Deep Earth exploration is a multi-disciplinary, complex activity aimed at understanding the structure, dynamics and evolution of the continents and their margins. Interaction between Earth's tectonic plates create...Deep Earth exploration is a multi-disciplinary, complex activity aimed at understanding the structure, dynamics and evolution of the continents and their margins. Interaction between Earth's tectonic plates created the continents and oceans that characterise our planet, while forming the mineral and other resources that support our living lives in modern society. Active tectonic processes are also responsible for devastating hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and control Earth's surface topography which fundamentally affects the climate and environment. Therefore, it is of common interest to society worldwide to study the interior of the Earth and to gain fundamental insight into how our planet operates.展开更多
文摘Deep Earth exploration is a multi-disciplinary, complex activity aimed at understanding the structure, dynamics and evolution of the continents and their margins. Interaction between Earth's tectonic plates created the continents and oceans that characterise our planet, while forming the mineral and other resources that support our living lives in modern society. Active tectonic processes are also responsible for devastating hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and control Earth's surface topography which fundamentally affects the climate and environment. Therefore, it is of common interest to society worldwide to study the interior of the Earth and to gain fundamental insight into how our planet operates.