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化工生产中DCS控制系统的应用 被引量:8
作者 姚勇涛 《化工管理》 2015年第11期182-182,共1页
随着我国科学技术,尤其是计算机技术的迅速发展,它与DCS渐渐的融合在一起,为推动我国的化工行业的发展做出了巨大的贡献。DCS控制系统的主要结构包括体系结构和网络结构。本文从DCS控制系统的功能出发,对DCS控制系统的主要特点以及其在... 随着我国科学技术,尤其是计算机技术的迅速发展,它与DCS渐渐的融合在一起,为推动我国的化工行业的发展做出了巨大的贡献。DCS控制系统的主要结构包括体系结构和网络结构。本文从DCS控制系统的功能出发,对DCS控制系统的主要特点以及其在化工生产中的应用进行了分析,旨在让人们了解到这个系统的重要应用优势。 展开更多
关键词 化工生产 DCS控制系统 应用
一种新型的基于组态软件的DCS仿真开发平台 被引量:2
作者 卢定兴 王龙南 《世界仪表与自动化》 2005年第7期28-30,共3页
美国国防部关键技术计划中定义:“仿真是一个模型或一套模型的形成和运行。”这个简练的定义说明仿真与建模是不可分割的整体,没有模型就不能进行仿真,可见仿真开发平台设计的关键在于建模平台的设计。目前建模技术主要有手工建模、... 美国国防部关键技术计划中定义:“仿真是一个模型或一套模型的形成和运行。”这个简练的定义说明仿真与建模是不可分割的整体,没有模型就不能进行仿真,可见仿真开发平台设计的关键在于建模平台的设计。目前建模技术主要有手工建模、模块化建模、专用仿真语言、面向对象建模和图形自动化建模等,这些建模技术在表现形式上虽然各有不同, 展开更多
关键词 DCS仿真开发平台 组态软件 建模方法 表现形式 硬件结构 软件结构
作者 李晓 庹云川 《中国仪器仪表》 1997年第3期3-6,共4页
关键词 DCS 一体化 TPS 计算机控制系统 分散控制
OPC技术在DCS系统之间互联的应用 被引量:9
作者 朱善国 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2019年第3期235-239,共5页
通过对OPC技术概念、工业标准、原理的简要介绍,结合特大型石化企业中各套联合装置之间自动控制监控中需要解决的实际问题,构建行之有效的OPC网络,再运用DCS厂商提供的针对OPC技术开发的应用软件,有目的地开发应用,最终解决了企业各套... 通过对OPC技术概念、工业标准、原理的简要介绍,结合特大型石化企业中各套联合装置之间自动控制监控中需要解决的实际问题,构建行之有效的OPC网络,再运用DCS厂商提供的针对OPC技术开发的应用软件,有目的地开发应用,最终解决了企业各套联合装置之间的信息互联问题。 展开更多
关键词 OPC技术 DCS 网络拓扑 DELTAV系统 信息互联 OPC MIRROR
DCS系统在垃圾焚烧循环流化床电厂的应用 被引量:3
作者 徐浩 《自动化仪表》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第11期21-24,共4页
垃圾焚烧发电技术具有高效率处理生活垃圾、节约能源、建设周期短及环保等特点,循环流化床锅炉具有燃烧效率高、适应性强和燃烧强度大等优点,介绍了垃圾发电厂的工艺流程,并详细阐述了DCS控制系统的功能、特点及总线协议在垃圾焚烧热电... 垃圾焚烧发电技术具有高效率处理生活垃圾、节约能源、建设周期短及环保等特点,循环流化床锅炉具有燃烧效率高、适应性强和燃烧强度大等优点,介绍了垃圾发电厂的工艺流程,并详细阐述了DCS控制系统的功能、特点及总线协议在垃圾焚烧热电联产项目的具体应用,最后分析了性能模块在优化电厂机组运行、提高经济效益方面的应用。 展开更多
关键词 发电技术 DCS系统 总线协议 性能模块 优化
DCS系统在应用中的稳定性和不足分析及对策 被引量:4
作者 杜林军 兰志利 陈文俊 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2005年第12期18-18,共1页
关键词 DCS系统 稳定性 应用 生产过程 控制
作者 沈培 陈同尧 《自动化仪表》 CAS 北大核心 1999年第11期38-40,共3页
关键词 自动控制 DCS 炼铜 工艺控制 吹炼
作者 朱善国 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2020年第2期183-189,共7页
关键词 OPC技术 报警与事件 DCS系统 汇集
基于OPC HDA的DCS历史数据获取的3种途径
作者 朱善国 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2020年第6期69-74,104,共7页
该文简要介绍了OPC HDA技术及规范,阐述了现有DCS系统内部连续历史库的工作机理,对3种运用OPC HDA技术规范获取DCS系统历史数据并展现历史数据的途径进行分析研究,总结3种途径的利弊,为满足获取DCS系统历史数据的各种需要,提供了参考借鉴。
关键词 OPC HDA DCS 历史数据 连续历史库
"夹攻"dCS销售总监Raveen dCS Bartok发布会后的专访
作者 刘想云 剑豪(图) Raveen 《视听前线》 2019年第4期72-74,共3页
关键词 DCS 销售总监 发布会 专访 HI-END 卫星系统 转换技术 数字音频
作者 李朝涛 《自动化信息》 2008年第3期33-33,32,共2页
一、分散控制系统的产生计算机问世不久,人们就在工业自动化领域里找到了它的用武之地。在工业生产中,有各种各样的反映生产过程状态的物理量,如温度、压力、电流、电压等过程信息量。随着这些过程信息的数字化技术的发展成熟,计算... 一、分散控制系统的产生计算机问世不久,人们就在工业自动化领域里找到了它的用武之地。在工业生产中,有各种各样的反映生产过程状态的物理量,如温度、压力、电流、电压等过程信息量。随着这些过程信息的数字化技术的发展成熟,计算机又扩展到工业过程和生产制造领域,这就是人们常说的计算机控制系统,或更广泛的说,是计算机工业自动化系统。 展开更多
关键词 分散控制系统 计算机控制系统 工业自动化系统 工业生产 数字化技术 生产过程
作者 李权 李学友 +10 位作者 曾祥乐 白皓天 Stephen Jackson 胡哲畅 朱中旭 汪思远 罗康 罗京 普明进 普昌哲 蒋学龙 《兽类学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期574-586,共13页
2022—2023年,摄影爱好者和中国科学院昆明动物研究所科研人员先后在西藏自治区拍摄和采集到不丹大鼯鼠(Petaurista nobilis)(错那县、亚东县)和李氏小飞鼠(Priapomys leonardi)(巴宜区、墨脱县和错那县)的照片及标本。研究发现不丹大... 2022—2023年,摄影爱好者和中国科学院昆明动物研究所科研人员先后在西藏自治区拍摄和采集到不丹大鼯鼠(Petaurista nobilis)(错那县、亚东县)和李氏小飞鼠(Priapomys leonardi)(巴宜区、墨脱县和错那县)的照片及标本。研究发现不丹大鼯鼠西藏种群形态上与不丹大鼯鼠不丹亚种(Petaurista nobilis singhei Saha,1975)的描述一致;遗传上与米什米大鼯鼠(Petaurista mishmiensis)构成姊妹群,遗传距离较小(Cyt b:1.85%)。考虑到不丹大鼯鼠和米什米大鼯鼠之间的遗传差异过小,分布区连续且栖息地都为中低海拔的常绿阔叶林,故两者应视为同一物种;又因两者之间的毛色差异稳定存在,可作为不同亚种,根据优先律,使用不丹大鼯鼠Petaurista nobilis(Gray,1842)做为种名,米什米大鼯鼠降为不丹大鼯鼠米什米亚种(Petaurista nobilis mishmiensis Choudhury,2009)。李氏小飞鼠西藏种群毛色、头骨和颊齿特征与云南西北部种群一致,但体型较小,且阴茎长度、直径和形状有较大程度的变异;遗传上西藏种群是包含云南西北部种群的并系群,遗传距离较小(12S ribosomal RNA:0.45%~0.91%,16S ribosomal RNA:0.31%~1.05%)。不丹大鼯鼠为中国兽类新纪录,李氏小飞鼠为西藏自治区兽类新纪录。本研究扩展了不丹大鼯鼠和李氏小飞鼠的分布区,提示应进一步加强喜马拉雅地区兽类的调查与监测研究工作,以发现更多的新物种、新纪录。 展开更多
关键词 兽类 鼯鼠 新纪录 西藏自治区 错那县 墨脱县 巴宜区 亚东县
Finding the magnetopause location using soft X-ray observations and a statistical inverse method 被引量:1
作者 Gonzalo Cucho-Padin Hyunju Connor +2 位作者 Jaewoong Jung Brian Walsh David G.Sibeck 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期184-203,共20页
Variability in the location and shape of the dayside magnetopause is attributed to magnetic reconnection,a fundamental process that enables the transfer of mass,energy,and momentum from the solar wind into the magneto... Variability in the location and shape of the dayside magnetopause is attributed to magnetic reconnection,a fundamental process that enables the transfer of mass,energy,and momentum from the solar wind into the magnetosphere.The spatial and temporal properties of the magnetopause,under varying solar and magnetospheric conditions,remain largely unknown because empirical studies using in-situ observations are challenging to interpret.Global wide field-of-view(FOV)imaging is the only means to simultaneously observe the spatial distribution of the plasma properties over the vast dayside magnetospheric region and,subsequently,quantify the energy transport from the interplanetary medium into the terrestrial magnetosphere.Two upcoming missions,ESA/CAS SMILE and NASA’s LEXI will provide wide-field imagery of the dayside magnetosheath in soft X-rays,an emission generated by charge exchange interactions between high charge-state heavy ions of solar wind origin and exospheric neutral atoms.High-cadence two-dimensional observations of the magnetosheath will allow the estimation of dynamic properties of its inner boundary,the magnetopause,and enable studies of its response to changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure and interplanetary magnetic field orientation.This work introduces a statistically-based estimation approach based on inverse theory to estimate the spatial distribution of magnetosheath soft X-ray emissivities and,with this,identify the location of the magnetopause over the Sun−Earth line.To do so,we simulate the magnetosheath structure using the MHD-based OpenGGCM model and generate synthetic soft X-ray images using LEXI’s orbit and attitude information.Our results show that 3-D estimations using the described statistically-based technique are robust against Poisson-distributed shot noise inherent to soft X-ray images.Also,our proposed methodology shows that the accuracy of both three-dimensional(3-D)estimation and the magnetopause standoff distance calculation highly depends on the observational point. 展开更多
Effects of Chlorine and Chlorine Monoxide on Stratospheric Ozone Depletion 被引量:1
作者 Laurie Wei Ibraheem Alelmi Sen Nieh 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2024年第1期136-153,共18页
This paper presents a system approach of mass balance calculations of ozone and other species under diffusion-convection-reaction processes to study the impacts of major ozone-depleting chemicals, chlorine (Cl) and ch... This paper presents a system approach of mass balance calculations of ozone and other species under diffusion-convection-reaction processes to study the impacts of major ozone-depleting chemicals, chlorine (Cl) and chlorine monoxide (ClO), and the effect of photolysis on ozone concentrations, ozone depletion, total ozone abundance, and ozone layer along the altitude in the stratosphere. The calculated ozone concentrations and profile of the layer followed a similar trend and were generally in good agreement with the measurements above the tropical area. The calculated peak of the layer was at the same mid-stratosphere at Z = 30 km with a peak concentration and total ozone abundance about 20% higher than the measured peak concentration of 8.0 ppm and total abundance of 399 DU. In the presence of Cl and ClO, the calculated ozone concentrations and total abundance were substantially reduced. Cl generally depleted more uniformly of ozone across the altitude, while ClO reduced substantially the ozone in the upper stratosphere and thus shifted the peak of the layer to a much lower elevation at Z = 14 km. Although both ClO and Cl are active ozone-depleting chemicals, ClO was found to have a more pronounced impact on ozone depletion and distribution than Cl. The possible explanations of these interesting phenomena were discussed and elaborated. The approach and calculations in this paper were shown to be useful in providing an initial insight into the structure and behavior of the complex ozone layer. 展开更多
关键词 OZONE Ozone Depletion CHLORINE Chlorine Monoxide PHOTOLYSIS Dobson Unit
Estimating the subsolar magnetopause position from soft X-ray images using a low-pass image filter 被引量:1
作者 Hyangpyo Kim Hyunju K.Connor +9 位作者 Jaewoong Jung Brian M.Walsh David Sibeck Kip D.Kuntz Frederick S.Porter Catriana K.Paw U Rousseau A.Nutter Ramiz Qudsi Rumi Nakamura Michael Collier 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期173-183,共11页
The Lunar Environment heliospheric X-ray Imager(LEXI)and Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer(SMILE)missions will image the Earth’s dayside magneto pause and cusps in soft X-rays after their respective l... The Lunar Environment heliospheric X-ray Imager(LEXI)and Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer(SMILE)missions will image the Earth’s dayside magneto pause and cusps in soft X-rays after their respective launches in the near future,to specify glo bal magnetic reconnection modes for varying solar wind conditions.To suppo rt the success of these scientific missions,it is critical to develop techniques that extract the magnetopause locations from the observed soft X-ray images.In this research,we introduce a new geometric equation that calculates the subsolar magnetopause position(RS)from a satellite position,the look direction of the instrument,and the angle at which the X-ray emission is maximized.Two assumptions are used in this method:(1)The look direction where soft X-ray emissions are maximized lies tangent to the magnetopause,and(2)the magnetopause surface near the subsolar point is almost spherical and thus RSis nea rly equal to the radius of the magneto pause curvature.We create synthetic soft X-ray images by using the Open Geospace General Circulation Model(OpenGGCM)global magnetohydrodynamic model,the galactic background,the instrument point spread function,and Poisson noise.We then apply the fast Fourier transform and Gaussian low-pass filte rs to the synthetic images to re move noise and obtain accurate look angles for the soft X-ray pea ks.From the filte red images,we calculate RS and its accuracy for different LEXI locations,look directions,and solar wind densities by using the OpenGGCM subsolar magnetopause location as ground truth.Our method estimates RS with an accuracy of<0.3 RE when the solar wind density exceeds>10 cm-3.The accuracy improves for greater solar wind densities and during southward interplanetary magnetic fields.The method ca ptures the magnetopause motion during southwa rd interplaneta ry magnetic field turnings.Consequently,the technique will enable quantitative analysis of the magnetopause motion and help reveal the dayside reconnection modes for dynamic solar wind conditions.This technique will suppo rt the LEXI and SMILE missions in achieving their scientific o bjectives. 展开更多
Dynamic Reconstruction of Total-cross-tied Photovoltaic Array Based on Arrays Using an Improved Dung Beetle Algorithm
作者 Peijin Liu Tao Huang +2 位作者 Yong Chen Lei Dong Fei Yu 《Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering》 EI CSCD 2024年第3期77-93,共17页
A dynamic reconfiguration method for photovoltaic(PV)arrays based on an improved dung beetle algorithm(IDBO)to address the issue of PV array mismatch loss caused by partial shading conditions(PSCs)is proposed.To estab... A dynamic reconfiguration method for photovoltaic(PV)arrays based on an improved dung beetle algorithm(IDBO)to address the issue of PV array mismatch loss caused by partial shading conditions(PSCs)is proposed.To establish the output power-current(P-I)segmentation function for the total-cross-tied(TCT)PV array and the constraint function for the electrical switches,the IDBO algorithm was used to optimize both the P-I segmentation function and the electrical switch constraint function.IDBO is compared with algorithm-free reconfiguration and five other heuristic algorithms using two evaluation criteria:mismatch loss and power enhancement percentage,across six shading scenarios for 6x6 PV arrays.The irradiation distribution of PV arrays reconfigured by IDBO is also presented.The results show that IDBO effectively increases the output power of PV arrays and reduces mismatch loss.The output PV curves tend to exhibit a single peak,and the reconstruction results are superior to those obtained with the other methods. 展开更多
关键词 Photovoltaic power generation local shade dynamic reconstruction power mismatch improved dung beetle algorithm
Approach to traumatic cardiac arrest in the emergency department: a narrative literature review for emergency providers
作者 Rashed Alremeithi Quincy K.Tran +2 位作者 Megan T.Quintana Soroush Shahamatdar Ali Pourmand 《World Journal of Emergency Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期3-9,共7页
BACKGROUND:Traumatic cardiac arrest(TCA)is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity in all age groups and poses a significant burden on the healthcare system.Although there have been advances in treatment modali... BACKGROUND:Traumatic cardiac arrest(TCA)is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity in all age groups and poses a significant burden on the healthcare system.Although there have been advances in treatment modalities,survival rates for TCA patients remain low.This narrative literature review critically examines the indications and eff ectiveness of current therapeutic approaches in treating TCA.METHODS:We performed a literature search in the PubMed and Scopus databases for studies published before December 31,2022.The search was refi ned by combining search terms,examining relevant study references,and restricting publications to the English language.Following the search,943 articles were retrieved,and two independent reviewers conducted a screening process.RESULTS:A review of various studies on pre-and intra-arrest prognostic factors showed that survival rates were higher when patients had an initial shockable rhythm.There were conflicting results regarding other prognostic factors,such as witnessed arrest,bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR),and the use of prehospital or in-hospital epinephrine.Emergency thoracotomy was found to result in more favorable outcomes in cases of penetrating trauma than in those with blunt trauma.Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta(REBOA)provides an advantage to emergency thoracotomy in terms of occupational safety for the operator as an alternative in managing hemorrhagic shock.When implemented in the setting of aortic occlusion,emergency thoracotomy and REBOA resulted in comparable mortality rates.Veno-venous extracorporeal life support(V-V ECLS)and veno-arterial extracorporeal life support(V-A ECLS)are viable options for treating respiratory failure and cardiogenic shock,respectively.In the context of traumatic injuries,V-V ECLS has been associated with higher rates of survival to discharge than V-A ECLS.CONCLUSION:TCA remains a signifi cant challenge for emergency medical services due to its high morbidity and mortality rates.Pre-and intra-arrest prognostic factors can help identify patients who are likely to benefit from aggressive and resource-intensive resuscitation measures.Further research is needed to enhance guidelines for the clinical use of established and emerging therapeutic approaches that can help optimize treatment effi cacy and ameliorate survival outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 Traumatic cardiac arrest Emergency thoracotomy Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta
Molecular Docking Studies on Streptomycin Antileishmanial Activity
作者 Todd A. Young Matthew George Jr. +3 位作者 Ayele Gugssa William M. Southerland Yayin Fang Clarence M. Lee 《Open Journal of Physical Chemistry》 2024年第2期36-48,共13页
Resistance to pentavalent antimonial drugs and the lack of vaccines make it urgent to find novel therapeutic options to treat Leishmaniasis, a tropical disease caused by the Leishmania protozoan parasite. The study re... Resistance to pentavalent antimonial drugs and the lack of vaccines make it urgent to find novel therapeutic options to treat Leishmaniasis, a tropical disease caused by the Leishmania protozoan parasite. The study reported here is to investigate if Streptomycin, an aminoglycoside, and Amphotericin B, the second-line treatment drug, exhibit antileishmanial activity through a similar mechanism. By using MOE (Molecular Operating Environment), we performed molecular docking studies on these drugs binding to a range of targets including ribosome targets in Leishmania and H. sapiens. Our study shows that the two drugs do not bind to the same pockets in Leishmania targets but to the same pockets in the human ribosome, with some differences in interactions. Moreover, our 2D maps indicated that Amphotericin B binds to the A-site in the human cytoplasmic ribosome, whereas streptomycin does not. 展开更多
Calculations and Sensitivity Analysis of Chlorine-,NO_(x)-,and Bromine-Depleting Cycles of Stratospheric Ozone
作者 Ibraheem Alelmi Sen Nieh 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 CAS 2024年第2期53-69,共17页
This paper presents an engineering system approach using a 2D model of conservation of mass to study the dynamics of ozone and concerned chemical species in the stratosphere.By considering all fourteen photolysis,ozon... This paper presents an engineering system approach using a 2D model of conservation of mass to study the dynamics of ozone and concerned chemical species in the stratosphere.By considering all fourteen photolysis,ozone-generating,and-depleting chemical reactions,the model calculated the transient,spatial changes of ozone under different physical-chemical-radiative conditions.Validation against the measured data demonstrated good accuracy,close match of our model with the observed ozone concentrations at both 20°S and 90°N locations.The deviation in the average concentration was less than 1% and in ozone profiles less than 17%.The impacts of various chlorine-(Cl),nitrogen oxides-(NO_(x)),and bromine-(Br)depleting cycles on ozone concentrations and distribution were investigated.The chlorine catalytic depleting cycle was found to exhibit the most significant impact on ozone dynamics,confirming the key role of chlorine in the problem of ozone depletion.Sensitivity analysis was conducted with levels of 25%,50%,100%,200%,and 400% of the baseline value.The combined cycles(Cl+NO_(x)+Br)showed the most significant influence on ozone behavior.The total ozone abundance above the South Pole could decrease by a small 3%,from 281 DU(Dubson Units)to 273 DU for the 25% level,or by a huge thinning of 60%to 114 DU for the 400% concentration level.When the level of chlorine gases increased beyond 200%,it would cause ozone depletion to a level of ozone hole(below 220 DU).The 2D Ozone Model presented in this paper demonstrates robustness,convenience,efficiency,and executability for analyzing complex ozone phenomena in the stratosphere. 展开更多
关键词 Ozone depletion 2-D model CHLORINE BROMINE nitrogen oxides sensitivity analysis total ozone abundance DU
Advanced Computing for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction
作者 Santosh Gaire Poshan Belbase +1 位作者 Amrit Kafle Rajendra Bhandari 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2024年第3期228-242,共15页
Developing a predictive model for detecting cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) is crucial due to its high global fatality rate. With the advancements in artificial intelligence, the availability of large-scale data, and i... Developing a predictive model for detecting cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) is crucial due to its high global fatality rate. With the advancements in artificial intelligence, the availability of large-scale data, and increased access to computational capability, it is feasible to create robust models that can detect CVDs with high precision. This study aims to provide a promising method for early diagnosis by employing various machine learning and deep learning techniques, including logistic regression, decision trees, random forest classifier, extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and a sequential model from Keras. Our evaluation identifies the random forest classifier as the most effective model, achieving an accuracy of 0.91, surpassing other machine learning and deep learning approaches. Close behind are XGBoost (accuracy: 0.90), decision tree (accuracy: 0.86), and logistic regression (accuracy: 0.70). Additionally, our deep learning sequential model demonstrates promising classification performance, with an accuracy of 0.80 and a loss of 0.425 on the validation set. These findings underscore the potential of machine learning and deep learning methodologies in advancing cardiovascular disease prediction and management strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Machine Learning Deep Learning Classification Performance Matrix ACCURACY
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