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试论美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养 被引量:1
作者 张舒凡 《当代音乐》 2020年第3期55-56,共2页
本文主要以试论美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养为重点进行阐述,结合当下初中音乐教学实际情况为依据,首先分析美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养现状,其次从体现优美的歌声,组织学生领悟美、引进先进技术,吸引学生注意力、设计形体律动,发展... 本文主要以试论美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养为重点进行阐述,结合当下初中音乐教学实际情况为依据,首先分析美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养现状,其次从体现优美的歌声,组织学生领悟美、引进先进技术,吸引学生注意力、设计形体律动,发展学生音乐素养、优化鉴赏环节,扩展教学内容、构建和谐关系,促进音乐活动发展几个方面深入说明并探讨美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养有效思考,进一步强化美育视域下初中音乐素养的培养效率,旨在为相关研究提供参考资料. 展开更多
关键词 美育 初中音乐 素养培养 有效思考
初中生道德与法治课程的互动目标的实现 被引量:5
作者 穆家全 《内蒙古教育(B)》 2017年第8期17-18,共2页
从2016年开始,初中思想品德课被更名为道德与法治课,名称上的更改,表明了教学理念的变化,即更重视教学内容的落实,为此,教师应当强化学生在课堂上的表现,以使之更贴近教学目标的要求,若想做到这一点,教师则需在互动目标的实现... 从2016年开始,初中思想品德课被更名为道德与法治课,名称上的更改,表明了教学理念的变化,即更重视教学内容的落实,为此,教师应当强化学生在课堂上的表现,以使之更贴近教学目标的要求,若想做到这一点,教师则需在互动目标的实现上下足功夫,毕竟只有良好的师生、生生互动,才能带动学生的良好表现。 展开更多
关键词 初中生 教学方法 道德与法治 形象引导
作者 张梅 《数理化解题研究》 2018年第32期61-62,共2页
在科技经济高速发展的当下,文化教育事业也在蓬勃发展,人们越来越重视学生的文化教育水平.初中阶段的物理教学内容中,有很多学生难以理解的抽象的知识,因为对于学生来讲,物理是一门比较新颖抽象的课程.老师如果想让学生充分了解并熟悉... 在科技经济高速发展的当下,文化教育事业也在蓬勃发展,人们越来越重视学生的文化教育水平.初中阶段的物理教学内容中,有很多学生难以理解的抽象的知识,因为对于学生来讲,物理是一门比较新颖抽象的课程.老师如果想让学生充分了解并熟悉掌握物理这门课程,就需要运用创新多样的教学方法,结合学生自身的学习能力和学习环境条件,站在学生角度思考教学方法,尽可能激发学生学习的自主性,让学生积极投身于物理学习中.对于初中物理教学而言,老师在课堂教学中,要一改以往的教学方法,除了注重教学生物理理论知识外,还要重视实验操作的教学,让学生全面掌握物理知识.就此,本文将对初中物理教学模式创新进行分析. 展开更多
关键词 初中物理 教学模式 创新教学
作者 张梅 《数理化解题研究》 2018年第26期74-75,共2页
一直以来,教育教学的改革都在往更加优化的方向靠近,然而,就初中物理而言,在教学中仍然存在着诸多问题.学生自主学习的积极性不高,自觉性不够,等等这些都将会影响学生学习习惯和学习能力的培养.因此,本文就目前阶段初中物理学习中存在... 一直以来,教育教学的改革都在往更加优化的方向靠近,然而,就初中物理而言,在教学中仍然存在着诸多问题.学生自主学习的积极性不高,自觉性不够,等等这些都将会影响学生学习习惯和学习能力的培养.因此,本文就目前阶段初中物理学习中存在的问题作出了一些研究与探讨. 展开更多
关键词 初中物理 自主能力 培养
My New Home
作者 李东阳 陈传光(指导) 《中学生英语》 2020年第1期7-7,共1页
I would like to invite you to my new home.My new home is at Happy Home Garden next to the Times Supermarket.I live on the fifth floor of the eighth building.Here is how you can find my new home.Walk along the East Str... I would like to invite you to my new home.My new home is at Happy Home Garden next to the Times Supermarket.I live on the fifth floor of the eighth building.Here is how you can find my new home.Walk along the East Street Road. 展开更多
My Best Friend
作者 李东阳 陈传光(指导) 《中学生英语》 2020年第5期7-7,共1页
Li Hong is my best friend.She is a hard-working student.And she learns things quickly.She does well in all her lessons.She knows a lot about Chinese history.She can write good articles.She likes animals very much.She ... Li Hong is my best friend.She is a hard-working student.And she learns things quickly.She does well in all her lessons.She knows a lot about Chinese history.She can write good articles.She likes animals very much.She keeps a dog called Puppy.And she looks after it well. 展开更多
关键词 MY Best FRIEND hard-working STUDENT likes ANIMALS
My Dream Home
作者 李东阳 陈传光(指导) 《中学生英语》 2020年第9期7-7,共1页
My dream home is at the foot of a hill. There’s a clean river in front of my house. I can swim there in summer.My house is very beautiful. It has two floors. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a computer room an... My dream home is at the foot of a hill. There’s a clean river in front of my house. I can swim there in summer.My house is very beautiful. It has two floors. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a computer room and a home cinema. I can invite my good friends to watch films with me at the weekend. 展开更多
My Favorite Shopping Mall
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2017年第41期8-8,共1页
My favorite shopping mall is called RT Mart.It’s on Hanyang Road and it’s near my home.There are three floors in the mall.Each floor is very big.There are lots of shops on the ground floor,such as clothes shops,spor... My favorite shopping mall is called RT Mart.It’s on Hanyang Road and it’s near my home.There are three floors in the mall.Each floor is very big.There are lots of shops on the ground floor,such as clothes shops,sports shops and electrical shops.On the first floor,there is a supermarket.You don’t need to carry shopping bags because the mall 展开更多
关键词 中学 英语作文 课外阅读 阅读材料
作者 李东阳 《中学生英语》 2017年第25期14-14,共1页
Papermaking is one of the four greatest ancient Chinese inventions.It changed the world greatly.Thousands of years ago,people in China wrote on stones or animals’bones.In the Western Han dynasty,the Chinese started u... Papermaking is one of the four greatest ancient Chinese inventions.It changed the world greatly.Thousands of years ago,people in China wrote on stones or animals’bones.In the Western Han dynasty,the Chinese started using paper.Then,in the Eastern 展开更多
关键词 中等教育 英语 阅读 理解
My Hometown
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2017年第13期8-8,共1页
I’m Li Dongyang.I’m writing to invite you to visit my hometown.I live in a city near Huaguo Mountain.It’s a clean and beautiful city.There’re colourful flowers and green trees around it.The people here are friendl... I’m Li Dongyang.I’m writing to invite you to visit my hometown.I live in a city near Huaguo Mountain.It’s a clean and beautiful city.There’re colourful flowers and green trees around it.The people here are friendly.I live in a new flat in the city centre.There is a park,a shopping mall and some restaurants.When I’m free,I often run in 展开更多
关键词 中学 英语作文 课外阅读 阅读材料
Our Neighborhood
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2017年第33期8-8,共1页
I think our neighborhood is modern and wonderful.There are supermarkets,restaurants,a school and a hospital.People here are helpful.I love living in a neighborhood like that.But I just think the place is a little dirt... I think our neighborhood is modern and wonderful.There are supermarkets,restaurants,a school and a hospital.People here are helpful.I love living in a neighborhood like that.But I just think the place is a little dirty.I think we can do something for it.We should not drop litter anywhere.And we can clean up the streets in our free time.I am sure 展开更多
关键词 中学 英语作文 课外阅读 阅读材料
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2018年第21期8-8,共1页
我们的宠物俱乐部正在寻找爱宠物的人。如果你有宠物或想养宠物,你可以加入我们。在我们俱乐部里,你可以分享自己的宠物故事。如果你不知道如何照顾宠物,会有人和你一起讨论。你可以在这里结交新朋友,也可以为你的宠物找到好朋友。请加... 我们的宠物俱乐部正在寻找爱宠物的人。如果你有宠物或想养宠物,你可以加入我们。在我们俱乐部里,你可以分享自己的宠物故事。如果你不知道如何照顾宠物,会有人和你一起讨论。你可以在这里结交新朋友,也可以为你的宠物找到好朋友。请加入我们吧。我们俱乐部的成员每周二下午4点到5点聚会。如果你想加入我们,请写信给李女士。 展开更多
关键词 中学 英语作文 课外阅读 阅读材料
My Favourite Sport
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2018年第9期7-7,共1页
My name is Li Dongyang.I love playing basketball very much and I am good at it.I’m a member of the school basketball team.After school,I often play basketball with my classmates.I watch basketball games on TV every w... My name is Li Dongyang.I love playing basketball very much and I am good at it.I’m a member of the school basketball team.After school,I often play basketball with my classmates.I watch basketball games on TV every weekend.I love collecting pictures 展开更多
关键词 中学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
作者 李东阳 《中学生英语》 2018年第17期8-8,共1页
去年冬天,我和爸爸妈妈去深圳旅游了一次。现在我来和你说说这次旅途的事。这次旅途一共有5天。我们在12月8号坐飞机到达了深圳。第二天,我们参观了"锦绣中华"和"世界之窗"。在这两个美丽的公园里,我们了解了很多世界各地有趣的地... 去年冬天,我和爸爸妈妈去深圳旅游了一次。现在我来和你说说这次旅途的事。这次旅途一共有5天。我们在12月8号坐飞机到达了深圳。第二天,我们参观了"锦绣中华"和"世界之窗"。在这两个美丽的公园里,我们了解了很多世界各地有趣的地方。第三天,我们在欢乐谷玩得很开心。那里有很多好玩的项目。 展开更多
关键词 中学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
The Helping Hands Club
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2018年第13期7-7,共1页
Hi,everyone.I’m Li Dongyang,a member of the Helping Hands Club in our community center.All the members in our club are living in the community.We do different jobs and have different skills.Some members are doctors,s... Hi,everyone.I’m Li Dongyang,a member of the Helping Hands Club in our community center.All the members in our club are living in the community.We do different jobs and have different skills.Some members are doctors,some are engineers and some are teachers.We 展开更多
关键词 中学生 英语作文 课外阅读 阅读材料
Welcome to Our Town
作者 李东阳 陈传光 《中学生英语》 2018年第1期12-12,共1页
Welcome to our town!Our town is in the north of Lianyungang.You can come to our town by bus or taxi.Our town is a beautiful place.You can see a nice lake in the town.The lake is a good place for boating and fishing.An... Welcome to our town!Our town is in the north of Lianyungang.You can come to our town by bus or taxi.Our town is a beautiful place.You can see a nice lake in the town.The lake is a good place for boating and fishing.And there are also some green hills around.Climbing hills is always 展开更多
关键词 中学生 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
Early Planes
作者 李东阳 陈传光(指导) 《中学生英语》 2020年第25期7-7,共1页
People in old times dreamed of flying like a bird. They never stopped making things that could fly.The Wright Brothers invented the first plane in 1903. It could fly in the sky for a short time. And in 1909, a plane f... People in old times dreamed of flying like a bird. They never stopped making things that could fly.The Wright Brothers invented the first plane in 1903. It could fly in the sky for a short time. And in 1909, a plane flew across the English Channel. It landed in England and made people surprised. In 1911, a Chinese called Feng Ru invented the first plane in China. In 1927,an American flew from New York to Paris on his plane. 展开更多
关键词 DREAM stopped And
My Plans for the Summer Holiday
作者 李东阳 陈传光(指导) 《中学生英语》 2020年第29期7-7,共1页
The summer holiday is coming.Here is my plan for the summer holiday.First,I want to join the Helping Hands Club in our community.I will visit the Old People’s Home,clean up the parks and collect things for Project Ho... The summer holiday is coming.Here is my plan for the summer holiday.First,I want to join the Helping Hands Club in our community.I will visit the Old People’s Home,clean up the parks and collect things for Project Hope.Second,I will do my holiday homework carefully and get ready for the new school year.Third,I will take part in more outdoor activities. 展开更多
关键词 HOLIDAY SUMMER carefully
作者 李明霞 《初中生世界(初中教学研究)》 2015年第4期29-30,共2页
以“让音乐属于每一个学生”为教育理念,以音乐的艺术性为主要教学内容,以让学生获得感性的音乐经验为主要教学目的,以自主情感体验为基本教学要求,以内心的音乐联觉为重要音乐能力,以音乐实践活动为重要教学方法的音乐教育新体系... 以“让音乐属于每一个学生”为教育理念,以音乐的艺术性为主要教学内容,以让学生获得感性的音乐经验为主要教学目的,以自主情感体验为基本教学要求,以内心的音乐联觉为重要音乐能力,以音乐实践活动为重要教学方法的音乐教育新体系已走进音乐课堂。这一先进的音乐教育理念,有助于学生更好地学〉--j音乐、感悟音乐。 展开更多
关键词 音乐教育新体系 课堂教学 “新五拍”
My Pet Dog
作者 李东阳 陈传光(指导) 《中学生英语》 2020年第13期7-7,共1页
Snoopy is my favourite pet dog.He is the coolest dog in the world.He has a big head,small eyes and white fur.He’s clever and can do many wonderful tricks like playing with sticks and running after birds.He’s friendl... Snoopy is my favourite pet dog.He is the coolest dog in the world.He has a big head,small eyes and white fur.He’s clever and can do many wonderful tricks like playing with sticks and running after birds.He’s friendly and never barks(吠)or fights.I walk him in the park and give him clean water and food every day.He’s my best friend and I will look after him carefully. 展开更多
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