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Model-Measurement Comparison of Ammonia Bi-Directional Air-Surface Exchange Fluxes over Agricultural Fields
作者 Zhuanshi He Lorraine Paige Wright Leiming Zhang 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2013年第4期465-474,共10页
Modeled and measured bi-directional fluxes (BDFs) of ammonia (NH3) were compared over fertilized soybean and corn canopies for three intensive sampling periods: the first, during the summer of 2002 in Warsaw, North Ca... Modeled and measured bi-directional fluxes (BDFs) of ammonia (NH3) were compared over fertilized soybean and corn canopies for three intensive sampling periods: the first, during the summer of 2002 in Warsaw, North Carolina (NC), USA;and the second and third during the summer of 2007 in Lillington, NC. For the first and the third experimental periods, the BDF model produced reasonable diurnal flux patterns. The model also produced correct flux directions (emission and dry deposition) and magnitudes under dry and wet canopy conditions and during day and nighttime for these two periods. However, the model fails to produce the observed very high upward fluxes from the second sampling period due to the fertilization application (and thus being much higher soil emission potentials in the field than the default model values), although this can be improved by adjusting model input of soil emission potentials. Model-measurement comparison results suggest that the model is likely capable for improving long-term or regional scale ammonia predictions if implemented in chemical transport models replace the traditional dry deposition models, although modifications are needed when applying to specific situations. 展开更多
中国气溶胶分布的地理学和气候学特征 被引量:42
作者 郑小波 罗宇翔 +2 位作者 赵天良 陈娟 康为民 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期265-272,共8页
中国人口地理分界线——胡焕庸线根据人口、地理,气候和经济等特点把中国(不包括港、澳、台地区)分为东、西两部分。用2000~2010年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料,分析气溶胶分布的地理学和气候学特征后发现,胡焕庸线还可被视为... 中国人口地理分界线——胡焕庸线根据人口、地理,气候和经济等特点把中国(不包括港、澳、台地区)分为东、西两部分。用2000~2010年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料,分析气溶胶分布的地理学和气候学特征后发现,胡焕庸线还可被视为中国气溶胶地理学的分界线,在其两侧气溶胶的性质和浓度都有明显差别。在人口稠密和海拔较低的东部,由人类活动产生的气溶胶为主,年平均AOD约为0.45;在西部,自然过程释放的气溶胶主导的AOD约为0.25。近10 a来东部AOD的年际间变化呈现增加趋势,西部AOD出现微弱减少的趋势。东部人为气溶胶年际间变化受亚洲季风影响。西部自然气溶胶年际间变化主要受沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶排放源的影响,沙尘天气过程主要控制其气溶胶的释放。 展开更多
关键词 大气气溶胶光学厚度 MODIS 胡焕庸线 地理 气候
全球沙尘气溶胶源汇分布及其变化特征的模拟分析 被引量:20
作者 刘建慧 赵天良 +2 位作者 韩永翔 Gong S L 熊洁 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1741-1750,共10页
根据全球沙尘气溶胶气候模式GEM-AQ/EC模拟的1995~2004年的沙尘起沙量和干湿沉降量,分析了沙尘气溶胶源汇的全球时空变化特征.全球沙尘起沙量集中在各个主要沙漠地区,北非对全球沙尘气溶胶贡献最大为66.6%.沙尘气溶胶沉降的高值区分布... 根据全球沙尘气溶胶气候模式GEM-AQ/EC模拟的1995~2004年的沙尘起沙量和干湿沉降量,分析了沙尘气溶胶源汇的全球时空变化特征.全球沙尘起沙量集中在各个主要沙漠地区,北非对全球沙尘气溶胶贡献最大为66.6%.沙尘气溶胶沉降的高值区分布在沙漠源区及其紧临的下风地区.最大净沙尘气溶胶接收主要分布在沙漠周围地区并形成净接收量大于10t/(km2·a)的位于0°N^60°N之间的北非、欧亚大陆、西太平洋、北印度洋、北美和大西洋的带状分布.在北非、阿拉伯半岛、中亚、东亚和澳大利亚5个主要沙漠地区中,起沙量和沉降量都存在明显的季节变化,除中亚其他4个区域干湿沉降量和起沙的季节变化基本一致;东亚地区沙尘气溶胶起沙量和总沉降量的季节变化最为明显,而北非沙漠起沙量和总沉降量的季节变化最小,其他3个区域的季节变化幅度基本相同.中亚起沙峰值和阿拉伯半岛起沙次峰值出现在夏季,其他区域的峰值均出现在春季.10年间全球陆地年平均起沙量为(1500±94)Mt,保持略微上升趋势.以北非沙漠起沙量年际变化率最低(6.3%),而以东亚(28.3%)和澳大利亚(45.0%)起沙量年际变化最为明显;全球陆地的沙尘气溶胶沉降量以约9.9Mt/a的速率递减,全球海洋的沙尘气溶胶沉降递增. 展开更多
关键词 沙尘气溶胶 起沙量 干湿沉降量 模拟分析
中国各省区近10年遥感气溶胶光学厚度和变化 被引量:31
作者 郑小波 周成霞 +2 位作者 罗宇翔 陈娟 Tianliang ZHAO 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期595-599,共5页
用2000—2009年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD))资料,分析中国29个省(区、市)AOD多年平均值和年际间变化趋势。中国10年平均AOD高值区主要集中在华北、华中、华南和新疆,低值区主要在青藏高原、西北(除新疆外)、东北和西南地区。中国有1... 用2000—2009年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD))资料,分析中国29个省(区、市)AOD多年平均值和年际间变化趋势。中国10年平均AOD高值区主要集中在华北、华中、华南和新疆,低值区主要在青藏高原、西北(除新疆外)、东北和西南地区。中国有13个省(市、区)多年平均AOD超过0.4。最高为0.735(江苏)。只有西藏和黑龙江的AOD小于0.2,其余15个省区市的AOD在0.2至0.3之间。除新疆外,中国的AOD高值区全部集中在工业发达和人口密集的地区。中国年际间AOD的变化为上升趋势。近10 a来AOD增长的倾向率为0.019/10a,即增加了4.3%。其中在2000—2007年间的上升最为明显,在2007年达到近10 a来的最高峰(0.437 6),2008年以后中国的AOD开始出现下降趋势,2009年达到近10 a来最低值(0.372 0)。有17个省区市AOD气候学变化倾向率为正值,变化的范围为0.006~0.099/10a。有12个为负值,变化的范围为-0.037^-0.003/10a。出现AOD增加和减少趋势的区域两极分化,即高排放地区继续增加,低排放地区持续减少。 展开更多
关键词 中国 各省区 MODIS 气溶胶光学厚度(AOD) 变化趋势
1995~2004年东亚沙尘气溶胶的模拟源汇分布及垂直结构 被引量:15
作者 熊洁 赵天良 +1 位作者 韩永翔 Gong S L 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期961-968,共8页
利用全球气溶胶模式GEM-AQ/EC的1995-2004年10年沙尘气溶胶模拟,探讨了东亚地区沙尘气溶胶源汇分布和垂直结构特征.结果表明,东亚大陆沙尘气溶胶源区主要集中在东亚的沙漠地区,有两大沙尘主要源区:覆盖蒙古国南部及中国内蒙中西部的沙... 利用全球气溶胶模式GEM-AQ/EC的1995-2004年10年沙尘气溶胶模拟,探讨了东亚地区沙尘气溶胶源汇分布和垂直结构特征.结果表明,东亚大陆沙尘气溶胶源区主要集中在东亚的沙漠地区,有两大沙尘主要源区:覆盖蒙古国南部及中国内蒙中西部的沙漠地区和南疆的塔克拉玛干沙漠.东亚沙尘排放量春季最大,占全年排放总量的66.81%,四月份达15.29Mt,夏季下降,秋季小幅度回升,冬季最小;东亚沙尘排放量呈现明显的年际变化及增强的趋势.东亚沙尘沉降高值区与源区一致,源区及附近以干沉降为主,远距离传输到中国东北、长江以南及西太平洋包括日本、朝鲜半岛,湿沉降占主导地位;沙尘沉降具有季节变化,其趋势与东亚沙尘排放量的季节变化大致相同,且模拟的10年沉降量呈上升趋势.东亚沙漠地区排放的沙尘主导了东亚沙尘气溶胶的变化,最大的净沙尘汇区集中在紧邻净沙尘源区的黄土高原及华北平原西部.东亚地区春夏秋3个季节均是沙尘的净源区,而冬季强西风急流输入东亚以外的沙尘使东亚整体上为沙尘净接收区.东亚大陆大部分地区,沙尘垂直分布主要集中在对流层低层3km高度以下,在西太平洋地区包括日本、朝鲜半岛沙尘高值中心位于在对流层中层5km高度上下,在沙漠以北地区沙尘垂直廓线的高值出现在对流层中上层6-8km高度. 展开更多
关键词 东亚沙漠 沙尘气溶胶 气溶胶模式 垂直结构
青藏高原黑碳气溶胶传输及沉降的季节特征模拟分析 被引量:9
作者 韩永翔 孙海波 +2 位作者 刘建慧 赵天良 S.L.Gong 《干旱气象》 2014年第3期319-325,共7页
根据全球气溶胶气候模式GEM-AQ/EC的1995~2004年模拟,分析了青藏高原大气黑碳气溶胶的来源、传输及沉降季节特征。研究表明:青藏高原黑碳气溶胶主要来自自由对流层和大气边界层的输送。相对于自由对流层的黑碳输送,紧邻青藏高原的南亚... 根据全球气溶胶气候模式GEM-AQ/EC的1995~2004年模拟,分析了青藏高原大气黑碳气溶胶的来源、传输及沉降季节特征。研究表明:青藏高原黑碳气溶胶主要来自自由对流层和大气边界层的输送。相对于自由对流层的黑碳输送,紧邻青藏高原的南亚、东亚以及东南亚大气边界层的输送更有效,它形成了青藏高原由北向南、自西往东黑碳气溶胶浓度和沉降明显递增的基本分布形态。横跨欧亚大陆自由对流层的黑碳气溶胶由西向东向青藏高原的输送全年不变,夏季输送路径最北但强度最弱,冬季路径最南而强度最强。大气边界层黑碳气溶胶的输送受控于亚洲季风环流变化,来自南亚的黑碳气溶胶在春季越过孟加拉湾传输进入高原东南部,夏季则可翻越喜马拉雅山抵达青藏高原南部腹地;同时我国中部排放的黑碳气溶胶也在东亚夏季风向北扩展中驱动它从东向西往青藏高原东北部传输。从秋季到冬季,随着夏季风撤退,南亚黑碳源区向青藏高原传输衰退,东亚冬季风的反气旋性环流的南侧及西南侧的偏东风携带秋季我国东南部源区和冬季东南亚源区黑碳气溶胶向青藏高原东南部传输。受青藏高原明显的暖湿季和干冷季气候影响,干湿沉降分别主导了青藏高原冬季和夏季黑碳沉降,夏季青藏高原黑碳气溶胶沉降总量大多超过8~10 kg·km-2,在高原东北部的最高值超过40 kg·km-2。冬季青藏高原黑碳气溶胶沉降量最低,大部地区黑碳沉降低于5 kg·km-2。青藏高原黑碳沉降的冬夏季节相差约为2~8倍。 展开更多
关键词 黑碳气溶胶 青藏高原 气溶胶传输 干湿沉降 GEM-AQ EC
云贵高原近45年来日照及能见度变化及其成因初步分析 被引量:36
作者 郑小波 罗宇翔 +3 位作者 段长春 ZHAO Tian-liang 陈娟 康为民 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期992-998,共7页
利用云贵高原1961—2005年184个气象站的日照时数、总云量和能见度的观测资料,分析了高原的日照、云量、中低空水汽和能见度变化趋势。结果表明,云贵高原的总云量、中低层大气水汽含量都没有发生明显变化的条件下,有85%的台站出现日照... 利用云贵高原1961—2005年184个气象站的日照时数、总云量和能见度的观测资料,分析了高原的日照、云量、中低空水汽和能见度变化趋势。结果表明,云贵高原的总云量、中低层大气水汽含量都没有发生明显变化的条件下,有85%的台站出现日照时数减少,减少量在12.2h.(10a)-1到173.7h.(10a)-1之间。Mann-Kendall检验的结果表明:日照时数减少的台站中有63.7%的站出现突变现象,突变发生的年代从20世纪70年代开始,主要发生在80~90年代,21世纪以来这种减少现象不明显。同时年平均能见度从60年代的34km下降到目前的27km。云量、高空水汽和能见度条件分析表明,高原对流层气溶胶和污染物浓度的增加是导致日照减少的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 云贵高原 气候变化 日照 能见度 云量
云贵高原1961-2006年大气能见度和消光因素变化趋势及原因 被引量:25
作者 郑小波 王学锋 +2 位作者 罗宇翔 Tianliang Zhao 陈娟 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期314-319,共6页
根据云贵高原203个气象台站1961—2006年大气能见度、降水、相对湿度、风速和天气现象等观测资料,采用倾向率方法对能见度和大气消光系数的变化趋势进行了分析。还应用Mann-Kendall方法对>19km能见度、霾日数和消光系数的多年变化进... 根据云贵高原203个气象台站1961—2006年大气能见度、降水、相对湿度、风速和天气现象等观测资料,采用倾向率方法对能见度和大气消光系数的变化趋势进行了分析。还应用Mann-Kendall方法对>19km能见度、霾日数和消光系数的多年变化进行了气候突变检验。结果表明,有84.2%台站出现了能见度减少趋势。减少最多为-11km·10a-1,最少为-1km·10a-1。减少的平均气候倾向率在1961—1979年为0.96km·10a-1,1980—2006年为1.6km·10a-1,高原平均能见度从60年代的约34km下降到目前的约27km。另一方面,有15.8%台站能见度有增加趋势,且多集中在人类活动较为稀少的高海拔山区。有71%的台站>19km能见度频率出现减少的趋势,平均倾向率为-2%·10a-1,主要出现在高原东部和中部人口和工业稠密区。该地区同时也出现霾日增加的现象。Mann-Kendall检测结果表明,>19km能见度频率减少和霾日数增加现象出现突变的时间相同。年平均消光系数发生突变的时间稍推后。认为能见度下降、消光因素增加的原因与人为排放污染物浓度增加有密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 能见度 消光系数 霾日 气溶胶 云贵高原 大气污染
Investigation on emission factors of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants from crop residue burning 被引量:62
作者 CAO Guoliang ZHANG Xiaoye +1 位作者 GONG Sunling ZHENG Fangcheng 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期50-55,共6页
Emission factors of particulate matter (PM), element carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, and ten ions (Na^+, NH4^+, K^+, Mg^2+, Ca^2+, Fˉ, Clˉ, NO2ˉ, NO3ˉ, SO42ˉ) were estimated from... Emission factors of particulate matter (PM), element carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, and ten ions (Na^+, NH4^+, K^+, Mg^2+, Ca^2+, Fˉ, Clˉ, NO2ˉ, NO3ˉ, SO42ˉ) were estimated from the domestic burning of four types of commonly produced crop residues in rural China: rice straw, wheat straw, corn stover, and cotton stalk, which were collected from the representative regions across China. A combustion tower was designed to simulate the cooking conditions under which the peasants burned their crop residues in rural China, to measure the emission factors. Results showed that wheat straw had the highest emission factor for the total PM (8.75 g/kg) among the four crop residues, whereas, corn stover and wheat straw have the highest emission factor for EC (0.95 g/kg) and OC (3.46 g/kg), respectively. Corn stover also presents as having the highest emission factors of NO, NOx, and CO2, whereas, wheat straw, rice straw, and cotton stalk had the highest emission factors of NO2, SO2, and CO, respectively. The water-soluble ions, K^+ and Clˉ, had the highest emission factors from all the crops. Wheat straw had a relatively higher emission factor of cation species and Fˉ, Clˉ, NO2ˉ than other residues. 展开更多
关键词 rural China crop residues combustion tower emission factor
Chemical Composition of PM_(2.5) at an Urban Site of Chengdu in Southwestern China 被引量:23
作者 陶俊 成天涛 +5 位作者 张仁健 曹军骥 朱李华 王启元 罗磊 张雷鸣 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期1070-1084,共15页
PM2.5 aerosols were sampled in urban Chengdu from April 2009 to January 2010, and their chemical compositions were characterized in detail for elements, water soluble inorganic ions, and carbonaceous mat- ter. The ann... PM2.5 aerosols were sampled in urban Chengdu from April 2009 to January 2010, and their chemical compositions were characterized in detail for elements, water soluble inorganic ions, and carbonaceous mat- ter. The annual average of PM2.5 was 165 btg m a, which is generally higher than measurements in other Chinese cities, suggesting serious particulate pollution issues in the city. Water soluble ions contributed 43.5% to the annual total PM2.5 mass, carbonaceous aerosols including elemental carbon and organic car- bon contributed 32.0%, and trace elements contributed 13.8~0. Distinct daily and seasonal variations were observed in the mass concentrations of PM2.5 and its components, reflecting the seasonal variations of dif- ferent anthropogenic and natural sources. Weakly acidic to neutral particles were found for PMz5. Major sources of PM2.u identified from source apportionment analysis included coal combustion, traffic exhaust, biomass burning, soil dust, and construction dust emissions. The low nitrate: sulfate ratio suggested that stationary emissions were more important than vehicle emissions. The reconstructed masses of ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, particulate carbonaceous matter, and fine soil accounted for 79% of the total measured PM2.5 mass; they also accounted for 92% of the total measured particle scattering. 展开更多
关键词 water soluble ions carbonaceous matters trace elements enrichment factor source appor tionment mass closure
Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties in the Beijing Urban Area in Summer 被引量:6
作者 JING Jun-Shan ZHANG Ren-Jian +1 位作者 TAO Jun ZHANG Lei-Ming 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第6期338-343,共6页
To investigate aerosol optical properties in the Beijing metropolitan area, aerosol absorption coefficient (Ab), scattering coefficient (So), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were measured in the Beijing urba... To investigate aerosol optical properties in the Beijing metropolitan area, aerosol absorption coefficient (Ab), scattering coefficient (So), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were measured in the Beijing urban area from 20 May to 30 August 2009. The average Ab, So, single scat- tering albedo (SSA), and PM2.5 concentration were 58.0±39.5 M m^-1, 343.5±353.7 M m 1, 0.80±0.10 and 63.6+50.0 μg m^-3, respectively, during the observation period. Ab, Sc, and SSA all showed single peak diurnal variations, with their maximum values being measured at 0500, 1000, and 1300 local time, respectively. Ab and Sc had a strong positive correlation with PM2.5, and Ab, Sc, and PM25 all had positive correlations with relative humidity and negative correlations with wind speed. 展开更多
关键词 optical properties fine particulate matter meteorological conditions
Trends in sunshine duration and atmospheric visibility in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,1961-2005 被引量:4
作者 XiaoBo Zheng TianLiang Zhao +2 位作者 YuXiang Luo ChangChun Duan Juan Chen 《Research in Cold and Arid Regions》 2011年第2期179-184,共6页
Using the observed data from 184 stations over the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (YGP) from 1961 to 2005, the long-term trends in sunshine duration, cloud amount, dry visibility (Vd), dry extinction, and water vapor over... Using the observed data from 184 stations over the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (YGP) from 1961 to 2005, the long-term trends in sunshine duration, cloud amount, dry visibility (Vd), dry extinction, and water vapor over the YGP are analyzed. The results show that 85% of the stations recorded shortening annual sunshine duration, with the decrease rates between -12.2 and -173.7 h/10yr. Results of Mann-Kendall tests indicate that, among the stations with decreasing sunshine duration, 63.7% of them experienced an abrupt change that started in the 1970s and peaked in the 1980s. This decreasing trend has reversed in the early years of the 21st century. The cloud cover and water vapor content in the mid and lower levels over the YGP had no obvious changes during the study period. The annual averages of Vd declined from 34 km in the 1960s to 27 km at present. The annual mean dry extinction coefficient trended upward, from 0.176 to 0.190, on the YGP from 1980 to 2005. Analyses of cloud cover, water vapor, atmospheric visibility, and dry extinction coefficient revealed that emitted tropospheric aerosols (including air pollutants) resulting from increased energy consumption over the YGP could be a major Factor influencing the reductions of sunshine duration and atmospheric visibility. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau climatic change sunshine duration VISIBILITY cloudy cover
A new approach to quantifying vehicle induced turbulence for complex traffic scenarios 被引量:3
作者 Yesul Kim Li Huang +1 位作者 Sunling Gong Charles Q.Jia 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期71-78,共8页
Traffic-related pollutants adversely affect air quality, especially in regions near major roadways. The vehicleinduced turbulence(VIT) is a significant factor that controls the initial dilution, dispersion, and ultima... Traffic-related pollutants adversely affect air quality, especially in regions near major roadways. The vehicleinduced turbulence(VIT) is a significant factor that controls the initial dilution, dispersion, and ultimately the chemical and physical fate of pollutants by altering the conditions in the microenvironment. This study used a computational fluid dynamics(CFD) software FLUENT to model the vehicle-induced turbulence(VIT) generated on roadways, with a focus on impact of vehicle-vehicle interactions, traffic density and vehicle composition on turbulent kinetic energy(TKE). We show, for the first time, that the overall TKE from multiple vehicles traveling in series can be estimated by superimposing the TKE of each vehicle, without considering the distance between them while the distance is greater than one vehicle length. This finding is particularly significant since it enables a new approach to VIT simulations where the overall TKE is calculated as a function of number of vehicles. We found that the interactions between vehicles traveling next to each other in adjacent lanes are insignificant,regardless the directions of the traffic flow. Consequently, simulations of different traffic scenarios can be substantially simplified by treating two-way traffic as one-way traffic, with less than 5% difference in the overall volume-averaged TKE. We also developed equations that allow the estimation of the overall volume-averaged TKE as a function of the number and the type of vehicles. 展开更多
关键词 Computational fluid dynamics Turbulent kinetic energy Vehicle-induced turbulence Road-induced turbulence Mixed traffic
Seasonal variations of mass absorption efficiency of elemental carbon in PM_(2.5) in urban Guangzhou of South China 被引量:1
作者 Chenglei Pei Yunfei Wu +4 位作者 Jun Tao Leiming Zhang Tao Zhang Runqi Zhang Sheng Li 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第11期83-92,共10页
This study investigates seasonal variations of mass absorption efficiency of elemental carbon(MAE_(EC))and possible influencing factors in urban Guangzhou of South China.Mass concentrations of elemental carbon(EC)and ... This study investigates seasonal variations of mass absorption efficiency of elemental carbon(MAE_(EC))and possible influencing factors in urban Guangzhou of South China.Mass concentrations of elemental carbon(EC)and organic carbon(OC)in PM_(2.5) and aerosol absorption coefficient(b_(ap))at multi-wavelengths were simultaneously measured in four seasons of 2018-2019 at hourly resolution by a semi-continuous carbon analyzer and an aethalometer.Seasonal average mass concentrations of EC were in the range of 1.36-1.70μgC/m^(3) with a lower value in summer than in the other seasons,while those of OC were in the range of 4.70–6.49μgC/m^(3) with the lowest value in summer and the highest in autumn.Vehicle exhaust from local traffic was identified to be the predominant source of carbonaceous aerosols.The average aerosol absorption Angstrom exponents(AAE)were lower than 1.2 in four seasons,indicating EC and b_(ap) were closely related with vehicle exhaust.Seasonal MAE EC at 550 nm was 11.0,8.5,10.4 and 11.3 m^(2)/g in spring,summer,autumn,and winter,respectively.High MAE EC was related with the high mass ratio of non-carbonaceous aerosols to EC and high ambient relative humidity. 展开更多
关键词 Vehicle exhaust Non-carbonaceous aerosols Absorption enhancement Relative humidity
A database of modeled gridded dry deposition velocities for 45 gaseous species and three particle size ranges across North America
作者 Leiming Zhang Zhuanshi He +3 位作者 Zhiyong Wu Anne Marie Macdonald Jeffrey R.Brook Shailesh Kharol 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第5期264-272,共9页
The dry deposition process refers to the flux loss of an atmospheric pollutant due to uptake of the pollutant by the earth’s surfaces.Dry deposition flux of a chemical species is typically calculated as the product o... The dry deposition process refers to the flux loss of an atmospheric pollutant due to uptake of the pollutant by the earth’s surfaces.Dry deposition flux of a chemical species is typically calculated as the product of its surface-layer concentration and its dry deposition velocity(V_(d)).Field measurement based V_(d) data are very scarce or do not exist for many chemical species considered in chemistry transport models.In the present study,gaseous and particulate dry deposition schemes were applied to generate a database of hourly V_(d) for 45 gaseous species and three particle size ranges for two years(2016–2017)at a 15 kmby 15 km horizontal resolution across North America.Hourly V_(d) of the 45 gaseous species ranged from<0.001 to 4.6 cm/sec across the whole domain,with chemical species-dependentmedian(mean)values being in the range of 0.018–1.37 cm/sec(0.05–1.43 cm/sec).The spatial distributions of the two-year average V_(d) showed values higher than 1–3 cm/sec for those soluble and reactive species over certain land types.Soluble species have the highest V_(d) over water surfaces,while insoluble but reactive species have the highest V_(d) over forests.Hourly V_(d) of PM_(2.5) across the whole domain ranged from 0.039 to 0.75 cm/sec with median(mean)value of 0.18(0.20)cm s^(−1),while the mean V_(d) for PM_(2.5)–10 is twice that of PM_(2.5).Uncertainties in the modeled V_(d) are typically on the order of a factor of 2.0 or larger,which needs to be considered when applying the dataset in other studies. 展开更多
关键词 Air quality modeling Atmospheric pollutant Atmospheric deposition Dry deposition velocity Spatiotemporal distribution
中国区域主要颗粒物及污染气体的排放源清单 被引量:115
作者 曹国良 张小曳 +2 位作者 龚山陵 安兴琴 王亚强 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期261-268,共8页
利用政府部门公布的最新数据,包括社会-经济数据、化石燃料和生物质燃料消耗数据等,同时采用一些新的、中国特有的排放因子,计算了中国大陆2007年高时空分辨率的颗粒物及污染气体的排放源清单.计算的年排放量分别是:PM2.51321.2万吨,BC1... 利用政府部门公布的最新数据,包括社会-经济数据、化石燃料和生物质燃料消耗数据等,同时采用一些新的、中国特有的排放因子,计算了中国大陆2007年高时空分辨率的颗粒物及污染气体的排放源清单.计算的年排放量分别是:PM2.51321.2万吨,BC139.9万吨,OC294.6万吨,SO23158.4万吨,NOx2324.8万吨,NH31601.7.0万吨,CO16485.6万吨,VOCs3546.4万吨.计算出的全国和各地区的排放量采用0.5°×0.5°的网格来图示,表明沿海地区及部分中部地区的排放强度明显高于西部地区;部分污染物的排放具有较强的季节性,主要是由于自然因素及居民采暖、农业秸秆的露天焚烧的季节性等所致.分析对比表明,本文计算的排放结果与其他清单基本相当,但在不同污染物分类别的排放量上则不尽相同;估算误差相对以往清单小. 展开更多
关键词 中国大陆 颗粒物 污染气体 排放清单 季节性
沙尘直接辐射效应对东亚地气系统的影响 被引量:6
作者 王宏 赵天良 +1 位作者 张小曳 龚山陵 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期858-868,共11页
基于东亚-北太平洋地区太阳高度角在春季乃至由冬季到夏季的逐日变化规律,选取2001年春季发生的3次典型沙尘暴为例,利用包含详细气溶胶辐射参数化方案的大气辐射传输模型,模拟研究了该地区太阳高度角的变化对东亚-北太平洋地区沙尘直接... 基于东亚-北太平洋地区太阳高度角在春季乃至由冬季到夏季的逐日变化规律,选取2001年春季发生的3次典型沙尘暴为例,利用包含详细气溶胶辐射参数化方案的大气辐射传输模型,模拟研究了该地区太阳高度角的变化对东亚-北太平洋地区沙尘直接辐射效应的可能影响.研究结果表明,在沙尘暴爆发时间从春初(或冬季)到春末(或夏季)的变化过程中,由于该地区太阳高度角逐渐增大,导致沙尘在大气顶晴空正辐射强迫值增加、负辐射强迫值降低甚至转变为正强迫.具体表现为:在地表反照率低的海洋上空,春初到春末太阳高度角的增加使得沙尘在大气顶负辐射强迫的值由大变小,即对地气系统由较强的降温转变为较弱的降温作用;在地表反照率较高的沙漠及其周边地区,春初到春末太阳高度角的增加导致沙尘在大气顶辐射强迫由负值转变为正值,即对地气系统由辐射降温逆转为辐射增温.云天辐射强迫的研究结果与晴空类似,但低云的存在相当于在一定程度上增加了地表反照率,它一方面使得沙漠上空沙尘层由冷却地气系统到加热地气系统这一逆转过程发生的日期提前,也导致了沙尘在海洋上空负的辐射强迫比晴空时随着太阳高度的增加减小得更为明显,甚至局部地区因为低云的存在由弱的负强迫变为弱的正强迫.这一研究结果说明,在东亚沙漠附近地区,即便是同等强度的沙尘暴事件,因为发生的日期不同,太阳高度角不同,沙尘层在大气顶的辐射强迫和对地气系统的影响也会因此不同甚至相反.沙尘暴发生的时间越靠近初春或冬季,在沙漠附近,沙尘在大气顶辐射强迫越倾向为负值,对地气系统表现为降温作用,沙尘暴发生时间越靠近春末或夏季,由于太阳高度角的增大,沙尘在大气顶越容易产生正辐射强迫,对地气系统表现为增温作用.简而言之,即在东亚沙漠源区附近,沙尘直接辐射效应可能呈现"春初(冬季)降温,春末(夏季)增温"的特征. 展开更多
关键词 太阳高度角 辐射传输模式 辐射强迫 沙尘暴
Emission inventories of primary particles and pollutant gases for China 被引量:65
作者 CAO GuoLiang ZHANG XiaoYe +2 位作者 GONG SunLing AN XinQin WANG YaQiang 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期781-788,共8页
Detailed high-resolution emission inventories of primary particles(PM2.5,BC and OC) and pollutant gases(SO2,NOx,NH3,CO and VOCs) for China in 2007 were constructed on the basis of the latest fuel consumption data,most... Detailed high-resolution emission inventories of primary particles(PM2.5,BC and OC) and pollutant gases(SO2,NOx,NH3,CO and VOCs) for China in 2007 were constructed on the basis of the latest fuel consumption data,mostly at the county level,and from socio-economic statistics and data on fossil and biomass fuels obtained from government agencies.New emission factors reflecting local features were also used.The calculated emissions were 13.212 Mt PM2.5,1.4 Mt BC,2.946 Mt OC,31.584 Mt SO2,23.248 Mt NOx,16.017 Mt NH3,164.856 Mt CO and 35.464 Mt VOCs.The national and regional emissions were gridded with 0.5°× 0.5° resolution for use in air quality models.Larger emissions were found in eastern and central China than in western China.The emissions estimated here are roughly equal to those obtained in previous studies,but with different contributions from because of seasonal changes in residential heating and biomass combustion.Finally,uncertainties in inventories were analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 排放清单 污染气体 初级粒子 中国 挥发性有机化合物 空气质量模型 二氧化硫 氮氧化物
Observation and analysis of near-surface atmospheric aerosol optical properties in urban Beijing 被引量:16
作者 Junshan Jing Yunfei Wu +6 位作者 Jun Tao Huizheng Che Xiangao Xia Xiaochun Zhang Peng Yan Deming Zhao Leiming Zhang 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期144-154,共11页
Year-round measurements of the mass concentration and optical properties of fine aerosols (PM2s) from June 2009 to May 2010 at an urban site in Beijing were analyzed. The annual mean values of the PM2.5 mass concent... Year-round measurements of the mass concentration and optical properties of fine aerosols (PM2s) from June 2009 to May 2010 at an urban site in Beijing were analyzed. The annual mean values of the PM2.5 mass concentration, absorption coefficient (Ab), scattering coefficient (Sc) and single scattering albedo (SSA) at 525 nm were 67 ± 66 μg/m^3, 64 ± 62 Mm^-1, 360±405 Mm^-1 and 0.82±0.09, respectively. The bulk mass absorption efficiency and scattering efficiency of the PM2.5 at 525 nm were 0.78 m^2/g and 5.55 m^2]g, respectively. The Ab and Sc showed a similar diurnal variation with a maximum at night and a minimum in the afternoon, whereas SSA displayed an opposite diurnal pattern. Significant increases in the Ab and Sc were observed in pollution episodes caused by the accumulation of pollutants from both local and regional sources under unfavorable weather conditions. Aerosol loadings in dust events increased by several times in the spring, which had limited effects on the Ab and Sc due to the low absorption and scattering efficiency of dust particles. The frequency of haze days was the highest in autumn because of the high aerosol absorption and scattering under unfavorable weather conditions. The daily PM2.5 concentration should be controlled to a level lower than 64 μg/m^3 to prevent the occurrence of haze days according to its exponentially decreased relationship with visibility. 展开更多
关键词 PM2.5 Aerosol optical properties HAZE VISIBILITY
Dust direct radiative effects on the earth-atmosphere system over east Asia:Early spring cooling and late spring warming 被引量:4
作者 WANG Hong ZHAO TianLiang +1 位作者 ZHANG XiaoYe GONG SunLing 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期1020-1030,共11页
Focusing on three dust storms occurring in spring 2001,we developed a detailed aerosol parameterization scheme and integrated it in a radiative transfer model to characterize possible impacts of solar altitude angle o... Focusing on three dust storms occurring in spring 2001,we developed a detailed aerosol parameterization scheme and integrated it in a radiative transfer model to characterize possible impacts of solar altitude angle on dust direct radiative effects over China desert regions and the North Pacific,using actual daily solar altitude angles.Increasing solar altitude angle from early spring (or winter) to late spring (or summer) leads to increase of positive clear sky radiative forcing,and decrease of negative radiative forcing due to dust aerosols at the top of the atmosphere.Because solar altitude angle increases from early to late spring,dust-clear sky radiative forcing may change from negative to positive at the top of atmosphere,showing a change from cooling to heating of the earth-atmosphere system over high-albedo deserts and nearby regions.Over low-albedo ocean negative clear sky radiative forcing by dust may decrease,suggesting a change from strong to weak cooling on the earth-atmosphere system.The impacts of solar altitude angle on cloudy sky radiative forcing due to dust are similar to those of clear sky.Impacts of low cloud on dust radiative forcing are the same as increasing surface albedo.This causes the transition of dust cooling effects into heating effects over deserts to occur earlier,and causes decrease of negative radiative forcing over the ocean and even cause a change from weak negative radiative forcing to weak positive forcing over local areas.Even in the same East Asian desert regions and nearby areas,the strength and sign of the radiative forcings depend on storm dates and thus solar altitude angle.The nearer to early spring (or winter) a dust storm occurs,the easier it leads to negative radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere,which indicates cooling effects on the earth-atmosphere system.In contrast,the nearer to late spring (or summer) a dust storm occurs,the easier it leads to positive radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere,showing heating effects.Over East Asian deserts and nearby regions,dust layers may be regarded as cooling sources in early spring (winter) and warming sources in late spring (summer). 展开更多
关键词 大气系统 辐射效应 冷却效果 东亚地区 气候变暖 粉尘层 地球 早春
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