The Minamata Convention in the aim to protect human life and the environment, seeks to reduce mercury (Hg) by monitoring it concentrations in the environment. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) has been iden...The Minamata Convention in the aim to protect human life and the environment, seeks to reduce mercury (Hg) by monitoring it concentrations in the environment. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) has been identified as the most important anthropogenic source of human exposure to Hg. In this context, the main goal of this study was to assess the level of mercury in hair of two (2) populations living along two lagoons respectively Aby and Tendo, in Ivory Coast. To reach this goal, hair samples of 138 residents were collected and analyzed by using Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry (CV-AFS) technique for mercury concentration. Results showed that for the entire population the Hg mean was 2.34 μg/g. Also, they were ranged between 0.15 to 8.53 μg/g and presented substantial differences amongst the villages. In Aby village, we observed the highest Hg concentrations (Mean = 2.62 μg/g). Our findings showed that almost the entire sample group (82%) exceed the USEPA recommended limit, furthermore 56% of them exceed the normal level of WHO and 2% of the respondent has the unhealthy levels of mercury (≥6 μg Hg/g) of hair by WHO standards. Gender differences in hair mercury varies greatly among reports. Lower levels in women’s hair compared to men were reported in the both village. Considering age, the lowest concentrations were observed with children. However, when we take in account the age groups, data suggested that the most exposed sub-population of [18-29] years old is from Aby village in opposite at Frambo village, the same case those who were ≥ 40 years old. It’s convenient to note that, the proportion of Mercury levels would not to be neglected among studied population especially with the resident from Aby village. So, some measures need to be taken at the political level to control mercury contamination.展开更多
Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been ass...Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been assessed yet. Therefore the objective of this study is to identify in Abidjan the HbS haplotypes that modulate HU treatment responses. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study, children aged 5 to 15 years with SCD, and carrying the hemoglobin phenotypes SSFA2 and SFA2, were recruited into a HU treatment cohort. Various parameters on the haplotypes and the outcomes of the treatment were analyzed. Results: Thirty nine children with SCD were included. The phenotypic profile of the cohort was 86.6% of SSFA2 and 15.4% of SFA2. Three haplotypes were found, the Benin haplotype, the Senegal haplotype, and an atypical one. The participants belonged to three genotypes, Benin/atypical (64.1%), Benin/Senegal (33.3%) and Senegal/Senegal (2.6%). Overall, HU treatment was successful in all haplotypes with 12 out of 39 patients failing treatment after 12 months in the Benin haplotype group. The association between HU treatment success and the Benin haplotype was found in terms of the decrease in the number of white blood cells and the students missing class. Conclusion: The study revealed that inferring haplotype based on the phenotypic profile could be inaccurate. The proportion of atypical haplotype that were not previously described in Côte d’Ivoire was high. All the haplotypes seemed to be associated with HU treatment success but some patients with Benin haplotype did not respond well.展开更多
The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold...The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.展开更多
The Dimbokro health district has one of the highest incidences of malaria in Côte d’Ivoire, despite numerous campaigns to distribute Long-Acting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs). Given this observation, what ar...The Dimbokro health district has one of the highest incidences of malaria in Côte d’Ivoire, despite numerous campaigns to distribute Long-Acting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs). Given this observation, what are the population’s attitudes towards LLINs that could explain the high endemicity of malaria in Dimbokro? The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of people in the health area of Nofou, one of the villages in the Dimbokro health district where malaria is most prevalent, with a view to strengthening malaria control strategies. A collection of historical health data (malaria cases and LLIN usage rates) and a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was carried out from July 20 to August 03, 2022 in 400 households selected by systematic random sampling. Data were entered using Epi Info 7 and multivariate statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 22 software. In the Dimbokro health district, the rate of LLIN use was negatively correlated (r = -0.771) with malaria incidence over the six years of historical data collection. Households had an average of 53% good knowledge, 68.6% good practices and 28.4% good attitudes towards LLINs. The study also revealed that the main factors explaining LLIN use in the Nofou health area are mosquito bite (ORa = 5.29 (1.12 - 25.04)), age of household members (ORa = 1.07 (1.01 - 1.14)) and marital status (ORa = 8.45 (1.70 - 45.02)). Awareness-raising on the use of LLINs should be intensified in the Dimbokro health district. Other control strategies, such as vector control and environmental sanitation, should be considered to combat malaria.展开更多
This study assessed the contribution of climate projections to improving rainfall information for cocoa crops in the central and southern regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Particular attention was paid to fourteen local...This study assessed the contribution of climate projections to improving rainfall information for cocoa crops in the central and southern regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Particular attention was paid to fourteen localities in these two climatic zones. Simulation data were obtained from the CORDEX ensemble and observation data from CHIRPS. They cover the period 1991-2005 for the reference period and the future period from 2021 to 2050 for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. In addition, the study was based on the water requirements necessary during the critical phase of the cocoa tree (the flowering phase) for a good yield from the cocoa production chain on the one hand, and on a selection of three climate indices CDD, CWD and r95PTOT to study their spatio-temporal changes over two future periods 2021-2035 (near future) and 2036-2050 (medium-term) on the other. These climatic indices influence cocoa cultivation and their use in studies of climatic impacts on agriculture is of prime importance. The analysis of their spatio-temporal changes in this work also contributes to providing climate services based on rainfall, to which cocoa crops are highly sensitive. Our results show that the CDD and CWD indices vary from one region to another depending on latitude. For the fourteen localities studied, the number of consecutive dry days (CDD) could increase between now and 2050, while the number of consecutive wet days (CWD) could decrease over the period 2021-2035 and then increase over the period 2036-2050. The localities of Tabou, Aboisso and San-Pedro record high numbers of CDD index and CWD index for both projection scenarios. In comparison with the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, these results show that the RCP8.5 scenarios are having an impact on cocoa growing in Côte d’Ivoire.展开更多
The present study, carried out in the forest (Daloa) and pre-forest (M’Bahiakro) zones of Cote d’Ivoire, aims to determine soil landscape units using the coding method. Geological maps and satellite images (SRTM and...The present study, carried out in the forest (Daloa) and pre-forest (M’Bahiakro) zones of Cote d’Ivoire, aims to determine soil landscape units using the coding method. Geological maps and satellite images (SRTM and Landsat) were used for this purpose. The methodological approach adopted consisted in producing maps of slope, geology, land use and topography using the codification method. These various maps, integrated into a GIS using the coding aggregation method, were used to generate soil landscape maps. Twenty-seven (27) soil landscapes have been identified for the pre-forest zone (M’Bahiakro), with a strong dominance of acid rock over a moderate relief under savannah, forest/degraded forest and crops/fallow. However, the forest zone (Daloa), with forty-one (41) soil landscapes identified over the entire zone, is characterized by a majority of mafic rocks on a medium altitude under forest/degraded forest, water and crops/fallow. The criteria used from the codification method (sum of aggregations) made it possible to predict the spatial distribution of soil map units according to agro-ecological environments in the humid intertropical zone. This is essential for the orientation and reinforcement of soil survey tools. However, a comparative evaluation of the different multicriteria analysis methods for coding and weighting soil landscape unit mapping would enable us to identify the most suitable and efficient method for drawing up base maps for soil surveys.展开更多
The Gouméré region is located in the North-East of Côte d’Ivoire and is located in the South-West of the Bui furrow. In order to highlight the geology of the area studied, 14 samples were taken for stu...The Gouméré region is located in the North-East of Côte d’Ivoire and is located in the South-West of the Bui furrow. In order to highlight the geology of the area studied, 14 samples were taken for studies using petrographic, geochemical and metallogenic methods. The study of macroscopic and microscopic petrography made it possible to highlight two major lithological units: 1) a volcano-plutonic unit, formed of gabbros, basalt, volcaniclastics and rhyodacite;2) a sedimentary unit (microconglomerate). From a geochemical point of view, the results obtained indicate that the plutonites are gabbro and gabbro diorite while the volcanics have compositions of basaltic andesites, rhyolite and dacites. The sediments have a litharenitic to sublitharenitic character. The metallogenic study made it possible to highlight hydrothermal alterations and metalliferous paragenesis on the formations studied. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by the presence of carbonation, silicification, sericitization, sulfidation and to a lesser degree chloritization. Metalliferous paragenesis consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, hematite and magnetite.展开更多
Introduction The distribution of congenital heart disease (CHD) in sub-Saharan Africa is highly imprecise and varies from one region to another due to the inequality of diagnostic facilities. The aim of this stud...Introduction The distribution of congenital heart disease (CHD) in sub-Saharan Africa is highly imprecise and varies from one region to another due to the inequality of diagnostic facilities. The aim of this study was to determine the in-hospital prevalence of congenital heart disease in children at the Mother-Child hospital of Bingerville (HME) by specifying the diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects. Materials and methods We conducted a retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study at HME of Bingerville from January 2021 to December 2022. All newborns with congenital heart disease confirmed by echocardiography were included in the study. Results Of 656 admissions to the neonatology department over the study period, congenital heart disease accounted for 14.9% (98/656) of cases. In our series, 76.7% were diagnosed before the 1st week of life, with a mean chronological age of 5.18 days and extremes of 0 and 46 days. There were as many male patients (50%) as female (50%), i.e. a sex ratio of 1. These newborns were premature in 60.2% of cases, with a mean and median gestational age of 34 weeks’ amenorrhea. Most were left-right shunts (90.8%). Persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (48.9%) predominated, followed by atrial septal defect (38.7%), ventricular septal defect (13.3%), common trunk artery (CTA) (3.1%) and open septal pulmonary atresia (OSPA) (1%) as the primary cyanogenic heart disease. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (50%) was primary in 38.8% and secondary (61.2%). The mortality rate was 30.6%, and all CTA patients died (100%), with a significant statistical relationship (p = 0.027). Progression under treatment was marked by clinical stabilization (68/98) in 69.4% of cases. Conclusion: Congenital heart disease is relatively common at the Bingerville HME. Access to echocardiography should be facilitated in neonatology departments for rapid diagnosis and optimal management of congenital heart disease in newborns.展开更多
Faced with autism, motherhood and parenthood are turned upside down in many ways. Coping with stress and mental health problems, continuing to assume a rewarding parental role and finding suitable care are the trials ...Faced with autism, motherhood and parenthood are turned upside down in many ways. Coping with stress and mental health problems, continuing to assume a rewarding parental role and finding suitable care are the trials and tribulations that mark out the journey of African parents. Faith and belief have been described as providing meaning and coping mechanisms in the frightening ordeal of disability. An encounter with a young girl and her parents provided an opportunity to analyse the mother’s experience and the impact of beliefs and discourses on her commitment to care. Based on this clinical story, we discuss the place of other-actors (parents and carers) and the Other-God in relation to the psychopathological dynamics of the mother.展开更多
This study assesses the projected changes in the climate zoning of Côte d’Ivoire using the hierarchical classification of principal components (HCPC) method applied to the daily precipitation data of an ensemble...This study assesses the projected changes in the climate zoning of Côte d’Ivoire using the hierarchical classification of principal components (HCPC) method applied to the daily precipitation data of an ensemble of 14 CORDEX-AFRICA simulations under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The results indicate the existence of three climate zones in Côte d’Ivoire (the coastal, the centre and the north) over the historical period (1981-2005). Moreover, CORDEX simulations project an extension of the surface area of drier climatic zones while a reduction of wetter zones, associated with the appearance of an intermediate climate zone with surface area varying from 77,560 km<sup>2</sup> to 134,960 km<sup>2</sup> depending on the period and the scenario. These results highlight the potential impacts of climate change on the delimitation of the climate zones of Côte d’Ivoire under the greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Thus, there is a reduction in the surface areas suitable for the production of cash crops such as cocoa and coffee. This could hinder the country’s economy and development, mainly based on these cash crops.展开更多
Phosphorus bioavailability has long been a recurring problem in tropical acid soils. A pot experiment was carried out during three (3) successive rice production cycles at Adiopodoumé to evaluate the response of ...Phosphorus bioavailability has long been a recurring problem in tropical acid soils. A pot experiment was carried out during three (3) successive rice production cycles at Adiopodoumé to evaluate the response of the NERICA 5 rice accession to various doses of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. The experiment was conducted using a randomized split-plot design. The interactive effects of calcium carbonate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg·Ca·ha<sup>-1</sup>) and magnesium sulfate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg·Mg·ha<sup>-1</sup>) and Togo natural phosphate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg·P·ha<sup>-1</sup>) were determined at each production cycle. The results showed that single-dose natural phosphate supplementation for three cropping cycles resulted in an average enrichment of around 2 mg·P·kg<sup>-1</sup> after each trial following its continuous dissolution, with an increase in DSP (33.31% to 70.52%). The study revealed one strategy for managing and enhancing native P with cations and another for exogenous P: there would be a synergy of Ca/Mg on native P, whereas an antagonism would characterize the two parameters in phosphate fertilization.展开更多
The roads in correlation with the traffic linked to their existences are at the origin of the emission of numerous polluting substances likely to induce disturbances of the growth and the behavioral changes in the org...The roads in correlation with the traffic linked to their existences are at the origin of the emission of numerous polluting substances likely to induce disturbances of the growth and the behavioral changes in the organisms living in their vicinities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the growth and capacity accumulation of a common earthworm species (Millsonia omodeoi) in Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils along a main road called “Autoroute du Nord” in C?te d’Ivoire. Thus, the earthworms were harvested in soils from a distance of 0 m (just after the sidewalk) to a distance of 200 m from the toll highway and in a control soil sampled in Lamto reserve (C?te d’Ivoire). The study was carried out in the soil laboratory at the ecological station of Lamto reserve. The Ford-Walford technique was used to determine the model and parameters most appropriated for describing the growth of earthworms. A pairwise comparison of the growth parameters was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test with the STATISTICA 7.1 software. The heavy metals contained in the cultivated soils and earthworms were detected and quantified using a Scanning Electron Micro-scope (MEB FEG Supra 40 VP Zeiss) and an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer SPECTRA 110 (VARIAN). The capacity accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm was determined by the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) calculation. The results of this study showed that Gompertz is the most appropriated model to describe the growth of M. omodeoi. The life cycle of M. omodeoi shows that this earthworm adopts a K type demographic strategy. Cu is the most accumulated heavy metals in M. omodeoi, when Cr is the least accumulated. Concerning heavy metal content in the earthworms, it decreases while moving away from the pavement. These results highlight a possibility of choice of M. omodeoi as 1) indicators of heavy metals pollution and 2) target of biological organisms for environmental impact studies.展开更多
In Côte d’Ivoire, the recurring and unregulated use of bushfires, which cause ecological damage, presents a pressing concern for the custodians of protected areas. This study aims to enhance our comprehension of...In Côte d’Ivoire, the recurring and unregulated use of bushfires, which cause ecological damage, presents a pressing concern for the custodians of protected areas. This study aims to enhance our comprehension of the dynamics of burnt areas within the Abokouamékro Wildlife Reserve (AWR) by employing the analysis of spectral indices derived from satellite imagery. The research methodology began with the calculation of mean indices and their corresponding spectral sub-indices, including NDVI, SAVI, NDWI, NDMI, BAI, NBR, TCW, TCG, and TCB, utilizing data from the Sentinel-2A satellite image dated January 17, 2022. Subsequently, a fuzzy classification model was applied to these various indices and sub-indices, guided by the degree of membership α, with the goal of effectively distinguishing between burned and unburned areas. Following the classification, the accuracies of the classified indices and sub-indices were validated using the coordinates of 100 data points collected within the AWR through GPS technology. The results revealed that the overall accuracy of all indices and sub-indices declines as the degree of membership α decreases from 1 to 0. Among the mean spectral indices, NDVI-mean, SAVI-mean, NDMI-mean exhibited the highest overall accuracies, achieving 97%, 95%, and 90%, respectively. These results closely mirrored those obtained by sub-indices using band 8 (NDVI-B8, SAVI-B8, and NDMI-B8), which yield respective overall accuracies of 93%, 92%, and 89%. At a degree of membership α = 1, the estimated burned areas for the most effective indices encompassed 2144.38 hectares for NDVI-mean, 1932.14 hectares for mean SAVI-mean, and 4947.13 hectares for mean NDMI-mean. A prospective approach involving the amalgamation of these three indices could have the potential to yield improved outcomes. This study could be a substantial contribution to the discrimination of bushfires in Côte d’Ivoire.展开更多
Objective:To evaluate the attitudes and practices of oncosexology in the management of breast and prostate cancer in Côte d’Ivoire.Methods:A cross-sectional,multicenter,descriptive and analytical survey carried ...Objective:To evaluate the attitudes and practices of oncosexology in the management of breast and prostate cancer in Côte d’Ivoire.Methods:A cross-sectional,multicenter,descriptive and analytical survey carried out over 02 months from 1 November to 31 December 2022,among doctors involved in the management of breast and prostate cancer in Côte d’Ivoire.Results:78 physicians on 114 participated in the study,with a participation rate of 79.5%.Only one doctor discussed the sexual risks associated with cancer with all his patients and 7.7%of doctors said they never broached questions of sexuality with their patients.The approach to sexuality was strongly associated with occupation(p=0.002).A request for oncosexological care was initiated by the patient and the partner respectively in 3.8%and 25.6%of cases.Only 5.1%of physicians claimed to have received training in oncosexuality.In 92.3%of cases,doctors would like to have training on this topic.Conclusion:On the questions relating to sexuality,Physicians are not addressing sexuality with their patients diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer.The lack of training in this area appears to be the main reason for this lack of communication and onco-sexological care.展开更多
The main objective of this study is to determine the hydrogeochemical specificities of the groundwater of the Angovia mine operating permit, located in the Yaouré mountains in the center-west of Côte d’Ivoi...The main objective of this study is to determine the hydrogeochemical specificities of the groundwater of the Angovia mine operating permit, located in the Yaouré mountains in the center-west of Côte d’Ivoire. To do so, descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis methods with the SOM (Self Organizing Maps) algorithm were applied to the physicochemical parameters of 17 boreholes using the calcite (ISC) and dolomite (ISD) saturation indices. The results obtained have shown that the groundwater in the Angovia mine operating permit area has an average temperature of 27.52°C (long rainy season) and 27.87°C (long dry season) and has an average pH of 7.09 ± 0.35 during the main rainy season and 7.32 ± 0.35 during the main dry season. They are mineralized with an average electrical conductivity of 505.98 ± 302.85 μS/cm during the long rainy season and with 450.33 ± 233.74 μS/cm as average during the long dry season. The main phenomena at the origin of groundwater mineralization are water residence time, oxidation-reduction and surface inflow. The study of the relative age of the water shows that the groundwater in the Angovia mine operating permit area is mainly undersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite. They are therefore very old in the aquifer with a slow circulation speed during the long rainy season and the long dry season.展开更多
Introduction: Work-aggravated asthma is pre-existing or concomitant asthma whose symptoms are aggravated by the work environment. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of this pathology and its associa...Introduction: Work-aggravated asthma is pre-existing or concomitant asthma whose symptoms are aggravated by the work environment. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of this pathology and its associated factors among bakery workers in Abidjan. Materials and Methods: This descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of four (4) months from 18 December 2019 to 18 April 2020. Two questionnaires were used, one on employees and the other on the indoor environment of bakeries. In addition, a spirometry test was performed on all bakery workers. Statistical analysis was performed using stata 15.1 software. Results: A total of 599 bakery employees, including bakers (59.73%), sales assistants/ cashiers (23.52%), cleaners (6.34%) and administrative staff (10.18%), were investigated. The mean age was 30.8 ± 8 years, with a sex ratio (M/F) = 2.2. Asthma symptoms were found in 95 (15.86%) employees, of whom 74 (77.9%) had work-related asthma and 11 (14.9%) had asthma aggravated by work. The factors associated with work-aggravated asthma were personal or family history of allergy or atopy [ORa = 3.75;CI95%: 1.56 - 8.93;p = 0.003], exposure to dust [ORa = 5.01;CI95%: 1.43 - 7.50;p = 0.011] and humidity level (60% - 70%) [ORa = 1.80;CI 95%: 0.99 - 3.28;p = 0.05]. Conclusion: Work-aggravated asthma is a reality in bakeries in Abidjan, with an estimated prevalence of 14.9%. Two of the three factors associated with this condition suggest a link with indoor air pollution. Combating air pollution in these establishments must therefore be a priority for the relevant authorities, in order to provide employees with a working environment that protects their health.展开更多
Introduction: Human rabies is a major public health problem in many African countries, including Côte d’Ivoire. The present work aims at describing the eco-epidemiological characteristics of human rabies cases r...Introduction: Human rabies is a major public health problem in many African countries, including Côte d’Ivoire. The present work aims at describing the eco-epidemiological characteristics of human rabies cases recorded in Côte d’Ivoire. Methods: This was a retrospective and prospective cross-sectional descriptive study based on epidemiological surveillance data that ran from september 2014 to december 2017. The clinical data were extracted from the database of the human rabies epidemiological surveillance management service of the National Institute of Public Hygiene’s rabies centre. These data cover the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017. Results: Human rabies is endemic in Côte d’Ivoire, with most people exposed in the south and especially in the west of the country. There was no association between any of the climatological parameters (temperature, humidity, rainfall) and the occurrence of human rabies during the months of exposure to rabies infection. Conclusion: Ultimately, effective prevention and control of human rabies requires a thorough understanding of the links between climatological parameters and rabies. Health authorities must take ownership of these results if we are to achieve our goal of eliminating rabies by 2030.展开更多
The aim of this study is to produce large quantities of yam tubers in the field from seed tubers derived from vitroplants regenerated from aerial stem cuttings and farmers’ tuber seeds. Seed tubers from ten yam culti...The aim of this study is to produce large quantities of yam tubers in the field from seed tubers derived from vitroplants regenerated from aerial stem cuttings and farmers’ tuber seeds. Seed tubers from ten yam cultivars, including five from Dioscorea alata (cDa083, cDa053, cDa115, cDa150 and cDa266) and five from Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata (cDr015, cDr027, cDr150, cDr206 and cDr148) with distinct agro-morphological characteristics, were used as material. A completely randomized block design with 3 replications was used. In each block, all cultivars and seed types were represented. When put into cultivation, the tubers produced by the vitroplants all germinated and gave 100% healthy plants, compared with 86% to 100% healthy plants for the seed tubers produced by the farmers. Yields per hectare ranged from 10 to 25 tonnes for seed tubers produced by in vitro plants, and from 4 to 9 tons for seed tubers produced by farmers. Seed tubers from vitroplants can therefore be recommended to farmers as a solution to the problem of seed tuber unavailability.展开更多
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of water from village boreholes by measuring physicochemical parameters such as nitrates, nitrites, and total organic carbon (TOC). Forty-five (45) village pumps from the South...This study aimed to evaluate the quality of water from village boreholes by measuring physicochemical parameters such as nitrates, nitrites, and total organic carbon (TOC). Forty-five (45) village pumps from the Southern (Basse Côte) and the Northern (Korhogo) region of Cte d’Ivoire (west Africa) were sampled. Physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, conductivity at 25˚C, and turbidity were determined in situ, while nitrite and nitrate were analyzed according to ISO 10304-1 (2007) standard and total organic carbon (TOC) by NF EN 1484 (1997) standard. The results showed that the borehole waters of the Basse Côte and Korhogo analyzed are acidic, with an average temperature of 27.51˚C ± 0.16˚C and 29.95˚C ± 0.51˚C respectively for the Basse Côte and Korhogo regions. The borehole waters of the Basse Côtedo not contain nitrites, while those of Korhogo have average nitrite contents of 0.32 mg/l. The average nitrate rate in the waters of the Basse Côte and Korhogo are 12.08 ± 2.11 mg/l and 11.03 ± 3.18 mg/l respectively. The average TOC concentration of the waters of the Basse Côte is 1.28 ± 0.32 mg/l and that of Korhogo is 0.56 ± 0.09 mg/L. The study showed that the borehole waters of the Basse Côte and Korhogo have average temperatures between 27.4˚C and 29.95˚C with a slightly acidic pH value and acceptable salinity. The TOC concentrations obtained at the different sampling points were all below the French standard (2 mg/L) except for certains pumps of the Basse Côte. The water samples from the Basse Côte were devoid of nitrite. On the other hand, those from Korhogo revealed the presence of nitrite. Also, the borehole waters of the regions of the Basse Côte and Korhogo contain relatively high nitrate contents, presumably due to anthropometric activity. Overall, our study on the quality of drinking water showed that the waters analyzed are in compliance with international standards and safe for consumption.展开更多
Drinking good quality water is essential for better health. It is therefore essential to assess the radiological quality of all water consumed in the District of Abidjan in order to prevent related hazards. Thus, the ...Drinking good quality water is essential for better health. It is therefore essential to assess the radiological quality of all water consumed in the District of Abidjan in order to prevent related hazards. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the risk of cancer due to the ingestion of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides in the different types of water consumed in the region. A total of 63 water samples with 43 tap water samples, 5 bottled mineral water and 15 sachet water samples was collected and taken to GAEC laboratory for analysis. The low background Gas-less Automatic Alpha/Beta counting system (Canberra iMatic<sup>TM</sup>) was used to determine alpha and beta activity concentrations. Activity concentrations of both gross alpha and gross beta obtained in water sample were respectively lower than the WHO recommended limits of 0.1 Bq/l and 1 Bq/l. Also, the annual effective dose and total equivalent effective dose found in mineral bottled water samples were higher than in other types of water. The assessment of radiological lifetime risk has shown values of cancer risk due to ingestion alpha and beta emitters lower than recommended limit. These results indicate that there is no health hazard associated to consumption of water in the District of Abidjan.展开更多
文摘The Minamata Convention in the aim to protect human life and the environment, seeks to reduce mercury (Hg) by monitoring it concentrations in the environment. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) has been identified as the most important anthropogenic source of human exposure to Hg. In this context, the main goal of this study was to assess the level of mercury in hair of two (2) populations living along two lagoons respectively Aby and Tendo, in Ivory Coast. To reach this goal, hair samples of 138 residents were collected and analyzed by using Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry (CV-AFS) technique for mercury concentration. Results showed that for the entire population the Hg mean was 2.34 μg/g. Also, they were ranged between 0.15 to 8.53 μg/g and presented substantial differences amongst the villages. In Aby village, we observed the highest Hg concentrations (Mean = 2.62 μg/g). Our findings showed that almost the entire sample group (82%) exceed the USEPA recommended limit, furthermore 56% of them exceed the normal level of WHO and 2% of the respondent has the unhealthy levels of mercury (≥6 μg Hg/g) of hair by WHO standards. Gender differences in hair mercury varies greatly among reports. Lower levels in women’s hair compared to men were reported in the both village. Considering age, the lowest concentrations were observed with children. However, when we take in account the age groups, data suggested that the most exposed sub-population of [18-29] years old is from Aby village in opposite at Frambo village, the same case those who were ≥ 40 years old. It’s convenient to note that, the proportion of Mercury levels would not to be neglected among studied population especially with the resident from Aby village. So, some measures need to be taken at the political level to control mercury contamination.
文摘Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been assessed yet. Therefore the objective of this study is to identify in Abidjan the HbS haplotypes that modulate HU treatment responses. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study, children aged 5 to 15 years with SCD, and carrying the hemoglobin phenotypes SSFA2 and SFA2, were recruited into a HU treatment cohort. Various parameters on the haplotypes and the outcomes of the treatment were analyzed. Results: Thirty nine children with SCD were included. The phenotypic profile of the cohort was 86.6% of SSFA2 and 15.4% of SFA2. Three haplotypes were found, the Benin haplotype, the Senegal haplotype, and an atypical one. The participants belonged to three genotypes, Benin/atypical (64.1%), Benin/Senegal (33.3%) and Senegal/Senegal (2.6%). Overall, HU treatment was successful in all haplotypes with 12 out of 39 patients failing treatment after 12 months in the Benin haplotype group. The association between HU treatment success and the Benin haplotype was found in terms of the decrease in the number of white blood cells and the students missing class. Conclusion: The study revealed that inferring haplotype based on the phenotypic profile could be inaccurate. The proportion of atypical haplotype that were not previously described in Côte d’Ivoire was high. All the haplotypes seemed to be associated with HU treatment success but some patients with Benin haplotype did not respond well.
文摘The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.
文摘The Dimbokro health district has one of the highest incidences of malaria in Côte d’Ivoire, despite numerous campaigns to distribute Long-Acting Impregnated Mosquito Nets (LLINs). Given this observation, what are the population’s attitudes towards LLINs that could explain the high endemicity of malaria in Dimbokro? The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of people in the health area of Nofou, one of the villages in the Dimbokro health district where malaria is most prevalent, with a view to strengthening malaria control strategies. A collection of historical health data (malaria cases and LLIN usage rates) and a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was carried out from July 20 to August 03, 2022 in 400 households selected by systematic random sampling. Data were entered using Epi Info 7 and multivariate statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 22 software. In the Dimbokro health district, the rate of LLIN use was negatively correlated (r = -0.771) with malaria incidence over the six years of historical data collection. Households had an average of 53% good knowledge, 68.6% good practices and 28.4% good attitudes towards LLINs. The study also revealed that the main factors explaining LLIN use in the Nofou health area are mosquito bite (ORa = 5.29 (1.12 - 25.04)), age of household members (ORa = 1.07 (1.01 - 1.14)) and marital status (ORa = 8.45 (1.70 - 45.02)). Awareness-raising on the use of LLINs should be intensified in the Dimbokro health district. Other control strategies, such as vector control and environmental sanitation, should be considered to combat malaria.
文摘This study assessed the contribution of climate projections to improving rainfall information for cocoa crops in the central and southern regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Particular attention was paid to fourteen localities in these two climatic zones. Simulation data were obtained from the CORDEX ensemble and observation data from CHIRPS. They cover the period 1991-2005 for the reference period and the future period from 2021 to 2050 for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. In addition, the study was based on the water requirements necessary during the critical phase of the cocoa tree (the flowering phase) for a good yield from the cocoa production chain on the one hand, and on a selection of three climate indices CDD, CWD and r95PTOT to study their spatio-temporal changes over two future periods 2021-2035 (near future) and 2036-2050 (medium-term) on the other. These climatic indices influence cocoa cultivation and their use in studies of climatic impacts on agriculture is of prime importance. The analysis of their spatio-temporal changes in this work also contributes to providing climate services based on rainfall, to which cocoa crops are highly sensitive. Our results show that the CDD and CWD indices vary from one region to another depending on latitude. For the fourteen localities studied, the number of consecutive dry days (CDD) could increase between now and 2050, while the number of consecutive wet days (CWD) could decrease over the period 2021-2035 and then increase over the period 2036-2050. The localities of Tabou, Aboisso and San-Pedro record high numbers of CDD index and CWD index for both projection scenarios. In comparison with the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, these results show that the RCP8.5 scenarios are having an impact on cocoa growing in Côte d’Ivoire.
文摘The present study, carried out in the forest (Daloa) and pre-forest (M’Bahiakro) zones of Cote d’Ivoire, aims to determine soil landscape units using the coding method. Geological maps and satellite images (SRTM and Landsat) were used for this purpose. The methodological approach adopted consisted in producing maps of slope, geology, land use and topography using the codification method. These various maps, integrated into a GIS using the coding aggregation method, were used to generate soil landscape maps. Twenty-seven (27) soil landscapes have been identified for the pre-forest zone (M’Bahiakro), with a strong dominance of acid rock over a moderate relief under savannah, forest/degraded forest and crops/fallow. However, the forest zone (Daloa), with forty-one (41) soil landscapes identified over the entire zone, is characterized by a majority of mafic rocks on a medium altitude under forest/degraded forest, water and crops/fallow. The criteria used from the codification method (sum of aggregations) made it possible to predict the spatial distribution of soil map units according to agro-ecological environments in the humid intertropical zone. This is essential for the orientation and reinforcement of soil survey tools. However, a comparative evaluation of the different multicriteria analysis methods for coding and weighting soil landscape unit mapping would enable us to identify the most suitable and efficient method for drawing up base maps for soil surveys.
文摘The Gouméré region is located in the North-East of Côte d’Ivoire and is located in the South-West of the Bui furrow. In order to highlight the geology of the area studied, 14 samples were taken for studies using petrographic, geochemical and metallogenic methods. The study of macroscopic and microscopic petrography made it possible to highlight two major lithological units: 1) a volcano-plutonic unit, formed of gabbros, basalt, volcaniclastics and rhyodacite;2) a sedimentary unit (microconglomerate). From a geochemical point of view, the results obtained indicate that the plutonites are gabbro and gabbro diorite while the volcanics have compositions of basaltic andesites, rhyolite and dacites. The sediments have a litharenitic to sublitharenitic character. The metallogenic study made it possible to highlight hydrothermal alterations and metalliferous paragenesis on the formations studied. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by the presence of carbonation, silicification, sericitization, sulfidation and to a lesser degree chloritization. Metalliferous paragenesis consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, hematite and magnetite.
文摘Introduction The distribution of congenital heart disease (CHD) in sub-Saharan Africa is highly imprecise and varies from one region to another due to the inequality of diagnostic facilities. The aim of this study was to determine the in-hospital prevalence of congenital heart disease in children at the Mother-Child hospital of Bingerville (HME) by specifying the diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects. Materials and methods We conducted a retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study at HME of Bingerville from January 2021 to December 2022. All newborns with congenital heart disease confirmed by echocardiography were included in the study. Results Of 656 admissions to the neonatology department over the study period, congenital heart disease accounted for 14.9% (98/656) of cases. In our series, 76.7% were diagnosed before the 1st week of life, with a mean chronological age of 5.18 days and extremes of 0 and 46 days. There were as many male patients (50%) as female (50%), i.e. a sex ratio of 1. These newborns were premature in 60.2% of cases, with a mean and median gestational age of 34 weeks’ amenorrhea. Most were left-right shunts (90.8%). Persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (48.9%) predominated, followed by atrial septal defect (38.7%), ventricular septal defect (13.3%), common trunk artery (CTA) (3.1%) and open septal pulmonary atresia (OSPA) (1%) as the primary cyanogenic heart disease. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (50%) was primary in 38.8% and secondary (61.2%). The mortality rate was 30.6%, and all CTA patients died (100%), with a significant statistical relationship (p = 0.027). Progression under treatment was marked by clinical stabilization (68/98) in 69.4% of cases. Conclusion: Congenital heart disease is relatively common at the Bingerville HME. Access to echocardiography should be facilitated in neonatology departments for rapid diagnosis and optimal management of congenital heart disease in newborns.
文摘Faced with autism, motherhood and parenthood are turned upside down in many ways. Coping with stress and mental health problems, continuing to assume a rewarding parental role and finding suitable care are the trials and tribulations that mark out the journey of African parents. Faith and belief have been described as providing meaning and coping mechanisms in the frightening ordeal of disability. An encounter with a young girl and her parents provided an opportunity to analyse the mother’s experience and the impact of beliefs and discourses on her commitment to care. Based on this clinical story, we discuss the place of other-actors (parents and carers) and the Other-God in relation to the psychopathological dynamics of the mother.
文摘This study assesses the projected changes in the climate zoning of Côte d’Ivoire using the hierarchical classification of principal components (HCPC) method applied to the daily precipitation data of an ensemble of 14 CORDEX-AFRICA simulations under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The results indicate the existence of three climate zones in Côte d’Ivoire (the coastal, the centre and the north) over the historical period (1981-2005). Moreover, CORDEX simulations project an extension of the surface area of drier climatic zones while a reduction of wetter zones, associated with the appearance of an intermediate climate zone with surface area varying from 77,560 km<sup>2</sup> to 134,960 km<sup>2</sup> depending on the period and the scenario. These results highlight the potential impacts of climate change on the delimitation of the climate zones of Côte d’Ivoire under the greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Thus, there is a reduction in the surface areas suitable for the production of cash crops such as cocoa and coffee. This could hinder the country’s economy and development, mainly based on these cash crops.
文摘Phosphorus bioavailability has long been a recurring problem in tropical acid soils. A pot experiment was carried out during three (3) successive rice production cycles at Adiopodoumé to evaluate the response of the NERICA 5 rice accession to various doses of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. The experiment was conducted using a randomized split-plot design. The interactive effects of calcium carbonate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg·Ca·ha<sup>-1</sup>) and magnesium sulfate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg·Mg·ha<sup>-1</sup>) and Togo natural phosphate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg·P·ha<sup>-1</sup>) were determined at each production cycle. The results showed that single-dose natural phosphate supplementation for three cropping cycles resulted in an average enrichment of around 2 mg·P·kg<sup>-1</sup> after each trial following its continuous dissolution, with an increase in DSP (33.31% to 70.52%). The study revealed one strategy for managing and enhancing native P with cations and another for exogenous P: there would be a synergy of Ca/Mg on native P, whereas an antagonism would characterize the two parameters in phosphate fertilization.
文摘The roads in correlation with the traffic linked to their existences are at the origin of the emission of numerous polluting substances likely to induce disturbances of the growth and the behavioral changes in the organisms living in their vicinities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the growth and capacity accumulation of a common earthworm species (Millsonia omodeoi) in Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils along a main road called “Autoroute du Nord” in C?te d’Ivoire. Thus, the earthworms were harvested in soils from a distance of 0 m (just after the sidewalk) to a distance of 200 m from the toll highway and in a control soil sampled in Lamto reserve (C?te d’Ivoire). The study was carried out in the soil laboratory at the ecological station of Lamto reserve. The Ford-Walford technique was used to determine the model and parameters most appropriated for describing the growth of earthworms. A pairwise comparison of the growth parameters was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test with the STATISTICA 7.1 software. The heavy metals contained in the cultivated soils and earthworms were detected and quantified using a Scanning Electron Micro-scope (MEB FEG Supra 40 VP Zeiss) and an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer SPECTRA 110 (VARIAN). The capacity accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm was determined by the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) calculation. The results of this study showed that Gompertz is the most appropriated model to describe the growth of M. omodeoi. The life cycle of M. omodeoi shows that this earthworm adopts a K type demographic strategy. Cu is the most accumulated heavy metals in M. omodeoi, when Cr is the least accumulated. Concerning heavy metal content in the earthworms, it decreases while moving away from the pavement. These results highlight a possibility of choice of M. omodeoi as 1) indicators of heavy metals pollution and 2) target of biological organisms for environmental impact studies.
文摘In Côte d’Ivoire, the recurring and unregulated use of bushfires, which cause ecological damage, presents a pressing concern for the custodians of protected areas. This study aims to enhance our comprehension of the dynamics of burnt areas within the Abokouamékro Wildlife Reserve (AWR) by employing the analysis of spectral indices derived from satellite imagery. The research methodology began with the calculation of mean indices and their corresponding spectral sub-indices, including NDVI, SAVI, NDWI, NDMI, BAI, NBR, TCW, TCG, and TCB, utilizing data from the Sentinel-2A satellite image dated January 17, 2022. Subsequently, a fuzzy classification model was applied to these various indices and sub-indices, guided by the degree of membership α, with the goal of effectively distinguishing between burned and unburned areas. Following the classification, the accuracies of the classified indices and sub-indices were validated using the coordinates of 100 data points collected within the AWR through GPS technology. The results revealed that the overall accuracy of all indices and sub-indices declines as the degree of membership α decreases from 1 to 0. Among the mean spectral indices, NDVI-mean, SAVI-mean, NDMI-mean exhibited the highest overall accuracies, achieving 97%, 95%, and 90%, respectively. These results closely mirrored those obtained by sub-indices using band 8 (NDVI-B8, SAVI-B8, and NDMI-B8), which yield respective overall accuracies of 93%, 92%, and 89%. At a degree of membership α = 1, the estimated burned areas for the most effective indices encompassed 2144.38 hectares for NDVI-mean, 1932.14 hectares for mean SAVI-mean, and 4947.13 hectares for mean NDMI-mean. A prospective approach involving the amalgamation of these three indices could have the potential to yield improved outcomes. This study could be a substantial contribution to the discrimination of bushfires in Côte d’Ivoire.
文摘Objective:To evaluate the attitudes and practices of oncosexology in the management of breast and prostate cancer in Côte d’Ivoire.Methods:A cross-sectional,multicenter,descriptive and analytical survey carried out over 02 months from 1 November to 31 December 2022,among doctors involved in the management of breast and prostate cancer in Côte d’Ivoire.Results:78 physicians on 114 participated in the study,with a participation rate of 79.5%.Only one doctor discussed the sexual risks associated with cancer with all his patients and 7.7%of doctors said they never broached questions of sexuality with their patients.The approach to sexuality was strongly associated with occupation(p=0.002).A request for oncosexological care was initiated by the patient and the partner respectively in 3.8%and 25.6%of cases.Only 5.1%of physicians claimed to have received training in oncosexuality.In 92.3%of cases,doctors would like to have training on this topic.Conclusion:On the questions relating to sexuality,Physicians are not addressing sexuality with their patients diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer.The lack of training in this area appears to be the main reason for this lack of communication and onco-sexological care.
文摘The main objective of this study is to determine the hydrogeochemical specificities of the groundwater of the Angovia mine operating permit, located in the Yaouré mountains in the center-west of Côte d’Ivoire. To do so, descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis methods with the SOM (Self Organizing Maps) algorithm were applied to the physicochemical parameters of 17 boreholes using the calcite (ISC) and dolomite (ISD) saturation indices. The results obtained have shown that the groundwater in the Angovia mine operating permit area has an average temperature of 27.52°C (long rainy season) and 27.87°C (long dry season) and has an average pH of 7.09 ± 0.35 during the main rainy season and 7.32 ± 0.35 during the main dry season. They are mineralized with an average electrical conductivity of 505.98 ± 302.85 μS/cm during the long rainy season and with 450.33 ± 233.74 μS/cm as average during the long dry season. The main phenomena at the origin of groundwater mineralization are water residence time, oxidation-reduction and surface inflow. The study of the relative age of the water shows that the groundwater in the Angovia mine operating permit area is mainly undersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite. They are therefore very old in the aquifer with a slow circulation speed during the long rainy season and the long dry season.
文摘Introduction: Work-aggravated asthma is pre-existing or concomitant asthma whose symptoms are aggravated by the work environment. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of this pathology and its associated factors among bakery workers in Abidjan. Materials and Methods: This descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of four (4) months from 18 December 2019 to 18 April 2020. Two questionnaires were used, one on employees and the other on the indoor environment of bakeries. In addition, a spirometry test was performed on all bakery workers. Statistical analysis was performed using stata 15.1 software. Results: A total of 599 bakery employees, including bakers (59.73%), sales assistants/ cashiers (23.52%), cleaners (6.34%) and administrative staff (10.18%), were investigated. The mean age was 30.8 ± 8 years, with a sex ratio (M/F) = 2.2. Asthma symptoms were found in 95 (15.86%) employees, of whom 74 (77.9%) had work-related asthma and 11 (14.9%) had asthma aggravated by work. The factors associated with work-aggravated asthma were personal or family history of allergy or atopy [ORa = 3.75;CI95%: 1.56 - 8.93;p = 0.003], exposure to dust [ORa = 5.01;CI95%: 1.43 - 7.50;p = 0.011] and humidity level (60% - 70%) [ORa = 1.80;CI 95%: 0.99 - 3.28;p = 0.05]. Conclusion: Work-aggravated asthma is a reality in bakeries in Abidjan, with an estimated prevalence of 14.9%. Two of the three factors associated with this condition suggest a link with indoor air pollution. Combating air pollution in these establishments must therefore be a priority for the relevant authorities, in order to provide employees with a working environment that protects their health.
文摘Introduction: Human rabies is a major public health problem in many African countries, including Côte d’Ivoire. The present work aims at describing the eco-epidemiological characteristics of human rabies cases recorded in Côte d’Ivoire. Methods: This was a retrospective and prospective cross-sectional descriptive study based on epidemiological surveillance data that ran from september 2014 to december 2017. The clinical data were extracted from the database of the human rabies epidemiological surveillance management service of the National Institute of Public Hygiene’s rabies centre. These data cover the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017. Results: Human rabies is endemic in Côte d’Ivoire, with most people exposed in the south and especially in the west of the country. There was no association between any of the climatological parameters (temperature, humidity, rainfall) and the occurrence of human rabies during the months of exposure to rabies infection. Conclusion: Ultimately, effective prevention and control of human rabies requires a thorough understanding of the links between climatological parameters and rabies. Health authorities must take ownership of these results if we are to achieve our goal of eliminating rabies by 2030.
文摘The aim of this study is to produce large quantities of yam tubers in the field from seed tubers derived from vitroplants regenerated from aerial stem cuttings and farmers’ tuber seeds. Seed tubers from ten yam cultivars, including five from Dioscorea alata (cDa083, cDa053, cDa115, cDa150 and cDa266) and five from Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata (cDr015, cDr027, cDr150, cDr206 and cDr148) with distinct agro-morphological characteristics, were used as material. A completely randomized block design with 3 replications was used. In each block, all cultivars and seed types were represented. When put into cultivation, the tubers produced by the vitroplants all germinated and gave 100% healthy plants, compared with 86% to 100% healthy plants for the seed tubers produced by the farmers. Yields per hectare ranged from 10 to 25 tonnes for seed tubers produced by in vitro plants, and from 4 to 9 tons for seed tubers produced by farmers. Seed tubers from vitroplants can therefore be recommended to farmers as a solution to the problem of seed tuber unavailability.
文摘This study aimed to evaluate the quality of water from village boreholes by measuring physicochemical parameters such as nitrates, nitrites, and total organic carbon (TOC). Forty-five (45) village pumps from the Southern (Basse Côte) and the Northern (Korhogo) region of Cte d’Ivoire (west Africa) were sampled. Physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, conductivity at 25˚C, and turbidity were determined in situ, while nitrite and nitrate were analyzed according to ISO 10304-1 (2007) standard and total organic carbon (TOC) by NF EN 1484 (1997) standard. The results showed that the borehole waters of the Basse Côte and Korhogo analyzed are acidic, with an average temperature of 27.51˚C ± 0.16˚C and 29.95˚C ± 0.51˚C respectively for the Basse Côte and Korhogo regions. The borehole waters of the Basse Côtedo not contain nitrites, while those of Korhogo have average nitrite contents of 0.32 mg/l. The average nitrate rate in the waters of the Basse Côte and Korhogo are 12.08 ± 2.11 mg/l and 11.03 ± 3.18 mg/l respectively. The average TOC concentration of the waters of the Basse Côte is 1.28 ± 0.32 mg/l and that of Korhogo is 0.56 ± 0.09 mg/L. The study showed that the borehole waters of the Basse Côte and Korhogo have average temperatures between 27.4˚C and 29.95˚C with a slightly acidic pH value and acceptable salinity. The TOC concentrations obtained at the different sampling points were all below the French standard (2 mg/L) except for certains pumps of the Basse Côte. The water samples from the Basse Côte were devoid of nitrite. On the other hand, those from Korhogo revealed the presence of nitrite. Also, the borehole waters of the regions of the Basse Côte and Korhogo contain relatively high nitrate contents, presumably due to anthropometric activity. Overall, our study on the quality of drinking water showed that the waters analyzed are in compliance with international standards and safe for consumption.
文摘Drinking good quality water is essential for better health. It is therefore essential to assess the radiological quality of all water consumed in the District of Abidjan in order to prevent related hazards. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the risk of cancer due to the ingestion of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides in the different types of water consumed in the region. A total of 63 water samples with 43 tap water samples, 5 bottled mineral water and 15 sachet water samples was collected and taken to GAEC laboratory for analysis. The low background Gas-less Automatic Alpha/Beta counting system (Canberra iMatic<sup>TM</sup>) was used to determine alpha and beta activity concentrations. Activity concentrations of both gross alpha and gross beta obtained in water sample were respectively lower than the WHO recommended limits of 0.1 Bq/l and 1 Bq/l. Also, the annual effective dose and total equivalent effective dose found in mineral bottled water samples were higher than in other types of water. The assessment of radiological lifetime risk has shown values of cancer risk due to ingestion alpha and beta emitters lower than recommended limit. These results indicate that there is no health hazard associated to consumption of water in the District of Abidjan.