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Exploring the Ideal and Belief Education of College Students from the Perspective of Positive Psychology
作者 Yingying Zhang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2021年第6期87-91,共5页
This article mainly explores the ideal and belief education of college students based on the perspective of positive psychology.This article first explains the current situation of college students' mental health ... This article mainly explores the ideal and belief education of college students based on the perspective of positive psychology.This article first explains the current situation of college students' mental health education,further elaborates the important role of ideal and belief education based on positive psychology,and finally points out how to realize the ideal and belief education vision among college students in the perspective of positive psychology for reference of relevant personnel. 展开更多
关键词 Positive psychology College students Ideal and belief education
作者 綦春霞 Stuart Weinberg 《高等理科教育》 2010年第1期99-102,共4页
文章以美国哥伦比亚大学教师学院数学教育实习为例,介绍了其数学教育实习的目的、内容及要求、对实习生的评价以及指导教师的作用,分析了上述各项内容的特点。其对我国数学教育实习有这样几点启示:应延长数学教育时间;拓宽数学教育... 文章以美国哥伦比亚大学教师学院数学教育实习为例,介绍了其数学教育实习的目的、内容及要求、对实习生的评价以及指导教师的作用,分析了上述各项内容的特点。其对我国数学教育实习有这样几点启示:应延长数学教育时间;拓宽数学教育实习的内容和形式;明确实习指导教师的职责;规范评价的体系;使实习生成为真正的反思者。 展开更多
关键词 美国 数学教育 实习
童年压力及死亡威胁启动对择偶要求的影响 被引量:13
作者 汪佳瑛 陈斌斌 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期857-866,共10页
本实验从生命史理论出发,研究童年期环境压力如何与当前环境中的压力线索相互作用并影响个体对异性的择偶要求。被试为70名大学本科生,其中一部分被试被分配到死亡威胁启动组,他们阅读一篇描述近期国内暴力犯罪及死亡率上升的新闻报道,... 本实验从生命史理论出发,研究童年期环境压力如何与当前环境中的压力线索相互作用并影响个体对异性的择偶要求。被试为70名大学本科生,其中一部分被试被分配到死亡威胁启动组,他们阅读一篇描述近期国内暴力犯罪及死亡率上升的新闻报道,另一部分被试被分配到控制组,他们阅读一篇描述一个人花了很长时间寻找遗失钱包的文章。被试自我报告对异性的理想择偶要求及其童年压力。控制了性别及恋爱状态后,多元回归分析表明:童年压力与启动条件仅在身体吸引力的理想标准上有显著交互作用。其中,低童年压力组在死亡威胁启动下对异性身体吸引力的理想标准显著高于控制条件,而高童年压力组在死亡威胁启动下对异性身体吸引力的理想要求则显著低于控制条件。此外,启动条件在异性做"好父母"的择偶标准上有显著主效应,死亡威胁启动下的被试对异性做好父母的择偶标准高于控制组被试。而在对资源的择偶标准上既不存在童年压力和死亡威胁启动的主效应,也不存在交互作用。研究说明童年压力与当前环境压力会影响个体对异性的择偶要求,但对不同择偶要求的影响作用不同。 展开更多
关键词 死亡威胁 童年压力 择偶要求 生命史理论 进化心理学
Teaching for physical literacy: Implications to instructional design and PETE 被引量:8
作者 Stephen Silverman Kevin Mercier 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期150-155,共6页
Physical education teachers play an important role in helping students' development of the motor skills needed to be physically literate individuals. Research suggests that teacher made instructional design decisions... Physical education teachers play an important role in helping students' development of the motor skills needed to be physically literate individuals. Research suggests that teacher made instructional design decisions can lead to enhanced motor skill learning. After presenting a model of evidence-based research this paper presents information that will help teachers plan and execute lessons designed to improve students' motor skills. Variables that impact motor skill learning in physical education including time, type of practice, content, presentation and organizational strategies, and student skill level are presented and discussed. A brief section on student attitudes, their relation to motor skill learning and to physical literacy is included. Motor skills are needed for physically literate people to enjoy lifelong physical activity. Physical education teachers and the decisions they make contribute to students' learning and whether the goal of physical literacy is met. 展开更多
关键词 Motor skill learning Research on teaching in physical education Student attitude
BRICS nations and the opportunities for community physical activity interventions 被引量:1
作者 Carol Ewing Garber 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2019年第6期509-511,共3页
Decreases in physical activity(PA)in the populations of developing countries have occurred alongside the rapidly changing urban form,greater availability of automobiles,pollution,shifts in the nature of work,and other... Decreases in physical activity(PA)in the populations of developing countries have occurred alongside the rapidly changing urban form,greater availability of automobiles,pollution,shifts in the nature of work,and other factors. 展开更多
Analysis of YouTube^(TM) videos related to bowel preparation for colonoscopy 被引量:1
作者 Corey Hannah Basch Grace Clarke Hillyer +1 位作者 Rachel Reeves Charles E Basch 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy》 CAS 2014年第9期432-435,共4页
AIM: To examine YouTubeTM videos about bowel preparation procedure to better understand the quality of this information on the Internet. METHODS: YouTubeTM videos related to colonoscopy preparation were identified dur... AIM: To examine YouTubeTM videos about bowel preparation procedure to better understand the quality of this information on the Internet. METHODS: YouTubeTM videos related to colonoscopy preparation were identified during the winter of 2014; only those with ≥ 5000 views were selected for analysis(n = 280). Creator of the video, length, date posted, whether the video was based upon personal experience, and theme was recorded. Bivariate analysis was conducted to examine differences between consumers vs healthcare professionals-created videos. RESULTS: Most videos were based on personal experience. Half were created by consumers and 34% were ≥ 4.5 min long. Healthcare professional videos were viewed more often(】 19400, 59.4% vs 40.8%,P = 0.037, for healthcare professional and consumer, respectively) and more often focused on the purgative type and completing the preparation. Consumer videos received more comments(】 10 comments, 62.2% vs 42.7%, P = 0.001) and more often emphasized the palatability of the purgative, disgust, and hunger during the procedure. Content of colonoscopy bowel preparation YouTube? videos is influenced by who creates the video and may affect views on colon cancer screening. CONCLUSION: The impact of perspectives on the quality of health-related information found on the Internet requires further examination. 展开更多
关键词 Colon cancer prevention Bowel preparation COLONOSCOPY SCREENING YouTubeTM Social media
Hip Joint Osteoarthritis Pain Sources and Control 被引量:1
作者 Ray Marks 《Pain Studies and Treatment》 2020年第1期1-21,共21页
Hip joint osteoarthritis, a widespread disabling disease with no known cause, produces considerable bouts of intractable pain as a result of multiple disease associated problems. This paper examines some sources of os... Hip joint osteoarthritis, a widespread disabling disease with no known cause, produces considerable bouts of intractable pain as a result of multiple disease associated problems. This paper examines some sources of osteoarthritic hip joint pain, a poorly understood topic at best. Presented in three parts are data retrieved from several sources, including animal models. It is concluded that to improve the effectiveness of treatments designed to minimize hip osteoarthritis pain, a better understanding of the diverse origins of hip joint pain, and hip joint neurology, may permit the development of more precise as well as targeted pain strategies. 展开更多
作者 宫艺邈 王旸 +1 位作者 宫玉典 隋忠庆 《精神医学杂志》 2017年第5期386-390,共5页
关键词 复合性国际诊断问卷 修订 信度 效度 精神障碍
The Separate Development of Children’s Listener and Speaker Behavior and the Intercept as Behavioral Metamorphosis
作者 R. Douglas Greer Peter Pohl +1 位作者 Lin Du Jennifer Lee Moschella 《Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science》 2017年第13期674-704,共31页
The study of verbal behavior focuses on communicative functions of the speakers/producers as they affect the behavior of listeners/observers. Effects on the listener reinforce the speaker and the listener/observer ben... The study of verbal behavior focuses on communicative functions of the speakers/producers as they affect the behavior of listeners/observers. Effects on the listener reinforce the speaker and the listener/observer benefits (i.e., is reinforced) from the behavior of the speaker/producer. The interlocking of, and exchange of, the speaker and listener behavior between individuals and within one’s own skin constitute bidirectional operants. These bidirectional operants are instances of social interactions and measures of social behavior. Evidence suggests that the act of listening, among other observing responses, is initially developmentally independent from speaker behavior. How they become joined parallels the biological phenomenon of metamorphosis. The succession of changes has been empirically identified as a succession of verbal behavior development cusps, which are described in their sequence biologically as a manifestation of functional metamorphosis. The onset of a cusp constitutes first instances of behavior and accompanying stimulus control that allows infants and children to contact parts of the environment for the first time resulting in their learning things impossible to learn before or learning faster. Cusps for the intercept of the speaker and listener lead to bidirectional operants and provide explanations for how children incidentally learn the names of things, become increasingly social, and make subsequent complex behavior possible. Many of the cusps identified in our research resulted from the missing behavior and stimulus control of children with autism. Once cusps were established, these children learned things they could not learn before, learned faster, and learned by contacting parts of the social environment they could not contact before. These findings led to a theory of verbal behavior development that point to the selection of bidirectional operants as behavioral phenotypes during functional metamorphosis, which has enhanced the survival of Homo sapiens through emergent symbolic skills for more effective collaboration between two or more individuals. 展开更多
关键词 Bidirectional OPERANT Verbal BEHAVIOR DEVELOPMENT Comprehensive
Vitamin D and bone fracture healing
作者 Marks Ray 《World Journal of Pharmacology》 2014年第4期199-208,共10页
AIM: To examine whether vitamin D is of potential relevance in the healing process of fractures. METHODS: The present narrative review examined the bulk of the evidence based literature on the topic of vitamin D and... AIM: To examine whether vitamin D is of potential relevance in the healing process of fractures. METHODS: The present narrative review examined the bulk of the evidence based literature on the topic of vitamin D and bone healing in key electronic data bases from 1980 onwards using the terms vitamin D and bone healing, callus, fracture healing. All data were examined carefully and categorized according to type of study. A summary of the diverse terms and approaches employed in the research, as well as the rationale for hypothesizing vitamin D has a role in fracture healing was detailed.RESULTS: The results show very few human studies have been conducted to examine if vitamin D is effective at promoting post fracture healing, and the different ani-mal models that have been studied provide no consensus on this topic. The terms used in the related literature, as well as the methods used to arrive at conclusions on this clinical issue are highly diverse, there is no standardization of either of these important terms and methodolo-gies, hence no conclusive statements or clinical guide-lines can be forthcoming. There is a strong rational for continuing to examine if vitamin D supplements should be administered post-fracture, and ample evidence vitamin D is an essential hormone for functioning in general, as well as bone health and muscle as this relates to bone density.CONCLUSION: Whether those with low vitamin D levels can beneft from supplements if their nutritional practices do not cover recommended daily amounts, remains in question. 展开更多
关键词 Bone healing Callus formation FRACTURES Fracture healing Vitamin D
Innovating Pedagogical Practices through Professional Development in Computer Science Education
作者 Xiaoxue Du Ellen B Meier 《Journal of Computer Science Research》 2023年第3期46-56,共11页
Recent advancements in technology have opened up new avenues for educators to facilitate teaching and leverage more learning access in the digital age.As the demand for computational skills continues to grow in prepar... Recent advancements in technology have opened up new avenues for educators to facilitate teaching and leverage more learning access in the digital age.As the demand for computational skills continues to grow in preparation for future careers,both teachers and students face the challenge of developing problem-solving,critical thinking,communication,and collaboration skills within an emerging digital landscape.Technology adoption,big data,cloud computing and artificial intelligence pose ongoing challenges for both teachers and students in adapting to the changing workforce development landscape.To tackle these challenges,the paper highlights the importance of exploring the implications of learning sciences in classroom teaching,developing a holistic vision for professional development in education,and understanding the complexities of teacher change.To effectively implement these components,it is crucial to adopt design approaches that prioritize student ownership in education and embrace the principles of inclusive education to reconceptualize the teaching practices in education and technology. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION Computational thinking Teacher education Professional development Design EQUITY
职前教师数学周记的实施与评价--以哥伦比亚大学教师学院为例 被引量:1
作者 綦春霞 Stuart Weinberg 《上海教育科研》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期48-51,共4页
关键词 数学周记 多元评价 大学教师 哥伦比亚 职前教师 学院 教师专业成长 职前教育
开放式荟萃分析的规范化报告 被引量:6
作者 刘宇 陈树铨 +12 位作者 樊富珉 邸新 范会勇 封春亮 郭双双 甘怡群 李会杰 吕小康 任志洪 徐鹏飞 袁博 左西年 胡传鹏 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期764-778,共15页
荟萃分析(又称元分析)以量化方式综合实证研究结果,是积累整合证据并推进基础与应用研究的重要工具.在开放式科学这种新型研究实践下,荟萃分析是整合开放数据、进行科学推断的重要手段.但荟萃分析的过程繁复、方法多样,其执行上的严谨... 荟萃分析(又称元分析)以量化方式综合实证研究结果,是积累整合证据并推进基础与应用研究的重要工具.在开放式科学这种新型研究实践下,荟萃分析是整合开放数据、进行科学推断的重要手段.但荟萃分析的过程繁复、方法多样,其执行上的严谨性对荟萃分析质量影响较大,因此报告的透明性和开放性对其结果的可重复性尤为重要.为了解中文荟萃分析报告规范性的现状,让更多研究者了解荟萃分析报告的规范性与透明性,提升荟萃分析报告的质量,本文以国际学界广泛使用的系统综述和荟萃分析优先报告条目(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses,PRISMA)以及开放式科学理念为基础,结合基于效应量的荟萃分析报告特点,拟定《开放与可重复荟萃分析的报告清单》(Preferred Reporting Items for Open and Reproducible Metaanalysis,PRIOR-MA),并以心理学中的荟萃分析为例,对近五年国内发表的68篇中文荟萃分析的方法和结果部分进行回顾.基于结果,本文建议荟萃分析报告需要在以下方面进一步加强其开放性与透明性:文献搜索的时间及限制、研究筛选和数据收集过程的细节、文章筛选的流程图、效应量转换的细节、单个研究偏倚状况的评估等.本文为开放式荟萃分析提供了一个较为全面的报告清单(PRIOR-MA),为未来荟萃分析研究提供了参考. 展开更多
关键词 荟萃分析 报告规范 可重复性 质量评价 开放式科学
作者 孙芮 张冠宇 +4 位作者 李洁璿 侯晓 冯啸 高峰强 韩磊 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期824-827,共4页
目的:研究采用模拟目击证人辨认范式考察部分线索效应对目击证人队列识别的影响。方法:采用3(线索条件:无线索、场景线索、人物线索)×2(罪犯是否在列:罪犯在列、不在列)混合设计,主要考察不同线索条件对再认正确率的影响。结果:场... 目的:研究采用模拟目击证人辨认范式考察部分线索效应对目击证人队列识别的影响。方法:采用3(线索条件:无线索、场景线索、人物线索)×2(罪犯是否在列:罪犯在列、不在列)混合设计,主要考察不同线索条件对再认正确率的影响。结果:场景线索下面孔再认正确率低于无线索和人物线索条件下的再认正确率,无线索条件下的正确率显著低于人物线索条件下的再认正确率。结论:该研究证明在目击证人辨认中也存在部分线索效应。该结论对场景记忆以及司法指认过程都具有重要的启示和较高的实践价值。 展开更多
关键词 部分线索效应 目击证人辨认 队列识别 场景记忆
Talk in the Second and Foreign Language Classroom: A Review of the Literature 被引量:1
Classroom interaction has long been a rich site for scholarly research,as attested by the sizable body of literature surrounding classroom discourse.This paper reviews three frameworks currently informing studies of L... Classroom interaction has long been a rich site for scholarly research,as attested by the sizable body of literature surrounding classroom discourse.This paper reviews three frameworks currently informing studies of L2and FL classroom talk,with a focus on qualitative analyses of turn-by-turn talk between teachers and students,and amongst students themselves.Findings from studies working within(1)language socialization and sociocultural theory,(2)critical discourse analysis,and(3)conversation analysis are explored,along with the ways in which these frameworks complement and complicate one another.Finally,we briefly consider possible areas of further research and implications for teacher training. 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 学习方法 阅读知识 阅读材料
Effects of Explicit Focus on Form on L2 Acquisition of English Passive Construction
作者 JI-YUNG JUNG ZHAOHONG HAN 《当代外语研究》 2014年第12期18-31,共14页
Intensive research on instructed second language acquisition(ISLA)over the last two decades has,overall,pointed to the usefulness of Focus on Form—a type of pedagogical intervention that engages learnersmetaling ui... Intensive research on instructed second language acquisition(ISLA)over the last two decades has,overall,pointed to the usefulness of Focus on Form—a type of pedagogical intervention that engages learnersmetaling uistic attention in an otherwise meaning-based environment—in fostering learners communicative accuracy. A finer-grained understandin g thereof has yet to be sought,especially vis-à-vis the type of focus on form and the nature of the target construction as potential mitigating variables.This small-scale study attempts to investig ate the effectiveness of exp licit Focus on Form(FonF)in the acquisition of the English passive construction.Two intact,lower-advanced level English-as-a-second-language(ESL)classes of a community English program in the U.S.partici pated in the study,with one serving as an experimental group and the other a control group.The study adopted apretest,posttest,and delayed posttest design and spanned five weeks,including two weeks of treatment wherein the experimental group received eight mini-sessions of C-R and metaling uistic explanation,while the control group continued with their regular instruction.Results indicated that the treatment significantly facilitated the learning of the passive construction. 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 学习方法 阅读知识 阅读材料
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