Quantification of geological processes is a demanding task of primary importance in many Earth science studies. One valuable tool is low-temperature thermochronology (mainly fission-track and U-Th/He analyses) which...Quantification of geological processes is a demanding task of primary importance in many Earth science studies. One valuable tool is low-temperature thermochronology (mainly fission-track and U-Th/He analyses) which finds many applications in the oil industry, in the exploration and sustainable management of water and mineral resources and in the analysis of the relationships between tectonics and climate change. The IGCP 543 project has two primary aims:展开更多
Background. Intraperitoneal seeding is the most common form of dissemination of epithelial ovarian cancer. Metastasis to the bowel mucosa can occur by invasion from the serosal surface or infiltration of the submucosa...Background. Intraperitoneal seeding is the most common form of dissemination of epithelial ovarian cancer. Metastasis to the bowel mucosa can occur by invasion from the serosal surface or infiltration of the submucosal capillary network. Hematogenous dissemination usually occurs in the presence of advanced peritoneal disease. Case. A 39-year-old gravida 3 para 2 woman was diagnosed in October 2000 with a large pelvic mass. She underwent an exploratory laparotomy and a left salpingooophorectomy with multiple abdominal and pelvic biopsies. She was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor of low malignant potential, and no further treatment was recommended. Six months later, she developed abdominal discomfort and constipation. A colonoscopy was performed, and a biopsy showed metastatic carcinoma of ovarian origin. The patient presented to The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in September 2001 for consultation. The surgical pathology evaluation from her previous surgery indicated highgrade ovarian carcinoma. The patient underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy, right salpingooophorectomy,infracolic omentectomy, right pelvic lymph node sampling, and segmental resection with primary endtoend sigmoid colon anastomosis. The tumor within the colon was a polypoid mass arising from the mucosa with no involvement of the colonic wall. Microscopically, the tumor was a highgrade ovarian papillary serous carcinoma with areas of endometrioid adenocarcinoma. The colonic tumor was immunohistochemically positive for cytokeratin-7 and negative for cytokeratin-20. The patient was treated with six cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel. The patient then incidentally developed disseminated sarcoidosis. At the time of this report, the patient had no evidence of recurrent or metastatic disease for 2 years. Conclusions. Epithelial ovarian carcinomas may recur as intraluminal bowel lesions with serosal sparing even in the absence of peritoneal disease. Immunohistochemical staining using cytokeratins-7 and -20 may prove useful in differentiating such lesions from primary colonic malignancies.展开更多
Context: Limited data are available evaluating how the timing and intensity of statin therapy following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) event affect clinical outcome. Objective: To compare early initiation of an inte...Context: Limited data are available evaluating how the timing and intensity of statin therapy following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) event affect clinical outcome. Objective: To compare early initiation of an intensive statin regimen with delayed initiation of a less intensive regimen in patients with ACS. Design , Setting, and Participants: International, randomized, double blind trial of p atients with ACS receiving 40 mg/d of simvastatin for 1 month followed by 80 mg/ d thereafter (n=2265) compared with ACS patients receiving placebo for 4 months followed by 20 mg/d of simvastatin (n=2232), who were enrolled in phase Z of the A to Z trial between December 29, 1999, and January 6, 2003. Main Outcome Measu re: The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myoc ardial infarction, readmission for ACS, and stroke. Follow up was for at least 6 months and up to 24 months. Results Among the patients in the placebo plus sim vastatin group, the median low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level achi eved while taking placebo was 122mg/dL (3.16 mmol/L) at 1 month and was 77mg/dL (1.99 mmol/L) at 8 months while taking 20 mg/d of simvastatin. Among the patient s in the simvastatin only group, the median LDL cholesterol level achieved at 1 month while taking 40 mg/d of simvastatin was 68mg/dL (1.76 mmol/L) and was 63 m g/dL (1.63 mmol/L) at 8 months while taking 80 mg/d of simvastatin. A total of 3 43 patients (16.7%) in the placebo plus simvastatin group experienced the prima ry end point compared with 309 (14.4%) in the simvastatin only group (40 mg/80 mg) (hazard ratio [HR], 0.89; 95%confidence interval [Cl] 0.76-1.04; P=.14 ). C ardiovascular death occurred in 109 (5.4%) and 83 (4.1 %) patients in the 2 gr oups (HR, 0.75; 95%Cl, 0.57-1.00; P=.05) but no differences were observed in other individual components of the primary end po int. No difference was evident during the first 4 months between the groups for the primary end point (HR, 1.01; 95%Cl, 0.83-1.25; P=.89), but from 4 months t hrough the end of the study the primary end point was significantly reduced in t he simvastatin only group (HR, 0.75; 95%Cl, 0.60-0.95; P=.02). Myopathy (creat ine kinase>10 times the upper limit of normal associated with muscle symptoms) o ccurred in 9 patients (0.4%) receiving simvastatin 80 mg/d, in no patients rece iving lower doses of simvastatin, and in 1 patient receiving placebo (P=.02). Co nclusions: The trial did not achieve the prespecified end point. However, among patients with ACS, the early initiation of an aggressive simvastatin regimen res ulted in a favorable trend toward reduction of major cardiovascular events.展开更多
OBJECTIVE: We sought to estimate the rate of spontaneous resolution of asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis in pregnancy and to evaluate factors associated with its resolution. METHODS: A cohort of women enrolled in a l...OBJECTIVE: We sought to estimate the rate of spontaneous resolution of asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis in pregnancy and to evaluate factors associated with its resolution. METHODS: A cohort of women enrolled in a large multicenter randomized bacterial vaginosis antibiotic trial (metronidazole versus placebo) that, when randomly allocated, had asymptomatic C trachomatis diagnosed by urine ligase chain reaction (from frozen archival specimens) between 160/7 and 236/7 weeks were included. The urine ligase chain reaction is a highly accurate predictor of genital tract chlamydial infection. A follow- up ligase chain reaction was performed between 240/7 and 296/7 weeks. RESULTS: A total of 1,953 women were enrolled in the original antibiotic trial; 1,547 (79% ) had ligase chain reaction performed both at randomization and follow- up. Women receiving antibiotics effective against Chlamydia between randomization and follow- up or having symptomatic Chlamydia infection were excluded (26 women). Of the 140 women (9% ) who were diagnosed as positive via the initial ligase chain reaction assay, 61 (44% ) had spontaneous resolution of Chlamydia by the follow- up ligase chain reaction assay. Factors associated with spontaneous resolution included older age (P = .02), more than 5 weeks from randomization to follow- up (P = .02), and a greater number of lifetime sexual partners (P = .02). Using a logistic regression model, maternal age and a greater- than- 5- week follow- up interval remained significant; for every 5- year increase in maternal age, the odds of a positive result on the ligase chain reaction test at follow- up decreased by 40% (odds ratio 0.6; 95% confidence interval 0.4- 0.9). Race, substance abuse, parity, and treatment with metronidazole were not associated with spontaneous resolution. Gram stain score and vaginal pH at randomization and follow- up also were not associated. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of asymptomatic C trachomatis in pregnancy was 9% ; infection resolved spontaneously in almost half of these women. The association of older age and increasing time interval to spontaneous resolution of Chlamydia is consistent with a host immune- response mechanism.展开更多
OBJECTIVE: Women diagnosed with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential ha ve an excellent prognosis. Because few will receive adjuvant therapy, the benefit of surgical staging has recently been challenged. The purp...OBJECTIVE: Women diagnosed with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential ha ve an excellent prognosis. Because few will receive adjuvant therapy, the benefit of surgical staging has recently been challenged. The purpose of this study was to compare the outcome of surgically staged patients with low malignant potentia l tumors with those who were not staged. METHODS: Between 1984 and 2003, all wom en with ovarian low malignant potential tumors were identified at 3 institutions . Data were extracted from clinical records. RESULTS: One hundred eighty-three (74%) of 248 women were surgically staged. Forty of 183 staged patients had cli nically obvious extraovarian disease. Forty (28%) of the remaining 143 women wi th disease apparently confined to the ovary were upstaged. Cytologic washings we re positive in 28 cases, 10 had microscopic implants detected by peritoneal or o mental biopsy, and 2 were upstaged to stage IIIC solely on the basis of nodal me tastases. One hundred eighteen women underwent pelvic node dissection (median: 5 nodes), and 86 underwent paraaortic node dissection (median: 2 nodes). Overall, 9 (1%) metastases were detected in 832 submitted pelvic nodes. All 314 paraaor tic nodes were negative. Intraoperative blood loss (P < .001) and length of hosp ital stay (P < .001) were increased in women without gross disease who were surg ically staged. Eight (3%) of 248 patients received adjuvant platinum-based che motherapy, but neither of the women upstaged to IIIC based on the results of the ir nodal dissection were treated. Fifteen (6%) recurrences developed and 1 (0.4 %) death occurred after a median follow-up of 28 (range, 1-208) months. CONCL USION: Routine pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection is not necessary in t he majority of women with ovarian low malignant potential rumors.展开更多
Objective: To report on the presentation, histopathologic findings, and clinical outcomes for a case series of MIS of the nail apparatus because melanoma in situ (MIS) of the nail unit has not been well characterized ...Objective: To report on the presentation, histopathologic findings, and clinical outcomes for a case series of MIS of the nail apparatus because melanoma in situ (MIS) of the nail unit has not been well characterized in the literature. Setting: A division of a tertiary academic center specializing in micrographic excision of cutaneous neoplasms. Design: Surgical records were searched for cases of MIS of the nail unit for the period of January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2002. The patient demographics and disease presentation, treatment, and clinical course were reviewed. Results: Seven cases of MIS of the nail unit in white patients were identified. Longitudinal melanonychia was present in all cases, but dyspigmentation of the proximal nail fold and onychodystrophy were uncommon. Histopathologic analysis revealed poorly circumscribed proliferations of single cells over nests with variable pagetoid spread. Atypia was variable. Mitotic activity was low. All cases were treated with micrographic surgery. Amputation was avoided in 3 cases and was limited to partial distal interphalangeal amputation in the remainder. Six cases did not recur locally after initial surgical intervention. With an average of 24 months of follow-up, all patients were free of disease. Conclusions: Longitudinal melanonychia in a white patient mandates consideration of MIS of the nail unit. Given the nondescript clinical presentation, the threshold for biopsy should be low. The histopathologic findings appear similar to those of MIS in other areas, with asymmetry and poor circumscription predominating. With additional study and further acceptance, micrographically controlled excision has the potential to minimize morbidity. Further investigation is warranted.展开更多
COMPARED with indirect somatic embryogenesis,direct somatic embryogenesis apprars to be assoeiated with greater genetic and cytological uniformity,and it takes less time to induce direct embutogenesis
Tsinghua Science and Technology was started publication in 1996. It is an international academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University and is published bimonthly. This journal aims at presenting the up-to-date scie...Tsinghua Science and Technology was started publication in 1996. It is an international academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University and is published bimonthly. This journal aims at presenting the up-to-date scientific achievements in computer science, electronic engineering, and other IT fields. It is indexed by EI and other abstracting indexes. From 2012, the journal enters into IEEE Xplore Digital Library and all papers published there are freely downloadable.展开更多
文摘Quantification of geological processes is a demanding task of primary importance in many Earth science studies. One valuable tool is low-temperature thermochronology (mainly fission-track and U-Th/He analyses) which finds many applications in the oil industry, in the exploration and sustainable management of water and mineral resources and in the analysis of the relationships between tectonics and climate change. The IGCP 543 project has two primary aims:
文摘Background. Intraperitoneal seeding is the most common form of dissemination of epithelial ovarian cancer. Metastasis to the bowel mucosa can occur by invasion from the serosal surface or infiltration of the submucosal capillary network. Hematogenous dissemination usually occurs in the presence of advanced peritoneal disease. Case. A 39-year-old gravida 3 para 2 woman was diagnosed in October 2000 with a large pelvic mass. She underwent an exploratory laparotomy and a left salpingooophorectomy with multiple abdominal and pelvic biopsies. She was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor of low malignant potential, and no further treatment was recommended. Six months later, she developed abdominal discomfort and constipation. A colonoscopy was performed, and a biopsy showed metastatic carcinoma of ovarian origin. The patient presented to The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in September 2001 for consultation. The surgical pathology evaluation from her previous surgery indicated highgrade ovarian carcinoma. The patient underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy, right salpingooophorectomy,infracolic omentectomy, right pelvic lymph node sampling, and segmental resection with primary endtoend sigmoid colon anastomosis. The tumor within the colon was a polypoid mass arising from the mucosa with no involvement of the colonic wall. Microscopically, the tumor was a highgrade ovarian papillary serous carcinoma with areas of endometrioid adenocarcinoma. The colonic tumor was immunohistochemically positive for cytokeratin-7 and negative for cytokeratin-20. The patient was treated with six cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel. The patient then incidentally developed disseminated sarcoidosis. At the time of this report, the patient had no evidence of recurrent or metastatic disease for 2 years. Conclusions. Epithelial ovarian carcinomas may recur as intraluminal bowel lesions with serosal sparing even in the absence of peritoneal disease. Immunohistochemical staining using cytokeratins-7 and -20 may prove useful in differentiating such lesions from primary colonic malignancies.
文摘Context: Limited data are available evaluating how the timing and intensity of statin therapy following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) event affect clinical outcome. Objective: To compare early initiation of an intensive statin regimen with delayed initiation of a less intensive regimen in patients with ACS. Design , Setting, and Participants: International, randomized, double blind trial of p atients with ACS receiving 40 mg/d of simvastatin for 1 month followed by 80 mg/ d thereafter (n=2265) compared with ACS patients receiving placebo for 4 months followed by 20 mg/d of simvastatin (n=2232), who were enrolled in phase Z of the A to Z trial between December 29, 1999, and January 6, 2003. Main Outcome Measu re: The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myoc ardial infarction, readmission for ACS, and stroke. Follow up was for at least 6 months and up to 24 months. Results Among the patients in the placebo plus sim vastatin group, the median low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level achi eved while taking placebo was 122mg/dL (3.16 mmol/L) at 1 month and was 77mg/dL (1.99 mmol/L) at 8 months while taking 20 mg/d of simvastatin. Among the patient s in the simvastatin only group, the median LDL cholesterol level achieved at 1 month while taking 40 mg/d of simvastatin was 68mg/dL (1.76 mmol/L) and was 63 m g/dL (1.63 mmol/L) at 8 months while taking 80 mg/d of simvastatin. A total of 3 43 patients (16.7%) in the placebo plus simvastatin group experienced the prima ry end point compared with 309 (14.4%) in the simvastatin only group (40 mg/80 mg) (hazard ratio [HR], 0.89; 95%confidence interval [Cl] 0.76-1.04; P=.14 ). C ardiovascular death occurred in 109 (5.4%) and 83 (4.1 %) patients in the 2 gr oups (HR, 0.75; 95%Cl, 0.57-1.00; P=.05) but no differences were observed in other individual components of the primary end po int. No difference was evident during the first 4 months between the groups for the primary end point (HR, 1.01; 95%Cl, 0.83-1.25; P=.89), but from 4 months t hrough the end of the study the primary end point was significantly reduced in t he simvastatin only group (HR, 0.75; 95%Cl, 0.60-0.95; P=.02). Myopathy (creat ine kinase>10 times the upper limit of normal associated with muscle symptoms) o ccurred in 9 patients (0.4%) receiving simvastatin 80 mg/d, in no patients rece iving lower doses of simvastatin, and in 1 patient receiving placebo (P=.02). Co nclusions: The trial did not achieve the prespecified end point. However, among patients with ACS, the early initiation of an aggressive simvastatin regimen res ulted in a favorable trend toward reduction of major cardiovascular events.
文摘OBJECTIVE: We sought to estimate the rate of spontaneous resolution of asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis in pregnancy and to evaluate factors associated with its resolution. METHODS: A cohort of women enrolled in a large multicenter randomized bacterial vaginosis antibiotic trial (metronidazole versus placebo) that, when randomly allocated, had asymptomatic C trachomatis diagnosed by urine ligase chain reaction (from frozen archival specimens) between 160/7 and 236/7 weeks were included. The urine ligase chain reaction is a highly accurate predictor of genital tract chlamydial infection. A follow- up ligase chain reaction was performed between 240/7 and 296/7 weeks. RESULTS: A total of 1,953 women were enrolled in the original antibiotic trial; 1,547 (79% ) had ligase chain reaction performed both at randomization and follow- up. Women receiving antibiotics effective against Chlamydia between randomization and follow- up or having symptomatic Chlamydia infection were excluded (26 women). Of the 140 women (9% ) who were diagnosed as positive via the initial ligase chain reaction assay, 61 (44% ) had spontaneous resolution of Chlamydia by the follow- up ligase chain reaction assay. Factors associated with spontaneous resolution included older age (P = .02), more than 5 weeks from randomization to follow- up (P = .02), and a greater number of lifetime sexual partners (P = .02). Using a logistic regression model, maternal age and a greater- than- 5- week follow- up interval remained significant; for every 5- year increase in maternal age, the odds of a positive result on the ligase chain reaction test at follow- up decreased by 40% (odds ratio 0.6; 95% confidence interval 0.4- 0.9). Race, substance abuse, parity, and treatment with metronidazole were not associated with spontaneous resolution. Gram stain score and vaginal pH at randomization and follow- up also were not associated. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of asymptomatic C trachomatis in pregnancy was 9% ; infection resolved spontaneously in almost half of these women. The association of older age and increasing time interval to spontaneous resolution of Chlamydia is consistent with a host immune- response mechanism.
文摘OBJECTIVE: Women diagnosed with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential ha ve an excellent prognosis. Because few will receive adjuvant therapy, the benefit of surgical staging has recently been challenged. The purpose of this study was to compare the outcome of surgically staged patients with low malignant potentia l tumors with those who were not staged. METHODS: Between 1984 and 2003, all wom en with ovarian low malignant potential tumors were identified at 3 institutions . Data were extracted from clinical records. RESULTS: One hundred eighty-three (74%) of 248 women were surgically staged. Forty of 183 staged patients had cli nically obvious extraovarian disease. Forty (28%) of the remaining 143 women wi th disease apparently confined to the ovary were upstaged. Cytologic washings we re positive in 28 cases, 10 had microscopic implants detected by peritoneal or o mental biopsy, and 2 were upstaged to stage IIIC solely on the basis of nodal me tastases. One hundred eighteen women underwent pelvic node dissection (median: 5 nodes), and 86 underwent paraaortic node dissection (median: 2 nodes). Overall, 9 (1%) metastases were detected in 832 submitted pelvic nodes. All 314 paraaor tic nodes were negative. Intraoperative blood loss (P < .001) and length of hosp ital stay (P < .001) were increased in women without gross disease who were surg ically staged. Eight (3%) of 248 patients received adjuvant platinum-based che motherapy, but neither of the women upstaged to IIIC based on the results of the ir nodal dissection were treated. Fifteen (6%) recurrences developed and 1 (0.4 %) death occurred after a median follow-up of 28 (range, 1-208) months. CONCL USION: Routine pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection is not necessary in t he majority of women with ovarian low malignant potential rumors.
文摘Objective: To report on the presentation, histopathologic findings, and clinical outcomes for a case series of MIS of the nail apparatus because melanoma in situ (MIS) of the nail unit has not been well characterized in the literature. Setting: A division of a tertiary academic center specializing in micrographic excision of cutaneous neoplasms. Design: Surgical records were searched for cases of MIS of the nail unit for the period of January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2002. The patient demographics and disease presentation, treatment, and clinical course were reviewed. Results: Seven cases of MIS of the nail unit in white patients were identified. Longitudinal melanonychia was present in all cases, but dyspigmentation of the proximal nail fold and onychodystrophy were uncommon. Histopathologic analysis revealed poorly circumscribed proliferations of single cells over nests with variable pagetoid spread. Atypia was variable. Mitotic activity was low. All cases were treated with micrographic surgery. Amputation was avoided in 3 cases and was limited to partial distal interphalangeal amputation in the remainder. Six cases did not recur locally after initial surgical intervention. With an average of 24 months of follow-up, all patients were free of disease. Conclusions: Longitudinal melanonychia in a white patient mandates consideration of MIS of the nail unit. Given the nondescript clinical presentation, the threshold for biopsy should be low. The histopathologic findings appear similar to those of MIS in other areas, with asymmetry and poor circumscription predominating. With additional study and further acceptance, micrographically controlled excision has the potential to minimize morbidity. Further investigation is warranted.
文摘COMPARED with indirect somatic embryogenesis,direct somatic embryogenesis apprars to be assoeiated with greater genetic and cytological uniformity,and it takes less time to induce direct embutogenesis
文摘Tsinghua Science and Technology was started publication in 1996. It is an international academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University and is published bimonthly. This journal aims at presenting the up-to-date scientific achievements in computer science, electronic engineering, and other IT fields. It is indexed by EI and other abstracting indexes. From 2012, the journal enters into IEEE Xplore Digital Library and all papers published there are freely downloadable.