Uranium,as one of twenty-six kinds of important minerals in China,is strategic resource and energy mineral,which has been thoroughly investigated in the project of National Potential Evaluation of Uranium Resource.Dur...Uranium,as one of twenty-six kinds of important minerals in China,is strategic resource and energy mineral,which has been thoroughly investigated in the project of National Potential Evaluation of Uranium Resource.During the implementation of this project,the authors summarized the metallogenic regularity of uranium resource in China systematically,through the researches of geological characteristics of uranium resource,uranium deposits type(genetic and prediction type),temporal and spatial distribution,and metallogenic series.Based on the investigation of present situation and progress in uranium exploration,this paper proposes the uranium deposits in China should be divided into 4 classes,9 types,21 subtypes in genetic,and 50 types in prediction;suggests to divide China into 29 uranium metallogenic belts and 20 uranium prospective area,and constructs 20uranium-polymetallic metallogenic series,through summarizing temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and metallogenic regularity of uranium deposits in China.The above research is beneficial to the comprehensive understanding of regional uranium metallogenic regularity,and will direct the uranium exploration in the future.展开更多
This study analyzed the composition and uranium valence of pitchblendes sampled from the hydrothermal Guidong and Zhuguang uranium deposits of the middle Nanling metallogenic belt, Southern China using X-ray photoelec...This study analyzed the composition and uranium valence of pitchblendes sampled from the hydrothermal Guidong and Zhuguang uranium deposits of the middle Nanling metallogenic belt, Southern China using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).A revolutionary discovery is that the uranium not only exists in the forms of tetravalent and hexavalent uranium oxides, but also occurs in the form of native uranium.This is the first discovery of the existence of native uranium in nature.It greatly helps to reveal the origin of hydrothermal mineralization of uranium, and also has great significance for studying the thermal energy, formation and evolution of the earth.展开更多
This paper deals with the metallogenic model of the sandstone type uranium deposit in the northeastern Ordos Basin from aspects of uranium source, migration and deposition. A superposition metallogenic model has been ...This paper deals with the metallogenic model of the sandstone type uranium deposit in the northeastern Ordos Basin from aspects of uranium source, migration and deposition. A superposition metallogenic model has been established due to complex uranium mineralization processes with superposition of oil-gas reduction and thermal reformation.展开更多
This paper presents a systematic study of major and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotopes in leucogranites closely related to uranium mineralization in the Gaudeanmus area, Namibia. The results illustrate that the uranife...This paper presents a systematic study of major and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotopes in leucogranites closely related to uranium mineralization in the Gaudeanmus area, Namibia. The results illustrate that the uraniferous leucogranites possess high SiO2 (68.8wt%-76.0wt%, average 73.1wt%) and K (4.05wt%-7.78wt%, average 5.94wt%) contents, and are sub-alkaline and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, as reflected by A/CNK values of 0.96-1.07 with an average of 1.01. The leucogranites are rich in light rare earth elements (LREE/HREE = 2.53-7.71; (La/Yb)s = 2.14-10.40), have moderate Eu depletion and high Rb/Sr ratios (2.03-5.50 with an average of 4.36); meanwhile, they are enriched in Rb, K, Th, U and Pb, and depleted in Ba, Nb, Ta, and Sr. The tNd(t) values of uraninites range from -14.8 to -16.5, and the two-stage Nd model ages are 2.43-2.56 Ga. Detailed elemental and Sm-Nd isotopic geochemical characteristics suggest that the leucogranites were formed in a post- orogenic extensional environment. The U-rich pre-Damara basement was the main source of uranium during the primary mineralization event, which is disseminated in leucogranites, whereas the uranium mineralization in veins possibly resulted from remobilization of the primary uranium minerals.展开更多
The Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic movement largely controls the northwest region of the Junggar Basin(NWJB), which is a significant area for the exploration of petroleum and sandstone-type uranium deposits in China. T...The Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic movement largely controls the northwest region of the Junggar Basin(NWJB), which is a significant area for the exploration of petroleum and sandstone-type uranium deposits in China. This work collected six samples from this sedimentary basin and surrounding mountains to conduct apatite fission track(AFT) dating, and utilized the dating results for thermochronological modeling to reconstruct the uplift history of the NWJB and its response to hydrocarbon migration and uranium mineralization. The results indicate that a single continuous uplift event has occurred since the Early Cretaceous, showing spatiotemporal variation in the uplift and exhumation patterns throughout the NWJB. Uplift and exhumation initiated in the northwest and then proceeded to the southeast, suggesting that the fault system induced a post spread-thrust nappe into the basin during the Late Yanshanian. Modeling results indicate that the NWJB mountains have undergone three distinct stages of rapid cooling: Early Cretaceous(ca. 140–115 Ma), Late Cretaceous(ca. 80–60 Ma), and Miocene–present(since ca. 20 Ma). These three stages regionally correspond to the LhasaEurasian collision during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous(ca. 140–125 Ma), the Lhasa-Gandise collision during the Late Cretaceous(ca. 80–70 Ma), and a remote response to the India-Asian collision since ca. 55 Ma, respectively. These tectonic events also resulted in several regional unconformities between the J3/K1, K2/E, and E/N, and three large-scale hydrocarbon injection events in the Piedmont Thrust Belt(PTB). Particularly, the hydrocarbon charge event during the Early Cretaceous resulted in the initial inundation and protection of paleo-uranium ore bodies that were formed during the Middle–Late Jurassic. The uplift and denudation of the PTB was extremely slow from 40 Ma onward due to a slight influence from the Himalayan orogeny. However, the uplift of the PTB was faster after the Miocene, which led to re-uplift and exposure at the surface during the Quaternary, resulting in its oxidation and the formation of small uranium ore bodies.展开更多
According to the oxidation intensity of ore-hosting sandstone, the interlayer oxidation zone of the Shihongtan sandstone-type uranium deposit in the Turpan-Hami basin can be divided into 4 geochemical subzones, namely...According to the oxidation intensity of ore-hosting sandstone, the interlayer oxidation zone of the Shihongtan sandstone-type uranium deposit in the Turpan-Hami basin can be divided into 4 geochemical subzones, namely, intenselyoxidized, weakly-oxidized, redox and unoxidized primary subzones. The elemental geochemical characteristics of the four subzones have been studied in detail, and the results show that U, together with other elements such as Re, Mo, Se, Sr, S, REE, Corganic etc., is enriched in the redox subzone. Re and U have similar geochemical properties in the reductionoxidation process. The geochemical properties of Mo and Se are similar to those of U in the reduction condition, but different from those of U in the oxidation condition. It is proposed that the ore-hosting layers can provide a curtain mount of uranium for uranium mineralization.展开更多
The Mengqiguer deposit in the southern Yili basin Ili Basin is a large interlayer-oxidation-zone type uranium deposit.In this paper,we applied multiple methods including microscopic observation,scanning electron micro...The Mengqiguer deposit in the southern Yili basin Ili Basin is a large interlayer-oxidation-zone type uranium deposit.In this paper,we applied multiple methods including microscopic observation,scanning electron microscope and electronic probe,to analyze the systematical alteration characteristics of the ore-bearing sandstone layer.Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies on the ore-bearing sandstone have also been carried out to discuss the internal relations between fluid activities,epigenetic alteration and the uranium mineralization.Major epigenetic alteration include clay alteration,carbonatization and pyritization,of which biogenetic pyritization is most closely related to the uranium mineralization.This suggests the existence of microorganism during the uranium mineralization process.The mineralization fluids of low temperature,medium density but varied salinities are suggested to be derived from multi-source,including the meteoric water and organic acidic vapor components from coal-bearing strata.Uranium mineralization,grain-dispersed kaolinite,limonite,colloidal pyrite,and the carbonate cements associated with sulfate-reducing bacteria were formed by meteoric water and vermicular-shaped kaolinite,autologous pyrite,and the carbonate cementation associated with the dehydroxylation of organic matter was formed by organic acidic.Based on these results,we consider that the uranium mineralization and epigenetic alteration both resulted from the reciprocity of organic–inorganic fluid and fluid–rock during the formation of the interlayer oxidation zone.展开更多
Objective The Guangshigou uranium deposit is located in the eastern part of the Shangdan triangular domain, which is currently the most productive pegmatite-hosted uranium deposit in China. Previous studies have focus...Objective The Guangshigou uranium deposit is located in the eastern part of the Shangdan triangular domain, which is currently the most productive pegmatite-hosted uranium deposit in China. Previous studies have focused on the migration and precipitation of uraninite and biotite clusters in the uraniferous pegmatites(Li Yanhe et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2018). However, the accurate uranium mineralization age still remains poorly constrained, thus展开更多
Meso-Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic processes in the Tian Shan orogenic belt have significant effect on the sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the intramontane basins and those adjacent to the orogen. The Sawafu...Meso-Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic processes in the Tian Shan orogenic belt have significant effect on the sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the intramontane basins and those adjacent to the orogen. The Sawafuqi uranium deposit, which is located in the South Tian Shan orogenic belt, is investigated to reveal the relationships between uranium mineralization and orogenies. Recent exploration results show that the Sawafuqi uranium deposit has tabular, stratiform, quasi-stratiform, and lens-like orebodies and various geological characteristics different from typical interlayer oxidation zone sandstone-hosted uranium deposits. Systematic studies of ore samples from the Sawafuqi uranium deposit using a variety of techniques, including thin section observation, a-track radiograph, electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope, suggest that uranium mineralization is closely related to pyrite and organic matter. Mineralization-related alterations in the host rocks are mainly silicification and argillation including kaolinite, illite (and illite-smectite mixed layer) and chlorite. Tree stages of mineralization were identified in the Sawafuqi uranium deposit: (i) uranium-bearing detritus and synsedimentary initial pre-enrichment; (ii) interlayer oxidization zone uranium mineralization; and (iii) vein-type uranium mineralization. The synsedimentary uranium pre-enrichment represents an early uranium enrichment in the Sawafuqi uranium deposit, and interlayer oxidation zone uranium mineralization formed the main orebodies, which are superimposed by the vein-type uranium mineralization. Combining the results of this study with previous studies on the Meso-Cenozoic orogenies of South Tian Shan, it is proposed that the synsedimentary uranium pre-enrichment of the Sawafuqi uranium deposit was caused by Triassic Tian Shan uplift, and the interlayer oxidation zone uranium mineralization occurred during the Eocence-Oligocene period, when tectonism was relatively quiet, whereas the vein-type uranium mineralization took place in relation to the strong orogeny of South Tian Shan since Miocene.展开更多
The middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation in the Dongsheng is comprised of a big set of green sandstone/mudstone with most of uranium orebodies occurring in close proximity to its footwall.By synthesizing field observation...The middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation in the Dongsheng is comprised of a big set of green sandstone/mudstone with most of uranium orebodies occurring in close proximity to its footwall.By synthesizing field observations,region analysis,data collected from previous coal and uranium borehole,a regional north-south geological profile across the entire orefield is conducted.Experiments on sandstone/mudstone including rock mineral identification,clastic micromorphology and element geochemistry were carried out.Information from the geological profile indicates that green sandstone/mudstone is widely present in a stable horizon with clear boundaries to the country rock.Microscopic observations and geochemical data on sandstone/mudstone exhibit similar mineral composition with almost identical slightly flat,minor Eu enriched,Ce depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns.Furthermore,the green clay membrane of the clasts has a complex composition containing chlorite/smectite,green smectite,chlorite,and green kaolinite,with elements including Fe,Mg,Si,and Al.These above results indicate that the green sandstone/mudstone underwent resemble sedimentary diagenetic processes as the country rock without transformation by large-scale regional fluid,while the existence of Fe2+-rich membrane is the main factor to the green sandstone/mudstone.Further concentration of the pre-enrichment uranium during diagenetic process led to the final formation for uranium deposits.The above studies are conducive to enrich the metallogenic mechanism of sandstone type uranium deposits and could provide certain reference for uranium exploration and deployment.展开更多
In the southwestern margin of the Ordos Basin,uranium mineralization is primarily hosted by predominantly oxidative red clastic formations in the Lower Cretaceous.The main target layers for uranium exploration are the...In the southwestern margin of the Ordos Basin,uranium mineralization is primarily hosted by predominantly oxidative red clastic formations in the Lower Cretaceous.The main target layers for uranium exploration are the Madongshan and Liwaxia formations of the Liupanshan Group,followed by the Jingchuan Formation of the Zhidan Group.The host rocks(medium-fine feldspar quartz sandstone),which are bleached to a light grayish white color,contain a minor organic matter component and pyrite.Uranium mineralization changes from surficial infiltration or phreatic oxidation in the upper part to interlayer oxidation in the lower part.Uranium ore bodies are mostly lenticular or tabular in shape,locally shaped like crescent rolls.Individual ore bodies are typically small and shallow.Uranium predominantly manifests as pitchblende and coffinite.Coffinite is usually short and columnar or granular in habit,whereas pitchblende occurs as an irregular colloidal covering on the surface or in fissures of ferric oxide,silicate,clay or carbonate.Secondary uranium minerals are torbernite,uranophane,and uranopilite.Minerals associated with uranium are mainly pyrite,chalcopyrite and,to a minor extent,arsenopyrite and fluorite.The associated elements are Mo,V,Se,Co,Ni,and Mn,the host sandstone being high in Cu and Ba.Overall,the red clastic formations in the southwestern margin of the Ordos Basin are characterized by’five multiples but one low’which means multiple target layers,multiple stages of mineralization,multiple ore body shapes,multiple kinds of uranium minerals,multiple associated elements,but low organic matter.This implies an overall complex uranium metallogenic environment and mineralization process.It is recommended that future uranium exploration should take into consideration regional metallogenic conditions and mineralization features,with target layers in the wide-smooth synclinal slope being focused on.Most uranium deposits are small to medium in size,and the main type of uranium mineralization can vary by target layer.展开更多
Objective The Hengjian uranium deposit is a typical hydrothermal deposit in the Xiangshan uranium ore field.The uranium mineralization ages of the Xiangshan deposits are poorly constrained,and only a few mineralizatio...Objective The Hengjian uranium deposit is a typical hydrothermal deposit in the Xiangshan uranium ore field.The uranium mineralization ages of the Xiangshan deposits are poorly constrained,and only a few mineralization ages using the pitchblende U–Pb method have been published.These ages are commonly discordant and dispersed for abundant inclusions and an open U–Pb system.Zircon grains after strong hydrothermal alteration are usually characterized by high common Pb contents,and their U–Pb isochron ages recorded the hydrothermal alteration event without interference of common Pb components.The Hengjian gray/grayish-green granite porphyry experienced strong alteration by hydrothermal fluids during the pervasive uranium mineralization in the Xiangshan uranium ore field.Uranium mineralization in the Hengjian deposit may had different stages,and strong hydromicatization alteration occurred at a relatively early stage.Their altered zircon U–Pb isochron ages possibly represent relatively early mineralization age of the Xiangshan uranium deposits.Altered zircon grains from the Hengjian granite porphyry were analyzed using the secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS)U-Pb method in this study,and U–Pb isochron ages were measured to constrain the relatively early mineralization age of the Hengjian uranium deposit.展开更多
The Bayinqinggeli deposit in the northern Ordos Basin, northwestern of China, is a recently discovered sandstone-type uranium deposit. The uranium(U) orebodies are generally hosted in the lower member of the Jurassic ...The Bayinqinggeli deposit in the northern Ordos Basin, northwestern of China, is a recently discovered sandstone-type uranium deposit. The uranium(U) orebodies are generally hosted in the lower member of the Jurassic Zhiluo Formation(Fm.), and are primarily tabular or irregular in shape. In the study area, 23 sandstone samples were collected from the Zhiluo Fm. and analyzed for major, trace, and rare earth elements(REEs). The geochemical characteristics of these sandstones are used to evaluate the factors controlling U mineralization. The source rocks of the Zhiluo Fm. sandstones are mainly volcanic and felsic magmatic rocks formed in continental arc and active continentalmarginal arc environments, and they provided the material required for the mineralization. The index of compositional variability ranges from 1.02 to 3.29(average1.38), indicating that the Zhiluo Fm. sandstones are immature and composed of first-cycle sediments. The corrected chemical index of alteration averages 56, suggesting that the source rocks underwent weak chemical weathering. The ore host rocks are loose, providing favorable conditions for epigenetic oxidation and U precipitation and enrichment. Ferrous iron in minerals such as chlorite, biotite, ilmenite, and pyrite might have played a role either in adsorbing or reducing the uranium.展开更多
Recently,a new kind of volcanic rock,felsite porphyry,has been revealed by drilling in Xiangshan area,Jiangxi Province,China.To better understand petrogenesis and magmatic evolution sequence of the Xiangshan volcanic-...Recently,a new kind of volcanic rock,felsite porphyry,has been revealed by drilling in Xiangshan area,Jiangxi Province,China.To better understand petrogenesis and magmatic evolution sequence of the Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex,we studied systematic petrology,geochemistry,LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating,and Hf isotope results of the felsite porphyry.Results show that the felsite porphyry has similar geochemical characteristics to the porphyroclastic rhyolite,which is the predominant lithology of Xiangshan uranium orefield.Felsite porphyry and porphyroclastic rhyolite have high SiO2,Al2O3,and K2O contents,low Na2O,and MgO contents,and slightly negative Eu anomalies.Moreover,these rocks are relatively depleted in large ion lithophile elements(K,Ba,and Sr)and are enriched in high field strength elements(Th,Zr,and Hf).LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating of the felsite porphyry yielded a crystallization age of 132.2±0.9 Ma,which is coeval to that of the porphyroclastic rhyolite.These ages signified that Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex formed in the Early Cretaceous,during which the entire South China was in the back-arc extension tectonic setting related to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Euroasian Plate.In-situ zircon Hf isotope data on a felsite porphyry sample show eHf(t)values from-8.82 to-5.11,while the Hf isotope two-stage model age(TDM2-Hf)ranges from 1513 to 1747 Ma.Combined with petrological,mineralogical,geochemistry,and geochronology results of the felsite porphyry,it is concluded that the felsite porphyry in Xiangshan might be originated from the partial melting of the Mesoproterozoic ancient metamorphic rocks,with possible input of small amounts of mantle materials.展开更多
Stability analysis of underground constructions requires a model study of rock masses’ long-term performance. Creep tests under different stress conditions was conducted on intact granite and granite samples fracture...Stability analysis of underground constructions requires a model study of rock masses’ long-term performance. Creep tests under different stress conditions was conducted on intact granite and granite samples fractured at 30° and 45° angles. The experimental results indicate that the steady creep strain rates of intact and fractured rock present an exponential increase trend with the increase of stress level. A nonlinear creep model is developed based on the experimental results, in which the initial damage caused by fracture together with the damage caused by constant load have been taken into consideration. The fitting analysis results indicated that the model proposed is more accurate at identifying the full creep regions in fractured granite, especially the accelerated stage of creep deformation. The least-square fit error of the proposed creep model is significantly lower than that of Nishihara model by almost an order of magnitude. An analysis of the effects of elastic modulus, viscosity coefficient, and damage factors on fractured rock strain rate and creep strain is conducted. If no consideration is given to the effects of the damage, the proposed nonlinear creep model can degenerate into to the classical Nishihara model.展开更多
The Zaozigou gold deposit lies south of the Xiahe-Hezuo regional fault zone in the western Qinling orogenic belt and contains many intermediate to felsic dikes.Diorite porphyry,quartz diorite porphyry and biotite dior...The Zaozigou gold deposit lies south of the Xiahe-Hezuo regional fault zone in the western Qinling orogenic belt and contains many intermediate to felsic dikes.Diorite porphyry,quartz diorite porphyry and biotite diorite porphyry are mineral-bearing dikes,whereas granite porphyry is unrelated to gold mineralization.To compare the relationship between different dikes and mineralization,this study analyzed the cathodoluminescence(CL)of zircon crystals in all four types of dikes exposed in the Zaozigou deposit,using a zircon typological classification.The formation temperature of the granite porphyry(734°C)was higher than the average temperature of the other three types of dikes(704°C),whereas the former’s alkalinity index(395)was lower than the average alkalinity index of the other three dikes(425).TheΣREE amount of granite porphyry(147.18 ppm)was smaller than the averageΣREE amount of the other three dikes(246.80 ppm)and itsδEu value(0.33)was larger than the averageδEu values of the other three dikes(0.30).The U-Pb ages of zircon in the four types of dikes were relatively consistent with the crystallization ages of approximately 240 Ma,which indicates that all four types of dikes intruded in the Middle Triassic.Compared to the other three ore-bearing dikes,the morphology of the zircon crystals in the barren dikes evolved from S13 to S5 and then returned to S13.These results indicate that the barren dike underwent an increase in temperature and a decrease in alkalinity,which may be an important reason for the absence of mineralization.展开更多
The quantitative estimation of key parameters of paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation is crucial for paleoclimate reconstruction.Geochemical data from mod-ern sediments are highly consistent with climate data,and t...The quantitative estimation of key parameters of paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation is crucial for paleoclimate reconstruction.Geochemical data from mod-ern sediments are highly consistent with climate data,and their relationship can provide an important reference for the quantitative reconstruction of the paleoclimate.In this study,detailed inorganic geochemical analysis was carried out using high-precision sampling of the Paleogene(LFD-1 well)Guchengzi,Jijuntun and Xiloutian Formations in the Fushun Basin located in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.The Eocene Guchengzi Formation(54.51–47.8 Ma)and Jijuntun Formation(47.8–41.2 Ma)in the Fushun Basin were found to have been deposited under a humid climate.The lower(41.2–40.1 Ma)and upper(40.1–37.8 Ma)parts of the Xiloutian Formation were character-ized by semiarid and semihumid–semiarid climates,respec-tively,which is very similar to the paleoclimatic information reflected by organic carbon isotopes.The Eocene Thermal Maximum 2(ETM2,~53.7 Ma),Early Eocene Climatic Optimum(EECO,~53.1–46.5 Ma),Eocene Thermal Maxi-mum 3(ETM 3,~52.8 Ma),and Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum(MECO,~40.7–40.1 Ma)events significantly enhanced chemical weathering during these periods.The rapid increase in pCO_(2)concentration leads to an increase in temperature,precipitation,and surface runoff,exhibiting strong chemical weathering.The mean annual temperature(MATa)and mean annual precipitation(MAPa,MAPb,and MAPc)were estimated using parameters,such as the corrosion index without potassium(CIA-K),CaO/Al_(2)O_(3),and(Na_(2)O+K_(2)O)/Al_(2)O_(3).Comparing MAPa,MAPb,and MAPc with the MAP estimated using pollen data,MAPa and MAPb were found to be more sensitive to the climate during high precipitation periods(precipitation>1000 mm,Guchengzi Formation),and the recovered average precipi-tation was similar to MAP.In contrast,MAPc was more sensitive to the climate during low precipitation periods(precipitation<1000 mm,Jijuntun,and Xiloutian Forma-tions),with higher accuracy.To fully consider the influence of soluble inorganic salts Ca^(2+)and Na^(+),multivariate linear equations of CIA-K and CaO/Al_(2)O_(3)with CIA,and CIA-K and CaO/Al_(2)O_(3)with MAP were constructed,namely MAPd and MAPe.The results show that MAPe has the highest per-formance and can be effectively used to estimate the change of paleoprecipitation in Northeast Asia.展开更多
Siderite is a prevalent authigenic mineral in siliciclastic rocks, which usually occurred in eodiagensis period and could be used as an indicator of sedimentary environment. Some siderite precipitated in burial depth ...Siderite is a prevalent authigenic mineral in siliciclastic rocks, which usually occurred in eodiagensis period and could be used as an indicator of sedimentary environment. Some siderite precipitated in burial depth with geochemical information of basin fluid evolution. The crystal morphology, geochemical composition, and isotope values are influenced by physical and geochemical environment of precipitation. In this study, samples from the Early Cretaceous of Erlian basin in the northwestern China were collected, and mineralogy, bulk and in-situ geochemistry, C and O isotopes were analyzed to comprehensively investigate the sedimentary and diagenetic environment that the sediments experienced. Six lithofaices with three types of crystal habits were recognized in the siderite-rich sandstone, bundle crystal in spherical forms, blocky rhombs in intergranular pore and cleavage of muscovite, and micro bundle and mosaic crystals aggregates in nodular. The siderite growth proceeds through micro bundle and mosaic crystals to bundle siderite aggregates and then into blocky rhombs. The crystal evolution is also reflected by geochemical composition. The micro bundle and mosaic crystals are Casiderite. The spheritic shaped bundle aggregates are Ca-Mn-siderite. The blocky rhomb siderite shows gray part and bight part with Ca, Mg and Mn varies. Increase of Ca in block rhomb siderite suggests burial and mesodiagenesis, the high content of Mn may have linkage with eogenetic effects. The relatively positive and slightly negative δ13C value indicates meteoric water domination and influence of organic matter evolution in shallow buried time. The narrow ranges negative δ18O value suggest a small span of temperature of siderite formation.展开更多
With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the disposal of high-level radioactive waste(HLW) has become an important issue for nuclear safety and environmental protection. Deep geological disposal is inte...With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the disposal of high-level radioactive waste(HLW) has become an important issue for nuclear safety and environmental protection. Deep geological disposal is internationally accepted as a feasible and safe way to dispose of HLW, and underground research laboratories(URLs) play an important and multi-faceted role in the development of HLW repositories. This paper introduces the overall planning and the latest progress for China's URL. On the basis of the proposed strategy to build an area-specific URL in combination with a comprehensive evaluation of the site selection results obtained during the last 33 years, the Xinchang site in the Beishan area,located in Gansu Province of northwestern China, has been selected as the final site for China's first URL built in granite. In the process of characterizing the Xinchang URL site, a series of investigations,including borehole drilling,geological mapping, geophysical surveying,hydraulic testing and in situ stress measurements, has been conducted. The investigation results indicate that the geological,hydrogeological, engineering geological and geochemical conditions of the Xinchang site are very suitable for URL construction. Meanwhile, to validate and develop construction technologies for the Beishan URL, the Beishan exploration tunnel(BET), which is a 50-m-deep facility in the Jiujing sub-area, has been constructed and several in situ tests, such as drill-and-blast tests, characterization of the excavation damaged zone(EDZ), and long-term deformation monitoring of surrounding rocks, have been performed in the BET. The methodologies and technologies established in the BET will serve for URL construction.According to the achievements of the characterization of the URL site, a preliminary design of the URL with a maximum depth of 560 m is proposed and necessary in situ tests in the URL are planned.展开更多
The Helegangnaren feldspar granite exposed in the eastern part of East Kunlun, is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and alkaline, low abundances of Fe, Mg and Ca, metaluminous-weak peraluminous. Trace eleme...The Helegangnaren feldspar granite exposed in the eastern part of East Kunlun, is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and alkaline, low abundances of Fe, Mg and Ca, metaluminous-weak peraluminous. Trace elements analysis shows that the granite is depleted extremely in Ba, Sr and Eu, and rich in some large-ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. Besides, the granite has high Ga contents, the values of 104(Ga/AI) vary from 2.50 to 2.77, which is mainly greater than the lower limit of A-type granites (2.6), and is higher than the I- and S- type granites' average (2.1 and 2.28, respectively). Rare earth element (REE) is characterized by relatively high fractionations of light REE (LREE) and heavy REE (HREE) (LREE/HREE=9.3-13.60, (La/Yb)N=10.92-18.02), pronounced negative Eu anomalies (JEn=0.08-0.13), and exhibits right- dipping gull pattern. Major elements, rare elements and trace elements features show the granite is ascribed to A-type granite and A2 subtype in tectonic genetic type. They are plotted into post-collision or within-plate area in a variety of tectonic discriminations. Geological and geochemical data comprehensively suggest that the granite is formed in a post-collision extensive tectonic setting. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U-Pb dating yields a weighted mean age of 425 Ma, belonging to Middle Silurian, which is similar to the age of the post- collision geological events in the region. The differences of magmatic rocks in formation age, rocks assemblage and rocks series systematically indicate that the regional tectonic stress regime in the East Kunlun orogenic belt experienced a major transformation from compress to extension in Middle Silurianin, and the Helegangnaren feldspar granite intruded in the early stage of tectonic transformation.展开更多
基金National Mineral Resource Potential Evaluation Project
文摘Uranium,as one of twenty-six kinds of important minerals in China,is strategic resource and energy mineral,which has been thoroughly investigated in the project of National Potential Evaluation of Uranium Resource.During the implementation of this project,the authors summarized the metallogenic regularity of uranium resource in China systematically,through the researches of geological characteristics of uranium resource,uranium deposits type(genetic and prediction type),temporal and spatial distribution,and metallogenic series.Based on the investigation of present situation and progress in uranium exploration,this paper proposes the uranium deposits in China should be divided into 4 classes,9 types,21 subtypes in genetic,and 50 types in prediction;suggests to divide China into 29 uranium metallogenic belts and 20 uranium prospective area,and constructs 20uranium-polymetallic metallogenic series,through summarizing temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and metallogenic regularity of uranium deposits in China.The above research is beneficial to the comprehensive understanding of regional uranium metallogenic regularity,and will direct the uranium exploration in the future.
文摘This study analyzed the composition and uranium valence of pitchblendes sampled from the hydrothermal Guidong and Zhuguang uranium deposits of the middle Nanling metallogenic belt, Southern China using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).A revolutionary discovery is that the uranium not only exists in the forms of tetravalent and hexavalent uranium oxides, but also occurs in the form of native uranium.This is the first discovery of the existence of native uranium in nature.It greatly helps to reveal the origin of hydrothermal mineralization of uranium, and also has great significance for studying the thermal energy, formation and evolution of the earth.
文摘This paper deals with the metallogenic model of the sandstone type uranium deposit in the northeastern Ordos Basin from aspects of uranium source, migration and deposition. A superposition metallogenic model has been established due to complex uranium mineralization processes with superposition of oil-gas reduction and thermal reformation.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41602080)Nuclear Energy Development Project from the National Defense Science and Industry Bureau
文摘This paper presents a systematic study of major and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotopes in leucogranites closely related to uranium mineralization in the Gaudeanmus area, Namibia. The results illustrate that the uraniferous leucogranites possess high SiO2 (68.8wt%-76.0wt%, average 73.1wt%) and K (4.05wt%-7.78wt%, average 5.94wt%) contents, and are sub-alkaline and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, as reflected by A/CNK values of 0.96-1.07 with an average of 1.01. The leucogranites are rich in light rare earth elements (LREE/HREE = 2.53-7.71; (La/Yb)s = 2.14-10.40), have moderate Eu depletion and high Rb/Sr ratios (2.03-5.50 with an average of 4.36); meanwhile, they are enriched in Rb, K, Th, U and Pb, and depleted in Ba, Nb, Ta, and Sr. The tNd(t) values of uraninites range from -14.8 to -16.5, and the two-stage Nd model ages are 2.43-2.56 Ga. Detailed elemental and Sm-Nd isotopic geochemical characteristics suggest that the leucogranites were formed in a post- orogenic extensional environment. The U-rich pre-Damara basement was the main source of uranium during the primary mineralization event, which is disseminated in leucogranites, whereas the uranium mineralization in veins possibly resulted from remobilization of the primary uranium minerals.
基金jointly conjugal supported by the Nuclear energy development project(grant No.H1142)Nation Pre-research Project(grant No.3210402)
文摘The Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic movement largely controls the northwest region of the Junggar Basin(NWJB), which is a significant area for the exploration of petroleum and sandstone-type uranium deposits in China. This work collected six samples from this sedimentary basin and surrounding mountains to conduct apatite fission track(AFT) dating, and utilized the dating results for thermochronological modeling to reconstruct the uplift history of the NWJB and its response to hydrocarbon migration and uranium mineralization. The results indicate that a single continuous uplift event has occurred since the Early Cretaceous, showing spatiotemporal variation in the uplift and exhumation patterns throughout the NWJB. Uplift and exhumation initiated in the northwest and then proceeded to the southeast, suggesting that the fault system induced a post spread-thrust nappe into the basin during the Late Yanshanian. Modeling results indicate that the NWJB mountains have undergone three distinct stages of rapid cooling: Early Cretaceous(ca. 140–115 Ma), Late Cretaceous(ca. 80–60 Ma), and Miocene–present(since ca. 20 Ma). These three stages regionally correspond to the LhasaEurasian collision during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous(ca. 140–125 Ma), the Lhasa-Gandise collision during the Late Cretaceous(ca. 80–70 Ma), and a remote response to the India-Asian collision since ca. 55 Ma, respectively. These tectonic events also resulted in several regional unconformities between the J3/K1, K2/E, and E/N, and three large-scale hydrocarbon injection events in the Piedmont Thrust Belt(PTB). Particularly, the hydrocarbon charge event during the Early Cretaceous resulted in the initial inundation and protection of paleo-uranium ore bodies that were formed during the Middle–Late Jurassic. The uplift and denudation of the PTB was extremely slow from 40 Ma onward due to a slight influence from the Himalayan orogeny. However, the uplift of the PTB was faster after the Miocene, which led to re-uplift and exposure at the surface during the Quaternary, resulting in its oxidation and the formation of small uranium ore bodies.
文摘According to the oxidation intensity of ore-hosting sandstone, the interlayer oxidation zone of the Shihongtan sandstone-type uranium deposit in the Turpan-Hami basin can be divided into 4 geochemical subzones, namely, intenselyoxidized, weakly-oxidized, redox and unoxidized primary subzones. The elemental geochemical characteristics of the four subzones have been studied in detail, and the results show that U, together with other elements such as Re, Mo, Se, Sr, S, REE, Corganic etc., is enriched in the redox subzone. Re and U have similar geochemical properties in the reductionoxidation process. The geochemical properties of Mo and Se are similar to those of U in the reduction condition, but different from those of U in the oxidation condition. It is proposed that the ore-hosting layers can provide a curtain mount of uranium for uranium mineralization.
基金financially supported by Ministry of Science and Technology(No.2015CB453004)China National Nuclear Corporation(No.LTD1612-4)。
文摘The Mengqiguer deposit in the southern Yili basin Ili Basin is a large interlayer-oxidation-zone type uranium deposit.In this paper,we applied multiple methods including microscopic observation,scanning electron microscope and electronic probe,to analyze the systematical alteration characteristics of the ore-bearing sandstone layer.Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies on the ore-bearing sandstone have also been carried out to discuss the internal relations between fluid activities,epigenetic alteration and the uranium mineralization.Major epigenetic alteration include clay alteration,carbonatization and pyritization,of which biogenetic pyritization is most closely related to the uranium mineralization.This suggests the existence of microorganism during the uranium mineralization process.The mineralization fluids of low temperature,medium density but varied salinities are suggested to be derived from multi-source,including the meteoric water and organic acidic vapor components from coal-bearing strata.Uranium mineralization,grain-dispersed kaolinite,limonite,colloidal pyrite,and the carbonate cements associated with sulfate-reducing bacteria were formed by meteoric water and vermicular-shaped kaolinite,autologous pyrite,and the carbonate cementation associated with the dehydroxylation of organic matter was formed by organic acidic.Based on these results,we consider that the uranium mineralization and epigenetic alteration both resulted from the reciprocity of organic–inorganic fluid and fluid–rock during the formation of the interlayer oxidation zone.
基金provided by the Bureau of Geology of the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation (grants No. 2016YFE0206300, (2018)294, 3210402 and LTC1605-1)
文摘Objective The Guangshigou uranium deposit is located in the eastern part of the Shangdan triangular domain, which is currently the most productive pegmatite-hosted uranium deposit in China. Previous studies have focused on the migration and precipitation of uraninite and biotite clusters in the uraniferous pegmatites(Li Yanhe et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2018). However, the accurate uranium mineralization age still remains poorly constrained, thus
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (No.2015CB453004)National Pre-research Project (No.3210402)
文摘Meso-Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic processes in the Tian Shan orogenic belt have significant effect on the sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the intramontane basins and those adjacent to the orogen. The Sawafuqi uranium deposit, which is located in the South Tian Shan orogenic belt, is investigated to reveal the relationships between uranium mineralization and orogenies. Recent exploration results show that the Sawafuqi uranium deposit has tabular, stratiform, quasi-stratiform, and lens-like orebodies and various geological characteristics different from typical interlayer oxidation zone sandstone-hosted uranium deposits. Systematic studies of ore samples from the Sawafuqi uranium deposit using a variety of techniques, including thin section observation, a-track radiograph, electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope, suggest that uranium mineralization is closely related to pyrite and organic matter. Mineralization-related alterations in the host rocks are mainly silicification and argillation including kaolinite, illite (and illite-smectite mixed layer) and chlorite. Tree stages of mineralization were identified in the Sawafuqi uranium deposit: (i) uranium-bearing detritus and synsedimentary initial pre-enrichment; (ii) interlayer oxidization zone uranium mineralization; and (iii) vein-type uranium mineralization. The synsedimentary uranium pre-enrichment represents an early uranium enrichment in the Sawafuqi uranium deposit, and interlayer oxidation zone uranium mineralization formed the main orebodies, which are superimposed by the vein-type uranium mineralization. Combining the results of this study with previous studies on the Meso-Cenozoic orogenies of South Tian Shan, it is proposed that the synsedimentary uranium pre-enrichment of the Sawafuqi uranium deposit was caused by Triassic Tian Shan uplift, and the interlayer oxidation zone uranium mineralization occurred during the Eocence-Oligocene period, when tectonism was relatively quiet, whereas the vein-type uranium mineralization took place in relation to the strong orogeny of South Tian Shan since Miocene.
基金This work was financially and technically supported by National Key Basic Research Program(2015CB453000)of Ministry Science and TechnologyGeological Survey Projects(DD20160127 and DD20160128)from China Geological Surveythe International Geoscience Program(IGCP675)from UNESCO.
文摘The middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation in the Dongsheng is comprised of a big set of green sandstone/mudstone with most of uranium orebodies occurring in close proximity to its footwall.By synthesizing field observations,region analysis,data collected from previous coal and uranium borehole,a regional north-south geological profile across the entire orefield is conducted.Experiments on sandstone/mudstone including rock mineral identification,clastic micromorphology and element geochemistry were carried out.Information from the geological profile indicates that green sandstone/mudstone is widely present in a stable horizon with clear boundaries to the country rock.Microscopic observations and geochemical data on sandstone/mudstone exhibit similar mineral composition with almost identical slightly flat,minor Eu enriched,Ce depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns.Furthermore,the green clay membrane of the clasts has a complex composition containing chlorite/smectite,green smectite,chlorite,and green kaolinite,with elements including Fe,Mg,Si,and Al.These above results indicate that the green sandstone/mudstone underwent resemble sedimentary diagenetic processes as the country rock without transformation by large-scale regional fluid,while the existence of Fe2+-rich membrane is the main factor to the green sandstone/mudstone.Further concentration of the pre-enrichment uranium during diagenetic process led to the final formation for uranium deposits.The above studies are conducive to enrich the metallogenic mechanism of sandstone type uranium deposits and could provide certain reference for uranium exploration and deployment.
基金jointly supported by Key Factors Identification and Targets Delineation of Sandstone Type Uranium Deposits in the Southern Ordos Basin(CNNC Integrated R&D Project,Code:Geo LTD1601–3)Scientific Research in Production Project issued by the Bureau of Geology,CNNC(Code:201902-7)the Chinese Geological Survey project(Code:DD201908135)。
文摘In the southwestern margin of the Ordos Basin,uranium mineralization is primarily hosted by predominantly oxidative red clastic formations in the Lower Cretaceous.The main target layers for uranium exploration are the Madongshan and Liwaxia formations of the Liupanshan Group,followed by the Jingchuan Formation of the Zhidan Group.The host rocks(medium-fine feldspar quartz sandstone),which are bleached to a light grayish white color,contain a minor organic matter component and pyrite.Uranium mineralization changes from surficial infiltration or phreatic oxidation in the upper part to interlayer oxidation in the lower part.Uranium ore bodies are mostly lenticular or tabular in shape,locally shaped like crescent rolls.Individual ore bodies are typically small and shallow.Uranium predominantly manifests as pitchblende and coffinite.Coffinite is usually short and columnar or granular in habit,whereas pitchblende occurs as an irregular colloidal covering on the surface or in fissures of ferric oxide,silicate,clay or carbonate.Secondary uranium minerals are torbernite,uranophane,and uranopilite.Minerals associated with uranium are mainly pyrite,chalcopyrite and,to a minor extent,arsenopyrite and fluorite.The associated elements are Mo,V,Se,Co,Ni,and Mn,the host sandstone being high in Cu and Ba.Overall,the red clastic formations in the southwestern margin of the Ordos Basin are characterized by’five multiples but one low’which means multiple target layers,multiple stages of mineralization,multiple ore body shapes,multiple kinds of uranium minerals,multiple associated elements,but low organic matter.This implies an overall complex uranium metallogenic environment and mineralization process.It is recommended that future uranium exploration should take into consideration regional metallogenic conditions and mineralization features,with target layers in the wide-smooth synclinal slope being focused on.Most uranium deposits are small to medium in size,and the main type of uranium mineralization can vary by target layer.
基金financially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.2017YFC0602600)Project of Nuclear Power Development(No.HXS1403)Project of Core Competency Improvement(No.LTC1605).
文摘Objective The Hengjian uranium deposit is a typical hydrothermal deposit in the Xiangshan uranium ore field.The uranium mineralization ages of the Xiangshan deposits are poorly constrained,and only a few mineralization ages using the pitchblende U–Pb method have been published.These ages are commonly discordant and dispersed for abundant inclusions and an open U–Pb system.Zircon grains after strong hydrothermal alteration are usually characterized by high common Pb contents,and their U–Pb isochron ages recorded the hydrothermal alteration event without interference of common Pb components.The Hengjian gray/grayish-green granite porphyry experienced strong alteration by hydrothermal fluids during the pervasive uranium mineralization in the Xiangshan uranium ore field.Uranium mineralization in the Hengjian deposit may had different stages,and strong hydromicatization alteration occurred at a relatively early stage.Their altered zircon U–Pb isochron ages possibly represent relatively early mineralization age of the Xiangshan uranium deposits.Altered zircon grains from the Hengjian granite porphyry were analyzed using the secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS)U-Pb method in this study,and U–Pb isochron ages were measured to constrain the relatively early mineralization age of the Hengjian uranium deposit.
基金jointly supported by the CNNC Research and Innovation Project(grant no.Geo-SD04and Geo-LTD-1601)funded by the project“Geology of mineral resources in China”from China Geological Survey(grant nos.DD20160346,DD20190379)。
文摘The Bayinqinggeli deposit in the northern Ordos Basin, northwestern of China, is a recently discovered sandstone-type uranium deposit. The uranium(U) orebodies are generally hosted in the lower member of the Jurassic Zhiluo Formation(Fm.), and are primarily tabular or irregular in shape. In the study area, 23 sandstone samples were collected from the Zhiluo Fm. and analyzed for major, trace, and rare earth elements(REEs). The geochemical characteristics of these sandstones are used to evaluate the factors controlling U mineralization. The source rocks of the Zhiluo Fm. sandstones are mainly volcanic and felsic magmatic rocks formed in continental arc and active continentalmarginal arc environments, and they provided the material required for the mineralization. The index of compositional variability ranges from 1.02 to 3.29(average1.38), indicating that the Zhiluo Fm. sandstones are immature and composed of first-cycle sediments. The corrected chemical index of alteration averages 56, suggesting that the source rocks underwent weak chemical weathering. The ore host rocks are loose, providing favorable conditions for epigenetic oxidation and U precipitation and enrichment. Ferrous iron in minerals such as chlorite, biotite, ilmenite, and pyrite might have played a role either in adsorbing or reducing the uranium.
基金“Comprehensive Study of 3D Metallogenic Geologic Environment of Key Zones for Exploration in Xiangshan Uranium Orefield”the sub-project of“Longcan Science and Technology Innovation Demonstration Project”of China National Nuclear Corporation(Project No.:LCD116)。
文摘Recently,a new kind of volcanic rock,felsite porphyry,has been revealed by drilling in Xiangshan area,Jiangxi Province,China.To better understand petrogenesis and magmatic evolution sequence of the Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex,we studied systematic petrology,geochemistry,LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating,and Hf isotope results of the felsite porphyry.Results show that the felsite porphyry has similar geochemical characteristics to the porphyroclastic rhyolite,which is the predominant lithology of Xiangshan uranium orefield.Felsite porphyry and porphyroclastic rhyolite have high SiO2,Al2O3,and K2O contents,low Na2O,and MgO contents,and slightly negative Eu anomalies.Moreover,these rocks are relatively depleted in large ion lithophile elements(K,Ba,and Sr)and are enriched in high field strength elements(Th,Zr,and Hf).LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating of the felsite porphyry yielded a crystallization age of 132.2±0.9 Ma,which is coeval to that of the porphyroclastic rhyolite.These ages signified that Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex formed in the Early Cretaceous,during which the entire South China was in the back-arc extension tectonic setting related to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Euroasian Plate.In-situ zircon Hf isotope data on a felsite porphyry sample show eHf(t)values from-8.82 to-5.11,while the Hf isotope two-stage model age(TDM2-Hf)ranges from 1513 to 1747 Ma.Combined with petrological,mineralogical,geochemistry,and geochronology results of the felsite porphyry,it is concluded that the felsite porphyry in Xiangshan might be originated from the partial melting of the Mesoproterozoic ancient metamorphic rocks,with possible input of small amounts of mantle materials.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42307258)the technological research projects in Sichuan Province(No.2022YFSY0007)the China Atomic Energy Authority(CAEA)through the Geological Disposal Program.
文摘Stability analysis of underground constructions requires a model study of rock masses’ long-term performance. Creep tests under different stress conditions was conducted on intact granite and granite samples fractured at 30° and 45° angles. The experimental results indicate that the steady creep strain rates of intact and fractured rock present an exponential increase trend with the increase of stress level. A nonlinear creep model is developed based on the experimental results, in which the initial damage caused by fracture together with the damage caused by constant load have been taken into consideration. The fitting analysis results indicated that the model proposed is more accurate at identifying the full creep regions in fractured granite, especially the accelerated stage of creep deformation. The least-square fit error of the proposed creep model is significantly lower than that of Nishihara model by almost an order of magnitude. An analysis of the effects of elastic modulus, viscosity coefficient, and damage factors on fractured rock strain rate and creep strain is conducted. If no consideration is given to the effects of the damage, the proposed nonlinear creep model can degenerate into to the classical Nishihara model.
基金supported by projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42002098)the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province(No.D2020209017,No.D2022107003)+2 种基金China Basic Scientific Research Business Fund Project of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(No.JKY202016)the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students(No.X2022118)North China University of Science and Technology.
文摘The Zaozigou gold deposit lies south of the Xiahe-Hezuo regional fault zone in the western Qinling orogenic belt and contains many intermediate to felsic dikes.Diorite porphyry,quartz diorite porphyry and biotite diorite porphyry are mineral-bearing dikes,whereas granite porphyry is unrelated to gold mineralization.To compare the relationship between different dikes and mineralization,this study analyzed the cathodoluminescence(CL)of zircon crystals in all four types of dikes exposed in the Zaozigou deposit,using a zircon typological classification.The formation temperature of the granite porphyry(734°C)was higher than the average temperature of the other three types of dikes(704°C),whereas the former’s alkalinity index(395)was lower than the average alkalinity index of the other three dikes(425).TheΣREE amount of granite porphyry(147.18 ppm)was smaller than the averageΣREE amount of the other three dikes(246.80 ppm)and itsδEu value(0.33)was larger than the averageδEu values of the other three dikes(0.30).The U-Pb ages of zircon in the four types of dikes were relatively consistent with the crystallization ages of approximately 240 Ma,which indicates that all four types of dikes intruded in the Middle Triassic.Compared to the other three ore-bearing dikes,the morphology of the zircon crystals in the barren dikes evolved from S13 to S5 and then returned to S13.These results indicate that the barren dike underwent an increase in temperature and a decrease in alkalinity,which may be an important reason for the absence of mineralization.
基金the New Era Longjiang Excellent Master’s and Doctoral Dissertations(LJYXL2022-082)Postdoctoral funding from Heilongjiang Province(LBH-Z23030)+2 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(U21A201649)the Scientific research start-up funds of Heilongjiang University of Science and Technologythe Supported by the project of Nature Scientific Foundation of Heilongjiang Province(YQ2022E041)。
文摘The quantitative estimation of key parameters of paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation is crucial for paleoclimate reconstruction.Geochemical data from mod-ern sediments are highly consistent with climate data,and their relationship can provide an important reference for the quantitative reconstruction of the paleoclimate.In this study,detailed inorganic geochemical analysis was carried out using high-precision sampling of the Paleogene(LFD-1 well)Guchengzi,Jijuntun and Xiloutian Formations in the Fushun Basin located in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.The Eocene Guchengzi Formation(54.51–47.8 Ma)and Jijuntun Formation(47.8–41.2 Ma)in the Fushun Basin were found to have been deposited under a humid climate.The lower(41.2–40.1 Ma)and upper(40.1–37.8 Ma)parts of the Xiloutian Formation were character-ized by semiarid and semihumid–semiarid climates,respec-tively,which is very similar to the paleoclimatic information reflected by organic carbon isotopes.The Eocene Thermal Maximum 2(ETM2,~53.7 Ma),Early Eocene Climatic Optimum(EECO,~53.1–46.5 Ma),Eocene Thermal Maxi-mum 3(ETM 3,~52.8 Ma),and Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum(MECO,~40.7–40.1 Ma)events significantly enhanced chemical weathering during these periods.The rapid increase in pCO_(2)concentration leads to an increase in temperature,precipitation,and surface runoff,exhibiting strong chemical weathering.The mean annual temperature(MATa)and mean annual precipitation(MAPa,MAPb,and MAPc)were estimated using parameters,such as the corrosion index without potassium(CIA-K),CaO/Al_(2)O_(3),and(Na_(2)O+K_(2)O)/Al_(2)O_(3).Comparing MAPa,MAPb,and MAPc with the MAP estimated using pollen data,MAPa and MAPb were found to be more sensitive to the climate during high precipitation periods(precipitation>1000 mm,Guchengzi Formation),and the recovered average precipi-tation was similar to MAP.In contrast,MAPc was more sensitive to the climate during low precipitation periods(precipitation<1000 mm,Jijuntun,and Xiloutian Forma-tions),with higher accuracy.To fully consider the influence of soluble inorganic salts Ca^(2+)and Na^(+),multivariate linear equations of CIA-K and CaO/Al_(2)O_(3)with CIA,and CIA-K and CaO/Al_(2)O_(3)with MAP were constructed,namely MAPd and MAPe.The results show that MAPe has the highest per-formance and can be effectively used to estimate the change of paleoprecipitation in Northeast Asia.
文摘Siderite is a prevalent authigenic mineral in siliciclastic rocks, which usually occurred in eodiagensis period and could be used as an indicator of sedimentary environment. Some siderite precipitated in burial depth with geochemical information of basin fluid evolution. The crystal morphology, geochemical composition, and isotope values are influenced by physical and geochemical environment of precipitation. In this study, samples from the Early Cretaceous of Erlian basin in the northwestern China were collected, and mineralogy, bulk and in-situ geochemistry, C and O isotopes were analyzed to comprehensively investigate the sedimentary and diagenetic environment that the sediments experienced. Six lithofaices with three types of crystal habits were recognized in the siderite-rich sandstone, bundle crystal in spherical forms, blocky rhombs in intergranular pore and cleavage of muscovite, and micro bundle and mosaic crystals aggregates in nodular. The siderite growth proceeds through micro bundle and mosaic crystals to bundle siderite aggregates and then into blocky rhombs. The crystal evolution is also reflected by geochemical composition. The micro bundle and mosaic crystals are Casiderite. The spheritic shaped bundle aggregates are Ca-Mn-siderite. The blocky rhomb siderite shows gray part and bight part with Ca, Mg and Mn varies. Increase of Ca in block rhomb siderite suggests burial and mesodiagenesis, the high content of Mn may have linkage with eogenetic effects. The relatively positive and slightly negative δ13C value indicates meteoric water domination and influence of organic matter evolution in shallow buried time. The narrow ranges negative δ18O value suggest a small span of temperature of siderite formation.
基金support from the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) for China's URL Development Program and the Geological Disposal ProgramThe International Atomic Energy Agency is specially thanked for its support for China's geological disposal program through its Technical Cooperation Projects
文摘With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the disposal of high-level radioactive waste(HLW) has become an important issue for nuclear safety and environmental protection. Deep geological disposal is internationally accepted as a feasible and safe way to dispose of HLW, and underground research laboratories(URLs) play an important and multi-faceted role in the development of HLW repositories. This paper introduces the overall planning and the latest progress for China's URL. On the basis of the proposed strategy to build an area-specific URL in combination with a comprehensive evaluation of the site selection results obtained during the last 33 years, the Xinchang site in the Beishan area,located in Gansu Province of northwestern China, has been selected as the final site for China's first URL built in granite. In the process of characterizing the Xinchang URL site, a series of investigations,including borehole drilling,geological mapping, geophysical surveying,hydraulic testing and in situ stress measurements, has been conducted. The investigation results indicate that the geological,hydrogeological, engineering geological and geochemical conditions of the Xinchang site are very suitable for URL construction. Meanwhile, to validate and develop construction technologies for the Beishan URL, the Beishan exploration tunnel(BET), which is a 50-m-deep facility in the Jiujing sub-area, has been constructed and several in situ tests, such as drill-and-blast tests, characterization of the excavation damaged zone(EDZ), and long-term deformation monitoring of surrounding rocks, have been performed in the BET. The methodologies and technologies established in the BET will serve for URL construction.According to the achievements of the characterization of the URL site, a preliminary design of the URL with a maximum depth of 560 m is proposed and necessary in situ tests in the URL are planned.
基金financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41172186, 40972136 and 40572121)Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research of Central Colleges, Chang’an University, China (Grant Nos.CHD2011TD020, CHD2009JC070, CHD2009JC053 and CHD2009JC046)the Commonweal Geological Survey,the Aluminum Corporation of China and the Land-Resources Department of Qinghai Province (Grant No.200801)
文摘The Helegangnaren feldspar granite exposed in the eastern part of East Kunlun, is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and alkaline, low abundances of Fe, Mg and Ca, metaluminous-weak peraluminous. Trace elements analysis shows that the granite is depleted extremely in Ba, Sr and Eu, and rich in some large-ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. Besides, the granite has high Ga contents, the values of 104(Ga/AI) vary from 2.50 to 2.77, which is mainly greater than the lower limit of A-type granites (2.6), and is higher than the I- and S- type granites' average (2.1 and 2.28, respectively). Rare earth element (REE) is characterized by relatively high fractionations of light REE (LREE) and heavy REE (HREE) (LREE/HREE=9.3-13.60, (La/Yb)N=10.92-18.02), pronounced negative Eu anomalies (JEn=0.08-0.13), and exhibits right- dipping gull pattern. Major elements, rare elements and trace elements features show the granite is ascribed to A-type granite and A2 subtype in tectonic genetic type. They are plotted into post-collision or within-plate area in a variety of tectonic discriminations. Geological and geochemical data comprehensively suggest that the granite is formed in a post-collision extensive tectonic setting. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U-Pb dating yields a weighted mean age of 425 Ma, belonging to Middle Silurian, which is similar to the age of the post- collision geological events in the region. The differences of magmatic rocks in formation age, rocks assemblage and rocks series systematically indicate that the regional tectonic stress regime in the East Kunlun orogenic belt experienced a major transformation from compress to extension in Middle Silurianin, and the Helegangnaren feldspar granite intruded in the early stage of tectonic transformation.