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SiC长纤维增强钛合金基复合材料的界面研究 被引量:6
作者 赵永庆 周廉 +3 位作者 Alain Vassel 曾立英 曲恒磊 毛小南 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期359-362,共4页
研究了SiC/TC4和SiC/Ti40复合材料在不同热处理态下的界面行为。结果表明,SiC/Ti40复合材料相邻两纤维间存在TiC析出物,在1 000℃处理后,TiC析出物消失;2种复合材料界面反应厚度随处理温度升高和时间延长而增大;SCS-6 SiC/TC4和SiC/Ti4... 研究了SiC/TC4和SiC/Ti40复合材料在不同热处理态下的界面行为。结果表明,SiC/Ti40复合材料相邻两纤维间存在TiC析出物,在1 000℃处理后,TiC析出物消失;2种复合材料界面反应厚度随处理温度升高和时间延长而增大;SCS-6 SiC/TC4和SiC/Ti40复合材料界面产物均为Ti5Si3。 展开更多
关键词 钛基复合材料 阻燃钛合金 钛合金 界面
TP-650颗粒增强钛基复合材料的性能与组织特征 被引量:16
作者 毛小南 周廉 +3 位作者 周义刚 Alain Vassel 张鹏省 于兰兰 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期620-623,共4页
研究了TP-650颗粒增强钛基复合材料的性能与组织.结果表明复合材料的室温静拉伸强度随热处理温度的升高而增加.经炉冷处理TP-650棒材的室温拉伸强度比油冷或空冷处理的要高.TP-650的使用温度比传统高温钛合金IM1834,Ti-1100要高50℃~10... 研究了TP-650颗粒增强钛基复合材料的性能与组织.结果表明复合材料的室温静拉伸强度随热处理温度的升高而增加.经炉冷处理TP-650棒材的室温拉伸强度比油冷或空冷处理的要高.TP-650的使用温度比传统高温钛合金IM1834,Ti-1100要高50℃~100℃.500℃以上,复合材料表现出良好的高温稳定性能.显微组织显示了TiC颗粒弥散分布,复合材料组织均匀,TiC和基体冶金结合,界面较小. 展开更多
关键词 复合材料 高温性能 显微组织
一种快速分层递阶DSmT近似推理融合方法(B) 被引量:17
作者 李新德 杨伟东 +1 位作者 吴雪建 Jean Dezert 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第A03期31-36,共6页
针对Dezert-Smarandache Theory(DSmT),随着鉴别框架中焦元数目的增多,其组合推理运算成指数增长,已成为制约该理论广泛应用与发展的瓶颈问题.为了解决这个难题,本文在进一步深入研究仅单子焦元赋值几个关键问题的基础上,主要针对超幂... 针对Dezert-Smarandache Theory(DSmT),随着鉴别框架中焦元数目的增多,其组合推理运算成指数增长,已成为制约该理论广泛应用与发展的瓶颈问题.为了解决这个难题,本文在进一步深入研究仅单子焦元赋值几个关键问题的基础上,主要针对超幂集空间中部分单子和冲突焦元具有信度赋值的情况,通过比例分配原则,把冲突焦元的信度赋值分配到相应的单子焦元上,然后根据仅单子焦元情形下的近似推理方法进行处理,即利用二叉树分组技术对单子焦元进行刚性分组,实现细粒度超幂集空间向粗粒度超幂集空间映射.最后通过从计算效率、信息损失和相似度的角度分别比较新、老方法,比较结果充分地验证了新方法的优越性. 展开更多
关键词 近似推理 信息融合 分层递阶 Dezert-Smarandache THEORY
一种快速分层递阶DSmT近似推理融合方法(A) 被引量:18
作者 李新德 Jean Dezert +2 位作者 黄心汉 孟正大 吴雪建 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2566-2572,共7页
本文提出了一种分层递阶的DSmT快速近似推理融合方法,该方法针对超幂集空间中仅单子焦元具有信度赋值的情况,利用二叉树或三叉树分组技术对其刚性分组,与此同时,对每个信息源对应的各个分组焦元进行信度赋值求和,以便实现细粒度超幂集... 本文提出了一种分层递阶的DSmT快速近似推理融合方法,该方法针对超幂集空间中仅单子焦元具有信度赋值的情况,利用二叉树或三叉树分组技术对其刚性分组,与此同时,对每个信息源对应的各个分组焦元进行信度赋值求和,以便实现细粒度超幂集空间向粗粒度超幂集空间映射.然后运用DSmT组合规则和比例冲突分配规则对粗化超幂集空间的两个信息源进行融合,保存该融合结果作为父子之间节点连接权值,然后对每个分组焦元信度赋值归一化处理,通过设定树的深度,来确定分层递阶的次数.最后通过从多个角度比较新、老方法,从而充分地验证了新方法的优越性. 展开更多
关键词 近似推理 信息融合 分层递阶 Dezert-Smarandache THEORY
钛基复合材料的高周疲劳性能研究 被引量:4
作者 曾立英 毛小南 +2 位作者 赵永庆 周廉 Alain Vassel 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期266-269,共4页
研究了TiC粒子增强的钛基复合材料的室温轴向高周疲劳性能。测试Kt=1的试样时采用的试验频率为76Hz,R=0.06和R=-1时,复合材料的室温疲劳强度分别为594MPa和494MPa。试验结果表明TiC粒子增强的钛基复合材料的室温高周疲劳性能与细晶组织... 研究了TiC粒子增强的钛基复合材料的室温轴向高周疲劳性能。测试Kt=1的试样时采用的试验频率为76Hz,R=0.06和R=-1时,复合材料的室温疲劳强度分别为594MPa和494MPa。试验结果表明TiC粒子增强的钛基复合材料的室温高周疲劳性能与细晶组织的Ti-6Al-4V和IMI834的相当。复合材料内含有较细小的薄片状组织,这种组织为α+β相互相交错构成,这种细小的α+β相间的层状组织对于阻止疲劳裂纹的扩展和提高疲劳裂纹的扩展寿命有重要作用。退火后的复合材料疲劳裂纹扩展区规则且较宽广,从而也使复合材料具有较高的疲劳强度,疲劳裂纹扩展寿命延长。 展开更多
关键词 高周疲劳 钛基复合材料 TiC粒子增强
基于ESMS过滤器的信息融合理论研究及SLAM应用 被引量:2
作者 李新德 黄心汉 Jean Dezert 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期117-121,共5页
本文解决了多源信息融合时信息源选择的难题,提出了一种广义的证据支持贴近度过滤器来选择最一致的证据源,并耦合基于DSmT和PCR5的融合机,应用于PioneerII移动机器人的SLAM;通过对运行在虚拟环境中的一个虚拟机器人(自身携带16个Sonar... 本文解决了多源信息融合时信息源选择的难题,提出了一种广义的证据支持贴近度过滤器来选择最一致的证据源,并耦合基于DSmT和PCR5的融合机,应用于PioneerII移动机器人的SLAM;通过对运行在虚拟环境中的一个虚拟机器人(自身携带16个Sonar传感器),感知周围环境信息,对有或没有ESMS过滤器两种情况下的环境地图重构效果进行比较,充分验证了ESMS过滤器作为信息融合源选择先决条件的优点。 展开更多
关键词 信息融合 DSMT PCR ESMS
作者 赵永庆 周廉 +3 位作者 Alain Vassel 曲恒磊 吴欢 曾立英 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期9-12,共4页
研究了SiC Ti40复合材料在不同热处理态下的界面行为。结果表明 ,SiC Ti40复合材料相邻两纤维间存在TiC析出物 ,在 1 0 0 0℃处理时 ,TiC析出物消失 ;SiC Ti40复合材料界面反应厚度与处理时间的平方根呈线性关系 ,温度超过 80 0℃ ,界... 研究了SiC Ti40复合材料在不同热处理态下的界面行为。结果表明 ,SiC Ti40复合材料相邻两纤维间存在TiC析出物 ,在 1 0 0 0℃处理时 ,TiC析出物消失 ;SiC Ti40复合材料界面反应厚度与处理时间的平方根呈线性关系 ,温度超过 80 0℃ ,界面厚度明显增加 ;SCS 6SiC Ti40复合材料界面产物为Ti5Si3 。 展开更多
关键词 复合材料 阻燃钛合金 界面 钛基复合材料
Study on SCS-6/Ti-6A1-4V Composite 被引量:1
作者 ZENGLi-ying ZHAOYong-qing +1 位作者 ZHOULian VasselAlain 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期110-112,共3页
Fiber reinforced titanium matrix composite is considered as a superior material for advanced lightweight aerospace application. Fiber/matrix interfacial reaction has a significant effect on the mechanical properties o... Fiber reinforced titanium matrix composite is considered as a superior material for advanced lightweight aerospace application. Fiber/matrix interfacial reaction has a significant effect on the mechanical properties of the composites. The SCS-6 SiC fiber reinforced Ti-6Al-4V matrix composite was prepared by foil-fiber-foil (FFF) method at ONERA, France. Stripe samples were cut from the as-consolidated composites and sealed in silicon carbide tube. One group of the samples were annealed for 58h at 550°C, 700°C, 850°C and 1000°C, the other group were annealed at 1000°C for 43h, 58h, 80h, lOOh, respectively. The interface investigation indicated that the connection between SiC fiber and the matrix is favorite in the composite. And the interface width for as-consolidated composite is only about 0.8um. The interface width increase with the prolong of annealing time and the increase of annealing temperature. But the increment for the latter is not as high as the former one, which means the annealing time may be the prior factor to influence the interface reaction. The interface width for the composite annealed at 1000°C for lOOh is about 20um. Interface composition of the composite detected by EDX is as follows: Ti 87.58 wt %, V 4.91 wt %, Al 4.06wt%, Si 3.45 wt %. 展开更多
关键词 交界面 纤维补强 复合物 SCS-6/Ti-6Al-4V 钛母体
空时自适应处理导论:雷达环境与支柱(英文) 被引量:1
作者 费朗索瓦·施瓦利艾 马克·蒙德哥 洛享·撒威 《雷达科学与技术》 2012年第4期341-351,共11页
主要是为了说明机载雷达环境下,空时自适应处理(STAP)对于不同任务(或雷达功能)的作用与影响,包括用于地面动目标探测的空对地任务或用于探测空中目标空对空任务。特别关注的是距离多普勒域内的杂波定位,它将为STAP需求提供基准,且也用... 主要是为了说明机载雷达环境下,空时自适应处理(STAP)对于不同任务(或雷达功能)的作用与影响,包括用于地面动目标探测的空对地任务或用于探测空中目标空对空任务。特别关注的是距离多普勒域内的杂波定位,它将为STAP需求提供基准,且也用于解释特定应用间的关键差别。由真实信号获取的典型结果用于说明预期优势。 展开更多
关键词 雷达 空时自适应处理 地面动目标显示 空对空 前或后多普勒 自适应性
Detecting exoplanets with FAST? 被引量:2
作者 Philippe Zarka Di Li +5 位作者 Jean-Mathias Grie?meier Laurent Lamy Julien N.Girard Sbastien L.G.Hess T.Joseph W.Lazio Gregg Hallinan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第2期71-76,共6页
We briefly review the various proposed scenarios that may lead to nonthermal radio emissions from exoplanetary systems(planetary magnetospheres, magnetosphere-ionosphere and magnetospheresatellite coupling, and star-p... We briefly review the various proposed scenarios that may lead to nonthermal radio emissions from exoplanetary systems(planetary magnetospheres, magnetosphere-ionosphere and magnetospheresatellite coupling, and star-planet interactions), and the physical information that can be drawn from their detection. The latter scenario is especially favorable to the production of radio emission above 70 MHz. We summarize the results of past and recent radio searches, and then discuss FAST characteristics and observation strategy, including synergies. We emphasize the importance of polarization measurements and a high duty-cycle for the very weak targets that radio-exoplanets prove to be. 展开更多
关键词 PLASMAS radiation mechanisms:non-thermal methods:observational telescopes(radio) planets and satellites:magnetic fields RADIO continuum:planetary systems
Optical Diagnostics in Rarefied Flows
作者 Jean-Pierrer TARAN 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第2期151-159,共9页
This article reviews the instrumental developments accomplished at ONERA in order to perform precise non-intrusive measurements of hypersonic flows using laser- and electron-beam-based optical techniques. Point line o... This article reviews the instrumental developments accomplished at ONERA in order to perform precise non-intrusive measurements of hypersonic flows using laser- and electron-beam-based optical techniques. Point line of sight and imaging measurements are possible. Point measurements have been implemented with Electron Beam Fluorescence (EBF) using detection of X-ray radiation and Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS). When spatial resolution is not required, diode laser absorption spectroscopy yields results integrated along a line. EBF imaging using a high energy pulsed electron gun is also quite promising. Rotational and vibrational populations of nitrogen and nitric oxide have been measured in various hypersonic hyperenthalpic facilities, as well as rotational state-resolved velocities in shocks and boundary layers. 展开更多
关键词 hypersonics optical measurements CARS EBF LASERS ABSORPTION
作者 衡亚光 何坤健 +3 位作者 张惟斌 Gérard Bois 江启峰 王正伟 《风机技术》 2020年第5期1-6,共6页
This paper presents what should be best practice data reduction procedures for pump performance analysis with emphasis on two-phase inlet flow conditions.This becomes a mandatory step especially when pumps performance... This paper presents what should be best practice data reduction procedures for pump performance analysis with emphasis on two-phase inlet flow conditions.This becomes a mandatory step especially when pumps performances are degraded in case of liquid gas mixture at inlet section.Most of following recommendations are based on existing rules that must be recalled for researchers and end users performing centrifugal pump tests and more specifically when comparing the results between each other or/and withCFDapproaches. 展开更多
关键词 Centrifugal Pump Data Reduction Two-phase Flow
Characterization of the stability and dynamics of a laser-produced plasma expanding across a strong magnetic field
作者 Weipeng Yao Julien Capitaine +5 位作者 Benjamin Khiar Tommaso Vinci Konstantin Burdonov Jérôme Béard Julien Fuchs Andrea Ciardi 《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期53-61,共9页
Magnetized laser-produced plasmas are central to many studies in laboratory astrophysics,in inertial confinement fusion,and in industrial applications.Here,we present the results of large-scale three-dimensional magne... Magnetized laser-produced plasmas are central to many studies in laboratory astrophysics,in inertial confinement fusion,and in industrial applications.Here,we present the results of large-scale three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the dynamics of a laser-produced plasma expanding into a transverse magnetic field with a strength of tens of teslas.The simulations show the plasma being confined by the strong magnetic field into a slender slab structured by the magnetized Rayleigh–Taylor instability that develops at the plasma–vacuum interface.We find that when the initial velocity of the plume is perturbed,the slab can develop kink-like motions that disrupt its propagation. 展开更多
Improvement of the Viscous Penalty Method for Particle-Resolved Simulations
作者 Mohamed-Amine Chadil Stéphane Vincent Jean-Luc Estivalèzes 《Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics》 2019年第2期168-192,共25页
A numerical study of the parameters controlling the viscous penalty method is investigated to better set up Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulations (PR-DNS) of particulate flows. Based on this analysis, improve... A numerical study of the parameters controlling the viscous penalty method is investigated to better set up Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulations (PR-DNS) of particulate flows. Based on this analysis, improvements of the methods are proposed in order to reach an almost second order convergence in space. The viscous penalty method is validated in Stokes regime by simulating a uniform flow past a fixed isolated cylinder. Moreover, it is also utilized in moderate Reynolds number regime for a uniform flow past a square configuration of cylinder and compared in terms of friction factor to the well-known Ergun correlation. 展开更多
关键词 Particle-Resolved DNS VISCOUS PENALTY Method Finite VOLUMES Staggered Grids One-Fluid Model
Multi-source information fusion:Progress and future 被引量:2
作者 Xinde LI Fir DUNKIN Jean DEZERT 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期24-58,共35页
Multi-Source Information Fusion(MSIF),as a comprehensive interdisciplinary field based on modern information technology,has gained significant research value and extensive application prospects in various domains,attr... Multi-Source Information Fusion(MSIF),as a comprehensive interdisciplinary field based on modern information technology,has gained significant research value and extensive application prospects in various domains,attracting high attention and interest from scholars,engineering experts,and practitioners worldwide.Despite achieving fruitful results in both theoretical and applied aspects over the past five decades,there remains a lack of comprehensive and systematic review articles that provide an overview of recent development in MSIF.In light of this,this paper aims to assist researchers and individuals interested in gaining a quick understanding of the relevant theoretical techniques and development trends in MSIF,which conducts a statistical analysis of academic reports and related application achievements in the field of MSIF over the past two decades,and provides a brief overview of the relevant theories,methodologies,and application domains,as well as key issues and challenges currently faced.Finally,an analysis and outlook on the future development directions of MSIF are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-sensor system Information fusion Artificial intelligence Pattern recognition Human-machine integration
Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes:A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver 被引量:1
作者 Reza Namdar Mohammadhassan Khodsiani +6 位作者 Hesameddin Safari Tanya Neeraj Seyed Ali Hosseini Frank Beyrau Benoit Fond Dominique Thevenin Fathollah Varnik 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期186-197,共12页
A compressible lattice Boltzmann-finite difference method is extended by the phase-field approach into a monolithic scheme to study fluid flow and heat transfer through regular arrangements of solid bodies of circular... A compressible lattice Boltzmann-finite difference method is extended by the phase-field approach into a monolithic scheme to study fluid flow and heat transfer through regular arrangements of solid bodies of circular,elliptical and irregular shapes.The advantage of using the phase-field method is demon-strated both in its simplicity of accounting for flow and thermal boundary conditions at solid surfaces with irregular shapes and in the capability of generating such complex-shaped objects.For an array of discs,numerical results for the overall solid-to-gas heat transfer rate are validated via experiments on flow through arrays of hot cylinders.The thus validated compressible LB-FD-PF hybrid scheme is used to study the dependence of heat transfer on flow and thermal boundary conditions(Reynolds number,temperature difference between the hot solid bodies and the inlet gas),porosity as well as on the shape of solid objects.Results are rationalized in terms of the residence time of the gas close to the solid body and downstream variations of gas velocity and temperature.Perspective for further applications of the proposed methodology are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Lattice Boltzmann method Finite difference scheme Convective heat transfer Diffuse interface Thermal compressible flow
Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems-Part 2/2:Evaluation of benefits at aircraft level
作者 Valerian PALANQUE Thomas PLANES +2 位作者 Pommier-Budinger VALERIE Budinger MARC Delbecq SCOTT 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期50-63,共14页
Piezoelectric resonant de-icing systems are attracting great interest.This paper aims to assess the implementation of these systems at the aircraft level.The article begins with the model to compute the power requirem... Piezoelectric resonant de-icing systems are attracting great interest.This paper aims to assess the implementation of these systems at the aircraft level.The article begins with the model to compute the power requirement of a piezoelectric resonant de-icing system sized from the prototype detailed in Part 1/2 of this article.Then the mass,drag,and fuel consumption of this system and the subcomponents needed for its implementation are assessed.The features of a piezoelectric resonant de-icing system are finally computed for aircraft similar to Airbus A320 aircraft and aircraft of different categories(Boeing 787,ATR 72 and TBM 900)and compared with the existing thermal and mechanical ice protection systems.A sensitivity analysis of the main key sizing parameters of the piezoelectric de-icing system is also performed to identify the main axes of improvement for this technology.The study shows the potential of such ice protection systems.In particular,for the realistic input parameters chosen in this work,the electro-mechanical solution can provide a 54% reduction in terms of mass and a 92% reduction in terms of power consumption for an A320 aircraft architecture,leading to a 74% decrease in the associated fuel consumption compared to the actual air bleed system. 展开更多
关键词 Ice protection system DE-ICING PIEZOELECTRIC Electro-mechanical system Power Fuel consumption
Spatially resolved investigation of flame particle interaction in a two dimensional model packed bed
作者 Mohammadhassan Khodsiani Reza Namdar +2 位作者 Fathollah Varnik Frank Beyrau Benoit Fond 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期167-185,共19页
This study investigates the interaction between a premixed methane-air flame and particles inside a model packed bed.The opacity of the spherical packed beds to visible light poses a major barrier to the implementatio... This study investigates the interaction between a premixed methane-air flame and particles inside a model packed bed.The opacity of the spherical packed beds to visible light poses a major barrier to the implementation of highly resolved optical diagnostics,so that no detailed experimental data were so far available for the validation of numerical simulation.Here,a two-dimensional cylindrical packed bed design is set up,which enables direct line-of-sight optical measurements without loss of spatial reso-lution over the fluid region between the particles.In this study,the case of cold metallic cylindrical particles(T=377 K)relevant to start-up of a reactor is investigated using internal particle cooling,which also allows cylinder specific heat transfer rate measurements by differential temperature measurements on the coolant streams.The two dimensional assumption is first verified by measuring the inflow ve-locity and cylinder temperature profile along the cylinders.Chemiluminescence imaging is then per-formed using a telecentric lens to observe the position and geometry of the two-dimensional flame front with respect to the surrounding cylinders without loss of resolution.Simultaneously,the cylinder-specific flame to cylinder heat transfer rates and cylinder surface temperature are measured.As the flame is closely surrounded by the three cooled cylinders,intense heat transfer is observed in this region corresponding to 25±2.5%of the flame thermal power.Flames were stabilised at different positions depending on inflow velocity and equivalence ratio,and a direct correlation between flame to cylinder stand-off distance and the heat transfer rate normalised to the flame thermal power was found for both top and side cylinders.Also,sidewall quenching distances to the curved cylinder surfaces were evaluated,and seem to be influenced by the presence of a warm recirculation zone behind the cylinders.This investigation provides fully resolved flame front position and heat transfer rates for a known geometry and cylinder thermal boundary conditions,and provides validation data for numerical simulations of this high flame particle coupling case. 展开更多
关键词 Packed beds Flame-particle interaction Optical diagnostics Sidewall quenching
Investigation of cloud cavitating flow in a venturi using adaptive mesh refinement
作者 Dhruv Apte Mingming Ge Olivier Coutier-Delgosha 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第5期898-913,共16页
Unsteady cloud cavitating flow is detrimental to the efficiency of hydraulic machinery like pumps and propellers due to the resulting side-effects of vibration,noise and erosion damage.Modelling such a unsteady and hi... Unsteady cloud cavitating flow is detrimental to the efficiency of hydraulic machinery like pumps and propellers due to the resulting side-effects of vibration,noise and erosion damage.Modelling such a unsteady and highly turbulent flow remains a challenging issue.In this paper,cloud cavitating flow in a venturi is calculated using the detached eddy simulation(DES)model combined with the Merkle model.The adaptive mesh refinement(AMR)method is employed to speed up the calculation and investigate the mechanisms for vortex development in the venturi.The results indicate the velocity gradients and the generalized fluid element strongly influence the formation of vortices throughout a cavitation cycle.In addition,the cavitation-turbulence coupling is investigated on the local scale by comparing with high-fidelity experimental data and using profile stations.While the AMR calculation is able to predict well the time-averaged velocities and turbulence-related aspects near the throat,it displays discrepancies further downstream owing to a coarser grid refinement downstream and under-performs compared to a traditional grid simulation.Additionally,the AMR calculation is unable to reproduce the cavity width as observed in the experiments.Therefore,while AMR promises to speed the process significantly by refining the grid only in regions of interest,it is comparatively in line with a traditional calculation for cavitating flows.Thus this study intends to provide a reference to employing the AMR as a tool to speed up calculations and be able to simulate turbulence-cavitation interactions accurately. 展开更多
关键词 Cavitating flow detached eddy simulation(DES) cavitation model adaptive mesh refinement(AMR)
Multi-point temperature measurements in packed beds using phosphor thermometry and ray tracing simulations
作者 Guangtao Xuan Mirko Ebert +3 位作者 Simson Julian Rodrigues Nicole Vorhauer-Huget Christian Lessig Benoit Fond 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期77-88,共12页
Packed bed reactors are commonly found in the process industry,for example in flame-assisted calci-nation for cement production.Understanding the heat transfer inside the bed is essential for process control,product q... Packed bed reactors are commonly found in the process industry,for example in flame-assisted calci-nation for cement production.Understanding the heat transfer inside the bed is essential for process control,product quality and energy efficiency.Here we propose a technique to determine the internal temperature distribution of packed beds based on a combination of lifetime-based phosphor ther-mometry,ray tracing simulations,and assimilation of temperature data using finite element heat transfer simulations.To establish and validate the technique,we considered a reproducible regular packing of 6 mm diameter aluminum spheres,with one of the spheres in the top layer being electrically heated.If a sphere inside the packing is coated with thermographic phosphors and excitation light is directed to-wards the packing,luminescence from the coated sphere exits the packed bed after multiple reflection and the sphere's temperature can be determined.Isothermal measurements showed that the temper-ature obtained by phosphor thermometry is independent of the luminescent sphere location.When imaging the luminescence on a camera,the luminescence distribution in recorded image depended,however,on the position of the sphere.Therefore,in setups with multiple phosphor-coated spheres,their signals can be separated using a least squares fit.We demonstrate the approach using a setup with three luminescent spheres and validated the temperature readings against thermocouple measurements.To obtain the spatial signatures for individual sphere positions required for the least squares fit,ray tracing simulations were used.These provide an efficient alternative to single sphere measurements that are only practical for regular spherical packed beds.Multi-point measurements were used as input to a finite element heat transfer simulations to determine parameters such as particle-to-particle air gap distance.With these,the full temperature distribution inside the bed could be assimilated from the measured values. 展开更多
关键词 Packed beds Phosphor thermometry Ray tracing Heat transfer simulation Data assimilation
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