, involving the tidal range and the duration of flood and ebb tide. The results show that the rise of tidal level in the tidal reaches due to the sea-level rise has upstream decreasing trends. The step between the stations of Zhangjiagang and Shiyiwei divides the tidal reaches into two parts, in which the tidal level response declines slightly. The rise of tidal level is 1-2.5 mm/a in the upper part, and 4-6 mm/a in the lower part. The stations of Jiangyin and Yanglin, as an example of the upper part and the lower part respectively, are extracted to analyze the impacts of upstream discharge on tidal level response to the sea-level rise. The relation between the rise of tidal level and the upstream discharge can be fitted well with a quadratic fimction in the upper part. However, the relation is too complicated to be fitted in the lower part because of the tide dominance. For comparison purposes, hourly tidal level observations at the stations of Xuliujing and Yanglin during the period 1993-2009 are adopted. In order to uniform the influence of upstream discharge on tidal level for a certain day each year, the hourly tidal level observations are corrected by the correlation between the increment of tidal level and the increment of daily mean upstream discharge. The rise of annual mean tidal level is evaluated. The resulting rise of tidal level at the stations of Xuliujing and Yanglin is 3.0 mm/a and 6.6 mm/a respectively, close to the rise of 5 mm/a according to the proposed relation between the rise of tidal level and the upstream discharge.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973Program,Grant No.2010CB429002)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.2012B06514)+1 种基金the Special Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering at Hohai University(Grant No.2009585812)the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province
文摘This paper presents a review of the state-of-the-art research and its applications developed at Hohai University relating to the hydrodynamic and morphological processes in the Yangtze Estuary. Longitudinal, lateral, and horizontal flow circulations have been revealed based on the measurements with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP). The hydrodynamic mechanism at diversion points as well as the changing patterns of flow and sediment flux in the Yangtze Estuary has been investigated through long-term data analysis. A field survey has been carried out to detect the saltwater intrusion from the North Branch to South Branch. Different numerical models of flow motion, sediment transport, and saltwater intrusion have been developed to simulate the complicated processes and to evaluate the effects of engineering projects. The morphological processes of wetlands over a time scale of decades have been analyzed with an established database. Ideas for further research on the bio-geomorphological model system and long-term evolution mechanisms are put forward.
基金This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.49736220)
文摘A comprehensive analysis is conducted based on observations on topography, tidal current, salinity, suspended sediment and bed load during the years of 1982, 1983, 1988, 1989. 1996, and 1997 in the Yangtze Estuary. Results show that the deformation of tidal waves is distinct and the sand carrying capacity is large within the mouth bar due to strong tidal currents and large volume of incoming water and sediments. Owing to both temporal and spatial variation of tidal current, deposition and erosion ore extremely active. In general a change of up to 0.1 m of bottom sediments takes place during a tidal period. The maximum siltation and erosion are around 0.2 m in a spring to neap tides cycle. The riverbed is silted during flood when there is heavy sediment load, eroded during dry season when sediment lo:ld is low. The annual average depth of erosion anti siltation on the riverbed is around 0.6 m. In particular cases, it may increase to 1.4 m to 2.4 m at some locations.
文摘Based on the non-equilibrium suspended load transport equation, bed load transport equation and sediment transport capacity formulas derived by Don et al. , a 2-D numerical model of total sediment transport in the Yangtze Estuary is presented. In the model, the actions of tidal currents and wind waves and the effect of salinity on sediment transport are considered. An automatically generated boundary-fitted grid is used to fit the boundaries of the estuary and the boundaries of engineering projects. The verification of calculations shows that the sediment concentration, the deformation of riverbed and siltation in the channels caused by typhoons can be successfully simulated.
基金financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant Nos.2016YFC0401505 and 2017YFC0405402)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51779147)
文摘A 3-D baroclinic numerical model is established to study the temporal and spatial distribution of salinity in the Northern Branch(NB) of the Yangtze Estuary(YE) in response to river runoff, wind and currents. The idealized,process-oriented studies show that the lower river runoff in the dry season is the main driving factor for the spilling over from the NB to the Southern Branch(SB). The NB takes longer time to get in dynamic stable state compared with the SB, as the runoff transfers from the wet season to the dry season. The vertical stratification intensity of the NB has obvious periodic phenomena in the dry season, and the stratification strength is enhanced under the action of low runoff and north wind, which further weakens the vertical transport of water. Momentum balance analysis suggested that the landward net flux increases when considering the influence of the moderate north wind, and the landward flux will enhance if considering the boundary current during the spring tide. With the influence of the boundary current, increases the average salinity of the NB, as well as the intrusion degree from the NB to the SB.This indicates that the nearshore ocean current of the Yellow Sea is an important factor affecting the saltwater intrusion in the NB of the YE.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Fund of China (No.49871068 and No.40131020)
文摘PCBs pollutants are measured on tidal-flat sediments of Yangtze estuary by a high resolution capillary column gas chromatography ( HP6890 ) equipped with an 63Ni electron capture detector ( ECD ). The concentration tendency of PCBs is Phragmites zone > Scirpus zone > bare mudflats. There are linear relations between PCBs and TOC and > 63μm grain size percentage ( in volume ). The low chlorinated congeners may be more important than the high chlorinated congeners in this area. PCBs prefer to accumulate in the sediments near sewage outlets and Phragmites zone. The sediments’ PCBs pollution ( 10.7 ~ 28.6 ng/g, dry weight ) in the Yangtze estuary tidal-flat is less serious than that of the most of other areas in the world .But the detected ratio is 100%, even the Jiuduansha shoal has detected PCBs, so much attention should be paid to this area for PCBs.
文摘The circumfluence around the Jiuduan Sandbank is thoroughly studied by means of the principle of least resistance in fluid dynamics. The diversion ratio of the North Channel for 1998 is calculated, which is almost the same as the field survey data. The normal and minimum diversion ratios of the North Channel after stages I , II and III regulation works as well as the future phase are obtained. The numerical results and predicted value are accurate.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50779015)
文摘Recent research on short-term topographic change in the Yangtze Estuary channel under storm surge conditions is briefly summarized. The mild-slope, Boussinesq and action balance equations are compared and analyzed. The action balance equation, SWAN, was used as a wave numerical model to forecast strong storm waves in the Yangtze Estuary. The spherical coordinate system and source terms used in the equation are described in this paper. The significant wave height and the wave orbital motion velocity near the bottom of the channel during 20 m/s winds in the EES direction were simulated, and the model was calibrated with observation data of winds and waves generated by Tropical Cyclone 9912. The distribution of critical velocity for incipient motion along the bottom was computed according to the threshold velocity formula for bottom sediment. The mechanism of rapid deposition is analyzed based on the difference between the root-mean-square value of the near-bottom wave orbital motion velocity and the bottom critical tractive velocity. The results show that a large amount of bottom sediments from Hengsha Shoal and Jiuduan Shoal are lifted into the water body when 20 m/s wind is blowing in the EES direction. Some of the sediments may enter the channel with the cross-channel current, causing serious rapid deposition. Finally, the tendency of the storm to induce rapid deposition in the Yangtze Estuary channel zone is analyzed.
基金This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.49676277)
文摘The intertidal flats are classified as 'attached bar', 'spit' and 'isolated bar' in relation to the land, and 'broad flat', 'sharp bank' and 'eroded cliff' according to the shape of the cross-shore profile. Tidal currents on the flat are basically back and forth along the river channel banks but gyratory on the seaward side of the Chongming Island. The flow velocity on the intertidal flat is gradually reduced with increasing elevation. The river discharge strengthens ebb flows and modifies current asymmetry especially on the lower flat in neap tide, although hydrodynamics over the tidal flat is tide-dominated. The wave height on the tidal flat is normally limited to a few decimeters although it changes with water depth, slope and wind. Suspended sediment concentration over the tidal flat is typically hundreds to thousands of mg / 1. Although the delta has grown rapidly in history, the rate of growth is different in different periods. A maximum advancing rate of 330 m / a was recently found in the central part of the river month towards the sea. In view of the natural conditions, reclamation of higher intertidal flat (above the mean tidal level) in advancing coasts is suggested, which would leave broad wetlands for wild lives. In addition, some possible influences of coastal engineering projects and the future natural backgrounds of engineering under reduction in riverine sediment supply and sea level rise are addressed.
基金financially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.2017YFC0405400)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51479122)
文摘Fractal interpolation has been an important method applied to engineering in recent years. It can not only be used to fit smooth curve and stationary data but also show its unique superiorities in the fatting of non-smooth curve and non-stationary data. Through analyzing such characteristic values as average value, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis of measured backsilting quantities in the Yangtze Estuary 12.5 m Deepwater Channel during2011–2017, the fractal interpolation method can be used to study the backsilting quantity distribution with time.According to the fractal interpolation made on the channel backsilting quantities from January 2011 to December2017, there was a good corresponding relationship between the annual(monthly) siltation quantities and the vertical scaling factor. On this basis, a calculation formula for prediction of the backsilting quantity in the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel was constructed. With the relationship between the predicted annual backsilting quantities and the vertical scaling factor, the monthly backsilting quantities can be obtained. Thus, it provides a new method for estimating the backsilting quantity of the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel.
基金Under the auspices of National Program on Key Basic Research Project(No.2013CB430401)
文摘Reclamation is one of the fastest-growing land use type developed in coastal areas and has caused degradation and loss of coastal wetlands as well as serious environmental problems. This paper was aimed at monitoring the spatiotemporal patterns of coastal wetlands and reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary during the 1960s and 2015. Satellite images obtained from 1980 to 2015 and topography maps of the 1960 s were employed to extract changes of reclamation and coastal wetlands. Area-weight centroids were calculated to identify the movement trend of reclamation and coastal wetlands. The results show that from the 1960 s to 2015, the net area of natural wetlands declined by 574.3 km^2, while man-made wetlands and reclamation increased by 553.6 and 543.9 km^2, respectively. During the five study phases, the fastest areal change rate natural wetlands was –13.3 km^2/yr in the period of 1990–2000, and that of man-made areas was 24.7 km^2/yr in the same period, and the areal change rate of reclamation was 27.6 km^2/yr in the period of 2000–2010. Conversion of coastal wetlands mainly occurred in the Chongming Island, Changshu City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Reclamation was common across coastal areas, and was mainly attributed to settlement and man-made wetlands in the Chongming Island, Lianyungang City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Natural wetlands turned into farmlands and settlement, and man-made wetlands gained from reclamation of farmlands. The centroid of natural wetlands generally moved towards the sea, man-made wetlands expanded equally in all directions and inland, and the centroid of reclamation migrated toward Shanghai Municipality. Sea level rise, erosion-deposition changes, and reclamation activities together determine the dynamics of the Yangtze Estuary wetlands. However, reclamation activities for construction of ports, industries and aquaculture are the key causes for the dynamics. The results from this study on the dynamics of coastal wetlands and reclamation are valuable for local government to put forward sustainable land use and land development plans.