The integration of sustainable technologies in waste management systems has become imperative in addressing the escalating challenges of agricultural productivity and sustainability. Plugs are essential when starting ...The integration of sustainable technologies in waste management systems has become imperative in addressing the escalating challenges of agricultural productivity and sustainability. Plugs are essential when starting crop production in controlled environment agriculture (CEA) setups and greenhouses. Horticultural crops such as vegetables, fruiting, and ornamental plants that utilize plugs have demonstrated higher success rates, healthier plants, and higher total yields. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Agriculture explored the innovative utilization of digestate from the Home Water-Energy-Food Systems (H-WEF). The H-WEF system converts household food waste into biogas, electricity, and nutrient-rich digestate. The digestate from the H-WEF system was used to produce agricultural plugs, presenting a novel approach to circular resource utilization. We carried out the growth of Rex Butterhead Lettuce Latuca sativa plugs with 1) control system (synthetic fertilizer) and seven different treatments, 2) 5% Digestate—95% RO Water (5D–95RO);3) 10% Digestate—90% RO Water (10D–90RO);4) 15% Digestate—85% RO Water (15D–85RO);5) 20% Digestate—80% RO Water (20D–80RO);6) 25% Digestate—75% RO Water (25D–75RO);7) 30% Digestate—70% RO Water (30D–70RO);8) 35% Digestate—65% RO Water (35D–65RO). The plugs were cultivated for 15 days in a controlled environment until two leaves had developed after the cotyledon. After 15 days, we collected data on wet weight (g), plug head area (cm2), total leaf area (cm2), total chlorophyll content (mg/cm2), and dry weight (g). In addition, we collected data on the Leaf Area Index (LAI, cm2/cm2) and Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm2/g). The synthetic fertigation yielded a higher wet weight than the following treatments: 5D–95RO, 10D–90RO, and 35D–65RO. While the 30D–70RO treatment produced a larger plug head than all other treatments. The digestate-based fertilizers were comparable to the synthetic fertilizer at dilutions of 25D–75RO and 30D–70RO. This study underscores the viability of using digestate for plug production, providing crucial insights for growers navigating the challenges of sustainable agricultural practices.展开更多
The problem of evaluating an infinite series whose successive terms are reciprocal squares of the natural numbers was posed without a solution being offered in the middle of the seventeenth century. In the modern era,...The problem of evaluating an infinite series whose successive terms are reciprocal squares of the natural numbers was posed without a solution being offered in the middle of the seventeenth century. In the modern era, it is part of the theory of the Riemann zeta-function, specifically ζ (2). Jakob Bernoulli attempted to solve it by considering other more tractable series which were superficially similar and which he hoped could be algebraically manipulated to yield a solution to the difficult series. This approach was eventually unsuccessful, however, Bernoulli did produce an early monograph on summation of series. It remained for Bernoulli’s student and countryman Leonhard Euler to ultimately determine the sum to be . We characterize a class of series based on generalizing Bernoulli’s original work by adding two additional parameters to the summations. We also develop a recursion formula that allows summation of any member of the class.展开更多
With the rising pressures on food security, GREENBOX technology was developed as an avenue for fresh leafy vegetable crop production in urban settings. GREENBOX units were designed to be thermally insulated and climat...With the rising pressures on food security, GREENBOX technology was developed as an avenue for fresh leafy vegetable crop production in urban settings. GREENBOX units were designed to be thermally insulated and climate controlled, with an artificial lighting source that utilized soilless cultivation techniques. Previous studies conducted on GREENBOX technology used the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT);however, various hydroponic methods exist, such as the Deep-Water Culture (DWC) method being the most used. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) compared the crop growth performance between DWC and NFT systems using GREENBOX technology. The following study monitored environmental conditions and compared productivity and biomass data of Rex Butterhead Lettuce crops between DWC and NFT systems. We assembled two GREENBOX units using commercially available materials and the standard nutrient solution for fertigation. The crops grown in DWC and NFT were in a 4 × 6 configuration. The DWC and NFT systems were used to grow Lettuce Lactuca sativa “Rex Butterhead” over 30 days to full bloom from prepared plugs grown for 14 days. We collected environmental data including Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD, μmol/m<sup>2</sup>∙s), Daily Light Integral (DLI, mol/ m<sup>2</sup>∙d), temperature (˚C), relative humidity (%), and Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD, kPa). We collected lettuce crop growth data, which included wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (μmol/m<sup>2</sup>). We derived data, including the Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g) and biomass productivity (kg/m<sup>2</sup>), from previously collected data. We used descriptive statistics to present the collected data. A paired t-test was performed to understand the differences in biomass and productivity parameters between the DWC and NFT-grown lettuce crops. Both the DWC and NFT-grown crops could grow lettuce crops to harvest weight at full bloom. Observed data demonstrated that the biomass parameters and productivity did not differ significantly between the two hydroponics techniques. Therefore, we believe both hydroponic methods may be similar in growth performance and may be used in future iterations of GREENBOX design and prove suitable for fresh vegetable crop production in urban settings.展开更多
Plugs are crucial for initiating crop production in greenhouses, soil, and controlled environment agriculture (CEA). Vegetable, fruiting, ornamental, and other horticultural crops that utilize plugs for production hav...Plugs are crucial for initiating crop production in greenhouses, soil, and controlled environment agriculture (CEA). Vegetable, fruiting, ornamental, and other horticultural crops that utilize plugs for production have demonstrated superior transplant establishment rate, plant health, and total yield. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University investigated the quality of plugs grown based on different concentrations and fertigation sources using synthetic and organic sources. We carried out the growth of “Rex Butterhead” Lettuce (Latuca sativa) plugs with five different fertigation treatments, 1) full-strength synthetic starter fertilizer solution;2) half-strength synthetic starter fertilizer solution;3) full-strength organic starter fertilizer solution;4) half-strength organic starter fertilizer solution, and 5) no fertilizer for control. Fertilizer treatments were formulated following manufacturer recommendations. The seeds were sown in Oasis<sup>®</sup> Horticubes and saturated every day with the different fertilizer treatments. The plugs were cultivated for 15 days in a controlled environment until two leaves after the cotyledons had developed. After 15 days, we collected data which included wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (mg/cm<sup>2</sup>). In addition, we derived data including the Leaf Area Index (LAI, cm<sup>2</sup>/cm<sup>2</sup>) and Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the biomass data. A Tukey’s HSD test was carried out to understand the differences between the fertilizer sources. We determined there was a statistically significant difference (P = 7.34E−29) in the measured plug growth parameters due to the various fertigation sources. We found that all fertilizer treatments produced viable plugs except for the control treatment. Of all the treatments, we concluded the half-strength organic treatment produced the more vigorous plugs with the greatest wet weight (g) and largest total leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>) which was statistically significantly different. Results from this study may inform growers about appropriate fertilizer options for plug production.展开更多
Conventional soil-based agriculture is resource-intensive, utilizing large amounts of land and water, thereby placing a strain on Earth’s natural resources. Soil-based agricultural techniques create environmental iss...Conventional soil-based agriculture is resource-intensive, utilizing large amounts of land and water, thereby placing a strain on Earth’s natural resources. Soil-based agricultural techniques create environmental issues such as soil degradation, deforestation, and groundwater pollution from the mass implementation of fertilizers and pesticides. Agricultural crop production using hydroponics has shown promise to be less resource intensive and provide a faster turnaround in crop production. Soilless cultivation using hydroponics promises to relieve some pressure on Earth’s ecosystems and resources by utilizing lesser land and water footprint. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) compared the growth of Lettuce Lactuca sativa “Rex Butterhead” crop grown using soil and soilless methods to analyze the growth performance in each setting. Crops grown in the soil-based medium were raised in the FGCU Food Forest, used a mix of soil and potting mix, watered regularly, and followed standard Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices. Crops grown hydroponically were grown in a thermally insulated grow tent with an artificial lighting source, ventilation, environmental controls, and the Deep-Water Culture (DWC) method. Lettuce plugs were grown for 15 days in controlled environments until two leaves after the cotyledons had developed and were ready for transplant. Plugs were transplanted into a 4 × 6 matrix at the FGCU Food Forest and the DWC growth system. Crops were grown to full bloom and ready for harvest in the soil (60 days) and soilless (30 days) based setups. We collected crop growth data, including wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (μmol/m<sup>2</sup>). From the collected data, we derived the Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g) and biomass productivity (kg/m<sup>2</sup>). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the collected and derived data. We investigated the slopes of regression lines for each growth curve which derived the differences in biomass and productivity parameters between lettuce grown using soil and hydroponics. Both growing methods can grow lettuce crops to full bloom and to adequate harvest weight. The biomass parameters and productivity differ significantly between the growing methods. The lettuce crops grown using hydroponics increase in wet weight statistically and significantly faster than those grown in soil (p < 0.0001). Therefore, we determined that a hydroponic method of crop production may provide better crop output and biomass indicators measured than soil-based growth.展开更多
Obtaining nutritious food is becoming increasingly difficult due to the growing urban population and the degradation of soil, water, and air from mechanized and industrialized agricultural techniques. More than half t...Obtaining nutritious food is becoming increasingly difficult due to the growing urban population and the degradation of soil, water, and air from mechanized and industrialized agricultural techniques. More than half the global population resides in urban areas, with not enough surrounding agricultural land to meet food requirements. Food traveling long distances, an average of 1020 miles, has resulted in increased food miles for the average food item in the United States of America, representing wasted resources. The novel GREENBOX technology was invented in response to increasing pressures on food security. Previous studies conducted on GREENBOX technology assessed the technical feasibility of utilizing Lettuce Lactuca sativa ‘Rex Butterhead’. We at the APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University assessed the technical feasibility of growing different leafy green vegetable crops. GREENBOX technology consists of thermally insulated climate-controlled enclosures, an artificial lighting source, a soilless cultivation method (hydroponics), and environmental control modules. We assembled two GREENBOX units to assess the environmental conditions and growth performance of Brassica rapa var. chinensis ‘Li Ren Choi’, Spinach Spinacia oleracea ‘Auroch’, Arugula Eruca sativa ‘Astro’, and Mizuna Brassica Brassica rapa var. japonica. Plugs were cultivated and then transplanted in a randomized manner to the nutrient film technique (NFT) channels, subsequently grown for 30 days to full bloom and ready for harvest. Fertigation was carried out using a standard concentration nutrient solution. Crops were arranged in twelve blocks of four species each. We collected environmental data including daily light integral (DLI, mol/m<sup>2</sup>∙d), temperature (˚C), relative humidity (%), and vapor pressure deficit (VPD, kPa). Collected biomass data included wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (mg/cm<sup>2</sup>). We then derived the Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g). Descriptive statistics were utilized to understand the differences in biomass parameters between the four crops grown. We also compared the performance parameters of our crops with existing peer-reviewed literature and found it superior, if not comparable to commonly found industrial output. We determined that all crops grew to full bloom, demonstrating that GREENBOX technology may be used to grow a variety of different leafy green vegetable crops.展开更多
The proof by Andrew Wiles of Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1995 resolved the existence question for non-trivial solutions in integers x,y,zto the equation xn+yn=znfor n>2. There are none. Surprisingly, there are infini...The proof by Andrew Wiles of Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1995 resolved the existence question for non-trivial solutions in integers x,y,zto the equation xn+yn=znfor n>2. There are none. Surprisingly, there are infinitely many solutions if the problem is recast in terms of modular arithmetic. Over a hundred years ago Issai Schur was able to show that for any n there is always a sufficiently large prime p0such that for all primes p≥p0the congruence xn+yn≡zn(modp)has a non-trivial solution. Schur’s argument wasnon-constructive, and there is no systematic method available at present to construct specific examples for small primes. We offer a simple method for constructing all possible solutions to a large class of congruences of this type.展开更多
Factoring quadratics over Z is a staple of introductory algebra and textbooks tend to create the impression that doable factorizations are fairly common. To the contrary, if coefficients of a general quadratic are sel...Factoring quadratics over Z is a staple of introductory algebra and textbooks tend to create the impression that doable factorizations are fairly common. To the contrary, if coefficients of a general quadratic are selected randomly without restriction, the probability that a factorization exists is zero. We achieve a specific quantification of the probability of factoring quadratics by taking a new approach that considers the absolute size of coefficients to be a parameter n. This restriction allows us to make relative likelihood estimates based on finite sample spaces. Our probability estimates are then conditioned on the size parameter n and the behavior of the conditional estimates may be studied as the parameter is varied. Specifically, we enumerate how many formal factored expressions could possibly correspond to a quadratic for a given size parameter. The conditional probability of factorization as a function of n is just the ratio of this enumeration to the total number of possible quadratics consistent with n. This approach is patterned after the well-known case where factorizations are carried out over a finite field. We review the finite field method as background for our method of dealing with Z [x]. The monic case is developed independently of the general case because it is simpler and the resulting probability estimating formula is more accurate. We conclude with a comparison of our theoretical probability estimates with exact data generated by a computer search for factorable quadratics corresponding to various parameter values.展开更多
A dominating set of a graph G is a set of vertices that contains at least one endpoint of every edge on the graph. The domination number of G is the order of a minimum dominating set of G. The (t, r) broadcast dominat...A dominating set of a graph G is a set of vertices that contains at least one endpoint of every edge on the graph. The domination number of G is the order of a minimum dominating set of G. The (t, r) broadcast domination is a generalization of domination in which a set of broadcasting vertices emits signals of strength t that decrease by 1 as they traverse each edge, and we require that every vertex in the graph receives a cumulative signal of at least r from its set of broadcasting neighbors. In this paper, we extend the study of (t, r) broadcast domination to directed graphs. Our main result explores the interval of values obtained by considering the directed (t, r) broadcast domination numbers of all orientations of a graph G. In particular, we prove that in the cases r = 1 and (t, r) = (2, 2), for every integer value in this interval, there exists an orientation of G which has directed (t, r) broadcast domination number equal to that value. We also investigate directed (t, r) broadcast domination on the finite grid graph, the star graph, the infinite grid graph, and the infinite triangular lattice graph. We conclude with some directions for future study.展开更多
The finite field F<sub>q</sub> has q elements, where q = p<sup>k</sup> for prime p and k∈N. Then F<sub>q</sub>[x] is a unique factorization domain and its polynomials can be b...The finite field F<sub>q</sub> has q elements, where q = p<sup>k</sup> for prime p and k∈N. Then F<sub>q</sub>[x] is a unique factorization domain and its polynomials can be bijectively associated with their unique (up to order) factorizations into irreducibles. Such a factorization for a polynomial of degree n can be viewed as conforming to a specific template if we agree that factors with higher degree will be written before those with lower degree, and factors of equal degree can be written in any order. For example, a polynomial f(x) of degree n may factor into irreducibles and be written as (a)(b)(c), where deg a ≥ deg b ≥deg c. Clearly, the various partitions of n correspond to the templates available for these canonical factorizations and we identify the templates with the possible partitions. So if f(x) is itself irreducible over F<sub>q</sub>, it would belong to the template [n], and if f(x) split over F<sub>q</sub>, it would belong to the template [n] Our goal is to calculate the cardinalities of the sets of polynomials corresponding to available templates for general q and n. With this information, we characterize the associated probabilities that a randomly selected member of F<sub>q</sub>[x] belongs to a given template. Software to facilitate the investigation of various cases is available upon request from the authors.展开更多
Double sequences have some unexpected properties which derive from the possibility of commuting limit operations. For example, may be defined so that the iterated limits and exist and are equal for all x, and ye...Double sequences have some unexpected properties which derive from the possibility of commuting limit operations. For example, may be defined so that the iterated limits and exist and are equal for all x, and yet the Pringsheim limit does not exist. The sequence is a classic example used to show that the iterated limit of a double sequence of continuous functions may exist, but result in an everywhere discontinuous limit. We explore whether the limit of this sequence in the Pringsheim sense equals the iterated result and derive an interesting property of cosines as a byproduct.展开更多
We study separable and self-similar solutions to the Hunter-Saxton equation, a nonlinear wave equation which has been used to describe an instability in the director field of a nematic liquid crystal (among other app...We study separable and self-similar solutions to the Hunter-Saxton equation, a nonlinear wave equation which has been used to describe an instability in the director field of a nematic liquid crystal (among other applications). Essentially, we study solutions which arise from a nonlinear inhomogeneous ordinary differential equation which is obtained by an exact similarity transform for the ttunter-Saxton equation. For each type of solution, we are able to obtain some simple exact solutions in closed-form, and more complicated solutions through an analytical approach. We find that there is a whole family of self-similar solutions, each of which depends on an arbitrary parameter. This parameteressentially controls the manner of self-similarity and can be chosen so that the self-similar solutions agree with given initial data. The simpler solutions found constitute exact soIutions to a nonlinear partial differential equation, and hence are also useful in a mathematical sense. Analytical solutions demonstrate the variety of behaviors possible within the wider family of similarity solutions. Both types of solutions cast light on self-similar phenomenon arising in the Hunter-Saxton equation.展开更多
In this paper, we study the dynamics of a diffusive modified Leslie-Cower model with the multiplicative Allee effect and Ba^zykin functional response. We give detailed study on the stability of equilibria. Non-existen...In this paper, we study the dynamics of a diffusive modified Leslie-Cower model with the multiplicative Allee effect and Ba^zykin functional response. We give detailed study on the stability of equilibria. Non-existence of non-constant positive steady state solutions are shown to identify the rage of parameters of spatial pattern formation. We also give the conditions of Turing instability and perform a series of numerical simulations and find that the model exhibits complex patterns.展开更多
文摘The integration of sustainable technologies in waste management systems has become imperative in addressing the escalating challenges of agricultural productivity and sustainability. Plugs are essential when starting crop production in controlled environment agriculture (CEA) setups and greenhouses. Horticultural crops such as vegetables, fruiting, and ornamental plants that utilize plugs have demonstrated higher success rates, healthier plants, and higher total yields. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Agriculture explored the innovative utilization of digestate from the Home Water-Energy-Food Systems (H-WEF). The H-WEF system converts household food waste into biogas, electricity, and nutrient-rich digestate. The digestate from the H-WEF system was used to produce agricultural plugs, presenting a novel approach to circular resource utilization. We carried out the growth of Rex Butterhead Lettuce Latuca sativa plugs with 1) control system (synthetic fertilizer) and seven different treatments, 2) 5% Digestate—95% RO Water (5D–95RO);3) 10% Digestate—90% RO Water (10D–90RO);4) 15% Digestate—85% RO Water (15D–85RO);5) 20% Digestate—80% RO Water (20D–80RO);6) 25% Digestate—75% RO Water (25D–75RO);7) 30% Digestate—70% RO Water (30D–70RO);8) 35% Digestate—65% RO Water (35D–65RO). The plugs were cultivated for 15 days in a controlled environment until two leaves had developed after the cotyledon. After 15 days, we collected data on wet weight (g), plug head area (cm2), total leaf area (cm2), total chlorophyll content (mg/cm2), and dry weight (g). In addition, we collected data on the Leaf Area Index (LAI, cm2/cm2) and Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm2/g). The synthetic fertigation yielded a higher wet weight than the following treatments: 5D–95RO, 10D–90RO, and 35D–65RO. While the 30D–70RO treatment produced a larger plug head than all other treatments. The digestate-based fertilizers were comparable to the synthetic fertilizer at dilutions of 25D–75RO and 30D–70RO. This study underscores the viability of using digestate for plug production, providing crucial insights for growers navigating the challenges of sustainable agricultural practices.
文摘The problem of evaluating an infinite series whose successive terms are reciprocal squares of the natural numbers was posed without a solution being offered in the middle of the seventeenth century. In the modern era, it is part of the theory of the Riemann zeta-function, specifically ζ (2). Jakob Bernoulli attempted to solve it by considering other more tractable series which were superficially similar and which he hoped could be algebraically manipulated to yield a solution to the difficult series. This approach was eventually unsuccessful, however, Bernoulli did produce an early monograph on summation of series. It remained for Bernoulli’s student and countryman Leonhard Euler to ultimately determine the sum to be . We characterize a class of series based on generalizing Bernoulli’s original work by adding two additional parameters to the summations. We also develop a recursion formula that allows summation of any member of the class.
文摘With the rising pressures on food security, GREENBOX technology was developed as an avenue for fresh leafy vegetable crop production in urban settings. GREENBOX units were designed to be thermally insulated and climate controlled, with an artificial lighting source that utilized soilless cultivation techniques. Previous studies conducted on GREENBOX technology used the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT);however, various hydroponic methods exist, such as the Deep-Water Culture (DWC) method being the most used. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) compared the crop growth performance between DWC and NFT systems using GREENBOX technology. The following study monitored environmental conditions and compared productivity and biomass data of Rex Butterhead Lettuce crops between DWC and NFT systems. We assembled two GREENBOX units using commercially available materials and the standard nutrient solution for fertigation. The crops grown in DWC and NFT were in a 4 × 6 configuration. The DWC and NFT systems were used to grow Lettuce Lactuca sativa “Rex Butterhead” over 30 days to full bloom from prepared plugs grown for 14 days. We collected environmental data including Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD, μmol/m<sup>2</sup>∙s), Daily Light Integral (DLI, mol/ m<sup>2</sup>∙d), temperature (˚C), relative humidity (%), and Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD, kPa). We collected lettuce crop growth data, which included wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (μmol/m<sup>2</sup>). We derived data, including the Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g) and biomass productivity (kg/m<sup>2</sup>), from previously collected data. We used descriptive statistics to present the collected data. A paired t-test was performed to understand the differences in biomass and productivity parameters between the DWC and NFT-grown lettuce crops. Both the DWC and NFT-grown crops could grow lettuce crops to harvest weight at full bloom. Observed data demonstrated that the biomass parameters and productivity did not differ significantly between the two hydroponics techniques. Therefore, we believe both hydroponic methods may be similar in growth performance and may be used in future iterations of GREENBOX design and prove suitable for fresh vegetable crop production in urban settings.
文摘Plugs are crucial for initiating crop production in greenhouses, soil, and controlled environment agriculture (CEA). Vegetable, fruiting, ornamental, and other horticultural crops that utilize plugs for production have demonstrated superior transplant establishment rate, plant health, and total yield. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University investigated the quality of plugs grown based on different concentrations and fertigation sources using synthetic and organic sources. We carried out the growth of “Rex Butterhead” Lettuce (Latuca sativa) plugs with five different fertigation treatments, 1) full-strength synthetic starter fertilizer solution;2) half-strength synthetic starter fertilizer solution;3) full-strength organic starter fertilizer solution;4) half-strength organic starter fertilizer solution, and 5) no fertilizer for control. Fertilizer treatments were formulated following manufacturer recommendations. The seeds were sown in Oasis<sup>®</sup> Horticubes and saturated every day with the different fertilizer treatments. The plugs were cultivated for 15 days in a controlled environment until two leaves after the cotyledons had developed. After 15 days, we collected data which included wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (mg/cm<sup>2</sup>). In addition, we derived data including the Leaf Area Index (LAI, cm<sup>2</sup>/cm<sup>2</sup>) and Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the biomass data. A Tukey’s HSD test was carried out to understand the differences between the fertilizer sources. We determined there was a statistically significant difference (P = 7.34E−29) in the measured plug growth parameters due to the various fertigation sources. We found that all fertilizer treatments produced viable plugs except for the control treatment. Of all the treatments, we concluded the half-strength organic treatment produced the more vigorous plugs with the greatest wet weight (g) and largest total leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>) which was statistically significantly different. Results from this study may inform growers about appropriate fertilizer options for plug production.
文摘Conventional soil-based agriculture is resource-intensive, utilizing large amounts of land and water, thereby placing a strain on Earth’s natural resources. Soil-based agricultural techniques create environmental issues such as soil degradation, deforestation, and groundwater pollution from the mass implementation of fertilizers and pesticides. Agricultural crop production using hydroponics has shown promise to be less resource intensive and provide a faster turnaround in crop production. Soilless cultivation using hydroponics promises to relieve some pressure on Earth’s ecosystems and resources by utilizing lesser land and water footprint. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) compared the growth of Lettuce Lactuca sativa “Rex Butterhead” crop grown using soil and soilless methods to analyze the growth performance in each setting. Crops grown in the soil-based medium were raised in the FGCU Food Forest, used a mix of soil and potting mix, watered regularly, and followed standard Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices. Crops grown hydroponically were grown in a thermally insulated grow tent with an artificial lighting source, ventilation, environmental controls, and the Deep-Water Culture (DWC) method. Lettuce plugs were grown for 15 days in controlled environments until two leaves after the cotyledons had developed and were ready for transplant. Plugs were transplanted into a 4 × 6 matrix at the FGCU Food Forest and the DWC growth system. Crops were grown to full bloom and ready for harvest in the soil (60 days) and soilless (30 days) based setups. We collected crop growth data, including wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (μmol/m<sup>2</sup>). From the collected data, we derived the Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g) and biomass productivity (kg/m<sup>2</sup>). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the collected and derived data. We investigated the slopes of regression lines for each growth curve which derived the differences in biomass and productivity parameters between lettuce grown using soil and hydroponics. Both growing methods can grow lettuce crops to full bloom and to adequate harvest weight. The biomass parameters and productivity differ significantly between the growing methods. The lettuce crops grown using hydroponics increase in wet weight statistically and significantly faster than those grown in soil (p < 0.0001). Therefore, we determined that a hydroponic method of crop production may provide better crop output and biomass indicators measured than soil-based growth.
文摘Obtaining nutritious food is becoming increasingly difficult due to the growing urban population and the degradation of soil, water, and air from mechanized and industrialized agricultural techniques. More than half the global population resides in urban areas, with not enough surrounding agricultural land to meet food requirements. Food traveling long distances, an average of 1020 miles, has resulted in increased food miles for the average food item in the United States of America, representing wasted resources. The novel GREENBOX technology was invented in response to increasing pressures on food security. Previous studies conducted on GREENBOX technology assessed the technical feasibility of utilizing Lettuce Lactuca sativa ‘Rex Butterhead’. We at the APS Laboratory for Sustainable Food at Florida Gulf Coast University assessed the technical feasibility of growing different leafy green vegetable crops. GREENBOX technology consists of thermally insulated climate-controlled enclosures, an artificial lighting source, a soilless cultivation method (hydroponics), and environmental control modules. We assembled two GREENBOX units to assess the environmental conditions and growth performance of Brassica rapa var. chinensis ‘Li Ren Choi’, Spinach Spinacia oleracea ‘Auroch’, Arugula Eruca sativa ‘Astro’, and Mizuna Brassica Brassica rapa var. japonica. Plugs were cultivated and then transplanted in a randomized manner to the nutrient film technique (NFT) channels, subsequently grown for 30 days to full bloom and ready for harvest. Fertigation was carried out using a standard concentration nutrient solution. Crops were arranged in twelve blocks of four species each. We collected environmental data including daily light integral (DLI, mol/m<sup>2</sup>∙d), temperature (˚C), relative humidity (%), and vapor pressure deficit (VPD, kPa). Collected biomass data included wet weight (g), dry weight (g), leaf area (cm<sup>2</sup>), and chlorophyll concentration (mg/cm<sup>2</sup>). We then derived the Specific Leaf Area (SLA, cm<sup>2</sup>/g). Descriptive statistics were utilized to understand the differences in biomass parameters between the four crops grown. We also compared the performance parameters of our crops with existing peer-reviewed literature and found it superior, if not comparable to commonly found industrial output. We determined that all crops grew to full bloom, demonstrating that GREENBOX technology may be used to grow a variety of different leafy green vegetable crops.
文摘The proof by Andrew Wiles of Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1995 resolved the existence question for non-trivial solutions in integers x,y,zto the equation xn+yn=znfor n>2. There are none. Surprisingly, there are infinitely many solutions if the problem is recast in terms of modular arithmetic. Over a hundred years ago Issai Schur was able to show that for any n there is always a sufficiently large prime p0such that for all primes p≥p0the congruence xn+yn≡zn(modp)has a non-trivial solution. Schur’s argument wasnon-constructive, and there is no systematic method available at present to construct specific examples for small primes. We offer a simple method for constructing all possible solutions to a large class of congruences of this type.
文摘Factoring quadratics over Z is a staple of introductory algebra and textbooks tend to create the impression that doable factorizations are fairly common. To the contrary, if coefficients of a general quadratic are selected randomly without restriction, the probability that a factorization exists is zero. We achieve a specific quantification of the probability of factoring quadratics by taking a new approach that considers the absolute size of coefficients to be a parameter n. This restriction allows us to make relative likelihood estimates based on finite sample spaces. Our probability estimates are then conditioned on the size parameter n and the behavior of the conditional estimates may be studied as the parameter is varied. Specifically, we enumerate how many formal factored expressions could possibly correspond to a quadratic for a given size parameter. The conditional probability of factorization as a function of n is just the ratio of this enumeration to the total number of possible quadratics consistent with n. This approach is patterned after the well-known case where factorizations are carried out over a finite field. We review the finite field method as background for our method of dealing with Z [x]. The monic case is developed independently of the general case because it is simpler and the resulting probability estimating formula is more accurate. We conclude with a comparison of our theoretical probability estimates with exact data generated by a computer search for factorable quadratics corresponding to various parameter values.
文摘A dominating set of a graph G is a set of vertices that contains at least one endpoint of every edge on the graph. The domination number of G is the order of a minimum dominating set of G. The (t, r) broadcast domination is a generalization of domination in which a set of broadcasting vertices emits signals of strength t that decrease by 1 as they traverse each edge, and we require that every vertex in the graph receives a cumulative signal of at least r from its set of broadcasting neighbors. In this paper, we extend the study of (t, r) broadcast domination to directed graphs. Our main result explores the interval of values obtained by considering the directed (t, r) broadcast domination numbers of all orientations of a graph G. In particular, we prove that in the cases r = 1 and (t, r) = (2, 2), for every integer value in this interval, there exists an orientation of G which has directed (t, r) broadcast domination number equal to that value. We also investigate directed (t, r) broadcast domination on the finite grid graph, the star graph, the infinite grid graph, and the infinite triangular lattice graph. We conclude with some directions for future study.
文摘The finite field F<sub>q</sub> has q elements, where q = p<sup>k</sup> for prime p and k∈N. Then F<sub>q</sub>[x] is a unique factorization domain and its polynomials can be bijectively associated with their unique (up to order) factorizations into irreducibles. Such a factorization for a polynomial of degree n can be viewed as conforming to a specific template if we agree that factors with higher degree will be written before those with lower degree, and factors of equal degree can be written in any order. For example, a polynomial f(x) of degree n may factor into irreducibles and be written as (a)(b)(c), where deg a ≥ deg b ≥deg c. Clearly, the various partitions of n correspond to the templates available for these canonical factorizations and we identify the templates with the possible partitions. So if f(x) is itself irreducible over F<sub>q</sub>, it would belong to the template [n], and if f(x) split over F<sub>q</sub>, it would belong to the template [n] Our goal is to calculate the cardinalities of the sets of polynomials corresponding to available templates for general q and n. With this information, we characterize the associated probabilities that a randomly selected member of F<sub>q</sub>[x] belongs to a given template. Software to facilitate the investigation of various cases is available upon request from the authors.
文摘Double sequences have some unexpected properties which derive from the possibility of commuting limit operations. For example, may be defined so that the iterated limits and exist and are equal for all x, and yet the Pringsheim limit does not exist. The sequence is a classic example used to show that the iterated limit of a double sequence of continuous functions may exist, but result in an everywhere discontinuous limit. We explore whether the limit of this sequence in the Pringsheim sense equals the iterated result and derive an interesting property of cosines as a byproduct.
文摘We study separable and self-similar solutions to the Hunter-Saxton equation, a nonlinear wave equation which has been used to describe an instability in the director field of a nematic liquid crystal (among other applications). Essentially, we study solutions which arise from a nonlinear inhomogeneous ordinary differential equation which is obtained by an exact similarity transform for the ttunter-Saxton equation. For each type of solution, we are able to obtain some simple exact solutions in closed-form, and more complicated solutions through an analytical approach. We find that there is a whole family of self-similar solutions, each of which depends on an arbitrary parameter. This parameteressentially controls the manner of self-similarity and can be chosen so that the self-similar solutions agree with given initial data. The simpler solutions found constitute exact soIutions to a nonlinear partial differential equation, and hence are also useful in a mathematical sense. Analytical solutions demonstrate the variety of behaviors possible within the wider family of similarity solutions. Both types of solutions cast light on self-similar phenomenon arising in the Hunter-Saxton equation.
文摘In this paper, we study the dynamics of a diffusive modified Leslie-Cower model with the multiplicative Allee effect and Ba^zykin functional response. We give detailed study on the stability of equilibria. Non-existence of non-constant positive steady state solutions are shown to identify the rage of parameters of spatial pattern formation. We also give the conditions of Turing instability and perform a series of numerical simulations and find that the model exhibits complex patterns.