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浅水湖泊生态系统稳态转换的阈值判定方法 被引量:25
作者 李玉照 刘永 +3 位作者 赵磊 邹锐 王翠榆 郭怀成 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期3280-3290,共11页
浅水湖泊生态系统对人类干扰的反应会随着干扰力度的改变或增强而出现突然的变化,即发生稳态转换;对其机理和驱动机制的揭示将有助于对湖泊富营养化的控制及恢复。基于"多稳态"理论的稳态转换研究已广泛开展,但对浅水湖泊生... 浅水湖泊生态系统对人类干扰的反应会随着干扰力度的改变或增强而出现突然的变化,即发生稳态转换;对其机理和驱动机制的揭示将有助于对湖泊富营养化的控制及恢复。基于"多稳态"理论的稳态转换研究已广泛开展,但对浅水湖泊生态系统稳态转换的驱动机制结论各异,采用的阈值判定方法相差很大,主要有实验观测、模型模拟和统计分析3种。实验观测多关注少数特定指标,指标筛选过程复杂且工作量大;模型模拟虽能从较为全面的尺度上理解生态系统稳态变化的特征和主要机理过程,但在模型误差和不确定性的处理等问题上尚存在不足;统计分析方法基于对长时间序列数据的统计变化规律分析,用以判断或者预警稳态转换现象的发生,是目前最为常用的方法。目前稳态转换领域的研究大都是对已发生的稳态转换进行机制分析或过程反演,对未来预测与预警的问题仍然亟需加强。 展开更多
关键词 浅水湖泊 稳态转换 驱动机制 阈值判定 统计分析
风险显性区间数线性规划模型(REILP)解对约束风险偏好的敏感性与稳健性研究 被引量:2
作者 陈星 邹锐 +2 位作者 刘永 盛虎 郭怀成 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期942-948,共7页
利用数值试验的方法考察了风险显性区间数线性规划(REILP)模型最优解的稳健性问题,即其最优解在决策者对不同约束条件存在偏好的情况下是否一致。数值案例一为基于污染物总量控制的土地利用规划问题,目标是在污染物排放总量符合约束的... 利用数值试验的方法考察了风险显性区间数线性规划(REILP)模型最优解的稳健性问题,即其最优解在决策者对不同约束条件存在偏好的情况下是否一致。数值案例一为基于污染物总量控制的土地利用规划问题,目标是在污染物排放总量符合约束的前提下实现不同农业种植组合的收益最大化;数值案例二为基于污染物总量控制的水资源优化分配问题,目标是在污染物排放总量满足约束的前提下,企业间水资源利用分配所获得的效益最大化。数值试验结果表明,REILP的解在某些情况下呈现稳健性特征,但在另一些情况下则呈现出最优解随着决策者对约束条件偏好的不同而产生变化的特征。REILP模型的这种特点表明,在实际应用中,建模人员需要特别分析最优解对决策者偏好的响应,从而产生有效稳健的决策支持。此外,REILP解对决策者偏好的变异性也使其具备能够在不确定性条件下产生多种替代方案的能力。 展开更多
关键词 稳健性 敏感性 数值模拟 风险显性区间线性规划 风险偏好
基于水分盈亏指数的四川省小麦生育期干旱风险评估 被引量:13
作者 陈东东 紫檀 张玉芳 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期155-163,共9页
利用四川省135个气象台站1961~2014年逐日气象资料和29个农业气象观测站的小麦观测资料,选取水分盈亏指数作为干旱评估指标,分析了54年来四川小麦7大种植区不同生育期的各级干旱时空变化特征及其风险分布情况。结果表明:小麦各生育期发... 利用四川省135个气象台站1961~2014年逐日气象资料和29个农业气象观测站的小麦观测资料,选取水分盈亏指数作为干旱评估指标,分析了54年来四川小麦7大种植区不同生育期的各级干旱时空变化特征及其风险分布情况。结果表明:小麦各生育期发生干旱站均次数以川西南山地最多,其多年平均值达0.9以上,可谓十年九旱。各区干旱站均次数的时间变化趋势不明显。生育阶段以孕穗-抽穗期发生干旱频率较高,其次是拔节-孕穗期,最低的是抽穗-乳熟期。从干旱频率空间分布特征来看,川西南山地是发生轻旱频率最高的地区,川西高原中旱和重旱的发生频率要高于其它各区,盆地各区域中只有盆中和盆西部分区域发生干旱频率相对较高。小麦干旱风险分布情况为川西南山地以及川西高原的南部区域是干旱高风险区,大部分区域可达极重风险,盆地以盆中为干旱风险高发区。 展开更多
关键词 干旱风险评估 小麦生育期 水分盈亏指数 干旱区域
流域污染负荷-水质响应的时空数值源解析方法研究 被引量:13
作者 邹锐 苏晗 +3 位作者 陈岩 叶瑞 赵磊 刘永 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期3639-3649,共11页
以目前广泛应用的环境流体动力学模型EFDC为平台,构建时空数值源解析方法,理论上可以得到任意时刻任意空间点位污染物的来源构成.其原理是考虑水质模型的微分方程,直接对每个污染负荷再微分,从而将原来1个微分方程变为关于每个污染源的... 以目前广泛应用的环境流体动力学模型EFDC为平台,构建时空数值源解析方法,理论上可以得到任意时刻任意空间点位污染物的来源构成.其原理是考虑水质模型的微分方程,直接对每个污染负荷再微分,从而将原来1个微分方程变为关于每个污染源的微分方程组,然后联立以EFDC的水动力模型求解,得到每个源对每个时空点的贡献.概化的抚仙湖模型作为数值案例用以验证方法.时空数值源解析的结果与传统扰动方法的结果几乎重合,验证了时空数值源解析方法的正确性.另一方面,数值案例中存在34个独立的污染源,扰动法则需要35次模拟,而时空数值源解析方法的结果通过单次模拟就可得到,说明时空数值源解析方法具有明显的计算效率优势.而通过对结果的进一步分析可以发现,时空数值源解析方法可以提供更精确的源贡献的动态描述. 展开更多
关键词 数值源解析 EFDC 水质响应 污染负荷削减 时空分辨率
基于水质目标的异龙湖流域精准治污决策研究 被引量:9
作者 邹锐 苏晗 +3 位作者 余艳红 王俊松 叶瑞 刘永 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期426-434,共9页
提出面向湖泊水质的工程设计规划方法(即精准治污)。流域精准治污决策建立在以三维水动力–水质模型为核心的时空数值源解析技术基础上,定量地表达工程措施与水质响应之间的因果关系。以处于重度富营养化的云南异龙湖为例,针对其短期治... 提出面向湖泊水质的工程设计规划方法(即精准治污)。流域精准治污决策建立在以三维水动力–水质模型为核心的时空数值源解析技术基础上,定量地表达工程措施与水质响应之间的因果关系。以处于重度富营养化的云南异龙湖为例,针对其短期治理决策问题进行精准治污决策分析。结果显示,就异龙湖中任一点的水质而言,在不同的补水情景下,城河及城北河子流域都是重要的负荷输出源。如果要使湖中和湖东站点水质达标,需要更全面地考虑各个子流域的污染源控制。当无补水时,即使大幅度削减污染负荷,也很难保证水质达标。在补水2000万m3及3500万m3情景下,补水对湖内3个监测站点的水质改善都比较明显。最后,在宏观层面上确定不同子流域重点污染控制工程类型,并在微观层面上,结合特定污染治理工程,探讨在流域精准治污体系下如何开展局地的工程评估。 展开更多
关键词 精准治污 数值源解析 三维水动力–水质模型 异龙湖
湖泊营养盐通量平衡的三维数值模拟 被引量:15
作者 邹锐 吴桢 +3 位作者 赵磊 陈异晖 余艳红 刘永 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期819-826,共8页
湖泊氮、磷通量是表征湖泊营养状态的重要指标,也是探究湖泊富营养化机制的重要途径.通过氮、磷通量的计算和质量平衡关系的分析,可以识别出在湖泊富营养化过程中起关键作用的过程.以三维水动力-水质模型为计算平台,模拟湖泊水动力、水... 湖泊氮、磷通量是表征湖泊营养状态的重要指标,也是探究湖泊富营养化机制的重要途径.通过氮、磷通量的计算和质量平衡关系的分析,可以识别出在湖泊富营养化过程中起关键作用的过程.以三维水动力-水质模型为计算平台,模拟湖泊水动力、水质的动态过程,并以模拟结果为基础核算湖泊氮、磷循环通量及其在氮、磷循环整体中的贡献,识别湖泊氮、磷循环关键源汇过程的变化规律.滇池是我国富营养化湖泊的代表,同时其半封闭特性为营养物质循环提供了更为稳定的环境,以滇池为案例,基于前期校正和验证过的滇池水动力-水质模型来分析循环通量计算方法的适用性.结果发现,研究年度内滇池外海总氮的年总输入量(包括外源和内源)为7620.92 t,总输出量(包括出流、反硝化和沉降)为7637.31 t;总磷的年总输入量为(包括外源和内源)450.23 t,总输出量(包括出流和沉降)为429.57 t,其中陆域输入是最主要的氮、磷输入途径,而反硝化和沉降则是主要的输出过程.相较于传统的质量平衡方法,通过三维模型计算所得的营养盐通量平衡结果能更好地揭示湖体内所发生的氮、磷转化过程. 展开更多
关键词 营养盐 通量 质量平衡 三维模型 滇池
抚仙湖流域负荷削减的水质风险分析 被引量:9
作者 邹锐 张晓玲 +4 位作者 刘永 赵磊 朱翔 颜小品 阳平坚 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期1721-1727,共7页
以抚仙湖为研究对象,基于三维水动力-水质模型EFDC平台,开发了EFDC-神经网络(NN)耦合模型;并选用30d移动平均值为解译方式核算抚仙湖在不同风险下的流域负荷削减(TMDL).结果表明,对于100%的达标频度,为了达到I类水质,TP允许增加14%~18%... 以抚仙湖为研究对象,基于三维水动力-水质模型EFDC平台,开发了EFDC-神经网络(NN)耦合模型;并选用30d移动平均值为解译方式核算抚仙湖在不同风险下的流域负荷削减(TMDL).结果表明,对于100%的达标频度,为了达到I类水质,TP允许增加14%~18%,COD允许增加9%~11%,但TN需要削减13%~14%.如果放松对达标频度的要求,污染负荷将允许相应地增加.研究结果可为流域管理依据不同的风险与管理费用偏好实施流域削减提供基础. 展开更多
关键词 三维水动力-水质模型 人工神经网络 风险 负荷削减
程海富营养化机理的神经网络模拟及响应情景分析 被引量:6
作者 邹锐 董云仙 +3 位作者 张祯祯 朱翔 贺彬 刘永 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期448-456,共9页
揭示湖泊的富营养化发生机制、定量了解关键生源要素与藻类爆发的因果关联对有效改善湖泊水质和富营养化状况具有重要的科学与决策意义。以云南省程海为例,建立了基于神经网络的响应模型,对富营养化机理进行了研究,并从富营养化核心驱... 揭示湖泊的富营养化发生机制、定量了解关键生源要素与藻类爆发的因果关联对有效改善湖泊水质和富营养化状况具有重要的科学与决策意义。以云南省程海为例,建立了基于神经网络的响应模型,对富营养化机理进行了研究,并从富营养化核心驱动因子识别、神经网络模型构建与架构分析以及叶绿素a(Chl a)与TN、TP浓度降低的响应模拟几个方面对面临的科学问题进行探索。模拟结果表明,神经网络模型必须在适当的架构下才能产生科学合理的结果;程海的富营养化机制由一个氮(N)、磷(P)共限制的营养盐-藻类动力结构主导,但在此主导结构下拥有氮型限制的次级结构。基于神经网络模型模拟,推导出一系列基于湖体水质控制的Chl a响应的非线性函数,为程海的富营养化控制提供了快速决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 神经网络模型 富营养化 模拟 程海 情景分析
智能流域管理的关键问题与模型技术 被引量:1
作者 邹锐 刘永 +1 位作者 颜小品 郭怀成 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期868-874,共7页
在总结流域问题现状及流域管理决策需求的基础上,基于仿生学原理,类比人的思维特征和决策过程,提出了包括流域信息获取、输入-输出因果关联模拟以及优化决策等步骤在内的智能流域管理模式,并对比分析了智能流域管理和传统流域管理的差... 在总结流域问题现状及流域管理决策需求的基础上,基于仿生学原理,类比人的思维特征和决策过程,提出了包括流域信息获取、输入-输出因果关联模拟以及优化决策等步骤在内的智能流域管理模式,并对比分析了智能流域管理和传统流域管理的差异性。提出了智能流域管理的4个关键问题:管理目标的确定、基于智能因子关联与流动的模型开发与信息获取、非线性响应特征与流域决策模型的计算需求、流域系统的不确定性与决策适应性演化,构建了智能流域管理的模型框架,并通过案例展示了模型框架中的重要进展与预期决策支撑作用。 展开更多
关键词 智能流域管理 决策 模拟-优化 不确定性
基于EFDC模型的深圳水库富营养化模拟 被引量:29
作者 唐天均 杨晟 +1 位作者 尹魁浩 邹锐 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期393-400,共8页
基于EFDC模型构建了深圳水库三维水动力和富营养化定量模拟模型.分别用2009年和2010 2011年流量、水位和水质等观测数据对模型进行了校正和验证,准确地反映了深圳水库的水动力和水质变化过程.在此基础上,假定支流污染截排、水库调度和... 基于EFDC模型构建了深圳水库三维水动力和富营养化定量模拟模型.分别用2009年和2010 2011年流量、水位和水质等观测数据对模型进行了校正和验证,准确地反映了深圳水库的水动力和水质变化过程.在此基础上,假定支流污染截排、水库调度和降低东江引水污染负荷3种情景进行深圳水库富营养化数值模拟,3种情景下库中Chl.a峰值浓度分别降低1.0%、16.4%和46.3%,平均浓度分别降低1.3%、29.8%和29.9%.深圳水库具有良好的交换能力,尚未出现水华暴发,但入库营养盐负荷高,存在较大的富营养化风险;在目前沙湾河污水已经截排的基础上再实施支流污染控制,对水质改善和藻类控制作用已不明显;水库调度和削减东江引水污染负荷对深圳水库水质和富营养化改善明显,能够有效降低水华发生的风险. 展开更多
关键词 水动力 水质 富营养化 深圳水库 EFDC模型
实时控制系统提升调蓄池处理能力的模拟研究 被引量:5
作者 钟晔 紫檀 甄晓玥 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期144-150,共7页
为了评估智能实时控制系统对初雨调蓄池工程运行效率的提升效果,指导相关工程设计,构建了由SWMM与SUSTAIN组成的模型系统,并使用天津市2001至2010年间历史降雨数据模拟分析了使用智能实时控制系统前后,雨水调蓄池的运行状态和削减雨水... 为了评估智能实时控制系统对初雨调蓄池工程运行效率的提升效果,指导相关工程设计,构建了由SWMM与SUSTAIN组成的模型系统,并使用天津市2001至2010年间历史降雨数据模拟分析了使用智能实时控制系统前后,雨水调蓄池的运行状态和削减雨水径流污染的情况。通过分析降雨过程中调蓄池体的运行状态,得出智能实时控制系统通过"及时腾出库容"和"置换"两个机制提升雨水调蓄池使用效率。在实时控制管理模式下,调蓄池在降雨到来前提前进行了排水,这样调蓄池有更大的可用空间以处理更多的初期雨水径流;同时,由于污染物浓度较高的初期雨水径流进入调蓄池,池内水体SS浓度处于较高水平,调蓄池自身沉淀作用和磁絮凝设备的去除效率也得到了提升。 展开更多
关键词 海绵城市 城市雨水径流污染 实时控制
Flammability risk assessment for oil spill response operations 被引量:1
作者 Aurelien Hospital Travis Miguez James Stronach 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第9期113-119,共7页
Immediately following a spill at sea, released oil ranging from diesel to light crude and diluted bitumen, will initially weather through evaporation, resulting in an elevated concentration of light hydrocarbons in th... Immediately following a spill at sea, released oil ranging from diesel to light crude and diluted bitumen, will initially weather through evaporation, resulting in an elevated concentration of light hydrocarbons in the air. As part of oil spill response operations, first responders use hand-held devices to monitor airborne concent- rations when approaching a spill. The feasibility of using numerical modelling as an additional tool to assess potential flammability and plan response operations in the spill area was explored in this study. The Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) is defined as the minimum concentration of a gas in air, in this case a mixture of evaporated hydrocarbons, which can produce a flash fire in the presence of an ignition source. This ignition source could be triggered by the vessel itself or by spill response operations. A framework was put into place, utilizing a three- dimensional hydrodynamic model (H3D), an oil spill model (SPILLCALC), and an air dispersion model (CALPUFF) to assess the risk of possible ignition of the hydrocarbon vapour in the event of a spill. The study looked at a hypothetical credible worst case tanker spill (16 500 m3) of diluted bitumen (cold lake winter blend) occurring at Arachne Reef in Haro Strait, British Columbia, Canada. SPILLCALC provided one-minute averaged vapour fluxes from the water surface for each of 17 modelled pseudo-components which were used as inputs to CALPUFF. Using the predicted airborne concentrations of each pseudo-component, time-scaled to one-second averages, the flammability potential in the immediate spill area was determined at each grid point using Le Chatelier’s mixing equation. The approach describe here was developed as a proof of concept, and could be established as a real-time system, bringing valuable information in addition to hand-held devices during a spill response, or during a response exercise. This modelling study was conducted as part of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project. There are a number of commercially available oil spill models but few if any are equipped with the ability to model air dispersion and forecast hazardous conditions as discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 OIL SPILL response operations MODELLING Salish SEA
Multi-Objective Optimization of Low Impact Development Designs in an Urbanizing Watershed 被引量:1
作者 Guoshun Zhang James M. Hamlett +1 位作者 Patrick Reed Yong Tang 《Open Journal of Optimization》 2013年第4期95-108,共14页
Multi-objective optimization linked with an urban stormwater model is used in this study to identify cost-effective low impact development (LID) implementation designs for small urbanizing watersheds. The epsilon-Non-... Multi-objective optimization linked with an urban stormwater model is used in this study to identify cost-effective low impact development (LID) implementation designs for small urbanizing watersheds. The epsilon-Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (ε-NSGAII) has been coupled with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) to balance the costs and the hydrologic benefits of candidate LID solutions. Our objective in this study is to identify the near-optimal tradeoff between the total LID costs and the total watershed runoff volume constrained by pre-development peak flow rates. This study contributes a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits associated with the use of green roofs, porous pavement, and bioretention basins within a small urbanizing watershed inState College,Pennsylvania. Beyond multi-objective analysis, this paper also contributes improved SWMM representations of LID alternatives and demonstrates their usefulness for screening alternative site layouts for LID technologies. 展开更多
关键词 MULTI-OBJECTIVE Optimization ε-NSGAII Low Impact Development SWMM STORMWATER
Use of centrifugal-gravity concentration for rejection of talc and recovery improvement in base-metal flotation 被引量:1
作者 Bern Klein Naci Emre Altun Hassan Ghaffari 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期859-867,共9页
The possibility of using a centrifugal-gravity concentrator to reject Mg-bearing minerals and minimize metal losses in the flotation of base metals was evaluated. Sample characterization, batch scoping tests, pilot-sc... The possibility of using a centrifugal-gravity concentrator to reject Mg-bearing minerals and minimize metal losses in the flotation of base metals was evaluated. Sample characterization, batch scoping tests, pilot-scale tests, and regrind-flotation tests were conducted on a Ni flotation tailings stream. Batch tests revealed that the Mg grade decreased dramatically in the concentrate products. Pilot-scale testing of a continuous centrifugal concentrator(Knelson CVD6) on the flotation tailings revealed that a concentrate with a low mass yield, low Mg content, and high Ni upgrade ratio could be achieved. Under optimum conditions, a concentrate at 6.7% mass yield was obtained with 0.85% Ni grade at 12.9% Ni recovery and with a low Mg distribution(1.7%). Size partition curves demonstrated that the CVD also operated as a size classifier, enhancing the rejection of talc fines. Overall, the CVD was capable of rejecting Mg-bearing minerals. Moreover, an opportunity exists for the novel use of centrifugal-gravity concentration for scavenging flotation tailings and/or after comminution to minimize amount of Mg-bearing minerals reporting to flotation. 展开更多
关键词 flotation base metals talc centrifugation gravity concentrators
汞污染渔业的恢复 被引量:2
作者 John Munthe R. A. (Drew) Bodaly +7 位作者 Brian A. Branfireun Charles T. Driscoll Cynthia C. Gilmour Reed Harris Milena Horvat Marc Lucotte Olaf Malm 林宝法(译) 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2007年第1期31-41,114,共11页
本文中,我们综合了有关生态系统无机汞(Hg)载荷变化与鱼体内甲基汞(MeHg)浓度之间联系的现有信息。尽管人们普遍假定水生生态系统汞载荷的增加导致鱼体内甲基汞浓度的增加,验证这一假定的定量数据尚很有限。这里,我们研究了源于一系列... 本文中,我们综合了有关生态系统无机汞(Hg)载荷变化与鱼体内甲基汞(MeHg)浓度之间联系的现有信息。尽管人们普遍假定水生生态系统汞载荷的增加导致鱼体内甲基汞浓度的增加,验证这一假定的定量数据尚很有限。这里,我们研究了源于一系列出处的现有证据:关于被工业排放物污染的生态系统的研究;关于鱼类甲基汞对大气载荷的响应的观测资料;跨越空间和环境梯度的研究以及实验操作。本文概述了目前对从汞载荷到鱼体甲基汞的运输和转化所涉及的主要过程的了解情况。还结合影响与鱼体内甲基汞响应的时机和大小有关的汞循环和生物积累的其他因素探讨了汞载荷的作用。所得出的主要结论是,汞载荷的变化(增加或减少)将引起鱼体内甲基汞的反应,这种反应的时间和大小将根据生态系统特有的变量和所添加的汞的形态而变化。 展开更多
关键词 汞污染 水生生态系统 载荷变化 渔业 甲基汞 工业排放物 观测资料 实验操作
Uncertainty Analysis of Wind-Wave Predictions in Lake Michigan
作者 Navid NEKOUEE Behzad ATAIE-ASHTIANI Sajad Ahmad HAMIDI 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第5期811-820,共10页
With all the improvement in wave and hydrodynamics numerical models, the question rises in our mind that how the accuracy of the forcing functions and their input can affect the results. In this paper, a commonly used... With all the improvement in wave and hydrodynamics numerical models, the question rises in our mind that how the accuracy of the forcing functions and their input can affect the results. In this paper, a commonly used numerical third-generation wave model, SWAN is applied to predict waves in Lake Michigan. Wind data are analyzed to determine wind variation frequency over Lake Michigan. Wave predictions uncertainty due to wind local effects are compared during a period where wind has a fairly constant speed and direction over the northern and southern basins. The study shows that despite model calibration in Lake Michigan area, the model deficiency arises from ignoring wind effects in small scales. Wave prediction also emphasizes that small scale turbulence in meteorological forces can increase prediction errors by 38%. Wave frequency and coherence analysis show that both models can predict the wave variation time scale with the same accuracy. Insufficient number of meteorological stations can result in neglecting local wind effects and discrepancies in current predictions. The uncertainty of wave numerical models due to input uncertainties and model principals should be taken into account for design risk factors. 展开更多
关键词 WAVE lake Michigan wind forcing UNCERTAINTY wave prediction
GWAM—An Institutional Model to Address Watershed Impacts from Urbanization: Field Validation
作者 Thambirajah Saravanapavan Eiji Yamaji 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2018年第9期906-918,共13页
With the realization of the limitations to top-down and bottom-up watershed management approaches in addressing issues associated with urbanization, a conceptual framework for a hybrid approach that tries to effective... With the realization of the limitations to top-down and bottom-up watershed management approaches in addressing issues associated with urbanization, a conceptual framework for a hybrid approach that tries to effectively integrate the advantages of the two approaches while overcoming their respective limitations, grass root watershed management model (GWAM), was proposed and presented. This paper presents the details of implementation and validation of GWAM at Shawsheen River watershed in Massachusetts, USA. An investigation on the major components of GWAM, a common platform to conduct the management, a partnership of two major stakeholder groups from government and non-governmental organizations, and a facilitation mechanisms were carried out in detail to gain the needed understanding on structure, process and function of a successful GWAM. Also the decision making process in addressing three major urban watershed issues;flooding, habitat and aquatic life impairment, and bacterial impairment, were examined through a set of cyclic steps. Based on the lessons learned, GWAM was enhanced as a general hybrid model. The most important challenge in sustaining GWAM was to keep differently motivated stakeholders together. As revealed in the Shawsheen watershed, science should play a key role in keeping differently motivated stakeholders together by providing needed facts, understandings, data, and knowledge. When scientifically sound solutions are vetted through a process of public involvement that supports appropriate regulatory actions, the most effective environmental decisions can be made. 展开更多
GWAM—An Institutional Model to Address Watershed Impacts from Urbanization: Conceptual Framework
作者 Thambirajah Saravanapavan Eiji Yamaji 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2018年第9期896-905,共10页
The urbanization process exerts negative multidisciplinary impacts on the integrity of natural watershed conditions. These impacts are best analyzed and addressed with local inputs, as many of these are site specific ... The urbanization process exerts negative multidisciplinary impacts on the integrity of natural watershed conditions. These impacts are best analyzed and addressed with local inputs, as many of these are site specific and require consistent local monitoring along with appropriate policies and regulations from conventional governance in an interdisciplinary platform. With the realization of the limitations to top-down and bottom-up watershed management approaches in addressing issues associated with urbanization, a conceptual framework for a hybrid approach that tries to effectively integrate the advantages of the two approaches while overcoming their respective limitations, the Grass root Watershed Management model (GWAM), is presented in this paper. The model is to establish a self-sustaining and effective institutional forum that can be used in watersheds across geographical and political boundaries while accommodating the urbanization process. GWAM consists of three crucial components: a common platform, a partnership among major groups of stakeholders, and a facilitation mechanism to conduct the watershed management at local lever or grass-root level. With effective integration of the governmental agencies and institutes at the top with the local residents and non-governmental organizations at the bottom, the concept is that the hybrid approach can serve as a self-sustaining model in achieving effective management of urbanization impacts. 展开更多
The Public Water Supply Protection Value of Forests: A Watershed-Scale Ecosystem Services Analysis Based upon Total Organic Carbon
作者 Emile Elias David Laband +3 位作者 Mark Dougherty Graeme Lockaby Puneet Srivastava Hugo Rodriguez 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2014年第9期517-531,共15页
We developed a cost-based methodology to assess the value of forested watersheds to improve water quality in public water supplies. The developed methodology is applicable to other source watersheds to determine ecosy... We developed a cost-based methodology to assess the value of forested watersheds to improve water quality in public water supplies. The developed methodology is applicable to other source watersheds to determine ecosystem services for water quality. We assess the value of forest land for source water mitigation of total organic carbon (TOC) through the use of linked watershed and reservoir simulation models and cost-based valuation economics. Watershed modeling results indicated that expected urbanization will increase TOC loads to Converse Reservoir (Mobile, AL). Reservoir model results indicated that future median TOC concentrations increased by 1.1 mg·L-1 between 1992 and 2020 at the source water intake. Depending upon dynamic reservoir TOC concentrations, additional drinking water treatment with powdered activated carbon (PAC) often is necessary between May and October to comply with Safe Drinking Water Act regulations. The cost for additional treatment was calculated using minimum and maximum volume treated with simulated TOC concentrations at the source water intake. Daily simulated TOC concentrations for the base scenario using 1992 land cover (3% urban) were compared with simulated TOC concentrations following forest to urban land conversion predicted in the watershed by 2020 (22% urban). The daily cost for additional drinking water treatment with PAC was calculated if simulated TOC concentrations exceeded 2.7 mg·L-1. The mean increase in daily treatment costs between base and future scenarios ranged from $91 to $95 per km2 per day for forest land water purification ecosystem services. 展开更多
关键词 ECOSYSTEM Services WATER Quality DRINKING WATER Treatment URBANIZATION Land Use Change
China's Sponge City construction: A discussion on technical approaches 被引量:15
作者 Haifeng Jia Zheng Wang +2 位作者 Xiaoyue Zhen Mike Clar Shaw L. Yu 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第4期39-49,共11页
Since 2014, China has been implementing the Sponge City Construction initiative, which represents an enormous and unprecedented effort by any government in the world for achieving urban sustainability. According to pr... Since 2014, China has been implementing the Sponge City Construction initiative, which represents an enormous and unprecedented effort by any government in the world for achieving urban sustainability. According to preliminary estimates, the total investment on the Sponge City Plan is roughly 100 to 150 million Yuan (RMB) ($15 to $22.5 million) average per square kilometer or 10 Trillion Yuan (RMB) ($1.5 Trillion) for the 657 cities nationwide. The Sponge City Plan (SCP) calls for the use of natural processes such as soil and vegetation as part of the urban runoff control strategy, which is similar to that of low impact development (LID) and green infrastructure (G1) practices being promoted in many parts of the world. The SCP includes as its goals not only effective urban flood control, but also rainwater harvest, water quality improvement and ecological restoration. So far, the SCP implementation has encountered-some barriers and challenges due to many factors. The present paper presents a review of those barriers and challenges, oftizrs discussions and recommendations on several technical aspects such as control goals and objectives; planning/design and construction of LID/GI practices; performance evaluation. Several key recommendations are proposed on Sponge City implementation strategy, Site-specific regulatory fi'amework and technical gmdance, Product innovation and certification, LID/GI Project financing, LID/G1 profcssional training and certification, public outreach and education. It is expected that the successful implemen!atiun of the. SCP not only will bring about a sustainable, eco-friendly urbanization process in China, but also contribute enormously to the LID/Gl research and development with the vast amount of relevant data and experiences generated from the Sponge City construction projects. 展开更多
关键词 Low impact development Green infrastructure (GI) Sponge City Barriers Construction strategies
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