Migraine is a frequently encountered disease which may affect the work, study and daily life of the patient. It is proved of little avail of treatments with medication, acupuncture or other therapies on most of the pa...Migraine is a frequently encountered disease which may affect the work, study and daily life of the patient. It is proved of little avail of treatments with medication, acupuncture or other therapies on most of the patients. With high ratio of recurrence, it is very difficult to be completely cured. The author of the article has treated 120 cases of migraine with acupuncture on Zulinqi (足临泣GB 41) and bloodletting therapy on Ashi points. The experience is now shared as the follows.展开更多
文摘Migraine is a frequently encountered disease which may affect the work, study and daily life of the patient. It is proved of little avail of treatments with medication, acupuncture or other therapies on most of the patients. With high ratio of recurrence, it is very difficult to be completely cured. The author of the article has treated 120 cases of migraine with acupuncture on Zulinqi (足临泣GB 41) and bloodletting therapy on Ashi points. The experience is now shared as the follows.