Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC),primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) and autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) constitute the classic autoimmune liver diseases(AILDs).While AIH target the hepatocytes,in PBC and PSC the targets of t...Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC),primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) and autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) constitute the classic autoimmune liver diseases(AILDs).While AIH target the hepatocytes,in PBC and PSC the targets of the autoimmune attack are the biliary epithelial cells.Persistent liver injury,associated with chronic AILD,leads to un-resolving inflammation,cell proliferation and the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins by hepatic stellate cells and portal myofibroblasts.Liver cirrhosis,and the resultant loss of normal liver function,inevitably ensues.Patients with cirrhosis have higher risks or morbidity and mortality,and that in the decompensated phase,complications of portal hypertension and/or liver dysfunction lead to rapid deterioration.Accurate diagnosis and monitoring of cirrhosis is,therefore of upmost importance.Liver biopsy is currently the gold standard technique,but highly promising non-invasive methodology is under development.Liver transplantation(LT) is an effective therapeutic option for the management of endstage liver disease secondary to AIH,PBC and PSC.LT is indicated for AILD patients who have progressed to end-stage chronic liver disease or developed intractable symptoms or hepatic malignancy;in addition,LT may also be indicated for patients presenting with acute liver disease due to AIH who do not respond to steroids.展开更多
The histological hallmark of autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) is a dense portal mononuclear cell infiltrate that invades the surrounding parenchyma and comprises T and B lymphocytes,macrophages,and plasma cells.An unknown ...The histological hallmark of autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) is a dense portal mononuclear cell infiltrate that invades the surrounding parenchyma and comprises T and B lymphocytes,macrophages,and plasma cells.An unknown but powerful stimulus must be promoting the formation of this massive inflammatory cellular reaction that is likely to initiate and perpetuate liver damage.An autoimmune attack can follow different pathways to inflict damage on hepatocytes.Liver damage is likely to be orchestrated by CD4^+ T lymphocytes recognizing an autoantigenic liver peptide.To trigger an autoimmune response,the peptide must be embraced by an HLA class Ⅱ molecule and presented to naive CD4^+ T helper(Th0) cells by professional antigen presenting cells,with the co-stimulation of ligand-ligand fostering interaction between the two cells.Th0 cells become activated,differentiate into functional phenotypes according to the cytokines prevailing in the microenvironment and the nature of the antigen,and initiate a cascade of immune reactions determined by the cytokines produced by the activated T cells.Th1 cells,arising in the presence of the macrophage-derived interleukin(IL) -12,secrete mainly IL-2 and interferon-gamma(IFN-γ),which activate macrophages,enhance expression of HLA classⅠ(increasing liver cell vulnerability to a CD8^+ T cell cytotoxic attack),and induce expression of HLA class Ⅱ molecules on hepatocytes.Th2 cells,which differentiate from Th0 if the microenvironment is rich in IL-4,produce mainly IL-4,IL-10,and IL-13 which favour autoantibody production by B lymphocytes.Physiologically,Th1 and Th2 antagonize each other.Th17 cells,a recently described population,arise in the presence of transforming growth factor beta(TGF-β) and IL-6 and appear to have an important effector role in inflammation and autoimmunity.Theprocess of autoantigen recognition is strictly controlled by regulatory mechanisms,such as those exerted by CD4^+CD25^+ regulatory T cells,which derive from Th0 in the presence of TGF-β,but in the absence of IL-6.If regulatory mechanisms fail,the autoimmune attack is perpetuated.Over the past three decades different aspects of the above pathogenic scenario have been investigated.In particular,a defect in immunoregulation affecting CD4^+CD25^+ regulatory T cells(T-regs) has been demonstrated in AIH,particularly at diagnosis or during relapse.Advances in the study of autoreactive T cells have occurred mostly in AIH type 2,since the knowledge that CYP2D6 is the main autoantigen has enabled the characterization of both CD4 and CD8 T cells targeting this cytochrome.CD4 T cells from patients with type 2 AIH positive for the predisposing HLA allele DRB10701 recognize seven regions of CYP2D6,five of which are also recognized by CD8 T cells.High numbers of IFN-γ producing CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells are associated with biochemical evidence of liver damage,suggesting a combined cellular immune attack.展开更多
Cerebral oedema is a devastating consequence of acute liver failure(ALF)and may be associated with the development of intracranial hypertension and death.In ALF,some patients may develop cerebral oedema and increased ...Cerebral oedema is a devastating consequence of acute liver failure(ALF)and may be associated with the development of intracranial hypertension and death.In ALF,some patients may develop cerebral oedema and increased intracranial pressure but progression to lifethreatening intracranial hypertension is less frequent than previously described,complicating less than one third of cases who have proceeded to coma since the advent of improved clinical care.The rapid onset of encephalopathy may be dramatic with the development of asterixis,delirium,seizures and coma.Cytotoxic and vasogenic oedema mechanisms have been implicated with a preponderance of experimental data favouring a cytotoxic mechanism.Astrocyte swelling is the most consistent neuropathological finding in humans with ALF and ammonia plays a definitive role in the development of cytotoxic brain oedema.The mechanism(s)by which ammonia induces astrocyte swelling remains unclear but glutamine accumulation within astrocytes has led to the osmolyte hypothesis.Current evidence also supports an alternate‘Trojan horse’hypothesis,with glutamine as a carrier of ammonia into mitochondria,where its accumulation results in oxidative stress,energy failure and ultimately astrocyte swelling.Although a complete breakdown of the blood-brain barrier is not evident in human ALF,increased permeation to water and other small molecules such as ammonia has been demonstrated resulting from subtle alterations in the protein composition of paracellular tight junctions.At present,there is no fully efficacious therapy for cerebral oedema other than liver transplantation and this reflects our incomplete knowledge of the precise mechanisms underlying this process which remain largely unknown.展开更多
Liver-related autoantibodies are crucial for the correct diagnosis and classification of autoimmune liver diseas-es(AiLD),namely autoimmune hepatitis types 1 and 2(AIH-1 and 2),primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC),and the s...Liver-related autoantibodies are crucial for the correct diagnosis and classification of autoimmune liver diseas-es(AiLD),namely autoimmune hepatitis types 1 and 2(AIH-1 and 2),primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC),and the sclerosing cholangitis variants in adults and children.AIH-1 is specified by anti-nuclear antibody(ANA) and smooth muscle antibody(SMA).AIH-2 is specified by antibody to liver kidney microsomal antigen type-1(anti-LKM1) and anti-liver cytosol type 1(anti-LC1).SMA,ANA and anti-LKM antibodies can be present in de-novo AIH following liver transplantation.PBC is specified by antimitochondrial antibodies(AMA) react-ing with enzymes of the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase complexes(chiefly pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit) and disease-specific ANA mainly react-ing with nuclear pore gp210 and nuclear body sp100.Sclerosing cholangitis presents as at least two variants,first the classical primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) mostly affecting adult men wherein the only(and non-specific) reactivity is an atypical perinuclear antineutro-phil cytoplasmic antibody(p-ANCA),also termed peri-nuclear anti-neutrophil nuclear antibodies(p-ANNA) and second the childhood disease called autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis(ASC) with serological features resembling those of type 1 AIH.Liver diagnostic serol-ogy is a fast-expanding area of investigation as new purified and recombinant autoantigens,and automatedtechnologies such as ELISAs and bead assays,become available to complement(or even compete with) tradi-tional immunofluorescence procedures.We survey for the first time global trends in quality assurance impact-ing as it does on(1) manufacturers/purveyors of kits and reagents,(2) diagnostic service laboratories that fulfill clinicians' requirements,and(3) the end-user,the physician providing patient care,who must properly interpret test results in the overall clinical context.展开更多
The development of non invasive biomarkers of disease has become a major focus of interest in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD). The large prevalence of the disease and the invasive nature of the investigation m...The development of non invasive biomarkers of disease has become a major focus of interest in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD). The large prevalence of the disease and the invasive nature of the investigation means that screening with liver biopsy is impractical.In addition to screening, the differentiation of those with simple steatosis vs steatohepatitis and fibrosis is clinically important as the prognosis of each differs.Serum biomarkers may be a combination of simple markers derived from large data sets or direct markers of disease activity. Serum markers of inflammation,apoptosis and oxidative stress in addition to fibrosis have been extensively studied in patients with NAFLD.Other techniques such as transient elastography,magnetic resonance elastography and acoustic radiation force imaging are becoming more established as noninvasive methods of detecting fibrosis in a variety of chronic liver conditions in addition to NAFLD. Newer high throughput methods such as proteomics and glycomics allow the nonhypothesis-driven identification of novel markers and may also potentially contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of the condition.This review addresses some of the methodological issues which need to be considered in the search for the ideal biomarker. It is likely that a combination of serum biomarkers and techniques such as transient elastography may provide the optimal diagnostic discrimination however this remains to be proven in large studies.展开更多
AIM: To assess serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein(COMP) as a marker of cirrhosis and risk of progression to hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). METHODS: A COMP enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay was used to test 187 p...AIM: To assess serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein(COMP) as a marker of cirrhosis and risk of progression to hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). METHODS: A COMP enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay was used to test 187 patients with chronic liver diseases at the time point of first evaluation. The selected patients included 72 with chronic hepatitis B infection, 75 with chronic hepatitis C infection, 22 with primary biliary cirrhosis, 7 with autoimmune hepatitis type 1, and 11 with alcoholic liver disease. Demographic, biochemical, histological and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded at the first evaluation. One hundred and forty-seven patients were followed for a median [interquartile range(IQR)] duration of 96.5(102) mo. The clinical, biochemical and histological data, as well as the development of cirrhosis, HCC according to internationally accepted criteria and in case of death, a liver-related cause during the follow-up period, were recorded at the electronic database of our clinic. COMP determination was also performed in 43 healthy individuals who served as the control study group.RESULTS: COMP positivity(> 15 U/L) was detected in 22%-36% among chronic liver disease groups. Strikingly, almost 83% of COMP-positive patients were cirrhotic at baseline, independently of cause of liver disease. Among the patients who developed HCC during follow-up, 73.7%(14/19) were COMP positive at baseline. COMP positivity was significantly associated with older age(P < 0.001), advanced fibrosis(P = 0.001) and necroinflammatory activity(P = 0.001), higher aspartate aminotransferase(P < 0.001), alanine aminotransferase(P < 0.02), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(P = 0.003), alkaline phosphatase(P = 0.001), bilirubin(P < 0.05), international normalized ratio(P = 0.002) and alpha-fetoprotein levels(P < 0.02), and lower albumin(P < 0.001), and platelet count(P = 0.008). COMP levels [median(IQR)] were significantly higher in cirrhotics compared to non-cirrhotics [13.8(7.9) U/L vs 9.8(4.6) U/L, respectively; P < 0.001]. On multivariate logistic regression analysis, COMP-positivity was independently associated only with cirrhosis(OR = 4.40, 95%CI: 1.33-14.69, P = 0.015). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that COMP positivity was significantly associated with HCC development(P = 0.007) and higher incidence of liver-related death(P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Elevated COMP levels are strongly associated with cirrhosis and HCC progression. Serum COMP is a new promising non-invasive biomarker for HCC risk assessment in surveillance programs.展开更多
Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a prognostic factor and a marker of defi cient mismatch repair (MMR) in colorectal adenocarcinomas (CRC). However, a proper application of this marker requires understanding the fol...Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a prognostic factor and a marker of defi cient mismatch repair (MMR) in colorectal adenocarcinomas (CRC). However, a proper application of this marker requires understanding the following: (1) The MSI concept: The PCR approach must amplify the correct locus and accurately identify the microsatellite pattern in the patient’s normal tissue. MSI is demonstrat- ed when the length of DNA sequences in a tumor differs from that of nontumor tissue. Any anomalous expansion or reduction of tandem repeats results in extra-bands normally located in the expected size range (100 bp, above or below the expected product), differ from the germline pattern by some multiple of the repeating unit, and must show appropriate stutter. (2) MSI mechanisms: MMR gene inactivation (by either mutation or protein down-regulation as frequently present in deep CRC com- partments) leads to mutation accumulation in a cell with every cellular division, resulting in malignant transforma- tion. These mechanisms can express tumor progression and result in a decreased prevalence of aneuploid cells and loss of the physiologic cell kinetic correlations in the deep CRC compartments. MSI molecular mechanisms are not necessarily independent from chromosomal in- stability and may coexist in a given CRC. (3) Because of intratumoural heterogeneity, at least two samples from each CRC should be screened, preferably from the su- perfi cial (tumor cells above the muscularis propria) and deep (tumor cells infi ltrating the muscularis propria) CRC compartments to cover the topographic tumor hetero- geneity. (4) Pathologists play a critical role in identify- ing microsatellite-unstable CRC, such as occur in young patients with synchronous or metachronous tumors or with tumors showing classic histologic features. In these cases, MSI testing and/or MMR immunohistochemistry are advisable, along with gene sequencing and genetic counseling if appropriate. MSI is an excellent functional and prognostically useful marker, whereas MMR immuno- histochemistry can guide gene sequencing.展开更多
The left atrium(LA) acts as a modulator of left ventricular(LV) filling. Although there is considerable evidence to support the use of LA maximum and minimum volumes for disease prediction,theoretical considerations a...The left atrium(LA) acts as a modulator of left ventricular(LV) filling. Although there is considerable evidence to support the use of LA maximum and minimum volumes for disease prediction,theoretical considerations and a growing body of literature suggest to focus on the quantification of the three basic LA functions:(1) Reservoir function:collection of pulmonary venous return during LV systole;(2) Conduit function:passage of blood to the left ventricle during early LV diastole; and(3) Contractile booster pump function(augmentation of ventricular filling during late LV diastole. Tremendous advances in our ability to non-invasively characterize all three elements of atrial function include speckle tracking echocardiography(STE),and more recently cardiovascular magnetic resonance myocardial feature tracking(CMR-FT). Corresponding imaging biomarkers are increasingly recognized to have incremental roles in determining prognosis and risk stratification in cardiac dysfunction of different origins. The current editorial introduces the role of STE and CMR-FT for the functional assessment of LA deformation as determined by strain and strain rate imaging and provides an outlook of how this exciting field may develop in the future.展开更多
AIM: To provide a systematic update of the evidence concerning the relationship between economic recession and suicide.METHODS: A keyword search of Ovid Medline, Embase, Embase Classic, PsycI NFO and PsycA RTICLES was...AIM: To provide a systematic update of the evidence concerning the relationship between economic recession and suicide.METHODS: A keyword search of Ovid Medline, Embase, Embase Classic, PsycI NFO and PsycA RTICLES was performed to identify studies that had investigated the association between economic recession and suicide. RESULTS: Thirty-eight studies met predetermined selection criteria and 31 of them found a positive association between economic recession and increased suicide rates. Two studies reported a negative association, two articles failed to find such an association, and three studies were inconclusive. CONCLUSION: Economic recession periods appear to increase overall suicide rates, although further research is warranted in this area, particularly in low income countries.展开更多
In autoimmune hepatitis, patients who are intolerant or with toxicity experience, non-responders, relapsers or refractory are challenging. Non-standard drugs are being tried to preemptively avoid corticosteroid-relate...In autoimmune hepatitis, patients who are intolerant or with toxicity experience, non-responders, relapsers or refractory are challenging. Non-standard drugs are being tried to preemptively avoid corticosteroid-related side effects. Prognosis and quality of life of life rely on treatment optimization. Recently, emergence of powerful immunosuppressive agents, mainly from liver transplantation, challenged the supremacy of the corticosteroid regime and promise greater immunosuppression than conventional medications, offer site-specific actions and satisfactory patient tolerance. Successes in experimental models of related diseases have primed these molecular interventions. We performed a literature review on alternative treatments. Azatioprine intolerance is the principal indication for mycophenolate use butit can be used as a front-line therapy. Cyclosporine A and tacrolimus have been tested for non-responders or relapsers. Rituximab may be used as salvage therapy. Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents may be used for incomplete responses or non-responders. Methotrexate is possibly an alternative for induction of remission and maintenance in refractory patients. Cyclophosphamide has been included in the induction regimen with corticosteroids. Ursodeoxycholic acid action is mainly immunomodulatory. Non-standard treatments are coming slowly to the attention, but its use should be cautious performed by experienced centers.展开更多
This article addresses postoperative analgesia in patients with end-stage liver disease who have undergone liver transplantation(LT). Postoperative analgesia determines how patients perceive LT. Although important, th...This article addresses postoperative analgesia in patients with end-stage liver disease who have undergone liver transplantation(LT). Postoperative analgesia determines how patients perceive LT. Although important, this topic is underrepresented in the current literature. With an increased frequency of fast tracking in LT, efficient intraand postoperative analgesia are undergoing changes. We herein review the current literature, compare the benefits and disadvantages of the therapeutic options, and make recommendations based on the current literature and clinical experience.展开更多
文摘Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC),primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) and autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) constitute the classic autoimmune liver diseases(AILDs).While AIH target the hepatocytes,in PBC and PSC the targets of the autoimmune attack are the biliary epithelial cells.Persistent liver injury,associated with chronic AILD,leads to un-resolving inflammation,cell proliferation and the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins by hepatic stellate cells and portal myofibroblasts.Liver cirrhosis,and the resultant loss of normal liver function,inevitably ensues.Patients with cirrhosis have higher risks or morbidity and mortality,and that in the decompensated phase,complications of portal hypertension and/or liver dysfunction lead to rapid deterioration.Accurate diagnosis and monitoring of cirrhosis is,therefore of upmost importance.Liver biopsy is currently the gold standard technique,but highly promising non-invasive methodology is under development.Liver transplantation(LT) is an effective therapeutic option for the management of endstage liver disease secondary to AIH,PBC and PSC.LT is indicated for AILD patients who have progressed to end-stage chronic liver disease or developed intractable symptoms or hepatic malignancy;in addition,LT may also be indicated for patients presenting with acute liver disease due to AIH who do not respond to steroids.
文摘The histological hallmark of autoimmune hepatitis(AIH) is a dense portal mononuclear cell infiltrate that invades the surrounding parenchyma and comprises T and B lymphocytes,macrophages,and plasma cells.An unknown but powerful stimulus must be promoting the formation of this massive inflammatory cellular reaction that is likely to initiate and perpetuate liver damage.An autoimmune attack can follow different pathways to inflict damage on hepatocytes.Liver damage is likely to be orchestrated by CD4^+ T lymphocytes recognizing an autoantigenic liver peptide.To trigger an autoimmune response,the peptide must be embraced by an HLA class Ⅱ molecule and presented to naive CD4^+ T helper(Th0) cells by professional antigen presenting cells,with the co-stimulation of ligand-ligand fostering interaction between the two cells.Th0 cells become activated,differentiate into functional phenotypes according to the cytokines prevailing in the microenvironment and the nature of the antigen,and initiate a cascade of immune reactions determined by the cytokines produced by the activated T cells.Th1 cells,arising in the presence of the macrophage-derived interleukin(IL) -12,secrete mainly IL-2 and interferon-gamma(IFN-γ),which activate macrophages,enhance expression of HLA classⅠ(increasing liver cell vulnerability to a CD8^+ T cell cytotoxic attack),and induce expression of HLA class Ⅱ molecules on hepatocytes.Th2 cells,which differentiate from Th0 if the microenvironment is rich in IL-4,produce mainly IL-4,IL-10,and IL-13 which favour autoantibody production by B lymphocytes.Physiologically,Th1 and Th2 antagonize each other.Th17 cells,a recently described population,arise in the presence of transforming growth factor beta(TGF-β) and IL-6 and appear to have an important effector role in inflammation and autoimmunity.Theprocess of autoantigen recognition is strictly controlled by regulatory mechanisms,such as those exerted by CD4^+CD25^+ regulatory T cells,which derive from Th0 in the presence of TGF-β,but in the absence of IL-6.If regulatory mechanisms fail,the autoimmune attack is perpetuated.Over the past three decades different aspects of the above pathogenic scenario have been investigated.In particular,a defect in immunoregulation affecting CD4^+CD25^+ regulatory T cells(T-regs) has been demonstrated in AIH,particularly at diagnosis or during relapse.Advances in the study of autoreactive T cells have occurred mostly in AIH type 2,since the knowledge that CYP2D6 is the main autoantigen has enabled the characterization of both CD4 and CD8 T cells targeting this cytochrome.CD4 T cells from patients with type 2 AIH positive for the predisposing HLA allele DRB10701 recognize seven regions of CYP2D6,five of which are also recognized by CD8 T cells.High numbers of IFN-γ producing CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells are associated with biochemical evidence of liver damage,suggesting a combined cellular immune attack.
基金Supported by Medical Research Council(MRC)Centre for Transplantation,King’s College London,United Kingdom-MRC grant No.MR/J006742/1The National Institute for Health Research(NIHR)Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy’s and St Thomas’NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London
文摘Cerebral oedema is a devastating consequence of acute liver failure(ALF)and may be associated with the development of intracranial hypertension and death.In ALF,some patients may develop cerebral oedema and increased intracranial pressure but progression to lifethreatening intracranial hypertension is less frequent than previously described,complicating less than one third of cases who have proceeded to coma since the advent of improved clinical care.The rapid onset of encephalopathy may be dramatic with the development of asterixis,delirium,seizures and coma.Cytotoxic and vasogenic oedema mechanisms have been implicated with a preponderance of experimental data favouring a cytotoxic mechanism.Astrocyte swelling is the most consistent neuropathological finding in humans with ALF and ammonia plays a definitive role in the development of cytotoxic brain oedema.The mechanism(s)by which ammonia induces astrocyte swelling remains unclear but glutamine accumulation within astrocytes has led to the osmolyte hypothesis.Current evidence also supports an alternate‘Trojan horse’hypothesis,with glutamine as a carrier of ammonia into mitochondria,where its accumulation results in oxidative stress,energy failure and ultimately astrocyte swelling.Although a complete breakdown of the blood-brain barrier is not evident in human ALF,increased permeation to water and other small molecules such as ammonia has been demonstrated resulting from subtle alterations in the protein composition of paracellular tight junctions.At present,there is no fully efficacious therapy for cerebral oedema other than liver transplantation and this reflects our incomplete knowledge of the precise mechanisms underlying this process which remain largely unknown.
文摘Liver-related autoantibodies are crucial for the correct diagnosis and classification of autoimmune liver diseas-es(AiLD),namely autoimmune hepatitis types 1 and 2(AIH-1 and 2),primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC),and the sclerosing cholangitis variants in adults and children.AIH-1 is specified by anti-nuclear antibody(ANA) and smooth muscle antibody(SMA).AIH-2 is specified by antibody to liver kidney microsomal antigen type-1(anti-LKM1) and anti-liver cytosol type 1(anti-LC1).SMA,ANA and anti-LKM antibodies can be present in de-novo AIH following liver transplantation.PBC is specified by antimitochondrial antibodies(AMA) react-ing with enzymes of the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase complexes(chiefly pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit) and disease-specific ANA mainly react-ing with nuclear pore gp210 and nuclear body sp100.Sclerosing cholangitis presents as at least two variants,first the classical primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) mostly affecting adult men wherein the only(and non-specific) reactivity is an atypical perinuclear antineutro-phil cytoplasmic antibody(p-ANCA),also termed peri-nuclear anti-neutrophil nuclear antibodies(p-ANNA) and second the childhood disease called autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis(ASC) with serological features resembling those of type 1 AIH.Liver diagnostic serol-ogy is a fast-expanding area of investigation as new purified and recombinant autoantigens,and automatedtechnologies such as ELISAs and bead assays,become available to complement(or even compete with) tradi-tional immunofluorescence procedures.We survey for the first time global trends in quality assurance impact-ing as it does on(1) manufacturers/purveyors of kits and reagents,(2) diagnostic service laboratories that fulfill clinicians' requirements,and(3) the end-user,the physician providing patient care,who must properly interpret test results in the overall clinical context.
文摘The development of non invasive biomarkers of disease has become a major focus of interest in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD). The large prevalence of the disease and the invasive nature of the investigation means that screening with liver biopsy is impractical.In addition to screening, the differentiation of those with simple steatosis vs steatohepatitis and fibrosis is clinically important as the prognosis of each differs.Serum biomarkers may be a combination of simple markers derived from large data sets or direct markers of disease activity. Serum markers of inflammation,apoptosis and oxidative stress in addition to fibrosis have been extensively studied in patients with NAFLD.Other techniques such as transient elastography,magnetic resonance elastography and acoustic radiation force imaging are becoming more established as noninvasive methods of detecting fibrosis in a variety of chronic liver conditions in addition to NAFLD. Newer high throughput methods such as proteomics and glycomics allow the nonhypothesis-driven identification of novel markers and may also potentially contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of the condition.This review addresses some of the methodological issues which need to be considered in the search for the ideal biomarker. It is likely that a combination of serum biomarkers and techniques such as transient elastography may provide the optimal diagnostic discrimination however this remains to be proven in large studies.
文摘AIM: To assess serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein(COMP) as a marker of cirrhosis and risk of progression to hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). METHODS: A COMP enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay was used to test 187 patients with chronic liver diseases at the time point of first evaluation. The selected patients included 72 with chronic hepatitis B infection, 75 with chronic hepatitis C infection, 22 with primary biliary cirrhosis, 7 with autoimmune hepatitis type 1, and 11 with alcoholic liver disease. Demographic, biochemical, histological and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded at the first evaluation. One hundred and forty-seven patients were followed for a median [interquartile range(IQR)] duration of 96.5(102) mo. The clinical, biochemical and histological data, as well as the development of cirrhosis, HCC according to internationally accepted criteria and in case of death, a liver-related cause during the follow-up period, were recorded at the electronic database of our clinic. COMP determination was also performed in 43 healthy individuals who served as the control study group.RESULTS: COMP positivity(> 15 U/L) was detected in 22%-36% among chronic liver disease groups. Strikingly, almost 83% of COMP-positive patients were cirrhotic at baseline, independently of cause of liver disease. Among the patients who developed HCC during follow-up, 73.7%(14/19) were COMP positive at baseline. COMP positivity was significantly associated with older age(P < 0.001), advanced fibrosis(P = 0.001) and necroinflammatory activity(P = 0.001), higher aspartate aminotransferase(P < 0.001), alanine aminotransferase(P < 0.02), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(P = 0.003), alkaline phosphatase(P = 0.001), bilirubin(P < 0.05), international normalized ratio(P = 0.002) and alpha-fetoprotein levels(P < 0.02), and lower albumin(P < 0.001), and platelet count(P = 0.008). COMP levels [median(IQR)] were significantly higher in cirrhotics compared to non-cirrhotics [13.8(7.9) U/L vs 9.8(4.6) U/L, respectively; P < 0.001]. On multivariate logistic regression analysis, COMP-positivity was independently associated only with cirrhosis(OR = 4.40, 95%CI: 1.33-14.69, P = 0.015). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that COMP positivity was significantly associated with HCC development(P = 0.007) and higher incidence of liver-related death(P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Elevated COMP levels are strongly associated with cirrhosis and HCC progression. Serum COMP is a new promising non-invasive biomarker for HCC risk assessment in surveillance programs.
文摘Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a prognostic factor and a marker of defi cient mismatch repair (MMR) in colorectal adenocarcinomas (CRC). However, a proper application of this marker requires understanding the following: (1) The MSI concept: The PCR approach must amplify the correct locus and accurately identify the microsatellite pattern in the patient’s normal tissue. MSI is demonstrat- ed when the length of DNA sequences in a tumor differs from that of nontumor tissue. Any anomalous expansion or reduction of tandem repeats results in extra-bands normally located in the expected size range (100 bp, above or below the expected product), differ from the germline pattern by some multiple of the repeating unit, and must show appropriate stutter. (2) MSI mechanisms: MMR gene inactivation (by either mutation or protein down-regulation as frequently present in deep CRC com- partments) leads to mutation accumulation in a cell with every cellular division, resulting in malignant transforma- tion. These mechanisms can express tumor progression and result in a decreased prevalence of aneuploid cells and loss of the physiologic cell kinetic correlations in the deep CRC compartments. MSI molecular mechanisms are not necessarily independent from chromosomal in- stability and may coexist in a given CRC. (3) Because of intratumoural heterogeneity, at least two samples from each CRC should be screened, preferably from the su- perfi cial (tumor cells above the muscularis propria) and deep (tumor cells infi ltrating the muscularis propria) CRC compartments to cover the topographic tumor hetero- geneity. (4) Pathologists play a critical role in identify- ing microsatellite-unstable CRC, such as occur in young patients with synchronous or metachronous tumors or with tumors showing classic histologic features. In these cases, MSI testing and/or MMR immunohistochemistry are advisable, along with gene sequencing and genetic counseling if appropriate. MSI is an excellent functional and prognostically useful marker, whereas MMR immuno- histochemistry can guide gene sequencing.
基金Supported by The DZHK(German Centre for Cardiovascular Research)the BMBF(German Ministry of Education and Research)the Research program of the Faculty of Medicine of the Georg-August-University in G ttingen,Germany
文摘The left atrium(LA) acts as a modulator of left ventricular(LV) filling. Although there is considerable evidence to support the use of LA maximum and minimum volumes for disease prediction,theoretical considerations and a growing body of literature suggest to focus on the quantification of the three basic LA functions:(1) Reservoir function:collection of pulmonary venous return during LV systole;(2) Conduit function:passage of blood to the left ventricle during early LV diastole; and(3) Contractile booster pump function(augmentation of ventricular filling during late LV diastole. Tremendous advances in our ability to non-invasively characterize all three elements of atrial function include speckle tracking echocardiography(STE),and more recently cardiovascular magnetic resonance myocardial feature tracking(CMR-FT). Corresponding imaging biomarkers are increasingly recognized to have incremental roles in determining prognosis and risk stratification in cardiac dysfunction of different origins. The current editorial introduces the role of STE and CMR-FT for the functional assessment of LA deformation as determined by strain and strain rate imaging and provides an outlook of how this exciting field may develop in the future.
文摘AIM: To provide a systematic update of the evidence concerning the relationship between economic recession and suicide.METHODS: A keyword search of Ovid Medline, Embase, Embase Classic, PsycI NFO and PsycA RTICLES was performed to identify studies that had investigated the association between economic recession and suicide. RESULTS: Thirty-eight studies met predetermined selection criteria and 31 of them found a positive association between economic recession and increased suicide rates. Two studies reported a negative association, two articles failed to find such an association, and three studies were inconclusive. CONCLUSION: Economic recession periods appear to increase overall suicide rates, although further research is warranted in this area, particularly in low income countries.
文摘In autoimmune hepatitis, patients who are intolerant or with toxicity experience, non-responders, relapsers or refractory are challenging. Non-standard drugs are being tried to preemptively avoid corticosteroid-related side effects. Prognosis and quality of life of life rely on treatment optimization. Recently, emergence of powerful immunosuppressive agents, mainly from liver transplantation, challenged the supremacy of the corticosteroid regime and promise greater immunosuppression than conventional medications, offer site-specific actions and satisfactory patient tolerance. Successes in experimental models of related diseases have primed these molecular interventions. We performed a literature review on alternative treatments. Azatioprine intolerance is the principal indication for mycophenolate use butit can be used as a front-line therapy. Cyclosporine A and tacrolimus have been tested for non-responders or relapsers. Rituximab may be used as salvage therapy. Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents may be used for incomplete responses or non-responders. Methotrexate is possibly an alternative for induction of remission and maintenance in refractory patients. Cyclophosphamide has been included in the induction regimen with corticosteroids. Ursodeoxycholic acid action is mainly immunomodulatory. Non-standard treatments are coming slowly to the attention, but its use should be cautious performed by experienced centers.
文摘This article addresses postoperative analgesia in patients with end-stage liver disease who have undergone liver transplantation(LT). Postoperative analgesia determines how patients perceive LT. Although important, this topic is underrepresented in the current literature. With an increased frequency of fast tracking in LT, efficient intraand postoperative analgesia are undergoing changes. We herein review the current literature, compare the benefits and disadvantages of the therapeutic options, and make recommendations based on the current literature and clinical experience.