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Review of Late Jurassic-early Miocene sedimentation and plate-tectonic evolution of northern California:illuminating example of an accretionary margin
作者 W.G.Ernst 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期123-142,共20页
Production of voluminous igneous arc rocks,high-pressure/low-temperature(HP/LT) metamafic rocks,westward relative migration of the Klamath Mountains province,and U-Pb ages of deposition,sediment sources,and spatial lo... Production of voluminous igneous arc rocks,high-pressure/low-temperature(HP/LT) metamafic rocks,westward relative migration of the Klamath Mountains province,and U-Pb ages of deposition,sediment sources,and spatial locations of Jurassic and younger,detrital zirconbearing clastic rocks constrain geologic development of the northern California continental edge as follows:(1) At~ 175 Ma,transpressive plate underflow began to generate an Andean-type Klamath-Sierran arc along the margin.(2)Oceanic crustal rocks were metamorphosed under HP/LT conditions in an inboard,east-inclined subduction zone from~ 170-155 Ma.Except for the Red Ant blueschists,such Ethologies remained stored at depth;most HP/LT mafic tectonic blocks returned surfaceward only during mid- and Late Cretaceous time,chiefly entrained in circulating,buoyant Franciscan mud-matrix melange.(3) By ~ 165 Ma and continuing to ~ 150-140 Ma,erosion supplied volcanogenic debris to proximal Mariposa-Galice ± Myrtle overlap strata.(4) At ~ 140,immediately prior to the onset of paired Franciscan and Great Valley Group(GVG) +Hornbrook deposition,the Klamath salient was deformed and displaced ~ 100-150 km westward relative to the Sierran arc,stranding pre-existing oceanic crust on the south as the Coast Range Ophiolite(CRO).(5) After the end-ofJurassic seaward step-out of the Farallon-North American convergent plate junction,terrigineous debris began to be deposited in the outboard Franciscan trench and intervening Great Valley forearc.(6) Voluminous sedimentation and accretion of Franciscan Eastern + Central belts and GVG detritus took place during paroxysmal igneous activity and rapid,nearly orthogonal plate convergence at^125-80 Ma.(7) Sierran arc volcanism-plutonism ceased by^80 Ma in northern California,signaling a transition to shallow,nearly subhorizontal eastward plate underflow attending Laramide orogeny far to the east.(8) Presently exposed Paleogenelower Miocene Franciscan Coastal Belt sedimentary strata were deposited in a tectonic realm unaffected by HP/LT subduction.(9) Grenville-age detrital zircons are absent from the post-120 Ma Franciscan section.(10) Judging from petrofacies and zircon U-Pb data,the Franciscan Eastern Belt contains debris derived principally from the Sierra Nevada and Klamath ranges;detritus from the Idaho Batholith as well as Sierra Nevada Batholith may be present in some Central Belt sandstones,whereas clasts from the Idaho Batholith,Challis volcanics,and Cascade Range appear in progressively younger Paleogene-lower Miocene Coastal Belt sediments.(11) Gradual NW dextral offset of the Franciscan trench deposits of as much as^1,600 km may have occurred relative to the native GVG forearc and basement terranes of the American Southwest. 展开更多
关键词 板块构造 早中新世 加利福尼亚州 晚侏罗世 增生 保证金 U-Pb年龄 地层沉积
南阿尔金—柴北缘高压-超高压变质带研究进展、问题及挑战 被引量:51
作者 张建新 孟繁聪 C.G.Mattinson 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期526-545,共20页
南阿尔金—柴北缘高压-超高压(HP/UHP)变质带为近10年来所新厘定,它分布在青藏高原北缘,延伸近1000km,被阿尔金断裂分成南阿尔金和柴北缘两部分,以含少量榴辉岩、石榴橄榄岩和含柯石英的片麻岩为特征。根据野外地质观察、岩石组合分析... 南阿尔金—柴北缘高压-超高压(HP/UHP)变质带为近10年来所新厘定,它分布在青藏高原北缘,延伸近1000km,被阿尔金断裂分成南阿尔金和柴北缘两部分,以含少量榴辉岩、石榴橄榄岩和含柯石英的片麻岩为特征。根据野外地质观察、岩石组合分析及其岩石学特征,可把南阿尔金—柴北缘HP/UHP变质带划分为6个HP/UHP变质单元,从西向东分别是:江尕勒萨依榴辉岩-片麻岩单元(JSU);巴什瓦克石榴橄榄岩-高压麻粒岩单元(BWU);鱼卡—落凤坡榴辉岩-片麻岩(片岩)单元(YLU);绿粱山石榴橄榄岩-高压麻粒岩单元(LLU);锡铁山榴辉岩-片麻岩单元(XTU);都兰榴辉岩-片麻岩单元(DLU)。研究显示,6个HP/UHP变质单元在岩石组合、形成的温度压力条件及变质演化历史等方面存在明显差异;榴辉岩相变质时代变化在420~500Ma之间,可能反映了早古生代沿南阿尔金—柴北缘HP/UHP变质带的多阶段或穿时性的俯冲作用。 展开更多
关键词 南阿尔金—柴北缘 HP/UHP变质带 HP/UHP变质单元 多阶段俯冲
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