Yellow rust of wheat (caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks.) has been periodically epidemic and severely damaged wheat production in China. The development of resistant cultivars could be an ...Yellow rust of wheat (caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks.) has been periodically epidemic and severely damaged wheat production in China. The development of resistant cultivars could be an effective way to reduce yield losses of wheat caused by yellow rust. Rust reaction tests and genetic analysis indicated that M08, the synthetic hexaploid wheat derived from hybridization between Triticum durum (2n = 6X = 28; genome AABB) and Aegilops tauschii (2n = 2X = 14; genome DD), showed resistance to current prevailing yellow rust races at seedling stage, which was controlled by a single dominant gene, designated as YrAm. Bulked segregant analysis was used to identify microsatellite markers linked to gene YrAm in an F2 population derived from cross M08 (resistant) × Jinan 17 (susceptible). Three microsatellite marker loci Xgwm77, Xgwm285, and Xgwml31 located on chromosome 3B were mapped to the YrAm locus. Xgwml31 was the closest marker locus and showed a linkage distance of 7.8 cM to the resistance locus. Thus, it is assumed that YrAm for resistance to yellow rust may be derived from Triticum durum and is located on the long arm of chromosome 3B.展开更多
The objective of this study was to characterize yellow (stripe) rust resistance gene(s) in 52 commercial wheat cultivars from Yunnan Province in China, and to provide information for their rational deployment in f...The objective of this study was to characterize yellow (stripe) rust resistance gene(s) in 52 commercial wheat cultivars from Yunnan Province in China, and to provide information for their rational deployment in field. Seedlings of wheat cultivars were inoculated with 25 differential isolates ofPuccinia striiformis from foreign and home to postulate resistance genes to yellow rust, and then validated by pedigree. There were 10 probable resistance genes characterized in these cultivars, in which, Yr9 was most commonly postulated to be present in thirteen cultivars. Yr21, the second, was present in four cultivars. Yr8, the third, were present in three cultivars. Yr6, Yrl 7 and Yr26, the fourth, was present in two cultivars respectively. The other gene(s) such as, Yr2+YrA, Yr7 and Yr27, were only present in single cultivar(s); unknown gene(s) or gene(s) combination(s) were present in 22 cultivars. One cultivar (Yunmai 42) had no resistance gene tested in this study. Cultivars such as Yunmai 52, Mian 1971-98, Kunmai 4, and Yunmai 56 carried effective genes and can be popularized mainly; Yr9 should be planted with other Yr genes. In the meantime other effective genes should be introduced to realize gene diversity for controlling wheat yellow rust. Yunmai 42 should be reduced to avoid rust breakout. Unknown gene cultivars should be utilized and be researched deeply.展开更多
Detection of yellow rust using hyperspectral data is of practical importance for disease control and prevention.As an emerging spectral analysis method,continuous wavelet analysis(CWA)has shown great potential for the...Detection of yellow rust using hyperspectral data is of practical importance for disease control and prevention.As an emerging spectral analysis method,continuous wavelet analysis(CWA)has shown great potential for the detection of plant diseases and insects.Given the spectral interval of airborne or spaceborne hyperspectral sensor data differ greatly,it is important to understand the impact of spectral interval on the performance of CWA in detecting yellow rust in winter wheat.A field experiment was conducted which obtained spectral measurements of both healthy and disease-infected plants.The impacts of the mother wavelet type and spectral interval on disease detection were analyzed.The results showed that spectral features derived from all four mother wavelet types exhibited sufficient sensitivity to the occurrence of yellow rust.The Mexh wavelet slightly outperformed the others in estimating disease severity.Although the detecting accuracy generally declined with decreasing of spectral interval,relatively high accuracy levels were maintained(R^(2)>0.7)until a spectral interval of 16 nm.Therefore,it is recommended that the spectral interval of hyperspectral data should be no larger than 16 nm for the detection of yellow rust.The relatively loose spectral interval requirement permits extensive applications for disease detection with hyperspectral imagery.展开更多
The biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is the causal agent of the yellow rust in wheat. Between the years 2010–2013 a new strain of this pathogen(Warrior/Ambition),against which the present cultiva...The biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is the causal agent of the yellow rust in wheat. Between the years 2010–2013 a new strain of this pathogen(Warrior/Ambition),against which the present cultivated wheat varieties have no resistance, appeared and spread rapidly. It threatens cereal production in most of Europe. The search for sources of resistance to this strain is proposed as the most efficient and safe solution to ensure high grain production. This will be helped by the development of high performance and low cost techniques for field phenotyping. In this study we analyzed vegetation indices in the Red,Green, Blue(RGB) images of crop canopies under field conditions. We evaluated their accuracy in predicting grain yield and assessing disease severity in comparison to other field measurements including the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI), leaf chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and canopy temperature. We also discuss yield components and agronomic parameters in relation to grain yield and disease severity.RGB-based indices proved to be accurate predictors of grain yield and grain yield losses associated with yellow rust(R2= 0.581 and R2= 0.536, respectively), far surpassing the predictive ability of NDVI(R2= 0.118 and R2= 0.128, respectively). In comparison to potential yield, we found the presence of disease to be correlated with reductions in the number of grains per spike, grains per square meter, kernel weight and harvest index. Grain yield losses in the presence of yellow rust were also greater in later heading varieties. The combination of RGB-based indices and days to heading together explained 70.9% of the variability in grain yield and 62.7% of the yield losses.展开更多
Yellow rust(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.Tritici)is a frequently occurring fungal disease of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).During yellow rust infestation,fungal spores appear on the surface of the leaves as yellow a...Yellow rust(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.Tritici)is a frequently occurring fungal disease of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).During yellow rust infestation,fungal spores appear on the surface of the leaves as yellow and narrow stripes parallel to the leaf veins.We analyzed the effect of the fungal spores on the spectra of the diseased leaves to find a band sensitive to yellow rust and established a new vegetation index called the yellow rust spore index(YRSI).The estimation accuracy and stability were evaluated using two years of leaf spectral data,and the results were compared with eight indices commonly used for yellow rust detection.The results showed that the use of the YRSI ranked first for estimating the disease ratio for the 2017 spectral data(R^(2)=0.710,RMSE=0.097)and outperformed the published indices(R^(2)=0.587,RMSE=0.120)for the validation using the 2002 spectral data.The random forest(RF),k-nearest neighbor(KNN),and support vector machine(SVM)algorithms were used to test the discrimination ability of the YRSI and the eight commonly used indices using a mixed dataset of yellow-rust-infested,healthy,and aphid–infested wheat spectral data.The YRSI provided the best performance.展开更多
The mantis shrimp O ratosquilla oratoria is an ecologically and economically important species in the Western Pacific. In present study, the population genetic structure of O ratosquilla oratoria from the Yellow Sea a...The mantis shrimp O ratosquilla oratoria is an ecologically and economically important species in the Western Pacific. In present study, the population genetic structure of O ratosquilla oratoria from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea was examined with mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. In total, 394 samples were collected from 18 locations and 102 haplotypes were obtained. For the Yellow Sea, the overall nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity were 0.006 9 and 0.946 8, respectively; while across all the East China Sea locations, the overall nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity were 0.027 94 and 0.979 0, respectively. The results of AMOVA and pairwise F_(ST)(0.145 2, P <0.001) revealed moderate differentiation between the Yellow Sea and East China Sea populations of O. oratoria. However, neither the neighbor-joining tree nor haplotype network showed clades with geographic pattern, which indicated considerable gene flow was existed between the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, and supporting the high larval dispersal ability in this species. Mismatch distribution analysis and neutrality tests suggested that O. oratoria has undergone population expansion event, and the Pleistocene glacial cycles might have an impact on the historical demography of O. oratoria. The genetic information obtained in this study can provide useful information for sustainable improvements for capture fisheries management strategies.展开更多
Identification and genetic analysis of yellow rust resistance have suggested that wheat line R55 carries single dominant gene conferring yellow rust resistance. The bulked segregant analysis (BSA) for an F2 population...Identification and genetic analysis of yellow rust resistance have suggested that wheat line R55 carries single dominant gene conferring yellow rust resistance. The bulked segregant analysis (BSA) for an F2 population using microsatellite marker technique has indicated that the yellow rust resistance gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 1B, tightly linked to展开更多
Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) analysis is a recently developed tech-nique based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Usually, arbitrary decameroligonucleotides are used in the PCR procedure at a low anne...Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) analysis is a recently developed tech-nique based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Usually, arbitrary decameroligonucleotides are used in the PCR procedure at a low annealing temperature(e. g.37℃),展开更多
A set of T. aestivum-L. elongatum substitution lines were studied on yellow rust resistance at seedling stage, inheritance of the resistance and esterase-5 (Est-5) analysis. The results demonstrated that L. elongatum ...A set of T. aestivum-L. elongatum substitution lines were studied on yellow rust resistance at seedling stage, inheritance of the resistance and esterase-5 (Est-5) analysis. The results demonstrated that L. elongatum carried a new yellow rust resistance gene(s), which was dominant and located on chromosome 3E of L. elongatum. The biochemical locus encoding Est-5 was also located on chromosome 3E, and was tentatively named Est-E5, which was co-segregant with the Yr gene(s) in wheat background. In addition, the transmission frequencies of chromosome 3E in 3A/3E and 3D/3E hybrids selfing were significantly higher than that of chromosome 3E in 3B/3E hybrid, which was probably due to the difference on genetic relationships among A, B, D and E genomes.展开更多
Yellow Rust (stripe) rust (Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici) is one of the most epidemic diseases infect wheat in cold and wet regions. In 1988, this disease caused a loss of seasonal production amounted ...Yellow Rust (stripe) rust (Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici) is one of the most epidemic diseases infect wheat in cold and wet regions. In 1988, this disease caused a loss of seasonal production amounted 70% on wheat variety Mexipak in Syria, and recurrent infection in 2010, caused by a virulent race called Yr27, caused a considerable loss in the production of bread wheat cultivars (Cham 8, Cham 6 particularly) amounted 90%. Recently, 15 races of yellow rust had been addressed in Syria for seasons 2010-2014; 159E256, 166E254, 166E256, 255 E112, 0 E0, 64 E 6, 230 El50, 0 E 18, 198 El30, 166 El50, 102 El60, 128 E0, 126 El50, 214E150, and 6E16. The race 6E16 was the most frequent during the two seasons, while the race 255El12 was the most virulent, followed by the race 230E222 and the race 0E0 was the weakest one. This study revealed the presence of fourteen newly observed races in Syria. Molecular Variance Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) of 55 yellow rust Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici isolates examined by Amplify Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) revealed high genetic variation within population, and the dimensional scale analysis (MSD) and tree diagram showed that the Syrian yellow rust isolates were clustered in three groups: the first group contained isolates derived from durum wheat, the second one contained bread wheat isolates, but the third was made of isolates derived from both durum and bread wheat species.展开更多
The objective of this review is to describe events in China and elsewhere that are related to the discovery, genetic identification, use, and ultimate break-down of a single wheat gene for resistance to stripe rust, n...The objective of this review is to describe events in China and elsewhere that are related to the discovery, genetic identification, use, and ultimate break-down of a single wheat gene for resistance to stripe rust, namely Yr24/Yr26. In our retrospective analysis there was an early assumption of at least three genes at or near the locus, which caused an erroneous presumption of genetic diversity for resistance. It is an example of another boom and bust cycle in plant breeding with races virulent to Yr26(V26 races) now being the majority race group in the Chinese Pst population. We have attempted to present our story in a historical and personal context demonstrating research inputs from different national and international groups, as well as some significant contemporary side issues. It covers the period from the late 1980 s to 2017, during which significant rapid advances in the molecular biology of host: pathogen genetics occurred. We attempt to describe both successes and drawbacks in our work.展开更多
Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici(Pst) pathotype CYR34 is widely virulent and prevalent in China.Here, we report identification of a strpie rust resistance(Yr) gene, designated Yr041133, in winter wheat lin...Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici(Pst) pathotype CYR34 is widely virulent and prevalent in China.Here, we report identification of a strpie rust resistance(Yr) gene, designated Yr041133, in winter wheat line 041133. This line produced a hypersensitive reaction to CYR34 and conferred resistance to 13 other pathotypes. Resistance to CYR34 in line 041133 was controlled by a single dominant gene. Bulked segregant RNA sequencing(BSR-Seq) was performed on a pair of RNA bulks generated by pooling resistant and susceptible recombinant inbred lines. Yr041133 was mapped to a 1.7 c M genetic interval on the chromosome arm 7 BL that corresponded to a 0.8 Mb physical interval(608.9–609.7 Mb) in the Chinese Spring reference genome. Based on its unique physical location Yr041133 differred from the other Yr genes on this chromosome arm.展开更多
Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp.tritici Erikss.(Pst)infects wheat and causes stripe rust.The rust is heteroecious with wheat as the primary uredinial and telial host and barberry(Berberis spp.)as the alternate pycni...Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp.tritici Erikss.(Pst)infects wheat and causes stripe rust.The rust is heteroecious with wheat as the primary uredinial and telial host and barberry(Berberis spp.)as the alternate pycnial and aecial host.More than 40 Berberis species have been identified as alternate hosts for Pst,and most of these are Chinese Berberis species.However,little is known about Berberis species or their geographic distributions in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau in southwestern China.The Yunnan-Guizhou plateau is considered to be an important and relatively independent region for the evolution of the wheat stripe rust pathogen in China because the entire disease cycle can be completed within the region.In this study,we conducted a survey of barberry plants in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau and identified the eight Pst-susceptible Berberis species under controlled conditions,including B.julianae,B.tsienii,B.veitchii,B.wilsonae,B.wilsonae var.guhtzunica,B.franchetiana,B.lepidifolia and B.pruinosa.These species are reported here for the first time to serve as alternate hosts for the wheat stripe rust pathogen under controlled conditions.展开更多
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici(Pst), is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat. Chinese wheat cultivar Mianmai 41 showed high resistance against most of the prevailing Pst races in Ch...Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici(Pst), is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat. Chinese wheat cultivar Mianmai 41 showed high resistance against most of the prevailing Pst races in China. Genetic analysis of the F1, F2 and F2:3 populations from a cross between Mianmai 41 and a susceptible line Mingxian 169 indicated that resistance to Pst race CYR32 was conferred by a single dominant gene, temporarily designated as Yr MY41. Molecular marker analysis placed the gene on chromosome 1B near the centromere. Six co-dominant genomic SSR markers Xwmc329, Xwmc406, Xgwm18, Xgwm131, Xgwm413, and Xbarc312, and one STS marker Xwe173 linked with the resistance gene. The two closest flanking SSR markers were Xgwm18 and Xwmc406, with genetic distances of 2.0 and 4.9 c M, respectively. A seedling test with 29 Pst isolates indicated the reaction patterns of Mianmai 41 were different from those of lines carrying Yr3, Yr9, Yr10, Yr15, Yr26, and Yr CH42 on chromosome 1B. Allelic tests indicated that Yr MY41 is likely a new allele at Yr26 locus.展开更多
Stripe rust,caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici(Pst),is one of the most important diseases threatening the yield and stability of wheat production in China and many other countries.Identification and utilizati...Stripe rust,caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici(Pst),is one of the most important diseases threatening the yield and stability of wheat production in China and many other countries.Identification and utilization of new genes for durable stripe rust resistance are important for ongoing control of this disease.The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci(QTL)associated with adult-plant stripe rust resistance in the Chinese wheat landrace Yibinzhuermai(YBZR)and to provide wheat breeders with new sources of potentially durable resistance.A total of 117 recombinant inbred lines(RILs)(F5:8)derived from a cross between YBZR and highly susceptible cultivar Taichung 29(TC29)were assessed for stripe rust severity in field experiments at Wenjiang in 2016 and 2017 and Chongzhou in 2016,2017,2018,and 2019 in Sichuan following inoculation with a mixture of current Pst races.The RILs were genotyped using the Wheat55K single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)array.Three QTL were identified on chromosome arms 6AL,5BL and 7DS.QYr.YBZR-6AL and QYr.YBZR-7DS conferred major effects in all field environments,explaining 10.6%to 14.7%and 11.5%to 21.2%of phenotypic variation,respectively.The QTL on 5BL and 7DS likely correspond to previously known QTL,whereas QYr.YBZR-6AL is probably novel.Haplotype analysis revealed that the resistance allele at QYr.YBZR-6AL was present in 2.8%of 324 Chinese wheat landraces.SNP markers closely linked with QYr.YBZR-6AL were converted to kompetitive allele-specific PCR markers and validated in the RIL population and a subset of 92 wheat cultivars.QYr.YBZR-6AL and its markers should be useful in breeding programs to improve the level and durability of stripe rust resistance.展开更多
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating wheat disease worldwide. The Chinese wheat cultivar Chuanmai 32 has shown stable resistance to stripe rust for 10 yr in Sichuan Province, a ...Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating wheat disease worldwide. The Chinese wheat cultivar Chuanmai 32 has shown stable resistance to stripe rust for 10 yr in Sichuan Province, a hotspot for stripe rust epidemics. The objective of the present study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for adult-plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust in a population of 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from Chuanmai 32/Chuanyu 12. Field trials were conducted in Chengdu and Yaan, Sichuan, from 2005 to 2008, providing stripe rust reaction data for 6 environments. 797 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were screened for association with stripe rust reaction, initially through bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Based on the mean disease values averaged across environments, the broad-sense heritability of maximum disease severity (MDS) was 0.75. Two QTLs for stripe rust resistance were detected by composite interval mapping (CIM). They were designated QYr.caas-3BL and QYr.caas-3BS and explained from 6.6 to 20.1%, respectively, of the phenotypic variance across environments. QYr.caas-3BL came from Chuanmai 32; QYr.caas-3BS with lower effect was from the susceptible parent Chuanyu 12. Both QTLs appear to be new.展开更多
Stripe rust and powdery mildew are both devastating diseases for durum and common wheat.Pyramiding of genes conferring resistance to one or more diseases in a single cultivar is an important breeding approach to provi...Stripe rust and powdery mildew are both devastating diseases for durum and common wheat.Pyramiding of genes conferring resistance to one or more diseases in a single cultivar is an important breeding approach to provide broader spectra of resistances in wheat improvement. A new powdery mildew resistance gene originating from wild emmer(Triticum turgidum var.dicoccoides) backcrossed into common wheat(T. aestivum) line WE35 was identified. It conferred an intermediate level of resistance to Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolate E09 at the seedling stage and a high level of resistance at the adult plant stage. Genetic analysis showed that the powdery mildew resistance in WE35 was controlled by a dominant gene designated Pm64. Bulked segregant analysis(BSA) and molecular mapping indicated that Pm64 was located in chromosome bin 2 BL4-0.50–0.89. Polymorphic markers were developed from the corresponding genomic regions of Chinese Spring wheat and wild emmer accession Zavitan to delimit Pm64 to a 0.55 cM genetic interval between markers WGGBH1364 and WGGBH612, corresponding to a 15 Mb genomic region on Chinese Spring and Zavitan 2 BL, respectively. The genetic linkage map of Pm64 is critical for fine mapping and cloning. Pm64 was completely linked in repulsion with stripe rust resistance gene Yr5. Analysis of a larger segregating population might identify a recombinant line with both genes as a valuable resource in breeding for resistance to powdery mildew and stripe rust.展开更多
Stripe rust(yellow rust), caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici(PST),is one of the most devastating fungal diseases in common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) in China and worldwide. Resistance breeding is the most...Stripe rust(yellow rust), caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici(PST),is one of the most devastating fungal diseases in common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) in China and worldwide. Resistance breeding is the most effective strategy to control diseases in crop plants. Chinese wheat lines Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 are highly resistant to PST race CYR34(V26) at the adult plant stage. To genetically map the underlying resistance genes we developed segregating populations by crossing Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 with the susceptible cultivar Nongda 399. The stripe rust resistances in Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 were both controlled by single dominant genes, provisionally designated YrMM58 and YrHY1, respectively. Bulked segregant RNA-Seq(BSR-Seq) analysis showed that YrMM58 and YrHY1 were located in the same distal ~16 Mb region on chromosome 2 AS.Comparative genomics analysis with the physical map of Aegilops tauschii proved useful for developing additional markers to saturate the genetic linkage map. YrMM58 and YrHY1 were mapped to the distal end of chromosome arm 2 AS, with the closest marker WGGB148 being 7.7 cM and 3.8 cM from the resistance gene, which was considered to be Yr17. These markers can be used in marker-assisted selection.展开更多
An experiment was conducted to investigate the requirement of nonphytate phosphorus(nPP) and efficacy of a genetically engineered yeast phytase(PHY A) for Lingnan yellow broilers from 22-to 42-d-old age.A total of...An experiment was conducted to investigate the requirement of nonphytate phosphorus(nPP) and efficacy of a genetically engineered yeast phytase(PHY A) for Lingnan yellow broilers from 22-to 42-d-old age.A total of 1 320 1-d-old male chicks were randomly divided into 11 dietary treatment groups,which consisted of 4 replicate floor pens with 30 birds per pen.The control group(treatment 1) was fed with basal diet of nPP 0.08% without dicalcium phosphate or phytase supplementation.Dietary levels of nPP were 0.16,0.24,0.32,0.40,0.48,and 0.56%,respectively,for treatments 2 to 7,through addition of dicalcium phosphate(chemistry grade) to the basal diet.Diets of treatments 8 to 11 were supplemented with PHY A at 200,400 and 600 U kg-1,a commercial phytase product(PHY B) at 400 U kg-1 level,respectively.The birds in 0.32-0.56% nPP groups gained more than those of the other groups(P0.05).The nPP supplementation significantly improved feed intake(P0.05).The feed gain ratio was significantly decreased by 0.40% nPP diet compared to the control birds(P0.05).The level of 0.48% nPP was required for optimum tibia development.The additions of PHY A at 400 and 600 U kg-1 level and PHY B all significantly improved ADG(P0.05),ADFI(P0.05),and dry defatted tibia weight(P0.05).Similarly,the percentage of tibia ash was increased by 600 U kg-1 PHY A supplementation(P0.05).The requirement of nPP for maximal ADG and highest percentage tibia ash both was 0.40%.The phosphorus equivalency value of PHY A was estimated as 685 U kg-1 for male yellow broilers of 22-to 42-d-old age.展开更多
文摘Yellow rust of wheat (caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks.) has been periodically epidemic and severely damaged wheat production in China. The development of resistant cultivars could be an effective way to reduce yield losses of wheat caused by yellow rust. Rust reaction tests and genetic analysis indicated that M08, the synthetic hexaploid wheat derived from hybridization between Triticum durum (2n = 6X = 28; genome AABB) and Aegilops tauschii (2n = 2X = 14; genome DD), showed resistance to current prevailing yellow rust races at seedling stage, which was controlled by a single dominant gene, designated as YrAm. Bulked segregant analysis was used to identify microsatellite markers linked to gene YrAm in an F2 population derived from cross M08 (resistant) × Jinan 17 (susceptible). Three microsatellite marker loci Xgwm77, Xgwm285, and Xgwml31 located on chromosome 3B were mapped to the YrAm locus. Xgwml31 was the closest marker locus and showed a linkage distance of 7.8 cM to the resistance locus. Thus, it is assumed that YrAm for resistance to yellow rust may be derived from Triticum durum and is located on the long arm of chromosome 3B.
基金support by the Ministry of Science and Technology,China (2011CB100403)the Ministry of Agriculture,China (200903035)the Special Project from State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests,Chinese Academy of Agricltural Sciences (SKL2009OP09)
文摘The objective of this study was to characterize yellow (stripe) rust resistance gene(s) in 52 commercial wheat cultivars from Yunnan Province in China, and to provide information for their rational deployment in field. Seedlings of wheat cultivars were inoculated with 25 differential isolates ofPuccinia striiformis from foreign and home to postulate resistance genes to yellow rust, and then validated by pedigree. There were 10 probable resistance genes characterized in these cultivars, in which, Yr9 was most commonly postulated to be present in thirteen cultivars. Yr21, the second, was present in four cultivars. Yr8, the third, were present in three cultivars. Yr6, Yrl 7 and Yr26, the fourth, was present in two cultivars respectively. The other gene(s) such as, Yr2+YrA, Yr7 and Yr27, were only present in single cultivar(s); unknown gene(s) or gene(s) combination(s) were present in 22 cultivars. One cultivar (Yunmai 42) had no resistance gene tested in this study. Cultivars such as Yunmai 52, Mian 1971-98, Kunmai 4, and Yunmai 56 carried effective genes and can be popularized mainly; Yr9 should be planted with other Yr genes. In the meantime other effective genes should be introduced to realize gene diversity for controlling wheat yellow rust. Yunmai 42 should be reduced to avoid rust breakout. Unknown gene cultivars should be utilized and be researched deeply.
基金This work was subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41601466,61661136004)Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(2017085).
文摘Detection of yellow rust using hyperspectral data is of practical importance for disease control and prevention.As an emerging spectral analysis method,continuous wavelet analysis(CWA)has shown great potential for the detection of plant diseases and insects.Given the spectral interval of airborne or spaceborne hyperspectral sensor data differ greatly,it is important to understand the impact of spectral interval on the performance of CWA in detecting yellow rust in winter wheat.A field experiment was conducted which obtained spectral measurements of both healthy and disease-infected plants.The impacts of the mother wavelet type and spectral interval on disease detection were analyzed.The results showed that spectral features derived from all four mother wavelet types exhibited sufficient sensitivity to the occurrence of yellow rust.The Mexh wavelet slightly outperformed the others in estimating disease severity.Although the detecting accuracy generally declined with decreasing of spectral interval,relatively high accuracy levels were maintained(R^(2)>0.7)until a spectral interval of 16 nm.Therefore,it is recommended that the spectral interval of hyperspectral data should be no larger than 16 nm for the detection of yellow rust.The relatively loose spectral interval requirement permits extensive applications for disease detection with hyperspectral imagery.
文摘The biotrophic fungus Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is the causal agent of the yellow rust in wheat. Between the years 2010–2013 a new strain of this pathogen(Warrior/Ambition),against which the present cultivated wheat varieties have no resistance, appeared and spread rapidly. It threatens cereal production in most of Europe. The search for sources of resistance to this strain is proposed as the most efficient and safe solution to ensure high grain production. This will be helped by the development of high performance and low cost techniques for field phenotyping. In this study we analyzed vegetation indices in the Red,Green, Blue(RGB) images of crop canopies under field conditions. We evaluated their accuracy in predicting grain yield and assessing disease severity in comparison to other field measurements including the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI), leaf chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and canopy temperature. We also discuss yield components and agronomic parameters in relation to grain yield and disease severity.RGB-based indices proved to be accurate predictors of grain yield and grain yield losses associated with yellow rust(R2= 0.581 and R2= 0.536, respectively), far surpassing the predictive ability of NDVI(R2= 0.118 and R2= 0.128, respectively). In comparison to potential yield, we found the presence of disease to be correlated with reductions in the number of grains per spike, grains per square meter, kernel weight and harvest index. Grain yield losses in the presence of yellow rust were also greater in later heading varieties. The combination of RGB-based indices and days to heading together explained 70.9% of the variability in grain yield and 62.7% of the yield losses.
基金The research was funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences[183611KYSB20200080]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[41871339,42071320,42071423,41801338]+2 种基金the National Special Support Program for High-level Personnel Recruitment(Wenjiang Huang)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(Huichun Ye)the Future Star Talent Program of Aerospace Information Research Institute,CAS(Huichun Ye).
文摘Yellow rust(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.Tritici)is a frequently occurring fungal disease of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).During yellow rust infestation,fungal spores appear on the surface of the leaves as yellow and narrow stripes parallel to the leaf veins.We analyzed the effect of the fungal spores on the spectra of the diseased leaves to find a band sensitive to yellow rust and established a new vegetation index called the yellow rust spore index(YRSI).The estimation accuracy and stability were evaluated using two years of leaf spectral data,and the results were compared with eight indices commonly used for yellow rust detection.The results showed that the use of the YRSI ranked first for estimating the disease ratio for the 2017 spectral data(R^(2)=0.710,RMSE=0.097)and outperformed the published indices(R^(2)=0.587,RMSE=0.120)for the validation using the 2002 spectral data.The random forest(RF),k-nearest neighbor(KNN),and support vector machine(SVM)algorithms were used to test the discrimination ability of the YRSI and the eight commonly used indices using a mixed dataset of yellow-rust-infested,healthy,and aphid–infested wheat spectral data.The YRSI provided the best performance.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41506173)
文摘The mantis shrimp O ratosquilla oratoria is an ecologically and economically important species in the Western Pacific. In present study, the population genetic structure of O ratosquilla oratoria from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea was examined with mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. In total, 394 samples were collected from 18 locations and 102 haplotypes were obtained. For the Yellow Sea, the overall nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity were 0.006 9 and 0.946 8, respectively; while across all the East China Sea locations, the overall nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity were 0.027 94 and 0.979 0, respectively. The results of AMOVA and pairwise F_(ST)(0.145 2, P <0.001) revealed moderate differentiation between the Yellow Sea and East China Sea populations of O. oratoria. However, neither the neighbor-joining tree nor haplotype network showed clades with geographic pattern, which indicated considerable gene flow was existed between the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, and supporting the high larval dispersal ability in this species. Mismatch distribution analysis and neutrality tests suggested that O. oratoria has undergone population expansion event, and the Pleistocene glacial cycles might have an impact on the historical demography of O. oratoria. The genetic information obtained in this study can provide useful information for sustainable improvements for capture fisheries management strategies.
文摘Identification and genetic analysis of yellow rust resistance have suggested that wheat line R55 carries single dominant gene conferring yellow rust resistance. The bulked segregant analysis (BSA) for an F2 population using microsatellite marker technique has indicated that the yellow rust resistance gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 1B, tightly linked to
文摘Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) analysis is a recently developed tech-nique based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Usually, arbitrary decameroligonucleotides are used in the PCR procedure at a low annealing temperature(e. g.37℃),
文摘A set of T. aestivum-L. elongatum substitution lines were studied on yellow rust resistance at seedling stage, inheritance of the resistance and esterase-5 (Est-5) analysis. The results demonstrated that L. elongatum carried a new yellow rust resistance gene(s), which was dominant and located on chromosome 3E of L. elongatum. The biochemical locus encoding Est-5 was also located on chromosome 3E, and was tentatively named Est-E5, which was co-segregant with the Yr gene(s) in wheat background. In addition, the transmission frequencies of chromosome 3E in 3A/3E and 3D/3E hybrids selfing were significantly higher than that of chromosome 3E in 3B/3E hybrid, which was probably due to the difference on genetic relationships among A, B, D and E genomes.
文摘Yellow Rust (stripe) rust (Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici) is one of the most epidemic diseases infect wheat in cold and wet regions. In 1988, this disease caused a loss of seasonal production amounted 70% on wheat variety Mexipak in Syria, and recurrent infection in 2010, caused by a virulent race called Yr27, caused a considerable loss in the production of bread wheat cultivars (Cham 8, Cham 6 particularly) amounted 90%. Recently, 15 races of yellow rust had been addressed in Syria for seasons 2010-2014; 159E256, 166E254, 166E256, 255 E112, 0 E0, 64 E 6, 230 El50, 0 E 18, 198 El30, 166 El50, 102 El60, 128 E0, 126 El50, 214E150, and 6E16. The race 6E16 was the most frequent during the two seasons, while the race 255El12 was the most virulent, followed by the race 230E222 and the race 0E0 was the weakest one. This study revealed the presence of fourteen newly observed races in Syria. Molecular Variance Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) of 55 yellow rust Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici isolates examined by Amplify Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) revealed high genetic variation within population, and the dimensional scale analysis (MSD) and tree diagram showed that the Syrian yellow rust isolates were clustered in three groups: the first group contained isolates derived from durum wheat, the second one contained bread wheat isolates, but the third was made of isolates derived from both durum and bread wheat species.
文摘The objective of this review is to describe events in China and elsewhere that are related to the discovery, genetic identification, use, and ultimate break-down of a single wheat gene for resistance to stripe rust, namely Yr24/Yr26. In our retrospective analysis there was an early assumption of at least three genes at or near the locus, which caused an erroneous presumption of genetic diversity for resistance. It is an example of another boom and bust cycle in plant breeding with races virulent to Yr26(V26 races) now being the majority race group in the Chinese Pst population. We have attempted to present our story in a historical and personal context demonstrating research inputs from different national and international groups, as well as some significant contemporary side issues. It covers the period from the late 1980 s to 2017, during which significant rapid advances in the molecular biology of host: pathogen genetics occurred. We attempt to describe both successes and drawbacks in our work.
基金Financial support of this research by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFD0101000)the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of CAAS(CAAS-ZDRW202002)。
文摘Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici(Pst) pathotype CYR34 is widely virulent and prevalent in China.Here, we report identification of a strpie rust resistance(Yr) gene, designated Yr041133, in winter wheat line 041133. This line produced a hypersensitive reaction to CYR34 and conferred resistance to 13 other pathotypes. Resistance to CYR34 in line 041133 was controlled by a single dominant gene. Bulked segregant RNA sequencing(BSR-Seq) was performed on a pair of RNA bulks generated by pooling resistant and susceptible recombinant inbred lines. Yr041133 was mapped to a 1.7 c M genetic interval on the chromosome arm 7 BL that corresponded to a 0.8 Mb physical interval(608.9–609.7 Mb) in the Chinese Spring reference genome. Based on its unique physical location Yr041133 differred from the other Yr genes on this chromosome arm.
基金the National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFD0200500)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31960524,31071641 and 32072358)+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2452019046)the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China(2020JZ-15,2017JM3006)。
文摘Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp.tritici Erikss.(Pst)infects wheat and causes stripe rust.The rust is heteroecious with wheat as the primary uredinial and telial host and barberry(Berberis spp.)as the alternate pycnial and aecial host.More than 40 Berberis species have been identified as alternate hosts for Pst,and most of these are Chinese Berberis species.However,little is known about Berberis species or their geographic distributions in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau in southwestern China.The Yunnan-Guizhou plateau is considered to be an important and relatively independent region for the evolution of the wheat stripe rust pathogen in China because the entire disease cycle can be completed within the region.In this study,we conducted a survey of barberry plants in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau and identified the eight Pst-susceptible Berberis species under controlled conditions,including B.julianae,B.tsienii,B.veitchii,B.wilsonae,B.wilsonae var.guhtzunica,B.franchetiana,B.lepidifolia and B.pruinosa.These species are reported here for the first time to serve as alternate hosts for the wheat stripe rust pathogen under controlled conditions.
基金supported by the China Agriculture Research System(CARS03)the National Basic Research Program of China(2011CB100100)
文摘Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici(Pst), is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat. Chinese wheat cultivar Mianmai 41 showed high resistance against most of the prevailing Pst races in China. Genetic analysis of the F1, F2 and F2:3 populations from a cross between Mianmai 41 and a susceptible line Mingxian 169 indicated that resistance to Pst race CYR32 was conferred by a single dominant gene, temporarily designated as Yr MY41. Molecular marker analysis placed the gene on chromosome 1B near the centromere. Six co-dominant genomic SSR markers Xwmc329, Xwmc406, Xgwm18, Xgwm131, Xgwm413, and Xbarc312, and one STS marker Xwe173 linked with the resistance gene. The two closest flanking SSR markers were Xgwm18 and Xwmc406, with genetic distances of 2.0 and 4.9 c M, respectively. A seedling test with 29 Pst isolates indicated the reaction patterns of Mianmai 41 were different from those of lines carrying Yr3, Yr9, Yr10, Yr15, Yr26, and Yr CH42 on chromosome 1B. Allelic tests indicated that Yr MY41 is likely a new allele at Yr26 locus.
基金supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0100100)the International Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchanges Programs of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province(2019YFH0063)the Applied Basic Research Programs of Sichuan Province(2021YJ0297)。
文摘Stripe rust,caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici(Pst),is one of the most important diseases threatening the yield and stability of wheat production in China and many other countries.Identification and utilization of new genes for durable stripe rust resistance are important for ongoing control of this disease.The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci(QTL)associated with adult-plant stripe rust resistance in the Chinese wheat landrace Yibinzhuermai(YBZR)and to provide wheat breeders with new sources of potentially durable resistance.A total of 117 recombinant inbred lines(RILs)(F5:8)derived from a cross between YBZR and highly susceptible cultivar Taichung 29(TC29)were assessed for stripe rust severity in field experiments at Wenjiang in 2016 and 2017 and Chongzhou in 2016,2017,2018,and 2019 in Sichuan following inoculation with a mixture of current Pst races.The RILs were genotyped using the Wheat55K single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)array.Three QTL were identified on chromosome arms 6AL,5BL and 7DS.QYr.YBZR-6AL and QYr.YBZR-7DS conferred major effects in all field environments,explaining 10.6%to 14.7%and 11.5%to 21.2%of phenotypic variation,respectively.The QTL on 5BL and 7DS likely correspond to previously known QTL,whereas QYr.YBZR-6AL is probably novel.Haplotype analysis revealed that the resistance allele at QYr.YBZR-6AL was present in 2.8%of 324 Chinese wheat landraces.SNP markers closely linked with QYr.YBZR-6AL were converted to kompetitive allele-specific PCR markers and validated in the RIL population and a subset of 92 wheat cultivars.QYr.YBZR-6AL and its markers should be useful in breeding programs to improve the level and durability of stripe rust resistance.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30821140351)the Crop Breeding Foundation of Sichuan Province,China+1 种基金the Special Treasury Foundation in Genetic Engineering of Sichuan Provincean Earmarked Fund for the Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System,China
文摘Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating wheat disease worldwide. The Chinese wheat cultivar Chuanmai 32 has shown stable resistance to stripe rust for 10 yr in Sichuan Province, a hotspot for stripe rust epidemics. The objective of the present study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for adult-plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust in a population of 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from Chuanmai 32/Chuanyu 12. Field trials were conducted in Chengdu and Yaan, Sichuan, from 2005 to 2008, providing stripe rust reaction data for 6 environments. 797 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were screened for association with stripe rust reaction, initially through bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Based on the mean disease values averaged across environments, the broad-sense heritability of maximum disease severity (MDS) was 0.75. Two QTLs for stripe rust resistance were detected by composite interval mapping (CIM). They were designated QYr.caas-3BL and QYr.caas-3BS and explained from 6.6 to 20.1%, respectively, of the phenotypic variance across environments. QYr.caas-3BL came from Chuanmai 32; QYr.caas-3BS with lower effect was from the susceptible parent Chuanyu 12. Both QTLs appear to be new.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0101004)the Science and Technology Service Network Initiative of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KFJ-STS-ZDTP-024)
文摘Stripe rust and powdery mildew are both devastating diseases for durum and common wheat.Pyramiding of genes conferring resistance to one or more diseases in a single cultivar is an important breeding approach to provide broader spectra of resistances in wheat improvement. A new powdery mildew resistance gene originating from wild emmer(Triticum turgidum var.dicoccoides) backcrossed into common wheat(T. aestivum) line WE35 was identified. It conferred an intermediate level of resistance to Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolate E09 at the seedling stage and a high level of resistance at the adult plant stage. Genetic analysis showed that the powdery mildew resistance in WE35 was controlled by a dominant gene designated Pm64. Bulked segregant analysis(BSA) and molecular mapping indicated that Pm64 was located in chromosome bin 2 BL4-0.50–0.89. Polymorphic markers were developed from the corresponding genomic regions of Chinese Spring wheat and wild emmer accession Zavitan to delimit Pm64 to a 0.55 cM genetic interval between markers WGGBH1364 and WGGBH612, corresponding to a 15 Mb genomic region on Chinese Spring and Zavitan 2 BL, respectively. The genetic linkage map of Pm64 is critical for fine mapping and cloning. Pm64 was completely linked in repulsion with stripe rust resistance gene Yr5. Analysis of a larger segregating population might identify a recombinant line with both genes as a valuable resource in breeding for resistance to powdery mildew and stripe rust.
基金financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0101802)
文摘Stripe rust(yellow rust), caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici(PST),is one of the most devastating fungal diseases in common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) in China and worldwide. Resistance breeding is the most effective strategy to control diseases in crop plants. Chinese wheat lines Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 are highly resistant to PST race CYR34(V26) at the adult plant stage. To genetically map the underlying resistance genes we developed segregating populations by crossing Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 with the susceptible cultivar Nongda 399. The stripe rust resistances in Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 were both controlled by single dominant genes, provisionally designated YrMM58 and YrHY1, respectively. Bulked segregant RNA-Seq(BSR-Seq) analysis showed that YrMM58 and YrHY1 were located in the same distal ~16 Mb region on chromosome 2 AS.Comparative genomics analysis with the physical map of Aegilops tauschii proved useful for developing additional markers to saturate the genetic linkage map. YrMM58 and YrHY1 were mapped to the distal end of chromosome arm 2 AS, with the closest marker WGGB148 being 7.7 cM and 3.8 cM from the resistance gene, which was considered to be Yr17. These markers can be used in marker-assisted selection.
基金supported by the the Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-Industry Technology Research System,China (nycytx-42-G2-01)the grant from Ministry of Agriculture of China (nyhyzx07-038)
文摘An experiment was conducted to investigate the requirement of nonphytate phosphorus(nPP) and efficacy of a genetically engineered yeast phytase(PHY A) for Lingnan yellow broilers from 22-to 42-d-old age.A total of 1 320 1-d-old male chicks were randomly divided into 11 dietary treatment groups,which consisted of 4 replicate floor pens with 30 birds per pen.The control group(treatment 1) was fed with basal diet of nPP 0.08% without dicalcium phosphate or phytase supplementation.Dietary levels of nPP were 0.16,0.24,0.32,0.40,0.48,and 0.56%,respectively,for treatments 2 to 7,through addition of dicalcium phosphate(chemistry grade) to the basal diet.Diets of treatments 8 to 11 were supplemented with PHY A at 200,400 and 600 U kg-1,a commercial phytase product(PHY B) at 400 U kg-1 level,respectively.The birds in 0.32-0.56% nPP groups gained more than those of the other groups(P0.05).The nPP supplementation significantly improved feed intake(P0.05).The feed gain ratio was significantly decreased by 0.40% nPP diet compared to the control birds(P0.05).The level of 0.48% nPP was required for optimum tibia development.The additions of PHY A at 400 and 600 U kg-1 level and PHY B all significantly improved ADG(P0.05),ADFI(P0.05),and dry defatted tibia weight(P0.05).Similarly,the percentage of tibia ash was increased by 600 U kg-1 PHY A supplementation(P0.05).The requirement of nPP for maximal ADG and highest percentage tibia ash both was 0.40%.The phosphorus equivalency value of PHY A was estimated as 685 U kg-1 for male yellow broilers of 22-to 42-d-old age.