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慢性心力衰竭患者以磁共振血管造影检出肾动脉狭窄的流行病学特征、相关因素及预后 被引量:2
作者 de Silva R. Loh H. +1 位作者 Rigby A.S. 罗亮 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2007年第12期14-14,共1页
作者的目的是观察慢性心力衰竭(HF)患者中显著肾动脉狭窄(RAS)相关的患病率、发病率以及死亡率,同时探讨3年随访期内血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂和利尿剂在该人群中的使用情况。确定了97例显著肾功能不全(RD;定义为计算所得肾小球滤过... 作者的目的是观察慢性心力衰竭(HF)患者中显著肾动脉狭窄(RAS)相关的患病率、发病率以及死亡率,同时探讨3年随访期内血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂和利尿剂在该人群中的使用情况。确定了97例显著肾功能不全(RD;定义为计算所得肾小球滤过率<60ml/min)患者和38例无RD的患者, 展开更多
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 磁共振血管造影 患者 肾动脉狭窄 动脉疾病
作者 Thackray S.D.R. Ghosh J.M. +1 位作者 Wright G.A. 苏畅 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2007年第2期27-28,共2页
背景:β受体阻断剂对心力衰竭具有疗效,但其作用机制仍不明了。心率减慢可能是一个主要机制,但也可能是棘手的副作用。方法:采用随机、双盲、平行组研究比较慢性较快心率(80次/min)和较慢心律(60次/min)起搏的影响,研究对象为有症状性左... 背景:β受体阻断剂对心力衰竭具有疗效,但其作用机制仍不明了。心率减慢可能是一个主要机制,但也可能是棘手的副作用。方法:采用随机、双盲、平行组研究比较慢性较快心率(80次/min)和较慢心律(60次/min)起搏的影响,研究对象为有症状性左室(LV)收缩功能不全、接受β受体阻断剂治疗的起搏器依赖性心力衰竭患者。 展开更多
关键词 Β受体阻断剂 心室功能 慢心律 逆转心室重构 射血分数 收缩功能 植入起搏器 作用机制 心动过缓
作者 Thackray S.D.R. Witte K. +1 位作者 Ghosh J. 田志 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2006年第6期52-53,共2页
Aims: Assessment of N- terminal brain natriuretic peptide(NTBNP) as a screening tool for heart failure in patients with a permanent pacemaker. Methods and results: Consecutive patients undergoing a routine permanent p... Aims: Assessment of N- terminal brain natriuretic peptide(NTBNP) as a screening tool for heart failure in patients with a permanent pacemaker. Methods and results: Consecutive patients undergoing a routine permanent pacemaker assessment were enrolled. Patients underwent medical history and examination, echocardiography and blood sampling for NT- BNP. Analysis was performed on 261 patients(132 DDD, 121 VVI, eight others), mean age 73± 12 years, range 34- 99 years. Seventy two subjects(27% ) had heart failure as defined by left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) ≤ 40% and symptoms of heart failure(NYHA class II, III, or IV). Screening with NT- BNP gave a sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 72% for detecting heart failure in all patients [area under the curve(AUC) 0.76, P< 0.001, 95% CI 0.69- 0.83]. This increased in subjects with a DDD type pacemaker(sensitivity 80% , specificity 66% , AUC=0.8, CI 0.7- 0.90) and reduced in subjects with a VVI type pacemaker(sensitivity 66% , specificity 61% , AUC 0.68 CI 0.57- 0.78). Conclusion: Symptoms of heart failure are common in patients with pacemakers. Screening with NT- BNP is feasible and assists in the detection of important cardiac co- morbidity, particularly in patients with a DDD type pacemaker. 展开更多
关键词 永久性心脏起搏器植入 筛查工具 心力衰竭 脑利钠肽 N-末端 患者 DDD起搏器 VVI起搏器 超声心动图检查 NYHA分级
作者 Ingle L. Shelton R. J. +1 位作者 Rigby A. S. 任付先 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2006年第1期42-43,共2页
Aims: The 6-min walk test(6-MWT) is used to estimate functional capacity. However, in elderly patients with chronic heart failure(CHF):(i) 1 year reproducibility of the 6-MWT;(ii) sensitivity of the 6-MWT to self-perc... Aims: The 6-min walk test(6-MWT) is used to estimate functional capacity. However, in elderly patients with chronic heart failure(CHF):(i) 1 year reproducibility of the 6-MWT;(ii) sensitivity of the 6-MWT to self-perceived changes in symptoms of heart failure; and(iii) implications for patient numbers required for studies using the 6-MWT as an endpoint have not been described. Methods and results: One thousand and seventy-seven patients with CHF, aged >60, with NYHA Class ≥II were recruited. Heart failure symptom assessment was determined using a questionnaire related to aspects of physical function, and patients performed a baseline 6-MWT, with follow-up 1 year later. Seventy-four patients with unchanged symptoms had an unchanged 6-MWT distance, with an overall intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.80(95%CI=0.69-0.87). Four hundred and twenty-three patients reported an improvement in symptoms during follow-up. There was a negative correlation(r=-0.55; P=0.0001) between Δsymptoms and Δ6-MWT(i.e. a reduced 6-MWT distance is associated with reduced symptom severity at follow-up). Five hundred and sixteen patients reported worsening symptoms of heart failure, a moderate inverse correlation(r=-0.53; P=0.0001) was displayed between Δsymptoms and Δ6-MWT. For all patients, irrespective of symptom status, a high inverse correlation(r=-0.75; P=0.0001) was evident. On the basis of the data for patients with unchanged symptoms, it is calculated that to detect an increase in 6-MWT of 50 m, with 90%power, a study size of approximately 120 is required. Conclusion: In elderly patients with CHF, the 6-MWT shows satisfactory agreement when repeated 1 year later. Change in 6-MWT distance is sensitive to change in self-perceived symptoms of heart failure. 展开更多
关键词 6min步行试验 老年患者 慢性心衰 可重复性 灵敏性 6-MWT NYHA分级 症状评估 CHF患者 心脏功能
作者 Witte K.K.A. Nikitin N.P. +1 位作者 De Silva R. 郭宁 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2005年第2期36-37,共2页
Objective: To examine the relation between longitudinal left ventricular funct ion assessed by tissue Doppler imaging (TDi) and exercise capacity in heart fail ure. Subjects: 153 patients with chronic heart failure fr... Objective: To examine the relation between longitudinal left ventricular funct ion assessed by tissue Doppler imaging (TDi) and exercise capacity in heart fail ure. Subjects: 153 patients with chronic heart failure from left ventricular sys tolic dysfunction (ejection fraction< 45%) and 87 age and sex matched controls. Methods: Echocardiography was used to measure conventional indices of left vent ricular systolic function. TDi was used to assess left and right ventricular lon gitudinal function by measuring mitral and lateral tricuspid annular velocities during the cardiac cycle. Velocities measured at each point were the systolic pe ak (Sm) and the diastolic troughs(Em and Am), corresponding to passive and activ e (atrial) left ventricular filling. Each patient also underwent treadmill exerc ise testing with metabolic gas exchange measurements. Results: Left and right ve ntricular TDi velocities were greater in controls than in patients. Left ventric ular ejection fraction (LVEF) correlated with Sm(r=0.30, p=0.0005), but not with Em, Am, or the Em/Am ratio. There were no significant differences between New Y ork Heart Association (NYHA) functional class for any of the TDi variables. Righ t ventricular indices were not related to exercise capacity. Systolic myocardial motion measured by TDi correlated more closely with peak oxygen consumption (p VO2) (r=0.35, p< 0.0001) than LVEF (r=0.21,< 0.02). The Em/Am ratio was not corr elated with P VO2. In multiple regression, Sm was the only left ventricular TDi variable to predict exercise capacity independently(p< 0.05). Conclusions: Exerc ise capacity and symptoms are poorly related to conventional measures of cardiac function and more closely correlated with indices of longitudinal left ventricu lar function as assessed by TDi. 展开更多
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 运动耐量 心功能 组织多普勒成像 平板运动试验 射血分数 左室收缩功能 收缩期峰值 性别匹配 左心室
作者 de Silva R. Rigby A.S. +1 位作者 Witte K.K.A. 雷聪 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2006年第12期25-25,共1页
Anemia and renal dysfunction(RD) are frequent complications seen in chronic heart failure(HF). However, the prevalence and interaction of these co-morbidities in a representative population of outpatients with chronic... Anemia and renal dysfunction(RD) are frequent complications seen in chronic heart failure(HF). However, the prevalence and interaction of these co-morbidities in a representative population of outpatients with chronic HF is poorly described. In this study, it was sought to determine the association between RD and anemia in patients with HF enrolled in a community-based HF program. Nine hundred fifty-five patients with HF due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction were investigated for the prevalence of anemia and its cause and followed for a median of 531 days. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin< 12.0 g/dl in women and< 13.0 g/dl in men. RD was defined as a calculated glomerular filtration rate of< 60 ml/min. The prevalence of anemia was 32%. Fifty-three percent of patients with and 27%of those without anemia had ≥1 test suggesting hematinic deficiency. The prevalence of RD was 54%. Forty-one percent of patients with and 22%of patients without RD had anemia, with similar proportions associated with iron deficiency in the presence or absence of RD. Anemia and RD independently predicted a worse outcome, and this effect was additive. In conclusion, in outpatients with chronic HF, anemia and RD are common and co-exist but confer independent prognostic information. A deficiency of conventional hematinic factors may cause about 1/3 of anemia in this clinical setting. 展开更多
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 肾功能不全 肾功能障碍 患者
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