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青藏高原兹格塘错沉积记录的全新世水位变化事件及其原因初步研究 被引量:12
作者 李世杰 Bernd Wuennemann +3 位作者 夏威岚 于守兵 沈德福 姜永见 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期162-167,共6页
兹格塘错是一个内陆封闭型湖泊,位于藏北高原腹地,处于西南季风作用边缘地带。由于流域内无冰川分布,湖泊补给主要靠大气降水,因此水体的扩张与收缩能够直接反映西南季风的变化。半干旱气候地区湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量能够敏感地反映水体... 兹格塘错是一个内陆封闭型湖泊,位于藏北高原腹地,处于西南季风作用边缘地带。由于流域内无冰川分布,湖泊补给主要靠大气降水,因此水体的扩张与收缩能够直接反映西南季风的变化。半干旱气候地区湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量能够敏感地反映水体的扩张与收缩。兹格塘错沉积物碳酸盐含量高,与可溶盐(氯离子与硫酸根离子)含量变化结合能更好地揭示水体的演化阶段。分析结果表明,在9.3~8.9calkaBP、8.3~7.8calkaBP、5.0~4.7calkaBP、4.0~3.8calkaBP和3.1~2.7calkaBP碳酸盐含量出现大幅度下降,指示湖泊淡化、水位升高。但在3.8calkaBP左右碳酸盐含量和可溶盐(氯离子与硫酸根离子)含量同时出现峰值,指示出湖泊水体盐度升高、水位出现下降;近1calkaBP以来,碳酸盐与可溶盐含量都呈现逐渐下降趋势,表明湖泊水体逐渐淡化、水位缓慢上升的过程。但近100a来可溶盐含量上升,指示出湖泊水体的不断浓缩和水位下降过程,这和近百年的气候暖干化过程是一致的。兹格塘错沉积岩心碳酸盐含量全新世以来5次极低事件,有力地证明青藏高原西南季风在全新世期间的不稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 兹格塘错 沉积记录 全新世湖泊水位 西南季风
晋冀低山丘陵区人工扰动植被花粉组合特征 被引量:2
作者 李洁 许清海 +3 位作者 曹现勇 田芳 丁伟 梁剑 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期227-238,共12页
54个晋冀低山丘陵区人工和人工扰动植被表土花粉样品分析表明:花粉组合以草本植物花粉(74.5%)为主,乔木花粉含量低于20%。人类活动较强的农田以谷物禾本科、蒿属和藜科花粉为主,人类活动较弱的荒地以蒿属、藜科和杂草禾本科花粉为主。... 54个晋冀低山丘陵区人工和人工扰动植被表土花粉样品分析表明:花粉组合以草本植物花粉(74.5%)为主,乔木花粉含量低于20%。人类活动较强的农田以谷物禾本科、蒿属和藜科花粉为主,人类活动较弱的荒地以蒿属、藜科和杂草禾本科花粉为主。人类活动强度不同,指示种不同,孢粉浓度亦不同;农田指示种为谷物禾本科、葡萄科和胡桃科,孢粉浓度约4380粒/g;而蒿属、蓼科和蔷薇科则为荒地指示种,孢粉浓度约10983粒/g。农作物种植方式不同,谷物禾本科花粉含量不同,单一禾本科作物种植区谷物禾本科花粉含量(40.2%)高于多种作物混作区(18.8%)和荒地(3.8%)的含量。谷物禾本科含量的变化可以为利用化石花粉提取和检测人类活动信息提供依据,也可为利用地层中谷物禾本科花粉判断古代农业活动提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 农田 荒地 花粉组合 人类活动强度 山西省 河北省
中德联合冬给措纳湖地区寒区环境变迁研究进展 被引量:2
作者 杨思忠 金会军 +5 位作者 Bernhard Diekmann Bernd Wünnemann Steffen Mischke 吉延峻 陈建辉 杨奇丽 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期850-853,共4页
青藏高原腹地的内陆湖及其湖相沉积物能够较真实地反映气候变化特征,在高原环境变迁研究中备受中外科学家的关注,2006年8月15日~9月10日,中德联合考察小组对青藏高原东北部的冬给措纳湖一带进行了第四纪冻土、地貌和地质学考察,并... 青藏高原腹地的内陆湖及其湖相沉积物能够较真实地反映气候变化特征,在高原环境变迁研究中备受中外科学家的关注,2006年8月15日~9月10日,中德联合考察小组对青藏高原东北部的冬给措纳湖一带进行了第四纪冻土、地貌和地质学考察,并对湖岸阶地做了初步的数字高程分析,调查了冬给措纳湖底地形、地貌,采集了湖相沉积物样本,在湖的东岸和西岸发现多年冻土,湖泊西北山谷观察到古冰川活动遗迹,初步推测该湖是由断陷沉降形成,为进一步分析湖区气候和环境变迁,联合小组拟定2007年3月份钻取湖芯. 展开更多
关键词 冬给措纳湖 中德联合考察 寒区 环境变化
在空气—液体交界面培养角朊细胞 被引量:1
作者 夏隆庆 Detmar M +1 位作者 Stadler R Orfanos CE 《中国医学科学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第6期430-432,共3页
为使体外培养的角朊细胞在近似体内状况下生长,本实验将人体表皮角朊细胞置于塑料培养环内的胶原基质上进行空气—液体交界面培养。培养14d后,将培养物冰冻切片,行普通细胞染色和免疫细胞化学检查,结果显示,有多层细胞形成,且在上层细... 为使体外培养的角朊细胞在近似体内状况下生长,本实验将人体表皮角朊细胞置于塑料培养环内的胶原基质上进行空气—液体交界面培养。培养14d后,将培养物冰冻切片,行普通细胞染色和免疫细胞化学检查,结果显示,有多层细胞形成,且在上层细胞中出现filaggrin。提示此培养技术可用于研究人体表皮细胞的生长和分化。 展开更多
关键词 角朊细胞 细胞培养
李希霍芬对中国地质和地球科学的贡献(英文) 被引量:6
作者 Dieter Jkel 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期409-431,共23页
斐迪南·冯·李希霍芬出生于1833年。少年时的教育和生活环境使他对地质学产生了兴趣。当他还是小孩子的时候,就随父母游历了家乡的许多地方,并且利用暑假到阿尔卑斯去旅行。在柏林学习地质学的时候,就显示出他宽厚的知识基础,... 斐迪南·冯·李希霍芬出生于1833年。少年时的教育和生活环境使他对地质学产生了兴趣。当他还是小孩子的时候,就随父母游历了家乡的许多地方,并且利用暑假到阿尔卑斯去旅行。在柏林学习地质学的时候,就显示出他宽厚的知识基础,他很快就意识到对他而言,未来工作的目标就是成为一个科学家。1859年,为了获得财政支持进行欧洲以外地区的研究,李希霍芬申请参加了普鲁士政府向东亚派遣的一支探险队,开始了他最初对中国地质的研究。1862年当探险队的成员开始返回柏林,他独自到了上海开始他自己在中国的研究工作。只是由于太平天国起义,他的计划没能立即实现。1868年新年前夕,他和他的朋友对全球地质勘探的状况做了一个回顾,认为中国无论在科学上,还是在应用上都是最有研究价值的国家之一。于是他选择了中国作为他进行地质研究的对象。在参考大量文献的基础上,他制定了详细的研究方向和工作方法。李希霍芬希望建立一个系统的中国地质学的基础。他认为野外工作是第一位的。除了对可开采的矿床进行了估计,他还特别注意了中国煤炭沉积的储量和产量。在1868到1872年期间,他在中国先后进行了7次旅行。他是第一位对中国地质从基础上进行研究的外国地质学家。旅行的资金有一部分是来自加利福尼亚银行和上海商业会馆。他提交了一份地区经济信息的报告,这个报告包括了中国的交通、贸易路线,煤矿的形成、品位和储量、可采性以及在世界市场上的竞争力等。他重要的科学文献是关于经济、运输和人口地理学。从他的著作《中国》我们可以看出,他对于“丝绸之路”的命名是在汉学家、古典文献学家以及地图学家共同合作研究之前。在综合大量的文献后,他在地图上详细地标注了“丝绸之路”,并且讨论了汉朝及其以后历史时期内中国境内主要的贸易路线。由于丝绸一直都是重要的贸易商品,因此他把这条贸易路线称之为“丝绸之路”。对于社会、经济问题与地质问题的综合认识,使他同时又成为一个地理学家。李希霍芬和德国的地图工作者一起开创了一种新的地形的描绘方法,并且修正了当时的中国地图,使中国地图有了更为详尽的内容。对比当时在中国出版的地图,他们绘制的地图在很多方面是全新的,如他们采用图解法(graphicpresentationsofmontains)来代表山脉和其他的地形形态特征。在地质学领域,他绘制了中国地质图,及《中国地图集》中的地形图,连同后来出版的4卷《中国》书稿中大量的横断面和地层剖面,奠定了中国乃至东亚的地质学基础。但是他从来没有把制图作为他旅行的一个主要目的。对他来说,制图只是作为来证实他的野外观察的一个方法,以尽可能正确地体现出地貌的基本特征。李希霍芬到中国旅行的最主要的目的是研究中国地质。他是第一个把中国地质按着现代组成物的分布、序列,发展成为一个系统。可以认为,他是把中国地质学发展成为一门科学的创始人。古生物学和地层学的知识使他很快就认识到了中国地质结构的原理。他的综合知识使他可以在地图上系统地标绘出他所观察到的现象。他的主要成果集中体现在《中国地图集》中的27张地质图,《中国》书稿中另外14张地质图以及大量的剖面图。另外矿产资源也是他研究的主要的内容。他不仅研究了煤炭资源,同时也经常记录贵金属矿产资源。他是最早注意到中国黄土具有风成特征的地质学家。他在研究黄土剖面时,注意到大部分没有层理的沉积物都保存有大量的陆生软体动物的壳。由此,他得出与前人相反的结论,认为黄土不是湖相沉积物,而是风成沉积物。并以北美大草原所见到的草将粉尘固定的过程作为他风成假设的证据。他认为黄土沉积是草原环境下形成的,当时的植被是草原。并且认识到粉尘来源于西部和北部的中亚的沙漠地区。他只是没能将冰期、间冰期的粉尘沉积加以区分。他研究的另一个科学领域是地貌学。在地貌学中他是最先描述一些地表变化过程的先驱者之一。正如他一直意识到的自然与人类活动的相互关系一样,他同样将地球生态系统看作是地质结构、地貌过程、与气候有关的生态环境和人类活动所组成的一个复合体。他是最早萌生地球系统的科学思想的科学家。李希霍芬对中国的研究起初并没有得到人们的重视。直到他的《中国》出版以后,他对中国地质学和地理学的影响才明显起来:他的著作和地图很快就传入中国,在学术界被广泛地阅读和讨论;他的书是地质学和地理学专业的基础教材。不仅在中国,在世界范围内,他的发现也得到了认可,并获得了很高的评价。19世纪末,世界上没有哪个科学家像他那样了解中国和东亚。他也从一个地质学家成为一个跨越多个学科的大科学家,他的影响在他的那个时代体现在科学领域的很多学科之中。李希霍芬在中国现在仍然有很高的赞誉。他的方法学的研究以及他的《探险家指南》,对于年轻的地质科学工作者,仍然具有指导意义。他的地球系统科学的思想对当前土地退化、生态不平衡等环境问题的解决仍然起着指导性作用。 展开更多
关键词 中国地质 丝绸之路 黄土研究 地球系统科学
QSAR Studies on the Toxicity of Nitrobenzenes to Population Growth of Tetrahymena Pyriformis 被引量:9
作者 XU Jing-bo JING Ti-song +1 位作者 Pauli W. Berger S. 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期258-261,共4页
The IGC 50 (50% inhibitory growth concentration) values of 27 nitrobenzenes were determined for the population growth endpoint of Tetrahymena pyriformis . The toxicity order of the observed compounds was found to be a... The IGC 50 (50% inhibitory growth concentration) values of 27 nitrobenzenes were determined for the population growth endpoint of Tetrahymena pyriformis . The toxicity order of the observed compounds was found to be as follows: dinitro compounds>mononitro compounds, dichloronitrobenzenes>monochloronitrobenzenes, meta substituted nitrobenzenes>ortho /para substituted nitrobenzenes(NT, NPh, NAnis) except for the dinitrobenzenes and nitroanilines(DNB, NAn). Quantitative structure activity relationships(QSARs) were developed with the logarithm of the reciprocal of IGC 50 [lg(IGC 50 ) -1 ] in mole liter as dependent variable and six molecular descriptors lg P , 1 X Ⅴ, I, 1K a, ∑σ - and E LUMO as independent variables. Via multiple regression analysis, one best equation was obtained: lg(IGC 50 ) -1 =3.029+0.860∑ σ -+0.341I n=27, r=0.924, r 2=0.854, s=0.265, f=70.44 , Pr> f =0.000 1 The equation was used to estimate IGC 50 for five analogues. 展开更多
关键词 Tetrahymena pyriformis NITROBENZENE QSAR
作者 Heinrich Begehr 张忠祥 杜金元 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第1期95-103,共9页
This paper obtains the Cauchy-Pompeiu formula on certain distinguished boundary for functions with values in a universal Clifford algebra. This formula is just an extension of the Cauchy's integral formula obtaine... This paper obtains the Cauchy-Pompeiu formula on certain distinguished boundary for functions with values in a universal Clifford algebra. This formula is just an extension of the Cauchy's integral formula obtained in [11]. 展开更多
关键词 Universal Clifford algebra Cauchy-Pompeiu formula
作者 K.Borner E.Borner +5 位作者 H.Lode M.Fassbender M.Rau B.Goetschi P.Koeppe 杨燕 《德国医学》 CAS 1999年第5期309-309,共1页
方法 研究设计 10名志愿者(5男,5女)连续5天服用地红霉素,1天1次,每次500mg(相当于440mg地红霉素代谢物)。与以前的研究(1天2次服用红霉素,1000mg/d;1天2次服用克拉霉素,500mg/d;1天1次服用阿奇霉素,500mg/d,连续3天)相比较。 标本采集... 方法 研究设计 10名志愿者(5男,5女)连续5天服用地红霉素,1天1次,每次500mg(相当于440mg地红霉素代谢物)。与以前的研究(1天2次服用红霉素,1000mg/d;1天2次服用克拉霉素,500mg/d;1天1次服用阿奇霉素,500mg/d,连续3天)相比较。 标本采集 分别在服药后第1,3,5天的0,4,8,24h采集志愿者的血样及尿样,血、尿及多形核细胞溶胞产物于-80℃储存备用。 溶胞产物的制备:PMN从采集的肝素肮凝静脉血中分离。具体步骤见表1。 展开更多
关键词 地红霉素 多形核白细胞 胞内浓度
Species-area relationship within and across functional groups at alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau,China 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Nan WU Jian-shuang +2 位作者 SHEN Zhen-xi ZHANG Xian-zhou YANG Peng-wan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期265-275,共11页
The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most fundamental concepts in community ecology and is helpful for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have systematically addressed this topic for differ... The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most fundamental concepts in community ecology and is helpful for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have systematically addressed this topic for different alpine grassland types on the Tibetan Plateau, China. We explored whether the plant composition of different functional groups affects the manner in which species richness inereases with increasing area at scales ≤ 1.0 m^2. We also compared species richness (S) within and across forbs, legumes, sedges and grasses, with sampling subplot area (A) increasing from 0.0625 m^2 to 1.0 m^2 between alpine meadow and steppe communities. We applied a logarithmic function (S = b0 + b1 ln A) to determine the slope and intercept of SAR curves within and across functional groups. The results showed that the logarithmic relationship holds true between species richness and sampling area at these small scales. Both the intercept and slope of the logarithmic forbs-area curves are significantly higher than those for the three other functional groups (P 〈 0.05). Forb accounts for about 91.9 % of the variation in the intercept and 75.0% of the variation in the slope of the SAR curve when all functional groups' data were pooled together. Our results indicated that the different SAR patterns should be linked with species dispersal capabilities, environmental filtering, and life form composition within alpine grassland communities. Further studies on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functions should specify the differential responses of different functional groups to variations in climate and anthropogenic disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 Changtang Nature Reserve Complementary response Plant functional groups Plant life forms Species coexistence
Geology of Mars after the first 40 years of exploration 被引量:2
作者 Angelo Pio Rossi Stephan van Gasselt 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期621-652,共32页
The knowledge of Martian geology has increased enormously in the last 40 yr. Several missions orbiting or roving Mars have revolutionized our understanding of its evolution and geological features, which in several wa... The knowledge of Martian geology has increased enormously in the last 40 yr. Several missions orbiting or roving Mars have revolutionized our understanding of its evolution and geological features, which in several ways are similar to Earth, but are extremely different in many respects. The impressive dichotomy between the two Martian hemispheres is most likely linked to its impact cratering history, rather than internal dynamics such as on Earth. Mars' volcanism has been extensive, very longlived and rather constant in its setting. Water was available in large quantities in the distant past of Mars, when a magnetic field and more vigorous tectonics were active. Exogenic forces have been shaping Martian landscapes and have led to a plethora of landscapes shaped by wind, water and ice. Mars' dynamical behavior continues, with its climatic variation affecting climate and geology until very recent times. This paper tries to summarize major highlights in Mars' Geology, and points to deeper and more extensive sources of important scientific contributions and future exploration. 展开更多
关键词 planets and satellites Mars -- Geology -- surface processes -- interior processes
Reservoir Volcanic Rocks: Geology and Geochemistry, the Mesozoic Non-marine Songliao Basin, NE China 被引量:1
作者 Frank Mattern 《Global Geology》 2003年第2期129-137,共9页
The reservoir volcanic rocks in Songliao Basin include the Lower Cretaceous (K1yc Form.,114~135 Ma, acidic rocks) and the Upper Jurassic (J3hs Form., 145~158 Ma, intermediate rocks). Vesicles coupled with faults mak... The reservoir volcanic rocks in Songliao Basin include the Lower Cretaceous (K1yc Form.,114~135 Ma, acidic rocks) and the Upper Jurassic (J3hs Form., 145~158 Ma, intermediate rocks). Vesicles coupled with faults make the volcanic reservoir spaces which do not as badly getting worse with buried depth as those of sediments generally doing. The flood rhyolites of the Lower Cretaceous cover ca. 100 000 km2 with relict thickness from 100 m to more than 1 000 m. They are high-silica, rich in aluminum and potassium, high REE contents with large negative Eu anomalies, thus believed also be formed by the large-scale sialic crust partial-melting. The andesitic rocks of the Upper Jurassic are rich in Al and K, but with lower REE contents and minor negative Eu anomalies, as well as dispersal patterns of HREE. They are believed to be produced by progressively shallower partial-melting where the fractionation of garnet and/or zircon may be involved. The most probable heat sources provided for the long-lasting volcanisms in the Songliao Basin is the subduction of the Okhotsk plate. 展开更多
关键词 RESERVOIR VOLCANIC rocks Mesozoic non-marine Songliao Basin
Effects of broccoli extract and various essential oils on intestinal and faecal microflora and on xenobiotic enzymes and the antioxidant system of piglets 被引量:1
作者 Kristin Mueller Nicole M. Blum +5 位作者 Holger Kluge Rolf Bauerfeind Julia Froehlich Anneluise Mader Karola R. Wendler Andreas S. Mueller 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2012年第2期78-98,共21页
Objective: Since the ban of antibiotics as growth promoting feed additives in the EU in 2006 research in alternatives has gained importance. Phytogenic feed additives represent a heterogenous class of different plant ... Objective: Since the ban of antibiotics as growth promoting feed additives in the EU in 2006 research in alternatives has gained importance. Phytogenic feed additives represent a heterogenous class of different plant derived substances that are discussed to improve the health of farm animals by direct and indirect antioxidant effects and by influencing microbial eubiosis in the gastrointestinal tract. Consequently our study aimed to investigate the influence of broccoli extract and the essential oils of tur- meric, oregano, thyme and rosemary, as selected individual additives, on intestinal and faecal microflora, on xenobiotic enzymes, and on the antioxidant system of piglets. Methods: 48 four weeks old male weaned piglets were assigned to 6 groups of 8. The piglets were housed individually in stainless steel pens with slatted floor. The control group (Con) was fed a diet without an additive for 4 weeks. The diet of group BE contained 0.15 g/kg sulforaphane in form of a broccoli extract. 535, 282, 373 and 476 mg/kg of the essential oils of turmeric (Cuo), oregano (Oo), thyme (To) and rosemary (Ro) were added to the diets of the remaining 4 groups to stan-dardise supplementation to 150 mg/kg of the oils’ key terpene compounds ar-turmerone, carvacrol, thymol and 1,8-cineole. The composition of bacterial microflora was examined by cultivating samples of jejeunal and colonic mucosa and of faeces under specific conditions. The mRNA expression of xenobiotic and antioxidant enzymes was determined by reversing transcrip- tase real time detection PCR (RT-PCR). Total antioxidant status was assayed using the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC), and lipid peroxidation was determined by measuring thiobarbioturic acid reactive substances (TBA- RS). Results: Compared to Con piglets all additives positively influenced weight gain and feed conversion in week 1. Over the whole trial period no significant differences in performance parameters existed between the experimental groups. Compared to group Con performance of Ro piglets was, however, slightly impaired. Com- pared to Con piglets Cuo, Oo and To increased the ratio of Lactobacilli:E. coli attached to the jejunal mucosa, whereas BE and Ro impaired this ratio slightly. In contrast in colonic mucosa Ro improved Lactobacilli:E. coli ratio. In faecal samples an improvement of Lactobacilli:E. coli ratio could be analysed for To and Ro. Ro was the only additive that reduced the incidence rate of piglets tested positive for enterotoxic E. coli (ETEC). All additives significantly increased jejunal TEAC and reduced TBA-RS. In the liver BE, Cuo, Oo and To increased TEAC in tendency and Ro significantly. Liver TBA-RS were slightly reduced by all additives compared to Con piglets. Whereas the influence of BE, To and Ro on jejunal TEAC mainly was derived from the induction of xenobiotic and antioxidant enzymes (indirect antioxidant effects), Cuo and Oo influenced TEAC by direct antioxidant effects. Discussion and Conclusions: Our results have shown: That within the labiatae oils Oo and To have the potential to improve performance slightly. That phytogenic substances have a small but not sig- nificant influence on intestinal microflora. That phytogenic feed additives up-regulate the anti- oxidant system of piglets either by direct or by indirect antioxidant effects and that they may thereby improve health status. That within the labiatae oils Oo has a high direct antioxidant potential whereas Ro potently induces xenobiotic and antioxidant enzymes. That broccoli extract is an attractive new phytogenic additive, improving antioxidant status by indirect antioxidant effects. That defined combinations of selected phytogenic substances may produce additive effects. That health promoting effects of phytogenic additives in the future should be studied systematically under the challenge with pathogenic microorganisms or food derived to-xins. 展开更多
关键词 Pigs Phytogenic Feed Additives BROCCOLI Extract Essential Oils XENOBIOTIC ENZYMES Antioxidant System
作者 鲜肖威 张林源 +1 位作者 艾南山 Wihelm Wohlke 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 1991年第1期44-55,共12页
Lanzhou Valley Basin is composed of two smaller diamond-shaped basins striking from NW to SE and including 6 river terraces. The lower terraces remaining even and smooth are main sites for city buildings. The main fun... Lanzhou Valley Basin is composed of two smaller diamond-shaped basins striking from NW to SE and including 6 river terraces. The lower terraces remaining even and smooth are main sites for city buildings. The main function of Lanzhou urban settlement is a ferry and transport centre. Lanzhou used to be an im-portant crossing site and post on the 'silk road',and then became a transport and trade centre in Northwest China. In the middle part of the 17th century, Lanzhou became the capital of Gansu,a new province. The development process of Lanzhou urban settlement indicates that urban settlement is a system consisting of natural environment and human society based on the former. 展开更多
关键词 natural environment human factor URBAN SETTLEMENT interface analysis QUATERNARY
Counting Types of Runs in Classes of Arborescent Words
作者 Jean-Philippe Labbé Gilbert Labelle 《Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics》 2013年第1期7-15,共9页
An arborescence is a directed rooted tree in which all edges point away from the root. An arborescent word is obtained by replacing each element of the underlying set of an arborescence by an arbitrary letter of a giv... An arborescence is a directed rooted tree in which all edges point away from the root. An arborescent word is obtained by replacing each element of the underlying set of an arborescence by an arbitrary letter of a given alphabet (with possible repetitions). We define a run in an arborescent word as a maximal sub-arborescent word whose letters are all identical. Various types of runs (e.g., runs of size ≤ k, linear runs, etc) are studied in the context of R-enriched arborescent words, where R is a given species of structures. 展开更多
关键词 RUNS Structured WORDS Treelike Structures Combinatorial Species GENERATING SERIES Cycle Index SERIES
Space-Time Universe versus Energy Driven Time Arrow Universe: Time-Neutrality Confronted with Fundamental Irreversibility
作者 Helmut Tributsch 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2019年第8期1029-1064,共36页
A dynamic interpretation of quantum phenomena based on an energy driven time arrow requires a combined description of matter and information on matter. This information around matter turned out to be gravitation and t... A dynamic interpretation of quantum phenomena based on an energy driven time arrow requires a combined description of matter and information on matter. This information around matter turned out to be gravitation and the fact that a photon is continuously recycled via this information generates an always constant light velocity. These two phenomena, simple consequences of fundamental irreversibility, have mathematically been imposed on empty space for time-neutral spacetime in General Relativity theory. In an irreversible universe such a four-dimensional spacetime would not anymore be required. Another striking difference is the role of time. Clock-time, used in Relativity Theory and found to be relative, is not associated with a generation of changes, being only a scale for measuring changes, based on selected periodic phenomena. The real time in an irreversible world, action time, is the flow of action, as generated by the principle of least action, or, alternatively, the loss of information on the past. In contrast to clock-time, action time is invariant with respect to relativistic transformation and also facilitates self-organization of matter and information. Gravitation as information on matter with the aim of imposing the principle of least action also provides the link between quantum world and cosmology, which Relativity Theory cannot provide. Relevant aspects of both theoretical approaches, with special emphasis on already experimentally verified spacetime phenomena, are critically analysed. While Relativity Theory, which is relying on time-neutral laws, is applied to support a chaotically exploding Big Bang scenario, the fundamentally irreversible universe subject to an energy driven time arrow is characterized by self-organization of energy, matter and information yielding an intelligent and creative “Self-Image” universe, which is able to periodically regenerate itself. Arguments for a fundamentally irreversible energy driven nature include, apart from explaining experimental support for Relativity Theory differently, the simple, straightforward derivation from a dynamically interpreted principle of least action, the elimination of quantum and cosmological paradoxes and the more sensitive and flexible information-technology based (digital) nature of gravitation as compared with the analogue “bent space” gravitation. 展开更多
关键词 Time-Neutrality IRREVERSIBILITY General Relativity Theory Big Bang UNIVERSE SELF-IMAGE UNIVERSE Information
Seasonal Vegetation Changes in the Malinda Wetland Using Bi-Temporal, Multi-Sensor, Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data Sets
作者 David N. Kuria Gunter Menz +6 位作者 Salome Misana Emiliana Mwita Hans-Peter Thamm Miguel Alvarez Neema Mogha Mathias Becker Helida Oyieke 《Advances in Remote Sensing》 2014年第1期33-48,共16页
Small wetlands in East Africa have grown in prominence driven by the unreliable and diminished rains and the increasing population pressure. Due to their size (less than 500 Ha), these wetlands have not been studied e... Small wetlands in East Africa have grown in prominence driven by the unreliable and diminished rains and the increasing population pressure. Due to their size (less than 500 Ha), these wetlands have not been studied extensively using satellite remote sensing approaches. High spatial resolution remote sensing approaches overcome this limitation allowing detailed inventorying and research on such small wetlands. For understanding the seasonal variations in land cover within the Malinda Wetland in Tanzania (350 Ha), two periods were considered, May 2012 coinciding with the wet period (rainy season) and August 2012 coinciding with a fairly rain depressed period (substantially dry but generally cooler season). The wetland was studied using very high spatial resolution orthophotos derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photography fused with TerraSAR-X Spotlight mode dual polarized radar data. Using these fused datasets, five main classes were identified that were used to firstly delineate seasonal changes in land use activities and secondly used in determining phenology changes. Combining fuzzy maximum likelihood classification, knowledge classifier and Change Vector Analysis (CVA), land cover classification was undertaken for both seasons. From the results, manifold anthropogenic activities are taking place between the seasons as evidenced by the high conversion rates (63.01 Ha). The phenological change was also highest within the human influence class due to the growing process of cropped land (26.60 Ha). Much of the changes in both cover and phenology are occurring in the mid upper portion of the wetland, attributed to the presence of springs in this portion of the wetland along the banks of River Mkomazi. There is thus seasonality in the observed anthropogenic influence between the wetland and its periphery. 展开更多
关键词 Image Fusion LAND COVER Classification Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CHANGE Vector Analysis LAND COVER CHANGE Vegetation PHENOLOGY
Time-Neutrality of Natural Laws Challenged: Time Is Not an Illusion but Ongoing Energy-Driven Information Loss
作者 Helmut Tributsch 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2021年第3期300-327,共28页
It is shown that the time of entropy increase, here called action time, is caused by a dynamically understood energy. It drives time by decreasing its presence per state, that is by abandoning order, information, and ... It is shown that the time of entropy increase, here called action time, is caused by a dynamically understood energy. It drives time by decreasing its presence per state, that is by abandoning order, information, and creating entropy. This mechanism can be derived from basic principles via the Lagrange-Euler formalism, just considering the properties of really experienced, oriented time and thus abandoning the paradigm of time neutrality. It describes nature driven by a dynamically understood principle of least action, which is identified as manifestation of fundamental irreversibility in nature. This readily explains the second law of thermodynamics and also yields the entropy law for non-linear irreversible thermodynamics: maximum entropy production within the restraints of the system. Dynamic energy-driven time, action time, and time asymmetry is generated via the process of erasing information and liberating its energy irreversibly as heat. It is not an illusion but information-based reality. It is the loss of information to the past and different from clock-time, which is just an artificial scale, using information for tracking real time, action time. Energy-driven fundamental irreversibility of nature can better describe experienced reality and opens the way to understand and finally imitate the self-organizing creativity in nature. It also draws far reaching consequences for understanding quantum physics, gravitation and cosmology as well as biology. From the point of view of irreversibility, nature turns out to be more elegant, simpler and rationally understandable. For the first time, it can be explained in a few words what energy and nature basically represent and why it must have been information, which has started the universe. 展开更多
关键词 Time-Invariance ENERGY TIME Entropy Information IRREVERSIBILITY Self-Organization Nature
Serum Protein Capillary Electrophoretic Pattern in Camels (Camelus dromedarius): Influence of Age and Sex
作者 Nawal Mohamed Elkhair Helmut Hartmann 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第1期78-81,共4页
The objective of this study was to characterise serum protein capillary electrophoretic pattern in relation to the age and sex in dromedary camels. Fourteen healthy young camels (age: 3-5 months), 12 adult male and... The objective of this study was to characterise serum protein capillary electrophoretic pattern in relation to the age and sex in dromedary camels. Fourteen healthy young camels (age: 3-5 months), 12 adult male and 10 female camels (age: 5-8 years) were used. Blood samples collected from the jugular vein were used for the determination of serum proteins by capillary electrophoresis technique. Female camels had significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher serum-[Protein] of 63.7 ± 6.6 g/L (reference range = 51-74 g/L) compared to the other age groups. Adult male camels showed significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher percentage of albumin fraction (60%) compared to the other age groups. The concentrations of ul and ct2 globulin fractions were significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher mean value in young camels compared to the other groups (3.5% and 8.5%, respectively). 13-globulin fraction was not affected significantly by the age. The concentration of y-globulin fraction (26%) in lactating camels was higher (P 〈 0.05) compared to the other age groups. Significantly (P 〈 0.05) A/G ratio was observed in young camels. Sex had no significant effect on serum protein fractions. The results obtained were compared and interpreted in the light of finding reported by other investigators in camels, humans and other animals. 展开更多
关键词 Age CAMELS serum protein capillary electrophoresis reference values.
Elucidating the clinical and immunological value of m6A regulatormediated methylation modification patterns in adrenocortical carcinoma
N6-methyladenosine methylation(m6A)is a common type of epigenetic alteration that prominently affects the prognosis of tumor patients.However,it is unknown how the m6A regulator affects the tumor microenvironment(TME)... N6-methyladenosine methylation(m6A)is a common type of epigenetic alteration that prominently affects the prognosis of tumor patients.However,it is unknown how the m6A regulator affects the tumor microenvironment(TME)cell infiltration in adrenocortical carcinoma(ACC)and how it affects the prognosis of ACC patients yet.The m6A alteration patterns of 112 ACC patients were evaluated,furthermore,the association with immune infiltration cell features was investigated.The unsupervised clustering method was applied to typify the m6A alteration patterns of ACC patients.The principal component analysis(PCA)technique was taken to create the m6A score to assess the alteration pattern in specific malignancies.We found two independent patterns of m6A alteration in ACC patients.The TME cell infiltration features were significantly in accordance with phenotypes of tumor immune-inflamed and immune desert in both patterns.The m6Ascore also served as an independent predictive factor in ACC patients.The somatic copy number variation(CNV)and patients prognosis can be predicted by m6A alteration patterns.Moreover,the ACC patients with high m6A scores had better overall survival(OS)and higher efficiency in immune checkpoint blockade therapy.Our work demonstrated the significance of m6A alteration to the ACC patients immunotherapy.The individual m6A alteration patterns analysis might contribute to ACC patients prognosis prediction and immunotherapy choice. 展开更多
关键词 m6A Tumor microenvironment Adrenocortical carcinoma IMMUNOTHERAPY PROGNOSIS
Epigenetic regulation of ABCG2 promoter methylation in adolescents with hyperuricemia
Background:Hyperuricemia is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by increased serum uric acid levels,which can contribute to serious health issues such as gout,cardiovascular disease,and kidney damage.Epigeneti... Background:Hyperuricemia is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by increased serum uric acid levels,which can contribute to serious health issues such as gout,cardiovascular disease,and kidney damage.Epigenetic modifications,for example,DNA methylation,exert a crucial function in gene regulation and have been implicated in various metabolic disorders.The ATP-Binding Cassette Subfamily G Member 2(ABCG2)gene is involved in uric acid excretion,and its expression can be influenced by methylation of its promoter region.Methods:This study involved the design of three guide RNA(gRNA)sequences targeting specific CpG sites within the ABCG2 promoter region.Using the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/dead Cas9-Ten-Eleven Translocation 1(CRISPR/dCas9-TET1)system,these gRNAs were employed to guide targeted demethylation of the ABCG2 promoter in cell models.A non-targeting gRNA served as a negative control.The methylation status of the ABCG2 promoter and its effect on gene expression were assessed using bisulfite sequencing and qRT-PCR.Results:Among the gRNAs tested,gRNA2 and gRNA3 effectively guided the dCas9-TET1 complex to the ABCG2 promoter,resulting in significant demethylation.gRNA2 showed the most pronounced effect,leading to a substantial increase in ABCG2 expression.Clinical data analysis revealed that adolescents with hyperuricemia had higher uric acid levels compared to healthy controls,and a higher proportion of the hyperuricemia group reported a high-protein diet,suggesting a link between diet and ABCG2 methylation.Conclusion:The findings demonstrate that targeted demethylation of the ABCG2 promoter can significantly upregulate its expression,which may help modulate uric acid levels.These results indicate that dietary factors,such as a high-protein diet,could influence ABCG2 methylation and thus impact hyperuricemia.Advanced research is necessary to explore the therapeutic potential of aiming at epigenetic modifications for the treatment of hyperuricemia. 展开更多
关键词 Hyperuricemia ABCG2 Methylation CRISPR/dCas9-TET1
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