Insomnia, also called hyposomnia, refers to the disorder characterized by failure to obtain a normal sleep. For mild cases, the patients are slow to go into sleep, or in an oneirism or with very short sleep. For sever...Insomnia, also called hyposomnia, refers to the disorder characterized by failure to obtain a normal sleep. For mild cases, the patients are slow to go into sleep, or in an oneirism or with very short sleep. For severe cases, the patients can only have a sleep of 2 to 3 hours or even no sleep during the night, which inserts a serious impact on the normal life of the patients. Using Shenmen (HT 7) and Benshen (GB 13) as the main points, the author has treated 28 cases of insomnia with quick and satisfactory therapeutic effect. A report follows.展开更多
文摘Insomnia, also called hyposomnia, refers to the disorder characterized by failure to obtain a normal sleep. For mild cases, the patients are slow to go into sleep, or in an oneirism or with very short sleep. For severe cases, the patients can only have a sleep of 2 to 3 hours or even no sleep during the night, which inserts a serious impact on the normal life of the patients. Using Shenmen (HT 7) and Benshen (GB 13) as the main points, the author has treated 28 cases of insomnia with quick and satisfactory therapeutic effect. A report follows.