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植入碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构的光纤光栅热载荷响应光谱研究 被引量:1
作者 马驰 曾捷 +4 位作者 张景川 龚晓静 张益昕 冯翔宇 周林 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期2927-2932,共6页
针对航天领域复合材料结构在空间服役环境的热响应监测需求,研究了一种热载荷作用下基于光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)反射光谱特征分析的碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构监测方法。将光纤Bragg光栅传感器分别植入碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构的不同铺层,通过监测不同... 针对航天领域复合材料结构在空间服役环境的热响应监测需求,研究了一种热载荷作用下基于光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)反射光谱特征分析的碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构监测方法。将光纤Bragg光栅传感器分别植入碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构的不同铺层,通过监测不同热载荷下各铺层位置的光纤光栅反射光谱,得到碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构相关铺层位置热应变特征。研究表明,碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构不同材料铺层的热应变特征存在一定差异。植入外蒙皮表面与玻璃布之间的光纤光栅反射光谱随着温度升高,中心波长向长波方向漂移,且波形未出现明显改变。埋植于外蒙皮第二、三层碳纤维织物预浸料之间的光栅反射光谱随着温度降低逐渐出现旁瓣、多峰等啁啾效应,其主峰与右侧次峰中心波长均向短波方向逐渐漂移,主峰峰值幅度变化较小,温度灵敏度约为5.56×10^(-3) dBm·℃^(-1),而右侧次峰幅度显著增大,温度灵敏度约为40.32×10^(-3)dBm·℃^(-1);埋植于内蒙皮和蜂窝芯子之间的光栅反射光谱随着温度降低,其半波峰带宽逐渐增大,变化率约为3.19pm·℃^(-1),且出现显著多峰趋势,这是由于层间热应力分布不均匀所形成。在-70^+60℃温度范围,各植入层热应变均随温度升高而增大,且变化趋势相接近,而在+60^+120℃温度范围内,各植入层热应变变化趋势呈现显著差异。这些特性能够为后继空间环境复合材料航天器结构状态在轨监测提供有益帮助。 展开更多
关键词 碳纤维蜂窝夹芯结构 光纤光栅 反射光谱 热应变
基于SM-NCF反射光谱辨识的液体折射率监测方法 被引量:2
作者 袁慧影 曾捷 +4 位作者 王珂 龚晓静 李珏 马超 梁大开 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期3821-3828,共8页
针对分子生物学与环境监测领域高灵敏度特异性检测需求,提出一种基于反射光谱特征辨识的单端反射式光纤折射率传感器模型,并给出了这种基于多模干涉原理的单模光纤-无芯光纤(Single mode fiberNo core fiber,SM-NCF)串接结构传感机理及... 针对分子生物学与环境监测领域高灵敏度特异性检测需求,提出一种基于反射光谱特征辨识的单端反射式光纤折射率传感器模型,并给出了这种基于多模干涉原理的单模光纤-无芯光纤(Single mode fiberNo core fiber,SM-NCF)串接结构传感机理及其理论模型。无芯光纤实质上是一种结构特殊的多模光纤,在实际应用中无芯光纤结构本身作为纤芯,外界环境介质当作包层,构成光波导结构。这与普通多模光纤相比,不需要采用氢氟酸对多模光纤的包层进行化学腐蚀,不会降低光纤的机械性能,也不会破坏芯模传输条件,可以更好的实现对周围环境折射率的传感监测。当无芯光纤所处外界环境折射率发生改变时,其波导结构和包层有效折射率均会发生改变,从而引起传输光信号的纵向传播常数和模场分布也会随之发生改变,最终导致不同波长对应传输光功率的变化。上述效应反映在反射光谱上,即干涉波谷对应的谐振波长、波谷峰值强度以及半波宽度发生相应变化,通过辨识该反射光谱特征就可实现对外界环境折射率的测量。借助光束传播法(BPM),数值模拟得到无芯光纤长度分别为自映像距离和非自映像距离时的SM-NCF内部光场能量分布规律,并制作了无芯光纤长度分别为自映像距离和非自映像距离的SM-NCF光纤折射率传感探头,将作为传感区域的无芯光纤一端与标准单模光纤熔接,采用磁控溅射技术在无芯光纤另一端面镀上金膜,用以提升反射光谱强度。在此基础上,搭建了基于SM-NCF终端反射型的光纤折射率试验系统,并开展了相关实验研究。研究结果表明,当无芯光纤长度是15 mm(自映像距离)时,随着液体折射率从1. 331 5依次增大至1. 390 2,SM-NCF反射光谱逐渐向长波方向偏移,其反射峰谐振波长对应的折射率灵敏度约为197. 57 nm·RIU-1,相关系数为0. 93;反射峰值强度也呈现逐渐降低趋势,其折射率灵敏度约为-62. 80 d B·RIU-1。当无芯光纤长度是20 mm(非自映像距离)时,随着液体折射率依次增大,SM-NCF反射光谱呈现明显双峰现象,且均逐渐向长波方向偏移,dip2谐振峰波长折射率灵敏度约为133 nm·RIU-1,相关系数为0. 96;反射峰值强度也呈现逐渐降低趋势,其折射率灵敏度约为-31. 66 d B·RIU-1。对比分析可知,不论是从反射峰谐振波长偏移的角度,还是从反射峰值强度的角度,自映像距离长度对应的SM-NCF终端反射型光纤传感器均具有较高灵敏度。对于相同折射率液体环境,非自映像距离长度对应的SM-NCF反射光谱半波宽度与自映像距离长度相比,呈现显著变窄趋势。相对于SMS透射型传感结构,当传感区域长度相同时,SM-NCF反射型结构能够实现对光波信号的往返两次调节。这种终端反射型SM-NCF传感器改进了传统透射型折射率传感器不便与待测液体相接触的缺点,具有结构简单、易于制作、抗电磁干扰能力强以及便于远程遥测等优点,能够为后续生化与环保监测领域研究应用提供有益支持。 展开更多
关键词 单模光纤-无芯光纤 多模干涉 反射光谱 自映像距离 折射率测量
基于反射光谱特征辨识的光纤气压与温度集成监测方法 被引量:1
作者 刘晓颖 曾捷 +4 位作者 郭晓华 龚晓静 李宁溪 李彤韡 王计刚 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期2838-2843,共6页
针对飞行器机载环境多参量综合测试需求,研究了一种基于反射光谱特征辨识的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)气压与温度集成监测方法,给出了基于膜片式结构的双参量传感机理及其理论模型。采用基于耦合模理论的OptiGrating软件,得到不同气压与温度... 针对飞行器机载环境多参量综合测试需求,研究了一种基于反射光谱特征辨识的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)气压与温度集成监测方法,给出了基于膜片式结构的双参量传感机理及其理论模型。采用基于耦合模理论的OptiGrating软件,得到不同气压与温度条件下光纤布拉格光栅传感器仿真反射光谱。在此基础上,借助弹塑性和恢复性能优良的平膜片感压机构,构建了膜片式双光纤气压/温度集成监测模型。研究表明,恒温条件下应变传感光纤光栅反射光谱随气压增加而逐渐向短波方向偏移,其中心波长灵敏度约为0.803 0nm·MPa^(-1),且反射谱主峰及其旁瓣峰值均随气压变化呈现良好线性关系;当气压恒定而温度变化时,处于仅感温不受力状态的温度传感光纤光栅反射光谱中心波长灵敏度约为9.39pm·℃^(-1);当气压与温度交叉变化时,能够实现对变温条件下的微小气压变化实时监测。传感光纤光栅受非均匀应变效应反射光谱存在一定啁啾现象,其反射光谱旁瓣峰值波长随环境温度、气压变化均会发生偏移,具有良好线性关系,且在不同气压下反射光谱对应的同一阶数旁瓣峰值幅度相等。该研究能够为航空航天器系统多物理参量在线综合测试提供有益帮助。 展开更多
关键词 反射光谱辨识 光纤光栅 气压与温度监测 旁瓣 感压膜片
Experiment/simulation correlation-based methodology for metallic ballistic protection solutions
作者 Yohan Cosquer Patrice Longère +1 位作者 Olivier Pantalé Claude Gailhac 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第11期24-38,共15页
A methodology is developed based on the coupling of a finite element code with an optimisation module for the design of land vehicle armouring composed of lightweight aluminium alloy and high strength steel plate.Foll... A methodology is developed based on the coupling of a finite element code with an optimisation module for the design of land vehicle armouring composed of lightweight aluminium alloy and high strength steel plate.Following an experiment/simulation correlation,a numerical model has been built and calibrated considering monolithic plates and then verified considering a bi-metal protection against tungsten carbide projectile mimicking the core of a 7.62×51 AP8 ammunition.In addition,a method is proposed to obtain the v_(res)-v_(i) curve for the full 7.62×51 AP8 bullet from the v_(res)-v_(i) curve obtained from the core only. 展开更多
关键词 Impact Terminal ballistics Ballistic limit MARS380 Aluminium alloy 7.62×51 AP8
Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems–Part1/2:Prediction of power requirement for de-icing a NACA 0024 leading edge 被引量:1
作者 Valerian PALANQUE Jason POTHIN +1 位作者 Vale′rie POMMIER-BUDINGER Marc BUDINGER 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期92-103,共12页
This paper proposes a numerical method to analyze the ice protection capability and predict the power requirements of a piezoelectric resonant de-icing system.The method is based on a coupled electro-mechanical finite... This paper proposes a numerical method to analyze the ice protection capability and predict the power requirements of a piezoelectric resonant de-icing system.The method is based on a coupled electro-mechanical finite element analysis which enables the fast computation of the modes of resonance of interest to de-ice curved surfaces and the estimation of the input voltage and current required for a given configuration(defined by its mode,actuator location,ice deposit,etc.).Eventually,the electric power to be supplied can be also assessed.The method is applied to a NACA 0024 leading edge equipped with piezoelectric actuators.First,two extension modes are analyzed and compared with respect to their efficiency and power requirements.Then,tests are carried out in an icing tunnel to verify the effectiveness of the piezoelectric ice protection system and the predictions of the maximal required power.The system allows de-icing the leading edge in less than 2 s for a glaze ice deposit. 展开更多
关键词 Ice protection system PIEZOELECTRIC Resonance mode Ice fracture Leading edge de-icing
Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems-Part 2/2:Evaluation of benefits at aircraft level
作者 Valerian PALANQUE Thomas PLANES +2 位作者 Pommier-Budinger VALERIE Budinger MARC Delbecq SCOTT 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期50-63,共14页
Piezoelectric resonant de-icing systems are attracting great interest.This paper aims to assess the implementation of these systems at the aircraft level.The article begins with the model to compute the power requirem... Piezoelectric resonant de-icing systems are attracting great interest.This paper aims to assess the implementation of these systems at the aircraft level.The article begins with the model to compute the power requirement of a piezoelectric resonant de-icing system sized from the prototype detailed in Part 1/2 of this article.Then the mass,drag,and fuel consumption of this system and the subcomponents needed for its implementation are assessed.The features of a piezoelectric resonant de-icing system are finally computed for aircraft similar to Airbus A320 aircraft and aircraft of different categories(Boeing 787,ATR 72 and TBM 900)and compared with the existing thermal and mechanical ice protection systems.A sensitivity analysis of the main key sizing parameters of the piezoelectric de-icing system is also performed to identify the main axes of improvement for this technology.The study shows the potential of such ice protection systems.In particular,for the realistic input parameters chosen in this work,the electro-mechanical solution can provide a 54% reduction in terms of mass and a 92% reduction in terms of power consumption for an A320 aircraft architecture,leading to a 74% decrease in the associated fuel consumption compared to the actual air bleed system. 展开更多
关键词 Ice protection system DE-ICING PIEZOELECTRIC Electro-mechanical system Power Fuel consumption
Tribology in metal forming at elevated temperatures 被引量:12
作者 Kuniaki DOHDA Christine BOHER +1 位作者 Farhad REZAI-ARIA Numpon MAHAYOTSANUN 《Friction》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期1-27,共27页
The tribo-characteristics of metal forming at high temperatures have not yet been well understood due to the complex nature of thermal,microstructural,interaction,and process parameters.This is a review paper on the e... The tribo-characteristics of metal forming at high temperatures have not yet been well understood due to the complex nature of thermal,microstructural,interaction,and process parameters.This is a review paper on the effects of temperature,coating,and lubrication to the tribological characteristics in hot forming as well as the tribometers for different metal forming processes at elevated temperatures mainly based on the experimental work.The tribological behaviors of oxides in hot forming,such as rolling and stamping,were reviewed and presented.Some commonly used surface coatings and lubricants in hot forming were given.Many types of tribometer were selected and presented and some of them provided a great potential to characterize friction and wear at elevated temperatures.Nevertheless,more testing conditions should be further investigated by developing new tribometers.Eventually,experimental results obtained from reliable tribometers could be used in theory and model developments for different forming processes and materials at high temperatures.The review also showed the great potential in further investigations and innovation in tribology. 展开更多
关键词 elevated temperature hot forming OXIDATION TRIBOMETER TRIBOLOGY
A model-based prognostics method for fatigue crack growth in fuselage panels 被引量:3
作者 Yiwei WANG Christian GOGU +2 位作者 Nicolas BINAUD Christian BES Jian FU 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期396-408,共13页
This paper proposes a model-based prognostics method that couples the Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) and a new developed linearization method. The proposed prognostics method is developed in the context of fatigue crack ... This paper proposes a model-based prognostics method that couples the Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) and a new developed linearization method. The proposed prognostics method is developed in the context of fatigue crack propagation in fuselage panels where the model parameters are unknown and the crack propagation is affected by different types of uncertainties. The coupled method is composed of two steps. The first step employs EKF to estimate the unknown model parameters and the current damage state. In the second step, the proposed efficient linearization method is applied to compute analytically the statistical distribution of the damage evolution path in some future time. A numerical case study is implemented to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that the coupled EKF-linearization method provides satisfactory results: the EKF algorithm well identifies the model parameters, and the linearization method gives comparable prediction results to Monte Carlo(MC) method while leading to very significant computational cost saving. The proposed prognostics method for fatigue crack growth can be used for developing predictive maintenance strategy for an aircraft fleet, in which case, the computational cost saving is significantly meaningful. 展开更多
关键词 Aircraft FUSELAGE PANELS Extended Kalman filter Fatigue crack propagation LINEARIZATION METHOD MODEL-BASED PROGNOSTICS
XRD Synchrotron Study of Carbide Precipitation in Martensitic Steels During Tempering 被引量:3
作者 C.Bellot P.Lamesle D.Delagnes 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第5期553-557,共5页
In order to improve the knowledge of the precipitation mechanism in martensitic steels containing carbon,XRD synchrotron experiments were performed. Firstly, the influence of Ni,Co and Al were studied and it was found... In order to improve the knowledge of the precipitation mechanism in martensitic steels containing carbon,XRD synchrotron experiments were performed. Firstly, the influence of Ni,Co and Al were studied and it was found that the precipitation of iron carbides occurs in same way as in Fe-C steel. However, with the addition of molybdenum and chromium in same steels, XRD synchrotron investigations clearly showed alloyed carbides directly precipitate, thereby preventing the iron carbides formation. 展开更多
关键词 CARBON MARTENSITE Iron carbide CEMENTITE Precipitation mechanism
An estimation of stress intensity factor in a clamped SE(T) specimen through numerical simulation and experimental verification:case of FCGR of AISI H11 tool steel 被引量:4
作者 Masood Shah Catherine Mabru +2 位作者 Farhad Rezai-Aria Ines Souki Riffat Asim Pasha 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期307-319,共13页
A finite element analysis of stress intensity factors (KI) in clamped SE(T)c specimens (dog bone profile) is presented. A J-integral approach is used to calculate the values of stress intensity factors valid for... A finite element analysis of stress intensity factors (KI) in clamped SE(T)c specimens (dog bone profile) is presented. A J-integral approach is used to calculate the values of stress intensity factors valid for 0.125≤a/W≤0.625. A detailed comparison is made with the work of other researchers on rectangular specimens. Different boundary conditions are explored to best describe the real conditions in the laboratory. A sensitivity study is also presented to explore the effects of variation in specimen position in the grips of the testing machine. Finally the numerically calculated SIF is used to determine an FCGR curve for AISI Hll tool steel on SE(T)c specimens and compared with C(T) specimen of the same material. 展开更多
关键词 Fatigue crack propagation Stress intensity factor J-INTEGRAL Paris law
Dissimilar linear friction welding of selective laser melted Inconel 718 to forged Ni-based superalloy AD730TM:Evolution of strengthening phases 被引量:3
作者 Seyedmohammad Tabaie Farhad Rézaï-Aria +1 位作者 Bertrand C.D.Flipo Mohammad Jahazi 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期248-261,共14页
The continuous growth in the manufacture of aerospace components such as blisks has led to an increase in the application of different hybrid materials fabricating methods,and thus the requirements for joining and str... The continuous growth in the manufacture of aerospace components such as blisks has led to an increase in the application of different hybrid materials fabricating methods,and thus the requirements for joining and strengthening of dissimilar welds.According to this goal,selective laser melted(SLM)Inconel718 was joined with forged AD730^(TM)Nickel-based superalloy through linear friction welding(LFW)in this study.Microstructure variation,specifically with respect to secondary phases precipitation was investigated.The microhardness and strengthening mechanisms of the weldment were also studied.The precipitation(volume fraction and size of particles)at different regions of both sides of the weld line was characterized.Close to the weld line,the dissolution ofγ’/γ"and Laves phases and grain refinement occurred which reveals the effects of both compression strain and high temperature on recrystallization and high degree of elemental diffusion in the weld zone(WZ).It is shown that the size,volume fraction,and shape of secondary phases increased and changed(from spherical to long-striped for Laves particles)as we went from the WZ toward the base metal.However,the measured microhardness indicated that the strength of AD730^(TM)alloy depends significantly on the grain size,while strength in SLM Inconel 718 was dominated by shape(or size)and the presence of secondary phases(γ’/γ"and Laves). 展开更多
关键词 Additive manufacturing Linear friction welding Ni-based superalloy PRECIPITATION MICROHARDNESS Strengthening mechanisms
A cost driven predictive maintenance policy for structural airframe maintenance 被引量:4
作者 Yiwei WANG Christian GOGU +3 位作者 Nicolas BINAUD Christian BES Raphael T.HAFTKA Nam H.KIM 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期1242-1257,共16页
Airframe maintenance is traditionally performed at scheduled maintenance stops.The decision to repair a fuselage panel is based on a fixed crack size threshold,which allows to ensure the aircraft safety until the next... Airframe maintenance is traditionally performed at scheduled maintenance stops.The decision to repair a fuselage panel is based on a fixed crack size threshold,which allows to ensure the aircraft safety until the next scheduled maintenance stop.With progress in sensor technology and data processing techniques,structural health monitoring(SHM) systems are increasingly being considered in the aviation industry.SHM systems track the aircraft health state continuously,leading to the possibility of planning maintenance based on an actual state of aircraft rather than on a fixed schedule.This paper builds upon a model-based prognostics framework that the authors developed in their previous work,which couples the Extended Kalman filter(EKF) with a firstorder perturbation(FOP) method.By using the information given by this prognostics method,a novel cost driven predictive maintenance(CDPM) policy is proposed,which ensures the aircraft safety while minimizing the maintenance cost.The proposed policy is formally derived based on the trade-off between probabilities of occurrence of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.A numerical case study simulating the maintenance process of an entire fleet of aircrafts is implemented.Under the condition of assuring the same safety level,the CDPM is compared in terms of cost with two other maintenance policies:scheduled maintenance and threshold based SHM maintenance.The comparison results show CDPM could lead to significant cost savings. 展开更多
关键词 Extended Kalman filter First-order perturbation method Model-based prognostic Predictive maintenance Structural airframe maintenance
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