Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2),has caused millions of infections and deaths worldwide since its emergence in December 2019.As there is litt...Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2),has caused millions of infections and deaths worldwide since its emergence in December 2019.As there is little or no natural immunity in the human population or specific anti-COVID-19 drugs,researchers from the government,academia and industry are developing vaccines at an unprecedented speed to halt the pandemic.In this review,the results of animal experiments and clinical trials on several vaccine technical platforms are summarized,and several challenges are also discussed to further promote the development,evaluation and application of vaccines during the challenging situation of the global pandemic.展开更多
AIM: To investigate the cellular defects by analyzing the (Th1/Th2) cytokine levels in vaccine responders and non-responders. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) from responders and non-responders were s...AIM: To investigate the cellular defects by analyzing the (Th1/Th2) cytokine levels in vaccine responders and non-responders. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) from responders and non-responders were stimulated with or with out recombinant HBsAg or PHA. Broad spectrum of cytokines viz (Th1) IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, IL-12 and (Th2) IL-10, IL-4 were measured after in vitro stimulation with recombinant HBsAg and were compared with respective antibody titers. RESULTS: A significant decrease (P = 0.001) in Th1 and Th2 cytokines namely, IL-2, INF-γ, TNF-α and IL-10in non-responders was observed. The level of IL-4 was not significant between the three groups. Furthermore, despite a strong Th1 and Th2 cytokine response, the level of IL-12 was elevated in high-responders compared to other groups (P = 0.001) and demonstrated a positive correlation with anti-HBs titers and Th1 cytokine response. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that unrespon-siveness to recombinant hepatitis B vaccines (rHB) is multifactorial, including specific failure of antigen presentation or the lack of both T helper Th1 and Th2 response.展开更多
AIM: To evaluate a low cost Indian recombinant hepatitis B vaccine GeneVac-B for its immunogenicity and safety in comparison to Engerix B and Shanvac B vaccine in high risk newborn infants born to (hepatitis B surfa...AIM: To evaluate a low cost Indian recombinant hepatitis B vaccine GeneVac-B for its immunogenicity and safety in comparison to Engerix B and Shanvac B vaccine in high risk newborn infants born to (hepatitis B surface antigen) HBsAg positive mothers.METHODS: A total of 158 infants were enrolled in the study. Fifty eight infants were enrolled in the GeneVac-B group while 50 each were included for Engerix B and Shanvac B groups. A three-dose regimen of vaccination; at birth (within 24 h of birth), 1st mo and 6 too. were adopted with 10 μg dosage administered uniformly in all the three groups. Clinical and immunological parameters were assessed for safety and immunogenicity of the vaccines, in all the enrolled infants.RESULTS: Successful follow up until seven months of age was achieved in 83% (48/58) for GeneVac-B, 76% (38/50) and 64% (32/50) for Engerix B and Shanvac B groups respectively. 100% seroconversion and seroprotection was achieved in all the three groups of infants. The geometric mean titers of anti-HBs one month after the completion of three dose of vaccination were 90.5, 80.9 and 72.5 mTU/mL in GeneVac-B, Engerix B and Shanvac B vaccine group respectively. Furthermore the level of anti-HBs increases with age of babies who were born to HBsAg positive mothers. The GMT values of anti-HBs were 226.7, 193.9 and 173.6 mIU/mL respectively in GeneVac-B, Engerix B and Shanvac B groups one year after the completion of the three doses of vaccine. No systemic reactions were reported in infants during the entire vaccination process of GeneVac-B and the other two vaccines. Clinical safety parameters remained within the normal limits throughout the study period.CONCLUSION: The study concludes that there is no significant difference between the three recombinant hepatitis B vaccines. Administration of these vaccines within 24 h of birth to babies, born to HBsAg positive mothers will reduce the incidence of HBV infection.展开更多
[Objective] The paper was to explore the combined inhibitory effect of rhizoma coptidis-folium isatidis and rhizoma coptidis-flos poprli against Escherichia coli O2.[Method] Contrast test of single and associated bact...[Objective] The paper was to explore the combined inhibitory effect of rhizoma coptidis-folium isatidis and rhizoma coptidis-flos poprli against Escherichia coli O2.[Method] Contrast test of single and associated bacteriostasis against known serotype E. coli O2 was conducted using microcheckerboard method.[Result] The MIC of rhizoma coptidis, folium isatidis and flos poprli were 1/8 extracting liquid, 1/8 extracting liquid and 1/2 extracting liquid, respectively. When combined with folium isatidis or flos poprli, the MIC of rhizoma coptidis was 1/8 extracting liq-uid or 1/16 extracting liquid compared with single use. When combined with rhizoma coptidis, the MIC of folium isatidis and flos poprli were 1/8 extracting liquid and 1/16 extracting liquid.[Conclusion] When rhizoma coptidis was combined with folium isatidis or flos poprli, the FIC values were 2 and 0.625, performing independent action and additive effect, respectively.展开更多
Neisseria meningitidis is a gram negative diplococcal bacterium. Worldwide, N. meningitidis is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis and sepsis, with five serogroups (A, B, C, Y, and W-135) responsible for the maj...Neisseria meningitidis is a gram negative diplococcal bacterium. Worldwide, N. meningitidis is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis and sepsis, with five serogroups (A, B, C, Y, and W-135) responsible for the majority of the disease. Multivalent (A, C, Y, and W-135) polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines have been licensed in the United States and elsewhere and are widely available. We have developed a multi-plexed electrochemiluminescent assay to quantitate serum antibody responses to meningococcal polysaccharides A, C, Y, and W-135 to allow for rapid evaluation of li- censed and investigational vaccines. A 96-well plate containing a carbon electrode arrayed with polysaccharides A, C, Y, and W-135 on separate spots within each well has been developed for simultaneous detection of polysaccharidespecific antibodies in serum samples from vaccinated individuals. The assay conditions were optimized using the anti-meningococcal serogroup A/C reference serum pool, CDC 1992 (NIBSC 99/706), through evaluation of plate types, coating polysaccharide concentrations, and blocking and serum diluent buffers. Comparison of single and multiplex assays demonstrated the sensitivity, specificity, and speed of the multi-plex format for the quantification of serum antibody responses to N. meningitidis polysaccharides A, C, Y and W-135.展开更多
A high-throughput Serum Bactericidal Assay (SBA) was developed to monitor the functional antibody responses to capsular polysaccharide antigens from multiple serotypes of Neisseria meningitidis. This assay measures th...A high-throughput Serum Bactericidal Assay (SBA) was developed to monitor the functional antibody responses to capsular polysaccharide antigens from multiple serotypes of Neisseria meningitidis. This assay measures the ability of an antibody, aided by complement, to mediate killing of bacteria. Functional assays of this type are increasingly used in the quality control arena as potency release tests. Consequently, there has been an enhanced requirement for reproducibility in the performance of this type of assay. Assay validation is, therefore, important to facilitate understanding of the significance of values obtained, and to enable appropriate and informed use of the assay. This study involved the evaluation of the high-throughput serum bactericidal assay including the effects of different dilution and transfer techniques on assay performance. The results presented here demonstrate the repeatability, and the precision and ruggedness of the assay.展开更多
Background: Vaccinations for animals are crucial for food production, animal welfare, public health, and animal health. They are an affordable way to stop animal sickness, increase food production efficiency, and less...Background: Vaccinations for animals are crucial for food production, animal welfare, public health, and animal health. They are an affordable way to stop animal sickness, increase food production efficiency, and lessen or stop the spread of zoonotic diseases to humans. Animal vaccines that are both safe and efficacious are vital to modern culture. The vaccine should induce a strong, protective and prolonged immune response against the antigenic factor. In order to achieve these goals, novel vaccination techniques and an efficient adjuvant are required to render the vaccine immunogenically protective and trigger a strong immune response. Aim: Our study aims to promote and enhance the immunogenicity against RVF virus disease through lyophilized inactivated RVF vaccine through induction of early cellular, high and prolonged humeral immunity in vaccinated animals using cabopol as stabilizer and Saponin or normal saline as a diluent at time of vaccination. Moreover, manufacturing of these vaccines is easy to be done. Results: The gained results revealed that RVF freeze-dried vaccine with Carbopol that reconstituted using Saponin elicited better immune response than that reconstituted using normal saline (NaCl). The cell mediated immune response as represented by lymphocyte blastogenesis and phagocytic activity were markedly increased with high levels when we used Saponin as a diluent than that in group vaccinated with vaccine diluted with NaCl, on the other side the humeral immune response in group vaccinated using the Saponin as diluent is more detected and stayed within the protective level till the end of 11<sup>th</sup> month post vaccination (1.5 TCID<sub>50</sub>) while the immune response induced after using normal saline as a diluent stayed within the protective level till the end of 10<sup>th</sup> month post vaccination (1.8 TCID<sub>50</sub>). Conclusion: The use of Saponin as a diluent for reconstitution of the freeze dried RVF vaccine is preferable than the use of normal saline enhancing both sheep cellular and humeral immune response.展开更多
Coxsackievirus(CV)B belongs to the species Enterovirus B,genus Enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae.Enterovirus B(EV-B)includes 63 serotypes:CVB1-6;CVA9;echoviruses E1-7,9,11-21,24-27,and 29-33;EV-B69,EV-B 73-75,E...Coxsackievirus(CV)B belongs to the species Enterovirus B,genus Enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae.Enterovirus B(EV-B)includes 63 serotypes:CVB1-6;CVA9;echoviruses E1-7,9,11-21,24-27,and 29-33;EV-B69,EV-B 73-75,EV-B77-88,EV-B 93,EV-B 97-101,EV-B 106-107.展开更多
Pasteurellosis is the most prevalent, extremely contagious bacterial disease among domestic rabbits and is considered the leading cause of deaths in rabbits, resulting in enormous economic losses to the rabbit industr...Pasteurellosis is the most prevalent, extremely contagious bacterial disease among domestic rabbits and is considered the leading cause of deaths in rabbits, resulting in enormous economic losses to the rabbit industry. Screening for bacterial agents causing mortalities in rabbits revealed the presence of Enterobacteriacae species in approximately 42% of studied cases, with E. coli the most commonly isolated organism. The present study was designed to evaluate the immune response of rabbits vaccinated with a locally prepared, combined inactivated vaccine of Pasteurella multocida and E. coli, adjuvanated with Montanide ISA70. A total of 370 rabbits, aged 2 - 3 weeks, were divided into four groups: (G1) vaccinated with a polyvalent P. multocida vaccine, (G2) vaccinated with a polyvalent E. coli vaccine, (G3) vaccinated with a combined inactivated Montanide ISA70 vaccine of P. multocida and E. coli, and (G4) kept as a non-vaccinated control group. All rabbits received two doses of 0.5 ml of the prepared vaccines, administered one month apart, and were then challenged with virulent strains of P. multocida and E. coli three weeks after the second vaccination. The prepared vaccines were evaluated by determining humoral immunity using indirect haemagglutination (IHA) test and ELISA. The potency of the vaccines was assessed through challenge and determination of LD50. Experimental findings on the prepared polyvalent combined inactivated P. multocida and E. coli vaccine indicated that it is a potent vaccine, producing the highest antibody titers and a 90% protection rate against challenges with virulent strains of P. multocida type A, D2, and E. coli types O157, O151 and O125. Thus, this vaccine is promising in addressing both P. multocida and E. coli problems in rabbits, farms, providing significant protection, and we recommend its commercial production to help rabbit producers control these two major bacterial infections.展开更多
Dendritic cells (DC) are diverse and specialized hematopoietic cells serving as an essential bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. DC exist in all lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs and are amongst the first res...Dendritic cells (DC) are diverse and specialized hematopoietic cells serving as an essential bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. DC exist in all lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs and are amongst the first responders to infection at epithelial surfaces including mucosal tissues. DC of the lung, gut, and vaginal mucosa display different phenotypes and functions reflecting each unique tissue and, in contrast to their counterparts in spleen and lymph nodes, are constantly exposed to both harmful and benign factors of their environments. Mucosal DC recognize and respond to pathogens through engagement of pattern recognition receptors, and activated DC migrate to draining lymph nodes to induce adaptive immune responses. The specialized function of DC aids in the induction of immunity and pathogen control at the mucosa. Such specialization includes the potent antiviral interferon response of plasma- cytoid DC to viral nucleic acids, the ability of mucosal DC to capture organisms in the gut lumen, the capacity of DC to cross-present antigen from other infected cells, and the ability of mucosal DC to initiate lgA class switching in B cells. DC plasticity is also critical in the immune response to mucosal pathogens, as DC can respond to the microen- vironment and sense pathogen-induced stress in neighboring epithelial cells. Finally, DC interact with each other through crosstalk to promote antigen presentation and T-cell immunity. Together, these processes condition mucosal DC for the induction of a tailored immune response to pathogens.展开更多
Enterovirus (EV71) can cause severe neurological diseases, but the underlying pathogenesis remains unclear. The capsid protein, viral protein 1 (VP1), plays a critical role in the pathogenicity of EVT1. High level...Enterovirus (EV71) can cause severe neurological diseases, but the underlying pathogenesis remains unclear. The capsid protein, viral protein 1 (VP1), plays a critical role in the pathogenicity of EVT1. High level expression and secretion ofVP 1 protein are necessary for structure, function and immunogenicity in its natural conformation. In our previous studies, 5 codon-optimized VP 1 DNA vaccines, including wt-VP 1, tPA-VP 1, VP l-d, VP 1-hFc and VP 1 - mFc, were constructed and analyzed. They expressed VP1 protein, but the levels of secretion and immunogenicity of these VP1 constructs were significantly different (P〈0.05). In this study, we further investigated the protein lev- els of these constructs and determined that all of these constructs expressed VP1 protein. The secretion level was increased by including a tPA leader sequence, which was further increased by fusing human IgG Fc (hFc) to VP1. VP 1-hFc demonstrated the most potent immunogenicity in mice. Furthermore, hFc domain could be used to purify VPI-hFc protein for additional studies.展开更多
In addition to their well-established role in allergy mast cells have been described as contributing to functional regulation of both innate and adaptive immune responses in host defense. Mast cells are of hematopoiet...In addition to their well-established role in allergy mast cells have been described as contributing to functional regulation of both innate and adaptive immune responses in host defense. Mast cells are of hematopoietic origin but typically complete their differentiation in tissues where they express immune regulatory functions by releasing diverse mediators and cytokines. Mast cells are abundant at mucosal tissues which are portals of entry for common infectious agents in addition to allergens. Here, we review the current understanding of the participation of mast cells in defense against infection. We also discuss possibilities of exploiting mast cell activation to provide adequate adjuvant activity that is needed in high-quality vaccination against infectious diseases.展开更多
Highly attenuated modified vaccinia Ankara(MVA) is sensitive to repeat freeze-thaw cycle and easy to lose activity. In order to make the activity of MVA vaccine remain stable during its manufacturing, storage, and a...Highly attenuated modified vaccinia Ankara(MVA) is sensitive to repeat freeze-thaw cycle and easy to lose activity. In order to make the activity of MVA vaccine remain stable during its manufacturing, storage, and administration, the lyophilization as a good option could be resorted to; through screening, the right stabilizer composition and its production procedure were obtained. The final moisture content of freezing-dried recombinant MVA-HIV vaccine was lower than 3%. It can be reconstituted quickly and shows regular physical appearance and stable potency. In vivo functional experiment, mice were divided randomly into the liquid vaccination group, the lyophilized vaccination group, and the control group. Having been DNA vaccine priming, the mice were boosted with a dose of 10^7 pfu MVA- HIV vaccine, which produced indistinguishable antibody titer and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte(CTL) level compared with those of liquid vaccination group ( P 〉 0.05 ). These results demonstrate that lyophilized MVA vaccine can induce high immunogenicity in mice.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2020YFC0849700)the Program of Chinese Academy of Medicine Sciencethe Major Science and Technology Special Projects of Yunnan Province。
文摘Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2),has caused millions of infections and deaths worldwide since its emergence in December 2019.As there is little or no natural immunity in the human population or specific anti-COVID-19 drugs,researchers from the government,academia and industry are developing vaccines at an unprecedented speed to halt the pandemic.In this review,the results of animal experiments and clinical trials on several vaccine technical platforms are summarized,and several challenges are also discussed to further promote the development,evaluation and application of vaccines during the challenging situation of the global pandemic.
基金Serum Institute of India, Pune, India and Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) New Delhi, India
文摘AIM: To investigate the cellular defects by analyzing the (Th1/Th2) cytokine levels in vaccine responders and non-responders. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) from responders and non-responders were stimulated with or with out recombinant HBsAg or PHA. Broad spectrum of cytokines viz (Th1) IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, IL-12 and (Th2) IL-10, IL-4 were measured after in vitro stimulation with recombinant HBsAg and were compared with respective antibody titers. RESULTS: A significant decrease (P = 0.001) in Th1 and Th2 cytokines namely, IL-2, INF-γ, TNF-α and IL-10in non-responders was observed. The level of IL-4 was not significant between the three groups. Furthermore, despite a strong Th1 and Th2 cytokine response, the level of IL-12 was elevated in high-responders compared to other groups (P = 0.001) and demonstrated a positive correlation with anti-HBs titers and Th1 cytokine response. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that unrespon-siveness to recombinant hepatitis B vaccines (rHB) is multifactorial, including specific failure of antigen presentation or the lack of both T helper Th1 and Th2 response.
文摘AIM: To evaluate a low cost Indian recombinant hepatitis B vaccine GeneVac-B for its immunogenicity and safety in comparison to Engerix B and Shanvac B vaccine in high risk newborn infants born to (hepatitis B surface antigen) HBsAg positive mothers.METHODS: A total of 158 infants were enrolled in the study. Fifty eight infants were enrolled in the GeneVac-B group while 50 each were included for Engerix B and Shanvac B groups. A three-dose regimen of vaccination; at birth (within 24 h of birth), 1st mo and 6 too. were adopted with 10 μg dosage administered uniformly in all the three groups. Clinical and immunological parameters were assessed for safety and immunogenicity of the vaccines, in all the enrolled infants.RESULTS: Successful follow up until seven months of age was achieved in 83% (48/58) for GeneVac-B, 76% (38/50) and 64% (32/50) for Engerix B and Shanvac B groups respectively. 100% seroconversion and seroprotection was achieved in all the three groups of infants. The geometric mean titers of anti-HBs one month after the completion of three dose of vaccination were 90.5, 80.9 and 72.5 mTU/mL in GeneVac-B, Engerix B and Shanvac B vaccine group respectively. Furthermore the level of anti-HBs increases with age of babies who were born to HBsAg positive mothers. The GMT values of anti-HBs were 226.7, 193.9 and 173.6 mIU/mL respectively in GeneVac-B, Engerix B and Shanvac B groups one year after the completion of the three doses of vaccine. No systemic reactions were reported in infants during the entire vaccination process of GeneVac-B and the other two vaccines. Clinical safety parameters remained within the normal limits throughout the study period.CONCLUSION: The study concludes that there is no significant difference between the three recombinant hepatitis B vaccines. Administration of these vaccines within 24 h of birth to babies, born to HBsAg positive mothers will reduce the incidence of HBV infection.
基金Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2014CQ012)
文摘[Objective] The paper was to explore the combined inhibitory effect of rhizoma coptidis-folium isatidis and rhizoma coptidis-flos poprli against Escherichia coli O2.[Method] Contrast test of single and associated bacteriostasis against known serotype E. coli O2 was conducted using microcheckerboard method.[Result] The MIC of rhizoma coptidis, folium isatidis and flos poprli were 1/8 extracting liquid, 1/8 extracting liquid and 1/2 extracting liquid, respectively. When combined with folium isatidis or flos poprli, the MIC of rhizoma coptidis was 1/8 extracting liq-uid or 1/16 extracting liquid compared with single use. When combined with rhizoma coptidis, the MIC of folium isatidis and flos poprli were 1/8 extracting liquid and 1/16 extracting liquid.[Conclusion] When rhizoma coptidis was combined with folium isatidis or flos poprli, the FIC values were 2 and 0.625, performing independent action and additive effect, respectively.
文摘Neisseria meningitidis is a gram negative diplococcal bacterium. Worldwide, N. meningitidis is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis and sepsis, with five serogroups (A, B, C, Y, and W-135) responsible for the majority of the disease. Multivalent (A, C, Y, and W-135) polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines have been licensed in the United States and elsewhere and are widely available. We have developed a multi-plexed electrochemiluminescent assay to quantitate serum antibody responses to meningococcal polysaccharides A, C, Y, and W-135 to allow for rapid evaluation of li- censed and investigational vaccines. A 96-well plate containing a carbon electrode arrayed with polysaccharides A, C, Y, and W-135 on separate spots within each well has been developed for simultaneous detection of polysaccharidespecific antibodies in serum samples from vaccinated individuals. The assay conditions were optimized using the anti-meningococcal serogroup A/C reference serum pool, CDC 1992 (NIBSC 99/706), through evaluation of plate types, coating polysaccharide concentrations, and blocking and serum diluent buffers. Comparison of single and multiplex assays demonstrated the sensitivity, specificity, and speed of the multi-plex format for the quantification of serum antibody responses to N. meningitidis polysaccharides A, C, Y and W-135.
文摘A high-throughput Serum Bactericidal Assay (SBA) was developed to monitor the functional antibody responses to capsular polysaccharide antigens from multiple serotypes of Neisseria meningitidis. This assay measures the ability of an antibody, aided by complement, to mediate killing of bacteria. Functional assays of this type are increasingly used in the quality control arena as potency release tests. Consequently, there has been an enhanced requirement for reproducibility in the performance of this type of assay. Assay validation is, therefore, important to facilitate understanding of the significance of values obtained, and to enable appropriate and informed use of the assay. This study involved the evaluation of the high-throughput serum bactericidal assay including the effects of different dilution and transfer techniques on assay performance. The results presented here demonstrate the repeatability, and the precision and ruggedness of the assay.
文摘Background: Vaccinations for animals are crucial for food production, animal welfare, public health, and animal health. They are an affordable way to stop animal sickness, increase food production efficiency, and lessen or stop the spread of zoonotic diseases to humans. Animal vaccines that are both safe and efficacious are vital to modern culture. The vaccine should induce a strong, protective and prolonged immune response against the antigenic factor. In order to achieve these goals, novel vaccination techniques and an efficient adjuvant are required to render the vaccine immunogenically protective and trigger a strong immune response. Aim: Our study aims to promote and enhance the immunogenicity against RVF virus disease through lyophilized inactivated RVF vaccine through induction of early cellular, high and prolonged humeral immunity in vaccinated animals using cabopol as stabilizer and Saponin or normal saline as a diluent at time of vaccination. Moreover, manufacturing of these vaccines is easy to be done. Results: The gained results revealed that RVF freeze-dried vaccine with Carbopol that reconstituted using Saponin elicited better immune response than that reconstituted using normal saline (NaCl). The cell mediated immune response as represented by lymphocyte blastogenesis and phagocytic activity were markedly increased with high levels when we used Saponin as a diluent than that in group vaccinated with vaccine diluted with NaCl, on the other side the humeral immune response in group vaccinated using the Saponin as diluent is more detected and stayed within the protective level till the end of 11<sup>th</sup> month post vaccination (1.5 TCID<sub>50</sub>) while the immune response induced after using normal saline as a diluent stayed within the protective level till the end of 10<sup>th</sup> month post vaccination (1.8 TCID<sub>50</sub>). Conclusion: The use of Saponin as a diluent for reconstitution of the freeze dried RVF vaccine is preferable than the use of normal saline enhancing both sheep cellular and humeral immune response.
基金supported by the Research Projects of Yunnan Province,China[grant numbers:202202AA100016]CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences[grant numbers:2021-I2M-1-043]General Basic Research Scheme of Yunnan Provincial Department of Science and Technology[grant numbers:202001BB050060]。
文摘Coxsackievirus(CV)B belongs to the species Enterovirus B,genus Enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae.Enterovirus B(EV-B)includes 63 serotypes:CVB1-6;CVA9;echoviruses E1-7,9,11-21,24-27,and 29-33;EV-B69,EV-B 73-75,EV-B77-88,EV-B 93,EV-B 97-101,EV-B 106-107.
文摘Pasteurellosis is the most prevalent, extremely contagious bacterial disease among domestic rabbits and is considered the leading cause of deaths in rabbits, resulting in enormous economic losses to the rabbit industry. Screening for bacterial agents causing mortalities in rabbits revealed the presence of Enterobacteriacae species in approximately 42% of studied cases, with E. coli the most commonly isolated organism. The present study was designed to evaluate the immune response of rabbits vaccinated with a locally prepared, combined inactivated vaccine of Pasteurella multocida and E. coli, adjuvanated with Montanide ISA70. A total of 370 rabbits, aged 2 - 3 weeks, were divided into four groups: (G1) vaccinated with a polyvalent P. multocida vaccine, (G2) vaccinated with a polyvalent E. coli vaccine, (G3) vaccinated with a combined inactivated Montanide ISA70 vaccine of P. multocida and E. coli, and (G4) kept as a non-vaccinated control group. All rabbits received two doses of 0.5 ml of the prepared vaccines, administered one month apart, and were then challenged with virulent strains of P. multocida and E. coli three weeks after the second vaccination. The prepared vaccines were evaluated by determining humoral immunity using indirect haemagglutination (IHA) test and ELISA. The potency of the vaccines was assessed through challenge and determination of LD50. Experimental findings on the prepared polyvalent combined inactivated P. multocida and E. coli vaccine indicated that it is a potent vaccine, producing the highest antibody titers and a 90% protection rate against challenges with virulent strains of P. multocida type A, D2, and E. coli types O157, O151 and O125. Thus, this vaccine is promising in addressing both P. multocida and E. coli problems in rabbits, farms, providing significant protection, and we recommend its commercial production to help rabbit producers control these two major bacterial infections.
文摘Dendritic cells (DC) are diverse and specialized hematopoietic cells serving as an essential bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. DC exist in all lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs and are amongst the first responders to infection at epithelial surfaces including mucosal tissues. DC of the lung, gut, and vaginal mucosa display different phenotypes and functions reflecting each unique tissue and, in contrast to their counterparts in spleen and lymph nodes, are constantly exposed to both harmful and benign factors of their environments. Mucosal DC recognize and respond to pathogens through engagement of pattern recognition receptors, and activated DC migrate to draining lymph nodes to induce adaptive immune responses. The specialized function of DC aids in the induction of immunity and pathogen control at the mucosa. Such specialization includes the potent antiviral interferon response of plasma- cytoid DC to viral nucleic acids, the ability of mucosal DC to capture organisms in the gut lumen, the capacity of DC to cross-present antigen from other infected cells, and the ability of mucosal DC to initiate lgA class switching in B cells. DC plasticity is also critical in the immune response to mucosal pathogens, as DC can respond to the microen- vironment and sense pathogen-induced stress in neighboring epithelial cells. Finally, DC interact with each other through crosstalk to promote antigen presentation and T-cell immunity. Together, these processes condition mucosal DC for the induction of a tailored immune response to pathogens.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.81000725 and 31470889)the Priority Academic Program of Basic Medical Science of Nanjing Medical University(Grant No.JX10131801060)
文摘Enterovirus (EV71) can cause severe neurological diseases, but the underlying pathogenesis remains unclear. The capsid protein, viral protein 1 (VP1), plays a critical role in the pathogenicity of EVT1. High level expression and secretion ofVP 1 protein are necessary for structure, function and immunogenicity in its natural conformation. In our previous studies, 5 codon-optimized VP 1 DNA vaccines, including wt-VP 1, tPA-VP 1, VP l-d, VP 1-hFc and VP 1 - mFc, were constructed and analyzed. They expressed VP1 protein, but the levels of secretion and immunogenicity of these VP1 constructs were significantly different (P〈0.05). In this study, we further investigated the protein lev- els of these constructs and determined that all of these constructs expressed VP1 protein. The secretion level was increased by including a tPA leader sequence, which was further increased by fusing human IgG Fc (hFc) to VP1. VP 1-hFc demonstrated the most potent immunogenicity in mice. Furthermore, hFc domain could be used to purify VPI-hFc protein for additional studies.
基金supported by Stiftelsen Clas Groschinskys MinnesfondKonsul Berghs Stiftelse, Swedensupported by a postdoctoral start-up grant from the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University,Guiyang,China
文摘In addition to their well-established role in allergy mast cells have been described as contributing to functional regulation of both innate and adaptive immune responses in host defense. Mast cells are of hematopoietic origin but typically complete their differentiation in tissues where they express immune regulatory functions by releasing diverse mediators and cytokines. Mast cells are abundant at mucosal tissues which are portals of entry for common infectious agents in addition to allergens. Here, we review the current understanding of the participation of mast cells in defense against infection. We also discuss possibilities of exploiting mast cell activation to provide adequate adjuvant activity that is needed in high-quality vaccination against infectious diseases.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No30371317)
文摘Highly attenuated modified vaccinia Ankara(MVA) is sensitive to repeat freeze-thaw cycle and easy to lose activity. In order to make the activity of MVA vaccine remain stable during its manufacturing, storage, and administration, the lyophilization as a good option could be resorted to; through screening, the right stabilizer composition and its production procedure were obtained. The final moisture content of freezing-dried recombinant MVA-HIV vaccine was lower than 3%. It can be reconstituted quickly and shows regular physical appearance and stable potency. In vivo functional experiment, mice were divided randomly into the liquid vaccination group, the lyophilized vaccination group, and the control group. Having been DNA vaccine priming, the mice were boosted with a dose of 10^7 pfu MVA- HIV vaccine, which produced indistinguishable antibody titer and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte(CTL) level compared with those of liquid vaccination group ( P 〉 0.05 ). These results demonstrate that lyophilized MVA vaccine can induce high immunogenicity in mice.