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腹腔镜手术时妇科病的处理 被引量:2
作者 M.Heβeling R.L.DeWilde 顾美皎 《德国医学》 CAS 1994年第1期29-30,共2页
腹腔镜应用增加,使外科医师面临妇科病机会增加,治疗不当者并不少见。术前诊断应以妇科特殊病史和盆腔超声检查为基础。稍有疑及妊娠,皆应作妊娠试验,阳性时加作血清β-hCG 测定。术前超声检查小骨盆对任何年龄病例均必要。若超声检查... 腹腔镜应用增加,使外科医师面临妇科病机会增加,治疗不当者并不少见。术前诊断应以妇科特殊病史和盆腔超声检查为基础。稍有疑及妊娠,皆应作妊娠试验,阳性时加作血清β-hCG 测定。术前超声检查小骨盆对任何年龄病例均必要。若超声检查发现盆腔内病理现象,需妇科阴道检查和阴道超声检查判明。 展开更多
关键词 腹腔镜检 妇科病 处理 外科手术
宫腔镜检查的并发症 被引量:2
作者 F.DeBruyne Th.Somville +1 位作者 J.Hucke 梁元姣 《德国医学》 CAS 1995年第3期180-182,共3页
宫腔镜检查除一般手术并发症如出血、感染外,尚可发生与宫腔镜术有关的特殊并发症。由于宫腔镜进入宫腔、使用膨宫介质、或输入动力系统所引起的并发症。美国妇科腹腔镜协会曾综合报道其并发症发生率为2%。1988年经信访获悉较重并发症... 宫腔镜检查除一般手术并发症如出血、感染外,尚可发生与宫腔镜术有关的特殊并发症。由于宫腔镜进入宫腔、使用膨宫介质、或输入动力系统所引起的并发症。美国妇科腹腔镜协会曾综合报道其并发症发生率为2%。1988年经信访获悉较重并发症如子宫穿孔、充液过多、肠管和尿路损伤发生率少于1%。术前与病人谈话很重要,解释手术过程和发生的危险和并发症。如果作宫腔镜手术,应该告诉病人有可能需行腹腔镜检查。术前作阴道B超检查以了解子宫的位置和大小。除了解子宫内膜和肌层厚度外,还能知道占位性病变的大小、数目和结构。 展开更多
关键词 腹腔镜检 宫腔镜检 并发症 子宫内膜切除
RU486在妇产科的应用范围 被引量:2
作者 MatthiasWinkler WernerRath 顾美皎 《德国医学》 CAS 2000年第3期171-172,共2页
1981年 Roussel-Uclaf 公司率先发现孕酮受体拮抗剂,称为 RU486。主要用于诱发流产,也可用于避孕、促宫颈成熟、治疗子宫内膜异位症和子宫肌瘤。RU486的药理学结构和作用米非司酮(mifepriston,RU486)的化学结构与孕酮和糖皮质类固醇十... 1981年 Roussel-Uclaf 公司率先发现孕酮受体拮抗剂,称为 RU486。主要用于诱发流产,也可用于避孕、促宫颈成熟、治疗子宫内膜异位症和子宫肌瘤。RU486的药理学结构和作用米非司酮(mifepriston,RU486)的化学结构与孕酮和糖皮质类固醇十分相似,它在 展开更多
关键词 RU486 孕酮受体拮抗剂 药理作用 临床应用
青少年附件肿瘤的诊断和治疗 被引量:1
作者 I.Wachter 项涛 《德国医学》 CAS 1999年第4期233-235,共3页
进入青春期,尤其是初潮后卵巢功能失调常表现为持续性卵泡、黄体囊肿及出血性囊肿。儿童及青少年卵巢肿瘤有60%为生殖细胞肿瘤,其中3%~5%为恶性。测量肿瘤标记物如α_1-F_p、β-HCG、LDH、SACE及CEA有利于判断肿瘤的类型及其生物学... 进入青春期,尤其是初潮后卵巢功能失调常表现为持续性卵泡、黄体囊肿及出血性囊肿。儿童及青少年卵巢肿瘤有60%为生殖细胞肿瘤,其中3%~5%为恶性。测量肿瘤标记物如α_1-F_p、β-HCG、LDH、SACE及CEA有利于判断肿瘤的类型及其生物学性状。卵巢恶性肿瘤常长大到一定程度时才被发现,它引起的症状均为非特异性,可借助肿瘤内部的构造及CT/MRI检查其侵犯周围组织和腹膜后腔的情况。 展开更多
关键词 附件肿瘤 青少年 卵巢 诊断 治疗
作者 D.Jap B.Lampe +1 位作者 M.W.Beckmann 武忠弼 《德国医学》 CAS 2001年第2期101-104,共4页
阴道子宫出血是妇科最常见的症状。这主要是闭经期前、后或与妊娠有关的出血。阴道子宫出血的鉴别诊断有:癌瘤,内分泌障碍引起的出血,器质性病变引起的出血(息肉、子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤),凝血系统改变,外伤,异物,性生活。但... 阴道子宫出血是妇科最常见的症状。这主要是闭经期前、后或与妊娠有关的出血。阴道子宫出血的鉴别诊断有:癌瘤,内分泌障碍引起的出血,器质性病变引起的出血(息肉、子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤),凝血系统改变,外伤,异物,性生活。但每逢阴道出血,必须考虑到癌症的因素,而与此有关的则可能有许多不同部位的癌瘤,其中较典型的有宫颈癌、子宫内膜癌等,较少见的为阴道癌。据Gerber等1998年发表的研究,在1031例闭经期后的患者中,因癌症引起的阴道出血占23%,其中子宫内膜癌与宫颈癌之比约为3:1。阴道出血的其他原因,为非典型但并不罕见的肿瘤,如直肠癌在穿人或形成瘘道而进入阴道后穹隆时,也可引起显著的阴道出血。泌尿系肿瘤也可从腹侧浸润子宫或阴道,临床上表现阴道出血。 展开更多
关键词 急性阴道出血 子宫出血 肿瘤 并发症 诊断 治疗
作者 M.Winkler W.Rath 官旭华 《德国医学》 CAS 2001年第4期235-239,共5页
妊娠期凝血障碍最常见的原因:①大量出血后的稀释性凝血障碍病及不适宜的输液过量,如在产后子宫收缩乏力时;②消耗性凝血障碍病弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC),如胎盘早剥、妊娠高血压病、宫内死胎、败血症(如羊膜感染综合征)或羊水栓塞;③血小... 妊娠期凝血障碍最常见的原因:①大量出血后的稀释性凝血障碍病及不适宜的输液过量,如在产后子宫收缩乏力时;②消耗性凝血障碍病弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC),如胎盘早剥、妊娠高血压病、宫内死胎、败血症(如羊膜感染综合征)或羊水栓塞;③血小板减少病和内科疾病的出血素质.Blutgerinnungsstrungen in der 展开更多
关键词 妊娠期并发症 凝血障碍 消耗性凝血病 弥漫性血管内凝血 DIC
作者 E.Koepcke G.Seidenschnur 乔福元 《德国医学》 CAS 1994年第1期28-28,共1页
当胎儿细胞缺氧时,必然会引起缺氧而致的细胞异常。产前眙儿缺氧或低氧血症的临床原因:1.母体氧合障碍:呼吸系统或肺部疾病或功能障碍、心血管疾病、贫血、中毒。2.子宫胎盘或脐带胎盘区的气体转运障碍:①胎盘功能不足(氧转运能力<... 当胎儿细胞缺氧时,必然会引起缺氧而致的细胞异常。产前眙儿缺氧或低氧血症的临床原因:1.母体氧合障碍:呼吸系统或肺部疾病或功能障碍、心血管疾病、贫血、中毒。2.子宫胎盘或脐带胎盘区的气体转运障碍:①胎盘功能不足(氧转运能力<胎儿需求)。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠 胎儿 缺氧 临床 因素
作者 G.Golombowski S.Anthuber +1 位作者 C.Anthuber 邓东锐 《德国医学》 CAS 1999年第2期81-83,共3页
儿童和青少年妇科门诊中约50%是外阴病,其原因是激素的缺乏导致抵抗力和生殖道的自净能力降低。硬化性苔癣 又称外阴硬化和萎缩,属营养不良,是一种非炎症性、非肿瘤性疾病,可能是细菌重复感染的并发症。在儿童很少发生外阴上皮内瘤样... 儿童和青少年妇科门诊中约50%是外阴病,其原因是激素的缺乏导致抵抗力和生殖道的自净能力降低。硬化性苔癣 又称外阴硬化和萎缩,属营养不良,是一种非炎症性、非肿瘤性疾病,可能是细菌重复感染的并发症。在儿童很少发生外阴上皮内瘤样病变和侵袭性扁平上皮癌,因此并不一定需要活检。 展开更多
关键词 外阴病 儿童期 硬化性苔癣 银屑病 阴唇粘连
作者 H.Wagner 陈雯 《德国医学》 CAS 1999年第2期86-87,共2页
宫内节育器的最初发现与治疗痛经有关,痛经的主要原因是经血淤滞于宫腔内,不能经颈管流出,为此,人们采用在宫内放置撑开式子宫托将颈管撑开使淤积的经血流出,明显改善了痛经症状。不久还发现,宫内持续放置撑开式子宫托可以防止怀孕,其... 宫内节育器的最初发现与治疗痛经有关,痛经的主要原因是经血淤滞于宫腔内,不能经颈管流出,为此,人们采用在宫内放置撑开式子宫托将颈管撑开使淤积的经血流出,明显改善了痛经症状。不久还发现,宫内持续放置撑开式子宫托可以防止怀孕,其避孕作用一方面是由于子宫托在局部会引起异物反应,更主要的是在放置子宫托的过程中破坏了宫颈的防护因子,造成生殖系统感染所致。 展开更多
关键词 宫内节育器 避孕 发展趋势 现状
作者 M.Heinz 邓东锐 《德国医学》 CAS 1999年第2期84-85,共2页
设立儿童和青少年妇科门诊是必要的,有助于解决儿童和青少年的妇科症状或疾病及与年龄相关的实际能力问题。原则上儿童和青少年的妇科疾病因其有关的人,如父母或亲戚而变得非常敏感。小女孩害怕可能的创伤性检查,大女孩对于不熟悉的检... 设立儿童和青少年妇科门诊是必要的,有助于解决儿童和青少年的妇科症状或疾病及与年龄相关的实际能力问题。原则上儿童和青少年的妇科疾病因其有关的人,如父母或亲戚而变得非常敏感。小女孩害怕可能的创伤性检查,大女孩对于不熟悉的检查过程有害羞和胆怯感。医生和护士首先必须注意在有意或无意中可能对她们的反感。 展开更多
关键词 妇科 门诊 儿童 青少年
作者 Ludwig Kiesel 张小红 《德国医学》 CAS 2000年第6期342-343,共2页
关键词 乳腺癌 早期内分泌治疗 血管内皮生长因子
妊娠诱发的高血压 通过合理诊断和治疗降低风险
作者 W.Rath A.Faridi 项涛 《德国医学》 CAS 1999年第6期350-351,共2页
根据德国围产期统计报告,妊娠高血压综合征(简称妊高症)的发病率为5%~7%,妊娠期慢性高血压的发病率为1%~5%。妊高症占孕产妇死亡率的10%~15%,居第2位或第3位,也是引起早产及围产期死亡最重要的原因。妊高症对孕产妇及胎儿的影响有个... 根据德国围产期统计报告,妊娠高血压综合征(简称妊高症)的发病率为5%~7%,妊娠期慢性高血压的发病率为1%~5%。妊高症占孕产妇死亡率的10%~15%,居第2位或第3位,也是引起早产及围产期死亡最重要的原因。妊高症对孕产妇及胎儿的影响有个体差异。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠高血压 诊断 预防性治疗 治疗
作者 D.Niederacher M.Kiechle +1 位作者 N.Arnold 冯玲 《德国医学》 CAS 2000年第3期143-144,共2页
随着致癌机制模型的建立,从正常上皮细胞演变为癌组织,随基因改变,最终导致表型的改变。目前已知的两种基因改变形式:原癌基因的激活和肿瘤抑制基因的失活,基因的激活是原癌基因的改变或者功能失控而引起的基因扩增、过表达和突变的结... 随着致癌机制模型的建立,从正常上皮细胞演变为癌组织,随基因改变,最终导致表型的改变。目前已知的两种基因改变形式:原癌基因的激活和肿瘤抑制基因的失活,基因的激活是原癌基因的改变或者功能失控而引起的基因扩增、过表达和突变的结果。采用分子遗传学分析技术,在家族性肿瘤疾病中通过已知缺失基因而预测疾病风险。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 分子遗传学 细胞遗传学
作者 Frank C. Anthuber C. +1 位作者 Scheidler J. 侯巍 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第4期55-55,共1页
We describe a 14-year-old girl with intermittent pelvic pain. Abdominal sonography and MRI examination revealed cysticsolid tumors in the pelvis reaching up to the umbilical level. After primary diagnostic laparoscopi... We describe a 14-year-old girl with intermittent pelvic pain. Abdominal sonography and MRI examination revealed cysticsolid tumors in the pelvis reaching up to the umbilical level. After primary diagnostic laparoscopic evaluation the expansion of the mass and the unknown dignity required laparotomy. We found a double, complete adnexal torsion on the left side and a cystic tumor of the right ovary. Both partial salpingectomy and partial ovariectomy on the left side were necessary. The cyst of the right ovary (5 cm) was also extirpated. The histological examination demonstrated a huge haematosalpinx on the left side with hemorrhagic infarction and a corpus luteum cyst of the right ovary. 展开更多
关键词 囊实性肿瘤 蒂扭转 完全性 囊性肿瘤 组织学检查 剖腹探查手术 诊断评估 黄体囊肿 脐水平 切除术
作者 Kuhn A. Gelman W. +2 位作者 O'Sullivan S. Monga A. 朱磊 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2006年第4期19-20,共2页
Introduction: Urogenital prolapse is a very common condition in women with a prevalence of 30%. If conservative therapy fails or is not desired by the patient, prolapse repair is usually performed under general or reg... Introduction: Urogenital prolapse is a very common condition in women with a prevalence of 30%. If conservative therapy fails or is not desired by the patient, prolapse repair is usually performed under general or regional anaesthetic. The aim of the study was to evaluate feasibility, efficacy and functional outcome after fascial prolapse repairs under local anaesthetic (LA). Patients and methods: Between November 1999 and December 2000, 130 consecutive patients presenting with anterior or posterior prolapse or both were invited to have their procedure performed under LA.All patients with a symptomatic minimum stage II prolapse were included. Prior to surgery all women completed a standardized questionnaire examining the specific and non-specific symptoms of prolapse and their situation was classified using the ICS Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP-Q) system. Follow up was 30 months. Objective success was defined as a stage 1 or less and no symptoms of bulge, subjective success was defined as lack of specific or non-specific symptoms of prolapse. Results: There were 128 patients who agreed to have their operations performed under LA: 68 in the anterior group, 52 in the posterior group and 8 with a combined anterior and posterior repair. Objective cure rate was 88%for posterior repair, 87%for anterior repair and 63%for combined repair. Success rates were no different in primary from recurrent cases. There were no intraoperative complications and operating time was 21 min (anterior repair) or 23 min (posterior repair). There was no de novo postoperative urinary or stool incontinence and all patients but two would have the operation performed again under the same circumstances. The two remaining refused due to embarrassment but for no other reason. Conclusion: Local anaesthetic prolapse repair is feasible and effective in middle term results. It is well accepted by the patients who benefit from less side effects and short hospital stay. 展开更多
关键词 阴道前后壁膨出 局部麻醉 阴道膨出 盆腔器官脱垂 妇女常见病 泌尿生殖器官 手术时间 区域麻醉 非特
作者 Niessel A. Rohne A. +2 位作者 Neeb U. Neumann A. 朱国栋 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第6期39-40,共2页
The retrospective comparison with the suture technique showed that the bipolar vessel sealing system (BVSS) used in abdominal hysterectomy procedures for benign bleeding disorders does not reduce postoperative pain wi... The retrospective comparison with the suture technique showed that the bipolar vessel sealing system (BVSS) used in abdominal hysterectomy procedures for benign bleeding disorders does not reduce postoperative pain within the first 36 hours. The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure pain intensity in both groups, each having 20 patients. Despite the effect of vessel sealing without contracting the peritoneum and not leaving of foreign material in situ in the patient, only a reduced pain intensity was apparent 6 hours postoperatively. The vessel sealing system is a reliable method for hemostasis. 展开更多
关键词 经腹子宫全切术 闭合系统 扎法 出血性疾病 术后疼痛 腹膜感染 外源性物质 标度
作者 Porsch B. Podlinski K. +2 位作者 Bender H.G. M.W.Beckmann 张丽娟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期34-34,共1页
Purpose:Aim of the survey was to analyze the prevalence of unintended pregnancies,induced abortions and their association with determinants e.g.contraception,emer-gency contraception(EC),and socio -demographic data in... Purpose:Aim of the survey was to analyze the prevalence of unintended pregnancies,induced abortions and their association with determinants e.g.contraception,emer-gency contraception(EC),and socio -demographic data in Germanwomen.Material and Method s:A German ver-sion of a modified questionnaire on c ontraception designed by the European Group of Contracepti on was applied.Anonymized data sheets encompassin g 1217women aged15-45years recruited from gynaecological services in D¨usseldorf and Regensburg were analy zed usingχ2-test and age -adjusted logistic regression a nalysis.Results:51%of first pregnancies were unplanned and 37%of all preg-nancies were unwanted.Induced abortion of this subgroup was observed in 35%and 55%,resp.Overall,7.9%of all participants reported at least o ne abortion resulting in193abortions per 1000births.There was a clear age -dependent correlation with 1.4%abortions among women aged 15-19and 21.1%among those aged40-45years.This corresponds to 0.5and 1.0abortion per 100fertile years,resp.EC was applied at least o nce by 19%of all participants.EC was significantly more frequently used by women with unintended pregnancies(26%)or abortions(28%)as compared to the other participant s(14%and19%,resp.;p <0.01).The amount of contraceptive means ever used could be identified a s an important indi-cator for a history of induced aborti on and EC,resp.(oddsratio95%confidence interval:3.51.8-6.9and10.46.5-16.,resp.).Occupation,marital status,level of urbanisation and religious affiliation were identified as further determinants.Conclusio n:Women with in-creased risk for abortions and EC can be more selectively identified by their lifetime pattern of contraception and so-ciodemographic data.Medical atten dance and devices for women of increased risk should in particular focus on the necessity to use an effective contra ceptive and the im-provement of patients’compliance. 展开更多
关键词 紧急避孕 EGOC 意外妊娠 调查研究结果 初次妊娠 避孕方式 流产率 避孕措施 统计学资料 服务中心
作者 Bischof M. Bassetti C.L. 杨建刚 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2005年第3期6-6,共1页
The term Charcot Wilbrand syndrome (CWS) denotes dream loss following focal b rain damage. We report the first case of CWS, in whom neuropsychological functio ns, extension of the underlying lesion, and sleep architec... The term Charcot Wilbrand syndrome (CWS) denotes dream loss following focal b rain damage. We report the first case of CWS, in whom neuropsychological functio ns, extension of the underlying lesion, and sleep architecture changes were asse ssed. A 73 year old woman reported a total dream loss after acute, bilateral o ccipital artery infarction (including the right inferior lingual gyrus), which l asted for over 3 months. In the absence of sleep wake complaints and (other) ne uropsychological deficits, polysomnography demonstrated an essentially normal sl eep architecture with preservation of REM sleep. Dreaming was denied also after repeated awakenings from REM sleep. This observation suggests that CWS (1) can r epresent a distinct and isolated neuropsychological manifestation of deep occipi tal lobe damage, and (2) may occur in the absence of detectable REM sleep abnorm alities. 展开更多
关键词 神经心理 PCA 功能障碍 快动眼睡眠期 多导睡眠描记仪 睡眠结构 正常睡眠 枕动脉 舌回
作者 Tschudin S. Zanotelli D. +2 位作者 Bitzer J. Holzgreve W. 朱国栋 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第6期38-39,共2页
Objectives: The medical method of artificial abortion is established and well accepted in Switzerland. During the postabortion control period, however, issues arise concerning the interpretation of the results of the ... Objectives: The medical method of artificial abortion is established and well accepted in Switzerland. During the postabortion control period, however, issues arise concerning the interpretation of the results of the sonography as well as how to treat residual material in the uterus and when to begin with contraception. Particularly when switching to at home administration of Misoprostol, however, definite and evidencebased management is crucial. The present study’ s objective is to evaluate the medical abortions carried out at our clinic during one year with a special focus on the ultrasound findings two weeks after the administration of Mifepriston and Misoprostol, the therapeutical interventions in case of residuals and the subsequent contraception. Materials and Methods: The data of all 232 patients who underwent medical abortion in the period from March 1, 2002 to February 28, 2003 were retrospectively reviewed. The cases were evaluated with regard to success rate, frequency of expulsion within the first four hours, ultrasound findings, possible therapeutic intervention and subsequent contraception, if known. The data were evaluated using descriptive statistics; statistical significance was calculated by means of the chi- square test, where appropriate. Results: Ninety- five percent of the women had a successful medical abortion. With the applied dosage 60% of the expulsions took place within the first four hours. Only one third of the patients had no more vaginal bleeding at time of the postabortion control. In almost 40% of the cases residuals were suspected, in about two thirds the endometrium was thicker than 10mm. In those cases, where data on this matter were available, the endometrium returned to normal with and without administration of Misoprostol. For less than half of the patients, subsequent contraception had already been initiated or had already been planned. Conclusions: The presented data seem to justify a watchful wait without further therapeutic intervention in the case of suspected residuals and/or an endometrium thickness of maximally 16 mm. Based on our findings we assume that this management is applicable in the case of Misoprostol administered at home, as well. Further analysis of our results will have to be performed to assess their validity. 展开更多
关键词 药物流产 避孕措施 超声检查结果 流产成功率 于宫 残余物 子宫内膜厚度 描述性统计学 症状控制 排出物
作者 Mller A. Ferstl B. +1 位作者 Harrer T. 赵秀敏 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第1期39-39,共1页
We report a case of a 31-year-old patient with primary antiphospholip id synd rome (APS) and a past medical history of deep vein thrombosis and intrauterine f etal death followed by pulmonary embolism in her first pre... We report a case of a 31-year-old patient with primary antiphospholip id synd rome (APS) and a past medical history of deep vein thrombosis and intrauterine f etal death followed by pulmonary embolism in her first pregnancy. In this pregna ncy treatment with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and aspirin was institute d and pregnancy outcome was uneventful. In the immediate post partum period a va scular inflammation of the finger and toe pulps made a steroid therapy necessary . Although there is general consensus on how to manage APS during pregnancy, no guidelines exist for the immediate peripartum period. Management plans should be individualized and aim for continuous anticoagulation in pregnancy. Time around delivery without anticoagulation should be kept to a minimum. The decision resp ecting the route of delivery should be guided by obstetric indications only. Aft er delivery intensive monitoring of affected patients should be instituted to di agnose complications without undue delay. 展开更多
关键词 抗磷脂综合征 文献回顾 胎死宫内 用药史 产科指征 围生期 肺栓塞 低分子肝素 初次妊娠
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