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作者 李丽 李进红 +3 位作者 马瑜 汪莉 王俊鹏 付强强 《中国医疗设备》 2021年第6期155-159,182,共6页
为了解膀胱肾盂设备研发现状及趋势,本文通过对专利数据库Patsnap系统检索全球膀胱肾盂取石设备的同组专利,分析其全球专利现状、中国专利现状,并对重点专利挖掘,为设备的研发思路和方向提供参考。本研究共获得相关专利申请2429件,主要... 为了解膀胱肾盂设备研发现状及趋势,本文通过对专利数据库Patsnap系统检索全球膀胱肾盂取石设备的同组专利,分析其全球专利现状、中国专利现状,并对重点专利挖掘,为设备的研发思路和方向提供参考。本研究共获得相关专利申请2429件,主要包括中国专利申请1073件,美国专利申请336件,欧专局专利申请252件,日本专利申请154件,WIPO专利申请119件,目前核心技术主要集中在德国和美国手中,中国发明人在该领域的研究比较分散,还未形成成熟化、规模化的研究系统,研究结果提示我国应在膀胱肾盂取石设备的诊断技术和碎石技术这两个方面不断积累专利数量,在冲洗技术和固定技术这两方面还未出现大批量的专利申请时,提前布局专利,此外政府应充分发挥引导作用,整合现有资源,形成规模化、体系化的发展模式。 展开更多
关键词 专利信息分析 膀胱 肾盂 取石设备
3种体育锻炼方式对对立违抗性障碍(倾向)儿童的情绪及行为的影响 被引量:6
作者 赵非一 岳立萍 +7 位作者 宋花玲 李爱群 徐燕 许红 胡菁 明星 夏小芥 付强强 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期4-12,共9页
探索体育锻炼对对立违抗性障碍(oppositional defiant disorder,以下简称ODD)(倾向)儿童情绪及行为的影响。方法:30名ODD(倾向)儿童被分入3组:排球组(n=10)、八段锦组(n=10)及排球-八段锦交替组(n=10),接受为期8周的干预。干预前、后及... 探索体育锻炼对对立违抗性障碍(oppositional defiant disorder,以下简称ODD)(倾向)儿童情绪及行为的影响。方法:30名ODD(倾向)儿童被分入3组:排球组(n=10)、八段锦组(n=10)及排球-八段锦交替组(n=10),接受为期8周的干预。干预前、后及随访期使用破坏性行为障碍问卷、Buss-Perry攻击性量表、Conners教师评价量表及儿童-家长关系量表进行评价。被试同时接受神经电生理(GoStop冲动任务)测试,唾液5-羟色胺(5-HT)、5-羟基吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)测定。结果:1)八段锦可缓解易激惹心境、愤怒及怨恨情绪(P<0.05),但对敌意态度影响未见显著(P>0.05)。排球锻炼尽管能改善敌意态度(P<0.05),但会进一步加重易激惹心境、好争论或(和)违抗行为及愤怒情绪(P<0.05)。排球-八段锦交替锻炼仅能改善愤怒情绪及敌意态度(P<0.05)。2)排球组在Stop任务中失抑制率呈上升趋势,在Go任务中反应次数呈下降趋势;八段锦组在Stop任务中反应次数及失抑制率均明显降低。排球-八段锦交替组在Stop任务中失抑制率呈先上升后下降趋势。3)经锻炼,仅八段锦组5-HT浓度显著升高(P<0.05)。除排球组外,其他2组5-HIAA浓度均显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:1)排球运动可能不适合ODD(倾向)儿童;2)八段锦及排球-八段锦交替锻炼在改善ODD(倾向)儿童对立违抗情绪及行为方面效果相当,且可能与提升5-HT及5-HIAA表达水平有关;3)建议怨恨情绪更显著的ODD(倾向)儿童选择八段锦,敌意、易激惹表现更显著的ODD(倾向)儿童选择排球-八段锦交替锻炼。 展开更多
关键词 对立违抗性障碍 情绪 八段锦锻炼 排球锻炼
产业链结构视域下中国养老护理员培训的困境与对策 被引量:7
作者 赵非一 徐燕 +2 位作者 岳立萍 陈方蕾 付强强 《中国医学伦理学》 2020年第11期1385-1390,1394,共7页
养老服务市场需求激增遭遇优质专业人才稀缺尴尬,养老护理员培训体系的不完善是症结所在。基于产业链“施训方—中间(机构)方—受训方”的三段式结构分析发现,当前养老护理员培训体系的缺陷是产业链三方作用下的综合结果,具体表现在以... 养老服务市场需求激增遭遇优质专业人才稀缺尴尬,养老护理员培训体系的不完善是症结所在。基于产业链“施训方—中间(机构)方—受训方”的三段式结构分析发现,当前养老护理员培训体系的缺陷是产业链三方作用下的综合结果,具体表现在以下方面——施训方:无统一教材、培训内容杂、专业化程度低;机构方:缺乏统一的准入审核与监管;受训方:学员自身能力有限,无法有效转化理论知识于实践应用。借鉴发达国家成熟培训经验,建议政府部门组织专家编写统一教材、整合培训模块;政府对培训机构的监管应全面、全程渗透;参训学员可根据“能级匹配”原则逐级选修培训课程。基于上述研究结果认为:应对中国当前优质养老护理员不足的困境,最佳对策即针对产业链三方“三管齐下”,同时整改、全面优化。 展开更多
关键词 养老护理员 培训产业链 三管齐下 整合培训 老龄化
中国养老护理员培训体系的困境及国际经验借鉴 被引量:3
作者 赵非一 郭盛楠 +3 位作者 陈方蕾 徐燕 付强强 岳立萍 《卫生软科学》 2020年第11期100-104,共5页
养老护理服务市场需求激增与养老护理员培训体系不完善的“尖锐矛盾”是当前中国社会正在面临的重大挑战。通过文献分析法、比较分析法、归纳法,客观梳理英、美、德、日、澳等国养老护理人员入职培训及在职继续教育的成熟经验,对比中国... 养老护理服务市场需求激增与养老护理员培训体系不完善的“尖锐矛盾”是当前中国社会正在面临的重大挑战。通过文献分析法、比较分析法、归纳法,客观梳理英、美、德、日、澳等国养老护理人员入职培训及在职继续教育的成熟经验,对比中国现行培训体系中的突出问题,旨在寻找借鉴及引入他国经验并实现“本土化”的潜在可能与路径。 展开更多
关键词 养老护理员 职业培训 国际经验
作者 赵非一 郭盛楠 +4 位作者 徐燕 李爱群 宋花玲 李志敏 付强强 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期517-525,共9页
人口老龄化进程的持续加快凸显了神经退行性疾病(NDD)的严峻性。高发病率、高致残及致死率使这一全球公共卫生难题成为个人、家庭和医疗保健系统正在面临的最大社会和经济挑战之一。NDD至今仍没有特效的治疗及预防方案。越来越多的研究... 人口老龄化进程的持续加快凸显了神经退行性疾病(NDD)的严峻性。高发病率、高致残及致死率使这一全球公共卫生难题成为个人、家庭和医疗保健系统正在面临的最大社会和经济挑战之一。NDD至今仍没有特效的治疗及预防方案。越来越多的研究尝试在补充及替代医学领域(包括运动疗法)寻找潜在的防治策略。目前已有不少临床及临床前研究支持自主运动锻炼可能是一种适用于NDD及其他年龄相关性认知障碍的潜在“神经保护剂”,但对于这些研究证据尚缺乏系统的回顾及梳理。本文通过对大量高质量证据进行整理及评价,发现规律的自主运动锻炼可显著减缓正常生理及病理性衰老过程中的认知衰退,且这种效益可能是其抑制系统及神经炎症、增强神经可塑性、促进神经发生、减轻氧化应激损害、修复内皮功能损伤及改善胰岛素敏感性等多通路、协同作用的共同结果。 展开更多
关键词 自主运动锻炼 神经变性疾病 神经保护 临床及临床前研究
Escitalopram with or without combined electroacupuncture on protracted alcohol withdrawal symptoms(PAWS)among male inpatients with alcohol dependence 被引量:3
作者 Fei-yi ZHAO Yan XU +6 位作者 Li-ping YUE Fang-lei CHEN Zhe-yuan ZHANG Hua-ling SONG Hong XU Guo-hua WANG Qiang-qiang FU 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2020年第2期90-96,共7页
Objective:This study is conducted to investigate the effects differences of escitalopram with or without combined electroacupuncture(EA)among male inpatients with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence and comorbid protrac... Objective:This study is conducted to investigate the effects differences of escitalopram with or without combined electroacupuncture(EA)among male inpatients with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence and comorbid protracted alcohol withdrawal symptoms(PAWS).Methods:A total of 62 participants who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled in a two-arm randomized,placebo controlled,patients-blind trial and allocated to an escitalopram with real-EA group(realEA group,patients=31)and an escitalopram with sham-EA group(sham-EA group,patients=31),respectively.In addition to the oral administration of escitalopram for total four weeks,patients in each group received corresponding EA treatment five days per week and two days off for consecutive four weeks.Both serum homocysteine(Hcy)test and electrophysiological tests,including event-related potentials(ERPs)and exploratory eye movement(EEM)were performed at pre-and post-treatment.Additionally,the global scores of Penn Alcohol Craving Scale(PACS),17-items Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HAMD-17),and Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA)were used for assessing the subjective emotion experience of patients,respectively.Meanwhile,adverse effects were monitored and recorded.Results:After four-week treatment,the global scores of PACS and HAMD-17 declined significantly in both groups(both P<0.05).Furthermore,the decline in the real-EA group was superior to that in the shamEA group(P<0.05).Meanwhile,the total scores of HAMA only decreased in the real-EA group(P<0.05)but not in the sham-EA group(P>0.05).According to the parameters of ERPs,significant declines for N2PL,P3PL,and P3amp were observed in both two groups(all P<0.05),and the decreases for P3PL and P3amp in the real-EA group was much superior to that in the sham-EA group(both P<0.05).According to the parameters of EEM,significant increase for NEF was observed only in the real-EA group(P<0.05).Besides,there was a dramatic decline for serum Hcy level only in the real-EA group(P<0.05).One case in the sham-EA group withdrew from the trial due to self-reported nausea and bitter taste,and outcomes of the remaining 61 patients were adopted for analysis.Conclusion:(1)Escitalopram with EA may be a potential alternative therapy for mitigating PAWS among male inpatients with alcohol dependence.(2)Escitalopram with EA might improve the alcoholdependence induced cognitive dysfunctions via upregulating the expression of Hcy. 展开更多
关键词 Alcohol dependence Protracted alcohol withdrawal symptoms(PAWS) ESCITALOPRAM ELECTROACUPUNCTURE
Does acupuncture response increase with the increasing dosage:A preclinical study investigating rats with sleep deprivation
作者 Fei-yi ZHAO Yan XU +5 位作者 Guo-hua WANG Qia-yi MA Qiang-qiang FU Zhi-min LI Hong XU Li-ping YUE 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2020年第3期207-216,共10页
Background:The effectiveness of acupuncture for insomnia and insomnia-related anxiety and depression has been widely investigated in clinical trials.However,whether higher dosage(more frequent)acupuncture can bring gr... Background:The effectiveness of acupuncture for insomnia and insomnia-related anxiety and depression has been widely investigated in clinical trials.However,whether higher dosage(more frequent)acupuncture can bring greater responses(a greater size of effect)is less understood.Objective:This study is designed to investigate whether a five-times weekly(5 Ts/w)electroacupuncture(EA)treatment is better than a three-times weekly(3 Ts/w)EA in alleviating sleep deprivation,and sleep disturbance-induced cognitive dysfunctions and negative emotions in rats through four various behavioral te sts.Methods:Forty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into control group(n=10),model group(n=12),EA-3 Ts/w group(n=12),and EA-5 Ts/w group(n=12).Except for the control group,the other three groups were established as chronic sleep deprivation models via the modified multi-platform water environment methodology.Then,rats in both EA-3 Ts/w group and EA-5 Ts/w group received corresponding dosage of EA therapy,respectively.After modeling and interventions,all four groups received four behavioral tests as follows:(1)sleep behavioral monitoring and evaluation was achieved by Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System(CLAMS).(2)Cognitive functions were assessed by Novel Object Recognition(NOR)test.(3)Depressive-like behaviors was evaluated by Open-Field(OF)test.(4)Anxietylike behaviors was appraised by Elevated Plus-Maze(EPM)test.After finishing the behavioral tests,the hippocampus of each rat was removed and its synaptic structure changes were observed under electron microscope.Results:(1)CLAMS:two EA groups derived more sleep time within 24 h than the model group(both P<0.05),and no statistical differences was found between these two EA groups(P>0.05).(2)NOR test:NOR ratio in the EA-3 Ts/w group was higher than that of the model group(P<0.05)but lower than that of either the control group(P<0.05)or the EA-5 Ts/w group(P<0.05).(3)OF test:the difference of horizontal movements between the EA-3 Ts/w group and the EA-5 Ts/w group was not significant(P>0.05),although both of them were lower than that of the control group(both P<0.05)but higher than that of the model group(P<0.05).(4)EPM test:no significant decline of open-arm total time(OT)was found in EA-3 Ts/w group(P>0.05)but was found in both the model group(P<0.05)and the EA-5 Ts/w group(P<0.05)compared to the control group.Conclusion:(1)Five-week EA treatment can partially mitigate cognitive dysfunctions,anxiety-like behaviors,and depressive behaviors in rats with sleep deprivation,and this effect might be associated with the repairs on mitochondrial damage in hippocampal neurons.(2)There is insufficient evidence supporting 3 Ts/w EA treatment is less effective than 5 Ts/w EA treatment in mitigating sleep deprivation symptoms and depressive behaviors induced by sleep deprivation among rats.(3)5 Ts/w EA treatment might be more effective than 3 Ts/w EA treatment in attenuating sleep deprivation-induced cognitive impairments while it might further increase rat’s anxiety-like behaviors at the same time. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Sleep deprivation Depressive-like behaviors Anxiety-like behaviors Behavioral test
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