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A New Formula of Redshift vs. Space Expansion and Dark Energy
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2021年第3期229-253,共25页
The speed away of stars and galaxies is traditionally calculated from the relativistic formula according to the measurement of the redshift. It is demonstrated here another formula for this speed away of stars and gal... The speed away of stars and galaxies is traditionally calculated from the relativistic formula according to the measurement of the redshift. It is demonstrated here another formula for this speed away of stars and galaxies, from this same redshift <em>z</em>. After having exposed critiques on the demonstration and the relativistic use which require the assumption of an expanding universe by itself, it is proposed within the framework of neo-Newtonian mechanics the formula <img src="Edit_5abcd41b-f0f0-4fdd-8d05-07b43d1fa78c.png" alt="" /> where <em>V</em> is the speed from the source. This formula has the double characteristic of being equivalent to relativistic predictions for low redshifts, but of deviating from them by up to 17% for high redshifts. It is consistent with the observation of the anisotropy of the Universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background. It helps to explain Pioneer anomalies. It is compatible with the constancy in the majority of cases of interference phenomena. Finally, it provides a new analysis grid for the observation of supernovae, galaxies and distant pulsars, thus opening up new fields of research on the increase in distances attributed to dark energy and also in other areas of the cosmology. 展开更多
关键词 REDSHIFT BLUESHIFT Dark Energy Radial Velocity Expansion of the Universe Anisotropy Hubble Law Pioneer Spacecraft PHOTON Wavelength Frequency Variable Speed Celerity of Light
A Chart of Conversion Supporting EPR Paradox vs. Bell’s Inequalities Violation
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第13期1950-1960,共11页
Quantum Mechanics formalism remains difficult to understand and sometimes is confusing, especially in the explanation of ERP paradox and of Bell’s inequalities with entanglement photons. So a chart of conversion, in ... Quantum Mechanics formalism remains difficult to understand and sometimes is confusing, especially in the explanation of ERP paradox and of Bell’s inequalities with entanglement photons. So a chart of conversion, in which elements are named differently, is proposed. Next, experiment about Bell’s inequalities violation is described in another way, and we hope a clearer one. Main result is Bell’s inequalities would not be violated! The explanation would come from confusion between the definition of the correlation function S1, and a property S2. And consequently, Einstein, Podolski and Rosen would be right on the local “hidden” variable. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum Mechanics CORRELATION Function CORRELATION Coefficient Total CORRELATION EPR Einstein-Podolski-Rosen PARADOX Bell Inequality VIOLATION Entanglement Local Hidden Variable
How to Demonstrate the Lorentz Factor: Variable Time v.s. Variable Inertial Mass
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第3期252-259,共8页
For a century, hypothesis of a variable time is laid down by the Relativity Theory. This hypothesis can explain many Nature observations, experiments and formulas, for example the Lorentz factor demonstration. Because... For a century, hypothesis of a variable time is laid down by the Relativity Theory. This hypothesis can explain many Nature observations, experiments and formulas, for example the Lorentz factor demonstration. Because of such good explanations, the hypothesis of a variable time has been validated. Nevertheless, it remains some paradoxes and some predictions which are difficult to measure, as a reversible time or the time variation itself. The purpose of this article is to study another hypothesis. If it gives interesting results, it would mean that this alternative hypothesis can also be validated. The idea in this paper is to replace the variable time by a variable inertial mass. To the difference with the Theory of Relativity (where the inertial mass and the gravitational mass are equal and variable), the gravitational mass is here supposed to be constant. So, starting from the definition of the kinetic energy, it is introduced the Lorentz factor. And then it is demonstrated the value of the Lorentz factor thanks to a variable inertial mass. This variable inertial mass can also explain experiments, like Bertozzi experiment. If this alternative demonstration was validated, it could help to open doors, other physical effects could be explained like the addition of velocities. 展开更多
关键词 LORENTZ FACTOR VARIABLE TIME RELATIVITY Light Celerity Inertial MASS MASS of Inertia Gravitational MASS Bertozzi Michelson and Morley
Gravity vs. Dark Energy, about the Expansion of the Universe
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2018年第1期84-97,共14页
Dark energy is argued by the accelerating expansion of the Universe but has not been directly measured. In this article, some uncertainties are pointed out, first one being the determination of the Hubble constant. An... Dark energy is argued by the accelerating expansion of the Universe but has not been directly measured. In this article, some uncertainties are pointed out, first one being the determination of the Hubble constant. And the main parameters (magnitude, distance, redshift, velocity) are checked. Distinguishing the instantaneous velocity from the average velocity, it is then concluded from the same data that the expansion would not be accelerating, and that the Gravity would slightly slow down the motion of explosion. Moreover, at the end of the paper, it is proposed a neo-Newtonian approach to get the computed values in a closer agreement with the observed values;this Neo-Newtonian Mechanics is in coherence with the Quantum Mechanics. 展开更多
关键词 Acceleration Expansion Inflation Universe COSMOS Magnitude REDSHIFT HUBBLE Constant Uncertainties of Measure Dark Energy GRAVITATION Relativity Neo-Newtonian Mechanics
Velocity Addition Demonstrated from the Conservation of Linear Momenta, an Alternative Expression
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第6期719-728,共10页
Is it possible to demonstrate the velocity addition without using a variable time (as it is done in theory of relativity)? The topic of this paper is to propose and demonstrate an alternative expres-sion based on the ... Is it possible to demonstrate the velocity addition without using a variable time (as it is done in theory of relativity)? The topic of this paper is to propose and demonstrate an alternative expres-sion based on the conservation of linear momenta. The method proposed here is to start from a physical object (and not from a mathematical point), i.e. from an object with a mass. And the hy-pothesis is inertial mass to be different from gravitational mass. Then, when impulses are added, we get an expression of the velocity addition itself. When numerical predictions are compared with experimental results, the differences are lower than the measures uncertainty. And these numerical results are much close to those predicts by the theory of relativity, nevertheless with a little difference at high velocities. If this demonstration and this expression were validated, it would allow giving an alternative explanation to some experiments and nature observations as Doppler Effect on light celerity. But first, it would be necessary to get from laboratories more precise experimental results, in order to validate or not this hypothesis of the sum of linear momenta with a Variable Inertial Mass. 展开更多
关键词 VELOCITY ADDITION VARIABLE Time VARIABLE Inertial Mass RELATIVITY Light Celerity Impulse LINEAR Momentum Kinetic Energy Fizeau’s Experiment
A Non-Relativistic Explanation of the Sagnac Effect
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2019年第5期500-514,共15页
More than a century ago, M. Sagnac realized an experiment with light rays, whose results according to him invalidated the theory of Relativity and validated the hypothesis of the Aether. This hypothesis of the ether w... More than a century ago, M. Sagnac realized an experiment with light rays, whose results according to him invalidated the theory of Relativity and validated the hypothesis of the Aether. This hypothesis of the ether was not retained by the scientific community, and relativistic explanations were given to the results of the Sagnac experiment. But these relativistic explanations remain open to criticism because they are various and because the prediction may differ depending on whether the observer’s frame of reference is at rest or in motion. The neo-Newtonian mechanics proposes a new explanation which leads to demonstrate the formula with P the light path. In order to verify this new interpretation, it is proposed to do again the Sagnac experiment with a slightly different light path, a square-shaped path. The results should be at least 30% lower than those predicted by the theory of Relativity. In which case, the relativistic explanation would be questioned. 展开更多
关键词 SAGNAC Effect RELATIVITY Theory Aether ETHER Neo-Newtonian Mechanics Light Path Gyrolaser
Thermodynamics and Irreversibility: From Some Paradoxes to the Efficiency of Effective Engines
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2014年第16期1575-1593,共19页
The traditional thermodynamic theory explains the reversible phenomena quite well, except that reversible phenomena are rare or even impossible in practice. Here the purpose is to propose an explanation valid for reve... The traditional thermodynamic theory explains the reversible phenomena quite well, except that reversible phenomena are rare or even impossible in practice. Here the purpose is to propose an explanation valid for reversible and also irreversible phenomena, irreversibility being common or realistic. It previously exposed points tricky to grasp, as the sign of the work exchange, the adiabatic expansion in vacuum (free expansion) or the transfer of heat between two bodies at the same temperature (isothermal transfer). After having slightly modified the concepts of heat transfer (each body produces heat according to its own temperature) and work (distinguishing external pressure from internal pressure), the previous points are more easily explained. At last, an engine efficiency in case of irreversible transfer is proposed. This paper is focused on the form of thermodynamics, on “explanations”;it does not question on “results” (except the irreversible free expansion of 1845...) which remain unchanged. 展开更多
关键词 Heat Transfer External and INTERNAL Pressure Work INTERNAL Energy Reversible and IRREVERSIBLE Joule’s Law and Joule’s Experiments ADIABATIC and Free Expansion Clapeyron Diagram Carnot Cycle Engine EFFICIENCY
And If Bell’s Inequality Were Not Violated
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2014年第14期1360-1369,共10页
It briefly recalls the theory of Bell’s inequality and some experimental measures. Then measurements are processed on one hand according to a property of the wave function, on the other hand according to the sum defi... It briefly recalls the theory of Bell’s inequality and some experimental measures. Then measurements are processed on one hand according to a property of the wave function, on the other hand according to the sum definition. The results of such processed measures are apparently not the same, so Bell’s inequality would not be violated. It is a use of the wave function which implies the violation of the inequality, as it can be seen on the last flowcharts. 展开更多
关键词 Bell’s THEOREM Bell’s INEQUALITY VIOLATION ENTANGLED PHOTONS Quantum SUM Experimental Measures Wave Function
Reply to “A Simple Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation”
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2017年第13期2167-2178,共12页
The theory of Relativity is consistent with the Lorentz transformation. Thus Pr. Lévy proposed a simple derivation of it, based on the Relativity postulates. A reply is provided: Some related results (five ones) ... The theory of Relativity is consistent with the Lorentz transformation. Thus Pr. Lévy proposed a simple derivation of it, based on the Relativity postulates. A reply is provided: Some related results (five ones) are found and developed step by step which would invalid it. So Lorentz transformation would not be simply derived by this way. Finally an alternative demonstration of Lorentz transformation is reminded, consistent with Quantum Mechanics. 展开更多
Net Force F = γ3ma at High Velocity
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第7期656-661,共6页
Newton’s theory of gravitation has been outdated by relativity theory explaining specific phenomena like perihelion precession of Mercury, light deflection and very recently the detection of gravitational waves. But ... Newton’s theory of gravitation has been outdated by relativity theory explaining specific phenomena like perihelion precession of Mercury, light deflection and very recently the detection of gravitational waves. But the disappearance of the obvious gravitational force and the variation of time are arguable concepts difficult to directly prove. Present methodology is based on hypotheses as expressed in a previous article: a universal time and an inertial mass variable according to the Lorentz factor (which could not be envisioned at Newton’s age). Because this methodology is mainly stood on Newtonian mechanics, it will be called neo-Newtonian mechanics. This theory is in coherence with the time of the Quantum Mechanics. In Newtonian mechanics, all forces, including gravitational force, are deducted from the linear momentum. Introducing the variable inertial mass, the result of the demonstration is an updated expression of the net force at high velocity: F = γ<sup>3</sup>m<sub>g</sub>a. If such a factor in γ<sup>3</sup> can look a bit strange at first sight for a force, let us remind that the lost energy in a synchrotron is already measured in γ<sup>4</sup>. Next article will be on the perihelion precession of Mercury within neo-Newtonian mechanics. 展开更多
关键词 Net Force Strength Neo-Newtonian Lorentz Factor General Relativity Theory Circular Motion Synchrotron Radiation High Velocity
An Alternative Demonstration of the Carnot Efficiency “Without” Using the Entropy Function
作者 Olivier Serret 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第2期185-198,共14页
Entropy function is used to demonstrate the Carnot efficiency, even if it is not always easy to understand its bases: the reversible movement or the reversible heat transfer. Here, it is proposed to demonstrate the Ca... Entropy function is used to demonstrate the Carnot efficiency, even if it is not always easy to understand its bases: the reversible movement or the reversible heat transfer. Here, it is proposed to demonstrate the Carnot efficiency “without” using the Entropy function. For this, it is necessary to enhance two concepts: heat transfer based on the source temperature and work transfer based on external pressure. This is achieved through 1) a balance exchanged heat, based on the source temperature and the system temperature, and 2) a balance exchanged work, based on the external pressure and the internal pressure. With these enhanced concepts, Laplace function and Carnot efficiency can be demonstrated without using the Entropy function (S). This is only a new formalism. Usual thermodynamics results are not changed. This new formalism can help to get a better description of realistic phenomena, like the efficiency of a realistic cycle. 展开更多
关键词 ENTROPY Carnot Efficiency Laplace Law Heat Work Thermodynamic Engine Cycle Efficiency
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