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New Consensus of the British Party Politics and the Prospects of the UK-Europe Relations
作者 Wang Zhanpeng 《Contemporary World》 2023年第4期35-39,共5页
After the Brexit referendum,British politics went through the most turbulent period since the end of World War II.In less than four months during the summer and autumn of 2022,the UK had two Prime Ministers and three ... After the Brexit referendum,British politics went through the most turbulent period since the end of World War II.In less than four months during the summer and autumn of 2022,the UK had two Prime Ministers and three Chancellors of the Exchequer.Words such as“Italianize”,“moment of crisis”,and“national decline”popped up in the discussions on the UK. 展开更多
关键词 discussions TURBULENT MOMENT
International Communication Theories:Main Development Stages and Reflections
作者 Liu Chen Wu Lingwei 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2018年第6期74-89,共16页
From the Persian Empire in the 5 th Century BC to the age of globalization, the significance of international communication to international studies and related problems has been repeatedly testi ed by history. The th... From the Persian Empire in the 5 th Century BC to the age of globalization, the significance of international communication to international studies and related problems has been repeatedly testi ed by history. The theory of international communication originated in the West. In the new era, many of its theoretical perspectives need to be reviewed and re-evaluated. Compared with other communication patterns such as mass communication, international communication is highlighted by notable characteristics such as its concern for core national interests, distinctive strategic objectives and e ective changes. It offers a new approach to showcasing comprehensive strength among countries and regions. The development of international communication theory can be divided into three main stages. One prominent contribution of the established theoretical achievements lies in its re ning of multiple important general laws of international communication based on the actual needs and its forming of a theoretical system. The major limitation is that these theoretical achievements, under the influence of Western centralism, place excessive emphasis on competition while paying scant attention to accommodation and mutual learning. In the face of new characteristics and practical requirements in the new era, international communication theory should be equipped with a broader vision for more breakthroughs and innovations. 展开更多
Role of English in Chinese Popular Culture
作者 YE Xiao-ya 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期1024-1030,共7页
关键词 中国人 英语 大众文化 中国大陆 西方文化 流行文化 电视节目 中文字幕
Exploring the Recent Anti-China Backlash in Australia and Its Impact
作者 Zhang Guoxi Xie Tao 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第4期90-112,共23页
The year 2017 marked not only the 45th anniversary of the establishment of China-Australia diplomatic relations,but also significant turbulence in the relationship.While bilateral economic and trade relations,as well ... The year 2017 marked not only the 45th anniversary of the establishment of China-Australia diplomatic relations,but also significant turbulence in the relationship.While bilateral economic and trade relations,as well as people-to-people communication and cooperation continue to grow,a series of dramatic and negative events unfolded in Australia,advocating the so-called"China threat",and instigated by anti-China sentiments.The recent anti-China backlash in Australia was caused by a combination of deep structural change in the current international system,and instability in Australia’s domestic politics.It is also the outcome of Australia’s dependence on the US-Australia alliance,while balancing between its own economic and security interests.It is worth noting that in comparison to the past,the current anti-China movement in Australia has been more profound and more focused,demonstrating new characteristics.This includes Australia collaborating with certain Western nations against China’s influence,as well as strategic warnings with more political and policy implications.Although Australia’s anti-China backlash will not have a fundamental impact on China-Australia relations,Australia’s anti-China stance and behavior is characteristic of an increasingly prevalent trend among the Western nations of concern about China’s rising influence,and new defense strategies against this.China must proceed with caution when dealing with the negative repercussions of this. 展开更多
关键词 澳大利亚 中国 斜线 外交关系 贸易关系 不稳定性 防卫策略 经济
作者 许家星 Peng Ping(Translated) 《孔学堂》 2023年第3期11-19,115-124,114,共20页
杜维明的《〈中庸〉洞见》通过对儒家经典哲学意蕴的深刻抉发,阐发了儒学的普遍意义和当代价值,建构起其独特的精神性人文主义,具有多重学术价值和方法论启示意义。《〈中庸〉洞见》把经典文本、哲学诠释、体系建构融为一体,构成一个相... 杜维明的《〈中庸〉洞见》通过对儒家经典哲学意蕴的深刻抉发,阐发了儒学的普遍意义和当代价值,建构起其独特的精神性人文主义,具有多重学术价值和方法论启示意义。《〈中庸〉洞见》把经典文本、哲学诠释、体系建构融为一体,构成一个相得益彰、互涵互摄的有机而立体的整体,生动呈现了哲学之“可爱”与经典之“可信”。既具有世界哲学、比较宗教、人类关怀的全球视野,又坚守扎根儒学、立足经典、涵养文本的儒者本色,体现了掘井及泉的哲学创造的智者之思,展现出儒家经典的诠释创新之活力,堪称经学哲学的典范之作。 展开更多
关键词 杜维明 《〈中庸〉洞见》 经学哲学 精神性人文主义
晚清古学书院的教学风貌--以武昌经心和黄州经古书院课艺为中心 被引量:4
作者 鲁小俊 Peng Ping(Translated) 《孔学堂》 CSSCI 2021年第1期83-91,I0060-I0069,共19页
武昌经心、黄州经古书院,追步杭州诂经精舍和广州学海堂,考课也以明理致用为务,是晚清著名的古学书院。今存《经心书院集》《经心书院续集》《黄州课士录》三种课艺总集,可见当日考课的大致情形。经史、经济和词章,这是两书院的学术定... 武昌经心、黄州经古书院,追步杭州诂经精舍和广州学海堂,考课也以明理致用为务,是晚清著名的古学书院。今存《经心书院集》《经心书院续集》《黄州课士录》三种课艺总集,可见当日考课的大致情形。经史、经济和词章,这是两书院的学术定位。课艺命题注重融入时代意识和乡邦情结,不仅培植生徒的学问之基、经世之才,也激发生徒的责任感和荣誉感。学术、时代和乡邦,是两书院的"情怀"所在,而举业、励志和怡情,则是书院教育目标的实现路径。两书院的课艺总集,直观而典型地呈现了晚清古学书院的教学风貌。 展开更多
关键词 武昌经心书院 黄州经古书院 考课 课艺
司马迁称“黄老言”之用意考 被引量:1
作者 蒋国保 Peng Ping 《孔学堂》 2020年第4期45-51,J0038-J0045,共15页
司马迁《史记》所称“黄老言”“黄老之言”,固然虚指黄帝、老子本人的言论与学说,但亦实指流行于战国到秦汉之际的“刑名法术之学”,更是特指汉初,尤其是文(帝)景(帝)前后之所有的在理论上归本于《老子》、主张持“清静”(清净)、“无... 司马迁《史记》所称“黄老言”“黄老之言”,固然虚指黄帝、老子本人的言论与学说,但亦实指流行于战国到秦汉之际的“刑名法术之学”,更是特指汉初,尤其是文(帝)景(帝)前后之所有的在理论上归本于《老子》、主张持“清静”(清净)、“无为”、“因顺”原则以处事乃至治世的黄老学——托名黄老的政治哲学。汉初的“黄老言”(黄老学),以形式论,是对《老子》解释与发挥的产物。解释《老子》而产生的“黄老言”(新道学),当以《老子河上公章句》为代表作;发挥《老子》而产生的“黄老言”(新道学),则当以《黄帝四经》为代表作。就《黄帝四经》来看,由发挥《老子》而产生的“新老学”(新道学),又有托名(托名黄帝)与不托名(既不托名黄帝亦不托名老子)之别。可见,汉初的“新道学”其实可分为三种形式:托名老子的“新老言”、托名黄帝的“新老言”、无任何托名的“新老言”。这三类“新老言”,就本质讲都是对原始老子学说作合乎汉初社会、政治需要之解释与发挥的产物,可名曰“新老学”或“新道学”。它之在汉初被习称为“黄老言”“黄老之言”,想必是因为它(汉初之政治哲学)托名黄帝、老子的缘故。 展开更多
关键词 司马迁 黄帝 老子 黄老 政治哲学
作者 黄俊杰 Peng Ping 《孔学堂》 CSSCI 2021年第4期23-34,V0032-V0043,共24页
本文探讨21世纪的各种问题与激流,特别聚焦于新冠病毒对人类文明造成的挑战,并探索儒家人文精神如何为现代问题提出解方。本文首先归纳21世纪的四大激流:全球化与反全球化潮流激荡,民主衰退,人工智能与自动化,新冠病毒肆虐。其中以新冠... 本文探讨21世纪的各种问题与激流,特别聚焦于新冠病毒对人类文明造成的挑战,并探索儒家人文精神如何为现代问题提出解方。本文首先归纳21世纪的四大激流:全球化与反全球化潮流激荡,民主衰退,人工智能与自动化,新冠病毒肆虐。其中以新冠病毒的传播,影响最为深远。因应新冠病毒的诸多挑战,本文提出的关键词为"和解",包括"自我"与"他者"的和解、"本国"与"他国"的和解、"人"与"自然"的和解,以及"人"与"超自然"的和解,而上述和解皆以"心灵的和解"最为重要。儒家心学传统,提倡个人向自我的"心"之回归;仁学传统则提升"仁"学的普世性,正是回应当前"新冠病毒"时代的问题、达成心灵"和解"的良方。儒家人文精神提供21世纪人类一条和解的康庄大道,正是身处21世纪的我们可以前行的坦途。 展开更多
关键词 新冠病毒 和解 儒家 仁学 心学
作者 韩星 Peng Ping 《孔学堂》 CSSCI 2022年第3期27-35,I0024-I0032,共18页
当今,我们面临着世界文明秩序的新变革和世界文明格局的新组合,如何塑造世界文明的新秩序,是一个关乎中国与世界未来的重大现实问题。中国崛起,不断彰显出儒家思想的世界意义。从中观层面看,和而不同、中庸之道、忠恕之道可以为世界多... 当今,我们面临着世界文明秩序的新变革和世界文明格局的新组合,如何塑造世界文明的新秩序,是一个关乎中国与世界未来的重大现实问题。中国崛起,不断彰显出儒家思想的世界意义。从中观层面看,和而不同、中庸之道、忠恕之道可以为世界多元文明提供和谐相处之道;从宏观层面看,天人合一、保和太和、天下一家可以为塑造世界文明秩序提供理念理想。儒学不仅属于中国,也属于世界;不仅在历史上发挥了巨大作用,也在今天和未来发挥重要作用。中华民族的伟大复兴要在重建中华文明的主体性的基础上保持与世界多元文明交流互鉴,不断借鉴、吸收、消化外来文化,通过挖掘儒家思想的普遍价值,让儒家思想走出国门,走向世界,为世界文明新秩序的塑造提出我们中国人的主张、方案,付诸实践,并积极参与国际事务。 展开更多
关键词 儒家思想 中华文明 世界文明 新秩序
儒家孝道的历史命运——两汉至晚清中国传统孝道的演变 被引量:1
作者 康学伟 Peng Ping 《孔学堂》 2019年第3期16-28,10008-10017,共23页
儒家孝道渊源有自来,它的远源,乃是从孝观念的产生到孝道的正式形成这一时期的孝文化,跨越了十分悠久的历史年代;它的近源,便是作为礼乐文化核心的西周孝道。儒家孝道不仅是家庭伦理,更是由血缘关系推衍出来的社会政治伦理,其核心是君... 儒家孝道渊源有自来,它的远源,乃是从孝观念的产生到孝道的正式形成这一时期的孝文化,跨越了十分悠久的历史年代;它的近源,便是作为礼乐文化核心的西周孝道。儒家孝道不仅是家庭伦理,更是由血缘关系推衍出来的社会政治伦理,其核心是君君臣臣、父父子子的等级制度,因而适用于父系血亲的集权制政体。两汉以后,在中国长达二千年的集权制帝国时代,历代王朝无不尊崇孝道,孝道成了中国的真正国粹、历代王朝的治国之本,深刻地影响了中国政治制度的走向与中华文明的特质。本文以中国历史发展为线索,论述自汉至晚清两千年间中国传统孝道传承、演变、发展乃至解体的一般过程,以概见儒家孝道的历史命运和礼乐文化对中华文明总体走向之巨大影响。 展开更多
关键词 孝道 儒学 伦理 礼乐制度 历史命运
“传衍”与“道统”——《四书大全》中黄榦学术之考察 被引量:1
作者 陈逢源 Peng Ping(译) 《孔学堂》 2020年第2期44-59,10048-10056,共25页
明代所编《四书大全》,建构“官学”体系下以朱熹学术为宗的四书注解样态,成为明儒学术之基础,补缀阙失之外,更重要是从纷杂讲论中,确立一种诠释模式,运用“以朱证朱”的诠释方式,还原朱熹的思考,又兼取门人语录,从朱熹与弟子讲论中寻... 明代所编《四书大全》,建构“官学”体系下以朱熹学术为宗的四书注解样态,成为明儒学术之基础,补缀阙失之外,更重要是从纷杂讲论中,确立一种诠释模式,运用“以朱证朱”的诠释方式,还原朱熹的思考,又兼取门人语录,从朱熹与弟子讲论中寻求用意所在,成为四书诠释的主轴,师门建构说解体系逐渐形成,其中尤以黄榦的地位与作用最为重要。黄榦为朱熹门人,又是其女婿,捍卫师说,传布朱学,地位特殊,成为“朱熹门人集团”的领袖。《四书大全》引录黄榦说法,《大学》有2条、《中庸》有3条,《孟子》有12条,《论语》有148条,总共165条。这些成为了解朱熹之后深化四书义理最重要的材料。《四书大全》建构朱熹、门人、元儒相承的经说体系,黄榦的四书诠释方向,正是深入门人集团当中的关键,也是了解朱熹学术的第一手观察资料,既可以得见朱熹之后朱门诠释四书的成果,亦可见明儒四书学传衍失落的环节,大有助于四书学术发展的观察。是以列举分析,撮举检讨,期以了解门人思考朱熹学术的成果与方向。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹 黄榦 朱门 道统 《四书大全》
Reading John Clare as a Naturalist from His "Natural History Writings"
作者 Chen Haoran 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期295-304,共10页
John Clare is widely known as a nature poet in British romantic literature.Critics often focus quite exclusively on his poetic works therefore,most of his natural prose writings have been constantly neglected.In fact,... John Clare is widely known as a nature poet in British romantic literature.Critics often focus quite exclusively on his poetic works therefore,most of his natural prose writings have been constantly neglected.In fact,in addition to presenting the artistic values,Clare' s poems and prose also jointly contribute to the scientific values from the aspect of natural history studies.Through comparative studies with the contemporary nature writers,one can grasp Clare' s contribution concerning botanical and zoological aspects respectively,This paper aims at demonstrating the linking role between scientific studies and homeland protection in the typical "Clarean" nature writing. 展开更多
关键词 Clare NATURE WRITING naturalist non TAXONOMY SPECIMEN ANIMAL in-telligence
On Ancient Chinese Classical Linguistics
作者 Li Kai Huang Weifeng 《宏观语言学》 2007年第1期157-170,共14页
This paper explores some problems concerning ancient Chinese classical linguistics. It is maintained that there are both similarities and obvious differences between it and western philology. The development of ancien... This paper explores some problems concerning ancient Chinese classical linguistics. It is maintained that there are both similarities and obvious differences between it and western philology. The development of ancient Chinese linguistics from the Pre-Qin Period to the Qing Dynasty can be divided into five stages: the embryonic stage, the stage for laying the foundation, the preparatory stage, the stage of growth, and the stage of overall revival and prosperity. The literature produced during this period can be grouped in six categories: gloss exegesis, orthographical form and meaning, phonological form and meaning, historical phonology, grammar on function words, and rhetoric. It is pointed out that, in researching the theoretical history of ancient Chinese linguistics, great importance should be attached to the consistency between history and theoretical logic, cultural background as reference, and textual research methodology. 展开更多
作者 XIE TAO 《Contemporary World》 2018年第4期40-43,共4页
"It became necessary to destroy the town to save it", a US major told an Associated Press reporter on February 7, 1968, during the then-raging Vietnam War. His remark became one of the most infamous quotes t... "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it", a US major told an Associated Press reporter on February 7, 1968, during the then-raging Vietnam War. His remark became one of the most infamous quotes to capture the brutality and insanity of the war. On March 29, 2017, an American professor published an article titled "Does Trump want to destroy America in order to ‘save' it?", an apparent parody of the above quote. In the article, the author argued that President Trump's rhetoric and actions –– such as repealing Obamacare, xenophobic speeches and policies, and blistering criticisms of NATO –– bring nothing but "uncertainty, threats to financial markets, and a less-stable world" to the United States. 展开更多
关键词 越南 政治学 世界政治 发展现状
Sino-American Relations in the Middle East: Towards A Complementary Partnership?
作者 Ruike Xu Degang Sun 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2019年第2期143-161,共19页
China pursues geo-economic interests of trade,investment and energy,while the US explores geo-political interests of maintaining regional leadership,launching anti-terrorism campaigns,and defending allies in the Middl... China pursues geo-economic interests of trade,investment and energy,while the US explores geo-political interests of maintaining regional leadership,launching anti-terrorism campaigns,and defending allies in the Middle East.Notwithstanding all this,the two sides share compatible and complementary interests in the Middle East security governance and conflict de-escalation,which forges structural dynamics for Beijing and Washington to seek common ground while shelving differences.By drawing on detailed analysis of China and the US’s interaction in three cases,including coping with the ISIS threat,addressing the Iran nuclear crisis and mediating the Israel-Palestine conflict,this article argues that driven by pragmatism,it is possible for China and the US to build a complementary partnership in the Middle East,especially in dealing with security challenges in conflict zones,to maximise their respective interests and to alleviate the impact of Sino-US geopolitical rivalry in the Asia-Pacific region.The compatible policy orientations,the intensifying Middle East Cold War in the aftermath of the Arab Spring,and the interdependent nature of Sino-US interests in the Middle East make it vital for China and the US to build a complementary partnership,although they may face various hurdles in its implementation. 展开更多
关键词 China the US the Middle East complementary partnership cooperation
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