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噪声性听力损失机制研究方法及药物治疗进展 被引量:2
作者 孙韬 李悦淇 +4 位作者 石科 杨亮 闫秀明 邱伟 郭丹 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期283-288,共6页
噪声性听力损失(noise-induced hearing loss,NIHL)是一项亟待解决的公共卫生问题。在所有听力损失中,有近1/3的听力损失可以归因为噪声暴露。NIHL的分子机制复杂,目前还没有特效药物能够预防和治疗NIHL,因此建立标准化的NIHL临床前研... 噪声性听力损失(noise-induced hearing loss,NIHL)是一项亟待解决的公共卫生问题。在所有听力损失中,有近1/3的听力损失可以归因为噪声暴露。NIHL的分子机制复杂,目前还没有特效药物能够预防和治疗NIHL,因此建立标准化的NIHL临床前研究模型、识别治疗的分子靶点,以有效开展NIHL的预防和药物治疗显得尤为重要。本文对NIHL的研究方法及药物治疗研究进行梳理总结,为NIHL的防治提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 噪声性听力损失 动物模型 分子机制 分子靶点
东昆仑东段哈拉郭勒—哈图一带中生代的岩石隆升剥露——锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹年代学证据 被引量:10
作者 王国灿 向树元 +2 位作者 John I.Garver Robert P.Wintsch Mary Roden-Tice 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期645-652,共8页
根据对东昆仑地区东段哈拉郭勒—哈图一带不同高度基岩的系列锆石裂变径迹年龄分析,结合磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分析和中酸性侵入岩角闪石压力计分析揭示了东昆仑东段中生代的岩石隆升剥露冷却历史.巴隆哈图一带中酸性侵入岩角闪石压力计分... 根据对东昆仑地区东段哈拉郭勒—哈图一带不同高度基岩的系列锆石裂变径迹年龄分析,结合磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分析和中酸性侵入岩角闪石压力计分析揭示了东昆仑东段中生代的岩石隆升剥露冷却历史.巴隆哈图一带中酸性侵入岩角闪石压力计分析结果反映晚海西—印支期以来的总体剥露幅度约8~9km,早二叠世至晚三叠世初剥蚀作用极为缓慢,大约为20~40m/Ma.不同高程样品的锆石裂变径迹年龄分析结果揭示了东昆仑地区东段在中晚侏罗世处于缓慢的岩石隆升剥露阶段,其中中侏罗世相对较快,抬升速率77~88m/Ma,晚侏罗世相对较慢,抬升速率小于37m/Ma,且呈减慢趋势,这种减慢趋势反映了早中侏罗世之交强构造抬升期后的逐渐衰退.锆石裂变径迹—磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分析结果反映了中侏罗世以来的剥蚀速率一般不超过55m/Ma,岩石的剥蚀速率与岩石的抬升速率基本为同一量级,中侏罗世—白垩纪剥蚀作用与岩石抬升作用基本处于平衡状态. 展开更多
关键词 东昆仑东段 中生代 隆升剥露 锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹年代学
刺激声时程对有无噪声暴露史听力正常青年人言语声诱发听性脑干反应的影响 被引量:2
作者 陈婷婷 赵乌兰 +2 位作者 张美辨 沈晓丽 邱伟 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期371-375,共5页
目的分析不同时程言语声诱发听性脑干反应(speech evoked auditory brainstem responses,s-ABR)在有无噪声暴露史听力正常青年人中应用的差异,探讨其用于隐性听力损失诊断的临床应用价值。方法选取18~40周岁听阈正常、有噪声暴露史的男... 目的分析不同时程言语声诱发听性脑干反应(speech evoked auditory brainstem responses,s-ABR)在有无噪声暴露史听力正常青年人中应用的差异,探讨其用于隐性听力损失诊断的临床应用价值。方法选取18~40周岁听阈正常、有噪声暴露史的男性工人15例(接噪组,平均年龄31.53±6.56岁)以及听阈正常、无噪声暴露史的男青年25例(对照组,年龄23.20±4.60岁)进行40 ms/da/音和170 ms/da/音的s-ABR测试,比较两组两种时程刺激声s-ABR潜伏期、波间期和幅值。结果接噪组170 ms/da/音s-ABR的O波潜伏期明显较对照组延长(P<0.05),其余V、A、D、E、F波潜伏期及各波振幅、波间期两组间差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05);两组40 ms/da/音s-ABR各波潜伏期、波间期及振幅差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);对照组170 ms/da/音s-ABR各波潜伏期明显较40 ms/da/音s-ABR延长,各波波间期明显较40 ms/da/音s-ABR增宽(均P<0.05);接噪组170 ms/da/音s-ABR V、A、F、O波潜伏期显著延长(P<0.05),而两种时程刺激声s-ABR各波间期差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论不同时程言语声诱发s-ABR测试可以用于不同的听觉处理机制分析;40 ms时程/da/音的s-ABR各波潜伏期可能对于隐性听力损失的诊断更有价值。 展开更多
关键词 言语诱发听性脑干反应 隐性听力损失 刺激声时程
言语声诱发听性脑干反应对隐性听力损失的诊断意义 被引量:6
作者 武洒洒 赵乌兰 +2 位作者 王枫 张美辨 邱伟 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期160-163,共4页
目的探讨言语声诱发听性脑干反应(speech-evoked auditory brainstem response,s-ABR)对早期发现隐性听力损失的临床价值。方法选取纯音听阈正常、无噪声暴露史的正常青年人27例(正常组,年龄21.04±1.04岁,男15例,女12例)和纯音听... 目的探讨言语声诱发听性脑干反应(speech-evoked auditory brainstem response,s-ABR)对早期发现隐性听力损失的临床价值。方法选取纯音听阈正常、无噪声暴露史的正常青年人27例(正常组,年龄21.04±1.04岁,男15例,女12例)和纯音听阈正常、有噪声暴露史的工人15例(工人组,均为男性,年龄27.09±3.05岁),分别进行纯音测听、声导抗和耳声发射测试,通过标准为各频率纯音听阈≤20 dB HL、鼓室导抗图为A型、耳声发射正常,对通过者行s-ABR测试,分析两组间s-ABR各波潜伏期和幅值的差异。结果两组受试者三项测试均通过,正常组女性s-ABR的波V和波A潜伏期均小于正常男性,波A的幅值明显高于正常男性(P<0.05);工人组s-ABR波A、D、O的潜伏期较正常组男性明显延长(P<0.05),两组间波幅差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论对有噪声暴露史但纯音听阈正常者,s-ABR能灵敏及时地发现其听力损失,s-ABR对临床诊断隐性听力损失可能有一定的价值。 展开更多
关键词 s-ABR 噪声暴露 隐性听力损失
噪声致隐性听力损失听力学特征 被引量:9
作者 武凯丽 赵乌兰 +3 位作者 周静 蒋浩贤 张美辨 邱伟 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2019年第3期207-212,共6页
目的探究噪声导致的隐性听力损失在听力学检查中的特点,以及隐性听力损失有价值的诊断与检查手段。方法选取18~37岁的成年男性52名,有噪声接触史归入实验组,26名(26耳);无噪声接触史归入对照组,26名(26耳)。对其较好耳进行噪声下言语测... 目的探究噪声导致的隐性听力损失在听力学检查中的特点,以及隐性听力损失有价值的诊断与检查手段。方法选取18~37岁的成年男性52名,有噪声接触史归入实验组,26名(26耳);无噪声接触史归入对照组,26名(26耳)。对其较好耳进行噪声下言语测听(speech-in-noise)、耳声发射(otoacousticemission,OAE)及耳蜗电图(electrocochleogram,EcochG)测试,比较分析各检查结果。结果扩展高频听阈测试(extended high-frequency audiometry)中,在8kHz以上频率实验组的听阈均大于对照组,存在显著的统计学差异(P<0.001);噪声下言语测听结果显示,实验组信噪比损失大于对照组,差异存在显著性(P=0.006);耳声发射测试中,在6kHz及以上频率实验组信噪比低于对照组,存在显著统计学差异(P<0.05);耳蜗电图测试中,实验组SP与AP幅值比在96、90、80、70dBnHL短声诱发的波形中均大于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);96dBnHL的短声刺激下,实验组SP与AP的面积比大于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.004)。纯音测听与DPOAE测试结果在高频(6、8、9、10kHz)具有相关性(6kHz:P<0.0001,r=-0.478;8kHz:P<0.0001,r=-0.491;9kHz:P<0.0001,r=-0.520;10kHz:P=0.002,r=-0.437);噪声下言语测听结果与DPOAE测试结果具有相关性(P=0.031,r=-0.299);耳蜗电图中96dBnHL强度下记录到的SP与AP幅值比与DPOAE中6kHz及以上频率的平均信噪比具有相关性(P=0.014,r=-0.339),且与扩展高频测听各频率平均听阈具有相关性(P=0.016,r=0.333)。结论纯音测听常规频率听阈正常,扩展高频听阈升高,噪声下言语识别能力下降与纯音听阈不成比例,DPOAE正常引出但信噪比下降,耳蜗电图中SP与AP的幅值比和面积比升高,是隐性听力损失的主要特征,各听力学检查均对隐性听力损失的诊断具有价值,且他们之间存在一定相关性,在早期诊断过程中可相互验证,提高诊断的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 噪声 隐性听力损失 耳声发射 耳蜗电图
不同听力检测方法对早期发现噪声性隐性听力损失的意义 被引量:4
作者 张雪颢 赵乌兰 +2 位作者 王枫 张美辨 邱伟 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期273-276,共4页
目的探讨扩展高频纯音测听、畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)及噪声下言语识别能力测试对早期发现噪声性隐性听力损失的意义。方法选取20例常频纯音听阈正常、有噪声接触史的工人(接噪组,年龄20~41岁)与20例无噪声接触史、常频听阈正常的青年人... 目的探讨扩展高频纯音测听、畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)及噪声下言语识别能力测试对早期发现噪声性隐性听力损失的意义。方法选取20例常频纯音听阈正常、有噪声接触史的工人(接噪组,年龄20~41岁)与20例无噪声接触史、常频听阈正常的青年人(对照组,年龄19~35岁),分别行扩展高频纯音测听、扩展高频DPOAE及噪声下言语识别能力测试(汉化版噪声下BKB语句测试),记录并比较两组各项测试结果。结果接噪组扩展高频纯音听阈检出率低于对照组,在16 kHz差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在18、20 kHz差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);接噪组8~20 kHz扩展高频纯音听阈平均值高于对照组,在9、18 kHz差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在14 kHz差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);接噪组扩展高频DPOAE的信噪比及幅值均较对照组降低,在10 kHz差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在8、9 kHz差异均有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);噪声下言语识别能力测试显示接噪组信噪比损失平均值为4.6±2.19 dB,高于对照组(3.00±2.08 dB)(P<0.01)。结论接噪组相较对照组,扩展高频纯音听阈值升高或引不出,扩展高频DPOAE信噪比及幅值降低,噪声下言语识别能力显著下降,以上三种检测方法对早期发现噪声性隐性听力损失有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 噪声 隐性听力损失 扩展高频纯音测听 畸变产物耳声发射 信噪比损失
常频听阈正常的噪声暴露者耳蜗电图表现 被引量:4
作者 龚嘉敏 赵乌兰 +2 位作者 吴雅兰 张美辨 邱伟 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期172-176,共5页
目的探讨耳蜗电图对噪声导致的隐性听力损失的早期诊断价值。方法选取36例18~40岁的常频听阈正常受试者,其中18例有噪声暴露史的工人作为噪声暴露组,18例无噪声暴露史的正常受试者作为对照组,分别行纯音听阈测试(常频+高频)、噪声下言... 目的探讨耳蜗电图对噪声导致的隐性听力损失的早期诊断价值。方法选取36例18~40岁的常频听阈正常受试者,其中18例有噪声暴露史的工人作为噪声暴露组,18例无噪声暴露史的正常受试者作为对照组,分别行纯音听阈测试(常频+高频)、噪声下言语测试以及耳蜗电图测试,比较各组检查结果。结果噪声暴露组和对照组18、20 kHz听阈检出率分别为55.6%、33.3%和88.9%、88.3%,噪声暴露组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);10、12.5 kHz平均听阈分别为11.94±15.16、16.39±20.87 dB HL和3.89±15.20、6.94±20.87 dB HL,噪声暴露组高于对照组(P<0.05);言语测试结果示噪声暴露组和对照组信噪比损失平均值分别为4.62±2.52 dB和1.44±2.90 dB,噪声暴露组高于对照组(P<0.01)。耳蜗电图测试结果示,噪声暴露组SP/AP振幅比在96和90 dB nHL刺激强度下高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),SP/AP面积比在96 dB nHL刺激强度下高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论高强度刺激下(96 dB nHL)耳蜗电图SP/AP振幅比和面积比对噪声导致的隐性听力损失检测有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 噪声暴露 隐性听力损失 耳蜗电图
噪声性隐性听力损失听力学检测方法研究进展 被引量:7
作者 龚嘉敏 吴雅兰 +1 位作者 赵乌兰 邱伟 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期331-334,共4页
关键词 噪声性 听力学检测 听力损失 耳蜗毛细胞损伤 隐性 噪声损伤 研究人员 长期暴露
Comparison of Two Dose-response Relationship of Noise Exposure Evaluation Results with High Frequency Hearing Loss 被引量:3
作者 Hua Zhang Nan Li +6 位作者 Qiu-Ling Yang Wei Qiu Liang-Liang Zhu Li-Yuan Tao Robert I Davis Nicholas Heyer Yi-Ming Zhao 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期816-821,共6页
Background:Complex noise and its relation to hearing loss are difficult to measure and evaluate.In complex noise measurement,individual exposure results may not accurately represent lifetime noise exposure.Thus,the me... Background:Complex noise and its relation to hearing loss are difficult to measure and evaluate.In complex noise measurement,individual exposure results may not accurately represent lifetime noise exposure.Thus,the mean LAeq,8 h values of individuals in the same workgroup were also used to represent LAeq,8h in our study.Our study aimed to explore whether the mean exposure levels of workers in the same workgroup represented real noise exposure better than individual exposure levels did.Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted to establish a model for cumulative noise exposure (CNE) and hearing loss in 205 occupational noise-exposed workers who were recruited from two large automobile manufacturers in China.We used a personal noise dosimeter and a questionnaire to determine the workers' occupational noise exposure levels and exposure times,respectively.A qualified audiologist used standardized audiometric procedures to assess hearing acuity after at least 16 h of noise avoidance.Results:We observed that 88.3% of workers were exposed to more than 85 dB(A) of occupational noise (mean:89.3 ± 4.2 dB(A)).The personal CNE (CNEp) and workgroup CNE (CNEg) were 100.5 ± 4.7 dB(A) and 100.5 ± 2.9 dB(A),respectively.In the binary logistic regression analysis,we established a regression model with high-frequency hearing loss as the dependent variable and CNE as the independent variable.The Wald value was 5.014 with CNEp as the independent variable and 8.653 with CNEg as the independent variable.Furthermore,we found that the figure for CNEg was more similar to the stationary noise reference than CNEp was.The CNEg model was better than the CNEp model.In this circumstance,we can measure some subjects instead of the whole workgroup and save manpower.Conclusions:In a complex noise environment,the measurements of average noise exposure level of the workgroup can improve the accuracy and save manpower. 展开更多
The Role of the Kurtosis Metric in Evaluating the Risk of Occupational Hearing Loss Associated with Complex Noise—Zhejiang Province,China,2010−2019 被引量:7
作者 Meibian Zhang Xiangjing Gao +2 位作者 Wei Qiu Xin Sun Weijiang Hu 《China CDC weekly》 2021年第18期378-382,共5页
Summary What is already known about this topic?Occupational noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL)has been the second most common occupational disease in China.Noise energy is the main risk factor for occupational NIHL.Evid... Summary What is already known about this topic?Occupational noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL)has been the second most common occupational disease in China.Noise energy is the main risk factor for occupational NIHL.Evidence shows the temporal structure of noise(as indicated by kurtosis metric)contribute to the development of NIHL.However,the role of the kurtosis metric in evaluating the risk of occupational NIHL associated with complex noise has been rarely reported. 展开更多
Application of the Kurtosis Metric to the Assessment of Hearing Loss Associated with Occupational Noise Exposure 被引量:3
作者 Wei Qiu Meibian Zhang +1 位作者 Weijiang Hu Xin Sun 《China CDC weekly》 2021年第18期390-393,共4页
It is well known that high-level noise exposure can lead to hearing loss.Noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL)continues to be one of the major occupational health hazards.An underlying assumption in current noise standards... It is well known that high-level noise exposure can lead to hearing loss.Noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL)continues to be one of the major occupational health hazards.An underlying assumption in current noise standards,e.g.,ISO 1999:2013(1),is that hearing loss is related to the total energy of the exposure.Thus,the risk of NIHL can be predicted according to the ISO 1999 prediction model.Unfortunately,the validity of the prediction model to correctly predict the NIHL for all types of noise exposure is still under question,especially for complex noise of impulsive character. 展开更多
Estimating the basic reproductive ratio for the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone 被引量:6
作者 Adnan Khan Mahim Naveed +1 位作者 Muhammad Dur-e-Ahmad Mudassar Imran 《Infectious Diseases of Poverty》 SCIE 2015年第1期114-121,共8页
Background:Ebola virus disease has reemerged as a major public health crisis in Africa,with isolated cases also observed globally,during the current outbreak.Methods:To estimate the basic reproductive ratio R0,which i... Background:Ebola virus disease has reemerged as a major public health crisis in Africa,with isolated cases also observed globally,during the current outbreak.Methods:To estimate the basic reproductive ratio R0,which is a measure of the severity of the outbreak,we developed a SEIR(susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered)type deterministic model,and used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC),for the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone.Two different data sets are available:one with raw reported data and one with corrected data(as the CDC suspects under-reporting).Results:Using a deterministic ordinary differential equation transmission model for Ebola epidemic,the basic reproductive ratio R0 for Liberia resulted to be 1.757 and 1.9 for corrected and uncorrected case data,respectively.For Sierra Leone,R0 resulted to be 1.492 and 1.362 for corrected and uncorrected case data,respectively.In each of the two cases we considered,the estimate for the basic reproductive ratio was initially greater than unity leading to an epidemic outbreak.Conclusion:We obtained robust estimates for the value of R0 associated with the 2014 Ebola outbreak,and showed that there is close agreement between our estimates of R0.Analysis of our model also showed that effective isolation is required,with the contact rate in isolation less than one quarter of that for the infected non-isolated population,and that the fraction of high-risk individuals must be brought to less than 10%of the overall susceptible population,in order to bring the value of R0 to less than 1,and hence control the outbreak. 展开更多
关键词 EPIDEMIOLOGY Ebola virus disease Transmission model Basic reproductive ratio
Succinate: A microbial product that modulates Drosophila nutritional physiology
作者 Freya Q.Zhang John G.McMullen II +1 位作者 Angela E.Douglas Nana Y.D.Ankrah 《Insect Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第1期315-318,共4页
Dear Editor,Gut microorganisms process food in animal guts and release many metabolic by-products,which are predicted to influence host physiological processes such as energy and lipid metabolism.Here,we investigate h... Dear Editor,Gut microorganisms process food in animal guts and release many metabolic by-products,which are predicted to influence host physiological processes such as energy and lipid metabolism.Here,we investigate how succi-nate,a TCA cycle intermediate that is a major predicted release product of gut bacteria in Drosophila,influences the nutritional physiology of its Drosophila host.We ad-ministered succinate as a dietary supplement to microbe-free Drosophila,and quantified key nutritional indices.Dietary succinate significantly reduced fly lipid levels by up to~50%.This response was not replicated in paral-lel experiments conducted with dietary fumarate supple-ment,indicating that it could not be attributed to a gen-eral effect of TCA intermediates.We hypothesize that microbe-derived succinate may contribute to the reduced lipid content of Drosophila bearing gut bacteria,relative to axenic Drosophila.More generally,this study high-lights the importance of microbial-derived metabolites as regulators of host metabolism. 展开更多
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