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湖南省森林土壤有机碳密度及碳库储量动态 被引量:35
作者 李斌 方晰 +5 位作者 李岩 项文化 田大伦 谌小勇 闫文德 邓东华 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第13期4265-4278,共14页
基于2000—2014年文献和著作资料中的湖南省森林土壤剖面有机碳含量数据,湖南会同杉木林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站近15年的实测数据,分析了湖南省主要森林类型土壤有机碳密度,结合1983年至2009年湖南省4次森林资源清查数据,研究... 基于2000—2014年文献和著作资料中的湖南省森林土壤剖面有机碳含量数据,湖南会同杉木林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站近15年的实测数据,分析了湖南省主要森林类型土壤有机碳密度,结合1983年至2009年湖南省4次森林资源清查数据,研究了湖南省森林土壤有机碳库储量的动态特征。结果表明:湖南省主要森林类型土壤有机碳算术平均含量在9.53—22.86g/kg之间,灌木林最高,土壤有机碳含量的分异主要发生在0—40 cm土层,0—80 cm土壤层有机碳密度在95.44—181.30 t C/hm2之间,平均为137.15 t C/hm2,主要分布在0—40 cm土层中,随土壤深度增加,各森林类型土壤有机碳密度的差异下降,受森林类型的影响减弱。从1983—1987年到2009年,湖南省乔木林土壤层(0—80 cm)有机碳库储量净增加了414.86×106t C,面积加权平均有机碳密度提高了10.98 t C/hm2,不同乔木林土壤层(0—80 cm)有机碳库储量的差异随着时间进程逐渐增大,主要分布在杉木林、松木林、阔叶林。天然林是湖南省乔木林土壤有机碳库储量的主要贡献者,人工林土壤有机碳储量正逐步提高,经济林、竹林、灌木林对湖南省森林土壤层(0—80 cm)有机碳库储量贡献不同,且动态变化趋势也不同。森林土壤层有机碳库储量的变化与各森林类型面积的变化密切相关,而各森林类型面积的增减,与各项林业政策的实施密切相关。因此,人类活动深刻影响森林土壤的碳汇功能。 展开更多
关键词 湖南省 森林土壤 森林类型 有机碳密度 碳库储量
4种绿化树种根系分泌物中的化学成分分析 被引量:10
作者 王姣龙 谌小勇 +4 位作者 闫文德 郝博 张力 任晓军 刘之洲 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期107-113,共7页
【目的】研究我国南方4种常见绿化树种根系分泌物组分及各组分含量的差异,为城市绿化树种的选择和污染土壤的植物修复与治理提供研究数据。【方法】选取栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)、紫玉兰(Magnolia liliiflora)、樟树(Cinnamomum c... 【目的】研究我国南方4种常见绿化树种根系分泌物组分及各组分含量的差异,为城市绿化树种的选择和污染土壤的植物修复与治理提供研究数据。【方法】选取栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)、紫玉兰(Magnolia liliiflora)、樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)、桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)4种常用绿化树种为试验材料,对其根系分泌物进行GC-MS分析,同时对根系分泌物中的总碳(TC)和总氮(TN)质量浓度进行测定。【结果】植物根系分泌物中检测到的成分数量依次为紫玉兰(35种)、桂花(16种)、栾树(15种)、樟树(7种),4种绿化树种根系分泌物成分主要包括烷烃、苯酚、烯烃、醛、酯、酮、醚、呋喃、胺肟、吡啶、咔唑、喹啉、有机酸、氨基酸等(按类型分),相对含量较高的为酚醛和烷烃类,其中栾树、紫玉兰、樟树、桂花根系分泌物中酚醛类相对含量分别为20.22%,13.61%,41.94%和42.07%,烷烃类相对含量分别为56.65%,7.77%,37.29%和33.13%。有5种化合物(二十烷、二十三烷、2,2′-亚甲基双(6-叔丁基-4-甲基)苯酚、3-羧胺吡啶-N-(2-三氟甲苯基)胺肟、8-羟基-2-甲醛喹啉)在4种绿化树种的根系分泌物中均可检测到;有2种化合物(二十一烷、二十四烷)在栾树、紫玉兰、桂花根系分泌物中均可检测到;顺-14-二十九烯烃在栾树、樟树、桂花根系分泌物中均可检测到。4种绿化树种根系分泌物中TC质量浓度依次为:栾树(28.78mg/L)>紫玉兰(24.15mg/L)>桂花(8.58 mg/L)>樟树(7.98 mg/L);TN质量浓度依次为:栾树(6.65 mg/L)>樟树(5.55mg/L)>紫玉兰(0.98mg/L)>桂花(0.76mg/L)。【结论】不同绿化树种根系分泌物中化合物种类及类型存在差异。 展开更多
关键词 栾树 紫玉兰 樟树 桂花 根系分泌物 化学成分
芘胁迫下紫玉兰根系活性及根系分泌物的响应 被引量:8
作者 王姣龙 李际平 +3 位作者 谌小勇 闫文德 梁小翠 章帆 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期50-56,共7页
以紫玉兰为试验对象,设置三种芘处理浓度(L0:0 mg/kg,L1:500 mg/kg,L2:2000 mg/kg),采用气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对根系分泌物的组分进行分析,测定根系分泌物中总碳(TC)和总氮(TN)及根系活性吸收面积,为进一步研究植物根系分泌物与... 以紫玉兰为试验对象,设置三种芘处理浓度(L0:0 mg/kg,L1:500 mg/kg,L2:2000 mg/kg),采用气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对根系分泌物的组分进行分析,测定根系分泌物中总碳(TC)和总氮(TN)及根系活性吸收面积,为进一步研究植物根系分泌物与多环芳烃污染修复的响应机理提供基础数据,也为进一步筛选植物修复树种提供依据。结果表明:(1)随芘浓度升高,根系分泌物中检测的物质种类减少;(2)芘胁迫下根系分泌物中化学成分变化较大;(3)紫玉兰根系活性吸收面积及酸性磷酸酶活性均不存在显著相关性;(4)根系分泌物中TC含量随着芘胁迫浓度的升高呈下降趋势,而TN含量呈上升趋势。试验结果表明植物的生理过程比植物结构特征对芘胁迫更为敏感。 展开更多
关键词 紫玉兰 根系分泌物 根系活性 根际修复
湘南典型次生林粗木质残体生物量、碳储量和养分特征 被引量:6
作者 王一帆 谌小勇 +5 位作者 邹东军 雷俊杰 吴小红 王钧 闫文德 梁小翠 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期3441-3448,共8页
对九龙江森林公园次生常绿阔叶林粗木质残体(CWD)进行量化研究,了解亚热带典型次生林CWD的本底数据。以九龙江森林公园典型天然次生林中的6个20m×20m的标准样地为对象,调查并分析样地内不同分解等级CWD的生物量、碳储量和养分特征... 对九龙江森林公园次生常绿阔叶林粗木质残体(CWD)进行量化研究,了解亚热带典型次生林CWD的本底数据。以九龙江森林公园典型天然次生林中的6个20m×20m的标准样地为对象,调查并分析样地内不同分解等级CWD的生物量、碳储量和养分特征变化。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在2.8—30.4t/hm^(2)之间,碳储量在6.10—6.75t/hm^(2)之间,大量营养元素(N、P、K、 Ca、 Mg)含量相对稳定,化学计量变化不显著,微量营养元素中Pb与Cd元素含量随着分解等级的增加而增加。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在亚热带常绿阔叶林中处于中等水平,CWD主要以分解中后期的倒木为主,反映出该次生林处于中幼龄林阶段,具有较高的碳储量,养分含量相对稳定,并表现出Pb与Cd在CWD中积累的现象,在中度分解和重度分解的CWD中Pb含量分别增加了62.65%和69.88%,Cd含量则分别增加了33.33%和100%,其内在机理有待进一步深入研究。研究结果有助于进一步了解CWD如何参与森林生态系统养分循环、重金属积累等生态过程,比较不同林分干扰历史下CWD储量、分布及养分特征的异质性,补充CWD参与碳循环和碳平衡过程的本底数据,为亚热带典型次生林的保护与可持续经营提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 亚热带次生林 粗木质残体 生物量 化学计量 养分特征
Effects of Thinning and Litter Fall Removal on Fine Root Production and Soil Organic Carbon Content in Masson Pine Plantations 被引量:37
作者 TIAN Da-Lun PENG Yuan-Ying +4 位作者 YAN Wen-De FANG Xi KANG Wen-Xing WANG Guang-Jun CHEN Xiao-Yong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期486-493,共8页
Soils play a critical role in the global carbon cycle, and can be major source or sink of CO2 depending upon land use, vegetation type and soil management practices. Fine roots are important component of a forest ecos... Soils play a critical role in the global carbon cycle, and can be major source or sink of CO2 depending upon land use, vegetation type and soil management practices. Fine roots are important component of a forest ecosystem in terms of water and nutrient uptake. In this study the effects of thinning and litter fall removal on fine root production and soil organic carbon content were examined in 20-year-old Masson pine (Pinus resinosa) plantations in Huitong, Hunan Province of China in the growing seasons of 2004 and 2005. The results showed that fine root production was significantly lower in the thinning plots than in the control plots, with a decrease of 58% and 14% in 2004 and 2005 growing seasons, respectively. Litter fall removal significantly increased fine root production by 14% in 2004. Soil temperature (Tsoil) and soil moisture (Msoil) were higher in the thinning plots than those in the controls. Litter fall removal had significant effects on Tsoil and Msoil. Soil organic carbon content was higher in the thinning plots but was lower in the plots with litter fall removal compared with that in the controls. Our results also indicated that annual production of fine roots resulted in small carbon accumulation in the upper layers of the soil, and removal of tree by thinning resulted in a significant increase of carbon storage in Masson pine plantations. 展开更多
关键词 fine roots forest management soil carbon soil moisture soil temperature
A Longitudinal Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-Efficacy in Pregnant Asthmatics
作者 Nancy J. MacMullen Sharon Telleen +2 位作者 Mahmoud Ismail Linda F. Samson Phyllis Jones 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2013年第8期524-531,共8页
The objectives of this study of pregnant women with asthma are 1) to describe their knowledge and attitudes of asthma in pregnancy and their self-efficacy in carrying out their self-management plan during pregnancy, 2... The objectives of this study of pregnant women with asthma are 1) to describe their knowledge and attitudes of asthma in pregnancy and their self-efficacy in carrying out their self-management plan during pregnancy, 2) to determine if their knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy changed as their pregnancy progressed, and 3) to ascertain the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and self-esteem and age, education, trimester of pregnancy, weeks of pregnancy, the number of times pregnant and live births. Sixty-eight pregnant women who had an asthma diagnosis were given knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy questionnaires initially during the point of first contact (first or second) trimester (Time I) and subsequently during the latter part of their pregnancy (third trimester) (Time II). A demographic data form was also administered at Times I and II. Data were collected in an urban academic medical clinic and analyzed using SPSS 17. Data analysis utilized frequencies, paired samples t tests, and linear regression. There were no significant differences between Time I and Time II in attitudes and self-efficacy. Significant differences were limited to the knowledge questionnaire (t = 4.370, p = 0.05). There was a significant relationship between education and knowledge. Pregnant women with asthma had gaps in their knowledge of asthma in pregnancy, although their knowledge increased as their pregnancy progressed from Time I to Time II. Also, the more education the women had, the better they understood asthma. Education for pregnant women with asthma is tailored to their needs and modified as necessary. Nurses are prepared to address this challenge. 展开更多
Divergent consequences of bio-resources on morphological plasticity and biochemical responses in early-stage leguminous species:Sustainable productivity approaches 被引量:2
作者 Taimoor Hassan Farooq Muhammad Farrakh Nawaz +5 位作者 Muhammad Qasid Awais Shakoor Irfan Ahmad Sadaf Gul Khuram Shahzad Xiaoyong Chen 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期312-321,共10页
Inorganic resources can be detrimental to the environment when exploited.In comparison,organic resources help balance the soil’s carbon and nitrogen(C/N)ratio,enhance soil fertility and benefit ecological protection.... Inorganic resources can be detrimental to the environment when exploited.In comparison,organic resources help balance the soil’s carbon and nitrogen(C/N)ratio,enhance soil fertility and benefit ecological protection.Current climate crises,rapid urbanization,and fast population growth are causing many natural forests to be converted to agricultural and industrial lands to fulfill ever-increasing food and developmental requirements.Application of different bio-resources becomes necessary for sustainable productivity of available lands.This study explores the effects of various organic amendments on the growth,morpho-physiological and biochemical attributes of three leguminous tree species:Dalbergia sissoo,Vachellia nilotica,and Acacia ampliceps,concerning sustainable productivity.One-year-old healthy,disease-free,and homogenous seedlings were used as study material in a greenhouse pot experiment.Four organic amendments,i.e.,compost(CMP),cow dung(CD),poultry manure(PM),and biochar(BC),along with a control(CK)treatment,were applied.Results showed that all the organic amendments performed significantly better(P<0.05)than CK.CD produced the most significant results,followed by BC application,while PM influence was the least.Among all treatments and species,the maximum values of root length,root biomass,chlorophyll content,carotenoids,catalase,and total phenolic content were recorded under the CD treatment.Whereas for plant height and collar diameter,no big differences were observed between CD and BC(P=0.054).While comparing species,V.nilotica growth was significantly enhanced under organic amendments,followed by A.ampliceps.Combined and comparative results of studied parameters conclude that CD and BC were the most effective organic amendments,which greatly improved the growth of experimental leguminous tree species;this makes these two biofertilizers a powerful tool for sustainable agricultural productivity.Our study contributes toward an enhanced understanding of plant’s morpho-physiological responses,biochemical growth patterns,controls,and activities under different bio-fertilizers. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-fertilizers Crop productivity Ecological sustainability Nitrogen fixation Organic cultivation Physiological responses
Impacts of changed litter inputs on soil CO_2 efflux in three forest types in central south China 被引量:12
作者 YAN WenDe CHEN XiaoYong +3 位作者 TIAN DaLun PENG YuanYing WANG GuangJun ZHENG Wei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期750-757,共8页
Climate change is expected to cause the alteration of litter production in forests, which may result in substantial changes in soil CO2 effiux (FCO2) process as litter represents a major pathway of carbon from veget... Climate change is expected to cause the alteration of litter production in forests, which may result in substantial changes in soil CO2 effiux (FCO2) process as litter represents a major pathway of carbon from vegetation to the soils. In this study, we conducted an aboveground litter manipulation experiment to examine the influence of litter addition and exclusion on soil FCO2 in Camphor tree, Masson pine, and mixed Camphor tree and Masson pine forests in central south China. Litter input manipulation included three treatments: nonqitter input (litter exclusion), double litter input (litter addition), and natural litter input (control). On average, litter exclusion significantly reduced soil FCO2 rate by approximately 39%, 24% and 22% in Camphor tree forests, the Mixed forests, and Masson pine forests, respectively. On a yearly basis, double litter addition significantly increased soil CO2 by 12% in the Mixed forests (P=0.02) but not in both Camphor tree and Masson pine forests (P〉0.05), when compared with their corre- sponding control treatments. However, litter addition increased soil FCO2 rates in the months of June-August in Camphor tree and Masson pine forests, coinciding with high soil temperature of summer conditions. Litter exclusion reduced soil FCO2 more than litter addition increased it in the study sites. Responses of soil respiration to litter input treatments varied with forest types. Litter input treatments did not alter the seasonal patterns of soil temperature and soil water content. Our results indicated that changes in aboveground litter as a result of global climate change and/or forest management have a great potential to alter soil respiration and soil carbon balance in forest ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 soil respiration litter exclusion litter addition subtropical forests soil environmental factors
Response of soil respiration to nitrogen addition in two subtropical forest types 被引量:7
作者 Wende YAN Xiaoyong CHEN +3 位作者 Yuanying PENG Fan ZHU Wei ZHEN Xuyuan ZHANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期478-486,共9页
Anthropogenic activities have increased nitrogen(N)deposition in terrestrial ecosystems,which directly and indirectly affects soil biogeochemical processes,including soil respiration.However,the effects of the increas... Anthropogenic activities have increased nitrogen(N)deposition in terrestrial ecosystems,which directly and indirectly affects soil biogeochemical processes,including soil respiration.However,the effects of the increases in N availability on soil respiration are not fully understood.In this study,soil respiration was measured using an infrared gas analyzer system with soil chambers under four N treatments(0,5,15,and 30 g Nm^-2 year^-1 as control,low N(LN),moderate N(MN),and high N(HN),respectively)in camphor tree and slash pine forests in subtropical China.Results showed that soil respiration rates decreased by 37% in the camphor tree forest and 27% in the slash pine forest on average on an annual base,respectively,in the N-fertilized treatments when compared with the control.No significant differences were found in the soil respiration rate among the LN,MN,and HN treatments in both forest types as these fertilized plots reached an adequate N content zone.In addition,soil microbial biomass carbon(C)content and fine root biomass declined in N-treated plots compared to the control.Our results indicated that elevated N deposition might alter the tree growth pattern,C partitioning,and microbial activity,which further affect soil C sequestration by reducing soil respiration in subtropical forests of China. 展开更多
关键词 camphor tree forest fine root slash pine forest soil microbial biomass soil moisture soil temperature
Soil CO_2 Flux in Different Types of Forests Under a Subtropical Microclimatic Environment 被引量:5
作者 YAN Wen-De XU Wang-Ming +5 位作者 CHEN Xiao-Yong TIAN Da-Lun PENG Yuan-Ying ZHEN Wei ZHANG Cao XU Jie 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期243-250,共8页
The flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) from soil surface presents an important component of carbon (C) cycle in terrestrial ecosystems and is controlled by a number of biotic and abiotic factors. In order to better unde... The flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) from soil surface presents an important component of carbon (C) cycle in terrestrial ecosystems and is controlled by a number of biotic and abiotic factors. In order to better understand characteristics of soil CO2 flux (FCO2) in subtropical forests, soil FCO2 rates were quantified in five adjacent forest types (camphor tree forest, Masson pine forest, mixed camphor tree and Masson pine forest, Chinese sweet gum forest, and slash pine forest) at the Tianjiling National Park in Changsha, Hunan Province, in subtropical China, from January to December 2010. The influences of soil temperature (Tsoil), volumetric soil water content (0soiI), soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil C/nitrogen (N) ratio on soil FCO2 rates were also investigated. The annual mean soil FCO2 rate varied with the forest types. The soil FCO2 rate was the highest in the camphor tree forest (3.53 ± 0.51 μmol m-2 s-I), followed by, in order, the mixed, Masson pine, Chinese sweet gum, and slash pine forests (1.53 ± 0.25 μmol m-2 sl). Soil FCO2 rates from the five forest types followed a similar seasonal pattern with the maximum values occurring in summer (July and August) and the minimum values during winter (December and January). Soil FCO2 rates were correlated to Tsoil and 0soil, but the relationships were only significant for Tsoil. No correlations were found between soil FCO2 rates and other selected soil properties, such as soil pH, SOC, and C/N ratio, in the examined forest types. Our results indicated that soil FCO2 rates were much higher in the evergreen broadleaved forest than coniferous forest under the same microclimatic environment in the study region. 展开更多
关键词 broadleaved forest CARBON coniferous forest soil temperature soil water content
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