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人工污水中的磷在模拟秋茄湿地系统中的分配与循环 被引量:77
作者 缪绅裕 陈桂珠 +1 位作者 黄玉山 谭凤仪 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期236-241,共6页
在温室中建立模拟秋茄湿地系统,含底泥、潮汐海水和1年生秋茄苗。对照组用15‰的人工海水,污水处理组分别用正常、5倍和10倍浓度的人工污水每时、定量对模拟系统污2次,持续1a,用以研究P在系统中的分配和循环。结果表明:... 在温室中建立模拟秋茄湿地系统,含底泥、潮汐海水和1年生秋茄苗。对照组用15‰的人工海水,污水处理组分别用正常、5倍和10倍浓度的人工污水每时、定量对模拟系统污2次,持续1a,用以研究P在系统中的分配和循环。结果表明:加入系统的污 P主要存留在土壤中,留存于植物体物凋落叶中的很少;植物吸收土壤或污水中的P在污水处理组中,以叶中含量最大,对对照组以根含量最高有明显的区别; 展开更多
关键词 秋茄 模拟湿地系统 人工污水 磷元素循环 红树林
“社会工作实践中心”对社工教育学院与社会服务机构合作发展社会工作服务之经验反省 被引量:1
作者 宋陈宝莲 阮曾媛琪 《中国妇女管理干部学院学报》 CSSCI 1993年第3期39-42,共4页
导言: 社会工作教育一向注重理论与实践的结合,因为社会工作教育是一项专业教育而不是一种纯理论性的学术科目,它不单着重知识的传授,而且亦强调教育社会工作学生灵活运用理论于实际环境中。再者,社会工作的实务环境随着社会的变迁而... 导言: 社会工作教育一向注重理论与实践的结合,因为社会工作教育是一项专业教育而不是一种纯理论性的学术科目,它不单着重知识的传授,而且亦强调教育社会工作学生灵活运用理论于实际环境中。再者,社会工作的实务环境随着社会的变迁而不断改变,社会工作教育者所教授之理论亦必须要与实务紧紧地连合,并能帮助学生对人及社会环境有深入认识。 展开更多
关键词 社会工作实践 社会服务机构 社会工作服务 社会工作教育 纯理论性 教育学院 理论与实践 社会工作理论 社会环境 社会工作专业
作者 张志明 《江苏纺织》 2005年第10期12-13,共2页
在今年9月举办的第七届江苏国际服装节高层论坛上,中国纺织工业协会许坤元副会长、中国纺织品进出口商会姜哲副会长、香港理工大学纺织与制衣学系张志明博士,就配额取消后纺织服装业面临的形势和纺织服装业的国际化发展道路该怎样走等... 在今年9月举办的第七届江苏国际服装节高层论坛上,中国纺织工业协会许坤元副会长、中国纺织品进出口商会姜哲副会长、香港理工大学纺织与制衣学系张志明博士,就配额取消后纺织服装业面临的形势和纺织服装业的国际化发展道路该怎样走等问题作主题演讲,共同为江苏纺织服装行业把脉,为企业支招,给江苏纺织服装业谋求新发展以启迪和思考。 展开更多
关键词 合作 贸易 香港 制造 江苏 服装工业 技术装备 市场机制 产业集群
Project⁃based Pollutant Emission Control of Diesel Construction Equipment
作者 XIE Yixin FAN Hongqin 《施工技术(中英文)》 CAS 2024年第17期85-93,共9页
This paper examines project⁃based policies and regulations implemented globally to control and mitigate emissions from diesel⁃powered construction equipment.This study systematically reviews and analyzes various manag... This paper examines project⁃based policies and regulations implemented globally to control and mitigate emissions from diesel⁃powered construction equipment.This study systematically reviews and analyzes various managerial,regulatory,and technical measures adopted across countries and regions,mostly of advanced economy.Key strategies of control include setting emission thresholds,idling restrictions,perform remote online monitoring,operational time limits,setting low emission zones,and enforced registration systems.The review highlights the rationale,implementation details,and experiences gained from these localized approaches,reduces localized emission sources,improve urban air quality and environmental management efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 EQUIPMENT diesel emissions CONTROL policy analysis
珠江口沉积物^210Pb分布特征及环境意义 被引量:16
作者 刘志勇 潘少明 +1 位作者 程功弼 李向东 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期166-175,共10页
根据珠江口及其邻近海域中的14个沉积柱样的210Pb随深度分布的测量数据以及210Pb过剩衰减法的原理,建立了基于傅立叶级数的变沉积速率模型,对珠江河口近50年来河口沉积物的沉积序列进行了分析。分别对各柱样的210Pb数据使用变沉积速率... 根据珠江口及其邻近海域中的14个沉积柱样的210Pb随深度分布的测量数据以及210Pb过剩衰减法的原理,建立了基于傅立叶级数的变沉积速率模型,对珠江河口近50年来河口沉积物的沉积序列进行了分析。分别对各柱样的210Pb数据使用变沉积速率模型进行计算,获得了柱样更切实的沉积速率变化过程并分析沉积速率、年代计算结果与同时期内沉积环境之间的关系,结果表明:珠江口不同站位的沉积速率差异很大,几个站位的整体平均沉积速率分别是,7.25cm/a,5.36cm/a,3.26cm/a,3.03cm/a,1.58cm/a;沉积速率的变化与同时期发生在区域内的洪水、风暴潮、人类活动、河口演变等一系列综合因素有较好的对应关系,这说明使用基于傅立叶级数的变沉积速率模型得到的210Pb沉积速率变化的垂直分布能够解释其对应时段内的沉积环境,此模型亦可为其它河口区域的210Pb沉积速率计算提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 沉积速率 同位素测年 傅立叶级数的变沉积速率模型 ^210PB 珠江口
多区域VAV空调系统及其局部DDC控制器的动态模拟 被引量:28
作者 晋欣桥 夏凊 王盛卫 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期17-24,共8页
本文以多区域VAV空调系统的控制分析为目的,建立了能够反映系统能量和室内热舒适性及空气质量的动态仿真程序,它可以模拟建筑物和VAV空调系统及其局部控制器的实际工作状况。通过对实际系统的实验获取所需参数,同时调整局部控... 本文以多区域VAV空调系统的控制分析为目的,建立了能够反映系统能量和室内热舒适性及空气质量的动态仿真程序,它可以模拟建筑物和VAV空调系统及其局部控制器的实际工作状况。通过对实际系统的实验获取所需参数,同时调整局部控制器的参数,保证系统的稳定控制。为实际的上位机或BMS中央控制系统的优化控制方案的设计和应用提供便利的试验条件。 展开更多
关键词 多区域 VAV系统 动态模拟 空调系统 DDC控制器
个性化义眼片活动度相关因素分析 被引量:4
作者 郭疆 司马晶 +3 位作者 金晖博 李林 窦晓燕 罗司思 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2008年第12期2477-2478,共2页
目的:探讨义眼片的材料、厚度及配戴眼的结膜囊剩余面积、深度等因素对其活动度的影响。方法:对100例(100眼)羟基磷灰石义眼座植入术后患者行义眼片配制,记录义眼片的厚度、结膜囊剩余面积、深度等参数,分析配戴6mo后义眼片的活动度、... 目的:探讨义眼片的材料、厚度及配戴眼的结膜囊剩余面积、深度等因素对其活动度的影响。方法:对100例(100眼)羟基磷灰石义眼座植入术后患者行义眼片配制,记录义眼片的厚度、结膜囊剩余面积、深度等参数,分析配戴6mo后义眼片的活动度、材料、厚度及结膜囊剩余面积、深度之间的关系。结果:聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(polyethylene terephthalate,PET)组义眼片活动度为4.8±1.0mm(范围3~7mm),聚甲基丙稀酸甲酯(polymethyl methacrylate,PMMA)组义眼片活动度为6.4±1.3mm(范围4~8mm),两组差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。义眼片活动度与其本身厚度(r=-0.92,P<0.05)、结膜囊深度(r=-0.90,P<0.05)存在密切的负相关,而与结膜囊剩余面积(r=0.90,P<0.05)存在密切的正相关性。结论:配戴成品义眼片的活动度受多种因素影响,其中选用PMMA材质,适当减低义眼片边缘厚度,提高光滑度减少磨擦所造成的阻力,增加结膜囊剩余面积可以增加义眼片的活动度,提高其仿真程度。 展开更多
关键词 义眼片 活动度 聚甲基丙稀酸甲酯 结膜囊剩余面积
模拟试验初探秋茄湿地系统中锌的分配与土壤容量 被引量:5
作者 缪绅裕 陈桂珠 +1 位作者 黄玉山 谭凤仪 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期8-10,共3页
对温室中建立的含底泥、潮汐海水和1a生秋茄苗的模拟湿地系统,分别用人工海水(CK)和不同Zn浓度的人工污水定时、定量进行持续1a的污灌,以研究Zn在模拟系统中各部分的分配和系统对Zn的承受能力.结果表明:加入系统的3... 对温室中建立的含底泥、潮汐海水和1a生秋茄苗的模拟湿地系统,分别用人工海水(CK)和不同Zn浓度的人工污水定时、定量进行持续1a的污灌,以研究Zn在模拟系统中各部分的分配和系统对Zn的承受能力.结果表明:加入系统的3种ρ(Zn)处理污水中的Zn主要存留在土壤中(45.80%~89.45%),植物和凋落物中的Zn共占加入量0.22%~1.48%.根据物质平衡模型计算得的系统使用寿命t至少为24a. 展开更多
关键词 红树林 秋茄 模拟湿地系统 ZN 土壤环境容量
Exploring a broadened operating pH range for norfloxacin removal via simulated solar-light-mediated Bi_2WO_6 process 被引量:5
作者 Meijuan Chen Yu Huang Wei Chu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期673-680,共8页
Semiconductor photocatalysis can be operated over a narrow pH range for wastewater treatment. In this study, a simulated solar-light-mediated bismuth tungstate (SSL/Bi2WO6) process is found to be effective for norflox... Semiconductor photocatalysis can be operated over a narrow pH range for wastewater treatment. In this study, a simulated solar-light-mediated bismuth tungstate (SSL/Bi2WO6) process is found to be effective for norfloxacin degradation over a narrow pH range. To broaden the operating pH range of the SSL/Bi2WO6 process, an NH4+ buffer system and an Fe3+ salt were introduced under extremely basic and acidic pH conditions, respectively. The NH4+ buffer system continuously supplied hydroxyl ions to generate ·OH radicals and prevented acidification of the solution, resulting in improved norfloxacin removal and mineralization removal under alkaline conditions. In contrast, the Fe3+ salt offered an additional homogeneous photo-sensitization pathway. The former treatment assisted in norfloxacin decay and the latter increased the collision frequency between the photo-generated hole and hydroxyl ions. Moreover, the effect of parameters such as pH and Fe3+ dosage was optimized. 展开更多
关键词 Bismuth tungstate Broadened operating pH NORFLOXACIN PHOTOCATALYSIS Water
Polyoxometalates‐doped Bi_(2)O_(3–x)/Bi photocatalyst for highly efficient visible‐light photodegradation of tetrabromobisphenol A and removal of NO 被引量:3
作者 Yingnan Zhao Xing Qin +7 位作者 Xinyu Zhao Xin Wang Huaqiao Tan Huiying Sun Gang Yan Haiwei Li Wingkei Ho Shun‐cheng Lee 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期771-781,共11页
Bismuth‐based photocatalysts are a class of excellent visible‐light photocatalysts;however,their redox activity is relatively poor and the efficiency of photogenerated carrier separation is low,limiting their develo... Bismuth‐based photocatalysts are a class of excellent visible‐light photocatalysts;however,their redox activity is relatively poor and the efficiency of photogenerated carrier separation is low,limiting their development and application in the field of photocatalysis.To address these issues,a series of polyoxometalate PW_(12)O_(40)^(3–)‐doped Bi_(2)O_(3–x)/Bi Schottky photocatalysts PW_(12)@Bi_(2)O_(3–x)/Bi‐n(PBOB‐n,where n is the amount of NaBH4,i.e.,6,12,18,24,and 48 mg)were prepared by a simple electrospinning/calcination/in‐situ NaBH4 reduction method.In this composite photocatalyst,the doping of PW_(12) could effectively adjust the electronic structure of Bi_(2)O_(3–x) and improve its redox properties.As a shallow electron trap,PW_(12) promoted the separation of the photogenerated carriers.Furthermore,desirable Schottky junction between the metal Bi nanoparticles and PW_(12)@Bi_(2)O_(3–x) further accelerated the separation of the photogenerated carriers.The synergistic effect of the aforementioned factors endowed PBOB‐n with excellent photocatalytic activity.Among the samples,PBOB‐18 exhibited superior photocatalytic activity.Under visible‐light irradiation,93.7%(20 mg catalyst)of 20 ppm tetrabromobisphenol A(TBBPA,20 mL)was degraded in 60 min.Its activity was 4.4 times higher than that of Bi_(2)O_(3).PBOB‐18 also exhibited an ultrahigh photocatalytic performance for the removal of NO.Its removal rate(600 ppb)reached 83.3%in 30 min,making it one of the most active Bi‐based photocatalysts.Furthermore,the photocatalytic mechanisms of PBOB‐18 for TBBPA and NO have been proposed.This work provides a new direction and reference for the design of low‐cost,efficient,stable,and versatile photocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Bismuth‐based photocatalyst POLYOXOMETALATES BI Photocatalytic degradation NO removal
Enhancement of UV-assisted TiO_2 degradation of ibuprofen using Fenton hybrid process at circumneutral pH 被引量:3
作者 Meijuan Chen Wei Chu +1 位作者 Jingzi Beiyuan Yu Huang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期701-709,共9页
A synergistic UV/TiO2/Fenton(PCF)process is investigated for the degradation of ibuprofen(IBP)at circumneutral pH.The IBP decay in the PCF process is much faster than that with the conventional UV,UV/H2O2,Fenton,photo... A synergistic UV/TiO2/Fenton(PCF)process is investigated for the degradation of ibuprofen(IBP)at circumneutral pH.The IBP decay in the PCF process is much faster than that with the conventional UV,UV/H2O2,Fenton,photo‐Fenton,and photocatalysis processes.The kinetics analysis showed that the IBP decay follows a two‐stage pseudo‐first order profile,that is,a fast IBP decay(k1)followed by a slow decay(k2).The effects of various parameters,including initial pH level,dosage of Fenton’s reagent and TiO2,wavelength of UV irradiation,and initial IBP concentration,are evaluated.The optimum pH level,[Fe2+]0,[Fe2+]0/[H2O2]0 molar ratio,and[TiO2]0 are determined to be approximately 4.22,0.20 mmol/L,1/40,and 1.0 g/L,respectively.The IBP decay at circumneutral pH(i.e.,6.0–8.0 for wastewater)shows the same IBP decay efficiency as that at the optimum pH of 4.22 after 30 min,which suggests that the PCF process is applicable for the treatment of wastewater in the circumneutral pH range.The lnk1 and lnk2 are observed to be linearly correlated to 1/pH0,[IBP]0,[H2O2]0,[H2O2]0/[Fe2+]0 and ln[TiO2]0.Mathematical models are therefore derived to predict the IBP decay. 展开更多
关键词 Ultraviolet light TiO2 FENTON IBUPROFEN Effect parameter Kinetic model
单位反馈系统解耦控制器的设计(英文) 被引量:1
作者 涂其栵 何永昌 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第2期162-170,共9页
本文使用了双互质因子分解法,研究了单位反馈系统解耦时,时予设定的闭环对角传函矩阵,到底有那些限制条件.文中所论的开环系统是多输入多输出的,其传函阵是正则有理的非方阵.文中给出了计算控制器的方法。这些方法采用的是都是目... 本文使用了双互质因子分解法,研究了单位反馈系统解耦时,时予设定的闭环对角传函矩阵,到底有那些限制条件.文中所论的开环系统是多输入多输出的,其传函阵是正则有理的非方阵.文中给出了计算控制器的方法。这些方法采用的是都是目前流行的时域分析算法.因而可以利用现成的一些软件包,如MATLAB来完成. 展开更多
关键词 解耦 自动控制 单位反馈系统 控制器
Sound Insulation Performance of Acoustic Metamaterials Based on Attachable Helmholtz Resonators 被引量:1
作者 ZUO Hongwei LI Jinze +2 位作者 SHEN Cheng YANG Shasha WANG Bin 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第S01期23-31,共9页
To address the control of low frequency noises,we propose an new perforated thin-plate acoustic metamaterials with the attachable Helmholtz resonator(AHR)which can be directly attached to the existing structure to sup... To address the control of low frequency noises,we propose an new perforated thin-plate acoustic metamaterials with the attachable Helmholtz resonator(AHR)which can be directly attached to the existing structure to suppress acoustic radiation.Sound transmission loss of the aluminium plate with AHR has been simulated using the finite element method under a normal incident plane sound wave.The results show that AHR works well in the 50—500 Hz frequency band,with two peaks of insulation occurring and the corresponding frequency of the first insulation peak dropping to around 120 Hz.The study of the effects of plate thickness,cavity depth,perforation radius and perforation length on the sound insulation performance of metamaterials demonstrates that the effective suppression of acoustic radiation at specific frequencies can be achieved by changing the acoustic radiation properties of the structure. 展开更多
关键词 Helmholtz resonator acoustic metamaterials transmission loss
Enhancing hydrogen electrocatalytic oxidation on Ni_(3)N/MoO_(2)in-plane heterostructures in alkaline solution
作者 Lulu An Shaofeng Deng +7 位作者 Xuyun Guo Xupo Liu Tonghui Zhao Ke Chen Ye Zhu Yuxi Fu Xu Zhao Deli Wang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期3154-3160,共7页
Nickel(Ni)-based materials act as one of the most promising candidates as platinum-group-metal-free(PGM-free)electrocatalysts for hydrogen oxidation reaction(HOR)in alkaline solution.Nevertheless,the electrocatalytic ... Nickel(Ni)-based materials act as one of the most promising candidates as platinum-group-metal-free(PGM-free)electrocatalysts for hydrogen oxidation reaction(HOR)in alkaline solution.Nevertheless,the electrocatalytic activity of pure Ni is significantly limited due to the sluggish kinetics under alkaline condition.To accelerate the kinetics,constructing heterostructures and nitride structures have been developed as two representative strategies.Here,we combined the two methods and presented a facile synthesis of the sheet-like Ni_(3)N/MoO_(2)in-plane heterostructures for enhanced HOR in alkaline electrolytes.Relative to Ni or Ni_(3)N,the Ni_(3)N/MoO_(2)in-plane heterostructures exhibited a significantly increased mass activity by 8.6-fold or 4.4-fold,respectively.Mechanistic studies revealed that the enhanced activity of Ni_(3)N/MoO_(2)could be attributed to the weakened hydrogen adsorption and strengthened hydroxyl adsorption.This work provides a facile approach to design high-efficiency catalysts for hydrogen-oxidation catalysis and beyond. 展开更多
关键词 Nickel nitride In-plane heterostructures Adsorption Hydrogen oxidation reaction Alkaline solution
作者 刘小兵 《电子商务》 2012年第9期27-27,29,共2页
互联网是这样的一个东西,它上面布满了概念。相对于实体世界,互联网才是一个真正"平坦"的世界。概念是"营销"的封装。概念即市场。而市场即用户心理,所以概念其实就是用户心理。概念讲究的是命中率与命中力度。命... 互联网是这样的一个东西,它上面布满了概念。相对于实体世界,互联网才是一个真正"平坦"的世界。概念是"营销"的封装。概念即市场。而市场即用户心理,所以概念其实就是用户心理。概念讲究的是命中率与命中力度。命中率越高,命中力度越强,其传播力就越强。现在做起来的几家大电商如淘宝,京东等,其实都是现金砸出来的。这种一对一的传播模式,有它的优点与缺点。缺点不用说就是烧钱,而其优点是更可靠。它非常的可靠。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务本质 概念营销
对产妇第二产程服务需求的调查及护理对策 被引量:73
作者 黄彦清 叶桂香 +6 位作者 程小燕 王立新 贾仙娥 贾菊浓 郑银莲 沈燕 林晨 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期427-429,共3页
目的了解产妇在分娩过程中的实际需求,改善服务。方法自制产妇分娩需求测量表,对在我院分娩的275例产妇进行问卷调查,了解产妇在第二产程中的实际需求。根据产妇需求改进工作,制定护理服务内容,设立产程陪护病区,建立产时支持系统,比较... 目的了解产妇在分娩过程中的实际需求,改善服务。方法自制产妇分娩需求测量表,对在我院分娩的275例产妇进行问卷调查,了解产妇在第二产程中的实际需求。根据产妇需求改进工作,制定护理服务内容,设立产程陪护病区,建立产时支持系统,比较产妇满意度。结果产妇较为迫切的需求是心理需求和服务需求;设立产程专门陪护病区后,产妇满意度明显提高,与改进工作前比较,P<0.01。结论开展产妇分娩过程中的需求研究有重要意义,针对产妇需求建立产时支持系统,加强国产期知识的宣传与教育,可为产妇顺利分娩提供安全保障和优质的服务。 展开更多
关键词 第二产程 需求评估 产时支持系统
实证论与诠释论之比较及其以对发展中国社会工作的启示 被引量:1
作者 何会成 徐明心 陈国康 《中国社会工作》 1998年第2期21-22,25,共3页
关键词 中国社会工作 实证论者 诠释学 社会科 社会主义价值 研究方法 方法学 价值取向 研究对象 香港理工大学
结构健康监测系统与巡检养护管理系统在青岛海湾大桥上的一体化设计 被引量:8
作者 邵新鹏 钱宇音 倪一清 《公路》 北大核心 2009年第9期201-205,共5页
正在中国山东省建设的青岛海湾大桥包含一座双塔双柱钢箱梁斜拉桥、一座独塔双柱钢箱梁斜拉桥和一座独塔自锚式钢箱梁悬索桥,主线全长28.880 km。对于这样庞大而复杂的大型桥梁结构体系,传统的桥梁巡检养护方法难以精确有效地检测和识... 正在中国山东省建设的青岛海湾大桥包含一座双塔双柱钢箱梁斜拉桥、一座独塔双柱钢箱梁斜拉桥和一座独塔自锚式钢箱梁悬索桥,主线全长28.880 km。对于这样庞大而复杂的大型桥梁结构体系,传统的桥梁巡检养护方法难以精确有效地检测和识别大桥内各构件的结构健康变化状况。随着现代传感、网络通讯、信号分析与处理、数据管理、知识挖掘、结构分析等领域技术的发展和成熟,综合了这些技术的结构健康监测系统实现了指导结构的运营管理,验证设计假设和参数,预警异常荷载响应损伤,评估结构的性能与安全,纠正更新结构设计标准等功能。青岛海湾大桥的运营期结构监测巡检养护管理系统,包含自动化数据采集系统、基于半自动化人工巡检的养护管理系统、构件评级系统和损伤预警状态评估系统,以大桥结构为平台,有机结合结构健康监测系统与巡检养护管理系统,结构健康监测为巡检养护管理提供目标和依据,巡检养护管理给结构健康监测作补充和完善,一体化的设计最大限度地保证大桥安全运营,延长大桥使用寿命。 展开更多
关键词 结构健康监测 巡检养护管理 构件评级系统 安全评估
Modulation of the cobalt species state on zincosilicate to maximize propane dehydrogenation to propylene
作者 Hao Liu Bingxian Chu +6 位作者 Tianxiang Chen Jie Zhou Lihui Dong Tsz Woon Benedict Lo Bin Li Xiaohui He Hongbing Ji 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 2024年第11期168-180,共13页
Dispersing metals from nanoparticles into clusters or single atoms often exhibits unique properties such as the inhibition of structure-sensitive side reactions.Here,we reported the use of ion exchange(IE)methods and ... Dispersing metals from nanoparticles into clusters or single atoms often exhibits unique properties such as the inhibition of structure-sensitive side reactions.Here,we reported the use of ion exchange(IE)methods and direct hydrogen reduction to achieve high dispersion of Co species on zincosilicate.The obtained 2Co/Zn-4-IE catalyst achieved an initial propane conversion of 41.4%at a temperature of 550℃in a 25%propane and 75%nitrogen atmosphere for propane dehydrogenation.Visualization of the presence of Co species within specific rings(alpha-α,beta-βand delta-δ)was obtained by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy.A series of Fourier transform infrared spectra confirmed the anchoring of Co by specific hydroxyl groups in zincosilicate and the specific coordination environment of Co and its presence in the rings essentially as a single site.The framework Zn for the modulation of the microenvironment and the presence of Co species as Lewis acid active sites(Co-O4)was also supported by density functional theory calculations. 展开更多
关键词 Zincosilicate zeolite Anchoring effect Microenvironment modification Isolated Co site Propane dehydrogenation
Exploring the Inclusive Potential of Pet Parks From the Perspective of Spatial Justice:Hong Kong’s Experience and Implications
作者 Izzy Yi JIAN Jiemei LUO +1 位作者 Caterina VILLANI Kin Wai Michael SIU 《景观设计学(中英文)》 CSCD 2024年第4期58-77,共20页
As social and economic dynamics continue to evolve and the demand for companionship increases,pet ownership has become an increasingly popular lifestyle choice.Pet parks,as a new form of urban public space,are gaining... As social and economic dynamics continue to evolve and the demand for companionship increases,pet ownership has become an increasingly popular lifestyle choice.Pet parks,as a new form of urban public space,are gaining significant attention.This study,grounded in the theory of spatial justice,employs a combination of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to evaluate four representative pet parks in Hong Kong,China.It explores how pet parks,as inclusive green infrastructure in high-density environments,contribute to urban community well-being and broader spatial justice.The study reveals the conflicts between pet owners and non-pet owners regarding the rights to use public spaces,examining how to guarantee the spatial rights of specific groups while avoiding harm to others.The findings indicate that green space availability,sociability and participation,walkability,safety,and flexibility in pet parks play a positive role in achieving urban spatial justice.However,pet parks also face challenges related to social exclusion and safety,requiring a balance between promoting community integration and ensuring public safety.This study offers valuable insights for the development of pet parks,the creation of vibrant and diverse public spaces,and the promotion of harmonious human-animal environments in cities across China and other Asian countries. 展开更多
关键词 Pet Park Green Space Public Space Spatial Justice Inclusivity Hong Kong
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