The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is first-person narrative of a narrator who murdered an old man with a clouded eye. This paper aims at identifying the speaker"I"as an unrel...The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is first-person narrative of a narrator who murdered an old man with a clouded eye. This paper aims at identifying the speaker"I"as an unreliable narrator through analyzing the motivation, process and confession of the crime. It is found out that the narrator symbolizes man of evil, while, the old man's vulture eye symbolizes virtue. It's a story about the conflict between evil and virtue.展开更多
文摘The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is first-person narrative of a narrator who murdered an old man with a clouded eye. This paper aims at identifying the speaker"I"as an unreliable narrator through analyzing the motivation, process and confession of the crime. It is found out that the narrator symbolizes man of evil, while, the old man's vulture eye symbolizes virtue. It's a story about the conflict between evil and virtue.