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13年无损工事故 UPM常熟纸厂如何练就供应链安全金钟罩?
作者 《中华纸业》 CAS 2022年第3期62-63,共2页
安全,企业的重中之重。UPM常熟纸厂作为服务全球的工厂,安全管理的挑战更为繁复而艰难。从2008年起,UPM常熟纸厂供应链已经连续13年实现了安全无损工事故的卓越成绩。我们特别采访了常熟纸厂供应链的成品储运日班主管吴黎明,为我们介绍... 安全,企业的重中之重。UPM常熟纸厂作为服务全球的工厂,安全管理的挑战更为繁复而艰难。从2008年起,UPM常熟纸厂供应链已经连续13年实现了安全无损工事故的卓越成绩。我们特别采访了常熟纸厂供应链的成品储运日班主管吴黎明,为我们介绍UPM是如何做到十几年如一日地保证安全生产。 展开更多
关键词 供应链 UPM 常熟 无损 纸厂 事故
作者 马源源 《今日印刷》 2010年第5期80-81,共2页
关键词 自然资源 森林管理 保护自然 UPM 企业 时尚杂志 复杂过程 环保问题
作者 马源源 《中国印刷》 2011年第6期40-41,共2页
关键词 绿色造纸 环保 UPM 生产企业 经营管理理念 销售网络 经营模式 复印纸
《印刷杂志》 2017年第1期79-79,共1页
UPM芬欧汇川首次亮相日本Eco-Pro环境与能源的未来展。UPM重点展示了高科技环保创新产品和企业社会责任方面的努力,携旗下印刷用纸、复印纸、标签材料及锯木产品参展,并通过展示板介绍了领先行业的生物柴油Bio Verno和UPM概念车等高科... UPM芬欧汇川首次亮相日本Eco-Pro环境与能源的未来展。UPM重点展示了高科技环保创新产品和企业社会责任方面的努力,携旗下印刷用纸、复印纸、标签材料及锯木产品参展,并通过展示板介绍了领先行业的生物柴油Bio Verno和UPM概念车等高科技环保创新产品,体现UPM以生态设计理念将产品整个生命周期内对环境的影响降到最低。 展开更多
关键词 UPM 创新产品 企业社会责任 印刷用纸 生物柴油 生命周期 设计理念 高科技
作者 马源源 《印刷世界》 2010年第4期20-21,共2页
当我们随手拿起一张纸,或翻看各种时尚杂志和报纸时,很少会想到纸是从哪里来的,很少会想到制造纸张的复杂过程,也很少会想到和纸有关的种种环保问题。自从造纸术发明以来,千百年来,造纸的原理几乎没有发生根本的变化,就是把纤维... 当我们随手拿起一张纸,或翻看各种时尚杂志和报纸时,很少会想到纸是从哪里来的,很少会想到制造纸张的复杂过程,也很少会想到和纸有关的种种环保问题。自从造纸术发明以来,千百年来,造纸的原理几乎没有发生根本的变化,就是把纤维从树木或其它植物中剥离出来,并均匀交织,再把水份脱干。 展开更多
关键词 森林管理 UPM 时尚杂志 复杂过程 环保问题 造纸术 纸张 和纸
《印刷杂志》 2016年第12期73-73,共1页
芬欧汇川UPM对其中文网站进行升级改版,改版后的网站于11月1日起正式上线。UPM新版中文网站推出更多元的平台符合不同用户的需求,同时以更直观的网站导览架构与更加高效透明的内容呈现方式,让用户在浏览网站时能更快速地获取相关信息。... 芬欧汇川UPM对其中文网站进行升级改版,改版后的网站于11月1日起正式上线。UPM新版中文网站推出更多元的平台符合不同用户的需求,同时以更直观的网站导览架构与更加高效透明的内容呈现方式,让用户在浏览网站时能更快速地获取相关信息。UPM新版的中文网站通过优化网站导航栏结构,提高信息相关性和沟通效率。 展开更多
关键词 中文网站 UPM 改版 相关信息 导航栏 用户 架构 浏览
《印刷杂志》 2016年第11期77-77,共1页
自10月1日起,UPM亚洲纸业将更名为UPM特种纸纸业。UPM特种纸纸业在标签材料占据全球市场领导地位,专注于高品质离型底纸、标签面纸和柔性包装纸。文化用纸仍将是亚洲业务组合中不可或缺的组成部分。该业务领域在芬兰和中国拥有强大的市... 自10月1日起,UPM亚洲纸业将更名为UPM特种纸纸业。UPM特种纸纸业在标签材料占据全球市场领导地位,专注于高品质离型底纸、标签面纸和柔性包装纸。文化用纸仍将是亚洲业务组合中不可或缺的组成部分。该业务领域在芬兰和中国拥有强大的市场地位、富有竞争力的产品和世界一流的资产。 展开更多
关键词 UPM 特种纸 纸业 亚洲 业务组合 全球市场 组成部分 文化用纸
UPM和可持续森林管理 “一个完全依赖自然资源的企业,一定要更加保护自然”
作者 马源源 《印刷杂志》 2010年第4期79-80,共2页
"造纸是一个非常依托自然资源的工业,"UPM总裁兼首席执行官Jussi Pesonen说,"一个完全依赖自然资源的企业,一定要更加保护自然。"在百年的经营中,UPM(芬欧汇川集团)也确实是这样探索和实践着。
关键词 自然资源 保护自然 UPM 森林管理 企业 首席执行官 总裁
作者 马源源 《印刷经理人》 2010年第4期83-83,共1页
UPM(芬欧汇川集团)是芬兰最大,也是世界最大的造纸企业之一,拥有上百年的发展历史,1996年被列入《世界遗产目录》的韦尔拉磨木和纸板厂(Verla Ground—wood and Board Mill)就隶属于UPM。作为专业从事森林工业的现代化企业,UPM... UPM(芬欧汇川集团)是芬兰最大,也是世界最大的造纸企业之一,拥有上百年的发展历史,1996年被列入《世界遗产目录》的韦尔拉磨木和纸板厂(Verla Ground—wood and Board Mill)就隶属于UPM。作为专业从事森林工业的现代化企业,UPM在14个国家建有生产企业,芬欧汇川(常熟)纸业有限公司建立于上世纪90年代,现在年产能达N80万吨,主要生产印刷用纸和办公用纸。 展开更多
关键词 森林工业 UPM 可持续管理 芬欧汇川(常熟)纸业有限公司 世界遗产 现代化企业 造纸企业 发展历史
《印刷杂志》 2017年第5期79-79,共1页
关键词 研发中心 UPM 亚洲 创新 研发机构 M集
《印刷杂志》 2017年第4期79-79,共1页
关键词 设计师 茶馆 上海 赫尔辛基 生物材料 UPM
《印刷世界》 2009年第11期12-12,共1页
2009年8月,UPM与SGS最终签订了对于集团FSC和PEFCCoC全球多地点统一认证协议,根据协议,UPM的所有纸浆和纸类产品的原产地都将纳入统一的全球系统以获得保证。对于UPM的客户来说,新的多地点认证意味着集团又朝着通过简单、标准化的... 2009年8月,UPM与SGS最终签订了对于集团FSC和PEFCCoC全球多地点统一认证协议,根据协议,UPM的所有纸浆和纸类产品的原产地都将纳入统一的全球系统以获得保证。对于UPM的客户来说,新的多地点认证意味着集团又朝着通过简单、标准化的方式确保UPM产品的产地迈进了一大步。与全球领先的检查、验证、测试和认证公司SGS签订协议之后,该公司的多地点认证确保了UPM的纸浆和纸类产品所用的纤维100%出自以负责任的方式管理的森林。这份统一的协议让UPM在全球范围内的运作都纳入到了FSC和PEFC这两条监管链认证之下。 展开更多
关键词 认证协议 木材纤维 UPM SGS 原产地 地点 全球系统 PEFC
《印刷杂志》 2016年第10期78-78,共1页
关键词 可持续发展 造纸行业 UPM 领袖 欧洲
《印刷杂志》 2017年第7期78-78,共1页
关键词 战略合作伙伴关系 FSC UPM 管理委员会 合作协议
UPM践行五大发展理念 引领造纸行业转型升级
《印刷杂志》 2016年第10期71-71,共1页
关键词 造纸行业 大发 UPM
高校恢复性环境景观设计研究——以西南林业大学白龙校区一号门为例 被引量:1
作者 王婷慧 王艳 +1 位作者 马璐璐 赵晓翠 《中外建筑》 2024年第4期89-93,共5页
基于恢复性环境理论的高校景观设计研究,优化高校景观空间的质量,对师生身心恢复性具有现实意义。通过实地调研、访谈问询的研究方法,充分了解人群在场地内的需求,并从生态可持续的恢复性设计、活动参与性的恢复性设计、景观色彩及审美... 基于恢复性环境理论的高校景观设计研究,优化高校景观空间的质量,对师生身心恢复性具有现实意义。通过实地调研、访谈问询的研究方法,充分了解人群在场地内的需求,并从生态可持续的恢复性设计、活动参与性的恢复性设计、景观色彩及审美的恢复性设计三方面入手提升高校校园的恢复性体验,以达到引导个体行为、舒解压力、恢复定向注意力的目的。该设计研究为其他学者建立更加完善的高校校园恢复性环境理论体系和设计模型提供借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 高校 校园 恢复性环境 景观空间
Occurrence of K1 and K2 serotypes and genotypic characteristics of extended spectrumβ-lactamases-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from selected hospitals in Malaysia
作者 Nurul Syazrah Anuar Hazmin Hazman +5 位作者 Sharven Raj Jeyakumar Mohd Nasir Mohd Desa Hasni Idayu Saidi Siti Norbaya Masri Nur Afiza Aziz Nurshahira Sulaiman 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2024年第1期30-38,共9页
Objective:To determine the distribution,phenotypic and genetic background of extended spectrumβ-lactamases(ESBL)-producing Klebsiella(K.)pneumoniae clinical isolates associated with K1 and K2 serotypes in two selecte... Objective:To determine the distribution,phenotypic and genetic background of extended spectrumβ-lactamases(ESBL)-producing Klebsiella(K.)pneumoniae clinical isolates associated with K1 and K2 serotypes in two selected hospitals in Malaysia.Methods:A total of 192 K.pneumoniae isolates were collected and subjected to antibiotic susceptibility,hypermucoviscosity test and multiplex PCR to detect the presence of K1-and K2-serotype associated genes.Multilocus sequence typing(MLST)was performed on ESBL-producing K.pneumoniae isolates presented with K1 and K2 serotypes,followed by phylogenetic analysis.Results:A total of 87 out of 192(45.3%)of the K.pneumoniae isolates collected were ESBL producers.However,only 8.3%(16/192)and 10.9%(21/192)of the total isolates were detected to carry K1-and K2-serotype associated genes,respectively.Statistical analysis showed that K1 and K2 capsular serotypes were not significantly associated with ESBL phenotype(P=0.196).However,they were significantly associated with hypervirulent,as demonstrated by the positive string test(P<0.001).MLST analysis revealed that ST23 as the predominant sequence type(ST)in the K1 serotype,while the ST in the K2 serotype is more diverse.Conclusions:Although the occurrence of ESBL-producing isolates among the hypervirulent strains was low,their coexistence warrants the need for continuous surveillance.MLST showed that these isolates were genetically heterogeneous. 展开更多
关键词 Extended spectrumβ-lactamases Klebsiella pneumoniae Capsular serotypes GENOTYPIC
Extracellular vesicles-coupled miRNAs from oviduct and uterus modulate signaling pathways related to lipid metabolism and bovine early embryo development
作者 Rosane Mazzarella Karina Canon‑Beltran +5 位作者 Yulia N.Cajas Meriem Hamdi Encina M.Gonzalez Juliano C.da Silveira Claudia L.V.Leal D.Rizos 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期1528-1549,共22页
Background Extracellular vesicles(EVs) present in oviductal(OF) and uterine fluid(UF) have been shown to enhance bovine embryo quality during in vitro culture by reducing lipid contents and modulating lipid metabolism... Background Extracellular vesicles(EVs) present in oviductal(OF) and uterine fluid(UF) have been shown to enhance bovine embryo quality during in vitro culture by reducing lipid contents and modulating lipid metabolism-related genes(LMGs), while also influencing cell proliferation, suggesting their involvement on the regulation of different biological pathways. The regulation of signaling pathways related to cell differentiation, proliferation, and metabo-lism is crucial for early embryo development and can determine the success or failure of the pregnancy. Bioactive molecules within EVs in maternal reproductive fluids, such as micro RNAs(miRNAs), may contribute to this regulatory process as they modulate gene expression through post-transcriptional mechanisms.Results This study evaluated miRNA cargo in OF-EVs from the early luteal phase and UF-EVs from the mid-luteal phase, coinciding with embryo transit within oviduct and uterus in vivo, and its possible influence on LMGs and sign-aling pathways crucial for early embryo development. A total of 333 miRNAs were detected, with 11 exclusive to OF, 59 to UF, and 263 were common between both groups. From the 20 differentially expressed miRNAs, 19 up-regulated in UF-EVs(bta-miR-134, bta-miR-151-3p, bta-miR-155, bta-miR-188, bta-miR-181b, bta-miR-181d, bta-miR-224, bta-miR-23b-3p, bta-miR-24-3p, bta-miR-27a-3p, bta-miR-29a, bta-miR-324, bta-miR-326, bta-miR-345-3p, bta-miR-410, bta-miR-652, bta-miR-677, bta-miR-873 and bta-miR-708) and one(bta-miR-148b) in OF-EVs. These miRNAs were predicted to modulate several pathways such as Wnt, Hippo, MAPK, and lipid metabolism and degradation. Differ-ences in miRNAs found in OF-EVs from the early luteal phase and UF-EVs from mid-luteal phase may reflect differ-ent environments to meet the changing needs of the embryo. Additionally, miRNAs may be involved, particularly in the uterus, in the regulation of embryo lipid metabolism, immune system, and implantation.Conclusions Our study suggests that miRNAs within OF- and UF-EVs could modulate bovine embryo development and quality, providing insights into the intricate maternal-embryonic communication that might be involved in mod-ulating lipid metabolism, immune response, and implantation during early pregnancy. 展开更多
关键词 Embryo-maternal interaction EPIGENETIC Exosomes MAMMALIAN PREIMPLANTATION Reproductive fluids
Exploring Nutritional Compositions,Volatile Compounds,Health Benefits,Emerging Processing Technologies,and Potential Food Products of Glutinous Rice:A Review
作者 Maimunah Mohd ALI Norhashila HASHIM 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期251-268,共18页
Glutinous rice(Oryza sativa var.glutinosa)stands out as one of the most popular rice varieties globally,amidst thousands of rice cultivars.Its increasing popularity is attributed to its rich nutritional compositions a... Glutinous rice(Oryza sativa var.glutinosa)stands out as one of the most popular rice varieties globally,amidst thousands of rice cultivars.Its increasing popularity is attributed to its rich nutritional compositions and health benefits.This review aims to summarize the nutritional compositions,volatile compounds,and health benefits of glutinous rice.Further,in-depth studies are necessary to explore the utilization of glutinous rice in enhancing processing technologies and developing new food products.Glutinous rice has been shown to possess numerous health benefits,including antioxidant activity,bioactive compounds,anti-cancer properties,anti-inflammatory effects,anti-diabetic potential,and cholesterol-lowering effects.Besides its nutritional compositions,the major volatile compounds identified in glutinous rice could serve as a functional food for human consumption.Emerging processing technologies related to glutinous rice are elaborated to improve the latest developments for incorporating them into various food products. 展开更多
关键词 glutinous rice health benefit volatile compound nutritional composition processing technology
Peat properties of a tropical forest reserve adjacent to a fire-break canal
作者 Dayang Nur Sakinah Musa Mohd Zahirasri Mohd Tohir +3 位作者 Xinyan Huang Luqman Chuah Abdullah Mohamad Syazaruddin Md Said Muhammad Firdaus Sulaiman 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期155-167,共13页
Tropical peat comprises decomposed dead plant material and acts like a sponge to absorb water,making it fully saturated.However,drought periods dry it readily and increases its vulnerability to fire.Peat fires emit gr... Tropical peat comprises decomposed dead plant material and acts like a sponge to absorb water,making it fully saturated.However,drought periods dry it readily and increases its vulnerability to fire.Peat fires emit greenhouse gases and particles contributing to haze,and prevention by constructing fire-break canals to reduce fire spread into forest reserves is crucial.This paper aims to determine peat physical and chemical properties near a fire-break canal at different fire frequency areas.Peat sampling was conducted at two forest reserves in Malaysia which represent low fire frequency and high fire frequency areas.The results show that peat properties were not affected by the construction of a fire-break canal,however lignin and cellulose content increased significantly from the distance of the canal in both areas.The study concluded that fire frequency did not significantly influence peat properties except for porosity.The higher fibre content in the high frequency area did not influence moisture content nor the ability to regain moisture.Thus,fire frequency might contribute differently to changes in physical and chemical properties,hence management efforts to construct fire-break canals and restoration efforts should protect peatlands from further degradation.These findings will benefit future management and planning for forest reserves. 展开更多
关键词 Peat fire Peat properties Fire-break canals Forest reserves
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