The nonlinear waves of terahertz (THz) range are investigated in the paraelectric crystals SrTiO<sub>3</sub> at the temperatures ~77 K. The frequency dispersion is important there. In the absence of a bias...The nonlinear waves of terahertz (THz) range are investigated in the paraelectric crystals SrTiO<sub>3</sub> at the temperatures ~77 K. The frequency dispersion is important there. In the absence of a bias electric field the dominating nonlinearity is cubic. The frequency dispersion and nonlinearity correspond to existence of envelope solitons and the modulation instability (MI) of long input pulses, whereas in the transverse direction MI is absent. There exists a possibility to generate the regular sequences of short THz pulses due to MI in bounded SrTiO<sub>3</sub> crystals. The focusing of input long pulses reduces the threshold of MI, increases the output amplitudes of the short pulses, and provides more stable generation of the short pulses. It is investigated the frequency multiplication of THz electromagnetic radiation in bounded paraelectric SrTiO<sub>3</sub> when a bias electric field is applied. The dominating nonlinearity is quadratic there. The frequency dispersion and the transverse width of the input wave beams affect the generation of higher harmonics. It is possible to select the certain numbers of higher harmonics by means of the optimum length of the crystal, by the width of the beam of the input first harmonic, and by the focusing of the input first harmonic.展开更多
In this work, the estimation of crack initiation life of a hydraulic Francis turbine runner is presented. The life prediction is based on the local strain approach to predict the initiation life. First, the analysis i...In this work, the estimation of crack initiation life of a hydraulic Francis turbine runner is presented. The life prediction is based on the local strain approach to predict the initiation life. First, the analysis is carried out in air and in water condition and the runner’s natural frequencies were calculated using the finite element (FE) method. The analysis in air is compared with experimental analysis in order to have a representative model of real runner and subsequently the numerical analysis was perform in water. In the case of the runner immersed in water, the added mass effect due to the fluid structure interaction (FSI) is considered. Second, the static and dynamic stresses were calculated according to life estimation. For the calculation of static stresses, the pressure distribution of water and the centrifugal forces were applied to the runner. The dynamic stresses were estimated for interactions between the guide vane and the runner. Lastly, the estimation of the crack initiation life of the runner was obtained.展开更多
AISI 316 L stainless steels type was surface modified by ion and solid nitriding treatment. It was demonstrated that a surface activation pretreatment in samples based in acid mixture accompanied with NH<sub>4&l...AISI 316 L stainless steels type was surface modified by ion and solid nitriding treatment. It was demonstrated that a surface activation pretreatment in samples based in acid mixture accompanied with NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3 </sub>solution inside the container, can produce an efficient nitrogen diffusion process. As compared with ion nitriding treatment (20%N<sub>2</sub>-80%H<sub>2</sub>), the samples were treated with solid nitriding technique, using Fe4KCN based compound at the same time and temperature (6 h and 500<span style="white-space:nowrap;">°</span>C respectively). Superficial layers with a depth of 45 μm average were obtained with six hours treatment. Hardness surface values of two surface treatments present an increased value of approximately three times with respect to the matrix sample. Wear evaluation indicated low regimes of weight losses for both treatments. Oxidative-adhesive result is to be the predominant operating wear mechanism. Positive results were obtained in solid nitriding technique as compared with the expensive ion nitriding technique.展开更多
The superheterodyne amplification of electromagnetic waves is investigated when the resonant three-wave interaction of two electromagnetic waves with the space charge wave occurs in the waveguides nitride <em>n&...The superheterodyne amplification of electromagnetic waves is investigated when the resonant three-wave interaction of two electromagnetic waves with the space charge wave occurs in the waveguides nitride <em>n</em>-GaN, <em>n</em>-InN films-dielectric. The amplification of SCW waves due to the negative differential conductivity is investigated in nitride <em>n</em>-GaN, <em>n</em>-InN films at the frequencies <em>f</em> ≤ 400 GHz in the lower part of the terahertz (THz) range. The electromagnetic waves are either in the upper part of THz range or in the optical range. The superheterodyne amplification is considered in two geometries, the collinear one in which the three interacting waves travel in the same direction and the anti-collinear geometry where the second electromagnetic wave propagates in the opposite direction. The preferences and drawbacks of each geometry are pointed out. The finite width of space charge waves leads to decrease of increments of amplification.展开更多
In this article, the comparison of excitation in high frequencies of acoustic-electromagnetic wave in piezoelecric crystal and crystal with potential of deformation GaAs is investigating. Possible mechanisms of coupli...In this article, the comparison of excitation in high frequencies of acoustic-electromagnetic wave in piezoelecric crystal and crystal with potential of deformation GaAs is investigating. Possible mechanisms of coupling different hybrid waves are the piezoeffect and the deformation potential. As a model it is analyzing a film of crystal places between two symmetrical substrates with the other materials without an acoustic contact. This film includes 2D electron gas with a high negative differential conductivity and uniform initial distribution of electrons. The hybrid acoustic-electromagnetic wave and hybrid space charge wave interact. Amplification of space charge wave takes place due to negative differential conductivity in GaAs. This amplification of space charge waves is causing the amplification of acoustic-electromagnetic wave. It is to show that the symmetric modes, emerging as transverse ones, interact more effectively with the space charge waves. Another important result is the following: at the frequencies f ≈ 10 GHz, the excitation efficiency of acoustic-electromagnetic wave with transverse displacement due to piezoeffect is more effective, but at higher frequencies, the deformation potential is dominating.展开更多
Electron spectrum in doped n-Si quantum wires is calculated by the Thomas-Fermi (TF) method under finite temperatures. The many-body exchange corrections are taken into account. The doping profile is arbitrary. At the...Electron spectrum in doped n-Si quantum wires is calculated by the Thomas-Fermi (TF) method under finite temperatures. The many-body exchange corrections are taken into account. The doping profile is arbitrary. At the first stage, the electron potential energy is calculated from a simple two-dimensional equation. The effective iteration scheme is proposed there that is valid for multidimensional problems. Then the energy levels and wave functions of this quantum well are simulated from the Schrödinger equations. The expansion by the full set of eigenfunctions of the linear harmonic oscillator is used. The quantum mechanical perturbation theory can be utilized to compute the energy levels. Generally, the perturbation theory for degenerate energy levels should be used.展开更多
Nonlinear monopulses of dust sound waves in cylindrical dusty plasma waveguides bounded by a dielectric are investigated. The dusty plasma includes the positive ions as a light component and the negative dust as a hea...Nonlinear monopulses of dust sound waves in cylindrical dusty plasma waveguides bounded by a dielectric are investigated. The dusty plasma includes the positive ions as a light component and the negative dust as a heavy one. The dusty plasma with different masses of dust particles is considered. The set of hydrodynamic equations for the dust jointly with the Poisson one are used. The Boltzmann distribution is valid for the ions. The boundary conditions are applied at the smooth interface. When the moderate volume nonlinearity manifests, near the interface the variations of the dust concentration reach extremely high values, and the collapse of the dust sound waves occurs. In the cylindrical waveguides the collapse manifests at the values of the initial wave amplitudes essentially smaller than in the planar geometry. When the particles of lower masses are near the interface, the collapse realizes more rapidly.展开更多
The properties of the ionosphere Alfvén resonator (IAR) in the general case of an oblique geomagnetic field are investigated. The modes at the frequencies f = 0.2 - 10 Hz well localized within the ionosphere are ...The properties of the ionosphere Alfvén resonator (IAR) in the general case of an oblique geomagnetic field are investigated. The modes at the frequencies f = 0.2 - 10 Hz well localized within the ionosphere are considered, which are important for the lithosphere—ionosphere coupling. An attention is paid to the modes with quite high quality factors , where . A proper selection of calculated eigenfrequencies has been realized. Two independent simulation algorithms have been proposed. The resonant frequencies and the profiles of magnetic field components of the modes have been calculated. The modulation of electron and ion concentrations at the heights 170 - 230 km leads to essential shifting the resonant frequencies.展开更多
The use of Rosmarinus officinalis as a corrosion inhibitor for 1018 carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 has been evaluated by using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy t...The use of Rosmarinus officinalis as a corrosion inhibitor for 1018 carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 has been evaluated by using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques at 25°. Inhibitor concentrations were included within the range between 0 and 1000 ppm C using three extract solvents, namely acetone, hexane and methanol. Results have shown that Rosmarinus officinalis is a good corrosion inhibitor with its efficiency increasing with the concentration. The best efficiency was obtained with the hexanic extract. The passivating film properties of the steel were improved by the presence of flavonoids in the extract.展开更多
It is theoretically investigated the generation of higher harmonics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional terahertz electromagnetic beams in nonlinear crystals. The attention is paid to crystalline paraelectrics li...It is theoretically investigated the generation of higher harmonics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional terahertz electromagnetic beams in nonlinear crystals. The attention is paid to crystalline paraelectrics like SrTiO<sub>3</sub> under the temperatures 60 - 200 K, these crystals possess the cubic nonlinearity. The bias electric field is applied to provide the dominating quadratic nonlinearity. The initial focusing of the beams not only increases the efficiency of generation of higher harmonics, but alto makes possible to select maxima of different higher harmonics at some distances from the input. At lower temperatures the nonlinearity behaves at smaller input amplitudes, whereas at higher temperatures the harmonic generation can be observed at higher frequencies up to 1.5 THz. In three-dimensional beams the peak amplitudes of higher harmonics can be bigger than in two-dimensional beams, but the ratios of these peak values to the maximum values of the focused first harmonic are smaller than in two-dimensional beams.展开更多
Numerical simulations of nonlinear interaction of space charge waves in microwave and millimeter wave range in n-InN films have been carried out. A micro- and millimeter-waves frequency conversion using the negative d...Numerical simulations of nonlinear interaction of space charge waves in microwave and millimeter wave range in n-InN films have been carried out. A micro- and millimeter-waves frequency conversion using the negative differential conductivity phenomenon is carried out when the harmonics of the input signal are generated. An increment in the amplification is observed in n-InN films at essentially at high-frequencies f < 450 GHz, when compared with n-GaAs films f < 44 GHz. This work provides a way to achieve a frequency conversion and amplification of micro- and millimeter-waves.展开更多
The implementation of alternative harvest systems which are able to accelerate the kinetics of growth of plants, is extremely important to decrease the time of crop. In this sense, Electro-Hydroponic culture, i.e., th...The implementation of alternative harvest systems which are able to accelerate the kinetics of growth of plants, is extremely important to decrease the time of crop. In this sense, Electro-Hydroponic culture, i.e., the application of an electric field in the nutrient solution of the hydroponic culture emerges as an alternative and interesting harvest system. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of the electric field applying different intensities of direct current (DC) at the galvanostatic regime (50, 37.5, 25 and 12.5 mA) on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) plants in hydroponic culture. Fifty lettuce plants were used in a nutrient solution, from which 4 groups composed of ten lettuces each one, were subjected at 12.5, 25, 37.5 and 50 mA, respectively. A fifth group of ten lettuces was used as a reference test, i.e., without application of DC. The experiments were carried out during 16 days. The results reveal that the kinetics of growth of the lettuce is dependent on the applied current;actually it is observed an increase in the foliate area of the plants cultivated in the presence of DC than that obtained in the reference test. Furthermore, the plants subjected at 12.5 mA, revealed an increase in the foliate area of 65.3% and 73.2% in comparison with the reference test.展开更多
The generation of different waves in the atmosphere and ionosphere caused by seismic and volcano activities has changed the transparency for cosmic radio waves. It is possible to analyze two cases: the first case caus...The generation of different waves in the atmosphere and ionosphere caused by seismic and volcano activities has changed the transparency for cosmic radio waves. It is possible to analyze two cases: the first case caused by the atmospheric acoustic wave, which creates a periodic structure of the electron density in the ionosphere. It is shown that the resonant passing of the radio waves takes place, when the length of the acoustic wave is equal to one or a few lengths of the radio wave. The second case produces the electron density decrease in the F-layer of the ionosphere resulting in an increase in the transparency of the ionosphere for cosmic radio waves. The review of these phenomena is provided in this work and both cases have been confirmed experimentally.展开更多
During earthquakes and strong underground explosions it is possible to observe two different effects. The first one is connected with the destruction of media, and this causes acoustic and later hybrid acoustic-electr...During earthquakes and strong underground explosions it is possible to observe two different effects. The first one is connected with the destruction of media, and this causes acoustic and later hybrid acoustic-electromagnetic waves in an epicenter in the atmosphere and in the ionosphere. Another one is connected with cracks in crystals of rocks, which seems more interesting, because it is possible to recognize the natural earthquakes and industrial explosions. In the first effects due to nonlinear elastic modules the acoustic waves move through the lithosphere and transform their spectra from VLF (very low frequencies ~ 1 - 10 kHz) at the depth of about 30 km into the lower part of ELF (extremely low frequencies, ~ 3 Hz - 1 kHz) on the Earth’s surface, then they pass the atmosphere and penetrate into the ionosphere. During the nonlinear acoustic passage through the atmosphere and the ionosphere, the spectrum transforms from ELF into ULF (ultra low frequencies, < 1 Hz) range. In this review article the classification of spectrum and analysis of two cases of the destruction of rocks in the lithosphere is presented. The rocks possess piezoelectric and piezomagnetic properties. In this case the electromagnetic emission is excited by the fracturing in plates of crystals. The difference of emission from piezoelectric and magnetic plates in cases of industrial explosions and natural seismic events including volcanic phenomena gives a possibility to analyze the method of its identification. The consideration is based on the model of the plate of a finite size with an uniformly moving crack.展开更多
This study presents the environmental impact assessment of an absorption heat transformer designed to recover 1 kW of thermal energy from each 2 kW of waste heat supplies. The net contribution of the heat transformer ...This study presents the environmental impact assessment of an absorption heat transformer designed to recover 1 kW of thermal energy from each 2 kW of waste heat supplies. The net contribution of the heat transformer is a load avoided of 0.665 kg CO2 equivalents;the recovery process avoids 0.729 kg CO2 equivalents and the major contribution to the environment impacts is the pumping process with 0.0437 kg CO2 equivalents for each 1 kWh recovered. The study results show that absorption heat transformer is a good environmental option because it produces useful energy from waste heat and the final result is an environmental impact diminution.展开更多
An energetic analysis of two power plants with six and seven heaters was realized in this work and also a feedwater heater was taking into consideration. This analysis considered the temperature and pressure ranges un...An energetic analysis of two power plants with six and seven heaters was realized in this work and also a feedwater heater was taking into consideration. This analysis considered the temperature and pressure ranges under which power generating plants work. The unit thermal consumption (UTC), the specific fuel consumption (SFC) and the specific steam consumption (SSC) were obtained for power generation. The energetic analysis to the cycles of steam with regeneration with six and seven heaters was realized. There was a difference of 0.5% in the values of UTC, SFC and SSC when the pressures of condensation changed. Also an analysis of the behavior of the thermal efficiency in relation to the rise of numbers of heater from two to seven is presented.展开更多
In this paper, Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) is set as a practical nonlinear data tool to establish and compare surface roughness (Ra) through percentage parameters of a dynamical system: Recurrence (%REC),...In this paper, Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) is set as a practical nonlinear data tool to establish and compare surface roughness (Ra) through percentage parameters of a dynamical system: Recurrence (%REC), Determinism (%DET) and Laminarity (%LAM). Variations in surface roughness of different machining procedures from a typical metallic casting comparator are obtained from scattering intensity of a laser beam and expressed as changes in the statistics of speckle patterns and profiles optical properties. The application of the analysis (RQA) by Recurrence Plots (RPs), allowed to distinguish between machining procedures, highlighting features that other methods are unable to detect.展开更多
文摘The nonlinear waves of terahertz (THz) range are investigated in the paraelectric crystals SrTiO<sub>3</sub> at the temperatures ~77 K. The frequency dispersion is important there. In the absence of a bias electric field the dominating nonlinearity is cubic. The frequency dispersion and nonlinearity correspond to existence of envelope solitons and the modulation instability (MI) of long input pulses, whereas in the transverse direction MI is absent. There exists a possibility to generate the regular sequences of short THz pulses due to MI in bounded SrTiO<sub>3</sub> crystals. The focusing of input long pulses reduces the threshold of MI, increases the output amplitudes of the short pulses, and provides more stable generation of the short pulses. It is investigated the frequency multiplication of THz electromagnetic radiation in bounded paraelectric SrTiO<sub>3</sub> when a bias electric field is applied. The dominating nonlinearity is quadratic there. The frequency dispersion and the transverse width of the input wave beams affect the generation of higher harmonics. It is possible to select the certain numbers of higher harmonics by means of the optimum length of the crystal, by the width of the beam of the input first harmonic, and by the focusing of the input first harmonic.
文摘In this work, the estimation of crack initiation life of a hydraulic Francis turbine runner is presented. The life prediction is based on the local strain approach to predict the initiation life. First, the analysis is carried out in air and in water condition and the runner’s natural frequencies were calculated using the finite element (FE) method. The analysis in air is compared with experimental analysis in order to have a representative model of real runner and subsequently the numerical analysis was perform in water. In the case of the runner immersed in water, the added mass effect due to the fluid structure interaction (FSI) is considered. Second, the static and dynamic stresses were calculated according to life estimation. For the calculation of static stresses, the pressure distribution of water and the centrifugal forces were applied to the runner. The dynamic stresses were estimated for interactions between the guide vane and the runner. Lastly, the estimation of the crack initiation life of the runner was obtained.
文摘AISI 316 L stainless steels type was surface modified by ion and solid nitriding treatment. It was demonstrated that a surface activation pretreatment in samples based in acid mixture accompanied with NH<sub>4</sub>NO<sub>3 </sub>solution inside the container, can produce an efficient nitrogen diffusion process. As compared with ion nitriding treatment (20%N<sub>2</sub>-80%H<sub>2</sub>), the samples were treated with solid nitriding technique, using Fe4KCN based compound at the same time and temperature (6 h and 500<span style="white-space:nowrap;">°</span>C respectively). Superficial layers with a depth of 45 μm average were obtained with six hours treatment. Hardness surface values of two surface treatments present an increased value of approximately three times with respect to the matrix sample. Wear evaluation indicated low regimes of weight losses for both treatments. Oxidative-adhesive result is to be the predominant operating wear mechanism. Positive results were obtained in solid nitriding technique as compared with the expensive ion nitriding technique.
文摘The superheterodyne amplification of electromagnetic waves is investigated when the resonant three-wave interaction of two electromagnetic waves with the space charge wave occurs in the waveguides nitride <em>n</em>-GaN, <em>n</em>-InN films-dielectric. The amplification of SCW waves due to the negative differential conductivity is investigated in nitride <em>n</em>-GaN, <em>n</em>-InN films at the frequencies <em>f</em> ≤ 400 GHz in the lower part of the terahertz (THz) range. The electromagnetic waves are either in the upper part of THz range or in the optical range. The superheterodyne amplification is considered in two geometries, the collinear one in which the three interacting waves travel in the same direction and the anti-collinear geometry where the second electromagnetic wave propagates in the opposite direction. The preferences and drawbacks of each geometry are pointed out. The finite width of space charge waves leads to decrease of increments of amplification.
文摘In this article, the comparison of excitation in high frequencies of acoustic-electromagnetic wave in piezoelecric crystal and crystal with potential of deformation GaAs is investigating. Possible mechanisms of coupling different hybrid waves are the piezoeffect and the deformation potential. As a model it is analyzing a film of crystal places between two symmetrical substrates with the other materials without an acoustic contact. This film includes 2D electron gas with a high negative differential conductivity and uniform initial distribution of electrons. The hybrid acoustic-electromagnetic wave and hybrid space charge wave interact. Amplification of space charge wave takes place due to negative differential conductivity in GaAs. This amplification of space charge waves is causing the amplification of acoustic-electromagnetic wave. It is to show that the symmetric modes, emerging as transverse ones, interact more effectively with the space charge waves. Another important result is the following: at the frequencies f ≈ 10 GHz, the excitation efficiency of acoustic-electromagnetic wave with transverse displacement due to piezoeffect is more effective, but at higher frequencies, the deformation potential is dominating.
文摘Electron spectrum in doped n-Si quantum wires is calculated by the Thomas-Fermi (TF) method under finite temperatures. The many-body exchange corrections are taken into account. The doping profile is arbitrary. At the first stage, the electron potential energy is calculated from a simple two-dimensional equation. The effective iteration scheme is proposed there that is valid for multidimensional problems. Then the energy levels and wave functions of this quantum well are simulated from the Schrödinger equations. The expansion by the full set of eigenfunctions of the linear harmonic oscillator is used. The quantum mechanical perturbation theory can be utilized to compute the energy levels. Generally, the perturbation theory for degenerate energy levels should be used.
文摘Nonlinear monopulses of dust sound waves in cylindrical dusty plasma waveguides bounded by a dielectric are investigated. The dusty plasma includes the positive ions as a light component and the negative dust as a heavy one. The dusty plasma with different masses of dust particles is considered. The set of hydrodynamic equations for the dust jointly with the Poisson one are used. The Boltzmann distribution is valid for the ions. The boundary conditions are applied at the smooth interface. When the moderate volume nonlinearity manifests, near the interface the variations of the dust concentration reach extremely high values, and the collapse of the dust sound waves occurs. In the cylindrical waveguides the collapse manifests at the values of the initial wave amplitudes essentially smaller than in the planar geometry. When the particles of lower masses are near the interface, the collapse realizes more rapidly.
文摘The properties of the ionosphere Alfvén resonator (IAR) in the general case of an oblique geomagnetic field are investigated. The modes at the frequencies f = 0.2 - 10 Hz well localized within the ionosphere are considered, which are important for the lithosphere—ionosphere coupling. An attention is paid to the modes with quite high quality factors , where . A proper selection of calculated eigenfrequencies has been realized. Two independent simulation algorithms have been proposed. The resonant frequencies and the profiles of magnetic field components of the modes have been calculated. The modulation of electron and ion concentrations at the heights 170 - 230 km leads to essential shifting the resonant frequencies.
文摘The use of Rosmarinus officinalis as a corrosion inhibitor for 1018 carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 has been evaluated by using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques at 25°. Inhibitor concentrations were included within the range between 0 and 1000 ppm C using three extract solvents, namely acetone, hexane and methanol. Results have shown that Rosmarinus officinalis is a good corrosion inhibitor with its efficiency increasing with the concentration. The best efficiency was obtained with the hexanic extract. The passivating film properties of the steel were improved by the presence of flavonoids in the extract.
文摘It is theoretically investigated the generation of higher harmonics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional terahertz electromagnetic beams in nonlinear crystals. The attention is paid to crystalline paraelectrics like SrTiO<sub>3</sub> under the temperatures 60 - 200 K, these crystals possess the cubic nonlinearity. The bias electric field is applied to provide the dominating quadratic nonlinearity. The initial focusing of the beams not only increases the efficiency of generation of higher harmonics, but alto makes possible to select maxima of different higher harmonics at some distances from the input. At lower temperatures the nonlinearity behaves at smaller input amplitudes, whereas at higher temperatures the harmonic generation can be observed at higher frequencies up to 1.5 THz. In three-dimensional beams the peak amplitudes of higher harmonics can be bigger than in two-dimensional beams, but the ratios of these peak values to the maximum values of the focused first harmonic are smaller than in two-dimensional beams.
文摘Numerical simulations of nonlinear interaction of space charge waves in microwave and millimeter wave range in n-InN films have been carried out. A micro- and millimeter-waves frequency conversion using the negative differential conductivity phenomenon is carried out when the harmonics of the input signal are generated. An increment in the amplification is observed in n-InN films at essentially at high-frequencies f < 450 GHz, when compared with n-GaAs films f < 44 GHz. This work provides a way to achieve a frequency conversion and amplification of micro- and millimeter-waves.
文摘The implementation of alternative harvest systems which are able to accelerate the kinetics of growth of plants, is extremely important to decrease the time of crop. In this sense, Electro-Hydroponic culture, i.e., the application of an electric field in the nutrient solution of the hydroponic culture emerges as an alternative and interesting harvest system. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of the electric field applying different intensities of direct current (DC) at the galvanostatic regime (50, 37.5, 25 and 12.5 mA) on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) plants in hydroponic culture. Fifty lettuce plants were used in a nutrient solution, from which 4 groups composed of ten lettuces each one, were subjected at 12.5, 25, 37.5 and 50 mA, respectively. A fifth group of ten lettuces was used as a reference test, i.e., without application of DC. The experiments were carried out during 16 days. The results reveal that the kinetics of growth of the lettuce is dependent on the applied current;actually it is observed an increase in the foliate area of the plants cultivated in the presence of DC than that obtained in the reference test. Furthermore, the plants subjected at 12.5 mA, revealed an increase in the foliate area of 65.3% and 73.2% in comparison with the reference test.
文摘The generation of different waves in the atmosphere and ionosphere caused by seismic and volcano activities has changed the transparency for cosmic radio waves. It is possible to analyze two cases: the first case caused by the atmospheric acoustic wave, which creates a periodic structure of the electron density in the ionosphere. It is shown that the resonant passing of the radio waves takes place, when the length of the acoustic wave is equal to one or a few lengths of the radio wave. The second case produces the electron density decrease in the F-layer of the ionosphere resulting in an increase in the transparency of the ionosphere for cosmic radio waves. The review of these phenomena is provided in this work and both cases have been confirmed experimentally.
文摘During earthquakes and strong underground explosions it is possible to observe two different effects. The first one is connected with the destruction of media, and this causes acoustic and later hybrid acoustic-electromagnetic waves in an epicenter in the atmosphere and in the ionosphere. Another one is connected with cracks in crystals of rocks, which seems more interesting, because it is possible to recognize the natural earthquakes and industrial explosions. In the first effects due to nonlinear elastic modules the acoustic waves move through the lithosphere and transform their spectra from VLF (very low frequencies ~ 1 - 10 kHz) at the depth of about 30 km into the lower part of ELF (extremely low frequencies, ~ 3 Hz - 1 kHz) on the Earth’s surface, then they pass the atmosphere and penetrate into the ionosphere. During the nonlinear acoustic passage through the atmosphere and the ionosphere, the spectrum transforms from ELF into ULF (ultra low frequencies, < 1 Hz) range. In this review article the classification of spectrum and analysis of two cases of the destruction of rocks in the lithosphere is presented. The rocks possess piezoelectric and piezomagnetic properties. In this case the electromagnetic emission is excited by the fracturing in plates of crystals. The difference of emission from piezoelectric and magnetic plates in cases of industrial explosions and natural seismic events including volcanic phenomena gives a possibility to analyze the method of its identification. The consideration is based on the model of the plate of a finite size with an uniformly moving crack.
文摘This study presents the environmental impact assessment of an absorption heat transformer designed to recover 1 kW of thermal energy from each 2 kW of waste heat supplies. The net contribution of the heat transformer is a load avoided of 0.665 kg CO2 equivalents;the recovery process avoids 0.729 kg CO2 equivalents and the major contribution to the environment impacts is the pumping process with 0.0437 kg CO2 equivalents for each 1 kWh recovered. The study results show that absorption heat transformer is a good environmental option because it produces useful energy from waste heat and the final result is an environmental impact diminution.
文摘An energetic analysis of two power plants with six and seven heaters was realized in this work and also a feedwater heater was taking into consideration. This analysis considered the temperature and pressure ranges under which power generating plants work. The unit thermal consumption (UTC), the specific fuel consumption (SFC) and the specific steam consumption (SSC) were obtained for power generation. The energetic analysis to the cycles of steam with regeneration with six and seven heaters was realized. There was a difference of 0.5% in the values of UTC, SFC and SSC when the pressures of condensation changed. Also an analysis of the behavior of the thermal efficiency in relation to the rise of numbers of heater from two to seven is presented.
文摘In this paper, Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) is set as a practical nonlinear data tool to establish and compare surface roughness (Ra) through percentage parameters of a dynamical system: Recurrence (%REC), Determinism (%DET) and Laminarity (%LAM). Variations in surface roughness of different machining procedures from a typical metallic casting comparator are obtained from scattering intensity of a laser beam and expressed as changes in the statistics of speckle patterns and profiles optical properties. The application of the analysis (RQA) by Recurrence Plots (RPs), allowed to distinguish between machining procedures, highlighting features that other methods are unable to detect.