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作者 陈勇 周蕾 +1 位作者 隋春 蔺彩霞 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期2307-2314,共8页
【目的】研究不同板蓝根栽培种质在新疆产区的性状表现,筛选出适宜当地种植的板蓝根优良种质。【方法】收集全国板蓝根产区的32份板蓝根栽培种质,在新疆昌吉回族自治州玛纳斯县种植。以农艺性状和品质性状为指标,分析板蓝根种质在新疆... 【目的】研究不同板蓝根栽培种质在新疆产区的性状表现,筛选出适宜当地种植的板蓝根优良种质。【方法】收集全国板蓝根产区的32份板蓝根栽培种质,在新疆昌吉回族自治州玛纳斯县种植。以农艺性状和品质性状为指标,分析板蓝根种质在新疆的性状表现。【结果】多数板蓝根栽培种质角果呈浅褐色、倒披针形,长/宽比2.2~5.0,厚度1~3 mm,千粒重6~20 g;叶形多以椭圆型为主,叶缘形多以中、弱的强度为主,叶缘缺刻程度以浅、中为主,花青甙显色情况以4种程度(无、弱、中和强)分布较为均匀,叶长15~25 cm;根长35~45 cm;根粗1.5~2.5 cm。侧根数在4~6个;单根重大多集中在100~150 g,以XJ-1和XJ-2种质表现较佳。各种质间(R,S)-告依春含量存在显著差异,XJ-1和HN-1种质表现优异,侧根数与根长呈极显著负相关关系,与根粗之间呈极显著正相关关系。根重与根粗、侧根数之间呈极显著正相关关系。根粗与根长呈显著负相关关系。【结论】各板蓝根种质在新疆产区性状表现存在差异,HLJ-1在根长、叶长等农艺性状方面表现优异,XJ-1在根重和有效成分含量方面表现出相对优势。 展开更多
关键词 板蓝根 种质评价 农艺性状 (R S)-告依春
甘草产业链的现状与技术提升 被引量:15
作者 边育红 王丽 +9 位作者 张晓雨 樊亚东 侯俊玲 张萍 陈丽红 李翠芹 刘永刚 杨林勇 宋新波 王文全 《天津中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第1期19-26,共8页
甘草是药食同源中药材大品种,居中医处方用药频次前三,也广泛用于食品、保健品、化妆品等原料。甘草野生资源匮乏,栽培甘草质量低而不稳,传统功效物质基础尚不明确,饮片和提取分离生产工艺现代化程度较低,产品多以粗加工物为主,大健康... 甘草是药食同源中药材大品种,居中医处方用药频次前三,也广泛用于食品、保健品、化妆品等原料。甘草野生资源匮乏,栽培甘草质量低而不稳,传统功效物质基础尚不明确,饮片和提取分离生产工艺现代化程度较低,产品多以粗加工物为主,大健康产品开发不足,在大健康产业中的作用远没发挥。文章将从甘草资源、质量标准、炮制工艺、提取工艺和产业链发展等几个方面对甘草产业链的现状及提升进行综述,为甘草产业链的后续发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 甘草 种植栽培 质量标准 炮制工艺 提取工艺 产业链
作者 刘春雨 赵云 +1 位作者 廖永红 杨飞飞 《药学研究》 CAS 2022年第10期659-663,共5页
目的本文拟研究一种加水复溶后可转化为纳米混悬液的新型固体分散体片剂,提高原人参二醇(PPD)口服给药的溶解度和生物利用度。方法通过将药物、聚合物载体和表面活性剂按10∶14∶6的比例溶解于乙醇后,减压真空干燥制备固体分散体,然后... 目的本文拟研究一种加水复溶后可转化为纳米混悬液的新型固体分散体片剂,提高原人参二醇(PPD)口服给药的溶解度和生物利用度。方法通过将药物、聚合物载体和表面活性剂按10∶14∶6的比例溶解于乙醇后,减压真空干燥制备固体分散体,然后将固体分散体、乳糖、交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮和硬脂酸镁按300∶16∶60∶4的比例混合后,直接压成片重400 mg的片剂。结果发现含泊洛沙姆188和维生素E聚乙二醇琥珀酸酯(TPGS)的原人参二醇固体分散体加水复溶后可转变为纳米混悬液。以乙烯基吡咯烷酮/醋酸乙烯共聚物64(PVP-VA)为载体,维生素E聚乙二醇琥珀酸酯为表面活性剂的固体分散体加水复溶后可转变为平均粒径小于120 nm的纳米混悬液,该混悬液放置8 h后粒径基本稳定。固体分散体经压制成片剂后可在15 min内溶出超过90%的药物,且其溶出的药物可稳定维持至少8 h。固体分散体经大鼠灌胃给药后,其最高血药浓度和生物利用度是原型药物及辅料物理混合物的6.59倍和2.54倍。结论该研究表明可转化为纳米混悬液的固体分散体片剂是一种可提高原人参二醇口服生物利用度的新制剂方法。 展开更多
关键词 原人参二醇 固体分散体 纳米混悬液 维生素E聚乙二醇琥珀酸酯 生物利用度
辽宁新宾人参根腐病病原真菌的分离与鉴定 被引量:3
作者 刘坤 孙文松 +1 位作者 沈宝宇 张天静 《中国农学通报》 2022年第32期86-91,共6页
分离和鉴定辽宁人参主产区根腐病致病真菌,为人参抗病育种、开展根腐病绿色防治提供理论支撑。本研究采用组织分离法,对辽宁新宾人参根腐病重发生地块2~5年生病株开展植物病原真菌的分离和纯化。采用琼脂培养法,对分离菌株进行致病性测... 分离和鉴定辽宁人参主产区根腐病致病真菌,为人参抗病育种、开展根腐病绿色防治提供理论支撑。本研究采用组织分离法,对辽宁新宾人参根腐病重发生地块2~5年生病株开展植物病原真菌的分离和纯化。采用琼脂培养法,对分离菌株进行致病性测定。结合形态学观察和rDNA-ITS、EF-1α序列分析,对菌株开展形态学和分子生物学鉴定。最终,分离得到2株菌落形态不同的致病真菌,编号为JS64-1和JS64-3,经鉴定,分别为腐皮镰刀菌(Fusarium solani)和尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)。本研究采用琼脂培养法,开展人参根腐病致病性测定,操作简便,省时高效,结果准确,可为其他植物根部病害研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 人参根腐病 EF-1α 腐皮镰刀菌 尖孢镰刀菌 琼脂培养法 致病性测定
白木香的组织培养快速繁殖研究 被引量:7
作者 都明理 徐娇 +3 位作者 朱楚然 王丽红 隋春 魏建和 《中国农学通报》 2019年第26期80-83,共4页
本研究利用组织培养技术,以白木香(Aquilaria sinensis)种子为材料,建立快速繁殖白木香的方法体系。首先进行种子消毒,播种到MS培养基上,然后将白木香无菌幼苗切成带1个腋芽的茎段,诱导白木香丛生芽;剪下生长健壮的单个芽苗,诱导生根。... 本研究利用组织培养技术,以白木香(Aquilaria sinensis)种子为材料,建立快速繁殖白木香的方法体系。首先进行种子消毒,播种到MS培养基上,然后将白木香无菌幼苗切成带1个腋芽的茎段,诱导白木香丛生芽;剪下生长健壮的单个芽苗,诱导生根。白木香腋芽诱导分化的最佳培养基为MS+1 mg/L6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA+0.2 mg/L IBA+30 g/L蔗糖+5 g/L植物凝胶,白木香组培苗生根的最佳培养基为MS+30 g/L蔗糖+5 g/L植物凝胶。白木香组织培养快速繁殖技术将应用于白木香特异种质的快速大量扩繁中。另外,由于白木香种子随采随种、不易保存的特性,组培快繁技术也可随时为白木香结香机理研究提供遗传背景相对一致的大量新鲜幼嫩的组织材料。 展开更多
关键词 白木香 组织培养 腋芽 生根
作者 张米佳 王孟迪 +7 位作者 Ayaz Ahmed 董丽 姚勤伟 李莹辉 曲丽娜 陈善广 刘新民 王琼 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期346-357,共12页
目的本研究旨在观察不同持续时间的模拟失重对大鼠抑郁样行为和海马超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的影响,以探究其影响及可能的作用机制。方法采用后肢悬挂(HLS)尾吊法模拟大鼠失重状态。将大鼠分为对照组和不同模拟失重时间尾... 目的本研究旨在观察不同持续时间的模拟失重对大鼠抑郁样行为和海马超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的影响,以探究其影响及可能的作用机制。方法采用后肢悬挂(HLS)尾吊法模拟大鼠失重状态。将大鼠分为对照组和不同模拟失重时间尾吊组(尾吊时长分别为1、2、3、4周)。采用旷场实验(OFT)、新物体识别实验(NORT)、强迫游泳实验(FST)观察大鼠抑郁样行为,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法测定海马SOD和CAT活性。结果OFT结果显示,与对照组相比,HLS不同时间大鼠的僵滞时间增加(P<0.05,P<0.01)。在NORT中,与对照组相比,HLS不同时间大鼠对新物体的探索潜伏期增加,探索次数和时间减少(P<0.05,P<0.01)。在FST中,与对照组相比,HLS不同时间大鼠在FST中的不动时间增加,攀爬次数减少(P<0.05,P<0.01)。与对照组相比,HLS不同时间组大鼠海马组织中SOD和CAT水平均下降(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论短时间或长时间的失重都会导致大鼠产生类抑郁样行为。 展开更多
关键词 模拟失重 抑郁样行为 旷场实验 强迫游泳实验 超氧化物歧化酶 过氧化氢酶
Antidepressant-like Effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 in the Chronic Restraint Stress-induced Rat Model 被引量:8
作者 JIANG Ning LV Jing-Wei +6 位作者 WANG Hai-Xia HUANG Hong WANG Qiong CHEN Shan-Guang QU Li-Na Alberto Carlos Pires Dias LIU Xin-Min 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2019年第4期207-218,共12页
Objective To investigate the ameliorating effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on the depression-like behaviors induced by chronic restraint stress(CRS)in rats and the underlying mechanisms.Methods Forty male Wistar rats were di... Objective To investigate the ameliorating effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on the depression-like behaviors induced by chronic restraint stress(CRS)in rats and the underlying mechanisms.Methods Forty male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups according to their baseline sucrose preference:control group,model group,and Rg1-treated groups(5 and 10 mg/kg).Except for control group,the groups were exposed to CRS(6 h/day)for 28 days.All drugs were intraperitoneally administered once daily to CRS rats after restraint stress for 14 days.The behavioral tests were carried out via the open field test(OFT),sucrose preference test(SPT),forced swim test(FST),and the Morris water maze(MWM)4 weeks following CRS induction.The levels of serum corticosterone(CORT)and the activities of the antioxidant defense biomarkers(SOD,MDA and GSH-x)in the prefrontal cortex(PFC)were analyzed using commercial ELISA kits.The levels of the neurotransmitter(5-HT,5-HIAA,Ach,NE,GABA and Glu)in the PFC were measured by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.The protein expression of BDNF,Trkb,Bax and Bcl-2 in the PFC was detected by western blotting.Results Owing to increased sucrose consumption in the SPT,decreased immobility time in the FST,and the improved cognitive performance in MWM,chronic treatment with Ginsenoside Rg1 was found to significantly attenuate depressionlike behaviors(anhedonia,behavioral despair and poor spatial memory)in rats.Moreover,CRS exposure caused evident alterations in the levels of the neurotransmitters(5-HT,5-HIAA,Ach,GABA and Glu)and the activities of the antioxidant defense biomarkers(SOD,MDA and GSH-x)in the PFC and the levels of corticosterone in serum.However,Ginsenoside Rg1 treatment could restore these levels to normal values.Additionally,Ginsenoside Rg1 treatment significantly reverted the decreased expression of BDNF,Trkb and Bcl-2 and the increased expression of Bax in the PFC of CRS rats.Conclusions Ginsenoside Rg1 could attenuate the CRS-induced depression-like behaviors,in part,by regulating neurotransmitter levels and HPA function,antagonizing oxidative stress and apoptosis,and restoring BDNF-TrkB signaling in PFC.Altogether,our results provide a novel basis regarding the potential therapeutic effects of Rg1 on depression. 展开更多
关键词 Ginsenosides Rg1 DEPRESSION Chronic restraint stress NEUROTRANSMITTER Oxidative stress BDNF
不同产地柴胡的皂苷含量和ITS序列比较 被引量:1
作者 周蕾 为盼盼 +4 位作者 韩文静 万河妨 江伟 骆骄阳 隋春 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2022年第7期1279-1284,共6页
目的:比较不同产地柴胡药材的皂苷含量和内转录间隔区(ITS)序列,从有效成分含量和遗传基础2个层面为柴胡药材生产和利用提供借鉴。方法:产地收集柴胡药材,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定样品中柴胡皂苷a、柴胡皂苷c、柴胡皂苷d含量;提取D... 目的:比较不同产地柴胡药材的皂苷含量和内转录间隔区(ITS)序列,从有效成分含量和遗传基础2个层面为柴胡药材生产和利用提供借鉴。方法:产地收集柴胡药材,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定样品中柴胡皂苷a、柴胡皂苷c、柴胡皂苷d含量;提取DNA,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增ITS序列并比较分析序列差异。结果:各产地柴胡有效成分含量差异较大,柴胡皂苷a、柴胡皂苷c、柴胡皂苷d总质量分数最高可达4.165%,最低为0.118%。不同产地柴胡种质依据ITS序列可分为三大类,其中第Ⅱ类产于甘肃省,第Ⅲ类产于四川省、山西省和甘肃省。第Ⅲ类含有的柴胡样品较多,又可分a和b类,b类又可分为i、ii、iii类,含量较高的样品主要存在于iii小类,主要来源于甘肃、山西。结论:尽管柴胡自然分布广、生产适应性强,但从成分含量和遗传差异角度分析,有必要对柴胡的种植品种和产地进行规范。 展开更多
关键词 柴胡 内转录间隔区 柴胡皂苷 高效液相色谱法
不同产区来源柴胡的农艺性状及品质比较 被引量:1
作者 韩文静 万河妨 +3 位作者 刘海军 刘新冉 隋春 魏建和 《中国农学通报》 2022年第13期77-83,共7页
研究旨在比较不同产区来源柴胡的农艺性状和品质,为优良品种选育提供参考。试验共收集种质32份,分别来源于甘肃、陕西、山西、北京、河北、黑龙江6个不同地区。将从产区收集到的柴胡种子统一播种于北京试验地,统一收获后调查测定柴胡根... 研究旨在比较不同产区来源柴胡的农艺性状和品质,为优良品种选育提供参考。试验共收集种质32份,分别来源于甘肃、陕西、山西、北京、河北、黑龙江6个不同地区。将从产区收集到的柴胡种子统一播种于北京试验地,统一收获后调查测定柴胡根粗、根长、单根重、侧根数以及皂苷含量,分析比较不同种质的长势、产量潜力和皂苷含量。结果表明,BC-SX-HY(来源于山西)农艺性状及含量均表现优良,BC-SX-PS-1、BC-SX-PS-2(来源于山西)含量及单根重等表现突出,产量潜力较大但侧根数较多。BC-SX-WR、BC-SX-YC-2(来源于山西)和BS-HB-AG(来源于河北)长势较强但柴胡皂苷含量偏低。BC-SX-CZI-1(来源于山西)种质柴胡皂苷含量最高,但根型和产量潜力数据较差。同一种植条件下,不同来源的柴胡种质性状差异较大,进一步选育优良品种品系有利于提高生产上的柴胡种性。 展开更多
关键词 柴胡 栽培种质 农艺性状 产量 柴胡皂苷 不同产区
The effects of surface morphology on the aerosol performance of spray-dried particles within HFA 134a based metered dose formulations
作者 Feifei Yang Xiaobin Liu +3 位作者 Wei Wang Chunyu Liu Lihui Quan Yonghong Liao 《Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences》 SCIE CAS 2015年第6期513-519,共7页
The aim of this study was to produce fine particles with different corrugated degree of surface by spray-drying and to investigate the effect of surface morphology on in vitro aerosol performance of the particles with... The aim of this study was to produce fine particles with different corrugated degree of surface by spray-drying and to investigate the effect of surface morphology on in vitro aerosol performance of the particles within HFA 134a based metered dose formulations.Compositions of rizatriptan and scutellarin were spray-dried using different spray-drying parameters,and particles were suspended within HFA 134a.The surface morphology were determined using scanning electron microscopy(SEM),while the aerodynamic performance of MDIs was evaluated using a next generation pharmaceutical impactor.The surface morphology of spraydried particles could vary from smooth to moderately corrugated,and to raisin-like depending upon spray-drying parameters and preparation compositions.In general,increasing inlet temperature,decreasing feed concentration and/or adding leucine to the feed solution tended to increase the corrugated degree of particle surface.Deposition results indicated that raisinlike particle based MDIs for all compositions of the two drugs produced significantly better aerodynamic performance in terms of fine particle fractions and mass median aerodynamic diameters relative to the formulations of the corresponding smooth or slightly corrugated particles when the particle compositions were the same.The present results demonstrated that wrinkled particles increased fine particle fractions within surfactant-free MDI formulations. 展开更多
关键词 SPRAY-DRYING Raisin-like/wrinkled particles Metered dose inhaler RIZATRIPTAN SCUTELLARIN
Self-adjuvant Astragalus polysaccharide-based nanovaccines for enhanced tumor immunotherapy:a novel delivery system candidate for tumor vaccines 被引量:2
作者 Nan Li Yun Zhang +10 位作者 Miaomiao Han Tian Liu Jinjia Wu Yingxia Xiong Yikai Fan Fan Ye Bing Jin Yinghua Zhang Guibo Sun Xiaobo Sun Zhengqi Dong 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期680-697,共18页
The study of tumor nanovaccines(NVs)has gained interest because they specifically recognize and eliminate tumor cells.However,the poor recognition and internalization by dendritic cells(DCs)and insufficient immunogeni... The study of tumor nanovaccines(NVs)has gained interest because they specifically recognize and eliminate tumor cells.However,the poor recognition and internalization by dendritic cells(DCs)and insufficient immunogenicity restricted the vaccine efficacy.Herein,we extracted two molecular-weight Astragalus polysaccharides(APS,12.19 k D;APSHMw,135.67 k D)from Radix Astragali and made them self-assemble with OVA257–264directly forming OVA/APS integrated nanocomplexes through the microfluidic method.The nanocomplexes were wrapped with a sheddable calcium phosphate layer to improve stability.APS in the formed nanocomplexes served as drug carriers and immune adjuvants for potent tumor immunotherapy.The optimal APS-NVs were approximately 160 nm with uniform size distribution and could remain stable in physiological saline solution.The FITC-OVA in APS-NVs could be effectively taken up by DCs,and APS-NVs could stimulate the maturation of DCs,improving the antigen cross-presentation efficiency in vitro.The possible mechanism was that APS can induce DC activation via multiple receptors such as dectin-1 and Toll-like receptors 2 and 4.Enhanced accumulation of APS-NVs both in draining and distal lymph nodes were observed following s.c.injection.Smaller APS-NVs could easily access the lymph nodes.Furthermore,APS-NVs could markedly promote antigen delivery efficiency to DCs and activate cytotoxic T cells.In addition,APS-NVs achieve a better antitumor effect in established B16-OVA melanoma tumors compared with the OVA+Alum treatment group.The antitumor mechanism correlated with the increase in cytotoxic T cells in the tumor region.Subsequently,the poor tumor inhibitory effect of APS-NVs on the nude mouse model of melanoma also confirmed the participation of antitumor adaptive immune response induced by NVs.Therefore,this study developed a promising APS-based tumor NV that is an efficient tumor immunotherapy without systemic side effects. 展开更多
关键词 Astragalus polysaccharides nanovaccines OVA IMMUNOTHERAPY self-adjuvant
细辛篮状菌叶枯病病原鉴定及室内防控药剂筛选 被引量:1
作者 刘坤 孙文松 +2 位作者 张天静 沈宝宇 李晓丽 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期249-258,共10页
采用组织分离法,对采自辽宁抚顺新宾的细辛叶枯病株进行病原分离和纯化。根据柯赫氏法则,对分离菌株进行致病性测定。通过形态学观察,结合rDNA-ITS序列分析,以及BenA与RPB2多基因位点序列对比分析,对病原菌进行鉴定。结果表明:经回接验... 采用组织分离法,对采自辽宁抚顺新宾的细辛叶枯病株进行病原分离和纯化。根据柯赫氏法则,对分离菌株进行致病性测定。通过形态学观察,结合rDNA-ITS序列分析,以及BenA与RPB2多基因位点序列对比分析,对病原菌进行鉴定。结果表明:经回接验证,明确分离所获菌株是细辛叶枯病的致病菌;代表性菌株XXY-2的形态特征以及在OA、MEA、DG18、YES、CYA和CREA等6种培养基上的菌落培养特征与Talaromyces brevis一致;基于ITS-BenA-RPB2多基因序列系统发育分析结果显示,XXY-2与T.brevis的模式菌株DTO 307T和CBS 141833T处于同一分支,自展值为100,表明XXY-2为T.brevis。采用菌丝生长速率法,测定8种杀菌剂对T.brevis生长的抑制效果,其中吡唑醚菌酯和氟啶胺的室内抑菌效果最好,EC50值分别为0.0096和0.0056μg·mL-1。这是T.brevis作为细辛叶枯病病原的首次报道,为后续开展细辛叶枯病综合防治奠定了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 细辛 叶枯病 致病性测定 多基因位点分析 药剂筛选
Isolation of exogenous fungi from Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma and preliminary analysis of toxigenic fungi
作者 Lei Zhou Xiangsheng Zhao +3 位作者 Xiaomin Liu Hefang Wan Chun Sui Xuyu Chen 《Journal of Future Foods》 2024年第2期179-182,共4页
Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma(Sanqi in Chinese)is a precious traditional Chinese herbal medicine.It has the effect of dispersing blood stasis and stopping bleeding,reducing swelling and fixing pain.However,it tends to ... Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma(Sanqi in Chinese)is a precious traditional Chinese herbal medicine.It has the effect of dispersing blood stasis and stopping bleeding,reducing swelling and fixing pain.However,it tends to contaminate with harmful fungi during storage,which may make it much less effective.In order to understand the fungal contamination of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma and master its composition of the exogenous fungi.The surface fungi of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma samples collected from six Chinese provinces and districts were investigated by using dilution plate method.Detection of aflatoxins by UPLC-MS/MS.The results showed that Penicillium citrinum was dominantly isolated from Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma samples from No.1 to No.4.Aspergillus flavus,which produces aflatoxin,was dominantly isolated from Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma samples from No.5 and No.6.In addition,kinds of mycotoxin were assayed which were produced by three of those identified A.flavus.All three fungi strains produced aflatoxin B1(AFB1)and one strain HBSQ1-5 additionally produced other three kinds of mycotoxin,AFB2,AFG1 and AFG2.It is the results implied that it will be very important to take serious cautions when using Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma.As well as,understanding the composition of the exogenous fungi of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma and the strains of toxin-producing fungi,which can play an important role in guiding the storage of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma. 展开更多
关键词 Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma Exogenous fungal Amplicon sequencing MYCOTOXIN
雾化器及辅助储雾罐对热毒宁注射液雾化性能的影响 被引量:4
作者 李超逸 杨飞飞 +1 位作者 刘春雨 廖永红 《药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期2676-2681,共6页
本文旨在评价不同雾化器在加装储雾罐后对热毒宁注射液雾化性能的影响。雾化性能评价以绿原酸和栀子苷为指标成分,测定热毒宁注射液经空气压缩雾化器和振动筛孔雾化器雾化后液滴的实时粒径分布和空气动力学粒径分布(aerodynamic particl... 本文旨在评价不同雾化器在加装储雾罐后对热毒宁注射液雾化性能的影响。雾化性能评价以绿原酸和栀子苷为指标成分,测定热毒宁注射液经空气压缩雾化器和振动筛孔雾化器雾化后液滴的实时粒径分布和空气动力学粒径分布(aerodynamic particle size distribution,APSD)、可吸入递送速率(respirable drug delivery rate,RDDR)和可吸入递送效率(percentage of respirable delivered dose,RDD%)、雾化残留及雾化时长等性能。递送效率即为递送总量与雾化的热毒宁注射液中药物含量之比,在成人呼吸模式下,空气压缩雾化器雾化热毒宁注射液的递送效率约为30%,3种振动筛孔雾化器的递送效率在24%~35%。加装储雾罐后的振动筛孔雾化器的递送效率可显著提高到37%~68%,而空气压缩雾化器则降低。当两类雾化器产生的气溶胶可吸入粒子分数(fine particle fraction,FPF)和质量平均空气动力学粒径(mass median aerodynamic diameter,MMAD)相当时,加装储雾罐后的振动筛孔雾化器的可吸入递送效率是空气压缩雾化器未加装储雾罐的2倍以上。加装储雾罐可提高热毒宁注射液经振动筛孔雾化器雾化的递送效率。 展开更多
关键词 热毒宁注射液 雾化器 储雾罐 空气动力学粒径分布 递送效率
三岛柴胡基因组Survey分析及SSR位点挖掘 被引量:8
作者 朱楚然 徐娇 +3 位作者 都明理 王丽红 隋春 魏建和 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第18期3960-3966,共7页
柴胡是我国传统中药材,主要用于治疗感冒及保肝护肝等。三岛柴胡是日本栽培品种,在我国和韩国等国家地区亦有种植。在大规模全基因组深度测序之前,需要进行低覆盖度的基因组Survey测序,以评价基因组的大小及复杂程度,确定适合该植物全... 柴胡是我国传统中药材,主要用于治疗感冒及保肝护肝等。三岛柴胡是日本栽培品种,在我国和韩国等国家地区亦有种植。在大规模全基因组深度测序之前,需要进行低覆盖度的基因组Survey测序,以评价基因组的大小及复杂程度,确定适合该植物全基因组测序研究策略。该研究采用二代高通量测序技术(Illumina Hiseq 2000)进行了三岛柴胡的Survey测序分析,并对所获得基因组序列进行了SSR分析,利用Primer 3设计SSR特异引物并随机选择33对引物以三岛柴胡DNA为模板,进行PCR扩增,对PCR体系以及最佳退火温度进行筛选。共获得了288.64 G基因组数据,估计基因组大小为2119.58Mb,测得基因组数据深度为138×,杂合率为1.84%,重复序列比例为83.89%,推测三岛柴胡基因组属于复杂基因组。采用K-mer=41初步组装,得到contig N50224 bp,总长896.97 Mb,scaffold N50313 bp,总长922.67 Mb。三岛柴胡基因组序列数据中,共检测到91377条SSR序列,分布于70809条独立基因。主要类型为二核苷酸重复,存在49680条,占比70.16%。在合成的33对引物中,有21对引物成功扩增出目标条带。研究结果为后续大规模基因组测序、开发鉴定柴胡种质和性状定位的SSR分子标记奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 三岛柴胡 基因组Survey分析 SSR标记开发
干旱地区板蓝根优质种质筛选 被引量:3
作者 万河妨 王硕 +3 位作者 刘波 邵长忠 江伟 隋春 《生物资源》 CAS 2023年第3期243-249,共7页
从产量和有效成分含量两方面综合评价不同板蓝根种质在河北干旱地区的种植表现,筛选适宜当地种植的板蓝根优良种质。20份板蓝根种质按完全随机区组设计田间试验,采用高效液相色谱法测定(R,S)⁃告依春。20份种质的板蓝根产量范围为2.507~4... 从产量和有效成分含量两方面综合评价不同板蓝根种质在河北干旱地区的种植表现,筛选适宜当地种植的板蓝根优良种质。20份板蓝根种质按完全随机区组设计田间试验,采用高效液相色谱法测定(R,S)⁃告依春。20份种质的板蓝根产量范围为2.507~4.555 kg/m^(2),大青叶产量范围为66.070~118.897 g/m^(2),(R,S)⁃告依春含量范围为0.158%~0.315%。综合产量和含量数据,4号、13号、17号种质在根产量、叶产量和(R,S)⁃告依春含量三方面均表现优异。15号、3号、12号种质根产量和(R,S)⁃告依春含量两方面表现优异,而叶产量偏低。不同种质的板蓝根、大青叶产量及(R,S)⁃告依春含量均差异较大,综合产量与含量差异,筛选出根、叶产量和(R,S)⁃告依春含量均显著高的4号、13号、17号,根产量和(R,S)⁃告依春含量显著高,叶产量显著低的15号、3号、12号种质。可根据不同的生产需求选择适宜优良种质,用于后续大面积扩繁及作为育种材料继续选育新品种。 展开更多
关键词 板蓝根 种质筛选 干旱地区 产量 (R S)⁃告依春 高效液相色谱
Prediction of the globally ecological suitability of Panax quinquefolius by the geographic information system for global medicinal plants(GMPGIS) 被引量:7
作者 SHEN Liang LI Xi-Wen +6 位作者 MENG Xiang-Xiao WU Jie TANG Huan HUANG Lin-Fang XIAO Shui-Ming XU Jiang CHEN Shi-Lin 《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第7期481-489,共9页
American ginseng(Panax quinquefolius L.) is a well-known Asian traditional herbal medicine with a large market demand. The plant is native to eastern North America, and its main producing areas worldwide are decreasin... American ginseng(Panax quinquefolius L.) is a well-known Asian traditional herbal medicine with a large market demand. The plant is native to eastern North America, and its main producing areas worldwide are decreasing due to continuous cropping obstacles and environmental changes. Therefore, the identification of maximum similarities of new ecological distribution of P.quinquefolius, and prediction of its response to climate change in the future are necessary for plant introduction and cultivation. In this study, the areas with potential ecological suitability for P. quinquefolius were predicted using the geographic information system for global medicinal plants(GMPGIS) based on 476 occurrence points and 19 bioclimatic variables. The results indicate that the new ecologically suitable areas for P. quinquefolius are East Asia and the mid-eastern Europe, which are mainly distributed in China, Russia, Japan, Ukraine, Belarus, North Korean, South Korea, and Romania. Under global climate change scenarios, the suitable planting areas for P. quinquefolius would be increased by 9.16%–30.97%, and expanding north and west over the current ecologically suitable areas by 2070. The potential increased areas that are ecologically suitable include northern Canada, Eastern Europe, and the Lesser Khingan Mountains of China, and reduced regions are mainly in central China, the southern U.S., and southern Europe. Jackknife tests indicate that the precipitation of the warmest quarter was the important climatic factor controlling the distribution of P. quinquefolius.Our findings can be used as a useful guide for P. quinquefolius introduction and cultivation in ecologically suitable areas. 展开更多
关键词 American ginseng Panax quinquefolius Ecological suitable area Climate change GMPGIS Jackknife test
In comparison with vitamin C and butylated hydroxytoluene, the antioxidant capacity of aqueous extracts from buds and flowers of Lonicera japonica Thunb. 被引量:4
作者 Zhou Yunfeng Li Lin +2 位作者 Sun Lan Zhou Lidong Xu Yang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期373-379,共7页
OBJECTIVE: To assess the antioxidant capacity of aqueous extracts of buds and flowers of Lonicera japonica Thunb.(BLJ and FLJ) using in vitro assays.METHODS: We assessed the in vitro antioxidant activities of aqueous ... OBJECTIVE: To assess the antioxidant capacity of aqueous extracts of buds and flowers of Lonicera japonica Thunb.(BLJ and FLJ) using in vitro assays.METHODS: We assessed the in vitro antioxidant activities of aqueous extracts of BLJ and FLJ and compared with that of classical antioxidants vitamin C and butylated hydroxytoluene, using several well-established methods including the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl assay, 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) assay, reducing power assay, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching assay, β-carotene bleaching assay, ferric thiocyanate assay, and thiobarbituric acid method.RESULTS: The aqueous extracts of both BLJ and FLJ had similarly potent antioxidant capacity. There were no significance differences between BLJ and FLJ in all the assays.CONCLUSION: The aqueous extracts of both BLJ and FLJ have antioxidant activity with comparable efficacy. These findings suggest that both BLJ and FLJ may have the potential as natural antioxidants. 展开更多
Antioxidant capacity of extract from Jiangtang Xiaozhi recipe in vitro 被引量:3
作者 Song Wang Yuan Yuan +8 位作者 Yu Naixin Gu Haike Zhou Yunfeng Chen Xigong Wang Shuaiyu Fan Kai Ge Zhengyan Jin Long Xu Yang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第3期393-400,共8页
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the extract from Jiangtang Xiaozhi recipe(JXR) of in vitro.METHODS: JXR extract was prepared according to previously reported method. In vitro antioxidant assays were... OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the extract from Jiangtang Xiaozhi recipe(JXR) of in vitro.METHODS: JXR extract was prepared according to previously reported method. In vitro antioxidant assays were used in this experiment, including 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical(DPPH) radical scavenging ability, 2-2’-Azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sul phonate(ABTS) radical scavenging ability, reducing power assay, fluorescence recovery after photo bleaching assay, β-carotene bleaching assay, ferric thiocyanate assay, and thiobarbituric acid method.RESULTS: DPPH, ABTS assay showed that JXR extract had distinct effect on scavenging free radicals;reducing power and ferricreducing-antioxidant power assay showed that JXR extract possessed redox ability;β-Carotene bleaching assay and antioxidant activity in a linoleic acid system using ferric thiocyanate method, thiobarbituric acid assay indicated that JXR extract could effectively inhibit lipid peroxidation, and the effect was better than that of Vitamin C.CONCLUSION: JXR extract has significant antioxidant capacity in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 Free radical scavengers Lipid peroxidation Antioxidant capacity Jiangtang Xiaozhi recipe
Cognitive-enhancing effects of hydrolysate of polygalasaponin in SAMP8 mice 被引量:2
作者 Pan XU Shu-ping XU +7 位作者 Ke-zhu WANG Cong LU Hong-xia ZHANG Rui-le PAN Chang QI Yan-yan YANG Ying-hui LI Xin-min LIU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第7期503-514,共12页
Objectives: The aim of the study is to evaluate the cognitive-enhancing effects of hydrolysate of polyga- lasaponin (HPS) on senescence accelerate mouse P8 (SAMP8) mice, an effective Alzheimer's disease (AD) m... Objectives: The aim of the study is to evaluate the cognitive-enhancing effects of hydrolysate of polyga- lasaponin (HPS) on senescence accelerate mouse P8 (SAMP8) mice, an effective Alzheimer's disease (AD) model, and to research the relevant mechanisms. Methods: The cognitive-enhancing effects of HPS on SAMP8 mice were assessed using Morris water maze (MWM) and step-through passive avoidance tests. Then N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit expression for both the cortex and hippocampus of mice was observed using Western blot- ting. Results: HPS (25 and 50 mg/kg) improved the escape rate and decreased the escape latency and time spent in the target quadrant for the SAMP8 mice in the MWM after oral administration of HPS for 10 d. Moreover, it decreased error times in the passive avoidance tests. Western blotting showed that HPS was able to reverse the levels of NMDAR1 and NMDAR2B expression in the cortex or hippocampus of model mice. Conclusions: The present study suggested that HPS can improve cognitive deficits in SAMP8 mice, and this mechanism might be associated with NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-related pathways. 展开更多
关键词 Cognitive improvement Hydrolysate of polygalasaponin SAMP8 mice
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