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COVID-19 Vaccine Related Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State and Normalized Glycemia within 2 Months
作者 Subhashini Yaturu Somayeh D. Azimi +1 位作者 Amy M. Allen John Atkins 《Journal of Diabetes Mellitus》 2022年第1期12-17,共6页
To protect from COVID-19 pandemic, several vaccines were developed infection with expected immunity against a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Short time side effects are reported. New onset diabetes was reported after SARS-CoV-... To protect from COVID-19 pandemic, several vaccines were developed infection with expected immunity against a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Short time side effects are reported. New onset diabetes was reported after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Here we report a case of new onset diabetes presenting with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, whose symptoms followed right after the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. He is a 56-year old, obese Afro-American Veteran with no family history of diabetes and with HbA1C of 5.6 forty-five days prior to the hospitalization. He noted polyurea and excessive thirst following the second dose Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Hospitalized with hyperosmolar state and HbA1C of more than 14, he was treated initially with insulin drip and changed to basal, bolus regimen. In addition, he had new onset of oral thrush, requiring antifungal therapy. He needed higher doses of insulin during hospitalization and at discharge. He rapidly recovered and could be tapered off insulin in 4 months and recovered to normal glycemic state. We conclude that this is the second state to present with hyperosmolar state, and first case with rapid recovery of glycemic state. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine CAD Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State ANEMIA
癌症的时间生物学:治疗癌症的时间重要吗?(英文) 被引量:6
作者 William J M Hrushesky Jovelyn Du-Quiton +1 位作者 Masami Ohmori Patricia A.Wood 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期289-330,共42页
我们周围的世界是一个已知有生命进化的世界,一个在不停变化的世界.这些变化多数是周期性的.这些周期性动态变化起源于地球、太阳和月亮之间有规律的时空关系,这种关系正是节律产生的本质.日夜的交替、日照时间的季节性变化以及由于过... 我们周围的世界是一个已知有生命进化的世界,一个在不停变化的世界.这些变化多数是周期性的.这些周期性动态变化起源于地球、太阳和月亮之间有规律的时空关系,这种关系正是节律产生的本质.日夜的交替、日照时间的季节性变化以及由于过强或过弱的寻常节律导致的突发性气候变化,所有这些使得地球生命节律得以产生(火星生命尚未深入研究).这些近乎完美的节律变化引起了每日两次(昼夜)和每月一次(月经)的生命节律及相呼应的复杂生理变化.这些信息均已被深深地编入在我们的基因密码中.还有更低频率的节律,如:反映太阳黑子活动的规律(周期为10.5年)及世纪性周期或更长周期的节律,如气候的变更.所有这些节律都具有生物学意义.过去30年中,这些节律对健康、对疾病和宿主间平衡的影响已日显明朗.这些概念早在三世纪前的西方医学中就已经发现,在几千年前的中国传统医学中就有描述和应用.中医的因时施治和时令用药等正合此理.该文通过深入的理论探讨和详实的实验数据阐述了在认识、预防、诊断和治疗癌症时要仔细地考虑时间的科学基础,也为这方面的中医理论提供了现代科学的依据.时间生物学(chronobiology)是一门研究生物现象节律性变化的科学.这种动态生物学研究揭示的是在生物物理和生物化学过程中,以时间为基础的变化规律.最常见的生物节律按其周期的长短有3种:以(24±4)h为周期的昼夜节律,以(30±7)d为周期的月节律,和以(12±2)月为周期的年节律.目前,对昼夜生物节律现象研究的最多,对其生物学意义了解也最深.生物节律最基本的特性有:①内源性和遗传性;②外界刺激可调节生物节律;③在没有外界时间相关信息提示时仍可保持节律性.机体内的生物钟是维持这些节律的基本结构,下丘脑的视交叉上核是这个时间中枢的所在.外界环境,如光线或日照每天都对这个时间中枢进行调整,并进而影响机体的许多生理功能,如睡眠、体温、激素分泌及细胞增殖周期等,使得健康机体中这些生理过程都维持着显著的昼夜周期性节律.不适当外界环境刺激,尤其是长期在夜间暴露于强光之下(如从事护士和娱乐业的人员),可导致机体生物钟的持续紊乱.这种持续的紊乱可导致睡眠紊乱、激素分泌失衡、精神状态失调及冠心病等.近来流行病学调查还发现这种紊乱和乳腺癌、结肠癌的发病有关.生物体内存在维持时间节律的分子机制,这就是生物钟基因.它存在于生物钟中枢及每一个外周组织中.机体的时间节律正是由这些生物钟基因及受其调控的相关基因(钟控基因,约占人基因的10%~15%)的协同表达所致.目前已知正常增生活跃的组织中,DNA合成和细胞分裂都具有明显的昼夜周期性节律.其中以对骨髓、肠道粘膜研究得最多,因为这两个组织对许多细胞毒化疗药物都很敏感,造成它们损伤的程度是许多化疗药物及放疗应用受限的原因.癌组织也有昼夜时间节律,这表现在:①它在宿主体内的生长有时间节律;②癌细胞的增生和凋亡受生物钟基因调控;③同一种抗癌药物,在某些时间给药可能是有效的,而在另外一些时间给药则不仅无效反而造成对正常组织损伤.临床的随机抽样调查表明只要用药时间适当,细胞毒化疗药物的毒性可以减弱,药物的剂量可以加大,治疗效果可以改善,癌症病人的生存可以延长.对人体癌细胞在一天中某一时刻、处于某一细胞周期阶段的细胞比例的研究,目前仍需要系列地采集一天内不同时段的组织标本来完成.我们曾对一例恶性表皮癌及周边正常皮肤进行了系列的、跨24小时的研究.结果表明病人在日常光照环境中,其癌症及正常表皮细胞的分裂都是有规律的、时多时少的过程.这种动态的昼夜变化节律毫无疑问在癌症的化疗和放疗中有很大应用价值. 动物和临床实验已证明调整用药时间的重要性和可行性.有一个典型的动物实验可证明药物毒性和用药时间的关系.如果连续6 d在白天或其睡眠期给小鼠注射一定剂量的阿拉伯糖苷(arcC),只有15%的小鼠会因药物毒性而死亡;而如果在晚上或其活动期注射同样剂量的药物,则小鼠的死亡率会增加至75%.用表阿霉素(doxorubicin)和顺铂(cisplatin)治疗晚期卵巢癌的临床研究是另一个例子.对病人采用晚间注射表阿霉素和早晨注射顺铂的治疗方案产生副作用的机率明显高于采用早晨注射表阿霉素和晚间注射顺铂的方案.5氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)的抗癌疗效和副作用的产生也有很强的时间依赖性.对这种时间依赖性的机制现已有所了解.二氢嘧啶脱氢酶(DPD)是氟嘧啶代谢的限速酶,它可以将5-Fu及代谢衍生物转化成无细胞毒性的产物而排出体外.研究表明DPD在大鼠肝脏中的表达是有昼夜节律的,正是DPD在肝脏有节律地代谢、清除5-Fu及代谢衍生物才使得5-Fu的疗效和副作用有很强的时间依赖性.抗癌药物的发展是一个复杂、代价高昂和充满冒险的过程.许多化合物或衍生物被设计、合成或生产,这些备选药物可能针对细胞周期的不同阶段或机制,其中很多备选药物在层层筛选中因为毒性、特异性或有效性等问题而被弃用.如果一个备选药物被证明有效或完全无效,则取舍的结果将是完全不同的,此时请别忘记考虑用药时间的因素.我们的研究表明人体和癌症之间的平衡存在着日、月或季节的节律性变化.了解和承认这些日、月或季节性变化可帮助我们更好地预防、诊断,更安全、有效地治疗人类的癌症.在我们这个以24/7(24小时/日,7日/周)为时间周期单位的世界里,一个现代化、工业化的世界,不适当的环境污染,包括光的污染(如夜间强光照射)日渐增多.它所造成的人的生物钟节律的紊乱是显著的.遗憾的是只有少数医学科学家重视和正在从事这方面的研究.理解生物时间节律的概念可以更好地预防、诊断和治疗人类癌症.我们邀请更多的中国医学科学研究人员和机构加入到我们这个研究行列,运用时间生物学的概念,为更有效地预防癌症、更早期地诊断癌症、更好地控制和治疗癌症而努力. 展开更多
关键词 治疗癌症 时间生物学 太阳黑子活动 中国传统医学 生命节律 季节性变化 生物学意义 生命进化 动态变化 气候变化 日照时间 生理变化 节律变化 基因密码 西方医学 因时施治 实验数据 理论探讨 科学基础 现代科学 中医理论
Vitamin D levels in subjects with or without chronic kidney disease among Veterans with diabetes in North East United States 被引量:1
作者 Subhashini Yaturu Barbara Youngberg Sonya Zdunek 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE CAS 2017年第7期346-350,共5页
AIM To evaluate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its relation to diabetes and kidney disease in Veterans residing in the North East United States(VISN 2). METHODS In this retrospective study, we used data fr... AIM To evaluate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its relation to diabetes and kidney disease in Veterans residing in the North East United States(VISN 2). METHODS In this retrospective study, we used data from the computerized patient record system at Stratton Veterans Administration Medical Center at Albany, NY(VHA) for those patients who had 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and 1,25(OH) vitamin D levels measured between 2007 and 2010. We collected demographic information including age, sex, body mass index and race; clinical data including diabetes, hypertension and CAD; and laboratory data including calcium, creatinine and parathyroid hormone(PTH)(intact). Vitamin D deficiency is defined as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of less than 20 ng/mL(50 nmol/L), and insufficiency is defined as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 20 to 30 ng/mL(50 to 75 nmol/L). RESULTS Data was available for approximately 68000 subjects. We identified 64144 subjects for analysis after exclusion of duplicates. Among them, 27098 had diabetes. Themean age of subjects with diabetes was 68 ± 11 with a mean body mass index(BMI) of 32 ± 7 and duration of diabetes of 5.6 ± 3.2 years. The mean 25(OH) vitamin D level among subjects with diabetes was 27 ± 11.6. There was no significant difference in 25(OH) vitamin D levels between subjects with diabetes and glomerular filtration rate(e-GFR) < 60 compared to those with e-GFR ≥ 60. As expected, subjects with e-GFR < 60 had significantly lower 1,25(OH) vitamin D levels and significantly elevated PTH-intact. Of the 64144 subjects, 580 had end-stage renal disease. Of those, 407 had diabetes and 173 did not. Vitamin D levels in both groups were in the insufficiency range and there was no significant difference irrespective of presence or absence of diabetes. Subjects with vitamin D levels less than 20 ng/mL had a higher BMI and elevated PTH, and higher HbA 1C levels compared to those with vitamin D levels more than 20 ng/mL. CONCLUSION We conclude that we need to keep a close eye on vitamin D levels in subjects with mild chronic kidney disease as well as those with moderate control of diabetes. 展开更多
关键词 Vitamin D Type 2 diabetes MEN Chronic kidney disease End stage renal disease
Prediabetes Progression to Diabetes among Veterans
作者 Subhashini Yaturu 《Journal of Diabetes Mellitus》 2020年第3期202-207,共6页
Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease is very high among Veterans. The aim of the study is to evaluate the rate of progression of prediabetes and the factors associated with progres... Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease is very high among Veterans. The aim of the study is to evaluate the rate of progression of prediabetes and the factors associated with progression to diabetes. This is an observational, retrospective data-base study of progression of prediabetes to diabetes at Veterans Health Administration at Columbia, South Carolina, diagnosed between 2008 and 2019 based on HbA1C (5.7 to 6.4). We calculated the time interval to progress to diabetes from the date of baseline data, and then the percentage of subjects progressed to diabetes is calculated as 1<sup>st</sup> year, 2<sup>nd</sup> year and so on. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics and correlation of parameters with progression to diabetes. Subjects with prediabetes identified include 72,604 with mean age 66 and mean HbA1C of 5.9. Among the study population, only 8% were women. Association of hypertension was 55% and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease was 13%. Among the study population, 10,710 subjects did not have follow up. Among 61,894 prediabetics 21,954 (35%) progressed to diabetes, while 39,940 (65%) remained as prediabetic. Those progressed to diabetes had relatively higher HbA1C and associated with higher prevalence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, hypertension and are older by age. About 60% of those progressed to diabetes are within 2 years from baseline. We conclude that aggressive measures are necessary to prevent progression to diabetes to decrease the morbidity associated with diabetes and health care burden. It is essential to identify those progress to diabetes, such as biomarker evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 DIABETES PREDIABETES Progression to Diabetes Hemoglobin A1C
Prediabetes Progression to Diabetes among Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
作者 Subhashini Yaturu 《Journal of Diabetes Mellitus》 2022年第1期28-34,共7页
Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is very high among veterans. The primary aim of this study is to compare the rate of prog... Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is very high among veterans. The primary aim of this study is to compare the rate of progression of prediabetes to diabetes among veterans with or without PTSD and associated conditions and or risk factors for that. This retrospective observational database study included all subjects with prediabetes based on HbA1C (5.7 to 6.4), after exclusion criteria between 2008 and 2019 at Veterans Health Administration at Columbia, South Carolina. PTSD codes were used to identify veterans with PTSD. Subjects with prediabetes identified include 72,604 with mean age of 66 and mean HbA1C of 5.9% and 29% of them had PTSD. Follow-up data is available for 62,184 subjects. Among those who had follow-up, 35% progressed to diabetes, while 65% remained as prediabetic. Progression to diabetes negatively is correlated with HbA1C (r = 0.34;p < 0.001). Associated other risks include obesity, hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The rate of progression was higher among subjects with PTSD though much younger than those without PTSD. 展开更多
关键词 DIABETES PREDIABETES Progression to Diabetes Hemoglobin A1C Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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